Actinoides Anhang




Der Arzneischatz der klassischen Homöopathie hat sich im letzten Jahrzehnt deutlich vergrößert, so dass wir für die homöopathische Therapie aktuell über 6500 Arzneien

zur Verfügung haben.

Auch aus der Gruppe der Actiniden haben wir zahlreiche Reinelemente und Salze in die Materia Medica aufgenommen und teilweise geprüft. Allerdings waren diese radioaktiven Substanzen nur für kurze Zeit verfügbar, aus arzneimittelrechtlichen Gründen sind sie als offizinale Zubereitungen bald wieder von den Angebotslisten verschwunden.

Der Gesetzgeber regelt für radioaktive Arzneimittel, dass sie in Österreich abgegeben oder für die Abgabe im Inland bereitgehalten werden dürfen, wenn sie vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen zugelassen sind. In Deutschland ist es verboten, radioaktive Arzneimittel oder Arzneimittel, bei deren Herstellung ionisierende Strahlen verwendet worden sind, in den Verkehr zu bringen, es sei denn, dass dies durch die Rechtsverordnung zugelassen ist. (8) Eine Registrierung von radioaktiven Substanzen als Homöopathikum ist schon allein deshalb unmöglich, weil der homöopathische Charakter durch Publikationen nicht belegt werden kann.

Davon abgesehen ist es erforderlich, dass bei der Herstellung einer offizinalen Zubereitung alle Schritte dem Arzneimittelgesetz und dem Apothekengesetz entsprechen müssen. Dies bedeutet auch, dass ein Nuklearforschungsinstitut, in dem ein Apotheker radioaktive Ausgangsstoffe bis zu einer C12 potenziert, einer Arzneimittel-Herstellerlaubnis nach § 63 AMG bedarf. Da aber die Herstellung von Arzneien in Forschungsinstituten meist nicht zu deren Aufgaben gehört, liegt eine derartige Bewilligung im Regelfall auch nicht vor.

Die genannten Punkte sind dafür verantwortlich, dass die noch vor einigen Jahren verfügbaren Vertreter der Actiniden heute nicht in Verkehr gebracht werden können.

Die Aussage, es handele sich „nur um Homöopathica, in denen ja ohnehin nichts vom Ausgangsstoff mehr enthalten sei“, trifft nicht den Kern der Problems. Auch wenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit gleich Null ist, bei einer C12 noch Reste der radioaktiven Ausgangssubstanz vorzufinden, so ist doch immer die theoretische Möglichkeit gegeben, dass bei jedem Verdünnungsschritt die Substanz weitergelangt und im Endprodukt auftaucht.

Natürlich stellt sich die Frage, wie denn ursprünglich Plutonium als spaltbares Element in die Materia Medica gelangt ist - immerhin gibt es davon eine Prüfung.

Wir werden es heute wohl nie erfahren.


[Deirdre Holmes]

The Actinides: The Ultimate Challenge

Pluto and Charon

The actinides, or radioactive elements, belong to the 7th and final row of the periodic table; they relate to extreme or final stages of life, and the ailments of these times.

In physical form, these substances have immense capacity to destroy, either by inducing serious or fatal illness or from the effects of nuclear weapons, or from their capacity

to pervert the course of natural existence via damaging genetic change. Yet, paradoxically, they can too offer hope for life, through radiotherapy treatment for disease,

medical imaging for pathology that would otherwise be hidden, and in homeopathic usage. These extremes of life and death are part of actinides’ themes. The realms they

are used for may not be physical: their challenges may involve extremes of emotional or psychological suffering, the quest for spiritual survival in the face of enormous

odds and when the costs are huge. If the battle is won, however, the gains are great, releasing the patient from a life that is lived on the edge or in shadow, captive to conditions that may seem hopeless or insurmountable. Often, they can emerge with greater resilience or creativity; sometimes their emergence from the suffering is miracle enough in itself.


This polarity between the expression of health and disease is a feature of the actinides and as in keeping with their position in the periodic table; not for them the smaller

scale, more personally based stories of the higher series. The actinides have pathologies that can seem utterly intransigent and may have their origins far away in time and

space; the sinister instigating influences untraceable, the protagonists faceless and unknown. Their stories may include genetic disorders, the effects of intergenerational

and intercultural violence and abuse, suffering from nuclear, electromagnetic, or environmental pollution, or trauma buried deep in the subconscious from this lifetime

or others. The abuse may be on a corporate or government scale and cross boundaries of nationality and terrain. The sufferers or their descendants may never encounter

their abusers, as in the situation of victims of nuclear war, accidents, or testing (Hiroshima, Chernobyl, the Pacific, and so on). Disorders may take decades to emerge and

be slow to develop, as in the case of radiation induced cancer or psychological trauma from previous abuse.

The full effects of the situation may not reveal itself for generations to come. The pathology may be deep in the body, hidden from view -bone marrow disorders, for example- insidiously affecting blood and immunity, the markers of life force and its defence capability.

All actinides in a state of fast or slow decay (as described by their half lives) and of transformation from one element into another. This transformation is artificially achieved

in nuclear reactors with the creation of plutonium, the best known and most powerful of the actinides, from uranium. Plutonium was named after Pluto, the final planet known in the solar system at that time. (Interestingly, another name proposed for plutonium was ultimium = ‘the ultimate element’). Plutonium is found at stage 8, which is concerned with struggle and exercise of power, and most exemplifies the story of the actinides. In Roman and Greek mythology, Pluto was the god of the underworld, the dead, and riches. He was an all-powerful black-clad autocrat, merciless and jealous, separate from the other gods. His kingdom was a cold dark shadowy underground realm that was home to the dead, who gave up all rights and personal power on entering his domain.

He ruled his world absolutely and could not be appeased or bargained with. He fell in love with his niece Persephone, daughter of Ceres, and despite opposition abducted

her by force, compelling her to live with him in the underworld, the land of shadows, for a portion of the year. This devastation and loss to the world created winter, where

all life seems to cease.

Persephone’s return to the world at the end of winter signals the regeneration of spring, and life begins again. Thanks to Pluto’s cunning deception, however, Persephone is condemned to return to the underworld at the end of every autumn, and so the cycle endlessly repeats. Pluto is also known as Hades, ‘the Invisible’. He is the god of riches, referring to the vast storehouse of mineral reserves and mines underground, which is also home to the actinides.


This story is rich with imagery describing the themes of the actinides: abuse of power and position, loss, devastation, amorality, profound transformation, inexorability, cruelty, death, and transgression of boundaries both moral and physical. There is powerlessness but the return to life as power is regained. We see the conflict between light and dark, sacred and profane.

Ruthless selfish ego, acting from base or lower self motives, wreaks havoc with far reaching and unforeseen consequences for many. The challenge for the actinides is to exercise power with higher selfless motives, for the good of all, and to conquer the dominion of their shadow aspect.

It is no accident that the discovery of the actinides and their applications parallels the development of modern psychotherapy, with its acknowledgement of self versus shadow, conscious versus unconscious. The power of an unacknowledged shadow can be immensely destructive, until the light of consciousness is shone upon it.

Often, actinides patients are struggling with either the darkness in their own subconscious or the trauma created by the actions of another’s shadow. Patients may describe

an immense sense of burden, responsibility, or karma; the ‘sins of the fathers’ and issues passing through generations. The lanthanides can also have this struggle and desire

to develop consciousness, but it is less intense and their sense of self is more ambivalent, less vanquished or overreaching. For the actinides, the struggle to free oneself from the effects of this oppression can be immense but the rewards of this liberation are profound. The riches are in the form of self-knowledge and personal empowerment, and

the ability to benefit others.

We also see themes of isolation, not necessarily by choice, which may in patients be dictated by illness or complete breakdown and vulnerability. The patient may be reclusive and feel not at ease in the world. In a healthy actinide, withdrawal, time out, or a formal spiritual retreat may still be necessary to maintain equilibrium and peace. They may need to remove themselves totally from their environment, in order to heal or re-find themselves.

Actinides are fragile, volatile elements, in a state of transition and decay, and prone to spontaneously setting alight in contact with the air. This describes the fragile, unstable, and combustible patient, whose life can feel in a constant state of instability, chaos, and threatened disintegration. This energy may communicate to energy or power sources around them and electronic devices may be prone to breaking down, light-bulbs shattering, and glass breaking. Actinides as a group may have relationships to gem remedies, the lanthanides or aurum series, the bird family, Anacardium, and the AIDS nosode.

Illnesses are extreme and involve huge loss of power, function, and freedom.  Actinides patients may feel as if they are living in a wasteland, or on the edge of existence.

They may feel not of this world, somewhere between life and death, as indeed they may really be. Often, they have a translucent quality, or etherealism, not uncommon

in those approaching the end of life, or those with clairvoyant or mediumistic abilities. For them the veil between this world and others is thin, barriers disappear, and the invisible and hidden becomes visible. The world of spirit may be more real than the physical plane they inhabit, and they may struggle to be fully incarnate. These are also

the remedies of those with abilities to see, move energy, or heal at a distance. They may see their work as the payment of a debt of some kind and can show enormous

devotion to helping others in their healed state. The challenge is to find their ability to live in this world, to transform and regenerate.


[Patricia Le Roux]

Therefore, this book shows very well, how the themes play out in paediatrics. It extends our knowledge of Actinides by illustrating their expressions in real life.

A significant theme of the Uranium series, the Actinides, is old age: the years before death. In the casework, we see this expressed by the fact that many children are raised

by their grandparents rather than their parents. These children are more exposed with old age and the fragility that goes with it.

Another recurrent theme in the cases, is death of family members. The deaths are often violent and include accidents and suicides. Early in life, these children are confronted with death and disintegration. The disintegration is also expressed in the family’s own disintegration after such violent deaths. Death and disintegration are typical expressions of the Uranium series.

I can recommend this book to all homeopaths and not just paediatricians. It shows that the Uranium series is much more common than one would think at first.

These remedies are needed more than they are being prescribed today. We can be thankful to Patricia Le Roux for making the pictures more precise, more alive and thus, easier to apply. It belongs to the seventh series (Uranium series).

[J. Scholten]

The following themes characterise this series: Energy, disintegration, sense of responsibility; they attempt to act in spite of their doubts.

Sense of duty and control, very strong energy which must be channelled or it becomes destructive, causing breakage and fragmentation.

High level of psychological maturity, old beyond their years, intuition. It belongs to stage 4 and is the 2nd element in the Actinides series.

According to Scholten, this stage is characterised by the following:

They attempt to take the first step and fail.

Group Analysis

• The elements in this stage are: Titanium (Ti), Zirconium (Zr), Hafnium (Hf), Cerium (Ce), Thorium (Th).

• They have the following symptoms in common: The theme is the foundation, the first step. They are starting to establish themselves; they join the group, they are amazed.


Themes of the Actinides

• Energy - disintegration. Life and death.

• Intuition, magic, miracles.

• Serious illness, death, devastation, immorality.

• Intergenerational and cultural abuse.

• Explosion, decomposition.

• Breaking glass.

• Loss of power and function.

• Precocity, old beyond their years.


Oxydatum Element According to Jan Scholten

Selfishness, demanding.

They try to use their energy to obtain respect. They are very selfish and try to control this. Often, they can be tough and resistant, in denial of their needs.

Low self esteem

They must display their energy, in spite of their handicap.

They do this to gain respect, as they feel mentally and physically diminished.

Abused, victim

They must display their energy (have been a victim in childhood).

Lazy, neglected, tramp (clochard).

They hide their inner world.

Characteristics of Thorium oxydatum

They take the 1st step even though they are fragmented, in 1000 pieces; they are selfish and demanding as well as being a victim. They are lazy and adopt a marginal lifestyle, in spite of their maturity.

Clinical Case:

In 2008, L., age 13, is brought in for a depressive state that began at the start of the school year. He comes from a family of three children, two boys and a girl.

The family history is extremely difficult. His father was retired, 20 years older than his mother when the boy was born. Since the age of three this boy has

suffered repeated sexual abuse by his father, who also abused his sister.

When the abuse was discovered, the parents divorced and the father was required to seek psychiatric help (theme of Oxydatum: corruption).

In spite of this, the father committed another offence, and took his own life in 1999, undoubtedly due to a deep sense of guilt. The family indeed endured a series

of horrific events! The family went through a subsequent period of disintegration. After some time, the mother managed to rebuild her life with a very courageous man who embraced the family,

taking her and her three children under his wing, wounded and disintegrated as they were.

It is December, 2008, nine years after the father’s death, and young L. is covered with eczema, which began at the start of the school year. At night, the itching torments him; his marks are going down, and the school alerts his mother. This child is normally smiling and positive, full of energy and vigour (theme: actinides). But now, any challenge seems enormous; the most minor test or exam appears to be insurmountable to him. He does not even want to try (theme: the first step, stage 4).

In addition, he is sinking into a destructive process; he feels victimised, and suddenly becomes very dependent on others, relying on help from them (theme: oxydatum).

Moreover, although he previously was quite aware of his physical appearance, he is now letting himself go; he wears dirty clothes and looks as unkempt as possible. He has difficult relationships with children of his own age, yet he communicates well with adults and people older than himself (theme: old beyond his years). He is not interested

in anything. Socially, he is totally withdrawn; he is grumpy and in a permanently bad mood.

His food desires are not specific; he likes everything, but has been eating less for some time.


First Prescription and Follow-Up Consultations

Thorium oxydatum 200C.

• Two months later, February 2009: The eczema has disappeared completely. He is back to being clean and wearing good clothing. He is no longer unkempt. The school sent home an encouraging note for the second trimester. He receives a dose of Thorium oxydatum 1M.

• June 2009: He moves up to the next grade as usual.


Reasons for the Prescription

• Seventh series:

- Sense of duty, very strong energy, full of energy and very dynamic. A strong notion of family disintegration present, along with severe pathologies, suicide, and corruption.

• Stage 4: He cannot take the first step.

• Actinides:

- Energy - disintegration. Life and death.

- Intuition, magic, miracles.

- Serious illness, death, devastation, immorality.

- Intergenerat ional and cultural abuse.

- Explosion, decomposition.

- Breaking glass.

- Loss of power and function.

- Precocity, old beyond their years.

• Oxide radical:

- Mentality of dependency.

- Notions of corruption, sexual abuse, victimisation.


[Margriet Plouvier-Plouvier-Suijs MD]

The hidden camera and the broken mirror

Six years ago during a course, I presented all I knew about the remedy Uranium.

Over the years I have learned much more about the remedy and about other remedies of the Uranium-series: I know Radium, Thorium, Neptunium and Plutonium as homeopathic remedies as well. Because of my own constitution I might be sensitive to recognize these pictures.

In my book `Aspecten van de Homeopathie’ (2002) I described the pictures of Radium, Thorium, Uranium and Plutonium in the same way Jan Scholten does in his book: ‘Homoeopathy and the Elements’. The Element-theory has great value to me in understanding the symptoms of remedies compose the picture of that remedy. By describing the pictures of the remedies from the Uranium-series, I give my contribution to the Element-theory as far as I know. We need the contribution of colleagues to complete it.

(Neptunium muriaticum as homeopathic remedy is made and proven by Didier Lustig).


During the last four years my knowledge about the remedies has increased.

I will describe the Uraniumseries as a group and explain the possible etiology of the remedy-picture.

The Actinides are the 7e series of the periodic system. Jan Scholten uses the word Uranium Series in his book ‘Homeopathy and the Elements’.

In summary the themes of the series in Jan Scholten's book are:

Hydrogeniumseries: being, fetus, space.

Carbonseries: ego, child, body.

Siliciumseries: friend, family, teenager.

Ironseries: worker, adult, village.

Silverseries: inventor, performer, middle age, city.

Goldseries: leader, ripe age, country/world.

Central words for the Uraniumseries:




Observe, perceive

Overview, transparency

Sensitivity, Sympathy, Compassion

Universal truths

Old age

Archetype: the testifier, the witness, the joker, the jester, the clown.


This is to be recognized in individuals like Mother Theresa: still at old age she cared for children and people who are unknown in this world.

Nelson Mandela as well is a man who gave all his energy to change the system in South Africa; although he was in prison for many years and suffered a lot, he kept to his beautiful message for the world. In his altruism the energy is never lacking. The only possible way to live is by giving.

To communicate:

They are very good in both verbal and non verbal communication. Also in children this aspect is to be noticed: the language they use is not appropriate for their age. Whatever they say, they say it precisely. Thus a child of five years old said at the moment she splashed of anger and was send to her room: “however then I’ll go to my chamber and I will never return, not to eat and neither to drink!!" Catherine Coulter describes in I<>‘Psychological Portraits’ about the remedy Lachesis and the picture of a child with such sharp language. In the Actinides however, there is no competitive element at all like there is in Lachesis.

Wisdom, intuition:

They are wise, not in the sense of clever, they have a wisdom which shows insight. The appropriate sense is intuition. They are clairvoyant and sometimes they simply know. They recognize if intuition is colored by emotion and know the truth.

To observe, to perceive:

They see through people and their actions. They are adapted to several cultures and they will seldom be surprised about what happens. They can imagine every life-event even the most inconceivable. The aim of living is to try to be in peace with each other. In the cycles of lives a quality has different stages: we are victim, actor, indicter, judge, defender, we are condemned and finally we regret. People who need an Actinide know these stages and do not have any judgment. In observing the judgment is absent.

Overview, transparency:

They observe as if everything is transparent. They understand what is going on at the moment they see it. They do not filter. This way of looking at things is like using a hidden camera. People of old age and little children observe the world around them in this way. The similarity of elder people and children is that they do not react on the world they observe, they have no emotion about it, they are objective and just watching. Observing is pure and objective.

Old age:

The high age belongs to this series. In old age it is appropriate to be withdrawn while you are present. They do not intervene.

Physical complaints:

Cancer, bone marrow disorders, leukemia.

Congenital deviations, genetic deviations.


The hidden camera:

Jan Scholten has literally discovered the Lanthanides for us, as homeopathic remedies they were unknown. In Boericke only one: Cerium Oxalicum.

Jan Scholten explains about the main theme of the Lanthanides which is autonomy. Other themes are searching, going deep, reflection. This all is to learn from his book: ‘Secret Lanthanides’.

I would like to add analysis and thinking to the themes he describes.

People who need Actinides do not use analysis. What ever they observe is transparent; they know, insight and overview is there at the same moment. That is the reason for me to compare this observing with the use of a hidden camera. Observing is pure and objective.

These qualities of observation we are intent to learn in our profession as a therapist. For practicing homeopathy Hahnemann recommends this objective observation. In our practice it is a quality,

but in daily life this quality can cause big trouble. In daily life this objective observation of how people deal with each other can be a painful charge because of the sense of liability. Again and

again the question comes up: ‘what to do with the insight, the overview and knowing?’ If all the tricks and playing games in human behavior are transparent, how to react? The only way to live

with this quality is improve compassion.


The broken mirror:

Children are most illustrative in showing the picture of Actinides. In general there is an etiologic moment in their life. I name this moment: ‘breaking the mirror’.


Development in the first year of a child:

Rapidly after birth the baby has eye contact with one of the parents, generally with some kind of recognition. From that first eye contact the baby has ‘imitating mimicry’. The parent and the baby reflect each other. Initially the child identifies itself in this mirroring face. At the age of 9 months the child is able to distinguish faces and indicates its preference, this is the period of timidity. The child develops the possibility to remember the favorite face and give it a name, Mummy.

Thanks to memory the child becomes aware of more than one face at the same time, mummy and daddy. This is the awareness of the triangle; father, mother and child. Up to that time the child was one unit with the mother. In the unity communication is non-verbal. At the time the child is aware of the triangle, it begins to talk.

Thanks to the awareness of the triangle the child will notice his own individuality. At the age of three years old the child uses the word ‘I’ for himself. At the same age the set of milk teeth are complete, the fontanel is closed, the child is able to jump on the ground and he says “I”: I want and I don’t want.

In the course of the first years everything the child is doing is learned by imitation. In that mirror it recognizes itself. When, however, by a dramatic event in those early years the parents cannot handle the situation, the mirror can be broken. From that moment on the child will no longer imitate the parents.

At that moment an Opium or Aconitum or other remedy-layer can come or cover up.


Etiology of the Actinide:

If the remedy that is needed is an Actinide, something else will happen at the moment of the dramatic event. Let us look at the moment of the first eye contact between mother and child, this is a moment of recognition.

We are able to recognize someone we use to know in a former life. If we, as human beings, reincarnate it is possible that the mother recognizes the new born child and reverse.

Sometimes the incarnation is one of an old soul. At the moment of a dramatic event, the moment the parents are not able to handle the situation this incarnating part in the child takes the lead in the child’s life. The personality that learns how to do by imitating others, babies-nature, will disappear. From that moment on the identity of that old wise person raises in the child. That person will help the parents to come to themselves, but afterward it is possible that this state in the child continues.

This is visible in the social behavior and in the language the child uses. New words heard by him or her are immediately used in the correct context. For instance; a mother said to her daughter of 2 years old: “you shouldn’t show off” and the little girl answered: "No, actress, no!”.

The disadvantage for the child in this condition is that his childish expression disappears, for the mother it is not appropriate to have this wise guy on her lap.

After the correct use of the Actanide-remedies for these children they regain their childish behavior.

In the history of adults who need an Actinide, I have seen this trauma in their childhood and saw the disadvantage of growing up in such a state. As infant or toddler they lost the contact with their own inner child. They have no experience in quarrelling and standing up for themselves. The ‘wise elder person’ inside them did not allow the kind of childish behavior. For adults the correct application of an Actinide ‘brings the child back’ to life. From that moment on a process develops in which I saw the growing of a resistance, like children during early childhood.



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