

Vergleich: Siehe: Narkosemittel + Sedativa allgemein + Drogen allgemein + Anhängsel PMS + Tender points + Anhang 2 Akut

+   + Schmerzmittelgruppe Anhang 4 (Agarwal/ und andere) + Schmerzmittlegruppe Anhang (Harro Albrecht/Hans Wolff/Christa-Johanna Bub-Jachens/LR. Twentyman)

+ Schmerzmittelgruppe Anhang 2 (Borland/) +


[Constantine Hering, M.D.]

Coffee for Aggravations

It happens sometimes, that the most violent pains are increased very much by the smallest dose of the suitable remedy; in such cases give a spoonful of black coffee (or let the person smell the coffee), and as soon as the aggravation has ceased, repeat the remedy. If made worse again, repeat the coffee, and so on until the improvement is permanent.

A homoeopathic physician of the right stamp, a great master, wrote to the author, that he has given remedies in this way with the greatest success,

Coloc. and Coffee for colic,

Puls. and Coffee for rheumatic pains in the limbs;

Merc. and Coffee for faceache













Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac oder Acetylsalicylsäure länger als vorgesehen einzunehmen.

Alles andere als harmlos: Warum Schmerzmittel schädlich sein können – und wer aufpassen muss

Wer gelegentlich Schmerzmittel schluckt, muss sich keine Sorgen machen. Eine dauerhafte Einnahme ist aber mit Risiken verbunden: Bis auf Paracetamol

greifen fast alle Präparate die Magenschleimhaut an. Sämtliche Wirkstoffe können die Nieren schädigen, überdosiertes Paracetamol verursacht Leberversagen.

Eine aktuelle, retrospektive Studie zeigt einen Zusammenhang (aber nicht notwendigerweise eine Kausalität) zwischen der Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln und

einem erhöhten Risiko für plötzlichen Herztod. ASS kann bei Asthma-Patienten Anfälle von Atemnot auslösen, außerdem hemmt es die Blutgerinnung.

Schmerztabletten sollen Nervosität senken


Eine Schweizer Studie ergab, dass Asthma weit häufiger als bisher vermutet durch Schmerztabletten ausgelöst wird. Insbesondere der Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylsäure (Aspirin) und evt. auch Paracetamol spielen dabei eine Rolle.

[J. Sachse/A. Steinberg/W. Löer]

Wie weit verbreitet ist es bei den Millionen deutschen Freizeitkickern, mit Schmerztabletten kurz vor Anpfiff zum Beispiel die Nervosität zu senken? CORRECTIV

und die ARD-Dopingredaktion haben dazu eine Befragung unter Amateurfußballern aufgesetzt (Ergebnisse zum Download auf 1.142 Spieler beteiligten

sich daran.

Das Ergebnis der nicht repräsentativen Online-Erhebung:

Etwa die Hälfte der Teilnehmer nehmen mehrmals pro Saison Schmerzmittel, 21% gar einmal pro Monat oder öfter. Als Grund gaben sie längst nicht nur die Bekämpfung

von akuten Schmerzen an. Fast 42% der Teilnehmer wollen mit den Pillen Einfluss auf ihre Leistung nehmen. Konkret wollen sie die Belastbarkeit erhöhen.

Sie wollen Sicherheit gewinnen und den Kopf frei haben. Einige erklärten in der Befragung auch direkt, ihre Leistung steigern zu wollen.

Für den Kölner Dopingforscher Hans Geyer sind Schmerzmittel im Sport Doping. Auf der Liste der Welt-Antidoping-Agentur (WADA) stehen die Tabletten aber nicht.

Dabei können die Mittel bei übermäßigem Konsum durchaus gefährlich sein: Sie können Magen, Herz und Nieren schaden. Einige Amateurspieler schilderten in der Befragung, was sie erlebten. Von "Abhängigkeit" und "ständigem Verlangen" schrieben sie, von "Blut im Stuhl" und "chronischen Entzündungen", von "hohem Blutverlust

bei offenen Wunden" und "Darmbluten".

Von den "Leberwerten, die durch die Decke gehen" schrieb bei der Befragung Felix Lenneper, ein Amateurspieler aus dem Sauerland. An seinem rechten Bein und Fuß zählt er heute 15 Verletzungen – Bänderrisse, Brüche, Knorpelschäden. So weit wäre es nicht gekommen ohne Schmerzmittel, die den Körper weit über jede Grenze der Vernunft noch einsatzfähig machen.

Zehnmal höhere Leberwerte als normal

Auf Verletzungen antwortete Felix Lenneper schon als Jugendspieler mit Schmerzmitteln. Er startete mit Ibuprofen 400, steigerte auf zwei Ibuprofen 800 am Tag.

Und endete beim synthetischen Opioid Tilidin. Als wegen einer Grippe sein Blut untersucht wurde, erfuhr er, dass seine Leberwerte zehnmal höher als normal waren.

Das Opiat Tilidin empfahl ihm ein Mitspieler. Ärzte verschreiben es Krebspatienten oder frisch operierten Menschen. Lenneper nahm mit 19 Jahren über einen Zeitraum von neun Monaten vor den Spielen regelmäßig eine halbe Tablette Tilidin. Zuhause warf er manchmal noch nach. "Ich verspürte ein Verlangen", sagt er heute.

Bei einem Spiel im Frühjahr 2010 nahm wegen einer Zerrung eine komplette Tilidin-Tablette. Die Reaktion seines Körpers: "Meine Muskeln begannen zu zittern, ich hatte kalten Schweiß auf der Haut, Schwindel, alle Grippesymptome im Schnelldurchlauf."

Er quälte sich auf den Platz, sackte aber bald zusammen. Nach einer halben Stunde musste er sich erbrechen. Wenig später saß er im Krankenwagen.

In der Notfallambulanz sprachen sie von einem Kreislaufkollaps. Dass Lenneper Tilidin genommen hatte, behielt er im Krankenhaus allerdings für sich.

Insgesamt vier Jahre versuchte er noch, weiter Fußball zu spielen. 2015 musste Felix Lenneper mit 24 Jahren seine Laufbahn beenden.                                               



Acidum acetylsalysilicum

Antipyrinum (Antip) (Phenazon) = Acetan-ähnlich

Aspirin = Sal-ac + Form-ac  


Chlol = Alkohol-ähnLICH

Ibuprofen = Antirheumaticum

            Gebrauch: Magen-/Darmbeschwerden (Blutung/Geschwüre/Durchfall/Verstopfung/Schmerz, weniger: Kopfschmerz/Schwindel/Seh-/Blutbildstörung)

Die Kombination Ibuprofen/Coffein übertraf die Monosubstanz in allen für Schmerzbetroffene relevanten Parametern: Die Schmerzlinderung über 8 Stunden

war intensiver, Schmerzreduktion trat deutlich schneller ein, die Kombination half mehr Patienten als die Mono-Substanz, der Gesamtbedarf an Schmerzmitteln

war nur halb so hoch - und das bei vergleichbarer Verträglichkeit;

Opiide pectiden = eigene im Körper hergestellte Schmerzstiller lindert Schmerz/warnt vor Gefahr (produced by electro-anaesthesia).


Paraldehyde = gebraucht bei Sedierung während Geburt





Chamomile wrap: recommended for Stomachache/-pain.

Cherry Plum Bach Flower Remedy

Whatever may be the disease that the patient is suffering from, if the patient is weeping/screaming with “UNBEARABLE” pain, Cherry Plum, considerably reduces or completely cures the underlying pathology and so the pain stops. The best place for the use of this remedy is the labor ward in any maternity hospital

for expectant women, shrieking with “unbearable” labor pain. One single dose reduces the “unbearable” pain and it would soon be a safe and normal delivery.

In rare cases you may repeat the remedy every 15-30 minutes.


Caryophyllae: Verletzt/wehgetan o. beleidigt/schockiert/verbrannt o. verbrüht, Furcht vor Berührung/Annäherung/sad from being hurt. Enthalten Saponinen;

Cham: empfindLICH vor Schmerz = abtötend/irritierend/qualvoll)/schneidend/Zucken und Rucken bis Konvulsionen

Cina: pains are shocking (paralysed shocks: jumps suddenly as though in pain). “Jumping sudden, as if in pain”. Pinching pains/child jerks/trembles/twitch (Konvulsionen) = Loganiaceae-ähnlich/pains can become paralysing from shocks.

Eupat-per: hurt of ‘aching’ pains/”As if bones were broken/dislocated”. Producing much irritability and so affinity for malarial miasm. ‘bruised soreness as if beaten’ = an aching soreness + deep hard aching, as if in the bones”/SAD.

Bel-p: = Lily representative of Caryophyllae/hurt of being excluded. Being friendless and disconnected/+ friendly/friendly loquacity, desires company. Swelling and stasis of the Liliflorae remedies [injuries with (inflammatory) swelling surrounding tissue pressed upon and squeezed/stasis with impeded circulation/cuts off circulation to tissue resulting in coldness and stiffness). cancer miasm.




Acute pain: in neuralgias/inflammation of one of the serous membranes/colic. Local modalities are good to prescribe on in the first instance. [D.M. Borland]

Consider the acute neuralgia: the character of the pain and the circumstances > or <, its cause/its situation.

It is exactly the same in serous inflammations; again it is partly on the situation but more on the character of the pain and the circumstances which modify it that one prescribes.

With colic same (gallstone, intestinal or renal colic) little attention to the situation but very much more to the character of the pain and what modifies it.


Acute facial neuralgia: PAIN in sharp stabs/or twinges of pain running up the course of the nerve, coming on from any movement of the muscles of the face, << draught of air, with superficial tenderNESS over the effected nerve, > warmth (applied)/firm supporting pressure.

Gaul: inflammatory rheuma and neuralgia (head and face)

Mag-p: r. Side (not dental neuralgia)

Coloc: left side.

Spig: Orbital neuralgia, with much more sharp stinging pains "As if a red hot needle were stuck into it" radiates out over the course the nerve. (After it has been touched there is a strange cold sensation in the affected area).

Post-herpetic neuralgia: ordinary shingles neuralgia where the patient comes with acute burning pain along the course of the intercostal nerve and gives a history that has had a small crop of shingles, very often so slight that he paid little or no attention to it.

Mag-p with Mag-p modalities.

Ran-b: History of herpes/SHARP shooting pains ext. along the course of the intercostal nerve/painful area is SENsitive to touch induces pain or </CONscious of any weather change that will cause the neuralgia to return.

Mez: Same distributions of pain as Ran-b and same modalities, - aggravation in wet weather/affected area is SENsitive to any cold draught/to any bathing with cold water, pain very troublesome at night, and with a marked hyperaesthesia over the affected area.

Supra-orbital (= above eyes) neuralgia after sinus trouble: Chinin-s. Post-herpetic pains: Ran-b. Ars.

            Merc. and Coffee for faceache [Constantine Hering, M. D.]


Renal pain.


Sciaticas: Classical symptoms: acute pain down the sciatic nerve, < any movement/SENsitive to cold/more comfortable if kept quite and warm, then it depends which leg is involved what drug I give.

Mag-p. for r. sided sciatica. Coloc. for left sided sciatica.

Kali-i: UNcomfortable the longer they keep still/have to start moving/warm-blooded/< warm (warmth of bed)/> moving about.

Rhus-t: Wie Kali-i. + chilly patient/sensitive to damp and cold and more comfortable when moving about.

Gnaph: pain + NUMB with the pain and tenderness over the sciatic nerve more marked than any other remedy.

Plb-met: pain + NUMB with the pain and tenderness over the sciatic nerve + CONstipation.

Comparison Gnaphalium + Coloc. + Cham. + Mag-p. + Rhus-t.


Hepatic or renal colic:

Acon: 1st attack only/PAIN and drives crazyand terrifies/feels frightfully cold, very anxious, faints sitting or standing up/cannot bear the room being hot.

Bell: repeated attacks, short in duration/developing quite suddenly, stopping + a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium/attacks induced, or << by fluids, + flushing of the face/dilated pupils/full bounding pulse.

Chel: Liver symptoms for some time, just vague discomfort/slight fullness in the r. hypochondrium, a good deal of flatulence, intolerance of fats, and who is losing condition, becoming sallow and slightly yellow. Develops an acute hepatic colic, with violent shoot of pain going right through to the back (1. angle of the r. scapula, 2. a constant ache in the hepatic region, 3. another violent colicky attack). Attacks relieved by HOT application/drinking of water as hot as can be swallowed.

Berb: USEful in renal or gallstone colics. Pain radiates in all directions (1. l., 2. r.). Acute urging to urinate with pain at urination. << any movement/distress/a pale, earthy looking complexion.

Morgan pure Darmnosoden


Herzschmerz: Cact. Lach. Cimic. Kalm. Lycps. Spig.


Renal colic: the urine is as a rule rather suggestive/commonly not blood-stained, but contains a quantity of greyish-white deposit which may be pure pus, but mostly contains pus and a quantity of amorphous material usually phosphates, sometimes urates. Although it is a very dirty looking urine it is surprisingly inoffensive.

Ip. Intense nausea

Morgan pure Darmnosoden


Acute abdominal colic: think of either Coloc: or Mag-p. Both often useful for colic in any area, uterine, intestinal, bile ducts, or renal-it does not matter which it is.

These remedies almost identical with PAIN, patients doubled up with pain/relieved by external pressure and by heat. Colics are intermitting/spasms of pain which come up to a head and then subside.

Coloc: prefers steady, hard pressure/ always IRritable/IMpatient, wants something done at once, wants immediate relief, and is liable to be violently angry if the relief is not forthcoming/slightly coated tongue (the digestive tract is upset). << cold/likes hot applications, not so extremely sensitive to cold air in its neighbourhood. tends to giddiness (turning more especially to the left).

Mag-p: more relief from rubbing/not the same degree of irritability, patient is distraught because of the intensity of the pain rather than violently angry/tongue is usually clean. << cold/SENsitive to a draught on the affected area. No giddiness. Pain results of exposure to cold (dysmenorrhoea/abdominal colic).

Dios: ViolENT, spasmodic colic coming on quite suddenly, rising up to a height, then subsiding. Some relief from applied heat. Tossing to get relief. Contradicted to Coloc and Mag-p. (doubled up) is hyper-extended;

In gallbladder attacks, in a few intestinal colics, and in a case of violent dysmenorrhoea. I have never tried it in a renal case. Where you get that extreme extension of the spine you can give Dios. without asking any further questions.

            Ip. Pain MORE cutting than the acute spasmodic pain occurring in most other drugs. + intense nausea which each spasm of pain with clean tongue.


Menses colic: Ip.: Violent dysmenorrhoea, rather warm-blooded and with the spasm of pain often described as cutting pain in the lower abdomen. Get hot and sweaty and deadly sick so that cannot stand up and < movement. A perfectly clean tongue and a normal temperature = very often Ip. Even tends to dysmenorrhoea altogether.


Intestinal colic: Lyc: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/post-operative/in region of caecum = Blinddarm)/r. down towards the r. iliac fossa and spread over to the l. side/rumbling and gurgling/eructation with sour taste/pain in the back > passing urine/bit emaciated patient with a rather sallow, pale complexion.

Raph: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/mostly localized in one definite area/< 16 - 20 h./post-operative/paralytic)/a small area coming up in one place/becoming harder and chancing place/a little flushed/no eructations.

Op: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/mostly localized in one definite area/post-operative/paralytic)/apt to be a definite area of distention

(„As if everything simply churned up to one point and could not get past it “/ “As if something trying to squeeze the intestinal contents past some obstructing band “/

“As if something being forced through a very narrow opening “/Heat with colic (wants to push the blankets off). Distension likely to be in the centre of the abdomen rather than in the r. iliac fossa/very common in a paralytic ileus. (SENsitive to noise).

 Podo: hepatic colic mainly/miserable and depressed, almost disgusted with life. helpful in intestinal colics + acute diarrhoea with Podo modalities. infectious gallbladder/max. temperature in the morning (< 7 h.) and not in the evening. Jaundice. Pain not definitely localized in the gallbladder area/more in the epigastrium as a whole/tends to spread across from the middle of the epigastrium towards the liver region. Twisting towards the liver region. < taking food. After pain soreNESS in liver region/> stroking the liver lying down.


Zahnschmerz Repertorium + Zahnarztbesuch



Arn.                         Verletzung/Myalgie

Bell.                         Fieber, Entzündung, Krampf

Bry.                        Neuralgie

Cimic.                        Schmerz Wirbelsäule

Dulc.                        Gelenkentzündung (Nässe/Kälte)

Gels.                        Kopfschmerz

Mez.                        Neuralgie (Zoster)

Ran-b.            Nervenschmerz (Brustkorb)

Rhod.                        Wettermittel

Rhus-t.            Schmerz nach Überbelastung

Spig.                        Kopfschmerz

Das Aconit Schmerzöl wa kommt unter anderem bei schmerzhaften Verspannungen zum Einsatz. Welche Qualität bringt das Trägeröl bei diesem Arzneimittel ein?


Halswirbelsäule/Kopf                        Gelsemium Homaccord [enthält: Gels./Toxicodendron quercifolium/Cimic.]                                                                                     Di 4, Sj 5, Gb 20, Gb 21

            Hals-/Brustwirbelsäule                        Cimicifuga Homaccord [enthält: Cimic. D2/Cimic. D10/Cimic. D30/Cimic. D200/Stront-c. D30/Stront-c. D200/Stront-c. D8]            SJ 6, Gb 34

            Lendenwirbelsäule/Beine                        Colocynthis Homaccord [enthält: Citrullus colocynthis D2 + D10 + D30 + D200/Gnaph. D10 + D30 + D200 + D 1]                        Bl 60, Bl 40, Gb 30, Bl 23

            Schulter/Ellenbogen                                    Ranunculus Homaccord [enthält: Ran-b. D2 + D10 + D15 + D30 + D200/Asc-t. D 4 + D 10] Die Wirkstoffe 2 bis 10

werden gemeinsam über die letzte Stufe potenziert.                                                                                                                        Ma 38, Di 11

            Rippen                                                 Ferrum Homaccord [enthält:            Ferr-met. D8 + D30 + D200/Ferr-p. D8 + D30 + D200/Ferr-s. D6 + D 10 + D30 + D200/

Ferrum sesquichloratum solutum D4 + D10 + D30 + D200/Filipendula ulmaria (= Spirae.) D2 + D10 + D30 + D200]                        Pe 6, Sj 6

            Alles links                                                Spigelia Injeel S [enthält: Qi

                                                                        Spigelon [enthält: Alles rechts                                                Sanguinaria Injeel                                     Blut Xue

                                                                        An-io-injeel Heel Enthält: Acidum formicicum D10 + D 30 + D 200/Asc-t. D10 + D 30/Selenicereus grandiflorus D30 + D 200/Cast. D10 + D 30/

                                                                        Crat. 10 + D 30             + D200/Plb-i. D10 + D 30 + D 200/Glon. (= Nitroglycerinum) D 10 + D 30 + D 200/ Spig. D 10 + D 30 + D 200] Gemeinsame

                                                                        Potenzierung über die             letzten 2 Stufen.


Krebs: Organ preparations to treat pain:

Major indication for organ preparations in cancer patients:

Whereas patients are not sufficiently awake organically in the affected organ to begin with (condition initially painless/largely unnoticed by the immune system) conscious awareness may be permanently tied to the diseased organ later on, causing it to be excessively awake. Apart from potentized medicinal plants and minerals, high potencies of organ preparations are helpful in this situation.

Plexus coeliacus D 15 - D 30 (epigastric tumors). This autonomic plexus (or celiac ganglia) serves not only to supply the epigastric organs but is also connected (via the major splanchnic nerve) with viscero-sensitive fibers. Conventional pain treatment, attempts made to eliminate this organ with local alcohol infiltration (pancreatic tumors).

Plexus mesentericus D 15 - D 30 (lower abdominal pain).

Plexus brachialis D 15 - D 30 (middle chest).

Plexus lumbalis D 15 - D 30 (pain in lumbar region)

Substantia gelatinosa D 15 - D 30 (spinal cord)

Gyrus cinguli [responsible for the link between pain and emotion/sufferers damage in this part of the brain state that while they still feel the chronic pain, it "no longer worries" (D 15 - D 30)]. This is also utilized in clinical methods based on destruction of the organ, but functional modification with a potentized organ preparation would be a more differentiated approach.

Chest symptoms [with bronchogenic carcinoma/pulmonary metastasis involving pain or dysponea Plexus pulmonalis (D 15 - D 30)].



Vorwort/Suchen                         Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum