Cadmium Anhang


[Elaine Lewis]

According to Arthur Grimmer MD, a student of Dr. James Tyler Kent’s, the big cancer break-through in homeopathy is Cadmium Metallicum and the various Cadmium salts.


Cadmium is to cancer what Thuja is to Sycosis and Mercury is to the Syphilitic miasm. Before the Cadmiums, a lot of cancer cases were lost. Virtually every advanced case of cancer needs one

of the Cadmiums.

It’s quite easy to confuse the Cadmiums with Arsenicum.

Both have an absolute horror of being alone. Both are chilly but Cadmium is freezing! Both are thin, pale, tired and weak and both are irritable but Cadmium is tremendously irritable and angry and even hate-filled! All the joy is gone. The mental state is one of loathing.

There is not only the similarity to Arsenicum but the snake remedies as well:

Sleep aggravates! Plus, there is a choking sensation, trouble swallowing, a constriction of the throat. He may wake up suffocating, he may stop breathing on going to sleep, he may sleep with the eyes open, there may be insomnia for a prolonged period of time. In general, all symptoms < after sleep.

Cadm-s.: best known for its action on the gastro-intestinal tract. This is the reason to give this remedy for anyone on radiation and chemotherapy, because it will prevent the vomiting and nausea

and anorexia associated with these “therapies”. A stomach cancer remedy in its own right and has the symptoms of burning and cutting  pain in the stomach, severe nausea, in fact, everything

causes nausea, even the slightest movement (it’s like Bryonia in this regard), even noise, music or odors cause nausea, almost any stimulus. The regurgitation can be yellow or black; “coffee ground”

as they call it. The face may be bathed in cold sweat. This is also a remedy for vomiting in alcoholics–due most likely to stomach ulcers; even vomiting of pregnancy that won’t respond to the usual remedies. Paralysis of single muscles, as in facial paralysis. There is a tendency to necrosis and gangrene. There’s some of the usual Sulphur symptoms–itching at night, < warmth of the bed,

>  scratching; burning sensations, bad breath.

Cadm-met.: More specific to bone cancer. May say or do the wrong things from poor concentration, such as putting salt in the coffee instead of sugar. There’s vertigo–objects recede and return.

There are neuralgic headaches, vomiting with headaches, numbness of feet and hands. Antidote to aluminum poisoning. Alternation of heat and cold. Hemorrhages of the bladder and rectum–usually dark but occasionally bright red. Severe joint pains.

Cadm-i.: Glandular involvement: cervical glands of the neck, tonsils, thyroid, breasts, testicles, ovaries, liver, spleen, pancreas and the lymph system. Cadmium i. is hateful and full of self-pity.

You can be sure it’s Cadmium i. if the patient is not so chilly.

These are the 3 main Cadmium remedies. By Phosphorus qualities (great thirst for cold drinks but vomited immediately) Cadmium Phos.

Grimmer recommends Cadm-ars.: for liver cancer.

To recap, the Cadmium patient: freezing, < cold, can scarcely get warm even in front of the fire; thin, pale, nauseous, < slightest movement, irritable, humorless, angry, very negative, advanced stages of disease, sleep aggravates.


[Robin Murphy]

The Cadmiums and Cancer

The importance of Cadmium remedies in the treatment and cure of cancers.

According to Arthur Grimmer MD, a student of Dr. James Tyler Kent’s, the big cancer break-through in homeopathy is Cad-met. and the various Cadmium salts.

Grimmer: Cadmium is to cancer what Thuja is to Sycosis and Mercury is to the Syphilitic miasm. Before the Cadmiums, a lot of cancer cases were lost. Virtually every advanced case of cancer needs one of the Cadmiums, says Grimmer.

It’s quite easy to confuse the Cadmiums with Arsenicum. Both have an absolute horror of being alone. Both are chilly but Cadmium is freezing! Both are thin, pale, tired and weak and both are irritable but Cadmium is tremendously irritable and angry and even hate-filled! All the joy is gone. The mental state is one of loathing.

There is not only the similarity to Arsenicum but the snake remedies as well: Sleep aggravates! Plus, there is a choking sensation, trouble swallowing, a constriction of the throat. He may wake up suffocating, he may stop breathing on going to sleep, he may sleep with the eyes open, there may be insomnia for a prolonged period of time. In general, all symptoms are worse after sleep.

Cadm-s. best known for its action on the gastro-intestinal tract. This is the reason to give this remedy for anyone on radiation and chemotherapy, because it will prevent the vomiting and nausea and anorexia associated with these “therapies”. The reason it is so effective is because Cadm-s. a stomach cancer remedy in its own right and has the symptoms of burning and cutting pains in the stomach, severe nausea, in fact, everything causes nausea, even the slightest movement (it’s like Bryonia in this regard), even noise, music or odors cause nausea, almost any stimulus. The regurgitation can be yellow or black; “coffee ground” as they call it. The face may be bathed in cold sweat. This is also a remedy for vomiting in alcoholics, due most likely to stomach ulcers; even vomiting of pregnancy that won’t respond to the usual remedies. Cadm-s. has paralysis of single muscles, as in facial paralysis. There is a tendency to necrosis and gangrene. There’s some of the usual Sulphur symptoms–itching at night, worse warmth of the bed, better scratching, burning sensations, bad breath.

Cadm-met.: more specific to bone cancer. Cadmium may say or do the wrong things from poor concentration, such as putting salt in the coffee instead of sugar. There’s vertigo–objects recede and return. There are neuralgic headaches, vomiting with headaches, numbness of feet and hands. Cadmium met. is also an antidote to aluminum poisoning. Alternation of heat and cold. Hemorrhages

of the bladder and rectum–usually dark but occasionally bright red. Severe joint pains.

Cadm-i.: has glandular involvement–cervical glands of the neck, tonsils, thyroid, breasts, testicles, ovaries, liver, spleen, pancreas and the lymph system. Cadmium i. is hateful and full of self-pity.

Cadmium i. if the patient is not so chilly.

These are the three main Cadmium remedies. If you see Phosphorus qualities, such as great thirst for cold drinks but vomited immediately, consider Cad-p.: 

Grimmer recommends Cad-ars. for liver cancer.

Cadmium patient: freezing, < cold, can scarcely get warm even in front of the fire; thin, pale, nauseous, < slightest movement, irritable, humorless, angry, very negative, advanced stages of disease, < sleep.


[Farokh Master]

My experiences with Cadmium metallicum

During my last 26 years of practice in Homoeopathy I had enough experience to gather a number of cured symptoms from my patients. Most of my study of Cad-met. was from the provings

by the Swiss and British Homoeopaths who proved Cadmium in the year 1947 and presented the scientific paper in the Liga Congress.

I am fortunate enough to confirm some of the best symptoms -clinical as well as non-clinical- in my practice.

Unfortunately, I do not have a single case where I could prescribe Cadmium on the theme given by Jan Scholten.

I have a rich experience with Cadmium patients after studying the provings.

One of the most important phenomenon that I have observed in patients who require Cadm-met. is basically a deep-rooted depression and this is one thing that I have seen in almost all the cases.

Depression comes in various forms and it is due to various reasons in Cadm-met.

There are two causes of depression, one is cancer, the advanced cancer, the suffering from cancer, the fear of cancer, that invites depression, and the second is severe anger, severe anger as

result of reproaches, even on hearing reproach of some other person, a Cadmium patient will feel extremely angry. This phenomena one can also find in the remedy Croc-s. and Calc-p.

Let us see how this depression manifests in Cad-met. You will see that these people have got a strong aversion to persons and to certain people. They love solitude, they are in a state of despair

and have extreme indifference to everything like what we see in Staph. Ph-ac. or they can be indifferent to the joy of others like Croc-s. and Opium, or they can have indifference to work, as we

see in Agar. or Staph. They will be lazy, they have a loathing for life, they don’t like music and they want to sit very quiet. They are extremely sad. This is a phase of depression.

But remember that this phase of depression can suddenly # with violence and irritability. This is important for us to know, you will see that the person on one hand is very quiet, sad and then

suddenly he becomes violent, this violence can be expressed in the form of irritability or in the form of anger. There is sudden change of sadness which alternates with violence as frequently

seen in remedies like Ambra. The irritability in Cad-met. is basically seen when the person is working.

Another area where I have seen and confirmed Cad-met. is the area of confusion, there is a lot of confusion, the patient cannot do his normal day to day activities properly, he keeps on making

mistakes. This comes from the original observation of Grimmer, who has worked a lot on cancer remedies.

Unfortunately, I have read all his work and I have personally not been very impressed by his work, the reason being that I am unable to confirm many things in my practice and there

are not very clear-cut indications of his observations, especially when read the cases of Grimmer. But there is one very important thing that I read in Grimmer’s work, and that is that Cad-met.

patient makes many mistakes, especially while speaking, and sometimes he makes mistakes in doing simple work like instead of putting sugar in tea he will put salt in the tea, they cannot bear

any mental exertion, in fact, it is impossible for them to take mental exertion as seen in remedies like Nat-c., Thuja or Hell. these people cannot bear any mental exertion. Another important and

unique observation in my practice was that these people develop severe nausea on thinking about unpleasant things. I have not seen this in many patients but I did have one or two such cases

where I could confirm this feeling of nausea from thinking about unpleasant things, of course, Cadmium Met does have nausea from strong odors but this is a very unique feature.

These people also have vertigo which is very typical of Cadmium, they develop vertigo when they watch movies and this is the only remedy in the repertory so far for this peculiar feature.

When you look into the spectre of cancer, Cadmium has cancer in almost every organ of the body. You start from cancer of the skull where you will see Cad-met. along with another remedy

- Hippozaeninum or you look at the sarcoma of the skull where you have a Cadm-met. and then you can also have cancer in the stomach. Most of the cancers which Grimmer had described in

his works are basically from aluminium poisoning.

Grimmer said that cancer of the gastrointestinal system arising from the chronic aluminium poisoning needs Cadmium salts to cure, But in other non-cancerous conditions that arise due to

aluminium poisoning, I depend on Bry. I always think of Bry. and Plb-met. as the two main anchors in my practice whenever I feel that there are symptoms arising from chronic use of

aluminium vessel, which is very common in India. In cases of cancer of the intestines, liver, spleen, colon and cecum, whether of primary or secondary origin is usually accompanied by toxic goiter

that was the original observation of Dr Grimmer unfortunately so far I was unable to confirm this in my practice.

Also Dr Grimmer mentions that alternatively the cancers of the abdominal organs are + heart problems; I have confirmed this part many times.

Then we have cancer of the uterus, this according to Grimmer is the most galloping cancer where the cancer progresses very fast and there is the cancer of the mammary glands with severe

burning pains. Grimmer under this has mentioned many remedies such as Lapis Alba for painful cancer of the mammary glands, but the one which I have found very useful in reducing the pain of

the cancer of the breast is Lobelia Erinus in 30 potency, whether it is the right breast or the left breast, it does not make any difference. But if there is burning pain in the cancer, then I would think

of Carb-a. It is good for the cancer of the upper arms (bones whether it is primary or secondary cancer).

Dr. Grimmer also mentions that the best cancers which can be treated by Cad-met. are the sarcomas, the epitheliomas and the advanced cancers.

From all the cancer cases treated so far, how do I pick up Cadm-met. or how do I differentiate Cadm-met. from any other cancer remedies? The most important thing I look for are certain generals.

Weakness (waking up in the morning), this is one symptom that I have confirmed like Pulsatilla.

Another very important observation is that this weakness on waking up in the morning + trembling; external visible trembling

Merc. trembling in the morning when he wakes up. So, after sleep, when the person wakes up in the morning, there is a lot of weakness, trembling and the patient is very uncomfortable.

He takes a few hours to come out of this.

If you reflect into the past history, you will see that there are many acute illnesses from which the Cadmium patient has not recovered well, one of them is influenza, the person takes

a very long time to recover even from a simple flu, this one finds in remedies like Influ., Abrot. Tub., Sulph. Phyt. the convalescence after a flu takes a long time in these patients.

Then, in generals, you will see that these patients are usually slightly lean and thin, their constitution is not stout or obese. They are neither hot nor chilly; it is very difficult to

differentiate on this aspect.

Another important feature of this remedy is the head symptoms, I have found that these people have a chronic headache and this headache can occur in any part of the head, occiput or

forehead or temples, etc. They cannot read for long or use their eyes for long; else they get a severe burning sensation in the eyes.

Most of my patients had a history of Otitis Media in the childhood.

My main source from where I have derived the Materia Medica are cases of the gastrointestinal cancers from my practice where I found that anemia was one of the leading symptoms, excessive

dryness of the mouth and the craving for cold water and > cold water, but characteristically the dryness of the throat is > drinking tea. There is no desire and aversion in this remedy, except that,

the tea and the cold water ameliorates. The appetite in these cancer patients is either good or very low. I had also mentioned that there is an excessive use of aluminium vessels or drinking

water that is supplied is very high in aluminium content.

The water in the city of Mumbai has high contents of Aluminium and Arsenic. There is peculiar nausea which is worth remembering – nausea from the odor of the food, nausea from riding

in the carriage and nausea after sleep, these are the three important symptoms verified repeatedly.

Another unique feature is the typical gnawing pain in the epigastrium in the morning on waking up. So, the ‘< morning waking on’ will keep on appearing in the totality of Cad-met. repeatedly.

They vomit all that they eat; the vomit is usually bilious and sour. If it is an intestinal cancer, they will feel a lot of accumulation of flatus around the umbilicus which is better by passing,

or they may suffer from chronic constipation with difficult stool.

A concomitant of obstructed flatulence is one thing that I have seen very frequently in my practice and if the flatus is released, then feel much better. These people have large, sheep-dung like and black stool due to chronic constipation.

In a few cases of uterine cancer, I had the opportunity to use Cad-met., the most important symptoms which I could confirm is that the menses was dark.

I have had no experience so far to treat lung cancer or any other cancer that arises from the chest, but I have to my credit, opportunities to treat cancers from the breast. There are no

peculiar symptoms for the breast cancer; you have to basically depend on the general symptoms and the mind symptoms.

These patients are extremely sleepy after dinner, this is an important observation and the time that I have been repeatedly able to confirm for the morning aggravation on waking is the < 7 h. This is very important, and this < 7 - 7:30 h. one can also see in Nux-v. I have seen this in most of my patients. I was recently asked to see a case of advanced colon cancer, 81 years old male, the history was severe constipation, large abdomen, lot of ascites, no appetite, almost obstruction of the bowels. He had undergone three surgeries in the past for the same, he had also undergone multiple chemotherapies, but the obstruction was very severe. The doctors said that any further surgery will not benefit the patient and it is best that he should be allowed to die peacefully.

From the emotional angle I found that the person had severe depression, strong sense of despair, frustration, resentment, hopelessness, loathing for life, etc. The unique symptom was the sensitivity

to noise, the person did not allow any music to be played, and he had aversion to music and noise. This was the clinching point. Depression follows cancer and this is a very common phenomenon,

but aversion to music and noise should not be pass off as common symptom, he was a chilly patient and he had a very unusual weakness in the morning on waking up. So this was another important symptom.

He had absolutely no appetite, he was severely constipated, but in the past, before developing complete constipation or no stool, the stool that he used to pass was dark and clay colored, so this was also very important. The urine was dark brown, he had generalized body ache, he was lean, thin and emaciated - a typical cancer cachexia. He did not allow anybody to touch his abdomen as it was extremely painful. He was very cautious that he did not get any jerks in the abdomen or any pressure around the abdomen; else it would give him pain. Now with this totality, I gave Cad-met. C 30.

in five cup method, one teaspoonful 3x daily from the 5th cup. With Cadm-met. his weakness, his constipation and his appetite improved and within a period of one and a half to two months,

I managed to give him good palliation.

Subsequently, after one and a half to two months, all his symptoms came back and I could not help him with the same remedy, in fact, I could not help him with any remedy and ultimately he died peacefully. So he suffered for a few days before his death, but for the previous two months I could palliate him. Of course, from the very beginning we knew that this case was incurable and death was imminent, but the amount of palliation that I saw from Cad-met. was superb.



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