Bambusa arundinacea Anhang


[Bernd Schuster]

Excerpt proving:

The idea of Bamboo

One idea of bamboo is a lack of elasticity in terms of tension, tightness or stiffness, but also at the other extreme excessive looseness in the form of laziness, day-dreaming and  hypermobility of the spine. This is manifest in the study at all levels, from the psychological to the physical sphere.

All participants in the proving make comments about "tension and relaxation": 18 out of 19 refer to tension and 10 out of 19 refer to relaxation.

The plant's reputation for persistence and survival powers (German "Hartnäckigkeit" suggests "hardness of the neck") is expressed literally: tight, painful neck, immobility

"As if I had swallowed a stick", immobility which stops the person looking to the side. One has to watch out and avoid any more " blows to the back of the neck" and

"not break one's neck". One must keep one's head "up", stand firm and assert oneself.

Psychosomatically the neck and back muscles of the cervical spine are the "weeping muscles", in other words they are moved when weeping. Any tightness means "not being

able to weep" or activation of the muscular "back armour" (like a tortoise) in order to ward off attack, to protect against the risk of someone "attacking your back".

The study also reveals tension headaches "as if too tight" or "feeling like a stick in the occiput", tightness of the skin, stiffness of the spine and the sternum, tension of the breasts, cramps of the hands and stiffness of the fingers, cramping pains in the abdomen and bowel, in the rectum when moving the bowels, cramping pain in the bladder, in the buttocks, tightness of the jaw (clenching the teeth!), mental tension ("Want to get rid of excess baggage"), overexertion at work, irritability, bad mood. The idea of tension with the

secondary idea of swelling or "space occupying" is captured very well by the image of the hot-air balloon: "Head is slowly developing into a hot-air balloon.

The top part (forehead above the eyebrows) is opening out and lifting off and the bottom part (chin) is joined to the body. The top part of my head was the hot-air balloon,

the chin the basket. Felt as if my neck was getting long and thin as it was pulled upward. Afraid the neck would break off at the attachment. Better for pressure on the top.

Feel as if my skin was very thin. (Thin-skinned = dünnhäutig)

Bladder painful, slight cramping. (Prover 3)

I feel cut off from the right kind of life. All I have are obligations, work, earning money. My needs fall by the wayside, there is no chance for my soul to take flight, no freedom from and freedom for other things. Feel restricted, kept on a short lead. Stiff neck all day, can only turn my neck with difficulty.

Painful stiffness of the neck, persistent. Stiff feeling in my left shoulder which does not seem to be free-moving. (P 1)

Feel overworked. (P 15)

Thinking about integrating "motherhood" into my overfull working day. Woke with stiffness in the lumbar region. (P 14)

Very tense.

Tension headache in the forehead, “As if too tight”.

Swelling and tension of the breasts.

Painful contraction, tension of the back muscles.

Cramp in the hand when writing.

Stiffness of the hands and fingers.

Cramplike pains in the rectum when walking.

Sudden, extremely strong urge to defaecate with passage of diarrhoea, followed by cramping pains in the back.

Pain as if cramped between the shoulder-blades, in the evening.

After diarrhoea, at 12 h., cramplike pains, contracting, in the back muscles, cannot stand up straight. (P 8)

Tense feeling. I am nervy and curse my condition. (P 11)

Irritable, listless and tense all day. (P 16)

Keep thinking about our financial future.

It weighs on my mind that cash is always so tight. (Tense situation!)

Pressure and tight feeling when moving my jaw. (P 10)

Tension of the scalp. (P 6)

A slight feeling of tightness throughout my head in the evening. Woke up with neck and shoulder region totally seized up. Cramplike twinges in the right hypogastrium,

around the right ovary and the gall-bladder area in the morning.

Gone in the afternoon. (P 7) A painful feeling of tension at the opening to the left ear. (P 12)

Dryness of the facial skin with a feeling of tightness.

Painful tension of the breasts.

Stiff neck on the right, < turning the head.

Peevish, irritable, fit of rage in the morning. ("Blow my top")

Beat my fists on the table for no reason. (P 13)

Feel as if the tightness in my abdomen is subsiding and the relaxation is extending to the back. (P 3)

Tension of the breasts. (P 5)

Neck seized up.

Nape of the neck tight after walking outdoors.

Facial muscles are tight. Upper and lower jaw are firmly clenched.

Feeling of stiffness in the sternum.

8 h. stiff neck and stiffness of the cervical spine.

Difficult to talk to people on the right and left in company because of stiffness of the shoulders. (P 17)

Back stiff, unable to bend down.

Cramp of the cervical spine.

Cramping pain in both buttocks.

Don't want to be responsible for everything and everyone all the time.

It is too much for me.

Irritable. My children say, "Mum, don't be so bad-tempered"!

I'm very irritable! Everything is getting on my nerves!

Feel I have built up a charge of energy that I cannot get out.

Feel like a "caged tiger". (Cimicifuga has "encaged in wires") (P 20)

Hand stiff and numb. (P 2)

Cramping of the thigh muscles.

Unable to laugh. Only say the bare minimum. (P 19)

In the above statements there is sometimes an alternation between tension and relaxation.

Now the statements which mainly refer to relaxation:

I have a feeling of relaxation, things do not affect me so deeply anymore, I do not get worked up about things that usually make me furious.

I have learned to ask for help and not do everything myself until I drop. But I can also relax in stressful situations. (Prover 20)

I feel fine as far as feelings are concerned. In a good mood, relaxed. I laugh more than usual. Silly. (P 8)

I am feeling rather silly, must take a grip on myself and not make silly remarks all the time and giggle. Don't want to get up.

Could just sleep, eat and drink all day. (P 3)

More relaxed about tackling the day.

Couldn't care less, despite lots of work.

No tension in the breasts before my period! (P 9)

Feel less stressed and more resilient than I have for some time. (P6)

Feel increased indifference. I don't give a damn about anything.

Fell asleep in a chair in the evening (never usually happens), totally lazy and worn out.

Wasting the whole morning, don't feel like doing anything.

Feel more relaxed again today. On the medicine, taking everything more easily. Easy!

A totally unfamiliar heaviness of the limbs on waking in the morning, as if I had done intense "autogenic training". (P 1)

Sluggishness, laziness, listlessness, apathy. (P 15)

Lazy day! (P 17) Very lazy overall. Don't want to get up in the morning. Want to stay in bed and read. (P 13)

At this stage of my cycle I usually get premenstrual symptoms such as tension in the breasts. Entirely absent this time. (P 7)

This selection shows quite clearly the decrease in tension in the emotional and physical sphere, looseness, silliness, exuberance and relief from pressure, but the

proving also shows clearly how this can slip into the pathological in terms of laziness, sluggishness, apathy, tiredness, listlessness, inability to make an effort at attentiveness,

totally weakened memory and dullness.

Relaxation or easing of tension probably have something to do with the progestogenic effect of bamboo. Progestogen relaxes the uterine muscles and calms them during

pregnancy. However, this effect also relates to other involuntary muscles and hence may lead to a general relaxation.

We did not recognize the more profound, underlying idea of Bamboo until we were editing videos of Bamboo patients for a seminar. It was noticeable that all the people

who required bamboo as a remedy constantly supported themselves somewhere with their bodies, for instance resting their head on their hands, arms on the table, the back

firmly against the back of the chair.

Together with the verbally expressed facts and the results of the proving, it became clear to us that the central idea of this new remedy is the search for support.

The bamboo cane is indeed used commonly for props, crutches, scaffolding and as a building material. The spine is also the main support of the body; the cervical spine –

on which the remedy clearly has a preferential effect - supports the head. The reason for this search for support is that one has too much on one's plate (German: "too much

on one's neck").

The following statements from the proving illustrate this fact:"Have taken on too much, still want to do everything I can but don't know how I am going to do it.

Feeling of something weighing on my mind.

At 16 h. anxious about not being able to deal with what's in store for me over the next few years.

There's just a huge mountain of things to overcome.

Everything seems uncertain to me.

Emotionally very sensitive, I feel inferior in some way, can't help crying over trivial things. Feeling sorry for myself. No-one asks if they can help me.

Feeling lonely.

Tearful because exhausted. Helpless.

Self-doubt, feeling abandoned, uncertainty and jealousy.

In the evening I doubt whether I can ever accomplish my plans.

I feel cut off from the right kind of life. All I have are obligations, work, earning money. My needs fall by the wayside, there is no chance for my soul to take flight,

no freedom from and freedom for other things.

Feel restricted, kept on a short lead.

Feel as if I need a rest.

Panic that everything is getting too much for me, cannot get things straight.

Don't want to be responsible for everything and everyone all the time.

It is too much for me.

I would like to get rid of excess baggage!

Feel totally stressed and nervy.

I feel overworked and have to force myself to do the slightest thing."

The rubric "Mind; FEAR of poverty" also shows the need to get support or a form of financial crutch.

"I feel a lasting, positive change on the medicine.

 I feel more composed and a stronger relationship with myself. The medicine has helped me a lot, it has been a great support in my development."

In colloquial usage there are plenty of references to the cervical spine and the neck:

A special unit of the American marines is known as "leather-necks" because they are supposed to be very fearless.

The enemy is breathing down our necks.

I've got someone breathing down my neck.

To let one's head drop (i.e. get disheartened).

To lose one's head (lose control).

To rack one's brains (leads to corresponding headaches).

To be pigheaded.

Breakneck speed.

Nose-heavy or top-heavy.

I blew my top.

I am up to my neck in debt (work or problems).

Up to my eyes in debt (in German this is expressed as "The water reaches up to my neck". Interesting, given the dream of Noah's Ark!)

To stick one's neck out or risk one's neck.

To wring someone's neck.

He is insatiable (German: "cannot get his neck full").

To break one's neck to do something.

To have something on the brain.


[Bernd Schuster]

"Bambus in der Praxis" IBSN 3-9805958-3-8

Bambus in der Praxis

Im Dezember 1999 ist mein zweites Buch über die homöopathische Wirkung des Bambus erschienen. Mittlerweile konnte eine große Fülle neuer Erkenntnisse, geheilter 

Fälle und Informationen zu diesem Mittel gesammelt werden. Viele dankbare Patienten hat dieses Mittel gesund gemacht, die jahrelang, trotz homöopathischer

Behandlung, vergeblich auf Heilung und Besserung gewartet haben. Kein anderes der neu geprüften Mittel hat diese Verordnungshäufigkeit, Tiefe der Heilwirkung,

Verbesserung der Lebenskraft und Universalität in der Anwendung, wie Bambus.

Der Bambus gehört in den asiatischen Ländern zum täglichen Leben. Er wird in vielfältiger Weise genutzt: als Baumaterial als Wasserleitung zum Bewässern der Felder,

als Grundstoff für Papier, als Material für den Hausgebrauch wie Fallen, Käfige, Gitter, Stöcke, Leitern, Becher, Musikinstrumente (z.B. Panflöte), zur Herstellung nicht

zerreißbarer Seile und Schmuck. Die Bambussprosse dient als Nahrung.

Bambus ist ein Symbol für Elastizität, Überlebensfähigkeit und Ausdauer. Der Bambus biegt sich im Sturm aber er bricht nicht. Die Blätter werden vom Wind bewegt,

aber sie fallen nicht. Bambus wird zur Rekultivierung von erodierten Flussläufen verwendet, da sein dichtes Wurzelwerk die Erde zusammenhält. Der Bambus-Patient

ist ebenfalls verwurzelt und bodenständig und versucht seine Dinge zusammenzuhalten. Siehe auch den Repertoriumsnachtrag: Gemüt; bodenständig und Heimweh.

Eine Idee der Bambuskrankheit ist der Mangel an Elastizität im Sinne von Verhärtung, Anspannung, Verspannung oder Steifigkeit. Elastizität oder Flexibilität ist ein

esunder Zustand. Man kann Enttäuschungen, Überlastungen oder das Fehlen persönlicher Lebensfreude und Befriedigung auszubalancieren, auf später zu verschieben.

Die Bambuskranke, oft eine Frau und Mutter, hat dieses Aufschieben von persönlicher Zufriedenheit und Befriedigung so lange vollzogen, bis sie fühlt, dass es nicht

mehr so weitergehen kann. Sie ist vom Alltag, der Versorgung der Kinder, des Hauses, eventuell durch eine zusätzliche Arbeitsstelle oder die Pflege kranker Angehöriger

erschöpft und stellt sich die Frage, wann es denn endlich auch einmal um SIE geht, wann den endlich einmal IHRE Bedürfnisse nach Freiheit und Entwicklung an die

Reihe kommen.

Sie steht in einer Lebenssituation, in der die Entscheidung "Flüchten oder Standhalten" ansteht. Es ist kein Raum und keine Kraft mehr für Flexibilität vorhanden.

Es ist ein Zustand der eine Veränderung im Leben einfordert, eine Möglichkeit Ballast abzuwerfen und Erholung und Unterstützung zu finden.

Am Anfang stehen oft Versuche etwas mehr an persönlicher Freiheit zu erreichen, eine Stunde abends, wenn die Kinder im Bett sind, der Mann schon schläft, einen Abend

in der Woche, an dem man mit der Freundin allein ausgeht, ein Kurs in Joga oder Autogenes Training an der Volkshochschule. All diese Aktivitäten aber führen nur zu

zusätzlichem Terminstress, zu keiner wirklichen Entspannung. Die Bambuskranke kann ihr schlechtes Gewissen nicht überhören, es mahnt ständig: "Du bist noch nicht fertig

mit der Arbeit!" Zusätzlich verschärft wird die Situation dadurch, dass Bambus ein Mittel ist, dass wie sein Komplementärmittel Silicea sehr genau ist, es muss alles perfekt

sein, alles muss super sauber sein, die Kinder müssen super angezogen sein, der Haushalt 1 a in Ordnung. Wenn die Bambusfrau schließlich aufgibt vor der Unmöglichkeit

alles zu schaffen, kann sie leicht in das Gegenteil verfallen, wie die Prüfung zeigt.

"Es hat alles keinen Sinn!" ist die Devise. Sie hat plötzlich Anfälle von Faulheit und Widerwillen gegen die sonst so intensiv betriebene Hausarbeit. Sie bleibt lange im Bett, vertrödelt die Zeit, bekommt "nichts auf die Reihe", hat nur noch das Gefühl ausruhen zu müssen, ausgebrannt und fertig zu sein. Eine Hoffnungslosigkeit und Weltuntergangsstimmung breitet sich aus.

Das nicht Ausweichen können vor einer konstanten Überlastung führt zu einer Erschöpfung, einem Ausbrennen oder modisch "burn out".

Nichts geht mehr, es sind keine Reserven mehr vorhanden, aber die Anforderungen sind gleichermaßen vorhanden.

Dieses Ausbrennen zeigt die Bambuspflanze in ganz auffallender Weise, sie blüht sich zu Tode, keine Reserven verbleiben in den Wurzeln um ein Überleben zu sichern,

es geht bis zum bitteren Ende. Die Bambuskranke fühlt, im Gegensatz zur Pflanze, dieses Ende kommen, sie wehrt sich dagegen, bäumt sich auf, will neue Wege gehen,

will vor dem Zusammenbruch fliehen, sucht Hilfe und Unterstützung, um überleben zu können.

Sie stellt plötzlich Forderungen, wird diktatorisch, will allein ausgehen, will Freizeit beanspruchen, fordert vom Mann (oft vergeblich) vehement Hilfe ein.



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