

Singen wirkt auf Schmerz lindernd, stärkt Immunsystem, fördert Oxytocin.

Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard: It took considerable experience for me to be convinced that the chronic constitutional remedy is the best prophylactic.


Häute und Lymphsystem - Bastionen der Immunkraft

Verschiedene Instanzen der Immunabwehr: ein anaerob-archaisches und ein aerob-intelligentes Immunsystem. Die Heilung chronischer Krankheiten ist nur dann rückfallfrei, wenn die Körperhaut

durch Schwitzen und Fiebern wieder über ihre physiologische Immunabwehr verfügt.
Die Konflikte der verschiedenen Häute, des Lymphsystems und der Milz zeigen interessante Ähnlichkeiten.


Defensine: in allen tierischen Organismen/höheren Pflanzen. Dienen der Abwehr von mikrobiellen Erregern: Bakterien/Pilzen/Toxinen. In Säugetieren findet man sie zahlreich auf Haut- und Schleimhautoberflächen. Während einer Entzündungsreaktion steigt die körpereigene Produktion der Defensine an.


Unterscheidet Fremdartiges von Eigenem

                       Abweichung: Allergie. = Abwehr von Fremdartiges

                                            Autoimmunerkrankung. = Intoleranz von Eigenem

                                            Tumoren = Toleranz von zum Fremdes entartetem Eigenem


Hilfsorganen: Flimmerhaaren in Nase/Bronchien

                        Mundschleimhaut produziert Lysozym

                       Magen produziert Säure

                        Lymphatische Organe im Darm produzieren Lymphozyten

                       Haut: Säureschutz durch Fett + Wassergemisch


Im Darm. befind sich ein großes Teil des Immunsystems.



Immunsystem produziert Antigenen (es gibt Millionen Sorten/unentwegt werden Stoffen/Bakterien/Viren im Blut mit diesen Antigenen verglichen)

                        Lymphozyten hergestellt aus Stammzellen von Rückenmark

                       Fresszellen (Monozyten/Makrophagen) verdauen Bakterien/krebsverdächtige Zellen

                                   B-Zellen produzieren Antikörper/hergestellt in Lymphknoten

                                   T-Zellen produzieren Immunbotenstoffen/hergestellt von Thymusdrüse

                                   T-Killerzellen vernichten Tumorzellen

                                   T-Helferzellen produzieren Antikörper

                                   T-Suppressorzellen grenzen Immunreaktion ab

                       Rote/weiße Blutkörperchen hergestellt in Knochenmark.

                                   Colibri. amazilia = Kolibri blood of the humming-bird contains more erythrocytes than of any other bird.


Quelle: Apotheke zum weißen Engel. Mag. pharm. Leisser KG, Hauptplatz 29, 2070 Retz: Viele Impfstoffen

Immunglobulin A (IgA) wird auf allen Schleimhäuten der Atemwege, der Augen, des Magen-Darm-Trakts, des Urogenitaltrakts sowie über spezielle Drüsen rund um die Brustwarze von Müttern sezerniert und schützt dort vor Pathogenen (auch das Neugeborene). Sezerniertes IgA kommt in Form von Homodimeren vor; die beiden Anteile sind durch das Joining-Peptide verbunden.

Immunglobulin G: Immunglobulin vom Menschen

Immunglobulin humanum anti D


The immune system and its cells

Mast cells are normally found within the dermis. On exposure to an allergen mast cells are responsible for histamine release by releasing histamine containing granules when activated by immunoglobulin

E IgE). The histamine released by the mast cells results in initial reddening of the skin and swelling at the site of the allergen exposure (Kumar and Clark, 2009). Some of the granules released by mast

cells may contain natural proteases which may cause tissue damage and cleavage of the complement components (Kumar et al., 2007).

Langerhans cells are dendritic cells which are derived from bone marrow and are continuously circulating between the epidermis and its local lymph nodes. The primary function of Langerhans cells is

to present foreign antigens to the lymphocytes in an effective manner (Davidsons, 2006). Antigen presentation occurs when an antigen-glycoprotein combination appears in a cell membrane which has

the capability of activating T cells. These glycoproteins are known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. Langerhans cell are non-phagocytic and are only present in the membranes of antigen presenting cells and lymphocytes (Martini, 2004).

Keratinocytes are the most abundant cells in the epidermis and they secrete a variety of cytokines in response to certain stimuli, as occurs in some skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis. They also

produce antimicrobial peptides which are induced by skin inflammation, and these act against pathogens. It is thought that a deficiency in peptides may make patients with atopic dermatitis more susceptible to infection (Kumar and Clark, 2009).

T-lymphocytes are white blood cells which are generated from precursors in the bone marrow, from where they then migrate to the thymus gland (Kumar and Clark, 2009). T-lymphocytes


[Henry N. Williams]

The "Immune System" is that part of us which distinguishes what is us and what is not. The skin and mucous membranes protect us from our environment but infectious agents, harmful chemicals and cancer cells that develop in our otherwise normal body cells

need to be combated and eliminated. This our immune system does through white blood cells and special protein molecules of the immune system. Our immune system can be seen as having two parts - the cellular and the humoral (fluid).

The cellular part is composed of:

Phagocytes (eater cells). They are of two chief types. Neurophiles act quickly and tend to be short lived. They make up the majority of the white blood cells (WBC) in a blood count. Macrophages (big eaters) are slower and clean up any invading

bacteria and viruses, and the debris left by the neurophile.

I-a-positive macrophages release enzymes to the lymphocytes. These are of two kinds. One is the "T cell", largely derived from

the thymus gland, which rids the body of diseased or abnormal cells, distinguishing them from normal body cells. It can also stimulate the production of other cells like itself when the need arises, as well as stimulate macrophages with a special protein called "interferon." Other chemicals released by the T-helper cells are called "lymphokines:" which regulate the action of the other major kind of lymphocyte, the "B cell," which the body produces to eliminate viruses and debris outside of our body cells.

The macrophages, and T cells also produce antibodies by stimulating the B cells to become plasma cells. The eleven proteins thus produced are called "complement" and they supplement as "humoral (fluid) immunity" the work of the "cellular immunity" discussed above.

Allergic reactions (hay fever, asthma, skin rashes and hives) occur when the immune system overreacts to usually harmless substances such as grass pollen or house dust. Auto-immune disorders occur when the immune system reacts to normal body cells as

if they were foreign.

Lack of one or more components of the immune system results in Immune-deficiency Disorders. These can be inherited or acquired through infections or other illnesses, or as a side effect of certain drug treatments.

The HIV virus is one such infectious agent which gradually produces the Acquired Immune-deficiency Syndrome of AIDS. It frequently takes up to ten years after contracting this virus before full blown AIDS develops. It is during that interim that building up our vitality could have a beneficial effect.

Question: Thanks, Dr. Williams for the help you have given me in the past. I appreciate your advice and so we hope the paper will be of help also. We use homeopathic or herbal medicines every opportunity. Is there anything that can help Lupus sufferers (Systemic lupus, Linear scleroderma) if they cannot take steroids such as Prednisone and Plaquanal?

Answer: Lupus in various forms, and scleroderma have been successfully treated by homeopathic

practitioners but again it is not a matter of one medicine for a diagnosis but tailoring the medicine to the patient. Therefore a person with either of these conditions should consult a practicing homeopathic physician.

Überreaktion Sympathisches Nervensystem erzeugt Diabetes/Bluthochdruck/Autoimmunkrankheit

[Henry N. Williams]

Question: What would you say were the keys that changed the way you practice medicine?

Answer: The anthroposophical approach to health and illness give the physician a different attitude  the patient and her/his problems. We recognize not only the uniqueness of each individual and situation (as do homeopathic practitioners) but seeing in the illness an attempt on the part of the individuality of the patient to make a change. Of course fever stimulates the immune system and is therefore good but requires the oversight of the physician to be sure that it is not life endangering (one can have too much of a good thing). Thoughtful talks with patients may help them sense what changes in life style and attitudes are necessary. It is a rare physician who can or should tell a patient what to do---patients must come to it themselves. It reminds me of the old adage: 'anyone changed against their will is of the same opinion still.'

We, anthroposophists, believe in the overseeing closeness of the spiritual world to each individual and see in what happens to us a divine guidance toward our individual betterment (the Law of Karma). We also believe in the reality of reincarnation (repeated earth lives as human beings). These beliefs form a backdrop against which we see the patient and their problem.

We tend to give far less medicine than other physicians who see every illness as an invasion from outside; alien forces that must be repulsed with strong measures. It is a philosophy of illness based on fear, and all illnesses are deemed adversarial, and not seen as an attempt on the part of the individual to find a more harmonious life and work towards a spiritual goal, albeit perhaps an unconscious one.

Epidemic illnesses are harder to see in this way. But here too the same principles apply. As physicians we have to see the susceptibility to disease as an imbalance which is grasped by our physical-self to bring us along our spiritual path.

Immunizations are another trial for the anthroposophically oriented physician. If illnesses are attempts, or windows of opportunity, for the self to bring a better balance or bring us further along our spiritual path, then preventing illness is gross interference with the karma of the patient (and our own). Each physician may have 'exceptions.' Mine is the tetanus toxoid. After seeing tetanus in contaminated wounds I see the toxoid, with a booster shot every ten years as preferable to having antitoxin in emergency situations. After having a young patient develop a myologinous leukemic picture after a `booster' shot of Diphtheria/ Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), I realize the negative aspect of immunization (even after we were able to bring his blood picture back to normal and the patient back to health).

We end up with more questions than answers in these times. The physician must decide each case on its own factors. Wide is the gate and broad the path for most physicians who do not question the current 'wisdom' of immunization. But Sophia's gate is small and her path narrow and circuitous.



Hemmend: Steroiden

Erhöhte Eisenwerten in Laborbericht kann Tb./HIV/Candida/Haemochromatose/Krebs anzeigen/Immunsystem = geschwächt. Anämie kann Körper dazu bringen

Mikroorganismen (= Krankheitserreger) Eisen zu entziehen.

Fördernd Bewegung/genug Schlaf (wird reguliert in Schlafphase III + IV)/gesunde Ernährung/Lachen

Kneippische Anwendungen

Bierhefe/Maitake (regacan Fa. Sy Cyl)


Interferon.e sind körpereigene Abwehrstoffe


Mensch reagiert mit T-Helferzellen des Typ 2 fälschlich auf Substanzen (wie Milbekot) wie auf Bakterien/Viren was Entzündungen verursacht/gesunder Mensch reagiert mit T-Helferzellen des Type 1.

um Entzündungen zu hemmen. Kleinkinder lernen durch Kinderkrankheiten die T-Helferzellen richtig einzusetzen. Bei geimpfte/weniger als 6 Monaten gestillte Kinder entsteht ein Überschuss an

T-Helferzellen des Typ 2. die nicht genutzt und danach fehl gesteuert werden. Immunsystem, muss wie alle Funktionen im Mensch, trainiert werden, das Immunsystem braucht „sparring“ Partner/wird anders „paranoid“ und reagiert allergisch.

Tierisches hemmt Wärme.


Hals/Rachen: Diph. Tub-a. VAB. Yers.

Haut: Anthraci. VAB. Vacc.

Lungen: Tub-a. Tub. VAB.

Urinwegen: Coli. Med.

Darmnosoden: Coli. Enterococcinum. Infl. Paratyphus. Yers.


Immunsystem fördernde Wirkung haben u.a.:

Asparagus racemosus fördert Östrogene Asparagales. Wechseljahren.

Immergrün.e Gewächse die Lebenskraft und das Immunsystem stärken.

Emblica officinalis.o. Phyllanthus emblica Pankreas Malphigiales.


Phyllantus amarus. Leber


Vanad-met.x [J.H. Clarke] Increases hemoglobin that combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Stimulates phagocytes.

Degenerative conditions of arteries and liver. Arteriosclerosis. Fatty heart. In tuberculosis, chlorosis, neuresthenia, it increased appetite, strength and weight

Withania somnifera.

Zinc. = Teil vieler Enzymen


Schema shows transition between allergies and auto-immune illnesses: siehe unten.


Hefepilz, befällt Mensch bei schwaches Immunsystem durch Antibiotika/Steroiden/Operation verursacht, weniger in Vagina, setzt 100 Stoffwechselprodukten u.a. Alkohol/Fuselöle frei, lebt von unverarbeitetem/gärendem

Zucker, Siedelt auf Schleimhäute Verdauungstrakt/Atemwegen, innere Organen, Diabetiker/geschwächtes Immunsystem/“Pille”,


Best reaction is fever. In the infectious stage the energy of the person organizes everything to overcome the disease: through high fever which enhances bodies metabolism enormously, an increase of white blood cells, acceleration of blood circulation, vascular dilatation in affected area or all over the body, loss of appetite to give our digestive system the possibility to concentrate on elimination of toxins, diarrhea, sweating, a running nose and eruptions, all elimination mechanisms. These kinds of elimination processes occur frequently after the administration of a homeopathic remedy. an infection can be sign of the curing process.


Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden allgemein + Borreliose + Neurodermitis + Allergie + Anhängsel (Jürgen Langenbach/Robert Zieve/Jacquelyn Wilson/Lane M. Badger) +

 Anhang 2 (Bertram von Zabern/Jacquelyn Wilson) + Immunsystem Anhang 3 (Tanja Hofmann: Neurodermitis) + Lack of reaction + Convalescence/Rekonvaleszenz


Allerlei: Parenchym (von gr. enchyma „das Eingegossene“, „Füllung“) bezeichnet tierisches o. pflanzliches Grundgewebe. In der Regel weisen die Gewebe bildenden Zellen keine Änderungen auf.


Phytologie: Rezept: Mischung bei Erschöpfungszuständen und Infektanfälligkeit durch Reizstreifen im Landschaft:

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Taigawurzel) Dil. D1           20 ml

Eupatorium cannabinum (Wasserdost) Dil. D6            20 ml

Prunus spinosa (Schlehdorn) Ø       20 ml

Quercus robur (Eiche) Dil. D2           20 ml

Viscum album (MIstel) Dil. D6           20 ml

SOLUNAT Nr. 3 Immunschwäche und zur Immunmodulation/Entzündliche Erkrankungen (Gelenken und Atmungs-, Drüsen- und Hautsystem).



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