Amaranthus = Prickly Chaff-flower/Hindi Name: C hirchita, Latjira, Onga


Vergleich: Enthält: 16% protein in amaranth;

Amaranthus retroflexus (= Rauhaarige Fuchsschwanz Taumel).

Siehe: Caryophyllales

Information  regarding  the  nutritional  valueof wild  food plants in  Africa and current  information varies from source to source. Prior to commercialization of wild foods the nutritional, ethnobotanical,  medical,  chemical, anthropological  and  toxicity  requires  investigation. Plants from  the  Amaranthaceae  family  were  chosen  because  the  family  is  characterized  by  several species  which are  used by  indigenous communities as a source of  nutrition  in different plants of the  world.  The  focus  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  the  nutritional  and  biological  activities  of three plants  from the  Amaranthaceae  family  viz. Achyranthes aspera, Alternanthera sessilis and Guilleminea densathat are considered famine plants. This  study  aimed to  determine  the nutritional value  (proximate, minerals  and vitamins), biological  activity,  toxicity  and  potential  of  a  tissue  culture  systemfor  three  species from  the family Amaranthaceae.Nutritionalanalysis comprisedofdetermining  moisture, ash, protein,  fat, carbohydrate,  dietary  fibre  and  energy.  Mineral  analysis of  calcium,  copper,  iron,  magnesium, manganese,  phosphorus,  sodium  and  zinc  was  performed  by  microwave  digestion  and  then analyzed  by  ICP  Spectrophotometry.  Vitamin  A,  Vitamin  B1,Vitamin  B2,  Vitamin  B3 and Vitamin  Cwere  also  analyzed. For biological  and safety  analyses  aqueous  and  methanolic extracts  were  prepared.  Anti-oxidativeand anti-inflammatory  properties  of  the  extracts  were tested; antimicrobial  activitywastested by  evaluating the  bactericidal, fungal  effect  and minimum  inhibitory  concentrationon  selected  bacteria  and  fungi  using  the  agar  disk  diffusion method.  Anti  mosquito  potential  was  determined  by  setting  up  repellency,  larvacidal  assay  and insecticidal  assay.  The  safety  and  toxicity analysis was  carried  out  by  measuring  cytotoxicity, toxicity  and  mutagenicity.  The  potential  of  an invitro tissue  culture system of A.aspera,  A.sessilisand G.densa was determined using micropropagation. A. aspera indicated significant amounts moisture, ash, dietary  fibre, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2,  magnesium and  manganese. Plant extracts of A. aspera had antibacterial activity against the Gram  negative  bacteria Esherichia coli, Pseudomas  aeroginosa and Salmonella  typhi; Gram positive  bacteria Staphylococcus  epidermis and Staphylococcus  aureus.  The methanolic  extract had  antifungal  activity  against Sacchromyces cerevisiae  and  exhibited  significant  free  radical scavenging activity as well as 85% repellency against Anophelesarabiensis. The aqueous extract stimulated  the  growth  of  the  K562(Chronic  Myclogenous  Leukaemia) cell  line  and  the  plant extracts showed no mutagenicity or toxicity. A. sessilis indicated significant levels of ash, dietary fibre,  protein, energy,  vitamin  A, vitamin  B1,  vitaminB2,  vitamin  B3, iron,  magnesium  and manganese present. Plant extractsof A.  sessilis had antibacterial activity  against  Gram  negative bacteria P. aeroginosa and Gram positive bacteria S. epidermis. The plant also showed antifungal activity  against  the  yeasts S.  cerevisiae and Candida  albicans.  The  methanolic  plant  extract showed  excellent  antioxidant  activity. The  aqueous  plant  extract  stimulated  the  growth  of  the K562cell  line and the plant extracts possessed  no  mutagenicity or toxicity.  This plant  grew well in  a  tissue  culture  system  where  it  was  propagated from  callus  to  a  fully  grown  plant  able  to survive  in environmental conditions. G. densahas ash and dietary  fibre, vitamin  B2, vitamin  B3 and iron. The plant extracts  had antibacterial activity against  Gram  negative bacteria E. coli, P.aeroginosa and Klebsiella.  oxytoca;

Gram  positive  bacteria Baccilus  stereathermophilus and S. aureus.  The  plant  also  has  antifungal  activity  against C.  albicans and  significant repellency activity against

A. arabiensis where  it showed 100% repellency. This plant  was  not  found  to be mutagenic or toxic. The  results  obtained  from  this  study  show  promising  potential  for  the  plants  to  be  exploited  as famine  food  plants. The  nutritional  value,  biological  activity  and  ability  to  micropropagate A. aspera, A.  sessilisand G.  densaindicates 

a good  potential for  purposes  of harnessing biotechnological products.


Phytology: Ayurveda: bitter, pungent,  heating,  laxative, stomachic, carminative and useful in  treatment  of  vomiting,  bronchitis,  heart  disease,  piles,  itching  abdominal  pains,  ascites, dyspepsia, dysentery, blood diseases  etc.  Juice used  in the  treatment of boils, diarrhea, dysentery,  hemorrhoids, rheumatic pains,  itches and skin eruptions. The  leaf  is emetic and a decoction is used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

A paste of the leaves is applied in  the treatment of rabies, nervous disorders,  hysteria,  insect and snake bites (Manandhar, 2002).  The ash  from  the burnt plant, often  mixed with  mustard oil and a pinch of salt,  is  used as a tooth powder for cleaning teeth. The dried twigs are used as toothbrushes.



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