Bryonia diocia


Vergleich: Siehe: Cucurbitales


[D. Riley]

Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Irritability. Work: dreams of work, thoughts of business, and aversion to mental work. Wantingto be home or contentment with being at home. Dreams that are of

water or are sexual in nature.

Dull headaches in the forehead or headaches on waking. Great thirst with little desire to drink.Desire for spicy foods. Nausea and burping. Diarrhea, constipation,

or gas. Increased or diminished sexual desire in female subjects. Improvement of premenstrual breast tenderness.

Mind: Anxiety about financial matters.

Desire to be alone or desire for company. Aversion to company.

Feeling deserted.

Dream: “As if in a dream”/vivid/sexual/frightful/strange/anxious/animals (biting/dogs/alligators/rats)/water.

Starting from dreams.

Irritable from dreams or trifles.

Laughing during sleep.

Aversion to mental work, dreams of work, or thinks of business.

Must restrain self from screaming.

Slow mental processes.

Generalities: Loss of energy (late afternoon).

Aches, pains, and stiffness throughout the body.

Desires: spicy foods/sweets/coffee/cheese/butter/pastries/tomatoes; <: coffee;

Flushes of heat or chills.

Vertigo: Light-headedness with nausea.

Head: Pain - pulsating in the forehead or l.side and < motion/constricted “Like a band” (in forehead and occiput)/drawing in the occiput/dull in the forehead,

temples, vertex,or occiput.

Sense of lightness of the head.

Tension (in vertex).

Head: Pain - < on waking/in the evening/from motion/sharp lancinating in the temples or on the sides/in forehead above the r. eye or ext. backwards/in occiput

ext. neck and down the back/in (l.)

temple/pressing in the forehead over r. eye or at the vertex.

Eye: Pain under l. eyebrow “Like a knife”/cutting or sharp, stabbing.

Dry with irritation “As from dust”. Wild look.

Ear: Ringing

Nose: Sensitive to odors.

Epistaxis of bright red blood, worse on the left side. Coryza from the posterior nares and withsneezing. Discharges: clear/excoriating from the left side, or from

the posterior nares.

Obstructed on the right side.

Nasal congestion.


Face: Dry skin (lips).

Eczema on the cheeks.

Flushing in the cheeks.

Itching under the chin or of the jaw.

Pain at the articulation of the jaw.

Aphthae on the lips.

Throbbing at the temporomandibular joint.

Mouth: Dry (with salivation)

“As if tongue is thickened).

Vesicles in the mouth (area of the upper lips)

Painful, sore gums.

Taste metallic

Teeth: Grisly sensation on the teeth on waking in the morning.

Throat: Pain - sore and stinging.

Swollen cervical glands r. side.

Stomach: Appetite – lost/increased appetite.

Belching - empty, loud, long.

Great thirst/thirstless + desire to drink.


Pain - burning in stomach < after eating/ext. throat/cutting in the pit of the stomach causing to double over > stomach/from hunger.

Nausea from odors or in waves/> motion.

Abdomen: Flatulence < after eating with distension.

Pain - come and go, < after eating/sharp, stabbing/sore in the lower abdomen after eating.

Rumbling or gurgling in the abdomen.

Rectum: Diarrhea (explosive).

Constipation causing sore pain/straining/hemorrhoids. Flatus – offensive/on occasion less offensive and smelly.

Hemorrhoids improve or become sore (walking).

Stool: dark/black/hard/watery/soft/thin/sticky.

Bladder: Pain - pressing with urine that has a musky odor.

Urine: Musky

Female genitalia: Sexual desire in- or decreased. Menstrual flow bright red or purple/scanty/too frequent/too late.

Respiration: difficult, “As if someone is pushing on the back”.

Speech and Voice

Hoarse and voice loss.

Cough: Cramping, constrictive + thick yellow sputum.

Expectoration: Thick yellow sputum in the morning.

Chest: Breast tender improving before the menstrual period.

Back: Pain - pressing in the thoracic region/dull in the lumbar region.

Eruptions in the lumbar region in patches that itch. Cervical region stiff and tensed.

Limbs: Pain - cramping in the r. calf < walking/aching and stiff < r. wrist/sore in the l. shoulder.

Itching of the fingers.

Sleep: Deep/restless

Drowsy in the afternoon and in the evening after dinner.

Perspiration during sleep.

Difficulty in falling asleep and sleeplessness in the evening.

Perspiration: during sleep.

Offensive, cadaverous

Skin: Eruptions (in patches).

Dry eczema.

Itching (rash)



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