Barium carbonicum Kind Anhang


Learning disability

Vergleich Kind in: Hell. Bar-c. Sil. Kali-br.



[Dr. Douglas M. Borland]

Baryta carbonica vs Borax Children

A feature which distinguishes Baryta from Borax children is the manner in the child frightened. The Baryta is scared of anything strange, while Borax is scared of any sudden

noise. Also the Borax child has not the same degree of inability to learn. Rather, he is simply idle.

[J.T. Kent]

Bar-c. child will be seen hiding behind the furniture when strangers come in; will hide as for shame of something or as if afraid. It imagines all sorts of strange things, that it is talked

about, or laughed at. It does not seem to advance. It does not seem to do any good to teach it, for it does the same things over and over and remains untrained. They either cannot

comprehend, or they can not memorize, or they cannot maintain a thought and  you go over it and over it and  the mother wonders if that child is ever going to learn something and

the teacher reports that the child lacks capacity.

The teacher/the mother cannot comprehend it, but the homoeopathic physician should know all about it at once. If he knows his Materia Medica he should be well up in the

development of a feeble child; those who are going towards rickets, who are feeble, who are always depending on somebody, fitted only for menial places.

[J.T. Kent]

When the Baryta carb. babies appear in the clinic they will keep the hand up over the face and peek out through the fingers. Bashful. Timid. Easily frightened. Afraid of strangers. Other remedies have similar features, but it is a strong feature of this medicine. Withered face. Sickly countenance. It is the idea of hiding, the idea of timidity.

Does not want to play, it sits in the corner. Does not pay any attention to its hammer, if it is a boy; or its doll, if it is a girl. Sits and sits. Does not seem to be thinking; a lack of ability to think.

Child grows up without any distinctiveness, without any ability to perceive and  therefore fail to develop. Always. borrowing trouble (Systemsprenger?).

[C.G. Raue]

Child does not grow, but pines away with swelling of glandular structures.

[Dr. James Tyler Kent]

Late learning how to walk even with pretty good limbs.

[Dr. K.N. Mathur]

Bar-c. – Baldness in young people. Fatty tumors on neck.



Always inattentive in class; can never concentrate on the blackboard or to what the teacher is teaching. As a result, the child learns something today and has completely forgotten

it tomorrow.

Constant need of emotional as well as physical support.

Dwarfish mentally and physically.

Excessively shy child; hiding behind the mother or the furniture, or clings to the mother, covering his face with his hands and looking through the fingers.

Finds it difficult to learn or grasp anything new, e.g., a mother will teach a simple poem like “Ba Ba, Black Sheep” to the child and repeat it at least a

dozen times, only to find that if asked to recite it half an hour later, the child will give a completely blank stare, as it was all forgotten.

Learning disorders characterized by academic functioning (reading/mathematics) that is substantially below what is expected for the child’s age.

Such disorders will ultimately demoralize the child and invite low selfesteem.

Infantilism, where the memory is weak and  the child seems inattentive and stupid. Does not learn to play or walk and  may approach a state of borderline mental retardation.

Dependant children: feel nervous and may panic if asked to do things on their own; have a horror (sometimes nightmares) of how they will be able to manage without support.

Lack of attention span in infants, (never stick to playing with one toy for more than a few seconds or minutes). They immediately drop the toy and then look around for another one,

or look to somebody for attention.

Socially, the following traits identify the Bar-c child: Nervous with strangers: Will hide in the next room or behind his mother, or if nothing else is available, will hide behind

a blanket.

Picks or bites his nails constantly to hide his shyness.

Prefers sitting alone. Sitting in a corner near the door, or in the last row of the class.

Will not participate in games, sports, or any cultural or social activities.

Young girls with mannish habits (Nat-m./Plat-met.).


Baryta constitution: Prematurely old, thin, wrinkled, looks like a dwarf, bald and enlarged head.

This gives an impression of a malnourished or a mentally retarded child, inclined to become fat, with small genitals, adenopathy.

Childhood disintegrative disorder associated with mental retardation, characterized by impairment in nonverbal behavior; failure to develop peer relations;

lack of emotional reciprocity; restrictive, repetitive and  stereotypical patterns of behavior.

Children who are subjected to recurrent attacks of peritonsillar abscesses and tonsillitis.

Dribbling of saliva is a common characteristic of many children who need Bar-c. and such children are known to be mildly or moderately mentally retarded.

Dwarfish children who do not grow (children who grow too rapidly: Calc. Phos. Sulph. Tub.).

Late development (Agar. Calc-p. Phos): late in talking/walking/dentition/gaining weight/singular effects (all these are normal except one).

Motor skill disorders characterized by clumsiness and delay in achieving developmental motor milestones (walking/crawling/sitting/assembling puzzles/building models)

Recurrent infection of throat after excessive use of talcum powder to check perspiration (Psor. Sil.).

Scrofulous diathesis or generalized adenopathy with enlargement of cervical glands, inguinal glands, mesenteric glands, hilar glands, tonsils. with tendency to suppuration of glands.

Very chilly children with great sensitivity to cold weather (Calc. Kali-c. Psor. Sil.).

Easily fatigued and tired out: any effort of prolonged duration (going to school/reading in the library/playing a game) makes them cross and irritable, an indirect way of expressing fatigue.

Least exposure to cold air, cold weather or even small quantities of cold drink and cold food will invite upper respiratory infection: bronchitis/asthma/sinusitis. etc.

Pot-bellied children with hard, swollen abdomen.


Anxious about the health of near and dear ones (Carc. Cocc.); fear of losing them (= loss of support).

Awkward out of bashfulness (Ambr.); drops things from nervousness (selfconscious).

Conscientious about trifles (Carc. Kali-c.).

Credulous (Bell. Puls.).

Fear of busy and noisy streets, crossing or going across bridges, narrow and closed places (planes/trains/busses). People, opinions of others, open spaces, strangers,

And undertaking anything new

Absentminded school children (reading/spoken to).

Anxious and fearful when in bed at night (Ars. Rhus-t.).


Aversion to reading (Nat-c. Nux-v.).

Causeless and immoderate laughter, at times (when reprimanded) (Graph.).

Childish behavior and clinging to persons or furniture (Ars. Stram.).

Cowardly children. without any courage to express their own opinions.

Desire for travel (Tub.).

Desire to nibble.

Desire to please others (Carc. Staph. Thuj.).

Development of children. arrested.

Does not undertake any activity in school (speechtraining/drama/sports) and ultimately ends up doing nothing.

Dullness from mental exertion.

Easily frightened (Calc.) at trifles.

Feels forsaken and friendless.

Feels she looks ugly (poor self-image: Lac-c.).

Fixation on the mother for support.


Imagines she is being watched and laughed at or made fun of when in a group or in house.

Inarticulate speech.

Irresolute over trifles (Graph. Lyc.).

Love for animals.

Loves to play with dolls and in the water.

Mental retardation after organic brain syndromes (cerebral infarct/cerebral hemorrhage/cerebral degeneration/encephalitis/meningitis/subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)

Moaning over trifles and in sleep during fever.

Obstinacy because of timidity and fear of trying anything new.

Secretive (does not want to show his weakness).

Sensitive to reprimands; gets offended easily.

Sensitive to the slightest noise.

Very cautious and careful by nature.

Want of self-confidence.

Weak-willed children.


Inability to bear the slightest draft of cold air/fan/air-conditioning; hence, feels very cozy and comfortable when head is covered.

One-sided headaches in school children from exposure to sun or noise (people talking.), or on getting wet.

Examination findings:

- Dandruff.

- Early graying of hair.

- Eczematous eruptions with dry scurfy eruptions and itching.

- Head drawn sideways.

- Hot head with cold extremities.

- Hydrocephalus.

- Impetigo.

- Open fontanels.

- Plica polonica.

- Sebaceous cyst.

- Swollen occipital glands.


Conjunctivitis with photophobia.

Lachrymation in open air.

Swollen lids in the morning.

Examination findings:

- Blepharitis.

- Corneal opacity.

- Corneal ulceration.

- Ptosis of the left upper lid.

- Styes on the left upper lid.


Impaired hearing from hypertrophy of the tonsils.

Impaired hearing from paralysis of the auditory nerve.

Sensation as if the ear was blocked.

Examination findings:

- Crusty. scabby eruptions behind the ears.

- Otitis media with bloody purulent discharge from the ears.

- Pre-auricular lymph node enlarged.


Painful dryness inside the nose, compelling the child to keep blowing his nose constantly

Coryza with swelling of upper lip and nose.

Epistaxis on blowing the nose in the morning.

Frequent violent sneezing.

Thick, yellow, offensive discharge inside drying up to form crusts or scabs, extending upto the posterior nares.

Examination findings:

- Adenoids.

- Postnasal catarrh.

- Ulceration of the nasal septum.


One-sided perspiration.

Examination findings:

- Upper lip swollen (Bufo. Calc.).

- Dark red lips.

- Face becomes dark red on coughing.

- Greasy, wrinkled, old-looking face with a sickly expression.

- Induration or suppuration. with tenderness of the parotid and submaxillaryglands (r.)


Indistinct speech.

Easy salivation (during sleep).

Toothache on taking anything cold or hot.

Examination findings:

- Recurrent abscess of the gums bleeding easily and have a tendency towards formation of fistulae.

- Halitosis.

- Rapidly decaying teeth.


Recurrent tonsillitis from every spell of cold weather or from eating or drinking any cold food.

Rawness in the throat from a cold (swallowing).

Sensation of a lump in the throat on swallowing. as if the food became lodged inside.

Examination findings:

- Enlargement and suppuration of tonsils (r.)

- Post-nasal catarrh.

- Induration of tonsils.

- Submaxillary and submental glands enlarged and indurated.


Aversion to food after eating a few morsels, in spite of hunger.

Extreme, unquenchable thirst.

Frequent vomiting after drinking milk.

Indigestion in young children who have a habit of excessive masturbation.

Ravenous appetite and  yet marasmic.

Sudden nausea while eating with loathing of food.

<: Bread/chinese food/warm or hot food and drinks;

>: Cold food and drinks;

Aversion: Fruits (bananas and plums)/sweets;

Desires: Eggs/sweets;


Gaseous distention with urging for stool; doubles over with the pains; > warm applications.

Gurgling in the abdomen.

Painful distension of the abdomen in marasmic children with thin legs.

Examination findings:

- Hard, rigid, distended tender abdomen with retracted umbilicus and emaciation of body.

- Indurated, swollen inguinal glands.

- Inguinal hernia.

- Ultrasound image shows enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes.


Constipation in infants with ineffectual urging and straining and passing of insufficient knotty or sheep dung-like stools.

Itching in anus due to worms.

Painless diarrhea in children after emotional excitement or after consumption of cold drinks.

Passes copious, offensive flatus.

Examination findings:

- Stools: Pin-/roundworms.

Urinary organs:

Retention of urine.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Pus cells + and  RBC +

Male organs:


Early disposition to masturbate.

Perspiration between the scrotum and the thighs, causing excoriation of the part.

Examination findings:

- Induration of the testes.

Female organs:

Copious milky white leucorrhoea in small girls.

Delayed first menses.

Early disposition to masturbate.

Larynx and trachea:

Hoarseness and roughness of voice with coryza in wet weather.

Painful roughness and soreness in the larynx due to constant dry coughing.

Rattling of mucus in the air passages.

Respiration organs:

Asthma in wet weather. exposure to slightest draft of cold air.

Child finds it difficult to breathe while lying down at night due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

Dysponea with cough when going out in the open air.

Examination findings:

- Rattling respiration as if the chest is full of mucus.


Tormenting dry tickling cough from irritation in the air passages (< at night/from exertion/in cold or open air/in the presence of strangers/in wet weather/drinking

cold drinks or warm food/talking/thinking of it/uncovering; > after breakfast/lying on the abdomen.

Chronic cough in scrofulous children.

+ increased salivation.

Cough seems to come from the stomach (Bry. Sep.).

Rattling cough as from a lot of mucus in the chest.


Examination findings:

- Pneumonia with flushed cheeks.

- Valvular cardiac murmurs.


Examination findings:

- Curvature of spine in the dorsal region.

- Spina bifida.


Offensive. and excoriating perspiration from between the toes making the part raw.

Pain in the lower limbs at night (growing pains > warm applications.

Paralysis of the flexors of the feet + ankle clonus (cerebral palsy).

Stumbling when walking due to awkwardness of the lower limbs.

Examination findings:

- Coldness of the hands.

- Cracks on the fingertips.

- Emaciated lower limbs.

- Offensive foot sweats.

- Tender callosities or sore corns on the soles.

- Tips of the fingers chapped.

- Warts on hands.


Dreams: Adventurous (in reality he is handicapped and retarded)/fire (suppressed emotions/being retarded)/misfortunes.

During sleep: Physical restlessness. and whimpering.

Excessive yawning during headache and after siesta.

Sleeps on the left side.

Starting from sleep due to frightful nightmares.



- Ailments from: Exposure to slightest draft of cold air/getting wet/on going from open air into a warm room.

- One-sided chills with goose flesh (hair standing on end).

- < In the evening and from the slightest bit of uncovering.

- > In a warm room or from heat in any form.


- External heat with coldness of the whole body; loss of appetite; anxiety and restlessness. in spite of great debility.

- Desire to uncover but feels very chilly immediately. with shivers necessitating covering.

- < During sleep.


- Profuse. fetid. one-sided perspiration.


Itching followed by burning/not > scratching; must scratch until the part becomes raw and bleeds; < in sleep.

Skin is cold to touch with internal sensation of heat.

Examination findings:

- Atopic eczema.

- Dry. crusty. eczematous eruptions.

- Gooseflesh.

- Intertrigo.

- Sebaceous cysts.

- Warts.


Chilly with lack of vital heat.

Cannot tolerate slightest of uncovering of any part of the body.

Tendency to take cold easily.

<: cold in any form (air/bath/drinks/weather/wet applications/draft of air)/full moon/lying on painful side/presence of strangers/room full of people/pressure/wet weather;

Desire for and better by warm air or warm clothing.

Dwarfishness with arrested development.

Emaciation in spite of a ravenous appetite in infants. with painful glandular indurations.

Family history of abuse of allopathic medicines/aortic complaints (aneurysm/apoplexy)/repeated vaccinations;

History of recurrent tonsillitis.

Increased reflexes.

Lack of reaction and sluggishness of the body.

Never well since vaccination.

One-sided complaints: first right, then left side affected.


Unconsciousness in a crowded room.

Wounds tend to suppurate and heal slowly.



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