Bachblüten Vergleich:


[Farokh Master]

Lack of confidence between:

Larch: Lack of confidence/not able to do things/afraid to fail and don’t attempt to/are able to, but fear not being able to.


Scleranthus: torn between 2 choices/can’t say yes or no. Do not seek help. Don’t trust own judgement.


Tiredness Hornbeam and Olive:

Hornbeam: Lacks strength to face daily routine (“Monday morning feeling”), but started they manage. Mind more tired as body.

Olive: Exhaustion due to overwork, stress, due to long sickness.


Wild Rose and Clematis

Wild Rose: Surrenders easily to struggle of life/become apathetic/no ambition/don’t like change/let opportunities go by because they require to much effort.

Clematis: Day dreamer, lives in a world of their own, oblivious of surroundings. Can be artistic and fantasizing.


Guilt complex: Crab apple and Pine

Crab apple: feels self disgust/does not like self (to obese/foolish/bad habits etc.)

Pine: guilt feelings/apologising/blame themselves for suffering of others


Envy and jealousy of Holly and Willow:

Holly: Envy and jealousy, hatred, revenge suspicion (for more explosive feeling)

Willow: Life is unfair wonders what they have done to deserve such hardship. Can’t see the bright side


Lack of Ambition - Clematis, Gorse, Wild Rose

Lack of Confidence - Cerato, Larch, Scleranthus

Self Criticism - Pine, Rock Water

Desires Death - Agrimony, Clematis

Depression of unknown cause - Mustard

Anticipatory Fear - Aspen

Fear of Darkness - Aspen, Mimulus



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