Bothrops alternatus


Vergleich: Siehe: Schlangen allgemein


[Farokh Master]

Reaches a length of l - 4, meters, (4 - 6 feet), Its body has a background color varying from light gray to brown with remarkable black half-moon marks on both sides of

the body that touch each other on the center of the back, The flat ventral side is speckled with black or yellow markings. The, head has a bright marking in the form of

a cross. In bright light its pupils narrow down to perpendicular slits.

It lives in the flat mountain country and in stony and rocky places. During the day it is found under broken tree trunks. When excited, it vibrates its tail producing a rattle.

Mating occurs from September to October,

They feed on mice and other rodents,



Dr. H.A. Roberts in his book “The Study of Remedies by Comparison” has mentioned some interesting features.

Unfortunately when checked in The Homoeopathic Recorder, the symptomatology and poisoning effects were exactly the same as from Bothrops atrox (maybe a mistake by

Dr. H.A. Roberts!!),

1935, a scientific paper was published on Bothrops alternatus, which, was, read, before, the, International, Homoeopathic, Association, Bureau of Materia Medica, June 22, 1934,

This was later confirmed to be Bothrops atrox and not Bothrops alternatus.

I. studied the listing of venomous snakes adapted from: Snake Venom Poisoning by Dr. Findlay E. Russell (New York Scholium International, Inc. 1983) and understood that

these two varieties of snakes are separate entities (http://, www, catalogueoflife, org),

Two physicians undertook the proving in the 200* potency, one taking one dose and the other taking two doses three hourly. The proving from the two doses lasted 29 days and the first,

Symptoms to appear after the two doses included the following:


• Depression

• Confusion of mind

• Fear the heart will cease to beat unless constantly on the move

• Acute senses (Arn Colch Lyss Valer.)

• Prostration of mind


• Exhaustion

• Internal trembling

• General aggravation at night after midnight, on deep breathing, Inspiration, carrying, after physical exertion and after coition

• General aggravation from deep breathing (Agn, Borx, Rhus-t, Sabin, ), forenoon and night

• Internal trembling (Calc. Staph.)

• Tendency to haemorrhage


• Tendency to fall on the right or left side

• Vertigo on reaching up with the hands; on exertion; on turning in

• The room seems to turn around on rising from a seat

• Carrying any heavy objects on the head (Tarent.) or in the hands produces severe vertigo

• Worse on rising from a seated position (Bry. Dig. Carb-an. Rhus-t.) and turning in bed (Bell. Cact. Graph. Lac-d.)


• Dull pain on the right side of the head, < 10 h. – 13 h.


• Purplish eruptions around the nose


• Cracked tongue, which is covered with a heavy brown fur (Bapt. Colch.)


• Blue discoloration

• Veins distended on nose (Carb-v.)


• Pain in the cardiac region

Cardiovascular System

• Sharp, stabbing pain at the apex of the heart

• Persistent pressure about the cardiac region as if there was not sufficient room for the heart, < from midnight to sunrise

• Sinking sensation in the heart, <: exertion/deep breathing/talking/motion/walking;


• Blue discoloration


•DeliriumGangrene (Caust. Polyg-pe.)


• Ailments from mental shock (Arn. Op. Pic-ac.), from sudden news, death, disappointment or betrayal

• Anxiety neurosis that stems from functional or organic cardiac diseases (common in snake remedies Cench. Lach. Naja)

• Endogenous depression due to some chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, angina pectoris, etc.

• Nervous vertigo (Asaf.) with tendency to fall

• Raynaud's phenomenon (Cact. Prot. Sarcol-ac. Sec.) in both upper and lower limbs giving rise to a bluish discoloration of the affected part

• Stasis of the venous system producing varicose veins and ulcers (Aq-sil. Calc-i.)

• Tendency to gangrene (Anthraci. Sec.) due to microangiopathy as a result of Collagen disease, diabetes mellitus or senile arteriosclerosis

• Universal aggravation from midnight to sunrise of almost all complaints, <: in general after coition; (Agar. Kali-c. Kali-p. SULPH.)



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