Ammonium carbonicum Anhang 1

[Frans Vermeulen]

Hatred does a great deal more damage to the vessel in which it is stored than the object on which it is poured.


A white powder - is stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. It is very soluble in cold water. It becomes unstable upon exposure to air and converts into ammonium bicarbonate. This process liberates ammonia and carbon dioxide. Contact with water may also liberate ammonia. Ammonia is a colourless, poisonous gas with

a characteristic pungent odour. This compound of nitrogen and hydrogen was first obtained from sal ammoniac. It is easily liquefied by compression or by cooling to about -33° C. In returning to the gaseous state, it absorbs substantial amounts of heat from its surroundings and thus is widely used as a coolant in refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment. It has a low density, high stability, low corrosiveness, and high heat of vaporisation. Ammonia gas may burn, but does not readily ignite.

Ammonia enters the environment through natural organic matter decomposition, run-off from agricultural fields, municipal waste treatment plant discharges, oil refinery, chemical manufacturing effluents, or atmospheric fallout. Its toxicity is greater in more alkaline waters at higher temperatures. It is also more toxic under conditions of decreased oxygen concentrations.

It makes up a significant fraction of the atmospheres of some of the giant gas planets and of some comets, but there is little free ammonia on the earth. It is widely believed that ammonia was a constituent of the atmosphere of the primordial earth, but that as life evolved and released oxygen into the atmosphere, any ammonia in the atmosphere was efficiently oxidized by the oxygen. To compensate for the loss of ammonia, life evolved a number of enzymatic pathways to create ammonia. Ammonia is part of the nitrogen cycle. "This cycle begins when atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen combine to form ammonia; the electrical energy of lightning drives the reaction. Ammonia combines with rain and becomes available to green plants as dilute nitric acid. Ammonia is also derived from the breakdown of proteins that constitute plants and animal cells. This chemical, combined with the products of photosynthesis, is used to form amino acids, which are the basic components of plant proteins. Animals eat the plant proteins, break them down into amino acids during the process of digestion, and recombine them to form their own particular forms of protein in order to build tissues and organs of their body. Certain soil bacteria convert nitrogen-containing compounds into ammonia and atmospheric nitrogen, a process known as denitrification. These bacteria obtain energy by breaking down not only nitrogen compounds urea and uric acid that are excreted by living animals, but also the nitrogen compounds produced by decaying organic matter."

Ammonium carb patient

Ammonia is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of fertilizers, plastics, and explosives. In the textile industry it is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibres such

as nylon and rayon. The alkali metals [lithium, natrium, potassium, rubidium, ceasium, francium] as well as the heavier alkaline earth metals [beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, radium] dissolve in liquid ammonia, producing blue solutions. Ammonium carbonate is used as a neutralizer and buffer in permanent-wave solutions and creams, as well as in baking powders, for degreasing wool, in fire extinguishers, and as an expectorant. It can cause skin rashes on the scalp, forehead, or hands. Ammonium carbonate [and sodium carbonate] is added to some brands of [snuff] tobacco to fasten the absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream. Violent reactions occur if ammonia comes in contact with chlorine, bromine, iodine, acids, gold, silver, calcium, and hypochlorite bleaches.

The use of ammonia for cooling applications dates back to the mid 1800's. The early 1900's largely perfected its use as a refrigerant in a closed cycle of evaporation, compression and condensation. At present, freon [chemicals containing fluorine] competes with ammonia as the main refrigerant.

Smelling salts - a preparation of ammonium carbonate with lavender or other perfumes - are used to relieve faintness and headaches. It revives the spirits. The fumes stimulate medullary reflexes in the brain by irritation of the nerve endings in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory system. Prolonged inhalation of ammonium carbonate causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. In severe cases, chemical bronchitis [swelling of air passages] may result.

Ammonia fumes can irritate the eyes and upper respiratory tract, causing vomiting, conjunctivitis and inflammation of the lips, mouth and throat. Toxic inhalations cause airway obstruction, pulmonary irritation with swelling, cyanosis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Ammonia has been shown to produce skin cancer in humans in doses of 1.000 mg/kg of body weight. It can damage cells directly, and skin contact can lead to dermatitis; ingestion can burn the oesophagus. Intoxication by ingestion is treated by drinking water or milk in order to dilute or neutralize the ammonia; vomiting is to be avoided, as the substance can burn the mouth or throat. Contact with the compressed ammonia gas can cause frostbite.

"Traces of ammonia are found as split-products in the erythrocytes. The lipoid solubility of ammonia explains their great haemolytic property, which is characteristically potentiated in combination with saponin. From direct contact with ammonia, the blood at first becomes dark red, then through destruction of the red blood corpuscles, there is flaking and finally it is a ruby-red. Such blood effects can appear only in very acute flooding with ammonia. But typical symptoms of intoxication find accord in the homoeopathic drug picture of ammonium preparations with septic and scorbutic states with a tendency to bleeding. ... The slight stability of ammonium, its great volatility, and its role in the body physiologically limited to the destructive phase, give it an accent in contradistinction to sodium and potassium, that the action is more transient, toxic and less constitutional."

The name ammon is derived from Am[m]on, the ancient Egyptian ram-headed god, in the region of whose temple sal ammoniac is said to have been first made from camel-dung. Amon created himself: there was no other god to create him, and he had neither father nor mother. He was invisible, born in secret. Being called first 'The Hidden One' [his image was painted blue to denote invisibility], Amon was later considered as a creative god. He was represented as a goose and called the Great Cackler, who laid the cosmic egg. This identification, however, was not pursued and, with the exception of the pinion feathers which remained an attribute of Amon, the goose image was dropped. More important became the association with another fertile animal, the ram. Still later he also became identified as a war-god. During the Assyrian occupation of Egypt, resistance was strongest in Thebes, and Amon's cult spread to the oases, especially Siwa in Egypt's western desert, where Amon was linked with Jupiter. As the power of the Theban princes grew, so Amon gradually became solarised and was henceforth known as Amon-Ra. He wore all the symbols of supreme power of the sun god. "Despite his universal grandeur, his cosmic and dynastic associations, Amon-Ra was also a popular god, whose worship among humble people was universal and personal. He was called the vizier of the poor, incorruptible and anxious to see that the just attained their rightful deserts and that the weak were protected against the strong ...

This sort of personal worship of the state god broke with earlier Egyptian traditions. Though theologically Amon-Ra was identified with earlier forms of the sun-god

as the dynastic deity, in fact his unprecedented wealth and power led to a novel form of theocracy. Where the strength of the god would before have bolstered the royal house, in the case of Amon-Ra it eventually undermined the monarchy. The ultimate result was that when Thebes was conquered by the Assyrians in 663 BC Amon-Ra

fell with the kingdom." Amon was identified by the Greeks with Zeus, and by the Romans with Jupiter. Like the Sun, the planet Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. "Jupiter's atmosphere contains trace amounts of water, ammonia, methane, and other organic [carbon] compounds. Astronomers theorize that three layers of clouds exist, separated by about 30 km in altitude. The lowest are made of water ice or droplets, the next are crystals of a compound of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, and the highest are ammonia ice."

PROVINGS •• Hahnemann - 7 provers; method: unknown.

•• Martin - 12 provers; method: ammonium carbonate in doses of 1-10 grains, for several days in succession or at 2 hour intervals.

•• Rendell - self-experimentation, 1881; method: 'I took one dose of Am-c. 1M [Fincke], and on the 27th day took a dose of 10M [Fincke]. On the 72nd day, being completely exhausted by the severity of the symptoms, I having become very thin and weak, I took a dose of Lachesis CM [Fincke]. All the symptoms were greatly ameliorated by next day, and most of them soon ceased.'



HEART [circulation; blood]. RESPIRATION. Lungs. Bronchi. * Right side. Left side.


<: COLD [CLOUDY days/DAMP/raw, open air]/falling asleep/3-4 h./during MENSES/motion/exertion/ascending steps/WASHING/warm room [asthma]/(after) EATING.

>: PRESSURE/lying on abdomen/lying on painful side/dry weather/open air [asthma]/eating/lying on right side;



"We can see that Am-c. is similar to Caust. in many ways, neither of them can tolerate the injustices and abuse of values in society. But in Caust. the

feeling of injustice is predominant, while Am-c. has more resentment. As they get older the provocative behaviour changes into a more cynical and reserved

kind of attitude. They are very disappointed in their old ideals, they think that society is rotten and corrupt."


"The anger is kept inside. The reservedness of the Ammoniums is also present in the Natriums, but in the Natriums the grudge is absent, they don't really have

this type of anger. The difference between the two is very clear when we compare Nat-c. with Am-c. Nat-c. is usually refined and dignified, while Am-c. can

be very blunt and resentful." [both quotes from Scholten]

Main symptoms

* Appears to stand midway between the Acidums in general [contain hydrogen ions] and Nitricum acidum [contains nitrogen].

• "Persons of a hateful and vindictive nature." [Hoyne]

Lack of docility; easily takes offence. [Gibson]

Disobedience; obstinacy. [Hahnemann]

Unfit for military life. [Gallavardin]

Disappointed resentment. Increasing grudge against society and the meaning of life.

• "They think that society is rotten and corrupt. They feel that all ideals have been sacrificed to pragmatism and greed. They become the angry and rebellious

young men." [Scholten]

Disappointment and bitterness. Abusive; censorious; cursing; hatred; malicious; anger from contradiction.

• "Express their anger inside by being rude, by cursing, swearing or criticising. But often the anger is held inside and is only expressed by surliness, obstinate silence, contrary behaviour or biting sarcasm." [Scholten]

• "Think of everything which others have done to displease me; lie awake all night to lay plans to talk to them about it, but forget it in the morning."

• "Full of care and gloomy anxiety; thoughts about unpleasant occurrences of former times crowd upon the mind and torment me."1

Lack of self-confidence; self-contempt.

• "Sad, despondent, homesick; tears run down my cheeks in evening and at night; have lost all self-respect, for I cannot do anything right; feel I ought not to

prescribe for a patient, am sure I do not know enough, despise myself because I do not know more; brain feels thick, cannot get a thought through it, it will not act; when I see a patient come in the office I feel so badly because I know I cannot do well for them, so that I am all in a tremble and can hardly speak, the perspiration runs down my back; I tremble so, I lose the powder out of the paper when trying to do it up; I try to conceal these symptoms, I am so ashamed of them; cannot see anything good in myself, feel so out with myself, with utter contempt of self, but see good in every one else, even my worst enemy; will stand up for them, an stand up for them, and point out some good in them, and make excuses for them; constantly admiring the good qualities I see in others, but think I am all bad, and that others think so: these symptoms lasted till end of proving."


• "Loss of train of thoughts when telling a story, and hitting upon wrong thoughts and expressions." • "Incorrect speech, using one word for another."

• "Uses wrong letters and figures in writing and ciphering." [Allen]

Preoccupied with his or her health. [Gibson]


Uncleanness of bodily habits.

Washing = epistaxis when washing face or hands in morning; blueness of hands; swollen veins; skin covered with red, mottled spots.

Ailments and great prostration, great dyspnoea, coldness and puffiness of face.

MALIGNANT scarlatina. And Somnolence, starting from sleep.

Faint development of rash due to defective vitality.



Very susceptible and sensitive to cold; readily catch cold in the winter.


GENERALLY < COLD but [asthmatic or cardiac] dyspnoea < warm room. < Cold or wet humid weather. > Dry, warm weather.



Lack of reaction to indicated homeopathic remedies in infectious diseases.

Lack of reaction in acute diseases.

• "Broken-down feeling of the whole body, lack of tone and weeping mood early in the morning on rising." [Hahnemann]


Faintness in a crowded room.

Speaking much or listening to others fatigues greatly.

• "Hearing others talk, and talking myself, makes me very weary and nervous; cannot bear it; must get away from it and people."1


Orgasm of blood at night. "Seems as if the heart and veins would burst."

Perspiration towards morning.


• "The earlier she goes to sleep, the better is her sleep; the later she goes to bed the less she can sleep." [Hahnemann]

Sleepiness during the day; > occupation.

Craving for sugar, sweets and chocolate.

• "An unconquerable desire."

[Compare with: "When feeling ill liable to frequent recourse to the bottle of 'smelling salts'."]

< 3 h./DURING MENSES. [sadness; headache; coryza; toothache; paleness of face; copious diarrhoea; pressure on uterus; chilliness; tiredness, esp. in the thighs; fatigue]

Biting, burning pains. ACRID, yellow, and watery discharges. May even cause ulceration. P Obstruction of nose at night [esp. when bedroom is warm]; nose feels blocked in spite of watery discharge. Frequent sneezing in morning in bed. Breathing stops as soon he falls asleep, must get up and walk. Emphysema and asthma and cardiac weakness. Cardiac cough without expectoration. < Ascending; warm room. Rendell, Proving of Ammonium Carbonicum, The Homeopathic Physician, July 1881, reported a few symptoms being cured by Am-c.: "Before taking Am-c., I would not eat white bread, or if I did, I would not digest it, but would vomit it; during the proving I could eat it, and can do so now, after the proving, without any bad effect." "Swelling and pain in breasts before menses, were removed by the proving." "Used to suffer very much during menses; this has ceased since the proving, but I have congestive headache instead." "Since an illness six years ago, the muscles and tissues have seemed to be bound together, not moving freely on each other as they used to; could not lie on back, there seemed to be such a tightness of the flesh from the chest to abdomen; can now lie on back with ease, and the muscles of body seem to act freely and natural; can walk with much greater ease since taking the Am-c." Rubrics Mind Absentminded when spoken to. Abusive, insulting in evening. Anger and red spots in face. Aversion to water. Dirtiness. Attempts to escape from her family and children. Irritability, excessively ill-humoured from cloudy weather. Morose from thunderstorm. Neglecting everything. Quarrelsome during menses. Revealing secrets in sleep. Sadness > after eating. Indisposed to talk, desire to be silent, taciturn, during menses.

Vertigo: When moving head at night.

Head: “As if brain falls to side to which he moves his head”. Heaviness while lying in bed. Pain, > smoking tobacco.

Eye: Feeling as if upper eyelids were too short transversely.

Vision: Colours, white stars when sneezing. Diplopia when looking intensely. Sparks, on waking at night.

Ear: Noises, “As if a bird or a large insect were fluttering its wings close to left ear”; reports as of distant shots; whispering; sound of wind.

Nose: Coryza during menses. Discharge excoriating during menses; watery during menses. Red discolouration of tip when stooping.

Face: Discolouration, pale before menses; red spots after washing. Dry lips, “As if they would crack open when moved”. Feeling of tension in skin in morning on waking.

Mouth: Speech difficult after eating.

Teeth: Biting teeth together sends a shock through head, ear and nose. Feeling as if teeth were not her own, but made of china [porcelain].

Stomach: Contraction, on stretching. Thirst during menses.

Abdomen: Rumbling > lying on abdomen; after swallowing.

Male organs: Pollutions when talking with women. Sexual desire increased when talking with women.

Female organs: Menses copious at night, < cold air/while sitting/standing; Menses copious and of short duration.

Chest: Pain in mammae before menses. Palpitation and lachrymation. Swelling of mammae before menses.

Sleep: Sleepless when going to bed late. Waking from hunger.

Dreams: Death, that he is dying/of having nosebleed.

Generals: Faintness in a crowded room.

Lassitude > walking in open air.

Trembling from [loud] noise.

Food and Drinks:

Aversion to: Meat/milk/cooked food (during menses);

Desires: Sweets/alcohol/beer/bread (during menses)/chocolate/coffee/cold drinks/cold food (during menses)/pungent/sour/sugar;

<: Hot food/potatoes/sweets [= toothache]/warm food;

>: Sweets/ warm food;



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