Agaricus muscarius Kind Anhang



Learning disability


Agaricus muscarius. D10 – D30 Dil. w/Glob (var. manufacturers), 5 drops/glob. 1x daily or single doses

The fly agaric mushroom has been used in many parts of the world as an intoxicant. The symptoms it evokes

are similar to those of ADHD. As a potentized remedy.

• tics associated with ADHD or resulting from treatment with stimulants

• risky, impulsive and erratic but essentially well-intentioned behavior

• these children wish to be helpful and good

• in fits of rage they can display tremendous strength

The anamnesis may reveal prior injury to nervous system (in this case Steiner attributed great therapeutic significance to Agaricus); clinically as well, these children give the impression of having a neurological inhibition deficit.

Tics, hyperactivity, mild impairments of the CNS


[Ursula Sommer]

Kinder sind zurückgeblieben, langsam (wie Barium), fühlen sich schwach und hängen an ihren Eltern.


Chorea (nach Strafe)/rolling the head, biting himself (meningitis).

[James Tyler Kent]

Child late in learning to talk and walk, combining the features of two remedies, Nat-m. “late learning to talk” and Calc.: “late learning to walk.”

[George Vithoulkas]

Slow in walking, talking and learning. Their mind seems to develop slowly, which is why they make mistakes in speaking and writing later. They have a bad memory.

They are also slow in comprehending and have difficulty in making decisions. They feel weak and are very attached to and dependent upon their parents. This is the

reason why they may develop chorea or convulsions if they have been badly offended or reprimanded by their parents or teachers.

These children are clumsy, awkward, timid and look a bit backwards. They are prone to redness of the nose and to chilblains in the ears with occasional twitchings

of the face. There is a tendency to convulsions. In meningitis these children roll their head and bite themselves or otherwise try to hurt themselves.

M. Tyler: describes the child with chorea in picturesque: "The child gets scolded for making faces; then it gets smacked for dropping and breaking cups and saucers;

then at last it dawns on the most unobservant that it is no case of original sin but St. Vitus Dance..."

[J. Metzger] Nervous excessive liveliness of children with mental and motoric restlessness, they laugh, sing, dance and run about in a boisterous manner... With their great

restlessness and fidgety nature these children become a real trial for their parent's patience. When playing they are wild, boisterous and incredibly agile; in spite of the talent they possess, they are poor achievers at school due to their flightiness. These children have no perseverance due to their mental and physical restlessness, they slip from

one thing to the next and and show no concentration whatsoever. Because of their fidgeting they are clumsy with their hands and drop things. When lying in bed they

move their bottom rhythmically or roll their head. Chorea.

I always found Agaricus the most reliable remedy. Agaricus children are frequently subject to bed-wetting (after lively play or excitement)".


Child whose development is arrested, and who refuses to study. They are unable to concentrate while learning, and have an aversion to mental work. The internal restlessness gives them the title of being 'hyper-active'. As a teenager an Agaricus has bold plans. He tends to manage his father's bar at an early age and develops a craving for alcohol later. The red letter symptom to describe Agaricus is 'Internal Restlessness' (Homoeopathic Links, 1998a).

[Ursula Sommer]

Zurückgeblieben, langsam (wie Barium), fühlen sich schwach und hängen an ihren Eltern. Wachstumsschmerzen

(Farok Master/George Vithoulkas) = Tub. + strengt sich nicht an;

Positiv: beweglich (sieht mehrere Möglichkeiten); Negativ: Langsame Entwicklung (lernen/gehen)/kann oft Singen vor Sprechen, Fehler schreibend/rechnend,

Denken = heißem Kopf/morgens ANstrengend, sprechen + erröten, Wutanfälle, hyperaktiv/ungeschickt/Redeschwall/waaghalsig. unwillkürliche Bewegungen/

>>: abends; <: morgens; ADHD/ADD;



Absent minded. and dreamy children (Nat-m. Op. Phos.) are deeply engaged in their fancies.

Awkward. both mentally and physically (Apis. Nux-v.).

Children often exaggerate everything: Their sufferings. their abilities. their needs (Cann-i. Plat-met. Stram.). etc.

Children who are quite indolent and sluggish in the morning. but become cheerful with brightened spirits in the evening (Lach. Sulph.).

Children who cannot control or have very poor inhibition for addictions (alcohol. cocaine. opium); recurrent substance abuse, resulting in deterioration in academic progress characterized by repeated

absences. poor grades. and ultimately. expulsion from school.

Dependant on others.

Fascinated by drums; loves to play drums and relates well psychologically to the rhythm of drums.

Fear of ghosts, robbers. and water; but can also be fearless (Bell. Cocain. Op. Sil.). The fearlessness frequently makes the child believe that he is a big man. or superhero. and powerful

(Rubric: Delusion: is a great person. delusion he is light. delusion he is an officer.).

Daredevil; wants to behave like Superman or Spiderman.

Hyperactive (DD.: Spider group.).

Menacing and mischievous; the child runs and walks involuntarily in the most dangerous of places (no sense of danger: Falco-pe. Merc. Op. Stram. Tub) (see Temerity = Frech-/Kühnheit.). e.g.. near the window.

leaning against a parapet of the terrace. climbing a tree. etc.

Negative to the core.

Silly merriment (Bufo. Hyos.).

The child likes to play games that require a lot of physical strength and stamina. He is extremely aggressive and wild when playing any sport (football. rugby. volleyball.).

Very inquisitive (Verat.). wants to know everything.

Avoids responsibility (Lyc.).

Children enjoy or seek shelter and a comfortable life (typically seen in an only child who is born into a rich family.).

Children love to play with toys like G.I. Joes. guns and pistols (Cupr-met. Stram.).

Easily stimulated: increased cheerfulness. loquacity and exalted fancies; loquacious (Lach.). but usually avoids answering the question asked.

Easy delirium with fever or pain (Bell); muttering.


Lascivious. desire to kiss in children before puberty.

Lazy children. aversion to work.

Loves tossing and dancing in a very grotesque manner.

Mental retardation with stereotypical or self-injurious behavior.

Mentally retarded children with attention deficit disorder. who refuse to study. are unable to concentrate while learning. and have an aversion to any

sort of mental exertion.

Neurological or behavioral problems in young children after being punished. teased. or scapegoated by peers or family members.

Poor control over his will.

Selective mutism with compulsive traits and temper tantrums.

Stereotypic movement disorders characterized by repetitive. seemingly driven and non-functional motor behavior.

For example:

- Biting himself (Elaps. Hura. Lyss.).

- Gestures of hand. involuntary. as if grasping at something.

- Gestures. hands. involuntary. winding a ball.

- Gestures. makes tics.

- Injures himself in a frenzy (Lyss.).

- Rolling of the head from side to side (Apis.).

- Tearing things in general (Bell. Stram.).

Stubborn (Bry. Cham. Nux-v.).

Talented children who can write verses and sing hilarious and joyful songs.

Unusual desire to see sick persons in hospitals (Rubric: Affectionate or Benevolent.). surgical operations. or to attend funerals.

Violent anger. with great display of strength. threatening destructiveness.


Fidgety from head to foot (Merc.).

Offensive discharges (stool. eructations. breath)

Spine sensitive to touch (Ther.).

Strong tubercular diathesis. having a family or past history of tuberculosis or primary complex.

Yawning before epilepsy or any pains.

Body parts extremely sensitive to pressure and cold air.

Children with light hair. light complexion. and relaxed muscles.

Easy development of complications from chronic use of neuroleptic medicines (Zinc-met.).

Involuntary movements while awake. ceases during sleep.

Late learning to walk (Calc) and talk (Nat-m.).

Night sweats.

Other important symptoms


Ailments from fright (Gels. Phos. Verat.). punishment (Dig.). and reproach (Staph)

Biting himself when angry at himself (Cur. Op. Plb-met.).


Capricious and quarrelsome children.

Child is unable to answer when emotionally hurt.

Children with a very poor memory; even for what he has just heard. done. or thought of.

Frivolous (Merc. Puls.).

Hatred towards those who have offended him in any way. with a tendency to make plans towards revenge (Nat-m.).

Inaccurate judgment of distances and sizes of objects.

Loud. involuntary laughing (Borx. Ign. Nat-m) with jesting at trifles.

Makes many mistakes in writing and speaking.

Makes strange faces and assumes strange attitudes and positions.

Nervous children who pass very little urine (Ign. child will pass a lot of urine.).

Sly (Tarent) and deceitful by nature.

Squandering money (Verat.).

Terror of suffocation at night (during first sleep.).



Headache: Triggered by cold weather (with coryza.). too much reading or watching TV; compelled to close the eyes (Bell. Sil); > closing the eyes (Bry. Sep. Sulph.). wrapping up the head. walking. or moving the head. after urination. after stools; worse after sleep. and on rising in the morning; with nosebleed.

Meningitis (Bell. Hell. Stram. Zinc-met.).

Migraine in children who suffer from chorea. with confusion (Bry); after any exertion of the eyes. or due to nervous causes.

Rolling the head from side to side with pains (Chin. Kali-i.).


Examination findings:

            - Cannot hold up the head; tends to fall backwards due to weakness of the neck muscles (Camph. Cic. Op. Tarent.).

- Constant involuntary motions of the head (Agar. Hell. Zinc.). especially backwards and forwards (Cina.).

- Forehead (Ars. Zinc) and vertex (Calc-p. Verat) icy cold to touch.

- Head drawn to the sides. as if resting upon the shoulders (Hydr-ac.).

- Hot head with cold body (Ars. Bufo.).

- Kernig’s sign +

- Perspiration on forehead (Nat-c. Phos.).

- Scabby or scaly. herpetic or eczematous eruptions on the scalp with intense itching.

- Scalp sensitive to touch (Bell. Nux-v.).


All the eye complaints > cold-water application.

Asthenopia (Cina. Jab. Ruta) from prolonged eyestrain (T.F. Allen.).

Child finds it difficult to open the eyes or to keep them open. either from agglutination or due to spasmodic closure of the lids.

Diplopia when reading (Graph.).

Lachrymation during coryza (Euph.). cough (Nat-m.). and headache (Puls.).

Photophobia in artificial light (Con. Nat-m.).

Twitching lids and eye muscles (Cod) when reading (Kali-bi) and before an epileptic attack; better by washing the eyes with cold water.

Examination findings:

- Frequent involuntary winking (Bell. Euph.).

- Involuntary (Calc. Mag-p.). convulsive . rolling (Hyos. Stram.). or pendulum-like movement of the eyeballs

. from side to side (Cupr. Gels.). only > during sleep.

- Lids half-open (Bell. Cupr. Op.).

- Staring eyes (Stram.).

- Blephrospasm (Jab.).

- Divergent strabismus (Nat-m.).

- Eyes turned upwards (Bufo. Cupr. Op.).

- Frequent inclination to wipe or rub the eyes (Calc. Puls.).

- Inner canthi redness.

- Lachrymal fistula (Puls. Sil.).

- Lateral nystagmus (Cupr-met. Gels.).

- Muscular asthenopia.

- Myopia (Phos.).

- Paralysis of the internal recti muscle (Morph. Nat-m.).

- Pupils alternately contract and dilate in the same light (Hell.).

- Spasms of the lids and the ciliary muscle.

- Styes.


Pain in the ears when exposed to cold air (Hep); > boring his finger in the ear (Mez.).

Examination findings:

- Boring fingers in the ear (Arund. Cina. Sil.).

- Increased wax (Carb-v.).

- Red ears (Acon.).


Epistaxis during headache and on blowing the nose early in the morning (Ambr. Bry.).

Frequent or paroxysmal sneezing in the morning on waking (Am-c. Nux-v.). when out in the sun (Merc. Sang) and during and after cough

Acuteness of smell to strong odors (Bell. Coff.).

Copious. dripping coryza that starts from the left nostril. then moves to the right nostril.

Dryness in the nose with a sensation of a foreign body in it. compelling the child to frequently blow the nose. but without any discharge (Stict.).

Hay fever with paroxysmal sneezing. from tickling inside the right nostril. ears and the palate. with irritation in the larynx.

Tends to get blocked at night.

Pain at the root of the nose with headache.

Examination findings:

- Reddish discoloration of the tip of the nose.

- Crusts or scab formation inside the nostrils (Lac-c.).

- Excoriation of the nostrils (Arum-t.).


Constantly licking (Nat-c. Stram) and smacking his dry lips. causing pimples to erupt around them.

Examination findings:

- Bluish-red discoloration of the face and lips (around the eyes and the mouth. during fever) (Acon. Bell. Stram) and during headache (Glon.).

- Clenched jaw.

- Cracked lips [in the middle of the lower lip (Nat-m)]

- Distortion of the mouth when beginning to talk.

- Dystonia.

- Falling of hair from the eyebrows (Caust. Nit-ac.).

- Greasy face (Nat-m. Thuj.).

- Icy cold face. due to cold perspiration.

- Idiotic expression on the face (Calc. Lyc.).

- Pale. sunken face.

- Twitching of the muscles of the face and upper lip (Carb-v. Zinc-met.).


Angle of the mouth droops (Bell’s palsy); saliva drools unconsciously from the mouth.

Burning tip of the tongue during fever (Calc-p. Nat-s.). Burning thirst

Difficult speech in children suffering from chorea.

Frequent involuntary biting of tongue (Bell. Bufo.).

Stammering speech from excitement.

Examination findings:

- Aphthae at the tip of the tongue (Bry.).

- Bleeding gums.

- Dry (Ars. Bell.). mapped tongue with erect papillae.

- Dystonia.

- Frothy foam about the mouth (Cupr-met. Hyos.).

- Mapped tongue (Bac.).

- Paralysis of tongue (Both.).

- White coating of the tongue.

- Yellow discoloration of tongue at the base.


Constant disposition to swallow.

Examination findings:

- Cervical glands enlarged.

- Induration of tonsils (Cham. Plb-met.).


Appetite increased after eating (after nursing) (Lyc. Phos.).

Curly vomiting after drinking milk.

Distention after eating.

Gagging and retching from coughing (Cina) and after eating.

Ravenous hunger in the evening (Nat-m.).

Thirsty all the time.

<: Cold water; Aversions: Eggs/bread (and meat); Desires: Eggs/salt;


Abundant flatulence (Carb-v. Lyc.).

Neonatal colic accompanied by excessive flatulence. > after passing stool (Coloc. Nat-s.). or after carrying the child in open air. During these attacks. there is

tenderness around the umbilicus (Plb. Verat.).

Flatulence during stool.

Flatus with an offensive. garlicky odor (Mosch. Ph-ac. Phos.).


Examination findings:

- Borborygmi.

- Enlarged liver.

- Spleen just palpable.

- Tympanitis +


Diarrhea with grass green (Ip. Mag-c.). watery (Chin. Podo.). offensive stools; diarrhea from heat of sun (Camph. Carb-v.). in the morning after rising (Aloe. Podo. Rumx. Sulph.). and wet weather (Nat-s. Dulc.). with offensive flatus and stool.

Constipation after abuse of purgatives (Coloc. Nux-v); stools every alternate day (Nat-m.).

Stool: First part hard and later part liquid (Bov); green. pasty. thin. followed by hard stool.

Examination findings:

            - Excoriation. rubs the anus until it is raw (Carb-v. Graph.).

Urinary organs:

Involuntary urination from excitement (Gels.).

Milky urine (Apis. Hep.).

Retention of urine.

Scanty and infrequent urine.

Larynx and trachea:

Examination findings:

            - Laryngeal stridor (Bell. Chlor. Mosch.).

Respiratory system:

Examination findings:

- Frequent sighing (Ign.).

- Rattling. and deep respiration.


Ends in sneezing (Bell. Carb-v. Squil) or + sneezing (Cina. Nat-m.).

Violent fits of cough forces the child to double over (Ther.).

Allergic cough. which is sudden (Squil) and paroxysmal in nature. where the attacks follow one another quickly (Cor-r. Dros.). followed by copious

mucous (Arg-n. Coc-c); worse on waking in the morning (Thuj.). on going to sleep (Lach. Lyc.). and on touching the ear canal (Lach); must sit up with

cough (Bry. Con. Phos.).

White expectoration.


Profuse perspiration at night (Calc.).

Examination findings:

- Crepitations when lying on back.

- X-ray: Primary complex (note: This is a clinical term for a type of pulmonary tuberculosis. where inhale d tubercular bacilli deposited in the alveoli cause a sub-pleural inflammatory lesion and infection of regional lymph nodes. usually resolving with local calcification.)


Weakness in the neck after physical exertion (Kali-c. Sil.).

Examination findings:

            - Stiffness of the cervical muscles.


Growing pains (Calc-p.).

Jerking [lower limbs. on falling to sleep (Ars. Kali-c. Zinc)]

Stumbles when walking (Caust. Ip.).

Very clumsy and awkward (Calc. Ip.). Frequently drops things from the hand and stumbles when walking.

Perspiration on the legs at night (Calc. Merc.).

Twitching of lower limbs on going to sleep (Arg-met. Ars.).

Examination findings:

- Ataxia (Alum. Con.).

- Athetosis +

- Buttocks cold to touch (Calc.).

- Choreic movements +

- Deep tendon reflexes exaggerated (Lath. Nux-v.).

- Dystonia +

- Fasciculation of muscles +

- Icy cold feet (Camph. Carb-v. Sil.).

- Knock knee or genu valgus (Cocc.).

- Myoclonus.

- Painful corns on hands and soles.

- Restless fingers (Kali-br. Med.). hands (Tarent.).

- Tenderness of tibia (Lach.).

- Tourette’s syndrome.


Baby goes off to sleep while (Calc-p. Kali-c. Phos) or after being nursed (Nux-v.).

Sleepless from excitement (Coff.). itching (Atopic eczema) (Apis. Merc. Sulph.). or pain in legs (Kali-bi. Mez. Syph.).

Frequent. paroxysmal. spasmodic yawning.

Shrieking in sleep.

Startles on falling asleep.


Chill: Chilliness in open air or from the slightest of movement.

Heat: Heat in the upper part of body. Hyperpyrexia.

Sweat: Profuse during sleep. Cold perspiration on face. neck and chest.


Examination findings:

- Angioneurotic edema (Antip.).

- Atopic eczema characterized by excessive. violent. itching; the child scratches until the skin becomes raw and bleeds (Graph. Petr.).


From masturbation (Calc. Cina.). and punishment (Ign. Nat-m. Staph); < cold open air. and emotions (Ign. Op. Phos) like fright (Caust); > in sleep (Cupr. Hell. Mygal.).

Chorea. with excessive twitching of muscles (Hyos. Mygal.).

Sydenham’s chorea (Agarin. Art-v. Ziz.).


Ailments from: Encephalitis or meningitis. excitement (Hyos. Op.). fright (Calc. Kali-br.). hyperpyrexia (Nux-v. Stram.). injury (Arn.). punishment (Cham. Cina) or reproach

(Ign.). shock (Op.). suppressed eruptions (Cupr-met. Sulph.). and vexation (Cupr. Staph.).

During convulsions:

Cyanotic face (Cic. Verat.). foam from the mouth. and increased physical strength.

Type: Grand mal. petit mal. simple febrile convulsions.


Convulsions > by vomiting (many symptoms of Agar > discharges like in Lach. Phos. Puls and Sulph)

Convulsions during vomiting during - Cupr-met. Ip.

The convulsions of the Agar child should not be suppressed by phenobarbitol. sodium valproate. carbamazepine. clobazam. clonazepam,

lamtrigine. or primidone. as such suppressions will invite more aggressive convulsions (Absin. Caust. Mill.).


Most of the complaints > at the seaside (Med. Tub.).

Perspiration stains the linen green (Cupr-met.).

Twitching of a single or group of muscles (Zinc-met.).

Sensitive to cold air (Calc. Kali-c. Psor.).

< from walking in open air and > warmth of bed.



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