Autismus Anhang 6


[Gudrun Stindl]

Das "Kleiner-Professor-Syndrom"

Rund 80.000 Menschen sind in Österreich von Autismus betroffen. Mehr als die Hälfte davon hat eine leichte Variante, das Asperger-Syndrom. Es geht meist mit überdurchschnittlicher Intelligenz, aber auch mit verminderter sozialer Kompetenz einher.

Im Englischen wird es daher "the little professor syndrome" genannt. Die Vereinten Nationen fordern anlässlich des heutigen Weltautismustages mehr Toleranz

für die Andersartigkeit der Betroffenen.

Autisten nehmen Gefühle anderer schwer wahr

Der deutsche Kabarettist und Mediziner Eckhart von Hirschhausen bringt das Problem vieler vom Asperger-Syndrom Betroffenen mit Humor auf den Punkt.

Zitat: "Wenn Du als Pinguin geboren wurdest, dann machen auch sieben Jahre Psychotherapie keine Giraffe aus dir". Soll heißen: Hat man Asperger, dann ist

man anders als die Mehrheit der Menschen - und wird auch nie so wie die Mehrheit werden.

Für Autisten gilt generell: Sie nehmen Gefühle anderer schwer wahr, sagt Martin Felinger Psychologe der Österreichischen Autistenhilfe. "Sich in eine andere Person hineinzuversetzen und zu spüren was diese Person möchte, das funktioniert nicht oder nur sehr schlecht." Daher ist für sie "small talk" zu führen meist ein Gräuel,

während sie exzellent über ihr Fachgebiet, ihre Interessen sprechen können.

Die Ursache für das Asperger-Syndrom ist unklar, sagt die Neurologin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiaterin Brigitte Hackenberg. Man wisse nur, dass es biologische

Faktoren, wie eine genetische Disposition dafür gibt. "Interessanterweise liegen die Schwerpunkte der Forschung hauptsächlich im neurobiologischen Bereich,

es wird zu wenig auf soziologischer und psychologischer Ebene geforscht."

Mehr Männer als Frauen

Rund 80.000 Frauen, Männer und Kinder zeigen in Österreich Symptome von Autismus, die Störungsqualität haben, also Symptome, die die Betroffenen in ihrem

privaten wie beruflichen Fortkommen beeinträchtigen, sagt Brigitte Hackenberg, das sei eine nicht zu unterschätzende Zahl. Durch die sozialen Defizite haben

Asperger-Autisten, es sind mehrheitlich Männer im Verhältnis 1:8, oftmals Schwierigkeiten im Berufsleben Fuß zu fassen oder sie sind als "Nerds" verschrien.

Von Asperger Betroffene sind meist überdurchschnittlich intelligent, haben Spezialbegabungen, sind hochsensibel.

"Es gibt viele Menschen, die ihr ganzes Leben mit Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen haben, deren Ursachen oder deren Dynamik sie nicht verstehen. Für viele bedeutet

die Diagnose eines Asperger-Syndroms eine ganz große Erleichterung, weil sie dann im Nachhinein verstehen, warum sie so oft angeeckt sind, warum sie sich oft ausgeschlossen gefühlt haben."


Auch für das Umfeld, Familie, wie Arbeitgeber, kann eine Diagnose hilfreich sein, sagt Psychologe Felinger, um Verständnis für die Eigenheiten und Vorzüge zu entwickeln."Aufklärung ist wichtig, Strategien sind wichtig, man kann sich beraten lassen, es gibt ausgezeichnete Literatur, die einem hier helfen kann." Brigitte Hackenberg fügt hinzu: "Wenn wir uns einigen könnten auf die Andersartigkeit, dann könnten wir den Asperger-Autisten ein bisschen toleranter und kompetenter begegnen - und das sollte das Ziel sein!"

80 Prozent der Asperger-Autisten sind arbeitslos


Auch der 43jährige Amadé Modos hat immer wieder seinen Arbeitsplatz verloren, weil er sich nicht oder nur schwer eingliedern konnte. Erst seit zweieinhalb Jahren weiß er, dass er Asperger hat. Die Diagnose war eine große Erleichterung für ihn. "Es war für mich eine Erlösung, das kann ich wirklich sagen, weil ich nämlich schon mein ganzes Leben lang gespürt habe, dass ich irgendwie anders bin, anders denke als die übrigen Menschen und mich auf dieser Welt nicht so gut orientieren kann."


Wie von einem anderen Planeten habe er sich oft gefühlt. In der Schule wurde er von seinen Mitschülern gehänselt, bei den Lehrern hat er angeeckt, an der Technischen Universität Wien - wo er Versicherungsmathematik studiert und mit Diplom abgeschlossen hat - war es schwierig Freundschaften aufbauen, sich ins Umfeld einzugliedern und Small Talk zu führen. In den Gesichtern von anderen zu lesen sei fast unmöglich, auch wenn es jetzt besser gehe.


O-Ton Amadé Modos:


"Aber ursprünglich war es so, dass ich mich überhaupt nicht hineinversetzen konnte was der Mensch mir gegenüber im Augenblick wirklich denkt. Man kann das auch erweitern in dem Sinn, dass ich generell soziale Zusammenhänge nicht begriffen habe. Wenn rund um mich Intrigen im Gang waren, habe ich das auch nicht gemerkt."

Diagnose bringt Erleichterung


Durch seine Andersartigkeit hat Amadé Modos nach dem Studium immer wieder seine Jobs in der Versicherungsbranche verloren, war lange Zeit arbeitslos, trotz seines Wissens "Ich galt schon fast als Genie. Und da hat es geheißen: Jemand, der in Mathematik so gescheit ist, der sollte sich auf jedem Gebiet des Lebens gut auskennen. Und wenn er es nicht tut, dann ist er ein boshafter Mensch, weil er sich mit anderen spielt. Und deswegen hat es so lange gedauert bis der Gedanke kam, dass ich so ein Syndrom haben könnte. Vor zweieinhalb Jahren kam dann schließlich die Diagnose."


Mit der Diagnose ging es bergauf, endlich war klar, "warum ich so bin, wie ich bin", sagt Amadè Modos. Infolge habe er bei der Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz Unterstützung von "Specialisterne Austria" erfahren. Einem Verein, der sich darauf spezialisiert hat, Menschen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung am Arbeitsmarkt zu vermitteln und ihre Vorzüge aufzuzeigen, wie analytisches Denkvermögen, die Fähigkeit zur Mustererkennung oder auch besondere Genauigkeit. Bei seiner jetzigen Firma fühle er sich sehr wohl.


"Das war Sympathie auf den ersten Blick. Es ist genau das, wovon ich immer geträumt habe, nur meine kleine feine Arbeit zu machen und akzeptiert und geschätzt zu werden," sagt Amadé Modos.

Er hat seine Lebensgeschichte niedergeschrieben, um anderen Betroffenen Mut zu machen. "Ich muss mich durchs Leben tasten", heißt sein Buch.


[Michael Allen]

A Pediatrician's Insight on Autism

LILIPOH: Please give us a short introduction to your practice.

Dr. Allen: I have been a pediatrician for 21 years, and I am board certified in anthroposophic medicine, holistic medicine, and traditional pediatrics. In 2008, my wife

and I set up an anthroposophic healing center near Fair Oaks, California, The Center for Living Health. We work with Susan Johnson, MD, and William Bento, PhD,

as well as eurythmy, craniosacral, art, and extra lesson therapists.


LILIPOH: Do you see an increasing number of autistic children in your practice?

Dr. Allen: Yes, I have seen a significant increase in the number of children with autism in my practice and in the world at large since the late 1990s.


LILIPOH: Could you please outline the basic characteristics of autism, or the spectrum that is currently described with this word. How has it changed over the last

few years?

Dr. Allen: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by:

1. Social-interaction difficulties such as: failure to respond to their names, reduced interest in people, and delayed babbling. By toddlerhood, many children with autism

have difficulty playing social games, don’t imitate the actions of others, and prefer to play alone. They may fail to seek comfort or to respond to parents' displays of anger

or affection in typical ways.

2. Communication challenges. Young children with autism tend to be delayed in babbling and speaking and learning to use gestures, and exhibit an inability to understand body language, tone of voice, and expressions that aren’t meant to be taken literally. For example, even an adult with autism might interpret as sarcastic, “Oh, that's just great!” as meaning it really is great.

3. A tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors. Common repetitive behaviors include hand flapping, rocking, jumping and twirling, arranging and rearranging objects, and repeating sounds, words, or phrases. Sometimes the repetitive behavior is self-stimulating, such as wiggling fingers in front of the eyes.

However, symptoms and their severity vary widely across these three core areas. Taken together, they may result in relatively mild challenges for someone on the high- functioning end of the autism spectrum. For others, symptoms may be more severe, as when repetitive behaviors and lack of spoken language interfere with everyday life.

Historically, according to the American Psychological Association, the term autism was first coined by Swiss psychiatrist, Paul Eugen Bleuler in 1908. He used it to describe

a schizophrenic patient who had withdrawn into his own world. The root of the word autism is from the Greek "autos" which means "self." Combine that with the Greek suffix "ismos" which means “action or state of being,” and you get an original root meaning that roughly translates to a state of being absorbed by one's self or withdrawn within oneself. This makes sense today because people with autism often seem to be lost in themselves.

The pioneers in research into autism were Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner, who worked separately in the 1940s. The American child psychiatrist, Leo Kanner, studied children who had features of difficulties in social interactions, difficulty in adapting to changes in routines, good memory, sensitivity to stimuli (especially sound), resistance and allergies to food, good intellectual potential, echolalia or propensity to repeat words of the speaker, and difficulties in spontaneous activity. These were children who were severely affected. Hans Asperger studied a different group of children. His children also resembled those Kanner studied but they differed in one important respect: the children he studied did not have echolalia as a linguistic problem. Rather, they spoke like grownups. He also mentioned that many of the children were clumsy and different from normal children in terms of fine motor skills.

These were very able children.

In addition, beginning around the 1940s, parents of autistic children began receiving blame for their child's autism, particularly the mothers, who were called "refrigerator mothers.”

The whole idea behind the refrigerator mother concept was that children become autistic because of the mother’s frigidity. The mothers were supposedly "cold" to their

child and didn't interact or play with them and didn't cuddle them. Of course, we now know that this is a ridiculous theory and the product of doctors being too quick to

jump to a conclusion.

It wasn't until the 1960s that autism was established as a separate disorder, distinguished from others such as schizophrenia and retardation. Up to then, autism was treated very similarly to those disorders. From the 1960s through the 1970s, research into treatments for autism focused on medications such as LSD, electric shock, and behavioral change techniques.

The latter relied on pain and punishment. During the 1980s and 1990s, the role of behavioral therapy and the use of highly controlled learning environments emerged as the primary treatments for many forms of autism and related conditions. Other treatments were added as needed. Currently, the cornerstone of autism therapy is behavioral therapy.

The DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed, 1994, the current edition of American psychiatry's diagnostic guide) identified a set of separate Pervasive Developmental Disorders that are considered “autism spectrum disorders” (ASDs). These include Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Rett’s Syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

However, one of the most significant changes with the new DSM-V, which will be formally unveiled in May 2013, is that the separate diagnostic labels of Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, PDD-NOS, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, will be replaced by one umbrella term “Autism Spectrum Disorder.” The new Autism Spectrum Disorder will have new criteria to qualify, and Rett’s Syndrome is no longer included. These changes are already sparking quite a controversy in the autism community.


LILIPOH: Is the increase in the number of diagnosed “cases” a function of improved diagnosis, or could it be linked to increased stimulation, changes in the ability of teachers—or is there a basic genetic change?

Dr. Allen: There is a real increase in the number of children with autism. It is true that we are all now better at recognizing them, and even at younger ages, but that is a

direct result of the epidemic of new cases. In 1960, the prevalence of autism was 1:4000. In 2000 it was 1:2000. Now it is 1:88 children in the United States.

When I first started practicing in 1992, I worked in a large, traditional pediatric practice where we would see 250 or more kids every day. In a practice that large, you get

an accurate pulse on the health, or lack of it, in the community at large. Trends in health are identifiable, such as the increase in diabetes and other autoimmune disorders

in children that we have witnessed in our practice. We were not seeing these children with ASD in the early 1990s, autism was still rare!

Then, in the late 1990s, I started to notice more children who were not incarnating in a typical way. These children lacked sparkle in their eyes, and instead, there was

dullness there, as if covered with a veil. These youngsters did not regard the human face with recognition and connection, and smile, but simply looked at me as if I were

one of the many inanimate objects in the room. I was deeply moved. It made such an impact on me that 15 years later, I can still remember the first child I saw with what would later be diagnosed as autism. When I first started seeing these children, my colleagues and I were unable to diagnose them, but I would make a note in their chart

about their eyes. Shortly thereafter, autism became very familiar to me and to the rest of the world.

The increase in diagnosis of autism is not simply the result of overstimulation (+/o. other reactive disorders that might reveal mild symptoms similar to ASD), or the inability

of teachers. True, teachers are having a hard time with these children, but it is not because they are any less capable than teachers of the past. It is because there is an epidemic of these children who are not incarnating typically, and we are all still learning about their gifts and challenges. A genetic component has been identified, as there are more mutations in the genetic make-up of kids later diagnosed with autism versus kids that are not, when testing cord blood samples. However, this is true in some of the kids diagnosed with autism, but not all of them.


LILIPOH: What treatments have been found to be supportive in a child’s life after the diagnosis (therapy, stimulation, art, music, physical activity, medications, etc.)?

Dr. Allen: Each child or adult with autism is unique, so each autism intervention plan should be tailored to address specific needs.Traditional intervention can involve behavioral treatments, medicines or both. Many persons with autism have additional medical conditions such as sleep disturbance, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, seizures and gastrointestinal (GI) distress. Addressing these conditions can improve attention, learning, and related behaviors.

This can be traditionally done as follows: sleep disturbance (healthy sleep training, melatonin, or medications); ADD/ADHD (medication); anxiety (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT and/or medications); seizures (medication) and gastrointestinal (GI) distress (dairy and gluten sensitivity/allergy—food restriction, probiotics). Objective scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of two methods of methods of comprehensive behavioral early intervention. They are the Lova as Model based on Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and the Early Start Denver Model.

Studies indicate that early intensive behavioral intervention improves learning, communication and social skills in young children with autism. While the outcomes of early intervention vary, all children benefit. Researchers have developed a number of effective early intervention models that work best if the intervention focuses on the core

areas affected by autism (social skills, language and communication, imitation, play skills, daily living, and motor skills); if it provides the child with opportunities to interact with typically developing peers; and if the program actively engages parents in the intervention, both in decision making and the delivery of treatment.

Parents and therapists also report success with other commonly used behavioral therapies, including music therapy, floor time, pivotal response therapy, and verbal behavior therapy. Anthroposophic treatments have been found to be beneficial include anthroposophic remedies, eurythmy, rhythmical massage, art therapy, and speech therapy.

R.S. said, in “Education for Special Needs”, that whenever we give treatment to a handicapped child, we are intervening in karma, and that this work of the gods we must undertake as a benefit to us all.

The basic lessons we learn from our Waldorf kindergarten teachers—the benefits of adequate warmth, sleep, decreased media and overstimulation and good nutrition –

are instrumental in helping all children (with autism).

Growing evidence suggests that a small minority of persons with autism progress to the point where they no longer meet the criteria for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Various theories exist as to why this happens. They include the possibility of an initial misdiagnosis, the possibility that some children mature out of certain forms of autism and the possibility that successful treatment can, in some instances, produce outcomes that no longer meet the criteria for an autism diagnosis. I believe that when a child has an interruption in their incarnation process, they may reveal symptoms that resemble ASD. If we can meet them and support them anthroposophically, we can intervene in their karma and help them to heal.


LILIPOH: How can an anthroposophic medical outlook help us to understand autism?

Dr. Allen: Autism can be looked at as an atypical incarnation process. This specific “abnormality” reveals itself in the pattern of symptoms we call autism. Yet, one should ask, what is the purpose of autism? In anthroposophy, Steiner said that we prepare for our upcoming incarnation in the time between death and rebirth. The interweaving of the cosmos, the individual soul, and our specific karma come together as we make plans for what we want to work on in our upcoming incarnation.

Is the purpose of autism one of altruism, to serve as a sacrificial mirror (see below) or as a springboard for the individual soul to form a future earthly life, as Steiner indicated in his book, Education for Special Needs?

The essence of autism is a disharmony of the ego function. The ego does not engage the lower organization (metabolism) sufficiently from the periphery inward. This is reflected into the consciousness pole, as the centering of the ego in the upper organization is also deficient. The disturbed relationship of the ego results in a weakened etheric stream from the lower organization, which is too little for a healthy relationship to the soul forces. Thus, thinking, feeling, and willing cannot be brought together.

In a mild case, this might manifest as a bright child with autism who is hyper-focused on one topic but has difficulties with others, can’t read social cues, can’t feel love, has delayed speech, and repeatedly engages in hand-flapping.

A child may come into this life with autism, or autism may develop from a vaccine or other physical injury, either to the brain or to the gut. If the injury is in the brain, then it causes a reflected injury in the gut, or if the original injury is in the gut, then the reflected dysfunction occurs in the brain.


LILIPOH: What are the social/spiritual implications arising from the fact that so many children are being diagnosed with autism?

Dr. Allen: According to educator Eugene Schwartz, if we look at illnesses as mirrors for the age, we see in our current mirror, indifference, social isolation, timidity, and lack of empathy.

In autism we find individuals who share these “inbreathing” characteristics, and serve as sacrificial mirrors to reflect our time. 3

Ours is a time of materialism. This excessive materialism distracts us from our spiritual development. People with autism are handicapped in a way that prevents their spiritual development. This is a sign of our times. The purpose of autism is to balance out this excessive materialism. Thus autism can be seen as both the result of, and the remedy for, excessive materialism. We are suffering from the inability to develop spiritually and deeply connect with our fellow human beings. Autism reveals this to us, and gives us the opportunity to step away from ourselves and our immersion in the materialistic world, and focus on helping our children with autism and the world at large. We have to be sensitive, caring, and loving enough to open ourselves to the gifts that these individuals bring to the world. With healthy empathy and tolerance, we can support them and learn the meaning and balance of their incarnation. In the process, we learn to strive for healthy social connection and continue developing our potential as spiritual human beings.


LILIPOH: Can you explain what Rudolf Steiner and Karl Koenig, MD, said about what these individuals bring to their incarnation?

Dr. Allen: People who are handicapped bring in karmic blessings and karmic work for parents, siblings, caregivers—anyone and everyone who has a relationship with them in any way.

This is a real Christ healing impulse to learn social connection, and how to care for our fellow human beings. Each handicap brings a specific lesson for the individual, parents, family and community.

R.S. once said that when we see a child with an “abnormality” and we immediately want to “fix” them, trying to get rid of the “abnormality,” we in fact are both not learning the lesson they bring, and might just be driving out a fragment of genius. I believe this is true, as my own son, Kieran, which means “beam of light,” came into this world as

an angel —a wake-up call to put me and my family back on our spiritual path when we were lost in the sea of materialism.

He was born with cerebral palsy and later developed seizures. Conventional medications failed, so Kieran led me on a holistic journey, including my introduction to anthroposophy, as I searched for things to heal my son. What I discovered in the process is that they helped to heal me.

Kieran’s quality of life improved, and he remained with us long enough to complete our life lessons. Then, two weeks after his seventh birthday, he developed pneumonia and unexpectedly passed. This was the hardest lesson for me as a father, as a pediatrician, and as a human being, to learn. Yet, I was grateful for his teachings and for the awareness of his gift even during his lifetime. It was both the most difficult and the most gratifying experience of my life.

Kieran was a beam of light, an angel on this earth, who deeply touched everyone who was exposed to him. I believe that children with autism, like my son, are here to be our teachers.


LILIPOH: What happens to the parents? I understand that divorce rates are very high in families with children with autism. Are there resources to support the families?

Dr. Allen: Parents of children with autism are generally exhausted, isolated and frustrated. The physical, emotional and financial burdens are enormous, and friends and family shy away.

However, the reported 80% divorce rate of parents with autistic children is erroneous. Recent studies have found that 64% of children with an autism spectrum disorder have two married biological or adoptive parents, while 65% of children who do not have an autism spectrum disorder had two parents. Another study revealed a 24% chance of divorce between autistic parents of autistic children versus a 14 percent chance of divorce between parents of non-autistic kids. Whichever study you believe is more correct, they are both much lower than 80%.

There are many resources available to families of autistic children and adults. These range from advocates to financial, diagnostic, books, diets, caregivers, support groups, social programs, education, parental support, blogs, and attorneys, etc. Some of these can be accessed through the Resource Guide by Autism Speaks (see below), that offers resources available specific to one’s state and zip code.


LILIPOH: What happens when autistic children grow up to be adults?

Dr. Allen: It all depends on their level of function and how well we've been able to help them to integrate with the world. A lot has to do with early intervention, understanding individuals with their specific gifts and challenges, and then putting enough support in place so that these individuals are able to reach outside of themselves, tolerate their surroundings and be able to interact with them. Things generally improve as children with autism get older, yet nearly seven years after high school, 35% of autistic young adults still had no paid employment or education beyond high school. The statistics are dramatic: within a decade or so, more than 500,000 children diagnosed with autism will enter adulthood.

Some of them will have the less severe variants like Asperger’s syndrome or “high-functioning autism” and may be able to live more independent and fulfilling lives.

But even this subgroup will require some support, and the needs of those with lower-functioning varieties of autism will be profound and constant as some will forever live

in a supported environment, whether at home or in a group home, and will never hold a job.

There may be others who lead not only normal, but incredible lives, having so much to offer the world in the way of creativity and knowledge, as they share their gifts and passions, making the world a better place for all of us. We just have to be “open” to them, and to give them the opportunity without our traditional “limiting” boundaries.


LILIPOH: What research is happening that will let us project into the future?

Dr. Allen: Research is revealing that the risk of autism increases linearly with BOTH the age of the father AND the age of the mother at conception. Increased risk also happens with low folic acid levels, fever and flu during pregnancy, etc. There are both genetic and environmental factors currently being investigated. In addition, there is significant research being done on the gut-brain connection (which is supported by Steiner’s view of the interaction or reflection between the upper and lower forces).

An autism tsunami is on the way. With the numbers of children diagnosed with autism skyrocketing, we will soon have over half a million young adults 18 or older in the U.S. with autism.


[Elaine Lewis/Gina Taylor]

Elaine: CEASE stands for, what? Wait…don’t tell me, don’t tell me…Tell me!

Gina: Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression



I suppose we have to define what autism is. Autism is a spectrum of mental and physical disorders, often including seizures, obstinate behavior, stubborn adherence to rituals, fixations, violent behavior, screaming, tantrums, hyperactivity, inappropriate or lack of communication with others, developmental delay, and so on, caused by inflammation

of the brain. Would you agree?

As I understand it, according to the CDC, 1 in 68 children in the U.S. is autistic and 1 in 6 has a learning disability.

Do you know what the figure was for the mid ’70’s? I have heard it was 1 in 2,500, I have also heard 1 in 5,000. What does the medical profession say is causing this bizarre outbreak among children?



The allopathic medical profession has no clue what is causing autism; it’s either that or they just have their head in the sand and don’t want to know. Each time a parent questions them they get a generic answer, “It’s in your genetics, your child was born with the gene.”



That’s exactly what I’ve heard, “You have the gene!” But, this is their answer for everything including high blood pressure, cancer and almost any other disease you bring up to them! “It’s your genes, you have the gene!” This shields them from ever having to take responsibility for their own role in these diseases, their toxic treatments for everything under the sun; or, the role played by their corporate allies in the processed food industry, the bio-tech industry, etc.



From the perspective of a homeopath, it is beyond obvious! Homeopaths search to find a “causal factor” in every case they treat, and it often points to a drug or vaccine. “Never been well since vaccination.” Not sure of the numbers of autistic kids in the 70’s but it increased by leaps and bounds when they added more vaccines to the schedule around 1986.



That’s because in 1986, the pharmaceutical industry won immunity from prosecution with regard to vaccines! They successfully lobbied Congress, the result being that they CAN’T BE SUED.

The government covers Big Pharma’s a** with tax-payer dollars. After this major coup, the vaccine schedule increased by leaps and bounds, because, again, they can’t be sued, and hence, the vaccine schedule is now off the charts! (If you are injured by a vaccine, you have to go to “vaccine court”, part of Health and Human Services. If you are deemed to have been injured, the drug company is held harmless and the government pays for your injuries. So far, “vaccine court” has paid out over 3 billion dollars in damages!)



Autism Spectrum Disorder covers everything you mentioned above and I believe it’s one in every 37 kids at the moment. The planet is toxic: environmentally, the soil, the sky, the air we breathe, the water we drink and all the pharma pills swallowed, and inevitably, the immune system is failing. The nail in the coffin are the highly toxic vaccinations. Elaine, here’s a vaccine insert naming autism as a side-effect of the DTaP shot, aka, “Tripedia”:

“Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine) include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea”


Is this as close as the medical profession gets to admitting autism is a side-effect of vaccines? Well, there it is! Meanwhile, let’s look at this whole list of horrendous “adverse events” and ask ourselves how these vaccines can possibly be labeled as “safe”? Aside from autism, we have: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP)–another disease

on the rise in children that never used to exist on a mass scale. (You have no IDEA how many parents of ITP children contact me); SIDS–that’s sudden infant death! Anaphylaxis–that’s a life-threatening allergic reaction. Cellulitis = very painful skin infection! Convulsions–I think we all know what they are… Encephalopathy–that’s brain damage; Neuropathy (nerve damage)…. It’s insane! How does this get approved by the FDA, on what basis?

OK, so let me ask you, CEASE therapy is based on the book “Autism, Beyond Despair: CEASE Therapy by Tinus Smits, MD. He postulates that it’s not just vaccines causing autism, as we originally thought, but rather any number of drugs the child has taken, even drugs the mother got during childbirth, isn’t that right? Dr. Smits is saying, you have to “antidote” all these drugs by giving them back to the child as homeopathic remedies. Do I have it right so far? My question is, your average child has been given sooooo many drugs and soooo many vaccines, where do you start?! Do you do “reverse order”, a la “Hering’s Law”, i.e., last drug comes first?



Yes it’s the same. Work in reverse order but only if a pharma drug or vaccination is showing symptoms.



That’s just it, Gina, no one knows which drug or vaccine is responsible for the symptoms because kids are given drugs all the time! Typical situation: mother brings autistic

4 year old to you. He’s had all the vaccines, Tylenol for fevers, antibiotics for ear infections, seizure drugs for seizures, some of these kids are on anti-psychotics, then there’s the epidural and Demerol the mother had during labor, not to mention all the ultrasounds…



Yes all these drugs are prescribed in potency from 30C to 10M. By careful case taking the homeopath can weave her way through the Maze of toxins taken by these children, and that’s why not just anyone can be certified. I have had many parents ask me “can I take the CEASE certification course?”….. It’s not as simple as just taking the course;

a trained background of classical homeopathy is a must. The constitutional remedy of the patient is used in the cease protocol too.



Is there some trick to weaving your way through the maze of toxins taken by these children? (And as you know, in some cases, they’re still taking them!) I have personally heard parents say, “Everything went bad after the MMR.” I tell them to order MMR 30C, the parent gives the remedy, and nothing happens; which, of course, is disheartening! Then you’re thinking, what does this mean? Was MMR 30C given “out of order”? Do we literally need to go backwards from the last drug taken?

Was MMR just the straw that broke the camel’s back? Or, should we assume that 30C was too low a potency? Or do you need to give the constitutional remedy first?

In other words, how often is getting results just a matter of luck in these cases?



A loaded question: firstly the potency has to be correct and has to be given for as long as there are still symptoms, then a “clearing” is given by using the next highest potency, this also should be given until symptoms stop, it may be one week it may be two months everyone is different . The lower potencies normally address the physical symptoms, higher potencies address the mentals so all 4 potencies are used in the cease protocol. Not just one used one time but repeatedly; a trained classical homeopath knows what to look for if and when these aggravations stop.

The potentized vaccine that should be used to detox has to be the exact batch from the same country, as not all MMR vaccines are the same. The parent has to go back to the doctor and ask for the specific lot number. A specialist homeopathic pharmacy makes these CEASE remedies, it’s not the same vaccine Isodes that you get at, say, Hahnemann Labs in California. Totally different! Before I was a CEASE therapist, I tried using “generic” isopathic remedies ….. it was a useless waste of time.



Mama mia! You need the lot-number? Do doctors even make a note of that in your chart? Will they even give you that information if you ask for it? So you’re saying that if

I order DPT 30C from Ainsworths or Helios Pharmacy in England, it might not even help?



Yes that is what I am saying, Elaine! The exact energetic imprint has to be similar not sort of the same. And yes all parents have access to their own children’s health records it’s the law. Also what is important is to open the elimination channels prior to isopathics (the vaccine/drug remedies). This means via the bowels, via skin the toxins locked

in the body need a path out, most kids that are vaccine damaged have some sort of skin imbalance and digestive issues, I am sure you have noticed this. It comes down to this: if the elimination paths are not wide open, the child will not detox.



Holy cow! Yes, I’ve noticed they all have digestive issues, they’re all addicted to junk food or have the worst diets imaginable and are very rigid and you can’t steer them towards healthier foods.

How do you open the elimination channels?



How the elimination channels are opened is via bentonite [(= eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Tonmineralien, mit als wichtigste Bestandteil Montmorillonit (60% bis 80%) enthält, was seine starke Wasseraufnahme- und Quellfähigkeit erklärt. Weitere Mineralien: Quarz, Glimmer, Feldspat, Pyrit oder auch Calcit. Entsteht durch Verwitterung aus vulkanischer Asche] clay baths (which the child can stay in for as long as the water feels comfortable for him) or epsom salts, this pulls toxins out via the skin and a bath each night is a must for these toxic children. Taking supplements like vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and omega 3’s daily will repair brain and muscle tissues. Bentonite clay taken internally pulls out gut toxin with each bowel movement.



So, the best omega 3 in my opinion is cod liver oil, which comes in flavors and isn’t as horrible as you might think. Gina, how important is diet?






Because you know how rigid these kids are! Everything has to be the same with them each day, they’re routinized. Most of them are eating nonsense. And I doubt they can swallow pills. How is this managed?



Dietary overhauls for all homeopathic patients are always problematic especially with children but as you well know it has to be part of the process as their faulty diet may be

a maintaining cause.



No doubt.



The child does not buy the groceries. I had spoken to a mother yesterday who ran into this problem; she buys only organic, no sugar no gluten no wheat foods for her son but when he stays with his father, anything goes, and the kid returns home severely sick! Gut problems, headaches, trouble breathing, anger issues, irritable. So then mom calls and books an appointment for homeopathy to fix all his imbalances – yes it’s all about the diet.

Just don’t make things worse than they already are by adding to the toxic load the child is carrying around; so, no junk, everything should be organic, made from scratch, no processed food, and remember: sugar and white flour are very bad, very acidic, causes the child to lose Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and the B vitamins which he desperately needs. Sugar is a poison. So are GMO’s. Milk is another problem. Supermarket dairy is a processed food–pasteurization and homogenization change the molecular structure of the milk, destroy the friendly bacteria and most of the vitamins, so, try almond milk, etc., but, read the labels and make sure there are no unnecessary ingredients like sugar, guar gum and carrageenan added. Always read labels!



I want to add that you can “stealth” vegetables into smoothies and your child will not taste them! I will give you an example. I have a Nutribullet (high-speed blender) and here are the ingredients I use:

a cup of raw milk but you can use coconut or almond, etc. milk instead if you want. To that I add: a frozen banana, frozen organic mixed berries (they come in packages in the freezer section of your health food market but if fruit is in season, use any fruit you want), grapes to add sweetness, baby spinach, baby kale, a raw organic egg and blend it all up for about a minute. It is sinfully delicious! And nutritious! And it’s what these kids need–super nutrition; and stop giving your kid drugs–that’s what homeopathy is for!

Gina, are there any simple, easy fixes you can lay on us?



You ask about “easy fixes”… No such thing, especially not the removal of an iatrogenic toxin (drug). There are lots of aggravations when each detox or “clearing” occurs, this is why it’s not a “do it yourself” project (I am talking about moms doing this this without seeing a homeopath/certified CEASE practitioner) as each case requires months of follow up, sometimes a few years.



It sounds like it’s easier to prevent this disorder than cure it once it’s established. What can parents do to prevent autism?



Don’t vaccinate. And that goes for adults too because whatever is in your system, you pass on to your child in utero.



What about other drugs? I’ve heard that the Tylenol they’re giving routinely with vaccinations to stop the fever (which may be protective–the fever, not the Tylenol) is as much to blame as the vaccines themselves.



Yes, there is a long list of iatrogenic toxins that may add to the problem of brain damage, it all should be addressed, it’s not as simple as “just the vaccines.”



Gina, I’m sure people reading this will be wanting to see you. Do you do Skype cases?



I haven’t up to now but I think I’m going to start doing that because there are not enough CEASE therapists to go around.



I’ve got great news for all our readers! Debby Bruck’s interview with Gina Tyler, “Detoxing Autism with Homeopathy”, is just a click away:


Thanks Gina!


[Gudrun Stindl]

Das "Kleiner-Professor-Syndrom"

Rund 80.000 Menschen sind in Österreich von Autismus betroffen. Mehr als die Hälfte davon hat eine leichte Variante, das Asperger-Syndrom. Es geht meist

mit überdurchschnittlicher Intelligenz, aber auch mit verminderter sozialer Kompetenz einher.

Im Englischen wird es daher "the little professor syndrome" genannt. Die Vereinten Nationen fordern anlässlich des heutigen Weltautismustages mehr Toleranz

für die Andersartigkeit der Betroffenen. Autisten nehmen Gefühle anderer schwer wahr

Der deutsche Kabarettist und Mediziner Eckhart von Hirschhausen bringt das Problem vieler vom Asperger-Syndrom Betroffenen mit Humor auf den Punkt. Zitat:

"Wenn Du als Pinguin geboren wurdest, dann machen auch sieben Jahre Psychotherapie keine Giraffe aus dir". Soll heißen: Hat man Asperger, dann ist man anders

als die Mehrheit der Menschen - und wird auch nie so wie die Mehrheit werden.

Für Autisten gilt generell: Sie nehmen Gefühle anderer schwer wahr, sagt Martin Felinger Psychologe der Österreichischen Autistenhilfe. "Sich in eine andere Person hineinzuversetzen und zu spüren was diese Person möchte, das funktioniert nicht oder nur sehr schlecht." Daher ist für sie "small talk" zu führen meist ein Gräuel,

während sie exzellent über ihr Fachgebiet, ihre Interessen sprechen können.

Die Ursache für das Asperger-Syndrom ist unklar, sagt die Neurologin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiaterin Brigitte Hackenberg. Man wisse nur, dass es biologische

Faktoren, wie eine genetische Disposition dafür gibt. "Interessanterweise liegen die Schwerpunkte der Forschung hauptsächlich im neurobiologischen Bereich,

es wird zu wenig auf soziologischer und psychologischer Ebene geforscht."

Mehr Männer als Frauen

Rund 80.000 Frauen, Männer und Kinder zeigen in Österreich Symptome von Autismus, die Störungsqualität haben, also Symptome, die die Betroffenen in ihrem

privaten wie beruflichen Fortkommen beeinträchtigen, sagt Brigitte Hackenberg, das sei eine nicht zu unterschätzende Zahl. Durch die sozialen Defizite haben

Asperger-Autisten, es sind mehrheitlich Männer im Verhältnis 1:8, oftmals Schwierigkeiten im Berufsleben Fuß zu fassen oder sie sind als "Nerds" verschrien.

Von Asperger Betroffene sind meist überdurchschnittlich intelligent, haben Spezialbegabungen, sind hochsensibel.

"Es gibt viele Menschen, die ihr ganzes Leben mit Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen haben, deren Ursachen oder deren Dynamik sie nicht verstehen. Für viele bedeutet

die Diagnose eines Asperger-Syndroms eine ganz große Erleichterung, weil sie dann im Nachhinein verstehen, warum sie so oft angeeckt sind, warum sie sich oft ausgeschlossen gefühlt haben."

Auch für das Umfeld, Familie, wie Arbeitgeber, kann eine Diagnose hilfreich sein, sagt Psychologe Felinger, um Verständnis für die Eigenheiten und Vorzüge zu

entwickeln." Aufklärung ist wichtig, Strategien sind wichtig, man kann sich beraten lassen, es gibt ausgezeichnete Literatur, die einem hier helfen kann."

Brigitte Hackenberg fügt hinzu: "Wenn wir uns einigen könnten auf die Andersartigkeit, dann könnten wir den Asperger-Autisten ein bisschen toleranter und

kompetenter begegnen - und das sollte das Ziel sein!"

80% der Asperger-Autisten sind arbeitslos

Auch der 43jährige Amadé Modos hat immer wieder seinen Arbeitsplatz verloren, weil er sich nicht oder nur schwer eingliedern konnte. Erst seit zweieinhalb

Jahren weiß er, dass er Asperger hat. Die Diagnose war eine große Erleichterung für ihn. "Es war für mich eine Erlösung, das kann ich wirklich sagen, weil ich nämlich

schon mein ganzes Leben lang gespürt habe, dass ich irgendwie anders bin, anders denke als die übrigen Menschen und mich auf dieser Welt nicht so gut orientieren


Wie von einem anderen Planeten habe er sich oft gefühlt. In der Schule wurde er von seinen Mitschülern gehänselt, bei den Lehrern hat er angeeckt, an der Technischen Universität Wien -wo er Versicherungsmathematik studierte und mit Diplom abgeschlossen hat- war es schwierig Freundschaften aufbauen, sich ins Umfeld einzugliedern

und Small Talk zu führen. In den Gesichtern von anderen zu lesen sei fast unmöglich, auch wenn es jetzt besser gehe.


O-Ton Amadé Modos:

"Aber ursprünglich war es so, dass ich mich überhaupt nicht hineinversetzen konnte was der Mensch mir gegenüber im Augenblick wirklich denkt. Man kann das auch erweitern in dem Sinn, dass ich generell soziale Zusammenhänge nicht begriffen habe. Wenn rund um mich Intrigen im Gang waren, habe ich das auch nicht gemerkt."

Diagnose bringt Erleichterung

Durch seine Andersartigkeit hat Amadé Modos nach dem Studium immer wieder seine Jobs in der Versicherungsbranche verloren, war lange Zeit arbeitslos, trotz seines Wissens "Ich galt schon fast als Genie. Und da hat es geheißen: Jemand, der in Mathematik so gescheit ist, der sollte sich auf jedem Gebiet des Lebens gut auskennen.

Und wenn er es nicht tut, dann ist er ein boshafter Mensch, weil er sich mit anderen spielt. Und deswegen hat es so lange gedauert bis der Gedanke kam, dass ich so ein Syndrom haben könnte. Vor zweieinhalb Jahren kam dann schließlich die Diagnose."

Mit der Diagnose ging es bergauf, endlich war klar, "warum ich so bin, wie ich bin", sagt Amadè Modos. Infolge habe er bei der Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz

Unterstützung von "Specialisterne Austria" erfahren. Einem Verein, der sich darauf spezialisiert hat, Menschen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung am Arbeitsmarkt

zu vermitteln und ihre Vorzüge aufzuzeigen, wie analytisches Denkvermögen, die Fähigkeit zur Mustererkennung oder auch besondere Genauigkeit.

Bei seiner jetzigen Firma fühle er sich sehr wohl.

"Das war Sympathie auf den ersten Blick. Es ist genau das, wovon ich immer geträumt habe, nur meine kleine feine Arbeit zu machen und akzeptiert und geschätzt zu werden," sagt Amadé Modos.

Er hat seine Lebensgeschichte niedergeschrieben, um anderen Betroffenen Mut zu machen. "Ich muss mich durchs Leben tasten", heißt sein Buch.


[John Melnychuk]

Factors to increase the risk of Autism

What happened to this boy K.?

My perception is this is a case of poisoning. The first clue is that K. was mostly well, apart from the deafness in the right ear. The family history of cancer is significant –

it is an indication of a higher susceptibility particularly to MMR vaccine. (There are dozens of factors which increase the risk of autism – genetic history is a major issue

and I am careful to gather as much information as possible about the pregnancy and extended family history in these types of cases. Different genetic inheritance yields children which are more susceptible to various types of vaccines. There are many ways for children to become autistic and there are many types and manifestations

of autism according to the unfortunate combination of inherited and environmental factors).

It is very important to note that not all children will be negatively affected by vaccines, and not all autism is associated with vaccine injury, but vaccines are a factor in

more than 80% of cases I see of true autism. Vaccines are an important, but usually a secondary factor in cases of Pervasive Developmental Delay.

The 2nd clue is the fact that he stopped breathing shortly after birth. He must have been blue at least for a short time in an episode of neonatal asphyxia.

(Maybe from Hep B jab?)

The 3rd clue is the wet stools from birth. This indicates that there was already some inflammatory activity and lack of development in the gut before any vaccines, except perhaps Hepatitis B vaccine which is routinely given shortly after birth in America. (I think this Hepatitis B is a major contributor to jaundice in newborns.) This digestive weakness shows that K. already had some susceptibility to vaccines and foods from birth. I speculate it was the antibiotics and other drugs that the mother received for

the tooth extraction before she realized she was pregnant that contributed to this digestive problem in K.

The 4th timeline is the fourth clue. Note that K. was observed as developing normally socially and with language to his first birthday. There is even video evidence of his normal ability and conduct. After MMR there was a slow, insidious onset of symptoms over approximately six months which resulted in loss of social interest, speech,

and intolerance of foods. This is typical for MMR vaccine related autism.

The timeline here is quite typical. Several years ago the most common presentation would be of a child that was injured by MMR would have early normal development

and then be affected by an MMR jab at 12 months. Most often a bit of fever or fussiness would come after the jab.

Tylenol was almost always given (which always compounded the severity of the injury - don’t get me started about Tylenol….) by 18 months speech and social interest

would be lost and gut problems would appear.

Pediatricians would typically stall the parents – “he’s just a late talker,” etc.

Diagnosis of autism or Pervasive Development Delay – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD – NOS) would come by age three or four depending on the severity of damage

the child had sustained. (PDD - NOS would be a more common diagnosis where motor planning problems were more evident rather than where primarily speech and

social deficits presented.)

These days the timeline is a bit different for children developing symptoms as a related to MMR injuries. Now for children where MMR is likely a factor, the onset

generally comes later and the diagnosis comes earlier.

What we see now is slightly atypical development at 15 to 18 months with loss of social interest and speech by 24 months. The prognosis for these children is better since

their injury came later, is milder, and because diagnosis and treatment come earlier. The later onset and milder injury have likely arisen because thimerosal has recently been removed from MMR and many other, but not all childhood vaccines.

Thimerosal is one of many metals and chemicals commonly present in vaccines as stabilizers to extend shelf-life of the vial of vaccine. Thimerosal is more than 50% mercury by weight. The diagnosis comes earlier because Autism is a more popular diagnosis and pediatricians are very interested to make such a diagnosis even if the evidence is for PDD-NOS or some other problem. Is it clear that thimerosal is not the only problem, although it has been the focus of most of the Autism advocacy groups and most scientists and physicians.

The 5th major clue is: paroxysms of violence.

K. was actually suffering from something like minor seizures which would come on suddenly and result in his attacking his mother and others. We see that he would also strike his head. This is never a good sign and it frequently presents in cases of head or brain injury and autism.

In this case, K. suffered short suddenly intense pains in the head which he responded to by pressing or striking his head very hard, hitting his head or doing head stands.

So intense was his distress, without any other ability to express his suffering with language, he would strike, pinch, bite, kick and injure others, most commonly his mother. Sometimes these children strike their heads against a wall or floor, or they use their fists or hands to strike their heads.

The striking results from two things:

1.  this is a proprioceptive response - similar to when you rub your knee after bumping or injuring it.

2.  the children are trying to relieve a kind of "stuckness” in their cranium. (The brain will contract in the presence of a vaccine – think of how a slug shrivels when salted.

This contraction is painful, and it slows recovery since blood and cerebrospinal fluid circulation to the brain is impaired). By beating their heads, the children are trying to

free up their contracted brains.) Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy can often be very helpful to these children as it was to K. Homeopathy proved to be profoundly helpful

for K. as well. Cupr-met. will not be the last remedy K. will need, but he may benefit from it for the foreseeable future. The main clues about the next remedies will again

be found in his family history of illness, his desire to swing, jump, swim and play outdoors. Also his fascination in tearing leaves is likely to help us find the next remedy.

My clinical experience in treating hundreds of autistic and other brain injured children has given me an opportunity to identify common features with autistic children,

their history, and their prognosis.

In general the children:

1) Are uncommonly beautiful, and have symmetrical faces, frequently with long lashes. They may be quite hairy down the spine.

2) Are usually small in stature, but with a large circumference head.

3) Usually have at least one special talent or ability and also some definite areas of deficient functioning.

4) Usually at least above average intelligence if not gifted.

5) Have their entire physiology impacted – it’s not just social disinterest and speech delay.

6) Benefit greatly from gluten free and casein free diets.

7) Love to eat what aggravates them.

8) Generally don’t absorb nutrients very well and this delays recovery; they are malnourished. It is therefore important to address this in treatment from the beginning.

Most biomedical approaches focus on this. (DNN protocol, etc.)

9) Frequently have problems eliminating - gut problems are usually present.

10) Exhibit stimming behavior. Examples of stimming are repetitive arm or hand flapping, spinning, swinging.

11) Feel better from deep pressure. (But simply giving zinc usually yields disappointing results).

12) Find transitions very difficult, moving from one activity or location to another usually leads to an upset.

13) Prefer to be outdoors rather than indoors. Circle time at school is not interesting.

14) Love music and videos. Frequently they can sing before they can talk.

15) Are echolalic at first when speech begins to return. Echolalia is the name for the behavior where the child will repeat only what he has been prompted to say.

It’s a good sign, although the parents are frequently upset and frustrated by it.

16) Retain ability to receive language. Expressive language is more the problem.

17) Recover social interest first and this drives their interest to speak.


[Dr. Santosh Joshi]

Role of Homeopathy in Autism

Autism is considered a spectrum disorder because symptoms and severity vary from individual to individual. Autistic children express differently from each other.

Autism is characterized by failure of the child to develop communicative language or form proper social communication. But they show motor and other skills far beyond

that of a mentally retarded child.

Some of them are obsessively pre occupied with inanimate objects such as lights, running water or spinning objects. Some of them gradually develop extreme talents such

as in mathematics and these are retained mostly throughout life.

Studies of people with autism have found abnormalities in several regions of the brain which suggest that autism results from a disruption of early fetal brain development

Now we come to the point of what homeopathy has to offer to the child so that we can help the child to lead a better life. One of the important facts is that in homeopathy

we have these symptoms covered by different remedies and can use the symptoms expressed by the behavior of the child for the selection of the medicine.

It is very important to get a proper history of the patient and the importance of observation comes into play even the minutest detail can help in deciding the remedy.

Peculiar symptoms are required so the parents should observe the Childs behavior in details and note them down in a book.


Here I would like to illustrate a case of autism which we treated

A young girl of seven years was brought to us, with the following complaints:

The child would sit in a corner, for hours and days together. She had no interest in food, play or studies. This attitude was there from childhood. When I first saw her in

the clinic, I observed that her face was flat & showed no expressions. This child would not mix or play with anybody and always wanted to stay alone. She would sit alone,

as if she was in her own world and had nothing to do with the worldly affairs.

She took no interest in her studies. (There was no problem of intelligence, because the IQ was 80+ ) She would not emote to anything, there was no reaction from her even

if she was scolded, explained or persuaded

Physical complaints:

Constipation could not pass stools for 6-8 days. Stools - hard with lot of pain and discomfort. Severe diarrhea when forced to eat. Perspiration offensive 3+, staining the clothes. Sleep disturbed, would get up a number of times, occasional weeping talking during sleep.

On further detailed study, it was revealed that this child was adopted by the couple, as they did not have any children, after 10 yrs of marriage. The child was bought from

an orphanage, and no details were available about her parents or about her background.

Diagnosis: Autism

Based on ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’ – Fourth Edition by the American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, we can classify each of the cases in the following way:

A total Of 6 or more items of the following with at least 2 from and one each from and are satisfied by the patient:

1) Qualitative impairment in social interaction:

  Marked impairment in facial expression

  Failure to develop peer relationships

  A lack of spontaneity in sharing interests

  Lack of social or emotional reciprocity

2) Qualitative impairment in communication:

  Marked inability to initiate or sustain conversation with others.

3) Restricted, repetitive and stereotyped pattern of behavior


Encompassing preoccupation with one stereotyped and restricted pattern.

The remedy was selected on the basis of the history that the child was an orphan and this remedy is very useful in cases where there is a feeling of orphaned. Also the other important symptoms that are covered by this remedy were: Perspiration staining the linen, Severe constipation and hard stools based on these symptoms the remedy was prescribed


Remedy             Mag-c. 200 one dose

Follow up

1st week            Sleep > Stools twice during the week and not very hard.

4 weeks           

Mother reported that the child was more playful would come on the table and would have food with everybody.

10 weeks           

Child started playing with other children, started laughing, crying and expressing her emotions.

12 weeks           

The complaints of constipation & irritability relapsed back.

Mag-c. doses were repeated. Few doses of Mag-c. cured the case. The child opened up like a bud opening into a flower.

We treat the cases on the individual basis, keeping in mind the various expressions that are manifested by the child.


Lets us understand how the Mag-c. personality is

Magnesium plays an important role in the development of an individual right from conception. Naturally, any disturbance during the developmental phase creates deep and long lasting constitutional effects. If the life is rejected during the development phase in the womb, the effects remain forever. These rejected and unwanted children or orphans may reject the world in the same way as they were rejected.

Mag-c. personalities are very aggressive. They have a need to be recognized and accepted if this doesn’t happen in the natural way; they will make their presence felt by their aggressive behavior. They will force to respect them.

There is also a strong forsaken feeling. The magnesium personalities are much closed and will not let their emotions to be known easily.

Some of the striking features are amelioration from motion desire for open air, yet sensitive to very cold air, He has a desire to be covered in all the stages of fever daily

fever in the evening, symptoms return every 21 days.

There is also marked constipation.


Magnesiums. have these marked symptoms and expressions.


This is a brief explanation of a remedy.

Recently we had a case where the child was a Autistic kid and was very destructive used to get immense pleasure after breaking things. This was wonderfully covered by

a remedy known as Tarentula. H which was given after careful analysis and evaluation. After this the child is showing marked improvement.

A view of the remedy from the materia medica.


If we know the correct details about the child’s behavior the characteristic expressions the physical complaints we can select the right remedy from the Homeopathic Materia medica. This similar remedy should be able to bring about the necessary change required.

We have been treating few cases of Autism spectrum disorder which have been steadily improving. Along with the medication the children also go to special school that helps them to be independent and teach then the things that will help them in the future.


Key measures to be followed

  A correct History of the Child including the Behavior.

  Noting down the expressions of the patient.

  Physical complaints conditions of aggravation & Amelioration.

  Education in special school to make them self efficient.

  Approach to the patient based on individuality.

  Selection of the remedy after analysis and evaluation.

  To consider the response and the likely line of treatment.

  Maintaining a Note book and noting the changes that occur to evaluate the case.



  We can definitely help the autistic children.

  Clear detailed history is required.

  Differentiate closely related medicines.

  Give the medicines till the patient is better.

  Get the patient evaluated by a Psychiatrist and Psychologists.

This is a brief explanation of a remedy.


Recently we had a case where the child was a Autistic kid and was very destructive used to get immense pleasure after breaking things. This was wonderfully covered

by a remedy known as Tarent. which was given after careful analysis and evaluation. After this the child is showing marked improvement.

A view of the remedy from the materia medica.

Remarkable nervous phenomens, hysteria with chlorosis. Chorea, dysmenorroea, Bladder, “As if constricted”, formication, extreme restless, must keep in motion, < walking;

Sexual Excited.

Mood changes suddenly. Foxy, destructive impulses, must constantly busy herself or walk. Sensitive to music. Averse to company + wants somebody present.

Ungrateful. Discontended, guided by whims

Wants hair brushed or head rubbed.


If we know the correct details about the child’s behavior the characteristic expressions the physical complaints we can select the right remedy from the Homeopathic Materia Medica.  Similar should be able to bring about the necessary change required.

We have been treating few cases of Autism spectrum disorder which have been steadily improving .Along with the medication the children also go to special school that helps them to be independent and teach then the things that will help them in the future.


Key measures to be followed

  A correct History of the Child including the Behavior.

  Noting down the expressions of the patient.

  Physical complaints conditions of aggravation & amelioration.

  Education in special school to make them self efficient.

  Approach to the patient based on individuality.

  Selection of the remedy after analysis and evaluation.

  To consider the response and the likely line of treatment.

  Maintaining a Note book and noting the changes that occur to evaluate the case.



  We can definitely help the autistic children.

  Clear detailed history is required.

  Differentiate closely related medicines.

  Give the medicines till the patient is better.

  Get the patient evaluated by a Psychiatrist and Psychologists.



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