Naja comp w


Naja comp. w [= Lach. + Naja + Crot-h. + Vip. Covers all 3 venom types (hemotoxic + neurotoxic + cytotoxic)/represents a kind of “archetypal” snake venom/associated with all 3 planes (circumscribed cytolysis in the area of infarction/coagulation disorder that is nearly always present/neurological losses).

Both-l.: (Lanzenotter; Crotalinae; trop. Asien u. Amerika): Wirkung insbesondere auf Blut und Gefäße. Ein Biß führt zu Schmerzen, Ödem und Blutung; Eiterung, Nekrosen und Gangräne

sind weitere Folgen. Viele koagulierender Enzyme; daher die Neigung zu Thrombosen und Embolien mit nachfolgender Lähmung. Sprachstörungen oder Lähmungen nach Schlaganfall,

sowie Gangräne leiten sich aus der Giftwirkung ab].



[ABC Homeopathy]


Like all snake poisons, Lachesis decomposes the blood, rendering it more fluid; hence a hemorrhagic tendency is marked. Purpura, septic states, diphtheria, and other low forms of disease,

when the system is thoroughly poisoned and the prostration is profound. The modalities are most important in guiding to the remedy. Delirium tremens with much trembling and confusion.

Very important during the climacteric and for patients of a melancholic disposition. Ill effects of suppressed discharges. Diphtheritic paralysis ( Botulinum.) Diphtheria carriers.

Sensation of tension in various parts. Cannot bear anything tight anywhere.

Air hunger



Arm; finger-tips

ASCENDING SENSATIONS: throat/eyes over vertex to nape/ovary to heart/chills/FLUSHES OF HEAT/rushes of blood/a LUMP ascends throat and is swallowed back again/liver/abdomen/

rectum/rolls about in bladder, etc

Axilla; glands swollen

Can't bear anything before mouth or nose

Chill, worse drinking; with sweat

Cold knees, or cold, foul foot-sweat

Compelling delusions Persistent, erotic ideas, without ability

Congestion (of pregnancy)

Constriction; of throat, > eating; “As of a skull cap”; of anus

Cracks in skin, at corner of nails

Dark, scanty menses Suffocates on dropping to sleep Must take deep breaths

Depression; on awaking

Dilated capillaries

Diphtheria; laryngeal



Drawing; vertex to jaws; in rectum, etc

Eating ulcers, on legs; with dark areolae; fungoid; varicose Sleepless from cerebral irritation; tipplers



EXCESSIVE PAINFULNESS; of throat; ulcers; spots over body

Eyes feel small

Face purple, mottled; netted small veins; dusky during heat


Fears, going to sleep, lying down, or that heart will stop

FETOR; of acrid discharges; oris; stools, etc

Frightful dreams; of snakes

Gangrene; diabetic

HAEMORRHAGE, thin; dark particles; nose-bleed; vicarious; bloody urine, etc

Hard throbbing or hammering (

Hawks foul pellets from throat

Headache; heavy; bursting; down nose; side [right] feels cut off

Heart weak; turns over or too big, as if

HEAT; on vertex; IN FLUSHES, on waking or falling to sleep; Sweat; about neck, during sleep; in axillae; bloody; staining blackish; garlicky


Insane jealousy; Suspicion; Feels full of poison

Larynx, “As of a skin hanging in or a valve”

LOQUACITY; rambling; then sadness or repeats same thing

Lower jaw drops

Mottled or livid skin; dark marks

Much thick, pasty saliva

Nervous, excitable

Nose; stopped coryza; discharges with every cough; bloody pus from; rum blossom (

Numb, l. ovary; must lift covers

Pain in l

Pain from anus to navel

Peppery taste

Piles; worse coughing



Rapid onset, intensity, prostration or malignancy LEFT-SIDED COMPLAINTS, or MOVING l. to r.

Sepsis (gall-bladder)

Septic mumps

Soreness or cramp in epigastrium Sore festering throb, deep in liver

SWALLOWING; the wrong way; painful; returns through nose

Thick, blundering speech

Thirsty, but fears to drink

THROAT; PAINFUL, into ears; as of a soft body in; choking; MUST LOOSEN COLLAR; hot lump in; pit feels swelled or sore spot back of pit

Tickling, choking cough, worse touching neck or auditory canal, better retching out a little expectorate

Toes feel broken

Tongue catches on teeth


Tremor; of tongue; hands, etc

Vertigo, worse turning to right


Trigonocephalus lachesis. The Surukuku of South America. N. O. Ophidia. Trituration. Dilution.

Surukuku. Hering. Ophidia.


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One who is a constitutional Lachesis patient will find himself suffering from an aggravation of his symptoms in the Spring, when he goes out from the cold weather into the milder weather, and especially is that so if it mild and rainy, or cloudy weather. Or if he goes from a cold into a warmer climate the symptoms of Lachesis will come out. The warm south winds excite the Lachesis symptoms.

< going to sleep; He may have felt nothing of his symptoms when awake, but when sleep comes on they are aroused, and they gradually increase as the sleep is prolonged, so that a very long sleep will aggravate all the state and condition of a Lachesis patient, and when awakening from sleep he looks back on that sleep with sorrow.

The sleep disturbed by attacks of suffocation and by awful dreams, and now, after having slept a long time, he arouses with dreadful headaches, with palpitation, with melancholy, with sorrows

from head to foot. His body is full of suffering and his mind sees no brightness in anything.

There is a cloudy state, sadness, melancholy, insane notions, whims, jealousy and suspicion.< taking a warm bath, or applying warm water to places that are inflamed, his mental symptoms.

After a warm bath or after getting warmed up, or, if he becomes chilled from being out on a cold day and then goes into a warm room, the symptoms come on. After going into a warm bath, palpitation comes on; it seems as if his head would burst, his feet become cold, and he is shocked all over, pulsation all over, or feeble heart. Fainting in a warm bath. Girls sometimes faint

when going into a warm bath. The patient may be cold and chilly yet the warm room increases or brings out the symptoms.

Upon the face there is an appearance of anxiety, of unrest and distress. The face is spotted or purple and the eyes are engorged. The eyes look suspicious. If there is an inflamed spot, it is purple.

If there is an inflamed gland with a purple or mottled appearance.

An ulceration bleeds black blood, which soon coagulates and looks like charred straw. From the wounds there is much bleeding. Small wounds bleed much like.

A prick of a pin will ooze great drops of blood. Ulcers eat in, have false granulations, are putrid, bleed easily, and the blood is black, and all round the ulceration there is a purple, mottled appearance, looking as if about to become gangrenous.

Often gangrene does come; gangrene of parts that have been injured. Sloughing with great offensiveness. The parts turn black and slough. The veins become varicose. These are found upon the

limbs, having the appearance of the varicose veins that come after gestation. Enlargement of the veins is a prominent condition of Lachesis

From the slightest exertion of the mind or from the slightest emotion the extremities become cold, the heart becomes very feeble, the skin is covered with sweat and the head is hot. Warmth does

not seem to relieve the coldness of the feet and hands; they are so cold. They may be wrapped up in flannels and still they remain cold, but suffocation is brought on. He cannot breathe and wants

the windows open. It is weakness of the heart; sometimes so weak that it can hardly be heard or felt, and the pulse is feeble and intermittent. At other times there is audible palpitation of the heart.

As we go over the symptoms of the text we will notice something singular about the complaints, that is, their tendency to affect the left side, or to, begin on the left and extend to the right. The paralysis begins by gradually appearing weakness upon the left side. Which extends to the right side. It has a strong affinity for the ovaries, and in this it will be found that the left ovary is affected first. So, in inflammation of the ovaries, the left will be affected first, and later the right.

The inflammation begins on the left side of the throat and gradually goes to the right. The left side of the head is commonly most affected. The left eye becomes painful and the pain ext. r.

The left side of the back of the head, in the occipital headache, will be more affected than the right. This does not always follow, and if the reverse is true it does not contra-indicate, but such

is the common feature of it. Left upper and right lower has been observed.

In many symptoms < morning. Will sleep into the aggravation. In the milder symptoms this aggravation is mild and is not felt until after the patient wakes up from a long sleep, but if the aggravation is one that is of considerable violent, the patient may feel it immediately on going to sleep, and it arouses him; for instance, the heart symptoms. As soon as he goes into a sleep he rouses up with palpitation, with dyspnoea, with suffocation, with exhaustion, with vertigo, with pain in the back of the head, and many other circulatory disturbances.

All sorts of impulsive insanity. The mind is tired. The patient puts on an appearance like the maudlin of a drunkard, talks with thick lips and thick tongue, blunders and stumbles, only partly finishing words; the face is purple and the head is hot.

There is choking and the collar is uneasy about the neck; and the more uneasiness about the neck, the more choking, the more confusion of mind and the more appearance of intoxication. You will

see if you talk with one who is intoxicated with whiskey symptoms like Lachesis, he stumbles through, hardly realizing what he says, half finishing his sentences and his words, leaving his "g's" off, all the present participles; he stumbles and blunders, he mutters, and tells you first one thing and then another.

These symptoms are increased under the circumstances mentioned in the Spring; in the warm weather following a cold spell; in rainy weather; after a warm bath; after sleep.

The mental state is large. Jealousy without any reason. Unwarranted jealousy and suspicion. Many times this medicine has cured suspicion in girls, when they were simply suspicious of their girl friends. She never sees a whispered conversation going on but they are talking about her, to her detriment.

Suspects that they are contriving to injure her, and she will resort to any scheme to see if they were not talking of her to her detriment. A woman imagines that her friends, husband, and children are trying to damage her; that her friends are going to put her in an insane asylum.

Apprehension of the future. Thinks she is going to have heart disease, and is going insane; and that people are contriving to put her in an insane asylum. Imagine her relatives are trying to poison her and she refuses to eat. She thinks sometimes that it is only a dream and she can hardly say whether she dreamed it or whether she thinks it. She thinks she is dead, or dreams that she is dead, and in the dream preparations are being made to lay her out, or that she is about to die.

Thinks she is somebody else, and in the hands of a stronger power. She thinks she is under superhuman control. She is compelled to do things by spirits. She hears a command, partly in her dream, that she must carry out. Sometimes it takes the form of voices in which she is commanded to steal, to murder, or to confess things she never did, and she has no peace of mind until she makes a confession of something she has never done.

The torture is something violent until she confesses that which she has not done. Imagines she is pursued. Imagines that she has stolen something, or that somebody thinks she has stolen something, and fears the law. She hears voices and warnings, and in the night she dreams about it. The state of torture is something dreadful, and it then goes into a delirium with muttering. The delirium is carried on like one muttering when drunk. This state increases until unconsciousness comes on and the patient enters into a coma from which he cannot be aroused. The patient also goes through periods of violence and violent delirium.

Full of religious insanity You will find a dear, sweet old lady who has always lived what would be called an upright and pious life, yet she is not able to apply the promises that are in the Word

of God to herself; these things seem to apply to somebody else but not to her. She is full of wickedness and has committed the unpardonable sin. She is compelled to say these things; she is overwhelmed by these things and she is going to die and going to that awful hell that she reads about. The physician must listen to this with attention. The physician might make the mistake in

this instance of making light of such feelings. If he does, the patient will not return, and he will be deprived of the chance of benefiting her.


No matter what her whims are, no matter what her religious opinions are, her state of mind must be treated with respect. It must be treated as if it were so.


She must have sympathy and kindness. It is an unfortunate thing for a doctor to get a reputation of being an ungodly man, among pious people, as he will be deprived of doing these people an immense amount of good. He must be candid with all the whims and notions of the people that he visits in the world. He must be everybodies friend and he can be such without any hypocrisy

if he is simply an upright and just man.

The state of religious melancholy, with religious insanity, is not uncommonly attended with much loquacity, with talkativeness, which Lachesis is full of. It is commonly among women, very seldom among men, that we find this religious melancholy. Now, this woman is impelled to tell it; she will annoy her intimate friends, day and night, with this story of the damnation of her soul and her wickedness and all, the awful things she has done. If you ask her what things she has committed she will say everything, but you cannot pin her down to the fact that she has killed anybody. If you allow her to go through with her story she will tell you all the crimes in the calendar that she has committed, although she has been a well-behaved and well-disposed woman.

There is another kind of loquacity belonging to Lachesis The patient is impelled to talk continuously. It is found in another. state in which the patient is compelled to hurry in everything she does and wants everybody else to hurry, With that state of hurry is brought out the loquacity, and this is something far beyond comprehension, until you have once heard it.

There is no use attempting to describe it, it is so rapid, changing from one subject to another. Sentences are sometimes only half finished; she takes it for granted that you understand the balance and she will hurry an. Day and night she is wide awake, and with such sensitiveness to her surroundings that you, would naturally think, from what things she hears and how she is disturbed, by noise, that she can hear the flies walk upon the walls and the clock striking upon the distant steeple.

You do not get all these things in the text, you have to see them applied. But the things I give you that are brought out clinically are those things that have come from applying the symptoms of the remedy at the bedside to sick folks.

"Most extraordinary loquacity, making speeches in very select phrases but jumping off to most heterogeneous subjects."

"One word often leads into the midst of another story."

In many cases a close connection between the mental symptoms and the heart symptoms will be noticed (young women and girls) who have with disappointment, who have been lying awake nights because of disturbance of the affections, or from disappointment, or from shattered hopes, or from grief.

Prolonged melancholy, mental depression, hysterical symptoms, weeping, mental prostration and despair, with pain in the heart, with a gone sensation or sensation of weakness in the heart, with difficult breathing. She meditates upon suicide, and finally settles back into an apathetic state, in which there is an aversion to, everything, to work, and even to thinking.

I might impress upon your mind the head symptoms if I related the case of a patient who described her symptoms probably more typically than you can find in the books. She was sitting up in bed and unable to lie down; she was worse from lying down, her face was purple, her eyes were engorged, the face puffed and tumid and the eyelids bloated. She sat there perfectly quiet in bed and described the pain as a surging sensation, which came up the back of the neck and head and then over the head.

That is a typical feature of Lachesis A surging in waves. Waves of Pain that are not always synchronous with the pulse. They may not relate to the flow of blood at all. The surging < motion, not so much in the act of motion, but after moving. It is sometimes felt after walking or changing to another place, and sitting down again; that is, a few seconds after the motion is completed the pain begins, and it comes to its height instantly and then gradually subsides into a very steady surging or a more steady ache.

The headache begins in the morning on waking. The milder Lachesis headaches begin in the morning on awaking and wear off after moving about a while. With the headaches and complaints in general there is a momentary vanishing of thought; all sorts of vertigo. Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting. The vertigo inclines the patient to turn to the left.

Lachesis has bursting pains in the head congestive pains with a feeling as if all the blood in the body must be in the head, because, the extremities are so cold and the head pulsates and hammers.

This pulsating headache is part of a general pulsation from head to foot. In all arteries and inflammed parts, there is pulsation. The inflamed ovary pulsates, and it feels at times as if a little hammer were hammering upon the inflamed part with every pulsation of the artery. Lachesis has a number of times cured fistula in ano when associated with this feeling as if a hammer continually hammered the little fistulous pipe.

It has cured fissure of long standing when it felt as if the inflamed part were being hammered. Haemorrhoids have been cured when this sensation of hammering was present. So that we see this pulsation in the head is not a special symptom, but is a general symptom, brought out in relation to the head.

Some symptoms are valuable because of the frequency of their association, and when such is the case their concomitant relation. becomes important. The cardiac symptoms are frequently connected with the headache symptoms in Lachesis It is seldom that you will see Lachesis headaches without cardiac difficulty. A weak pulse or the pulsation felt all over the body, is more or less associated with violent Lachesis headaches.

In relation to the head symptoms and mind symptoms and the sensorium in general, the oversensitiveness that is found in Lachesis ought to be mentioned. His symptoms become very intense.

The vision becomes very intense; the hearing becomes intense; the sense of touch especially is overwrought. The touch of the clothing becomes very painful, while hard pressure may be agreeable.

The scalp becomes so sensitive to the touch of the hand that it is painful, while the pressure from a bandage is agreeable.

Oversensitive to noise, oversensitive to motion in the room, to conversation and to others walking over the floor. By these circumstances the pains are increased. The patient becomes extremely sensitive throughout all the senses of the body.

The oversensitiveness to touch is probably extensively in the skin, because of the fact that hard pressure often gives relief. In one who is suffering from peritonitis, front inflammation of the ovaries or uterus, or any of the abdominal viscera, the skin is so sensitive to. the clothing that contrivances are sometimes necessary to relieve the suffering from, the touch of the bed clothing. Something in the form of a hoop will be found in the bed, or the patient will have the knees drawn up, or with the hands will hold the clothing from touching the body. The ordinary weight of the hand may bring out the soreness that is in the abdomen, which is an entirely different soreness, whereas the clothing touching the abdomen only brings out the oversensitiveness of the skin. The mere touch of the skin with the finger or hand is unbearable.

The eye symptoms are worse after sleep, and the eyes are oversensitive to touch and light. With the eye symptoms we have headaches, because the brain and eyes are so closely associated. In the sore throats, when the spatula or tongue depressor happens to touch the wall of the throat, the tonsil, or the root of the tongue, there is a feeling as if the eyes would be pressed out. Violent pain in the eyes from touching the throat.

Lachesis is a great jaundice medicine, because it produces much disturbance in the liver. Yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes, and thickening of tissues about the eyes.

"Fistula lachrymalis," which is accompanied by long standing eruptions about the face.

Oversensitiveness of the meatus auditorus externus. Anything introduced into the canal of the ear will cause violent, spasmodic coughing and tickling in the throat. So sensitive is the mucous membrane of the ear that a violent cough, like whooping cough, will come on from touching the mucous membrane of the ear. This only shows the oversensitiveness of reflexes, and the oversensitiveness in general. With the hearing there is the same oversensitiveness that we have spoken of elsewhere. The Eustachian tube becomes closed with a catarrhal thickening, stricture of the Eustachian tube.


Lachesis has inflammatory conditions, very chronic in character, with crusty formations in the nose, sneezing, watery discharges from the nose and catarrhal headaches. Sometimes the headache goes off when the catarrhal discharge comes, and when the catarrhal discharge stops the headache comes on. Violent headache with discharge, with sneezing and coryza. Congestive headaches with coryza.


The nose swells up and becomes purple. The nasal bones are very sore, soreness upon sides of the nose. Lachesis is an especially useful medicine in old drunkards who have red nose, and in heart affections with red nose. A red knob on the end of the nose, a strawberry nose.


The nose is tumid, yet it will not remain pitted upon pressure. The lips feel as if inflamed, yet are not inflamed, simply sensitive to pressure. The face has also an oedematous appearance in which there is pitting upon pressure, in cardiac affections, in cases of Bright's disease. On the other hand the face becomes very pale, pale and cold; the skin covered with scaly eruptions.


Eruptions that bleed easily, with crusty eruptions, with vesicular eruptions. Eruptions that fill with blood, bloody vesicles and large blood blisters, such as occur sometimes in burns, with burning. The face becomes jaundiced and very sallow. At times it takes on the appearance also of a chlorosis.


If you have once seen the chlorotic color, it need not be described. It is a condition of anemia, with yellowish pallor, ash colored or grey, intermingled with a sort of greenish color, so that the ancients often referred to it as green sickness. Again the face becomes livid and puffed like the bloated aspect of drunkards, the mottled purple appearance of drunkards who have been drinking for years, until they are bloated and broken down and have a besotted aspect. You see that in Lachesis


In Lachesis we have a remedy for erysipelas and gangrenous affections, and about the affected part there is the Lachesis appearance, that is the mottled, purplish appearance. Lachesis has become clinically a marked remedy for erysipelas and for gangrene. As provers do not follow up remedies until they produce these things, we have to gather them from the poisonous effects and clinical observation.


The tongue swells and is protruded very slowly. It is dry and catches on the teeth and seems to have lost its stiffness. Seems like a rag, or as if the muscles did not act upon it so that it cannot be protruded, or if it is protruded it trembles and quivers and jerks and catches on the teeth. Again it is swollen, it is denuded of its papillae, and smooth, shiny and glassy as if varnished.


In the mouth there is a soapy appearance of the saliva. The saliva runs into the mouth copiously and the patient will often lie with the head over the side of the bed, and the saliva dripping into a


or commode. The saliva is stringy and can be pulled out of the mouth in strings; white mucus or saliva.


This is not an uncommon feature in diphtheria, in sore throat, in inflammation of the tongue and mouth and gums, and in inflammation of the salivary glands. When this mucus is thick, tough, yellow, stringy and ropy it is like


You will often find in severe sore throat that the patient will lie and gag; and cough, and attempt with difficulty to protrude the tongue to expel the saliva from the mouth.


Very often the pain is so severe in the root of the tongue that he cannot expel the saliva by the tongue and he will lie with the open mouth over a commode, or with a cloth over the pillow, to receive the thick, ropy saliva. In such a state with sore throats, especially those that commence on the left side and go to the right, you hardly need to question longer, for it is the aspect of Lachesis


Pharynx The muscles of the pharynx become paralyzed and will not act, and hence the food will collect in the pharynx, that is, the bolus to be swallowed goes to the pharynx and stops, and then a tremendous effort at swallowing, with gagging and coughing and spasmodic action of the chest, takes place in order to carry on respiration, and he will not again attempt it. This state often occurs with diphtheria.


I have a number of times seen it brought about by the physician, who has, instead of giving just enough Lachesis, high enough and similar enough to the disease to cure, given it as low as he could get it, the 8 th or 10 th, dissolved it in water and fed it all through the diphtheritic state.


When you come across cases that have been treated in this way you need not be surprised if a post-diphtheritic paralysis comes on, because Lachesis will produce it. It may cure the diphtheria, but it will leave its poisonous effects which will last that patient a lifetime. Every spring the symptoms of Lachesis will crop out. In all the circumstances of aggravation described the symptoms of Lachesis will crop out if he has once been poisoned by it.


In the sore throat we have a combination of symptoms. Lachesis has produced this state, going from left to right; but with the sore throat there is a sensation of fullness in the neck and throat, difficult breathing, pallor or plethoric appearance of the face, choking when going into sleep, the peculiar kind of saliva and aggravation of the throat symptoms from warm drinks


There is not always an aggravation of the pain itself from warm drinks, but the patient is often unable to swallow warm fluids. The swallowing of warm fluids often causes choking, and after a swallow of warm tea is taken the patient will clutch at the throat and it seems as if he would suffocate. He says,


"Oh I do not give me any more warm drinks."


Something cold will relieve. The dyspnoea and the distress about the throat is increased by swallowing something warm. Now, in the sore throats of

, warmth often benefits, but it is also true in some cases of


sore throat, they want cold drinks and cold feels good to the throat.


Very often in the more acute symptoms of Lachesis a warm drink in the stomach is hurtful and causes nausea and suffocation and increases the choking and palpitation and the fullness in the head, whereas in the chronic cases of Lachesis, those that have been poisoned years before, there will be a sensation of nausea and tendency to vomit from taking a drink of cold water and then lying down.


The nausea comes on after lying down, that is, let the patient take a drink of ice cold water and go to bed and nausea will come on. Such a state is peculiar to Lachesis It has been a later observation of those who have long before proved Lachesis The symptoms of Lachesis have sometimes to be taken years after.


Lachesis has ulcers in the throat. It has aphthous patches, it has red and grey ulceration, it has deep ulceration. The tendency to ulceration upon the margins of mucous membranes is peculiar to Lachesis


Also ulceration upon the skin, where the circulation is feeble. It seems that the pain in the throat is particularly marked between the acts of swallowing, and the pressure of the bolus going over the inflamed tonsils relieves the pain.


Always choking when swallowing, choking and gagging in the throat.


The cough is a choking cough and produces a sensation of tickling. This is like the

cough. antidotes a cough, it has a cough so much like


that no one can tell them apart.


Again the throat takes on extreme dryness in

, and this dryness is without thirst, dryness with aversion to water. Much inclination to swallow; the tendency is to continuously swallow, yet it is painful. Empty swallowing is more painful, than the swallowing of solids. Some


patients suffering from cardiac affections are annoyed with constriction of the throat, choking in the throat when anything warm is swallowed, and sometimes when going into a warm room, choking and palpitation of the heart.


Tendency to chronic sore throat or recurrent sore throat and ulceration with every recurring sore throat. Liquids, of course, you will see, are analogous to empty swallowing, and empty swallowing causes more pain than the bolus which presses upon the sore throat, because it is of the nature of a slight touch. The slight touch increases the soreness and pain in the throat. Slight pressure of the collar increases the pain in the throat.


With the sore throat the muscles and glands about the neck become painful, inflamed and swollen, and very tender to the touch. With the sore throat, very commonly, there is pain in the base of the brain or in the back of the head, and soreness of the muscles of the back of the neck, which is often relieved by lying on the back and aggravated by lying on either side.


If you look into the throat it has a mottled, purplish appearance. Put all these things together, with the copious flow of tenacious saliva, and you will be able to manage cases of diphtheria that commence on the left side and spread to the right, whether the membrane is scanty or copious.


Tonsilitis with suppuration of the tonsils, when the left tonsil becomes inflamed and after a day or two the right one becomes inflamed and swollen, and they both finally go on to suppuration, or when one swells and suppurates and the other swells and suppurates. Diphtheritic appearances of the throat, spreading from left to right The pharynx is full of thick, white, ropy mucus in the morning; must hawk out a mouthful of mucus in the morning.


has a series of liver troubles with jaundice; congestion of the liver, inflammation of the liver, enlarged liver and the


liver. Cutting like a knife in the region of the liver. Vomiting of bile; vomiting of everything taken into the stomach. Extreme nausea; continuous nausea with jaundice. White stool. It has cured cases with gall stone.


"Cannot endure any pressure about the hypochondria."


In the chronic state the sensitiveness of the skin is so great over the abdomen, and about the waist and hips, that the wearing of the clothing creates pain, great restlessness and uneasiness, the patient grows increasingly nervous and finally goes into hysterics. Sensitiveness over the lower abdomen; can scarcely allow her clothes to touch her.


It is also laid down as a remedy for the climacteric period Now if you will study the cases of many women at the climacteric period you will find that many of them have the flushes of heat and the surgings in the head and the great circulatory disturbances that are found under Lachesis This is also true of the complaints, the headaches, etc., that come in women at the climacteric period and at the menstrual period.


The Lachesis symptoms are strong in women during menstruation. There is violent headache, boring pain in the vertex, nausea and vomiting during menses.


The discharge in the female, either as a menstrual flow or as a hemorrhage, is black blood. Pain in the left ovarian region, or going from left to right. Induration of one or both ovaries. It has cured suppuration of the ovaries. The uterine region is very sensitive to touch, to the slightest contact of the clothing; in inflammation of the ovaries, pains in the ovaries and uterus going from left to right. Pains in the pelvis going upwards to the chest, sometimes a surging of pain going upwards, grasping the throat. Labor pains surge up, with clutching at the throat, or the labor pains cease suddenly, with clutching at the throat.


The menstrual pains increase violently until relieved by the flow. The menstrual sufferings are before and after the flow, with amelioration during the flow. The menstrual flow intermits one day and then goes on for one day, and during the intermission there is likely to be pain or headache.


Menorrhagia with chills at night and flushes of heat in the daytime. During the menstrual period violent headache, especially at such times as the flow slackens up.


It is a general feature of Lachesis to be relieved by discharges


Catamenia flow but one hour every day; on stopping, violent pains follow in region of left ovary, alternating with gagging and vomiturition.


It is especially useful at the menopause, because of the flushes of heat. Uterine hemorrhage, fainting spells, suffocation in a warm room; orgasm of blood most violent. Complaints during pregnancy.


Inflammation of the veins of the leg. Varicose veins, blue or purple, extreme sensitiveness along the veins; sensitive to the slightest touch, though relieved by pressure.


The study of Lachesis is only a commentary on some of its important parts.





Trigonocephalus lachesis, L.

Natural order, Ophidia.

Common name, Surukuke or Churukuku.

Preparation, Triturations.

Thinks she is some one else; in the hands of a stronger power; that she is dead and preparations are being made for her funeral; that she is nearly dead and wishes some one would help her off.

Thinks she is dead, and that preparations are being made for her funeral; thinks herself pursued by enemies; fears the medicine is poison.





LEFT SIDE; then right THROAT










"The first trituration and first dilution in alcohol of the -poison Trigonocephalus lachesis was made by Hering on July 28, 1828. The first cases were published in the Archives in 1835. In 1837

this remedy was introduced into our materia medica." I quote from Hering's Guiding Symptoms, vol. vi., of which . occupies nearly one hundred pages, and comprises the substance of a monograph he was compiling at the time of his death to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the introduction of the remedy into the materia medica. To the genius and the heroism of Hering the world owes this remedy and many another of which this has been the forerunner. When Hering's first experiments were made he was botanising and zoologising on the Upper Amazon for the German Government. Except his wife, all those about him were natives, who told him so much about the dreaded Surukuku that he offered a good reward for a live specimen. At last one was brought in a bamboo box, and those who brought it immediately fled, and all his native servants with them. Hering stunned the snake with a blow on the head as the box opened, then, holding its head in a forked stick, he pressed its venom out of the poison bag upon sugar of milk. The effect of handling the virus and preparing the lower attenuations was to throw Hering into a fever with tossing delirium and mania

much to his wife's dismay. Towards morning he slept, and on waking his mind was clear. He drank a little water to moisten his throat, and the first question this indomitable prover asked was "What did I do and say?" His wife remembered vividly enough. The symptoms were written down, and this was the first instalment of the proving of Lachesis. The natives crept back one by one next day, and were astonished to find Hering and his wife alive. The grows to seven feet and upwards in length, has fangs nearly an inch long, a reddish brown skin marked along the back with blackish brown rhomboidal spots. Nearly all the provings of Lachesis were made with the 30th and higher attenuations.


The four grand characteristics of Lachesis are:

1. < sleep.

2. Excessive sensitiveness of the surface with intolerance of touch or constriction.

3. Left-sidedness, and the direction left to right symptoms begin on the left side and either remain there or proceed to the right.

4. > from the onset of a discharge. Headache > as soon as nasal catarrh comes on. Uterine pains > as soon as menses appear. The other side < from non-appearance of an expected discharge, and

it is this which is the foundation of the appropriateness of to the climacteric state.



[ABC Homeopathy]

More nervous phenomena

<: Lying on l. side/after sleep/air cold drafts/alcohol/menses;

Pressure of clothes

>: from walking or riding in open air/smoking/sneezing;

Vertigo, dizziness:


Contraction (on going to bed)

“As if diarrhoea would come on”

Emptiness (pressure)

Flatulence; after dinner

Noises from abdomen; rumbling - afternoon/evening; after eating/”As if diarrhoea would come on”/after dinner/after eating

Pain - l./morning/evening/night (in bed)

Pain - “As if diarrhoea would come on”/after eating (incl. certain foods)/after dinner/before/during stool/ext. to other parts (small of back/upward)/region of hip (l./evening)/behind lower ribs;

ext. other parts (backward)/ groin region/cramping, griping; after dinner/pressing (l./after stool/region of navel)/cutting [walking/around navel ( afternoon)]/sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); ext.

other parts; upwards/[behind lower ribs (r./ext. other parts back)/crest of hip/sides (ext. groin)]/tearing (morning)/twisting around navel



Bladder; as if something in bladder; sensation of ball

Gallbladder; gall stones


Appetite; reduced

Desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks

Burping, belching - late morning (empty/foul/hot)

heat, flushes; when stomach empty

Sensation of lump (stone/after eating)

Nausea - late morning/evening/night (after lying down)/open air/eating; during breakfast/while travelling

Pain - in open air/sudden, sharp; after dinner

Pulsation (in open air)

Sinking (see emptiness)


Vomiting during headache

Cutting, twisting, griping pains.

Much flatulence, with rumbling and colicky pains.

Swelling - with feeling of tightness and flatulence/with tension and pain, the tightness spreading towards heart.

Rumbling - in afternoon, with cutting/evening after dinner/aching as before diarrhoea, and often when sitting still a heavy pulsation appeared almost to lift up the bowels

Flatulence; during day; at night, with pain.

Intermittent sticking backward in hypochondria during the day.

Anguish in l. hypochondrium and l. loin after dinner with flatulence.

Frequent griping in umbilical region.(and small of back in afternoon, then profuse and sudden leucorrhoea).


Pain many

Tearing (morning)

Twisting; around navel

“As if something in bladder”; sensation of ball

Gall stones

Appetite; reduced

Desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks

Burping, belching - late morning/empty/foul/hot

Heat, flushes; when stomach empty

Sensation of lump [stone (after eating)]

Nausea - late morning/evening/night (after lying down)/in open air/eating during breakfast/travelling

Pain - open air/sudden, sharp; after dinner

Pulsation (open air)

Sinking (see emptiness)


Vomiting; during headache


Eructations; heartburn.

Nausea, with faint feeling; vomiting.

Uneasy, disagreeable feeling in stomach, as from indigestion; pressure as from stones, after a meal.

Eructations tasting like barley-water; eructations of hot, foul air.

Acidity in stomach.


Loss of appetite.

Craving for stimulants, which agg. the sufferings.



Occasionally, throughout the day, sticky, evanescent pains from before backwards in both hypochondria; anguishing pain in left hypochondrium and left lumbar region, for an hour or two

after taking dinner, and flatulence; aching pains around loins occasionally (second day); after going to bed was very much annoyed for a long time (an hour or more) with aching pain in loins, constant, and with anguishing pain in abdomen, with flatulence (second night),

Umbilical and Sides.

Uneasiness about the umbilical region (after a few minutes, first day),

Frequent sharp, griping pain at umbilical region (fifth day),

Occasional twisting pain in umbilical region (first day),

Frequent cutting in umbilical region and small of back, followed by a rather profuse and sudden leucorrhoea, in the afternoon (second day),

Griping pain in the left side of the abdomen, for about ten minutes (soon),

Dull, aching, coliclike pain along left side of abdomen, which lasted for more than an hour, and was relieved after several flatulent eructations (ten minutes after second powder, second day),

General Abdomen.

Swelling in abdomen, with feeling of tightness and flatulence (after 2nd powder, 5th day),

Flatulence (second day); considerable flatulence, not so bad as before (third day),

Troubled with flatulence (first day), also to-day, but not so much (second day),

For some time past have been troubled with flatulence, and mild, colicky pains in abdomen (fifth night),

Much flatulence during the course of the day (seventh day),

Much flatulence, and colicky pains in abdomen (after second powder, sixth day),

Rumbling and aching in bowels, after dining (seventeenth day),

Rumblings and slight cutting pains in bowels, in the afternoon (fourteenth day),

Uncomfortable sense of emptiness at abdominal region, relieved by folding the arms over it and pressing (fourth day),

Occasional pains in the bowels throughout the day (fourth day),

Slight pain in the abdomen (seventh, tenth, and eleventh days),

Severe pains in the belly, which, upon examination, appeared tense and much swelled; the sense of tension or tightness spread fast towards the heart,

Very severe pains of abdomen, occasionally lasting two minutes (sixth day),

Griping pain in the bowels immediately after dinner, relieved by a large bilious stool (seventh day),

Dull pains in abdomen (after second powder, fourth day),

Occasionally dull pains in abdomen throughout the day (fourth day),

Sharp pains of abdomen (eleventh day),

Cutting pains in the abdomen, extending to lower region of back (fifth day),

Severe cutting pain of abdomen, lasting a minute (after fifteen minutes, fourth day),

Tearing pains of abdomen (first night),

Now and the tearing pain in abdomen (third day),

Tearing pains of abdomen, which lasted two hours, in the morning (sixth day),

Colicky pains in abdomen (4th night) [and occasionally throughout the day (third day)],

After being in bed, and before falling asleep, was a good deal annoyed with flatulent colic (first night),

This evening, after dinner, felt a rumbling and aching in the abdomen, as though diarrhoea were going to come on, and frequently, when sitting perfectly still, a heavy pulsation

appeared almost to lift up the bowels (third day),

Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions.

Griping pain once or twice in lower part of abdomen, with desire for stool during the continuance of the pain (after second powder),

Tormina in lower bowels, with desire to evacuate them (after nine hours and a half, third day),

Frequent, rather severe cutting pains, shooting from below upward, in lower abdomen, internally (sixth day),

Felt a pain dart from left ilium forwards into abdominal muscles; lasted only a moment, in the evening (second day),

For two or three days, during the past week, I felt a slight painful sensation about the groins, as if the muscles had been overfatigued or stretched; I could not make this out into a definite symptom of any part; perhaps merely a stretch of the muscles in walking or stepping into the gig (fourteenth day),


Profound, like a log, with stertorous breathing, a typical reptilian state.



Sleepiness, tiredness - (evening)/overpowering

Sleeplessness, insomnia

Waking; frequent


Yawning; great sleepiness.

Restless, disturbed sleep.

Vivid dreams.

Little inclination for sleep, brain irritable.

Sleepiness in evening, and weakness, went to bed at 9 p.m. and fell asleep immediately; agg. after tea, amel. hard walking and profuse sweat.

Dozing and moaning.


Fire/frightful/murder/suicide/not remembered/vivid

Long and vivid dreams, little recollection of the subjects.

A vivid dreamy night; affairs of the day recalled, with additions, and new plans for the morrow.

Dreams of murders, suicides, fires, &c.


Affects of alcohol

Blood vessels; blue discoloration (from lack of oxygen in blood) (in infants)


Constriction - externally/internally

Convulsions; epileptic (from heart/after masturbation)

Physical exertion

Faintness, fainting (after breakfast/acid fruit)

Lethargic, tired; evening

Lying down; lying down (l./on painless side)

Pain - pressing; internally/sudden, sharp (externallyinternally)


Symptoms not symmetrical; left (then right)

After sleep


Swelling; in general

Tension; internally

Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold feeling; lack of vital heat

On waking

Walking; in open air

Weakness (see lethargic, weariness) [morning/evening/night/in open air/after emission/from headache]

Wet weather


Languor; fatigue; torpor.

Organs seem to be drawn together (ovary and heart).

Depression of both mental and physical powers.

Symptoms < from stimulants; > walking in open air.

Swelling of body.

Local inflammation.

Appearance as if intoxicated.

Convulsive movement of mouth and limbs.

Rolling about as if weak and faint.

Moaned, grasped his throat, tossed his head from side to side and moved his arms and legs uneasily.

Unnatural quiet, with groans and complaints of slight pains in the bitten arm.

Sensation of wasting away.

Restlessness in afternoon.

Inclination to lie in bed in morning.

Inability to support himself in a sitting posture.

Swooning fits.

Loss of sense of feeling.

Blue discoloration (from lack of oxygen in blood) [in infants]


Epileptic (from heart)

After masturbation

After breakfast

Acid fruit


Lying down [on left side/on painless side]

Pressing; internally

Sudden, sharp; externally/Sudden, sharp; internally


Frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid

Cold feeling; lack of vital heat

In open air

After emission

From headache

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea (fifteenth day), ; (second morning), ; without vomiting (immediately), all day (soon), (first day), after breakfast and dinner (sixteenth day),

Nausea and faintness coming on suddenly, soon after breakfast; removed by acid fruit (second day),

Nausea, and a disagreeable sensation in mouth (soon), (third day),

Nausea, with very parched mouth, in the evening; frequent inclination to expectorate rather adhesive saliva, yet constant desire to drink, in the evening (seventeenth day),

Nausea, with pain of stomach and feeling of prostration; a beating in relieved in open air (twelfth day),

Slight nausea (seventh day), ; on going to bed (second day),

Slight nausea and empty eructations, during the forenoon (first day),

Sensible of sickness at the stomach, but did not vomit (soon),

Decided nausea (after the dose, third night and fourth morning),

Eat a few walnuts, which caused sickness and pain of they never hurt me before (fourth day),

Sick feeling, which, however, she attributes to having taken the powder dry on the tongue instead of in solution, which she did because she was suddenly called away when she was about

to take the powder (third night); a little sickish, like last night (fourth night),

During the evening felt sick, almost to vomiting (fourth day),

Frequent faintish sick turns pass over her (sixth day),

Felt "sickish," from a "feeling in the throat," opposite the top of sternum (soon); continued sick, and felt a disagreeable sensation about stomach, and headache above the eyes, till past

midday, and belching up of water in the throat, and flatulence; in the afternoon began to feel pain in the throat again, "like as if she had the cold" (first day),

Very qualmish and dull in the evening (first day),

Vomiting (in a few minutes/after ten minutes)/vomited plentifully,


[ABC Homeopathy]

Bothrops lanceolatus

Vertigo, dizziness


Epigastric distress

Black vomiting

Intense haematemesis

Small intestines of a livid redness exteriorly.

Small intestines dotted red.

Mucous membrane of the small intestines, especially the jejunum, inflamed in different parts.

Small intestines of a deep blue color, confined entirely to the muscular layer.

Severe pains in the abdomen, which extend to the epigastrium and become intolerable (after a few hours).

The entire abdomen is sensitive to pressure.


Gastric mucous membrane dotted red.


Nausea and vomiting.

Vomiting (followed by a nervous trembling)

Painful sensation extending to the epigastrium.

Intolerable epigastric malaise.

Pit painful to pressure. Spasm of. Alternate coldness and burning in

Appetite (Loss of in early morning). Desire for smoking is lost, without having any particular aversion to

Continual thirst. Intense craving for wine and beer. Craving for coffee which. Very weak digestion.

Nausea. - and forcible vomiting of ingesta, and bile.

Tympanitis and bloody stools.

Sleep and dreams

Sleepiness, tiredness

Sleepiness with loquacity in evening. Falls to sleep late in evening. Constant sleeplessness. Many frightful or lascivious dreams. Restlessness, with many dreams and frequent waking.

<: r./stooping, external pressure, rest, ascending steps, after rising from bed, in the sun.

>: Eating, lying, after sleep, warmth, eructations.


[ABC Homeopathy]

Vipera berus

Vertigo, dizziness

Tendency to fall over; falling forward

Tendency to fall over; falling sideways; falling to left

With nausea

With vomiting


Violent pain in enlarged liver, with jaundice and fever; extends to shoulder and hip.

Pain # other symptoms (pain in limbs)

Pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs

Skin; discoloration; blackness (in spots)

Tension (behind lower ribs)

Bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops)

Kidneys; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking

Kidneys; suppression of urine

desires, cravings; cold drinks

pain; from pressure

retching; convulsive

thirst - morning/, intense

vomiting - convulsive/after drinking (milk)/during headache/during vertigo, dizziness/bitter/blood/green/water/yellow

Hypochondria - very tense/extreme soreness/

Intense pain about umbilicus, greatly augmented by pressure (in two hours),

Swelling of the abdomen, raging pains and spasms, even to faintness; after drinking milk vomiting of a large mass of round worms; since that time the patient has been completely free from the worm troubles which he had before,

Sudden flatulent distension of the abdomen, with colic, violent pain in the back and vomiting,

Abdomen tension, pressure causes distension of the facial muscles,

Rumbling in the bowels,

Pains in the abdomen -  and back/# pain in the limbs (after the bite)/with violent thirst and vomiting,

Colic [with profuse diarrhoea (third day)/with headache instantly, which completely stupefies; with vomiting and violent swelling and blueness of the foot/cutting]

Violent - griping in the abdomen/violent pain in the abdomen immediately (in the intestines and in the shoulders)/raging pain in the abdomen, afterwards also in the jaws and head, exceedingly like destruction/in enlarged liver, with jaundice and fever; ext. to shoulder and hip.

Hypochondria tense; sore.

Abdomen tense, pressure causes distension of facial muscles.

Swelling with raging pains and spasms even to faintness, and after drinking milk vomiting of a mass of round worms, then freedom from worm troubles which he had before.

Sudden flatulent distension, with colic, pain in back, and vomiting.


Pain in umbilical region, agg. pressure.

Pain in limbs # other symptoms;

Sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs

Discoloration; blackness (in spots)

Pain behind lower ribs

Suppression of urine

Urination; dribbling (by drops)

Pain - sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking/from pressure

Desires, cravings; cold drinks

Retching convulsive

Thirst - morning/burning intens

Vomiting - convulsive/after drinking (milk)/during headache/during vertigo, dizziness/bitter/blood/green/water/yellow


Complains of hunger and thirst just before death,

Complete loss of appetite,

Thirst [Great (after ten hours)]/with the heat/with moist tongue/febrile thirst with shivering/troublesome and craving for cold drinks (after half an hour),

Thirst with moist tongue, for cold drinks.

Desire of water during the coma,



Digestion slow,

Pain in epigastrium and stomach (after one hour and a half),

Pain in the pit of the stomach and in the bowels was excruciating,

Sudden attack of severe pain at scrobiculus, with considerable thirst,

Pain in the epigastrium or umbilical region is almost always present, accompanied by anxiety and vomiting, and, in many cases, excessive thirst, though the patient cannot tolerate much liquid; substances vomited bloody and mucous; stool diarrhoea and bloody,

Terrible pain in the epigastrium.

Extreme degree of pain in epigastrium, the least pressure causing great suffering (after half an hour),

Pain in epigastrium; agg. pressure; in epigastric or umbilical region.

A sensation of uneasiness about the epigastrium,

Nausea with shuddering; with attack of faintness.

Retching; with suffocative sensation.

Vomiting - after milk/of all food and drink/with weakness, faintness; shivering, and thirst; coldness of body/with colic (and thirst)

Bilious diarrhoea of bitter yellow fluid; green substances; green liquid; viscid greenish fluid.

Digestion slow.

Appetite (lost)

Sleep and dreams;

Deep; delirium

Sleeplessness, insomnia

Deep; delirium

Sleepiness, tiredness (during headache)

Sleeplessness, insomnia


Disposed to yawn.

Sleepiness; and heaviness; with inability to sleep, and also almost constant necessity to change the position.

Sleeplessness; from pain.

Night restless.


Persons become prematurely old; the development of children is arrested.

Blood altered, tending to haemorrhages, coagulability lost; blood black.

Symptoms periodic, return every year.

Persistent oedema with tendency to ulcers.





The bite was felt through the whole body like a streak of lightning, she sank to the ground.

Bitten part seat of violent pain.

The swelling was insensible.

Veins and arteries swollen from inner pressure

Varicose veins


“As if bones broken“

Pressing; internally


Nausea (and vomiting) <<<((( VIELE )))>>>

Sickness at stomach and vomiting (within less than half an hour),

Drink can be borne by the stomach only after seven days, food only after fourteen days,


[ABC Homeopathy]

Crotalus horridus

<: r. (lying on r. side)/evening and morning/yearly/in spring/open air/(coming on of) warm weather/damp and wet/awaking/jar/alcohol/falling to sleep/Warm weather;

>: Light/motion;

Desires and aversions

Insatiable thirst, dry tongue, fever.

Hungry, trembling, weakness; occipital headache


Vertigo, dizziness:

During constipation

From intense emotions; after a fright


Tendency to fall over

During headache

As if intoxicated

From lightning

Must lie down

Lying down

From movement

With nausea

While sitting

During sleep


With vomiting

Walking in open air

After a fright

Vertigo with faintness, weakness, nervous trembling; with pale face; with falling and loss of consciousness auditory; cardiac, with soft, weak pulse; anaemic, better resting head;

with venous congestion, degraded blood.

Fainting on assuming an upright position; in attacks; and falling.

Apoplectic convulsions, especially at the onset of some zymotic constitution, or in inebriates.


Intolerance of clothing around stomach

Unable to retain anything; violent vomiting of food; bilious vomiting, vomiting of blood

Constant nausea and vomiting every month, after menstruation

Cannot lie on right side, without vomiting dark-green matter

Black or coffee-grounds vomiting

Trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium

Intolerance of clothing about epigastrium

Faintness and sinking at stomach

Ulceration of the stomach

Atonic dyspepsia

Gastritis in chronic alcoholism

Hungry, craves stimulants, sugar; averse to meat.

Distended, hot, and tender

Pain in region of liver.

Bladder; urge to urinate, but producing nothing; vomiting, purging and urinating

Desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks

Nausea; deathly

Vomiting; blood

Trapped wind

Liver; chronic

Lymph node

Neck of large intestine (right side, between hip and ribs. syphlitis)

In women; during period

With vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception); pain in region of liver

Extending downward

Region of hip; around hip; left

Behind lower ribs; right (lying on painful side)

Lower part of before/during period

Right side, above hip

Liver (ext. other parts; right shoulder)

Navel; ext. other parts downward

Navel; region of navel

Burning; lower part - of abdomen/at night/region of navel

Cutting - behind lower ribs/spleen

Pressing around navel

Sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); behind lower ribs - r./pressure/liver (on breathing)

Groin glands (Pus)

From watery fluid; abdominal cavity

“As if something in bladder” (ball)

Haemorrhage (see urine, bloody)

Retention of urine ist painful

Urge to urinate, but producing nothing (with vomiting, purging and urinating)

Inflammation from blood poisoning

Pain; aching

Suppression of urine (with fever)

Appetite; increased (hunger in general) - with headache/tormenting)

Clothing disturbs



Desires, cravings - alcoholic drinks/pork

Emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, hungry feeling; at menopause, or male menopause

Burping, belching - evening/night/after bread/strong and sharp (acrid) (after bread)/fluid (night; after white bread)/tasting like food/rancid in afternoon/sour after bread

Heartburn - daytime/afternoon/evening/after supper

Heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after breakfast

Hiccup; during fever

Sensation of movement in trembling

Nausea - morning/deathly/during headache/in women; before period/on movement/during stool

Pain after eating - breakfast/dinner

Pain; burning; stool

Pain; cramping, griping, constricting; after eating

Pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness) - morning on rising/clothing/after eating


Retching with cough

Sinking (see emptiness)

Thirst - burning intense/during heat/unquenchable

Vomiting many

Sleep: and dreams

Dreams of the dead

Starting in sleep


Smothering sensation when awaking.



Sleepiness, tiredness - late morning (11.30 h.)/noon/evening/waking up impossible/during heat

Sleeplessness, insomnia (from before midnight until morning)/at night with sleepiness

Waking; impossible

Yawning torpor; sopor.

Drowsiness with inability to sleep.

Starting in sleep.

Dreams of travelling, of quarrels; of the dead.

Symptoms < after sleep.

Sleepless from disproportionate nervous agitation.

Starts in sleep.

Drowsy, but cannot sleep.

Torpor, drowsiness, coma.

Symptoms generally worse after sleep.

Dreams: anger (see quarrels)/anxious/of dead people/journey/quarrels/travelling; of quarrels of the dead (C. Cascavella).

He sleeps into his symptoms. All the poisons more or less sleep into troubles. The head troubles come on after sleep. He sleeps into headache. The longer he sleeps the harder are the headaches.

In the more chronic conditions the individual manifests a terrible state as to his sleep. He rises from sleep as in a fright; has horrible dreams of murder, of death, of dead bodies and dead people,

of associating with the dead and with corpses, of being in graveyards; even the smell of the cadaver is dreamed of.



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