ADHS Behandlung


Behandlung nach anthroposofische Gesichtspunkten: siehe unten


?Zappelin ©:? (Cham D 12 + Staph D 12 + Valer D 6 + Calc-hp D 4 + Kali-p D 6 + Cupr-met D 10)

Clupea harengus. = Hering


Neurophysiologische Behandlungstechniken, Neurofeedback, Eisen (siehe Anämie)/Magnesium/Vit. B6/Folsäure

Vitaminen + Mineralien + Omega-3-fettsäure. + Aminosäure. + Probiotika kombinationen + Lec + Gink-b; Elektrosmogbelastung untersuchen;

Buch: Dorothea Beigel, Flügel und Wurzeln

Calciumhydrogenphosphat = E 341b kann ADHS < +/o. auslösen (= Calc-p.).


Alle Zuckergebrauch ausschließen (!verborgene Zucker!).

Spenglersan Kolloid A ist das Ritalin der Firma Meckel


Overview of therapy options with anthroposophical, homeopathic remedies and Bachflowerremedies:


Bromus-racemosus = Wild Oat

Clematis = Clematis: individuals who experience a sense of indifference, dreaminess, inattention and unconsciousness. People needing Clematis

have poor memories, they avoid difficulties or unpleasantness by allowing their attention to wander and by withdrawing (Chancellor, 1995:76).

Scleranthus = Scleranthus


Kent’s repertory 'restless children': Bufo. Rhus-t.

---------------- with behavioral problems: Bell. Carc. Cham. Cupr-met. Stram. Tub.


* vor dem Mittelnamen angegeben, bedeutet dass dieses Mittel vorkommt in der Liste von „Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, placebo-kontrollierten

Doppelblindstudie mit Crossover“ von Heiner Frei. (Heiner Frei MD)



* Agar.: Tics, hyperactivity, mild impairments of the central nervous system-

Leading symptoms: symptoms similar to ADHD.

* tics associated with ADHD or resulting from treatment with stimulants

* risky/impulsive/erratic but essentially well-intentioned Instabilität führt dazu, dass es schnell beleidigt ist und für andere aus oft nicht nachvollziehbaren Gründen

übertrieben heftig und aggressiv reagiert. Besonders gegenüber engen Vertrauten und gegenüber seiner eigenen Familie kann das Anacardium-Kind unangemessen

heftig und impulsiv reagieren. Ist es erst einmal richtig in Rage, kennt es kein Pardon mehr.

„Als ob ihm in so einem Moment jegliches Mitgefühl für andere Menschen fehlt“. Ist der Wutanfall erstmal vorüber, tut es diesen Kindern oft leid,

was sie getan oder gesagt haben. Sie können sich aber dennoch in der nächsten Situation, in der sie sich ungerecht behandelt fühlen oder in der

sie sich ohnmächtig einem anderen gegenüber fühlen, nicht besser beherrschen und lassen dann ihrer Wut wieder freien Lauf.

Prüfungsangst: Wenn der bereits gelernte und sicher gewusste Lernstoff kurz vor der Prüfung nicht mehr abrufbar ist und Sie Angst vor einem

Black-Out haben, kann Anac. das richtige homöopathische Mittel sein, dass Ihnen hilft Ihre Prüfungsangst zu überwinden und eine Prüfung

erfolgreich zu absolvieren.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Indicated for those who feel isolated and separated from the world, and who feel pathologically inferior with the need to prove themselves.

Very low self-esteem in children trying to prove their worth, to the extent of developing a kind of double personality. Feel two wills, good and bad.

They may have  impulses of great cruelty. Hard of heart, without compassion for anybody. Impulse to curse. History of sexual abuse and violence

against them.

Anthropoides paradiseus30CH can be used in the treatment of ADHS (= attention deficit disorder), mood swings, anxiety, pre-diabetes, hay fever, sinusitis,

muscle pain and spasms, gastroenteritis and headaches.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Excessive joking (teasing and manipulation by acting cute). They may act as a mischievous leader, inducing others to disobey.

May be fascinated with spiders.

* Arg-n.: Haste and drive/nerve-sense system does not exert a calming and guiding action in the organism but produces instead an undirected catabolic tension.

Leading symptoms:

* constantly feels driven and restless;

* loves movement in the fresh air, external cooling

* suffers from nervous anticipation

* tries to compensate with sugar consumption, which < nervousness (variable blood sugar level)

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Very impulsive and excitable. Digestive disorders before going to school because of worry, anticipating the situation and exaggerating it in every way. 

Great desire for sweets. Obsessive ideas, rituals or compulsive behaviors. They feel overwhelmed by everyone and are very anxious, but not necessarily

hyperactive. Due to anticipation and extreme obsession they can act impulsively. It is indicated for people who can be cruel and malicious, often after

a history of mistreatment or contempt.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

For traumatized children who refuse to accept the reality or situation (divorce or the death of parents/arrival of a new sibling, and who behave aggressively.

They don’t want to get involved or have any contact and when being asked questions with regard to what happened to them, repeatedly deny any problem.

* Ars.. Hyperaktiv

Ars-i.: das „Orkanmittel“/nach einer Konsultation ist die Praxis ein „Trümmerfeld“;


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

There may be reactions of violence, especially with great anger and self-destruction. They are very responsible. May have parents who are quite strong or

emotionally distant.

They might seem very mature and sensible, but in the end a deep depression develops because of resentment. It is used for children who behave like little adults,

who want affection, but do not know how to express their emotional needs; can be cold to their family, and have difficulty making friends. It is indicated

for those who are perfectionists.

Bapt.: Indigokind?

* Bar-c.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Can be sweet, shy and fearful or are the clown of the class, acting silly. It is indicated for delayed mental, physical or social development, for children who are

shy, aware of their self-limitation and feel defective. People with the fear of looking bad, of being laughed at or criticized. Feeling incompetent and incapable.

Those who feel that they are being mocked or ridiculed and who are timid due to fears, especially the fear of making a mistake. They feel observed, do not

dare to look up, act childish and immature, have difficulty with schoolwork. They are often the teacher’s mascot. Tics and glandular inflammation.

Bar-i.: leerstoornissen

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

For those who are irritable, rushed, restless and nervous, who have difficulty concentrating, and who have a canine appetite.

Bar-f.: dwars en ontwijkend gedrag.

Lac felinum moeten worden gebruikt.

* Bell.: Strong awareness, uncontrolled emotional impulses/aggressive behaviour.

Leading symptoms:

* early awakening of consciousness; child listens to conversation of adults („kleine potjes hebben grote oren“); one can speak intelligent with them

* are aware of their uncontrolled behavior at an early age without being able to control it

* have acute attacks of rage (similarly, suddenly developes high fevers during acute infections) with biting (young children)/hitting/autoaggressive behavior.

Many of their illnesses occur in attacks, with pain occurring as acute colic pains

* hate being touched (head)/wrapping or constriction

* fears [thunderstorms/dogs (fear of being attacked the way they might attack others)/water/darkness].

congestion of the head and flushes, restless, aversion for warm food/vegetables/milk/aggressive with striking and kicking/waking from fright/bed wetting (Sacch.)

Might reject touch/diapers/tenderness in daytime, may run to parents' bed in a sweat 2 hours after falling asleep: When the life-organization expands upwards

in sleep and the soul releases its hold, the child enters in a crisis of neediness. The soul does not unite harmoniously with their own body and surroundings,

instead appearing suddenly and overpoweringly like a demon ready to pounce: children are carried away by it without being able to guide the process.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Forgetful, slow, and a poor learning capacity, are sensitive to noise and light. They have night terrors and dream of ghosts; with a wild glance when angry.

Have big heads and bright red cheeks. These persons often look good, even when being sick, tend to otitis media, ailments caused by warmth and of a throbbing kind.


Brom-r. BB

* Bry.: EMPfindlich gegen (helles) Licht, < angestrengtes Sehen. Gehör überempfindlich. Geschmackssinn vermindert (würzt alles nach). Ist schnell zu heiß, Bedürfnis

zu entblößen. < abends (Schauder und Furcht wenn der Abend hereinbricht.); Begreift, versteht langsam: vergesslich/verdreht Worte und hat Mühe sich richtig

auszudrücken. Denken fällt schwer. Arbeit abgeneigt, niedergeschlagen, Melancholie, weinerlich.

„Als ob ein Unglück eintreten müsste“. ANGST mit Herzklopfen. Reizbar ohne Ursache, Empfindlich und Eigensinn.

Unruhige Stimmung mit Trübsinn und Angst.

Blonde, gut genährte Kinder, zu Übergewicht neigend. Schwitzt


Furchtsam und schnell beleidigt, weint leicht, Kinder sind eigensinnig, ängstlich bezüglich Gesundheit, Angst vor Unglück, Verzweiflung, Mühe zu Denken.

?Buddl.?: This could also be a great remedy for (ADHD) children who are pushed by their parents to the maximum of their capacities, or just not allowed to be a child,

have to grow up too fast.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Tends to be hyperactivity, severe intellectual disability and high propensity to obsessive sexual thoughts or masturbation. Extreme oligophrenia with great violence.



* Calc.: [Frei] Unruhe/zappelig; Schreiben erschwert, verkrampft, ermüdend

Development steady maybe slow.

Leading symptoms:

* seem absent and dreamy

* forget homework and fail to properly note assignments

* appear heavy and sluggish in their movement

* take a long time with every task and have great difficulty getting started obese/tired/obstinate/aversion to warm food/desires sweets/ice-cream/milk;

Complaints before menses: sad/irritable/pain in mammae/swelling of mammae; congestion of head/cold feet becoming too warm in bed/perspiration of head (night);

constipation. (Sacch)


„Leukophlegmatische Konstitution“ mit großem Kopf, großes Gesicht, blasse Haut mit kreidigem Aussehen, später Fontanellenschluss bei Säuglingen.

Chiefly girls/temperamentally phlegmatic child/< cold season/also prone to seasonally aggravated attention and concentration impairment related to light deprivation.

Regardless of season, prefers to sit in front of the television and eat/likes to move about in the water, which gives them buoyancy (they love trips to the swimming pool).

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Feel insecure, afraid of thieves, dogs, heights and airplanes (any situation of potential risk to physical security) they are cautious. Fear that other will perceive their confusion.

They are stubborn and methodical, obstinate and tenacious; they can be slow, hesitant.

Calc-p.: indicated for both sexes. Weak rhythmic system, dissatisfaction and frustration/Hyperactivity takes the form of a chronic (frustrated) dissatisfaction/synthesized

from Ca + P, corresponding to the problems between the nervous system and the metabolic-limb system.

Leading symptoms:

* continual dissatisfaction/compare themselves with others/worRIED they will be negatively judged (intelligence/appearance)/critiCAL of others and

 express this/wants to be the best (generally are not). Bursts of rage result from this inner dissatisfaction and are manifested around learning

 difficulties. They are not very creative themselves and thus are dependent on others, yet they do not behave in a way that generates much sympathy.

* the soul life with its catabolic action does not unite in a positive way with the metabolic-limb system, resulting in belly aches/growing pains/poor and fluctuating

appetite; sleepless until late at night/in the 2nd seven-year period tendency to headaches triggered by physical and mental exertion.

* tendency to disorders in region of the cervical spine as well as development of idiopathic scoliosis (girls)/an expression of poor integration of the upper and lower

person in the rhythmic region. In older children, the motor unrest can find an outlet in prolonged athletic activities; quite often with this constitution, impairment

of the epiphyse (Apatite D6 = Calc-p in an other form)

* during puberty initial signs of restrictive anorexia may appear. Painting therapy can be very helpful for children with this constitution in the 2nd seven-year period.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Small children who are restless, shy and fearful, but who at the same time like to take risks and play tricks, even act recklessly. These children feel like as if they were away

from home and have to get home. Like travel, change and new experiences.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Feels isolated, disconnected, anguished, terrified and even sometimes ecstatic. They feel confused and inattentive, time and place disorientation. Afraid of going crazy,

“As if everything were a dream” with things and even relatives that seem strange or unreal. Act “As from a dream inside or out in space”, can’t pay attention for long.

But they are good at science projects until theorization makes them lose contact with reality; they are absent-minded and can be obsessive-compulsive.

There are three common variations of the behavior of this remedy:

1. they present as laughing, and clowning,

2. they present as ethereal and airy,

3. they are loquacious and enjoy dressing in antiquity clothes.

Carc.: DD.: Calc-p; frustrated by failure at school/unmotivated, restless/girls and boys/primary weakness of the rhythmic system/fundamentally ambitious in the aims they

set themselves (often unconsciously adopted from others)/lacks the energy to achieve/disappointed by the outerworld/continually drive themselves into a corner.

Leading symptoms:

* restLESS (Hyperaktiv) and poor concentration, coupled with

* a mood of pronounced frustration and lack of motivation which cannot be dispelled

* works hard without satisfactory results until they reach the point where they stop doing anything for school.

* has great difficulty undertaking anything on their own initiative and need a social context in order to become active

* oppressed at school/acting out at home

[Jean Lacomb]

They attach great importance to acceptance by their peer group and like to travel.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Often very appropriate, calm, rational and overly mature and responsible. Great emotional immaturity. Systematic rebellion with the support of intelligence, with great genius,

despises all those he thinks to be intellectually incapable. Acts of revenge and unstable behavior in children who were previously model students and very disciplined.

* Caus.:


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Very nostalgic, discontented, melancholic, irritable, distracted, disobedient, and angry, who seem very obstinate, are contrary, even against something they want if it is

suggested by someone else. It is recommended for those who fear to be censored and are easily offended, who are restless and clumsy, have difficulty sleeping at night,

but yawn during the day. It is used for those who may wake up in a fright, screaming, or full of fear.

* Cham.: Wutausbrüche/schmerzempfindlich.

Chamomilla Cupro culta (Radix) D 2 w 10-15 drops 2x daily in water for 3 months or longer

Bei konstitutioneller Neigung zu Unruhe, Krampfzuständen, Aggressivität, sensorischer Übererregbarkeit.

Konstitution: Kräftig gebaut, bekommen schnell einen roten Kopf, sind eher aufbrausend und stur, Verdauung

ist gut. Dosierung: 1-3 x tgl. 10 Tr. Rh D3.

Wirkung: Nach 2-3 Wo. deutliche Wirkung wahrnehmbar, das Kind wird umgänglicher, kann Übergänge von einer

Sache zur anderen besser und schneller vollziehen.

Therapiedauer: Oft wird das Mittel nach einer Pause von 3-4 Wo. wieder verlangt, nachdem es ca. 8 Wo.

gegeben worden war.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Hyperactive or distracted, are reactive, violent, and very fanciful. They are characterized by tantrums and intense manifestations of fits of rage. They can fall into

sobbing or flat spasms, changing into wild crying. Nothing pleases them and they do not know exactly what they want, or ask for something to reject it immediately.

Bad temper, irritable and impatient, complaining, frustrated, restless; think that others are against them. Wants to be taken everywhere, but they complain and scream.

These children are averse to being touched with hypersensitiv to pain, feeling pain is unbearable. Feel everything is intolerable, and can become so hyperactive that they

will exhaust and start to cry. The child shows awkwardness of the senses with a minor power of understanding, as if having hearing problems. All symptoms < at night.

* Chin.:


[Jean Lacombe]

Irritability and Hyperactivity Caused by Parasites

For months, Jessica, anxious and cold sensitive, often had to visit her school principal. Irritable and sometimes violent, unable to sit calmly in class, she was diagnosed

with behaviour troubles and hyperactivity. However, it had taken a few minutes of consultation to understand the source of her problem. Considering her intense anus

and nose itching, I asked if the child grinds her teeth, if she gets a short dry cough at bed time and has a strong desire for pastry. Having affirmative answers to all these questions, I concluded that the child has worms (parasites) and a prescription Cina # Ars. modified completely her behaviour in the space of a week! Would the Ritalin prescription have changed the cause of Jessica`s problem?

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Cross, contrary and disobedient, with a very difficult behavior. These children do not want to be touched or looked at and they move away when others approach.

Nothing satisfies them for long. They are restless, nervous (sleep). Often sleep on the abdomen or hands and knees. The use of drugs in children is very aggressive and

reactive, they can not remain still and nothing satisfies them. The child does not know what he wants and reacts disturbing and destructive. It does not want to talk

or be touched. He cries if he does not get his will, blows and kicks.

Citrus reticulata = Mandarin

Kind: Öl: ADHS;


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Hyperactivity with euphoria, everything is sees on the good side. Impulsive in extreme. Active and with exaggerated optimism. Children who can not sleep because

they have too much energy and want to play. Very good intentions, but also with rage and imprudence.

Cornus circinatus.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Indicated for those who do not want to think, read and work. They have an inability to concentrate on thoughts, they do not understand what they are reading.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Indicated for those who are intense, makes cartoons, are restless, in a hurry, and talkative. They have many fears, especially that someone is following them or to hear

footsteps behind them. They are afraid of being alone, spirits, ghosts, snakes, and may strike in a fit of rage. They resent and blame other children to get rid of problems.

Have dreams of hairy spiders.

Cupr-s.: If weakness of memory in an ADD child stems from lack of interest/unwillingness to pay adequate attention and poor memory in spite of ability.

Leading symptoms:

* strong-willed, but at the same time

* mentally lazy

Cupr-met.: (difficult to differentiate from Cupr-s.) TENSE with cramps/aversion of being touched/lassitude/sensitive to pain/restless/cold of feet/timid/dictatorial/> being carried/irritable/destructive/night terrors/loquacity. (Sacch)

Ephe-sinica.: ?brauchbar für ADHS?

Fenoterol = Partusisten wann Mutter Fenoterol als Wehenhemmer bekommen hat Quelle:


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Strong character and persistently fight, for their beliefs, have a lazy mind, with difficulty to collect their thoughts.

Gaertner.: = Darmnosode

Gall-ac.: ?brauchbar für ADHS? Rabiat/destruktiv. Symptome entwickeln, nachdem die Mutter nach der Geburt wieder arbeiten geht (Trennung von der engsten Bezugsperson)


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Feels stupid, can not face challenges in life, and whose mind is slow. Seems bored and unresponsive, often have a history of encephalitis or head injury, and have difficulty

memorizing or articulating thoughts. They have a tendency to despair and a strong aversion to make any effort, however, they get angry easily. They have been observed to

bite their spoon when eating without being aware of it, they have a history of fever +/o. head injuries.

Helo-s.: Gilatide (= peptide in saliva has shown effect in the treatment of Alzheimer/Diabetes/ADD)/improves memory and learning: Novel Nootropic (= smart drugs/memory enhancers/cognitive enhancers) Peptide (= Exenatide®).

* Hep.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Highly destructive (sadistic and they like to hurt, for which they have an instant genius). Fascinated by fire and firearms, and everything that can be useful to cause harm to living beings. He is intellectually brilliant, but he shows himself clumsy and with gestures of imbecility.

* Hyos.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Hyperactive with a very silly and ridiculous behavior, they laugh at everything (Cann-i.) and are reluctant to accept the rules and social conventions of their age.

Sarcastic or nasty jokes, constantly want to draw attention at all costs. There is not a tone of exhibitionism, only sexual, they take off your clothes and want to be naked. Sexual precocity.

Ict-f.: asthmatische Beschwerden durch Staub;

* Ign.:


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

All ages in which there is great concern and anxiety combined with violent impulses. Worse when not eating. The child can not sit still at any time. Bad humor and very irritable, doing everything wrong, sensitive and susceptible, does not admit any joke, thinks that they make fun of him.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Suitable for restless children, who always have to do something (hands), including activities such as throwing.


* Lach.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Extreme anxiety in children and all kinds of disturbances of public order. In childhood she is jealous, treacherous, selfish and very talkative. Great tendency to deception

and falsity. One of the most important remedies in girls who completely change their character as a result of puberty and adolescence, becoming cunning, treacherous and manipulative.

Lith-p.: [Frans Kusse] Lithium: impulsive, unstable, restless; cause: neglected by the parents. Phosphorus: communicative, social, sympathetic

Bij een zwakke ego-structuur wordt Lithium ingezet.

* Lyc.: Leading symptoms:

* boys

* clingy to their mothers but need validation from peers

* are afraid when alone and may sleep with a sibling to avoid being alone

* prefers to hide weaknesses,

* yet are ambitious, expecting a great deal of themselves or having the feeling that others do.

dictatorial behavior/want of self confidence/need of approbation/fear undertaking new things/sensiTIVE to pain/irritable and sad in the morning on waking/desires sweets/insatiable appetite, defiance, disobedience, insolence, unrefreshed sleep, restless while sitting. (Sacch) Moderate hyperactive, impulsive, taking the rather subliminal form of nervous unrest with attentional weakness due to metabolic weakness and inner nervous tension.

Parental expectations can be high (father). Supportive measures: Mill.-yarrow compresses on liver/adequate fluid intake and use of Hepatodoron. w:

Niedrigen Selbstwertgefühl versucht durch besonders wichtigtuerisches Verhalten zu kaschieren. Tyrannisiert Zuhause andere Familienmitglieder, während sie außerhalb des Hauses sogar zu Schüchternheit und einem besonders zuvorkommenden Verhalten neigen. Lycopodium bei ADHS tendency to bloating and constipation as well as a high amount of allergies/chronic stuffy nose.

DD.: Kinder, die unter dem Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom leiden, haben viele gemeinsame Symptome. So ist die verringerte Aufmerksamkeitsspanne typisch für ADHS und lässt sich bei allen Kindern mit diese Diagnose finden. Besonders bei den Kindern infrage, die zusätzlich zu dem Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom eine erhöhte Aggressivität und oppositionelles Verhalten aufweisen. Beide Typen verfügen über einen besonderen Mangel an Selbstwertgefühl und beide können sehr heftige Wutanfälle haben. Beide benötigen Anerkennung und sind schnell enttäuscht und entmutigt.

DD.: Anac. Fühlt sich von zwei Willen beherrscht/leidet unter extremen Stimmungsschwankungen.

Lyc. hauptsächlich damit beschäftigt, den eigenen niedrigen Selbstwert mit übertrieben angeberischem Verhalten zu kaschieren. (Zu) früh im Kindergarten gekommen.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Extreme lack of self-confidence, child is timid and coward, learn to manipulate and cheat to maintain an image of efficiency and value to others. Can’t show aggressive physical behavior, but tend to be difficult and deceptive with great skill, leading to manipulation or deceiving parents and teachers. Terrorizes other children using blackmail and psychological violence. Is too weak to expose their coldness and sadism to others. He needs power, recognition and the good opinion of others.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Bite, groan, snarl, scratch, act violently, but regret soon. They feel tormented and abandoned, as if they had suffered some evil. Child feels “As if they have been hurt or mistreated”. They often have a history of abuse and might be children of violent parents. They are self-destructive, with an impulse to reduce their self. They can be defensive,

“As if being attacked or insulted". A history of dog or animal bite (of mother?), and the behavior < the sound of water. May be afraid of water or reflected water, dogs,

small rooms. Can have craving for chocolate and salt and they suffer from enuresis.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Fears evil demons and being possessed, fears or obsession with evil can be created after watching a horror movie. May have delusional ideas that their soul has been surgically removed.

The child says that someone is taking things.



[Jean Lacomb]


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Great intelligence but with extreme hyperactivity, sometimes with destructive and impulsive criminality. Children and adolescents are able to pushing their parents and

the people around them to the limit. Strong impulses, especially of evil, in the end they destroy with the minimum effort. Very early in all respects, including emotional, intellectual and sexual. They want to try everything, and develop an unhealthy and exaggerated curiosity. Med. child, together with the Tub.-child the most disturbing

of Materia Medica.

Merc./Merc-v.: Inaccessible, restless.

Leading symptoms:

* children are “inaccessible” to the doctor,

* they get out of every rule, "slipping through" everywhere,

* they have a tendency to purulent inflammations,

* hyperactivity pronounced.


[Jean Lacombe]

8 year old Paul has an attention deficit, but the real problem is of a different kind. During the past year, his school scores have dropped dramatically. The child is often daydreaming, inattentive and even “lost”, according to his teacher, who suggests he visit a pediatrician and consider taking “Ritalin”. Paul’s parents had separated

18 months ago and that the child drowned his grief (and energy) in deep silence. Being more introverted than before and a few other symptoms, such as morning

headaches, his eyes dry quickly when he is in front of the computer screen, nail biting, all lead to a prescription of Natrum Mur. The child cried abundantly after

taking the remedy, and in the following weeks his energy and his smile returned and his school performance improved.

* Nux-v.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Children and adolescents instinctive, competitive and eager to enjoy. Very restless and mischievous children, primitive and react in an exaggerated way. Very

self-confident and bold, do not seem to generate fear or overwhelm, these children often demonstrate their leadership and are always positive and with great

confidence, but also tend to defy all kinds of rules and structures. They love to fight and are argumentative, passionate and react immediately to any circumstance.


Oxytocin.: Wann während Geburt gebraucht ist.

Passi.:  Mit Gaumenbeschwerden


Leading symptoms:

            * quickly exhausted mentally:

* headaches and thirst after school prone to allergic rhinitis (perennial) which in turn impairs their attention and concentration further.

* Phos.: ‡ Potentized phosphorus is not used by the authors for children with manifest hyperactivity, as this remedy very often has an aggravating action in ADD.

The situation is different in dominant attention deficit without hyperactivity.‡

Kind ganz allgemein langsam und energielos. Es fällt schwer eine Sache durchzuhalten oder bei einer Sache zu bleiben.

Ablenkbarkeit, das mangelnde Durchhaltevermögen und die kurze Phase der Begeisterung für eine Sache findet man auch beim Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom (ADHS). Welche Symptome und Verhaltensweisen bei ADHS deuten auf Phosphor hin? Schnell begeistert, schnell erschöpft. Erhöhte Begeisterungsfähigkeit, die zu einer schnellen Erschöpfung EMPfindsam gegen alle Reize und brauchen jeden Tag eine Phase für die Regeneration, in denen sie möglichst wenig Reizen ausgesetzt sind. Phosphor-Kinder Zeigen auch häufig starke Stimmungsschwankungen. Sie können in einem Moment fröhlich und ausgelassen sein und im nächsten Moment einen Wutanfall bekommen oder wegen einer Kleinigkeit herzzerreißend weinen.

Langsam im Begreifen, verkrampftes Schreiben: Im Gegensatz zur schnellen Begeisterungsfähigkeit und der raschen Erschöpfung steht das schwache Gedächtnis und das langsame Lernen. Kann allen Aktivitäten so ungeheuer lebhaft und schnell sein können, lernen extrem langsam. Sie sind häufig die Letzten in der Klasse, die noch an ihren Aufgaben sitzen. Häufig bekommen sie schlechte Noten, weil sie die Klassenarbeit nicht zu Ende geschrieben haben - einfach weil die Zeit um war, bevor sie fertig waren.

Beim Schreiben verkrampfen sie sich und strengen sich dadurch übermäßig an, was dazu führt, dass sie häufig mal den Stift weglegen müssen, um die Hand auszuruhen.

Auch dies trägt zu dem für Phosphor-Kinder typischen langsamen Arbeitstempo bei.

Überempfindlich gegen Außenreize: Ausgesprochen feines Gehör/gegen Licht und nehmen Gerüche stärker wahr, als andere Kinder. Die Überempfindlichkeit führt zu einer großen Gereiztheit. Dies kann soweit gehen dass die Phosphor-Kinder Wutanfälle wegen geringfügiger Frustrationen bekommen. Der Geist ist meistens überaktiv und kommt auch abends schlecht zur Ruhe.

Auf der körperlichen Ebene macht sich viel früher eine gewisse Erschöpfung bemerkbar. Phos.-Kinder haben Angst in der Dunkelheit und vor Gewitter. Es ist als würden

sie die elektrische Aufladung der Luft spüren und das würde ihnen Unbehagen bereiten.

[Jean Lacombe]

A mother has come for consultation with her 11 year old boy diagnosed by his teacher as having an attention deficit disorder. The consultation reveals, a disturbing fact:

this bright young man is the best student in his class! Maybe he is a little too enthusiastic and effervescent. However, it is clear that young Jonathan does not need a long explanation to get the point. As soon as he gets what his teacher is about, his interest shifts to something else. A few further questions (yes, he loves fish, he is often thirsty,

his hands are warm, his imagination is prolific and sometimes when he is too excited his nose bleeds) and a prescription of Phosphorus 200 k will “sedate” the boiling energy

of this little genius who, certainly , never suffered from attention deficit disorder!

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Usually charming, warm, empathetic and sociable, his big problem is the total lack of limits. These children are slow to recognize the limitations of their age, to respect the guidelines and distinguish ideals and dreams from reality. Often, they are too naive and impulsive, and is difficult for them to assume responsibility and discipline.

In some cases (adolescence), they might be very apathetic and reluctant to any physical activity. It costs them a lot to get out of their comfort zone.Pip-m.:


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Insecure, unstable, flirtatious, arrogant and contemptuous (women), abandoned and without love, with the need to reconnect with people, but they have the illusion that others are physically and mentally inferior, yet they have feelings of failure, rejection and lack of confidence. These children want to look good, and can be quite blunt, young people sending a sexual message and tend to be jealous of other women. These children can be emotionally blocked, they tend to live in the past. They may have strong feelings of anger, indignation and paranoia.

They can have aggressive and overwhelming impulses that provoke the most severe depression and states of confusion # indescribable happiness, laughing at the saddest,

then unbearably sad, desperate and scared by any serious thought. They need emotion or melodrama, they can be very restless children who can not stay in one place and

can experience marked anxiety with tremor, palpitations, as well as oppressed and violent breathing.

* Puls.:

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Insecure, unstable, flirtatious, arrogant and contemptuous (women), abandoned and without love, with the need to reconnect with people, but they have the illusion that others are physically and mentally inferior, yet they have feelings of failure, rejection and lack of confidence. These children want to look good, and can be quite blunt, young people sending a sexual message and tend to be jealous of other women. These children can be emotionally blocked, they tend to live in the past. They may have strong feelings of anger, indignation and paranoia.

They can have aggressive and overwhelming impulses that provoke the most severe depression and states of confusion # indescribable happiness, laughing at the saddest,

then unbearably sad, desperate and scared by any serious thought. They need emotion or melodrama, they can be very restless children who can not stay in one place and

can experience marked anxiety with tremor, palpitations, as well as oppressed and violent breathing.

Rhus-t.: > Bewegung

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Hyperactivity manifested in its most physical form. Excess of energy, but of a physical nature: they can not stop moving, also when sleeping, although it is often involuntary or unconscious. They also tend to repetitive or routine activities, and it costs them a lot to change the direction of their habits and attitudes.


Sacch.: DESIRES sweets/Angst verlassen zu werden/eifersüchtig/quengeln/(Cand. = Sacch + chronisch?)

Sanic.:                         .

Homoeopathic Secretin.: [Tony Pinkus]


ADHS Selenium Homacord Heel (= D10, D15, D30, and D200 potencies)

* Sep.:

* Sil.: Plumbum silicicum.

Spenglersan T

* Staph.:

* Stram.: Split between anxiety and aggression/aggressive behaviour.

Leading symptoms:

* child generally displays adapted behavior in the consultation room, but avoids eye contact or a direct meeting; shies away out of apparent uncertainty and anxiety; may stutter; acute illness may take an intense course leading to spasms of the respiratory tract.

* in the home, anxiety is also noticed by the parents at bedtime (needs light when falling asleep/fear of being alone)

* paired with sudden, unmediated aggressivity that may be quite intense (like Bell), but the child is less aware of it/the adapted side knows nothing of the uncontrolled, aggressive side, resulting in a Dr. Jekill-and-Mr.-Hyde type of split: the nerve-sense and metabolic-limb systems become dissociated (Anac)

* attention is more impaired than in Bell.

Forsaken feeling with ANXiety/fear of being alone at night obliging the parents to stay with the child until it sleeps (again)/clinging to the mother/ceaseless talking/THIRST/violence/violent rage/painlessness of usually painful complaints/jealous/restless/running about. (Sacch)

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Extreme destructive impulses, very reactive. They destroy systematically and with great violence. This medicine is probably the most destructive and violent of all; the child has a crisis of uncontrollable rage, in which it seems to be possessed, with loss of all conscious control and will. They are very fearful children: darkness, loneliness, animals. Night terrors with terrible spasms and screams, with exaggerated fears after waking up, when they still believe to see what appeared in their dream. Indicated in child with serious behavioral disorders and a history of abuse or medication.

* Sulph.: as a mineral completely combustible/its elemental form is involved in numerous metabolic processes/released by volcanoes from whence it enters the biosphere, always has to do with life and movement in nature. Potentized sulphur has a fundamental regulating action when the metabolic-limb system and the will-life associated with it gain too much independence from the soul life. Dominance of the metabolism; egocentric.

Leading symptoms:

            * a remedy for boys

* body build tends to be slender; pronounced postural weakness

* intelligent but lazy. Seeks out disputes, likes to argue. Absorbs much in school despite chatting and appearing uninterested.

* socially awkward, makes hurtful remarks, puts off others with arbitrary self-centered behavior; at the same time naive and gullible (these children are not really hard to understand)

* handwriting nearly illegible, notebook disorderly, e.g. may be spotted with fat; child cannot (and will not) keep order; possessions are quickly broken (= high material "turnover rate”)

* typically display intolerable behavior when hungry, improving immediately eating; craving for sweet foods/tendency to hypoglycemic phases in the 2nd seven-year period with behavior problems markedly increasing in late morning (around 11 h).

Medical history may show multiple allergies/descending respiratory infections (treated with antibiotics)/attention should be given to possible disturbance of intestinal flora (candidiasis). Eating a sufficiently sturdy breakfast (oak flakes)

Meist überdurchschnittlich intelligent, haben eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe, interessieren sich für viele verschiedene Dinge und strengen sich nicht gerne an.

Ungeduldig, haben wenig Ausdauer und haben wenig Respekt vor Autoritäten und deren Regeln. Stellen lieber eigene Regeln auf und wollen, dass andere sich danach richten. Sind im Gegensatz zu Lycopodium-Kindern nicht daran interessiert die Macht zu haben. Sie denken einfach, dass ihre Sicht der Dinge besser ist und sind geborene Anführer.

Lässt man ihnen ihren Willen und richtet sich nach ihnen, sind sie sehr engagiert und hilfsbereit. Sulfur-Kinder umgeben sich gerne mit jüngeren Kindern, weil diese ihnen und ihren Ideen häufiger folgen. Wenn ein Sulfur-Kind ADHS hat, ist die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne vermindert. Hyperaktiv/impulsiv. Seine vielen Interessen führen zu einer erhöhten Ablenkbarkeit und dem Problem etwas durchzuhalten.

Das eigentlich perfektionistische Kind, das alles sehr, sehr gut machen will, lässt aufgrund der mangelnden Ausdauer alles schleifen. Das Zimmer gleicht einer Müllhalde. Saubere und dreckige Sachen liegen durcheinander. Oft kann man das Zimmer eines sulfurischen Kindes überhaupt nicht mehr betreten. Die Schulhefte sind ausgefranst. Häufig hat das Kind auch gar nicht alle Sachen, die es braucht mit, wenn es in der Schule ankommt. Das Hausaufgabenheft hat es verloren, aber es ist nicht beunruhigt davon. Es kann sich ja an alles erinnern, was es aufhatte. Oder es beschließt die Hausaufgaben schnell am nächsten Tag vor der Schule zu machen. Aber irgendwann kann auch ein überdurchschnittlich intelligentes Kind, die Defizite in der Lernorganisation nicht mehr ausgleichen.

Dann muss sich auch ein Sulfur-Kind anstrengen, um weiter gute Schulleistungen zu zeigen und hier liegt oft der Knackpunkt an dem es zu einem Einknicken der Leistungskurve kommt und die Eltern mit dem Kind eine homöopathische Behandlung aufsuchen.

Egozentrisch, ungeduldig und selbstüberschätzend: Egozentrisch und selbstbewusst wie das Sulfur-Kind häufig ist, wird es sich auch in der Behandlungssituation nicht die Butter vom Brot nehmen lassen.

Es steht gerne im Mittelpunkt und stellt sich und seine Heldentaten in blumigen Worten dar. Es zögert nicht dem Behandler seine großartigen Ansichten und Gedanken über die Welt mitzuteilen. Der körperlichen Untersuchung gegenüber kann ein Sulfur-Kind allerdings sehr skeptisch stehen.

Es zeigt sich nicht gerne anderen und ist hier eher schamhaft und schüchtern. Fragt man die Eltern nach körperlichen Beschwerden des Kindes, hört man, dass es häufig Verdauungsbeschwerden mit Blähungen hat. Auch häufig Hauterkrankungen. Diese Jucken stark und < Waschen. Generell mögen Sulfur-Kinder kein Wasser. Es kann ein großer Kampf sein, dass sie sich überhaupt einmal am Tag waschen.

Sulphur = der zerstreute Professor o. der Anführer:

Type 1.: tüftelt ständig über selbst ausgedachten Projekten. Er ist perfektionistisch und begeisterungsfähig. Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen gestalten sich schwierig, weil diese ihm bei seinen hochtrabenden Ideen nicht folgen können und lieber einfache Spiele spielen. Häufig ist dieses Kind ein Einzelgänger oder es sammelt eine Schar von jüngeren Kindern um sich, die ihm Bewunderung zollen und bedingungslos folgen.

Type 2.: der Anführer (DD.: Lyc./Nux-v.). Praktisch veranlagt, hält sich nur an die eigenen Regeln und ist der geborene Anführer. Ständig hat er tolle Ideen, was man machen könnte und vor allem wie man etwas machen könnte. Gelingt es ihm eine Gruppe zu bilden, die seine Ideen akzeptiert und mitmacht, kann er zu einem stabilen Freundeskreis kommen, was für ADHS-Kinder eher ungewöhnlich ist.

Ein Sulfur-Kind muss lernen sich zu organisieren, sich einzufügen und Autoritäten zu akzeptieren. Das ist nicht immer so einfach. Wenn das homöopathische Mittel Sulfur, das richtige Konstitutionsmittel für ein Kind ist, wird dieses Kind eine größere Anstrengungsbereitschaft entwickeln und sich selbst im Laufe der Behandlung besser steuern können. Es wird lernen vor dem Handeln nachzudenken und die Belange und Empfindlichkeiten von anderen Menschen stärker in sein Handeln mit einzubeziehen.

Die motorische Unruhe wird zurückgehen und die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne wird sich erhöhen. Ein Sulfur-Kind wird natürlich immer ein wenig egozentrischer sein als andere und es wird seine eigenen Ideen haben, wie eine Sache anzugehen ist. Ist es aber mit sich im Gleichgewicht, kann es darüber hinaus auch mal das machen, was ein anderer von ihm verlangt und gegenüber herrschenden Regeln einsichtiger sein.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Selfish child. They try to control feelings with the mind, hate being afraid, “As if being despised”, have delusional ideas that they have fallen out of grace, are dirty and ragged, but think that they look good. These children can be lost in their thoughts, distracted, forgetful, lose things, have visions, are full of theories and dreams, love science fiction, can be a loner, with lack of social skills, prefer computers, reading, mechanical things.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

As with all nosodes, they tend to be a psychopath or sociopath. Fascinated by issues related to death, the deterioration of life and the darker side of the human condition.

Very intelligent, but serious difficulties to really integrate into society. He is very withdrawn, sad, morbid in tastes, thoughts of death, illness and degradation.

Without being truly sadistic he may be obsessed with causing harm or pain to other living beings, or have unhealthy or destructive uncontrollable impulses from an early

age. All combined with great intelligence or creativity, or on the contrary, a true intellectual decline combined with very damaging impulses.

Tarant-h.: Extreme, destructive hyperactivity, overwhelming urge to move.

DD.: Tub. susceptibility to infections/acts in a more skillfull, controlled and considered manner/capable of deceiving adults; exerts an exciting action on the rhythmic system/suitable for girls and boys with pronounced constitutional ADHD/appear constitutionally strong and have inexhaustible energy which enables them to blithely ignore

all inner and outer obstacles, as shown by visits:

Leading symptoms:

* they like to dance and climb

* they can behave deviously and even deceitfully, stealing and breaking things

* they are constantly asking for attention

* reprimands are manifestly pointless and make no impression on these children

* they may be subject to fear of spiders and insects

* in the respiratory realm one sometimes notes the development of stuttering and asthma

Neben den pflanzlichen und mineralischen homöopathischen Mitteln, werden bei der Behandlung von Kindern, die unter ADHS leiden, auch tierische Mittel angewandt.

Sie sind besonders dann indiziert, wenn die Kinder auch ein so genanntes oppositionelles Verhalten zeigen. Die erhöhte Impulsivität und die Hyperaktivität sind in diesen Fällen besonders stark ausgeprägt. Ein schier unbegrenztes Energiereservoir. Selbst wenn sie krank sind, sind sie aktiv und wollen möglichst keine Minute im Bett verbringen. Ihren Energieüberschuss müssen sie allerdings fast ständig abreagieren.

Eine besonders starke Beeindruckbarkeit und Erregbarkeit führt dann aber zu einer Reizüberflutung, infolge dessen es zu Beschwerden kommen kann.

Wie alle Spinnenmittel in der Homöopathie sind auch die Tarentula-Kinder extrem schnell. (Hyperaktiv/impulsiv/manipulative) Sie bewegen sich nicht nur schnell, sie reagieren auch sehr schnell. Sie haben eine extrem schnelle Auffassungsgabe und sie sprechen schnell. Manche von ihnen essen auch extrem schnell und wenn sie krank werden, passiert dies meist aus völliger Gesundheit. Die Symptome können sehr heftig sein. Alle möglichen Formen von Chorea.

Tarantula-Kinder sind wild und aggressiv. Es gibt wohl kaum ein Kind, das nie über die Strenge schlägt, dass sich nie daneben benimmt oder mal nicht zu bremsen ist.

Diese Wildheit allerdings das normale Maß. Eltern, die ein Tarentula-Kind haben, sind sehr angestrengt und wissen kaum noch, wie sie das Kind bändigen sollen. Manchmal kommt es zu regelrechten Drohszenarien, einfach weil das Kind über eine so starke Energie verfügt, der die Eltern nicht anders beikommen können. Auslöser ist eine Überreizung der Nerven. Die nervliche Überreiztheit drängt zur Entladung. Häufig sucht und findet ein Tarentula-Kind ein Ventil in der Bewegung: Tanzen, Turnen oder Laufen.

Tarentula-Kinder können extrem ehrgeizig sein und ihre Konkurrenten bedingungslos bekämpfen. Auf der anderen Seite sind sie auch anhänglich und können sehr tierlieb sein.

Manchmal als hinterhältig, boshaft und manipulativ beschrieben. Sie wissen wie sie andere Menschen für ihre Zwecke einsetzen können und spielen auch manchmal die Eltern gegeneinander aus. Tatsächlich scheinen sie so eine Art siebten Sinn für die Schwächen von anderen Menschen zu haben und unter bestimmten Bedingungen zögern sie auch nicht, diesen siebten Sinn einzusetzen Ihre intensive Gefühlswelt und das große Maß an Energie über das sie verfügen, lässt sie unter Umständen auch dumme oder gefährliche Dinge unternehmen. Sie tun das aber selten um andere zu provozieren oder auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Vielmehr wissen sie nicht wie sie ihre innere Erregung wieder loswerden können.

Durch ihr Übermaß an Energie sind sie jederzeit bereit alles zu geben. Sie können sich ganz intensiv einer Sache widmen und verlieren diese auch selten aus den Augen. Ihr Problem liegt hauptsächlich im Bereich der Impulsivität und die große motorische Unruhe macht ihnen zu schaffen. Werden sie dann beispielsweise in der Schule in ihrem Bewegungsdrang eingeengt, reagieren sie drohend und aggressiv. Es kann sogar soweit gehen, dass sie Lehrer und Erzieher beschimpfen oder angreifen. Nimmt die motorische Unruhe überhand, kann es auch zu Konzentrationsstörungen kommen. Einfach weil sich diese Kinder immer bewegen müssen, um ihr Erregungspotential wieder abzubauen.

Ein Tarantula-Kind wird nie ein ganz ruhiges Kind werden, aber seine Lebhaftigkeit und emotionale Ansprechbarkeit wird sich nicht mehr negativ auf sich selbst und die Umwelt auswirken.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Overwhelmingly preoccupied and very destructive, they become criminals. Impatient, precipitate, intolerant and, above all, they seem to have more energy. Do not seem to need sleep, they can spend whole nights due to intense physical and mental activity, without showing any fatigue. They are very intelligent and make disparaging jokes.

They easily get out of control, anything leads to violence, they are children who start playing seriously and end up hurting others. They like bright colors and rhythmic music.


[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Eager to make everything a secret and due to the suspicion of his mind and the degree of systematic paranoia, can develop an obsessive, ritualistic, superstitious or manic behavior.

Adolescents are obsessed with the notion of being ugly, inadequate or obesity, with a tendency to isolate themselves from society and everything that is involved.

Tub.: Extreme, destructive hyperactivity, susceptibility to infections. DD.: Tarant. overwhelming urge to move/typically follow their own impulses thoughtlessly;

Physically one very often notes a chronic susceptibility of the respiratory passages (middle ear/lungs);

Leading symptoms:

* cold-blooded destructiveness: No object of value is safe from these children; without qualms they will smash a beautiful vase before the eyes of its owner,

or a friend's toys, or one of their own favorite possessions.

* punishments have no effect at all

* they are highly intelligent and in many cases artistically disposed

* they are unable to remain in one place for long and love to travel. Alternating moods/malicious/aggressive and destructive/irritable in morning on waking/dissatisfied/SWEAT during sleep/chronic colds/desires sweets/salt/milk;

Thirst for large quantities/ravenous appetite/restless/impulse to run/capricious/malicious/irritable/strikes/obstinate/anxious at night/bed wetting. (Sacch).

Eile und Schwäche. Ein Mensch, der Tuberculinum braucht, wird gerne verglichen mit einer Kerze, die an beiden Enden brennt. Das Leben rast in einer irrsinnigen Geschwindigkeit und der tuberculinische Mensch rast auch. Nie scheint er Zeit zu haben. Nie kann er ausruhen. Immer ist er auf der Suche nach einem Kick und nach einer noch stärkeren Intensität des Augenblicks.

Die drei Bereiche einer ADHS-Störung, die Ablenkbarkeit, die Impulsivität und die Hyperaktivität gehören quasi von vorn herein zum homöopathischen Mittelbild von Tub. Die Schwäche, die Angst, das Leben nicht in seiner ganzen Breite und Tiefe erfassen zu können, das Gefühl immer zu wenig Zeit zu haben, führen bei einem tuberkulinischen Menschen zu einer großen motorischen Unruhe, zu einer starken Impulsivität und zu einer erhöhten Ablenkbarkeit.

Das innere Getriebensein: Wenn man sich einen Menschen vorstellt, der an Tuberkulose erkrankt ist und keine Medikamente zur Hand hat, um die Krankheit zu stoppen, kann man sich gut vorstellen wie ein tuberkulinischer Mensch sich fühlt. Das Wissen darum, eine tödliche Krankheit zu haben, und der Drang noch möglichst viel erleben zu wollen, führen dazu, dass man möglichst viel in möglichst kurzer Zeit schaffen möchte.

Will immerzu unterwegs sein. Wenn Sie auf Reisen sind, fühlen sie sich wohl. Schon bei kleinen Kindern, die eine tuberculinische Vorbelastung mitbringen, fällt auf, dass sie sich auf Reisen viel wohler fühlen als zuhause. Natürlich zeigt sich dieses Getriebensein später im Schulalter auch auf der geistigen Ebene.

Kind: geistig wach und körperliche schwach: kann sehr intelligent sein und viele Dinge gleichzeitig lernen und bewältigen. Selten sind sie mit nur einer Sache beschäftigt, und selten fesselt etwas sie länger als 5 Minuten. Zu groß ist der innere Drang sich schon wieder dem nächsten interessanten Gegenstand zuzuwenden, das nächste Buch zu lesen oder das nächste Spiel anzufangen.

Meist haben sie bereits in der Kindheit mit asthmatischen Beschwerden oder chronischer Bronchitis zu tun. Sie sind körperlich schwach, geistig aber sehr wach und interessiert. Ihre geistige Wachheit kann zu Einschlafproblemen führen. Das Gefühl der eigenen Schwäche, kann zu Wutausbrüchen und Gewalttätigkeiten führen.

Kein o. wenig Respekt vor Autoritäten. Während das im Elternhaus zwar ärgerlich ist aber für das Tuberculinum-Kind häufig noch nicht zu größeren Problemen führt, kann das in der Schule ganz anders aussehen. Ein Tuberculinum-Kind hat schon aufgrund seines gut entwickelten Intellekts genügend Gründe mit den Lehrern in Konflikte zu geraten, weil es vieles besser weiß, schon mal woanders gelesen oder gehört hat, oder einfach das Gefühl hat, es besser zu wissen.

Der mangelnde Respekt, den es aber grundsätzlich jeder Autorität gegenüber zeigt, führt dazu, dass es in der Schule - trotz einer möglicherweise herausragenden Intelligenz - unbeliebt ist. Die Folge davon ist, dass es sich in der Schule nicht wohl fühlt und so schnell wie möglich versucht, die Schule zu verlassen.

Die erhöhte Ablenkbarkeit kann durch das homöopathische Mittel Tuberculinum reduziert werden und die Kinder lernen länger bei einer Sache zu bleiben. Die Differenz zwischen körperlicher Schwäche und geistiger Überaktivität gleicht sich mit zunehmender Behandlungsdauer Stück für Stück aus.++++

[Jean Lacombe]

Hyperactivity and Diet

Kevin is a Mister Dynamo. If his uncontrollable energy could be directed in to a different channel, it could illuminate half the city of Paris. But now Kevin is 6 years old and his teacher cannot bear with this hyperactive child anymore. Kevin’s young father wanted to avoid him taking chemical drugs, but admitted not knowing what to do with his child. The consultation revealed that Kevin`s consumption of sweet food could be recorded in the “Guinness” record book! Subject to frequent colds and flu, sunken eyes, deformed nails , Kevin’s hyperactivity would attenuate after a few doses of Tuberculinum 200 k and a change his regime (Diet). Would Ritalin or any other chemical product of this kind address the cause of Kevin`s problem?

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Very bright and brilliant mind, but with a great dissatisfaction is the key to this homeopathic remedy. It is highly destructive, unbalanced in any environment, everything alters, the children are able to devastate the entire family unit. He always wants something different, changes, gets rid of what he has and when he can not do it continuously, he tends to destroy everything around him. The desire to wander. Violent temperament with great cruelty to animals and even other children. The happiness of others deeply upsets him as he does not see any reason to feel full and satisfied, wherefore he boycotts the joy of others, even at the expense of his own integrity.

Valer als Baldrianöl

Verat.: root well-developed in the lily family permeats with a powerful toxic process that causes metabolic collapse in a human being/over-excitability; circulatory and Physically one very often notes a chronic susceptibility of the respiratory passages (middle ear/lungs);

Leading symptoms:

* cold-blooded destructiveness: No object of value is safe from these children; without qualms they will smash a beautiful vase before the eyes of its owner,

or a friend's toys, or one of their own favorite possessions.

* punishments have no effect at all

* they are highly intelligent and in many cases artistically disposed

* they are unable to remain in one place for long and love to travel. Alternating moods/malicious/aggressive and destructive/irritable in morning on waking/dissatisfied/SWEAT during sleep/chronic colds/desires sweets/salt/milk;

Thirst for large quantities/ravenous appetite/restless/impulse to run/capricious/malicious/irritable/strikes/obstinate/anxious at night/bed wetting. (Sacch).

Eile und Schwäche. Ein Mensch, der Tuberculinum braucht, wird gerne verglichen mit einer Kerze, die an beiden Enden brennt. Das Leben rast in einer irrsinnigen Geschwindigkeit und der tuberculinische Mensch rast auch. Nie scheint er Zeit zu haben. Nie kann er ausruhen. Immer ist er auf der Suche nach einem Kick und nach einer noch stärkeren Intensität des Augenblicks.

Die drei Bereiche einer ADHS-Störung, die Ablenkbarkeit, die Impulsivität und die Hyperaktivität gehören quasi von vorn herein zum homöopathischen Mittelbild von Tub. Die Schwäche, die Angst, das Leben nicht in seiner ganzen Breite und Tiefe erfassen zu können, das Gefühl immer zu wenig Zeit zu haben, führen bei einem tuberkulinischen Menschen zu einer großen motorischen Unruhe, zu einer starken Impulsivität und zu einer erhöhten Ablenkbarkeit.

Das innere Getriebensein: Wenn man sich einen Menschen vorstellt, der an Tuberkulose erkrankt ist und keine Medikamente zur Hand hat, um die Krankheit zu stoppen, kann man sich gut vorstellen wie ein tuberkulinischer Mensch sich fühlt. Das Wissen darum, eine tödliche Krankheit zu haben, und der Drang noch möglichst viel erleben zu wollen, führen dazu, dass man möglichst viel in möglichst kurzer Zeit schaffen möchte.

Will immerzu unterwegs sein. Wenn Sie auf Reisen sind, fühlen sie sich wohl. Schon bei kleinen Kindern, die eine tuberculinische Vorbelastung mitbringen, fällt auf, dass sie sich auf Reisen viel wohler fühlen als zuhause. Natürlich zeigt sich dieses Getriebensein später im Schulalter auch auf der geistigen Ebene.

Kind: geistig wach und körperliche schwach: kann sehr intelligent sein und viele Dinge gleichzeitig lernen und bewältigen. Selten sind sie mit nur einer Sache beschäftigt, und selten fesselt etwas sie länger als 5 Minuten. Zu groß ist der innere Drang sich schon wieder dem nächsten interessanten Gegenstand zuzuwenden, das nächste Buch zu lesen oder das nächste Spiel anzufangen.

Meist haben sie bereits in der Kindheit mit asthmatischen Beschwerden oder chronischer Bronchitis zu tun. Sie sind körperlich schwach, geistig aber sehr wach und interessiert. Ihre geistige Wachheit kann zu Einschlafproblemen führen. Das Gefühl der eigenen Schwäche, kann zu Wutausbrüchen und Gewalttätigkeiten führen.

Kein o. wenig Respekt vor Autoritäten. Während das im Elternhaus zwar ärgerlich ist aber für das Tuberculinum-Kind häufig noch nicht zu größeren Problemen führt, kann das in der Schule ganz anders aussehen. Ein Tuberculinum-Kind hat schon aufgrund seines gut entwickelten Intellekts genügend Gründe mit den Lehrern in Konflikte zu geraten, weil es vieles besser weiß, schon mal woanders gelesen oder gehört hat, oder einfach das Gefühl hat, es besser zu wissen.

Der mangelnde Respekt, den es aber grundsätzlich jeder Autorität gegenüber zeigt, führt dazu, dass es in der Schule -trotz einer möglicherweise herausragenden Intelligenz- unbeliebt ist. Die Folge davon ist, dass es sich in der Schule nicht wohl fühlt und so schnell wie möglich versucht, die Schule zu verlassen.

Die erhöhte Ablenkbarkeit kann durch das homöopathische Mittel Tuberculinum reduziert werden und die Kinder lernen länger bei einer Sache zu bleiben. Die Differenz zwischen körperlicher Schwäche und geistiger Überaktivität gleicht sich mit zunehmender Behandlungsdauer Stück für Stück aus.++++

[Jean Lacombe]

Hyperactivity and Diet

Kevin is a Mister Dynamo. If his uncontrollable energy could be directed in to a different channel, it could illuminate half the city of Paris. But now Kevin is 6 years old and his teacher cannot bear with this hyperactive child anymore. Kevin’s young father wanted to avoid him taking chemical drugs, but admitted not knowing what to do with his child. The consultation revealed that Kevin`s consumption of sweet food could be recorded in the “Guinness” record book! Subject to frequent colds and flu, sunken eyes, deformed nails , Kevin’s hyperactivity would attenuate after a few doses of Tuberculinum 200 k and a change his regime (Diet). Would Ritalin or any other chemical product of this kind address the cause of Kevin`s problem?

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

Very bright and brilliant mind, but with a great dissatisfaction is the key to this homeopathic remedy. It is highly destructive, unbalanced in any environment, everything alters, the children are able to devastate the entire family unit. He always wants something different, changes, gets rid of what he has and when he can not do it continuously, he tends to destroy everything around him. The desire to wander. Violent temperament with great cruelty to animals and even other children. The happiness of others deeply upsets him as he does not see any reason to feel full and satisfied, wherefore he boycotts the joy of others, even at the expense of his own integrity.

The gesture of these children is one of boundless overflowing sympathy.

Leading symptoms:           

* wanting to grasp, touch, hug and kiss everything

* feeling very nervous and inwardly driven

* show a pronounced liking for sour food (which stimulates astral activity in the digestion)

* strong motoric activity with tendency to cool extremities and quickly developing peripheral cyanosis

* at the same time they show a liking for cold foods (symptom cold characteristic of all effects)

* intense abdominal colics, vomiting, diarrhea and (in girls) dysmenorrhea + circulatory weakness and coldness all show that the soul organization (astral

 body) does not "feel at home" in this area and cannot integrate positively with the metabolic-limb organization

Überaktiv und ruhelos. External applications (kidneys) application of Kupfer-Salbe (rot) wa/Cuprum met. 0.4% Ointment w at night in the kidney region to stimulate spasmolysis and more harmonious interaction of soul and body in the circulation and metabolism.

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

The hyperactive child of this remedy is boundless, never remains still, thinks that he can perform several tasks at the same time. Strong dreamer, live in their fantasies while they are in constant activity, which leads to confuse the real with the imaginary. Stubbornly and perpetually active, but not necessarily destructive. Can feel special, arrogant and contemptuous. Child sleeps very little and it seems that they are never completely connected to the surrounding reality.

Zinc-met.: impairments of the CNS/prior injury to nervous system (extremely premature birth/convulsive disorders)/child gives the impression of having a neurological inhibition deficit. Skill deficits prominently evident.

Leading symptoms:

* very easily distracted, fidgety and restless

* memory weak and judgment uncertain

* over-excited states # stuporous inactivity

* make frequent mistakes speaking and writing

* subject to the familiar „restless legs” syndrome (Zinc-val.) (in bed before sleep).


"The child that is brought in for ADD may most likely be confused for Cann-i., Bar-c. or Hell. The child has two sides to herself. She is ritualistic, liking to wear the same clothes, eat the same foods or mimic certain people. She also has a contrasting side; she appears to be very free, easily transitioning from one event to another going along

with any suggestion and, 'being so mellow that she is not with the program.' When you ask the parents what they mean, they explain, 'She misses a lot of her day. It's like she is dreaming. It's like she has some idea and is so into it that she misses what's going on around her.’

[Luz Elena Elvira De la Torre]

The great picture of hyperactivity will often mask the true one of mental retardation. Children with great anxiety and restlessness that lead them to annoy others without control. Great irritability and sensitivity.

Definition and Basic Therapy

Today this concept embraces early childhood brain function disorders/learning disorders/attention deficit disorders in the narrow sense; the concept of ADD without hyperactivity is “problematic” as to its scientific validity.

* constitutionally slow development

* seasonally decreased concentration due to light deficiency (winter)

* disorders of the senses and the nerve-sense system (classical “competency deficit” disorders)

* disorders affecting drive / will life

* over-demand by school or parents (inaccurate estimation of child’s developmental needs)

as well as the aspects mentioned initially as having significance in DD.: Another important element is that the unusual behavior is continual and does arise reactively. At the same time excessive academic demand can become manifest in a relatively acute way, after a school change. Premature children born before the 32nd week of pregnancy often present a spotty nerve-sense competency picture that defies easy classification;

they frequently have difficulties integrating and processing their perceptions, while quite often there is also a short attention span with a metabolic background.

Coff.: for children with simple ADD without hyperactivity/can improve attention and concentration while avoiding the undesirable effects of substantial stimulants.


* the children appear absent, "spaced out"

* sensory impressions are insufficiently processed (disorders of central perception processing)

* intelligence may be impaired, possibly as a result of inflammatory and traumatic pathologies of the CNS

* no hyperactivity is present, but symptoms are aggravated from anticipation anxiety (e.g. exam anxiety)

* memory is weak; the children have trouble to memorize

Phos.: contrasting with ADD/ADHD/can aggravate in ADD/ADHD/is the type of the intellectually bright child who tends to be delicate and mobile by constitution, sanguine by temperament and empathetic by nature/have a basic tendency towards distractibility/attention and concentration problems set in primarily during the light-deprived season, then more susceptible to infections (respiratory passages)/causes often an aggravating action in ADD/ADHD.

The situation is different in dominant attention deficit without hyperactivity. Suited in attention and concentration disorders without Hyperactivity (ADD) (Competency and Learning Disorders)

Diskussion aus einem Forum:           

Re: Neurofeedback-Training??? Meinungen dazu?!

« Antworten #2 am: November 13, 2010, 21:11:47 »

Soviel ich weiß, wird Neurofeedback ambulant nicht von den Kassen übernommen. Im Allgemeinen trifft so etwas Therapien, die ihre Wirksamkeit noch (?) nicht ausreichend unter Beweiß stellen konnten.

Im Rahmen stationärer Therapiekonzepte, etwa einer Reha, wird Neurofeedback angeboten, ohne das man das selbst zahlen müsste. Mein Sohn kam bereits vor knapp 4 Jahren in den Genuss von Neurofeedback, soviel zu "neue Methode". Vor gut einem Jahr noch mal. Den Effekt von Neurofeedback allein kann ich dabei nicht beurteilen, zusammen mit der Medikation war aber die Reha insgesamt mit ihrem vielfältigen und intensiven Therapieangebot in beiden Fällen ein voller Erfolg.

Eine meiner Töchter bekam auch im Rahmen einer Reha Neurofeedback. Laut Abschlussbericht soll sie (in Tests gemessen) davon profitiert haben. ADS-Medikamente nimmt sie keine. Einen bleibenden Erfolg kann ich nicht feststellen. Vielleicht hätte es durch eine ambulante Fortsetzung bzw. regelmäßige Auffrischung mehr gebracht.

Besonders begeistert waren meine Kinder von dieser Therapie nicht, ist zwar anstrengend, aber vor allem langweilig.

Die Idee des Neurofeedback als ein Training der willkürlichen Steuerung der Aufmerksamkeit finde ich gut. Seriös gemacht mit einem EEG, das wirklich den Aufmerksamkeitszustand zurückmeldet und in die Spielsteuerung einbringt (Es gibt auch "vereinfachte" Varianten, die den Patienten nichts bringen aber für Anbieter wirtschaftlich interessanter sind) dürfte das einen Effekt haben.)

Schwierig bleibt der Transfer der so trainierten Fähigkeiten in den Alltag.

Vergessen kann man es, wenn es als "Neurofeedback statt Ritalin" beworben wird. Das ist nur Marketing durch Angstmache. Würde es so gut wirken, könnte es Medikamente auch ohne solches Marketing überflüssig machen, allein durch seine Wirkung.

Daniel, kannst du bitte deine Erfahrungen etwas näher beschreiben, ich kriege das gerade nicht mit dem Neurofeedback zusammen, wie ich es kenne. Wie wurdest du beim Neurofeedback mit bestimmten Themen konfrantiert, wie hat es dir dein Inneres gezeigt und woran du noch arbeiten musst? Bist du dir sicher, das nicht mit Psychotherapie zu verwechseln?



« Antworten #3 am: November 16, 2010, 15:33:47 »

Hallo, ich bin noch neu hier möchte aber gleich bei euch einsteigen :breitgrinse1:. Also mein Sohn ist jetzt seit ein paar Wochen beim Neurofeedback und ich muss sagen ihm gefällt das sehr gut. Ich bezahle für diese Behandlung nichts ( sie ist ambulant) und sie findet einmal in der Woche statt. Bis jetzt möchte ich behaupten, das es nützt. Mein kleiner Mann ist immer ganz stolz auf seine Leistung und merkt auch von mal zu mal das er besser wird.

Ich würde es jedem empfehlen.


« Antworten #4 am: Dezember 30, 2010, 17:00:53 »

hallo sammy,

kannst du mir bitte sagen,wie man es schaffen kann,daß man die neurofeedback-sitzungen nicht selbst bezahlen muß?


« Antworten #5 am: Dezember 30, 2010, 18:53:18 »

zum Thema Neofeedback kann ich sagen, das es einige Studien gibt. Wer sich interessiert kann mal an seiner Unikinik nachfragen ob die an an einer dieser Studien teilnehmen.

Wirkungsvoll soll nur dieses seriose Neofeedback sein, in dem durch die Gedanken die Abläufe gesteuert werden. Spiele die manuell gesteuert werden. aber angeblich nach dem Neofeedback arbeiten sind nicht seriös und bringen vielleicht Spaß beim Spielen, vor allen aber Geld für den Hersteller


Geschlecht: Weiblich

« Antworten #6 am: Januar 05, 2011, 16:55:16 »


unser Sohn hat Neurofeedback ambulant verschrieben und bezahlt bekommen, 

zur Behandlung auditiver Wahrnehmungsstörungen bei einem Logopäden.

Es gibt wohl bestimmte Formulierungen , bei denen bei entsprechender Diagnose diese Therapie bezahlt wird.

Oft kennen die Therapeuten oder auch Ärzte, diese genau.


Re: Neurofeedback-Training??? Meinungen dazu?!

« Antworten #7 am: Januar 18, 2011, 19:56:58 »

Hallo, wir sind auch neu hier. Mein Sohn hatte heute die erste Sitzung Eegtrain, Neurofeedback. Ich mache das statt Medikamentengabe. Wir probieren es, denn bevor ich ihm Medikamente gebe, probiere ich es so.

Ich bezahle für die Therapie nichts, sie findet bei einer Psychologin statt, sie liest dafür die Versichertenkarte ein. Ich denke auch nur so ist es seriös.

Ich setzte hier mal den Link ihrer Internetseite ein, sie ist eine der ersten die es anwendeten und sich sehr dafür einsetzen.

Viele Grüße Sandra


« Antworten #8 am: Juli 01, 2011, 20:06:49 »


Wir haben nachrecherchiert und NF ist groß am Kommen und scheint neben Verhaltenstherapie und Medis eine signifikant pos. Wirkung zu haben. Nebenwirkungen hat es nicht, ausser evt. aufs Portemonnaie und die Freizeit...

Unser Sohn hat mit 9 Jahre ein Neurofeedbacktraining gemacht, 1x 60 min die Woche, ein 3/4 Jahr lang.

Mein Sohn war begeistert weil er es als eine Art Computerspielen gesehen hat, der Psychotherapeuten weil mein Sohn so gut lernte seine Gehirnwellen zu steuern. Er liegt jetzt so gut wie immer im Normbereich. Als er angefangen hat, zeigte er das typische Profil der meinste ADSler. Wir mussten nicht dafür zahlen weil er noch in eine Forschung mitmachen konnte.

Der Therapeuten hat uns zuerst gut und deutlich aufgeklärt wie NF funktionniert und danach 6 Probestunden mit ihm gemacht. Das ist wichtig weil es auch vorkommt, daß Kinder zu hibbelig sind und/oder so desinteressiert daß sie sich nicht darauf einlassen wollen. Dann kann man es gleich lassen (da es meistens auch schlappe 100,-- E pro Stunde kostet!) Und Garantien konnte er uns auch nicht geben. Ich bin schon froh daß wir uns darauf eingelassen haben.

Unser Sohn sagt es hilft ihm tatsächlich. Wir haben die MorgenMedikation bisher ganz normal weiter laufen lassen und Mittags meinstens auch. Aber wenn w. Wenn wir es Mittags weglassen kommt es mir doch leichter vor als früher. Aber HA machen dauert etwas länger (ist aber nicht mehr total unmöglich). Wenn die Wirkung nachlässt oder er trotz Allem unruhig und unkonzentriert ist, sagen wir ihm: Denke an Herr X.. (der Therapeuten). Die Gehirnwellen lassen sich nicht wirklich kontrollieren in dem Moment aber ich glaube es hilft dann etwas.

Grüsse, Caithlin.


« Antworten #9 am: Juli 01, 2011, 20:52:49 »

Unser Sohn, 12 Jahre, macht jetzt seit Februar Neurofeedback in einer Ergotherapeutischen Praxis, die uns auch genau gesagt hat, was auf die Verordnung muß, um das von der Kasse bezahlt zu bekommen. Wir bekommen das vom Neurologen/Kinderpsychiater verschrieben.

Unser Sohn lernt, sich besser zu steuern, wenn er herumwuselt und total kribbelig ist, wendet er etwas von Neurofeedback an, wie kurze Entspannung - und ist danach schlagartig ruhiger!! Wahnsinn.

Die Ergotherapeutin gibt aber zusätzlich zu Neurofeedback immer wieder allgemeine Tipps, das Gesamtpaket stimmt und hilft uns weiter. Wir sind noch mittendrin, ich hoffe, es hält eine länger Zeit an!

[Georg Soldner/H. Michael Stellmann]

Overview of therapy options with anthroposophical and homeopathic remedies

Sulphur                                                                             Dominance of the metabolism; egocentric

Magnesite (= Magnesium carbonicum)                          Irritable/aggressive pre-school children; short and thin, tendency to abdominal colics, restless sleep

Calcium phosphoricum                                                  Weakness of rhythmic system, dissatisfaction and frustration

Carcinosinum                                                                Frustration at academic failure, unmotivated, restless

Belladonna                                                                 Strong awareness, uncontrolled emotional impulses

Stramonium                                                                Split between anxiety and aggression

Veratrum                                                                             Over-excitability; circulatory and vegetative lability (renal/adrenal weakness)

Lycopodium                                                                Anxious/bullying behavior; digestive weakness

Mercurius                                                                             Inaccessible, restless, tendency to purulence

Bryophyllum                                                                Difficulty falling asleep

Argentum nitricum                                                               Haste and drivenness

Tarantula                                                                             Extreme, destructive hyperactivity, overwhelming urge to move

Tuberculinum                                                                Extreme, destructive hyperactivity, susceptibility to infections

Agaricus                                                                             Tics, hyperactivity, mild impairments of the CNS

Zincum                                                                             Competency deficits, unrest, distractibility, impaired CNS

If the diagnostic process does not directly point towards a single remedy, it is advisable to begin treatment with a broadly acting anthroposophical composite remedy.

In cases of constitutional hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD), a remedy suitable for basic treatment is:

Apatite.: (= Calc-p):

Leading symptoms:

* manifest difficulties with arithmetic and logical thought but have no other difficulties (reading/writing)

Dyskrasit.: w (Ag + Ant) differentiates thought processes/promotes structuring of processes in the organism, while silver in high potency has the power to stimulate the vitality of the nervous system.

Leading symptoms:

* have an attention deficit and mental weakness

* tend to be clumsy and undifferentiated in fine motor behavior

Benefits from learning to play a musical instrument, e.g. the flute, which also supports mental development (important in the second seven-year period).

Arn.: when the background of the ADD symptoms lies in disorders of the nervous system (e.g. sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage/early childhood epilepsy. etc.) with competency deficits (oil-dispersion bath/wa)

When a single remedy is not apparent, it is advisable to begin treatment with following anthroposophical composite remedy.

Aurum/Stibium (= Antimon)/Hyoscyamus comp. wa 5 - 10 globuli 2 - 3x day, (* hyperactive/driven + * aggressive/* prone to rivalries and physical confrontations/= basic therapy for a child)

Remedy stimulates the rhythmic system to overcome "one-sided tendencies" in both the nerve-sense system and the metabolic-limb system. = Aur-met/Ant-met/Hyos potentized together.

Aur-met.: heart and circulatory system, strengthens wakeful day-consciousness and as abundant experience has shown (child has too little exposure to the father).

Ant-met.: = Stibium: gives structure to metabolic processes (promotes blood-clotting) as well as to mental life (psychiatrically valuable when the mind is flooded with an uncontrollable mass of chaotic impressions).

Hyos.: inhibits compulsive impulses from passing directly into movement and promotes the development of the rhythmic system (toxicity of this plant and its rhythmically structured form).

This remedy includes a mildly antidepressive component that is helpful to many of these children.

Use of this introductory therapy stimulates the rhythmic system/is reported effective.

Leading symptoms:

• hyperactive/driven, and at the same time

• aggressive and

• prone to rivalries and physical confrontations.

This is among the "early composite remedies developed on an anthroposophical basis by the physicians' circle around Ita Wegman, MD, at the “Klinisch-Therapeutisches Institut” creating a remedy that stimulates the rhythmic system to overcome "one-sided tendencies" in both the nerve-sense system and the metabolic-limb system.

To this gold, antimony and extracts of Hyoscyamus (henbane) are potentized together to create a new whole. The gold component (equivalent to D10 in the final remedy) addresses the heart and circulatory system, strengthens wakeful day-consciousness and -as abundant experience has shown- is particularly effective in cases where the child

has too little exposure to the father. Antimony (D8) helps give structure to metabolic processes (e.g. promoting blood-clotting) as well as to mental life (psychiatrically valuable when the mind is flooded with an uncontrollable mass of chaotic contents). Hyoscyamus, in the potency used here (equivalent to a D5), impedes compulsive impulses from passing directly into movement and promotes the development of the rhythmic system (cf. the toxicity of this solanacean alongside of its rhythmically structured form).

The action of this remedy includes a mildly antidepressive component that is helpful to many of these children.

Use of this introductory therapy stimulates the rhythmic system, and many children and families report feeling an unmistakable beneficent effect from it; at the same time it gives the physician time to get to know child and parents better and carry out the next therapeutic steps and conversations.


In the authors' experience, the following single remedies are the primary ones suitable for further individualizing the treatment. The potencies indicated are those commonly used; in individual cases, when the remedy is a good match but its action is insufficient, a higher (or lower) potency may lead to success:

Sulphur. D12

By pronounced reactions, discontinue, decrease frequency or dilute with water.

It is telling that sulphur in mineral form is completely combustible and in its elemental form is involved in numerous metabolic processes. Sulphur, which is released chiefly by volcanoes from whence it enters the biosphere, always has to do with life and movement in nature. Potentized sulphur has a fundamental regulating action when the metabolic-limb system and the will-life associated with it gain too much independence from the soul life.

Leading symptoms:

• a remedy for boys

• body build tends to be slender; pronounced postural weakness

• intelligent but lazy. Seeks out disputes, likes to argue. Absorbs much in school despite chatting and appearing uninterested.

• socially awkward, makes hurtful remarks, puts off others with arbitrary self-centered behavior; at the same time naïve and gullible (these children are not really hard

to understand)

• handwriting nearly illegible, notebook disorderly, e.g. may be spotted with fat; child cannot (and will not) keep order; possessions are quickly broken (= high material "turnover rate”!)

• typically display intolerable behavior when hungry, improving immediately on eating; craving for sweet foods (markedly improved by remedies); tendency to hypoglycaemic phases in the 2nd seven-year period with behavior problems markedly increasing in late morning (around 11 h.).

Medical history may show multiple allergies and descending respiratory infections (frequently treated with antibiotics); hence attention should be given to possible disturbance of intestinal flora (candidiasis). Eating a sufficiently sturdy breakfast—ideally based on oak flakes—is beneficial (and not only for this type of constitution).

Magnesite. D 6 - 12 Trit. w 1 pea-sized portion 3x or 1 - 2x daily

is an important and potent constitutional remedy particularly at kindergarden and pre-school age. Like sulphur, it addresses primarily the life-organization - the child's etheric body. Magnesite too is most suitable for boys. These children "stick out" because of their willful behavior and their physical and emotional assimilation problems. One gets the impression of a stunted etheric organization with poorly developed coherence. Let it be recalled here that magnesium in living organisms plays a crucial role in the absorption

of sunlight (chlorophyll), making it a central element in the development of an independent etheric organization and the capacity for growth and assimilation.

Leading symptoms:

• children are short-statured and thin (1st year of life)

• will not eat before 9 - 10 h.

• in most cases do not like vegetables (greens!)

• bristly, contrary, irritable, oversensitive

• seek argument

• tendency to abdominal colics and acidic-smelling diarrhea

• frequently restless sleep

• in many cases such children suffer from family discord themselves.

Calcium phosphoricum. D12, C12  (var. manufacturers) 5 glob. in the morning

Indicated for both sexes. Here the hyperactivity takes the form of a chronic (frustrated) dissatisfaction. Calc-p. is synthesized out of two polar components, calcium and phosphorus, corresponding to the condition of continuous conflict found of these patients between the nervous system and the metabolic-limb system.

Leading symptoms:

• continual dissatisfaction. The children constantly compare themselves with others and are very worried that they will be negatively judged (chiefly in regard to intelligence and looks). They themselves are very critical of others and express it. They want to be good (the best) but generally are not. Bursts of rage result from

this inner dissatisfaction and are manifested around learning difficulties. They are not very creative themselves and thus are dependent on others, yet they do not behave in a way that generates much sympathy.

• the soul life with its catabolic action does not unite in a positive way with the metabolic-limb system, resulting in:

 tendency to belly aches and growing pains; poor and fluctuating appetite; inability to fall asleep until late at night;

 additionally in the 2nd seven-year period, a tendency to headaches triggered by physical and mental exertion.

• tendency to disorders in region of the cervical spine as well as development of idiopathic scoliosis (girls) - also an expression of poor integration of the upper and lower person in the rhythmic region. In older children, the motor unrest can find an outlet in prolonged athletic activities; quite often

with this constitution, impairments of the growth plates are observed (Apatite D6 is beneficial here.).

• during puberty initial signs of restrictive anorexia may appear.

Painting therapy can be very helpful for children with this constitution in the 2nd elf-year period.

Carcinosinum. C30, 200 Glob (var. manufacturers), single doses

DD.: Calc-p.; one should not fail to consider its use. Here too we see a primary weakness of the rhythmic system. The children in question are fundamentally ambitious in the aims they set themselves (which are often unconsciously adopted from others), but lacks the energy to achieve them. Feeling disappointed by the world around them, they continually drive themselves into a corner.

Leading are:

• profound restlessness and poor concentration, coupled with

• a mood of pronounced frustration and lack of motivation which cannot be dispelled

• they work hard without satisfactory results until they reach the point where they stop doing anything for school.

• they have great difficulty undertaking anything on their own initiative and need a social context in order to become active.

They attach great importance to acceptance by their peer group and like to travel.

This remedy is also indicated for both sexes.

Belladonna. Rh D20 Dil w 5 drops 1x day

is among the remedies (along with Hyoscyamus and Stramonium) whose indications include aggressive behavioral disorders. In relation to ADHD/ADADH

Leading symptoms:

• early awakening of consciousness; children who listen to the doctor in conversation; one can speak with them: intelligent children!

• they become aware of their tendency to uncontrolled behavior at an early age without being able to control it

• they tend to have acute attacks of rage (similarly, they suddenly develop high fevers during acute infections) with biting (chiefly in young children), hitting as well

as autoaggressive behavior. Many of their illnesses occur in attacks, with pain occurring as acute colic pains

• they hate being touched (head) and any kind of wrapping or constriction

• they develop fears: thunderstorms, dogs (a fear of being attacked the way they might attack others!), water and the dark.

As much as these children reject touch, diapers and tenderness in the daytime, two hours after falling asleep they may run to their parents' bed in a sweat:

When the life-organization expands upwards in sleep and the soul releases its hold, the child enters a crisis of neediness. The soul of these children does not unite harmoniously with their own body and surroundings, instead appearing suddenly and overpoweringly like a demon ready to pounce (cf. the toxic process of the deadly nightshade):

The children are carried away by it without being able to guide the process. In these cases Belladonna is a very important constitutional remedy - it is a mistake to reserve Belladonna for acute illnesses only.


Kali-p.: liver/gall bladder system/opens the metabolism in the morning to the catabolic processes (linked with phosphates) that are necessary for consciousness/or

processes of “inner light formation”.


Rose. Elixir wa 1 tsp. provides effective support for which is expressly appreciated by many children with attention and concentration disorders/suitable for small children (extreme prematurity)

* unrest and reduced attention span

* low mental endurance and conditions of mental exhaustion

* tendency to tension headaches

Cultivated rose affects the soul so positively/is the product of human cultivation. In this process, vegetative vitality has been transformed into a substance that is devoted wholly to “ensouled” nature and has meaning only in this context. A similar process must be performed by the human organism in order to make thought processes possible/

it is no accident that north of the Alps, rose cultivation was first practiced in the monasteries. The indication for Rose Elixir is to promote calm concentration on a thought.


Stramonium. D12 Glob. (var. manufacturers), 5 glob. 1 - 2x daily.

The doctor’s first meeting with the child provides a characteristic indication for this remedy:

Leading symptoms:

• child generally displays adapted behavior in the consultation room, but avoids eye contact or a direct meeting; shies away out of apparent uncertainty and anxiety; may stutter; acute illnesses may take an intense course leading to spasms of the respiratory tract.

• in the home, anxiety is also noticed by the parents at bedtime (need for light when falling asleep, fear of being alone)

• this is paired with sudden, unmediated aggressivity that may be quite intense (Bell.), but the child is less aware of it—the adapted side knows nothing of the uncontrolled, aggressive side, resulting in a Dr. Jekill-and-Mr.-Hyde type of split: the nerve-sense and metabolic-limb systems become dissociated

• attention is more obviously impaired than in Belladonna

In this difficult situation, Stramonium is a potent remedy that is effective in complementary therapy of ADHD. Regarding the use of Hyoscyamus in ADHD, the authors use it essentially as a component of the composite remedy Aurum/Stibium/Hyoscyamus described above; as a single remedy (Rh D6 Dil w) it is important in treating forms of epilepsy associated with ADHD-type symptoms.


Veratrum album. e rad. D12 - D30 Glob wa 5 glob. 1x day or single doses

Interestingly, its blossom blends from dirty white into the green of the foliage with unusually little differentiation (the blossoms are relatively inconspicuous), while the root—well-developed for a plant of the lily family—is permeated with a powerful toxic process that causes metabolic collapse in the human being. These patients (cf. the hypotonic, vegetatively labile type) seem to be insecurely anchored in their own body, circulatory system and metabolism and attempting to compensate for this by constant motor unrest. The gesture of these children is one of boundless overflowing sympathy, manifested in

• wanting to grasp, touch, hug and kiss everything

• feeling very nervous and inwardly driven

• show a pronounced liking for sour food (which stimulates astral activity in the digestion)

• strong motoricity alongside of tendency to cool extremities

 and quickly developing peripheral cyanosis

• at the same time they show a liking for cold foods ("The symptom cold is characteristic of all effects of Veratrum," J.T. Kent in his introduction)

• intense abdominal colics, vomiting, diarrhea and dysmenorrhea always associated with circulatory weakness and coldness all show that the soul organization

- the astral body - does not "feel at home" in this area and cannot  integrate positively with the metabolic-limb organization

External applications for these children should focus especially on the kidneys. We recommend application of


Kupfer-Salbe (rot) wa or Cuprum met. 0.4% Ointment w in the evening

in the kidney region to stimulate spasmolysis and more harmonious interaction of soul and body in the circulation and metabolism.

Lycopodium. D12 - C30 - C200 Glob (var. manufacturers) 5 glob. 1x day or single doses

is indicated in cases of primary metabolic weakness: These children are generally frail, develop slowly, quickly feel sated at meals, do not like to chew and crave sweet foods; breaking-down processes in the upper abdomen are deficient, resulting in a tendency to bloating and constipation as well as a high frequency of allergies. The chief liability here on the attention is chronic stuffy nose, which—like the digestive condition—can be improved medicinally. This remedy is helpful for

• boys

• who are clingy to their mothers but need validation from their peers;

• are afraid when alone and may sleep with a sibling to avoid being alone;

• prefer to hide their weaknesses,

• yet are ambitious, expecting a great deal of themselves or having the feeling that others do.

The hyperactivity is moderate, taking the rather subliminal form of nervous unrest with attentional weakness due to metabolic weakness and inner nervous tension.

It is important to air the issue of parental expectations and to include the father in this discussion. Supportive measures for these children are yarrow compresses on the liver, adequate fluid intake and use of Hepatodoron Tbl. w for regulation.

The chief metallic remedies for ADHD are:

Mercurius vivus/Mercurius solubilis D15 Trit w/Glob. DHU 1 pea-sized portion/5 glob. 1 - 2x daily, higher potencies also possible

Potentized mercury is helpful mainly when:

• children are “inaccessible” to the doctor,

• they get out of every rule, "slipping through" everywhere,

• they have a tendency to purulent inflammations,

• hyperactivity is pronounced.

One may have the impression that the rhythmic system is becoming independent of the calming/guiding function of the nerve-sense system (cf. Steiner's description in the

Curative Eurythmy course. When difficulty falling asleep is also an issue, this points to

Inaccessible, restless.

Rhythmic system seems to be independent of the calming/guiding function of the nerve-sense system. When difficulty falling asleep is also an issue.

Bryophyllum Mercurio cultum w.

Bryophyllum Mercurio cultum D2 or Rh D3 Dil w, 7 - 10 drops 2x daily


Argentum nitricum. LM12 Dil Arcana, 5 drops daily

indicated when the nerve-sense system does not exert a calming and guiding action in the organism but produces instead an undirected catabolic tension.

This will be manifested in that the child

• constantly feels driven and restless;

• loves movement in the fresh air, external cooling

• suffers from nervous anticipation

• tries to compensate with sugar consumption, which only further aggravates the nervousness (variable blood sugar level)

Tarantula hispanica. LM12 Dil Arcana, C12 - C200 Glob. (var. manufacturers) 5 drops/day or single doses

Extreme and destructive forms of hyperactive behavior point.

This homeopathic remedy is derived from a poisonous spider, the Spanish tarantula and exerts an exciting action on the rhythmic system. It is suitable for girls and boys

with pronounced constitutional ADHD: They appear constitutionally strong and have inexhaustible energy which enables them to blithely ignore all inner and outer

obstacles, as immediately becomes clear at the doctor's office:

• they like to dance and climb

• they can behave deviously and even deceitfully, stealing and breaking things

• they are constantly asking for attention

• reprimands are manifestly pointless and make no impression on these children

• a point to note: they may be subject to fear of spiders and insects

• in the respiratory realm one sometimes notes the development of stuttering and asthma

Tuberculinum. Koch Extreme and destructive forms of hyperactive behaviour.

C30 - 200 Glob. Gudjons, 3 - 5 drops/day or single doses

Physically one very often notes a chronic susceptibility of the respiratory passages, particularly in the middle ear and lungs; behaviorally one is struck by a

• cold-blooded destructiveness: No object of value is safe from these children; without qualms they will smash a beautiful vase before the eyes of its owner,

or a friend's toys - or, just as soon, one of their own favorite possessions!

• punishments have no effect at all

• they are highly intelligent and in many cases artistically disposed

• they are unable to remain in one place for long and love to travel

Compared with Tarantula hispanica children, these children appear to act in a more skillful, controlled and considered manner. They are capable of deceiving adults, while the tarantula types typically follow their own impulses thoughtlessly.

In conclusion, we shall mention two more remedies for ADHD which are indicated when the symptoms appear in combination with other disorders, primarily those

of the nervous system.

Agaricus muscarius. D10 - D30 Dil. w/Glob (var. manufacturers), 5 drops/glob. 1x daily or single doses

The fly agaric mushroom has been used in many parts of the world as an intoxicant. The symptoms it evokes are similar to those of ADHD. As a potentized remedy.

• tics associated with ADHD or resulting from treatment with stimulants

• risky, impulsive and erratic but essentially well-intentioned behavior

• these children wish to be helpful and good

• in fits of rage they can display tremendous strength

The anamnesis may reveal prior injury to nervous system (in this case Steiner attributed great therapeutic significance to Agaricus); clinically as well, these children

give the impression of having a neurological inhibition deficit.

Zincum met. praep. D10 - D20 Dil. w 5 drops in the afternoon/evening, poss. also externally as Zincum met. 0.1% Ungt. W, apply to forehead in the morning

Potentized zinc is of chief therapeutic value in cases where the formation of the nervous system has been impaired through such factors as extremely premature birth

or a convulsive disorders, and competency deficits are prominently in evidence. The symptoms of these children are:

• very easily distracted, fidgety and restless

• memory is weak and judgment uncertain

• over-excited states alternate with stuporous inactivity

• make frequent slips speaking and writing

• subject to the familiar „restless legs” syndrome (Zincum valerianicum is indicated here as well), especially in bed before sleep).

Therapeutic Eurythmy

Hyperactive children demonstrate an obvious liking for therapeutic eurythmy exercises and often experience them as beneficial. Waldorf Schools provide the opportunity

for therapeutic eurythmy to take place during the school day. The proven approach is to conduct it in the mid-afternoon—at first every day if possible, later less frequently. Before commencement of therapy it is vital that the physician and therapist reach a thorough common understanding. The therapist herself should radiate confidence, joy

in movement and a certain willingness to experiment.

Hyperactive children often appear unprotected, exposed defencelessly to their environment and its influences without any ability to come to peace or feel at home within themselves. As an introductory exercise, the rhythmic system can be stimulated by expansion and contraction. Basic vowel exercises with U (oo) and A (ah) then follow:

First one can take the U upwards “to the stars” and then down to about heart-level. Then one can make the transition to the A, letting it radiate out as it rises upwards:

The inner sensation is one of growing brighter; the A promotes the connection of the soul with the body—the internalization of the soul-spiritual individuality.

The first therapeutic eurythmy exercise ever indicated by Steiner was for children who became “more and more fidgety” until their teacher was at a loss what to do.

For this he recommends a specially executed A-exercise, the “fidget iambus”. Among consonant exercises, the B provides a sheath and a boundary, control of nervousness

and motor unrest. It can be helpful for the patient to picture a coat of “blue armor” around himself during the exercise. The B can be intensified by the P-gesture; a further complement -especially important with aggressive, hurtful behaviour- is the S. A sound sequence appropriate for children with clearly hyperkinetic behavior is: MNBPAU,

(in eurhytmic exercises) known as the “calming sequence.”

Another important and proven benefit comes from offering therapeutic eurythmy to the parents as well. Parents find it a great relief when they no longer get upset at their children, where formerly they might turn into a copy of their “little dictator.” Appropriate exercises for this purpose are “Steadfast I stand in existence” and “I think speech.” Like the others, these exercises must be learned with the help of a trained eurythmy therapist and practiced every day. Only a few minutes are needed, however, and the effects will be directly experienced and will radiate out into the life of the family.

Attention and Concentration Disorders without Hyperactivity (ADD) (Competency and Learning Disorders)

Definition and Basic Therapy

Today this concept embraces early childhood brain function disorders, specific learning disorders and attention deficit disorders in the narrow sense; the concept of

ADD without hyperactivity is “problematic” as to its scientific validity (cf. (40)). Diagnostically the concept is inadequate and needs to be made concrete in individual cases. Differing figures are given for the ratio of boys to girls, while in practice the sexes are equally affected—in complete contrast to hyperkinetic syndrome. The underlying reasons for attentional and concentrational weakness may be:

• constitutionally slow development

• seasonally decreased concentration due to light deficiency (winter)

• disorders of the senses and the nerve-sense system) (classical “competency deficit” disorders)

• disorders affecting drive / will life

• over-demand by school or parents (inaccurate estimation of child’s developmental needs)

as well as the aspects mentioned initially as having significance in differential diagnosis.

Another important element is that the unusual behavior is continual and does arise reactively. At the same time excessive

academic demand can become manifest in a relatively acute way—e.g., after a school change. Premature children born before the

32nd week of pregnancy often present a spotty nerve-sense competency picture that defies easy classification; they frequently

have difficulties integrating and processing their perceptions, while quite often there is also a short attention span with

a metabolic background.

The following section presents in detail the possibilities for treatment with anthroposophical and homeopathic remedies—many of them not well-known. In addition we refer the reader to the literature cited at the end.

A good basic therapy for children suffering from disorders of attention and concentration is the anthroposophical composite remedy developed by K. Magerstädt:

Kalium phosphoricum comp. Tbl. w 1 - 2 tbl. in the morning and 1 tbl. at noon before meals.

Potassium phosphate has an action relating to the liver/gall bladder system; it opens the metabolism in the morning to the catabolic processes (linked with phosphates) that

are necessary for consciousness—for processes of “inner light formation.”

This remedy is indicated for all children who:

• display “lack of energy” for attention and mental processes and quickly become exhausted by mental activity (and “turn off”)

• fail to become adequately awake in the morning

• appear exhausted when they are first seen by the doctor due to the long history of their troubles

• develop mental blocks and headaches from extended mental exertion

Like Aurum/Stibium/Hyoscyamus., this remedy contains Aurum met. praep. D10 and thus has a mild antidepressive and energizing action (cf. above). It also contains a low-potency iron-sulphur-quartz preparation (corresponding to the w’s Kephalodoron) which stimulates incorporation of iron into the digestion and metabolism and thus indirectly has an energizing action. The remedy has a broad and reliable action and is ideal as the initial remedy of a treatment.

For a certain number of these children, an effective complement will be found in the organ preparation

Glandulae suprarenalis comp. Glob. wa 5 - 10 glob. morning and noon.

This chiefly stimulates renal function and the day phase of the liver metabolism (cf. also children with vegetative lability and hypotonic circulation) and is also suitable as an initial treatment. Finally, extracts of rose blossoms,

Hypophysis/Stannum Glob. wa 5 glob. in the morning

Amnion Gl. D30 Amp. wa

0.5 ml daily - 1 ml 2x weekly in the evening

Rose Elixir wa 1 tsp. 3x daily right before meals

provides highly effective support for which is expressly appreciated by many children with attention and concentration disorders. It is suitable even for small children -cases of extreme prematurity, for example- and has a positive action with:

• unrest and reduced attention span

• low mental endurance and conditions of mental exhaustion

• tendency to tension headaches

The blossom of the cultivated rose, whose color, fragrance and harmonious form affect the soul so positively, is the product of human cultivation. In this process, vegetative vitality has been transformed into a substance that is devoted wholly to “ensouled” nature and has meaning only in this context.

A similar process must be performed by the human organism in order to make thought processes possible—it is no accident that north of the Alps, rose cultivation was first practiced in the monasteries. The indication for administering Rose Elixir is to promote calm concentration on a thought.

Coff.: One general option for children with simple ADD without hyperactivity is offered by low potencies, a plant which synthesizes a substance with a stimulating action: caffeine.

Coffea D3 or D4 Dil (var. manufacturers) 5 - 10 drops 2x daily (morning and noon/afternoon)

can markedly improve attention and concentration in these children while avoiding the undesirable effects of substantial stimulants. Here again, the underlying principle of action is that of stimulation, not of substantial substitution.

When the background of the ADD symptoms lies in disorders of the nervous system (e.g. sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, early childhood epilepsy, etc.) with competency deficits, Arnica can be of comprehensive benefit to the nervous system, particularly in the form of an oil-dispersion bath (developed by Junge; information provided by wa as the manufacturer of the oils):

Arnica e flor. 5% Oleum wa, 3 - 5 ml/full bath

Internal remedies for this indication, with a view towards stimulating maturation of the nervous system, are:

Arnica D10 - D30 Glob., 5 glob. 5x daily - 2x weekly in the morning

When the child seems "too weak to think by himself" and process what he has experienced, Arnica can be replaced with Calcium silicicum comp. D6 Dil. w

5 drops 3x daily, a mineral composition which also contains constituents of Arnica; it deepens and prolongs the action of Arnica.

Individual Therapy Options with Single Remedies

Helleborus niger. LM6 Dil Arcana, D12 Glob. wa 5 drops daily / 5 glob. 1 - 2x day

is the most important homeopathic single remedy for ADD. Interestingly, the winter-blooming Christmas Rose forms high concentrations of Beta-Ecdysone, a substance that is important as an inducer of metamorphosis in animate organisms (in hormonally active fine concentrations) e.g. the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.

Its possible function in the maturation of the nervous system is being explored (personal communication from

Dr. Schlodder, of the company Helixor). Hell. indicated when the nervous system fails to develop adequately as the instrument of consciousness (a disorder of organ development and metamorphosis):

• the children appear absent, "spaced out"

• sensory impressions are insufficiently processed (disorders of central perception processing)

• intelligence may be impaired, possibly as a result of inflammatory and traumatic pathologies of the CNS

• no hyperactivity is present, but symptoms < anticipation anxiety (e.g. exam anxiety)

• memory is weak; the children have trouble committing things to memory

Phosphor LM6 Dil Arcana in the morning,

beginning with 1 - 2 drops daily and increasing to 5 drops daily if no unrest sets in. Offers an effective constitutional remedy: Phosphorus enables these children to be mentally present and their susceptibility to infection decreases markedly.

This treatment can be complemented with evening embrocations of the back or oil-dispersion baths with Hypericum oil during the light-deprived season.

Contrasting with this picture, there is the type of the intellectually bright child who tends to be delicate and mobile by constitution, sanguine by temperament and empathetic by nature. These generally artistically gifted children have a basic tendency towards distractibility. Their attention and concentration problems set in primarily during the light-deprived season, at which time they are also more susceptible to infections, particularly of the respiratory passages.

Chiefly among girls, one observes a type of temperamentally phlegmatic child who seems to go into “hibernation” during the cold season. Such children are also prone to seasonally aggravated attention and concentration impairment related to light deprivation. Regardless of season, they would most prefer to sit in front of the television and eat. They like to move about in the water, which gives them buoyancy (they love trips to the swimming pool). Overall their development is steady although it may be slow. Under present-day schooling conditions these children may stand out primarily because they:

• seem absent and dreamy

• forget homework and fail to properly note assignments

• appear heavy and sluggish in their movement

• take a long time with every task and have great difficulty getting started

In the warm season they are much more active, get more exercise outside and also develop more mental activity and flexibility. In many cases one of the parents recalls having once had similar traits themselves, or may still manifest a certain sluggishness and phlegmatic temperament. Even so, the continuity of their development_their health_is always clearly recognizable; their problem of one of adaptation to their environment and to specific seasonal conditions. An effective remedy in these cases is

Possible complements to this treatment are phytotherapeutic doses of St. John’s Wort extracts (= Hyperforate?), 10 - 15 drops 2x daily

and insistence on sufficient outdoor physical activity -while the sun is shining- even in the cold season.

If weakness of memory in an ADD child stems from lack of interest unwillingness to pay adequate attention and poor memory in spite of ability then

Cuprum sulfuricum D6 Dil. w 5 drops 3x daily can put the child in a receptive and at the same time relaxed state.

Children who are markedly

• strong-willed, but at the same time

• mentally lazy

can be stimulated towards greater attention and mental order by administering Stibium met. praep. D6 Trit. w 1 knife-tip 3x daily

Additionally, Sulphur. D12 Trit. w, 1 knife-tip in the morning and Stibium met. 0.4% Ointment w 1 pea-sized dab applied to the forehead.

Equisetum limosum - Rubellite D6 Dil. w 5 drops 2 - 3x daily

is indicated for children who manifest weakness of the I-organization: They appear slightly sad and depressed and have great difficulty starting a task - they can’t ”get going” or “muster the will” to begin.

Acidum phosphoricum. D12 Glob. (var. manufacturers) 5 glob. in the morning, possibly also at noon,

is indicated for children who are quickly exhausted mentally:

• headaches and thirst after school are a leading symptom of this constitution. These children are also prone to allergic rhinitis_in some cases perennial_which in turn further impairs their attention and concentration.

Children who

• manifest difficulties with arithmetic and logical thought but have no other difficulties -e.g. with reading and writing- benefit from treatment with potentized natural calcium phosphate (apatite) and tin:

Apatite D12 Trit. w 1 knife-tip in the morning and Stannum met. praep. D12 Trit. w 1 knife-tip in the evening

as well as Stannum met. 0.4% ointment w apply a pea-sized amount to forehead in the morning

A deep-acting metallic remedy to stimulate differentiated thought processes is silver antimonide (dyscrasite). The essential action of potentized antimony is to promote structuring processes in the organism, while silver in high potency has the power to stimulate the vitality of the nervous system.

Dyscrasite D30 Dil. w, 5 drops in the evening, is indicated for children who

• have an attention deficit and mental weakness

• tend to be clumsy and undifferentiated in fine motor behavior

These children also benefit greatly from learning to play a musical instrument, e.g. the flute, which also supports mental development (important in the 2nd seven-year period).

In contrast, lead in the form of

Plumbum met. praep. D10 Trit. w 1 knife-tip in the morning is indicated for children who are

• large-headed, with hints of hydrocephalus, and at the same time physically slender

• markedly retarded in mental development

• late with toilet training in many cases and slow to catch up developmentally

Children with Disorders of the Craniocervical Transition (Ostheopatie)

Pathogenetic Connections

From osteopathy and craniosacral therapy we know that the transition from the posterior skull base to the cervical spine in the human being is very sensitive and susceptible

to impairment. As background to this issue, it must be recalled that the entire connection of the osseous skull and the vertebral column -derived from the chorda dorsalis- is

an oscillating system of more or less mobile osseous structures. In the region of the craniocervical transition, the capacity for oscillation and rhythm is subjected to great stress in neonates and infants (particularly by the birth process), frequently resulting in pathological deformation due to vertebral body displacement, impairment of normal mobility of the vertebral joints, as well as congenital disorders. Scientific studies confirm today that this region is particularly susceptible to impairment in the first six months of life in certain cases it may also be linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the incidence of which increases four-fold in children who sleep on their stomach, i.e. with heads sharply turned. Blood supply to the brain is dependent to a considerable extent on the vertebral arteries, and these can be significantly irritated by impaired balance, vertebral body displacements, as well as impaired mobility in the cervical spine/skull base area.

From the embryological point of view, B. Christ speaks of the region of “the cervicooccipital transition as a ‘vital center’ of the human being”: The earliest embryonal vessels can be detected here; regulation of breathing and circulation is localized in this region; and central formative processes of the rhythmic system have their origin here—among others, the septation and crossing of the outflow paths of the heart and development of the intramural nerve plexus of the gastro-intestinal tract, which enables peristalsis there. This underscores the importance of understanding the spine, and particularly the craniocervical transition, as a part of the rhythmic system: Disorders of the vertebral column, of circulation and possibly of respiratory regulation and motor activity act directly on one another here.

Clinically, the pathological picture in question shows restricted rotation, palpable asymmetries of the uppermost transverse processes of the cervical vertebral bodies and of the pulsations in the region of the cervical spine, as well as asymmetries of the shoulder girdle. A mixed picture may arise with painful tension of the cervical musculature alongside of relative muscular hypotonia in the vertebral sections beneath them. Disorders may also affect tonus of the mimic musculature of the face and jaw position. Ex juvantibus, the diagnosis is confirmed by the fact that after appropriate treatment of the cervical spine, the children’s behavior undergoes a marked improvement_in some cases practically overnight.

In such disorders we recognize a dissociation between head and body which requires further in-depth anthroposophical study. The result of this dissociation is that the forces emanating from the head pole, which are responsible for forming the body out of the soul-spiritual individuality of the child, are unable to exert their full efficacy and penetrate the limbs. The will forces that have their primary action in the limbs enter into a wrong relationship with the impulses from the head pole_they fail to engage properly in the child’s organism. In the first seven-year period, however, the constituting process of the organism is dependent on the metabolic-limb organization’s adapting itself to the head-mediated formative impulses from the child’s higher self.

Therapeutic Options are offered by practitioners of osteopathy or craniosacral therapy who have undergone further training in child neurology/orthopedics or have been trained in physical therapy on a neurophysiological basis as well as one of the therapeutic fields mentioned. Specific experience with children is indispensable. The space between treatments should be at least 1 - 2 weeks. Any positive effect should be recognizable within this time period.

This treatment can be supported and stabilized medicinally by administration of Disci comp. cum Argento Glob. wa 3-5 glob. 2x daily for 3 - 6 weeks

Hypericum D12 Dil. w/DHU 3 - 5 drops 2x daily

For early diagnosis and therapy, craniosacral therapy and osteopathy have a significant role to play_primarily in ADHD, but also for any child with a problematic neonatological anamnesis: In case after case one is struck by the results of this treatment: Infants who formerly exhibited the classic early symptoms_inexplicably long crying phases, motor unrest, eating, sleep and mood disorders_become relaxed and calm and find their way into very much better day/night and eating rhythms as well as much more harmonious motor development.

Children with Vegetative Lability and Labile Hypotonic Circulation

What is striking to the doctor about this group of children is the instability of their rhythmic system:

• fluctuating, situationally and positionally dependent disorders of warmth distribution with varying degrees of pallor

• cool and sweaty extremities, perspiration of vegetative origin, dermographism

• tendency to abdominal pain, indefinable and changing unpleasant sensations, later headaches (tension headache or migraine-like headaches)

• in some cases a complaining, anxious state with little basic trust

• nervosity

These frequently-encountered symptoms intensify markedly around the 9th year, during growth spurts and in the pubertarian separation phase, and then may lead to manifest attention disorders. Disorders of the craniocervical transition can aggravate these symptoms (see above). As a rule, impairment of attention and concentration is inconstant; among children prone to intense motor unrest, one can have the impression that they are creating constant motor stimulation in order to achieve adequate body tone (in cases of pronounced hyperkinetic symptoms, cf. above, e.g. Veratrum album). ‡

A basic therapy suitable for these children is

Cardiodoron mite Dil. w 5 - 15 drops 3x daily.

Its stimulating action on the rhythmic system is comprehensive, so it should not be thought of simply as a “heart remedy”. This action gives it a broad and important indication particularly for the 2nd seven-year period, since this is the age when the human rhythmic system undergoes its most extensive development (lungs, heart/circulatory system, vertebral column). Roughly half of these children -primarily those with combined weakness of the heart/circulatory system and the digestion- show obvious benefit from simultaneous administration of the organ preparation

Glandulae suprarenales comp. wa 5 - 10 glob. 3 daily.

The most important metallic remedy for children of the type described here is potentized iron. If the symptoms match the above description without hyperactivity or if one

is dealing chiefly with boys whose maturation in the 2nd seven-year period has been rather inhibited and who seem a bit “too soft,” then

Ferrum met. praep. D10 - 12 Trit. w 1 knife-tip in the morning is indicated. When the problems arise in the context of a growth spurt (the child grows too fast and mentally “nothing works anymore”), an extract of blackthorn blossoms and shoots processed and potentized together with iron oxide has proven most effective and beneficial:

Prunuseisen Glob. wa, 7 - 10 glob. 3x daily

When the child is in a weakened state due to prior illness or emotional issues, etc., or when there is a tendency to hypotonia and latent depressive states, then a remedy combining Prunuseisen with Levico water and Hypericum is more effective: Levico comp. Glob. wa, 5 - 10 glob. 2 - 3x daily.

A broadly indicated remedy for hypotonic circulation, attention and concentration deficit is Skorodit Kreislauf Glob. wa, 10 glob. 2 - 3x daily,

primarily to be given in the morning and at noontime.

This composite remedy is based on scorodite (iron orthoarsenate) complemented by Veratrum album and Prunus spinosa. It is helpful primarily in puberty and adolescence, especially when a remedy is needed for quick tonifying and strengthening. These patients appear without energy, sluggish and hypotonic, but not off-putting or aggressive.

Cralonin Heel drops, 20 drops 2x daily for school children contains hawthorn extracts and thus has a harmonizing and stabilizing effect on blood circulation.

It is effective in cases of orthostatic tendencies as well as anxiety and piercing chest pains without specific cause, which are not uncommon at this age.

Helpful non-medicinal therapy options are rhythmical massage and therapeutic eurythmy (45) (in that order).

In this section focusing on therapy for the rhythmic system, we must emphasize the overall importance of

• clear guidance and rhythmic structuring of the child's day - particularly the morning and evening hours (cf. also section 7.1)

• lots of outdoor exercise (in all weather) and purposeful movement (engaging the child in house and garden work, riding, etc.). Further suggestions are offered by Köhler.

Food intolerances

Over the last 20 years, Egger has demonstrated convincingly in numerous publications that the behavior of a portion of hyperkinetic children can be significantly improved by means of an "oligoantigenic" diet. Hypersensitivity to specific Hyfoods (primarily sugar, coloring agents and preservatives and phosphate-rich) is different in each case.

Generally these are not classical cases of allergy but intolerances ("idiosyncrasies") which have remained unrecognized and cannot be detected until the chief incompatible foods are methodically excluded in the context of an elimination diet and subsequently re-introduced on a trial basis. Thus one can start with a basic diet that is known to be compatible and then step by step re-introduce previously eaten foods according to a set plan, thus recognizing incompatibilities. Sugar and food additives are often found to aggravate the symptoms.

At the same time some patients have a craving for incompatible foods—an aspect that has been studied from an anthroposophical viewpoint by Otto Wolff; directly relevant indications can also be found in the works of R.S.

Anthroposophical understanding highlights the importance of spleen activity for complete assimilation of food

in the human organism. Steiner's picture of the significance and pathology of this organ-activity is remarkably congruent with what is observed in hyperkinetic children with food intolerances and addiction to sweet or incompatible foods. This aspect also has therapeutic implications (see below).

In practical terms, one may proceed as follows with this group of patients:

• ascertain the compatible diet by careful anamnesis, elimination diet and dietary counseling; this is time-consuming, but absolutely essential for each child.

N.B.: The proof of a positive result is that it is experienced by parents, teachers and the child.

• stool diagnosis (intestinal flora, pancreatic function), promotion of symbiosis and mycosis treatment

(if necessary).

• medicinal therapy addressing particularly: food breakdown; border surface function of the intestinal mucosa; liver and pancreas.

Sang.: Stage fright can be eased and the rush of the blood to the head, the increased heart rate, anxiety and disorientation can be calmed (strong emotions, arguments, mental overwork and excessive sense impressions trigger migraine and cephalalgia).

Sulphur LM6 Dil. Arcana, 5 drops in the morning

is indicated chiefly for vacillating blood sugar levels with the typical sudden sweet-craving and associated aggravation of behavior. It can often rapidly stabilize the blood sugar level.

Cichorium/Pancreas comp. Glob. wa 7 glob. 3x daily/1 drink ampule daily,

with its potentized antimony, has a generally ordering effect on hyperkinetic children; similarly, the organ preparation Pancreas has a positive action not only on the digestion but also on blood sugar regulation.

Lycopodium comp. Glob. wa, 5 - 7 glob. 3x daily indicated particularly when toxic stress is a consideration.

Lien Gl D6 or Lien/Plumbum Amp. wa

strengthens spleen function and the immune system associated with the intestinal mucosa (ontogenetically related to the spleen).

Spleen embrocation with Oxalis 10% Ointment w,

Plumbum met. 0.1% Ointment w - possibly in alternation with Cuprum met. 0.4% Ointment w

A midday nap with a warm liver compress (e.g. yarrow tea) also has a beneficial action on the entire digestive and metabolic function; it is supported by

Hepatodoron Tbl. w 1 tbl. after both lunch and dinner ‡

Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum