Borax Kind Anhang


Vergleich: Borx. + Borium




[Dr. Douglas M. Borland]

Baryta carbonica vs Borax Children

A feature which distinguishes Baryta from Borax children is the manner in the child is frightened. The Baryta is scared of anything strange, while Borax is scared of any sudden noise. Also the Borax child has not the same degree of inability to learn. Rather, he is simply idle.

[Henry C. Allen, M.D. – 1836-1909]

Child awakes suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle, without apparent cause (Apis, Cina, Stram.).

[William H. Burt]

Great heat and dryness of the mouth and fauces. The child cannot nurse, the aphthous inflammation is so painful. Sour, greenish diarrhoea.


Pap-r. noch nicht im Körper inkarniert.; schwierige Mutterbeziehung/Stillproblemen o. zuviel Milch (mütterlicher Energie)/mager + blass/blond, nervös (Geräusche)/unruhig/Angst (Schaukeln/Abwärtsbewegung), schlaffe Muskeln, trockene/faltiger/unheilsame Haut, weint/brüllt (vor Stuhl/Wasserlassen/Husten), will nicht berührt sein/ist alleine (Eltern abwesend) + passiv, während des Zahnens (mit Speichelfluss)/Aphten (kann nicht saugen).  Harnentleerungsstörung: häufiges Wasserlassen

mit wenigem/heißem Urin mit brennendem/schießendem Schmerz, schreit vor dem Wasserlassen, schreien lassen/schreit im Schlaf, „Als ob durch Träume erschreckt“;

<< Lärm, heißer Kopf, Mund und Handflächen; Kind schreit vor Angst, sobald man es ablegen will (zum Schlafen oder Wickeln), beim Stillen oder bei der Harn- und Stuhlentleerung (bei jeglicher Bewegung), Kinder haben Angst vor Klettergerüsten und Rutschen, sie weinen, wenn man sie spielerisch in die Luft wirft

schreckhaft/Angst bei Geräuschen (Staubsauger, Hundebellen, Türknallen;


Heißer Kopf bei Säuglingen, mit Hitze im Mund und Handflächen.

Wie beim Weichselzopf verwickeln sich Haare des Kindes an Spitzen und verkleben, dass man sie nicht auseinander bringen kann, und schneidet man diese Büschel ab,

so verwickeln sie sich doch wieder aufs Neue.

[Ananda Zaren]

Borax-Babies: „Sie mögen nicht so oft liebkost werden und können stundenlang alleine in ihrem Laufgitter spielen o. liegen passiv und desinteressiert. Sie tun sich manchmal schwer ihre Gefühle zu zeigen und schreien z.B. nur, wenn sie Hunger haben o. ihre Windel nass ist. Sie möchten nicht immer Menschen um sich haben und mögen es nicht, berührt o. angesprochen zu werden. ...

Neigung sich zu erschrecken in Verbindung mit Traurigkeit. Sehr große Empfindlichkeit (mehr als andere Natriums) und Nervosität.

Reaktionsmangel, traurig und zurückgezogen“.

[Y. Agrawal]

Infant frequently cries out in its sleep, and seriously grasps its mother, as if been frightened by a dream.


Borax is a remedy that is used primarily in children in cases where they exhibit < from downward motion. For example, when the mother is in the act of laying the child down onto the bed, it may rise up in its sleep and cry out in fright. Lifting up an infant’s feet to change a nappy will aggravate the child, who will start to shout.

Borax children in general have a tendency to shout or scream rather than cry. An infant being laid down will start and throw up its hands as if afraid of falling, and some nights it may be impossible to put the child down at all.

When laying the child down on the couch or in the cradle, it cries and clings to the mother. Children who are lifted or rocked may suffer from arrested respiration.

They cannot bear a downward motion, even in sleep. When dandling a child up and down or when rocking it in the arms, you may find that it makes an anxious face during the downward motion.

Exhibit another important symptom, fright during sleep. They may scream and shout during sleep. Children wake up suddenly, screaming and grasping the sides of the cradle, without apparent cause.

They start in sleep, as if frightened. Sleepy.

The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, but wakes frequently.

The child tosses about, cries until 4 h., frequently out of its sleep, and in the morning is in a whining mood.

An infant cries out of sleep and anxiously grasps its mother, as if frightened by a dream.

The infant frequently cries out in its sleep and anxiously grasps its mother, as if it had been frightened by a dream. Frequent waking in the newborn, and screaming during fever when the head becomes hot.


Another interesting point in these children is that they cry and shriek with pain before urinating or passing a stool. You may find cases of colic in babies, after suppressed aphthae. They suddenly scream and kick and equally suddenly turn quiet for ten to twenty minutes, and then start again. They want to be carried about but the fits are not prevented. In cases of enteritis the child cries a great deal, its mouth is very sore, greenish stool passes every hour or two, a white coat covers the tongue and inside the cheeks, and a red eruption appears on the face.


Hot urine in the infant and burning urine in children are frequent. The infant urinates nearly every ten or twelve minutes, and frequently cries and screams before the urine passes. Children are so afraid to urinate, that they almost have convulsions when the desire to urinate comes on.


Excessively nervous (noise). A slight noise will wake them up. They are frightened on hearing a distant noise and start in every limb on hearing an anxious cry. They start at hawking or sneezing or paper rustling. The slamming of a door would cause the child to start and then scream with fright. The child is frightened during thunderstorms.


Borax children may be affected by aphthae. The infant’s palate is wrinkled and it cries frequently when nursing. The child has an aphthous sore mouth, the ulcers bleed on eating or on touch. The mouth is very tender in nursing children; it may be very hot, with thirst and vomiting. The child’s mouth feels hot to mother’s nipple; the child lets

go of the nipple and cries with pain and vexation, or else refuses the breast altogether. Children become marasmic because of the aphthous condition; they cannot digest.


Further symptoms to be found in Borax children include: slowness in learning to talk; weeping tearful mood at night; prolonged sleep. The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, but wakes up frequently. Sleep fitful in small children. Aversion to drinks. Carphology during fever. Finally, the child’s hair becomes entangled at the tips and sticks together so that it cannot be separated. If these bunches are cut off they form again.


The three main key-notes on which Borax is usually prescribed are:

    Aggravation from downward motion.

    Fretfulness, ill-humour, indolence and discontent before stool; but lively, contented, and cheerful after stool.

    > symptoms after 23 h.

Other key-notes:

In growing of lashes, tangled hair that sticks together.

Mouth very hot in aphthae.

Greenish stool day and night.

Tip of nose shining red. Red noses of young women.

Waking as from fright.

Mother cannot nurse child due to thickened milk which tastes bad.



Fidgety and fickle.

Infant screams and grasps the pram or cradle suddenly without any apparent cause (Apis. Cina. Stram.).

Nervous excitability and oversensitivity (all Natrium’s)

Newborn: extremely frightened hearing any sharp sound (coughing)/sneezing/another child crying/firecrackers/someone hawking/a dress or key-chain rustling/a door slamming.

The child cries and clings to the mother when rocked or swung, or when made to sit on a rocking chair or horse back, or when carried downstairs, or

when made to sit in the amusement park rides that go up and down rapidly (Lac-c. Sanic.).

The infant weeps violently at regular intervals; but here the characteristic is that the weeping ceases within a few minutes, and the infant is cheerful

and playful once again (don’t confuse with Cina).

Anxious, restless, nervous and excitable (Kent).

Deep fright from sudden loud noise (Bell. Kali-c.).

Great anxiety in neonates and infants when laying them down on a bed or in the pram (Calc. Gels.).

Loathing of the breast (may be due to the fact that milk tastes bad, not to any physical problems in the infant).

Nervous excitability, shrieking, and crying usually lasts until 23 h.; after that, when the child feels sleepy, the complaints slowly disappear.


Adhering together at the tips (plica polonica) the hair can never be combed smoothly (Fl-ac. Lyc. Psor. Tub. Vinc.).

Aphthous stomatitis in infants and newborns. In older children, eating salty or sour food regularly induces stomatitis.

Dread of downward motion (Calc. Gels. Zinc.) in nearly all complaints.

Hair becomes tangled and frowsy very easily, sticks together.

Red shiny noses of young boys and girls, with crusty nostrils.

Screams and shrieks before urination (Lyc. Sanic. Sars.).

All the nerves are in a fret (Kent).

Child refuses breast-feeding altogether due to severe aphthae.

Clear, thick, hot, acrid discharges from all orifices.

Dirty complexion.

Infants who are cyanotic from birth due to improper oxygenation (Laur.).

Itching, redness, and irritation in the vulva and lower part of the vagina (vulvovaginitis) in little girls (Canth.).

Malnourished, emaciated, soft and flabby children.

Shriveled skin or mucous membrane.

Unhealthy skin suppurates easily.

Other important symptoms


Child is scared to ride on animals like camels, elephants and horses (due to fear of falling).

Startles at trifles (Kali-c.).

Aversion to bathing.

Baby cries, shrieks, and throws temper tantrums when being fed; just moistening his mouth tends to satisfy his hunger.

Child afraid to step into escalators, or to travel by airplane, car, or train.

Child tends to kick when angry (Cham. Cina.).

Dwarfishness with arrested development in children.

Excessive anxiety in the child, accompanied by sleepiness.

Fear of thunderstorms.

Fretful and irritable before stool (Calc.).

Hates jokes (Iod,).

Nervous and easily frightened.

Starts to do many things, but gives them up halfway.

Taciturn during fever (Gels. Ph-ac.).


Headache from reading or watching too much television (Nat-m.), > after passing stool (Zinc.).

Encephalitis with deep coma.

Sensitive to draft of air over the head.

Examination findings:

- Plica polonica (Lyc. Vinc.).

- Cannot hold his head up; seems to fall backwards.

- Head hot to touch.


Sleepy-looking (Gels.).

Conjunctivitis in neonates who are delivered by the caesarian section.

Inversion of lids with ingrowing eyelashes that seem to irritate the eye.

Examination findings:

- Blepharitis.

- Constantly rubbing his eyes (Puls. Sulph.).

- Cracks in canthi.

- Eczema of the lids (Graph. Chel.).

- Falling of hair from the eyebrows.

- Thickening of the lids.


Acuteness of hearing in babies to the slightest of noise, even to paper crackling (Asar. Ferr-met. Nat-c. Nat-s.); does not seem to be disturbed as much by loud noises.

Chronic inflammation of the external ear (Sulph.).

Pain in the ear (L.) causing him to constantly bore his fingers into them (impacted wax).

Pain < pressing behind the ear (Bell.).

Pain < cold application (Hep. Sil.).

Examination findings:

- Auditory evoked potential absent (Syph.).

- Otitis media.

- Purulent otorrhea.

- Sensory-neural deafness, left more than right.


Discharge: Crusts, scabs form immediately when detached (Ars. Kali-bi. Psor.); excoriating, greenish-yellow, thick, dry, and hard.

Boring in the nose with fingers (Cina. Sil.).

Constant inclination to blow his nose (Stict. Teucr.) until it bleeds.

Epistaxis when blowing the nose.

Nose obstruction with lachrymation.

Examination findings:

- Child constantly rubbing his nose or boring his fingers into it.

- Dry, scurfy nostrils, with formation of hard, green crusts inside, which form again when detached.

- Red shiny tip of nose (Phos. Sulph.).

- Crust on culture shows rich growth of Klebsiella.

- Paranasal sinuses tender (Kali-bi.).


Examination findings:

- Atopic eczema (Graph.).

- Anxious expression, especially during downward motion.

- Cracked lower lips.

- Reddish discoloration around the eyes when crying.


Aphthous stomatitis after chemotherapy (Nit-ac).

Difficult dentition.

Excessive salivation during dentition.

Grinding of teeth.

Toothache with increased salivation.

Examination findings:

- Sore mouth prevents infants from nursing (Mur-ac. Sul-ac. Sulph.).

- Tongue: Cracked with fissures; mapped (Tarax).

- Early dental caries.

- Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue form rapidly and bleed easily.


Choking compels the child to swallow (weak cough reflex in neurological disorders: don’t forget Lach).

Examination findings:

- Swelling and tenderness of the cervical glands.

- Ulcers in fauces.


Extreme thirst without appetite.

Thirst after sleep (Bell. Ther.).

Vomiting after breakfast (Carb-v. Ferr-met.).

Hiccoughs in neonates and children without any cause (Ign. Nicc-met. Rat.).

Nausea and vomiting when traveling in a car or boat.

Retching with cough (Ip.).

Sour vomiting when fasting in the morning (in children who habitually go to school without breakfast).

Stomach cough: The child gags, retches and coughs, with aphthae in the stomach.

<: Choc./fruits;

Aversions: Meat and mother's milk (Ant-c. Ant-t. Lach. Merc.).

Desires: Sour food;


After every breast-feed, there is flatulent distention of the infant’s abdomen.

Infantile colic: Cramping pains in the abdomen compel the child to bend double.

Obstructed flatulence.

Examination findings:

- Emaciation around the abdomen ++ (Calc. Plb-met. Sulph.).

- Ultrasound image: Mesenteric glands enlarged.


Painless diarrhea after taking chocolate (Lith-c.), just after breakfast, during dentition or fruit, in warm weather, or from sudden noise (Bell.).

Itching around the anus.

Examination findings:

- Colonoscopy: Inflammatory stricture due to thickening of the mucous membrane, leading to thin, pencil-like stool.


Green (Merc. Nat-s.), frothy, undigested, with white mucus and a putrid odor, like boiled starch (Arg-n).

Frequent, soft, yellow, slimy stools are passed day and night, with pitiful crying and persistent emaciation (Calc. Rheum.).

Examination findings:

- Stool: Roundworms (Scir).

Urinary organs:

Suppression of urine in cases of septicemia.

Constant urge to pass urine.

Retention of urine after fright in children (Op) or newborns.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin (after an infectious disease).

Sexual organs:

Child constantly handles the genitals (Merc. Stram. Zinc-met.).

Tendency to masturbation.

Examination findings:

- Testes drawn up (Puls. Zinc-met).

Larynx and trachea:

Examination findings:

- Stridor (Lach. Op. Samb.).

- Oedema of the glottis (Brom. Phos. Spong.).

- Rattling in the larynx and trachea (Hep. Ip.).

- Voice is husky and sounds very rough.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma in warm, wet (sultry) weather (Carb-v. Syph.), and as soon as the child falls asleep or when in a warm room; child feels better by bending his head backwards

(Spong. Verat.) and by being out in the cold, open air.

Neonatal asphyxia (Camph. Hydr-ac.).

Respiration gets arrested while coughing.

Examination findings:

- Child grasps the throat while coughing (Acon).

- Respiration: Moaning, panting, stertorous and rattling.

- X-ray: Consolidation in the right lung.


Barking cough in the night at around 23 h.

Dry cough during fever, from fright (Cina.), motion (Iod.), or pressure on the trachea (Lach.); > empty swallowing (Verat.).

Bloody expectoration in the morning and after eating.

Cough + increased salivation and epistaxis, and it ends in a sneeze.

Paroxysmal bouts of coughing, consisting of 2 or 3 short coughs.

Spasmodic cough after midnight (Hyos. Kali-c.).


Spinal meningitis.

Examination findings:

- Emprosthoeonos (Canth. Ip.).

- Opisthotonos.

- Spina bifida (Calc. Sil.).


Restless legs at night in bed (Rhus-t. Tarent.) and with fever (Calc. Rhus-t.).

Awkwardness: Drops things from the hand or stumbles when walking (Agar. Caust.).

Congenital dislocation of hip joint.

Examination findings:

- Chorea.

- Cold perspiration.

- Cold feet during fever, headache or during sleep.

- Icy cold hands and feet.

- Perth’s disease.

- Thumb drawn inwards (Cupr-met. Sec.).


Stupefying sleep with fever (Bapt.).

Coma vigil.

Restless sleep, disturbed by various frightful visions (Carb-an. Op.).

Sleeps on the abdomen, with arms/hands on the abdomen or under the head, or tends to bore his head into the pillow.


Burning heat with unquenchable thirst and delirium.

Hyperpyrexia with stupefaction (Nat-m. Op.), where the temperature tends to reach the peak at night and during sleep.

Intense heat of the head and face, while the rest of the body is cold (Ferr-p.).

Perspiration on closing the eyes (Bry. Con.).

Aversion to uncover during fever.

Chill from fright (Gels).

Perspiration usually absent with fever.


Boils during every spring (Crot-h. Lach.).

Dry burning skin with inability to sweat.

Perspiration after urination, from coughing, with diarrhea, after eating warm food, from fright, during sleep; staining yellow.

Examination findings:

- Purpura.

- Redness of skin after scratching.

- Tinea cruris (Canth).

- Warts.


Ailments from: Dentition, fever, fright, pain (Coloc. Lyc.), vexation and punishment (Ign.).

During convulsions: Pale or red face with dilated pupils (Cina. Verat-v.), cold feet.

Convulsions in newborns, due to increased intracranial tension.


Preeminent remedy for aggravation of troubles in the afternoon and evening hours.

Tendency to haemorrhage, where blood is bright red in color and feels hot to touch (Acon. Sabin.).

Ailments from injuries: Concussions, dislocations, and sprains.

< Draft of air

Emaciation in children (Acet-ac. Arum-t.).

Tendency to form abscesses: helps to either abort the abscess or hasten suppuration.



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