Calcarea iodata Anhang


[Kent’s New remedies]

< morning/afternoon/evening/at NIGHT/after midnight. Has produced abscesses. Strong desire for open air; open air excites and > symptoms. The tendency is towards anaemia. There is

general physical anxiety; asleep feeling in single parts; choreic movements. Becoming cold > many symptoms, but there is a tendency to take cold; cold weather <. It is a most useful remedy in Tb. Convulsions (clonic/epileptiform/with falling).

Convulsive movements. Many symptoms come on before eating and > after eating; some symptoms < before and after eating.

Marked loss of flesh. Exertion is impossible. There are fainting spells (in a warm room). Fasting brings on many symtpoms. Feeling of fullness internally. Internal hemorrhage.

It is a most useful remedy in induration (following inflamed). Great lassitude; lying >, but < lying long in bed, as the patient is < from warmth of bed. Surging of blood in the body;

pains are numerous but mild and flitting. burning, cutting, jerking, pinching, pressing, stitching, tearing; there is more weakness than pain. He perspires easily and; becomes chilled during sweat.

Pulsation all over. Many of the symptoms are right-sided. Swelling (suppurating) of affected parts and glands; Trembling and twitching. Symptoms/patient < from warmth, warm air, warm bed,

warm room, 'warm wraps.GREAT GENERAL WEAKNESS; in the morning; during menses.

Becomes very angry over small matters. Frequent spells of anxiety (over trifles). Aversion to company; confusion of mind; delusions (sees dead people). Despair; discontented; discouraged. Dullness of mind. < mental exertion. Fear of insanity; of misfortune; of people.

Impatience; indifference; indolence; irresolution. Irritability; during headache.

Symptoms like insanity and mania. Mirthful. Mental prostration. Restless and anxious. SADNESS. Dullness of the senses; starting in sleep; weeping.

Vertigo: morning on rising/walking/with headache.

Head: feels cold. Congestion, heat and heaviness (during menses). Crusty eruptions on the scalp. Hair falls out. Itching of the scalp. Pain in the head; in the morning, binding up the hair < pain;

with coryza and catarrh;

compelled to lie down; before the menses; moving the head; noise; riding against a cold wind; stooping; talking; walking; warm room; wrapping up the head.

Pain in the forehead above the eyes; in the occiput (before menses); sides of head but mostly in the right; temples, vertex. Pressing pain in forehead, occiput, sides of head, temples and vertex.

Sharp pain in r. temple. Shooting in head; in the occiput. Sore; bruised pain in head.

Stitching pains in head, in the occiput, in sides of head, in temples, in vertex; Stunning pains in the head; tearing pains in the head; in the temples.

Perspiration on the scalp; on the forehead. Pulsation in the head; forehead; temples.

Eyes: Dullness of the eyes; scrofulous inflamed eyes (conjunctiva)/red. Lachrymation. Pain in the eyes/burning. The ball of the eye is tender to touch. Protruded, exophthalmus.

Pupils dilated.

Lids red/swollen/twitching lids. Weak eyes. Vision foggy, dim. Colors before the eyes; sparks.

Catarrh of the eustachian tubes;

Ears: discharge/hot

Noises in the ears; buzzing, humming, ringing, roaring. Pain in the ear; pressing, tearing.                                

Hearing: acute; later impaired.

Nose: Catarrh of the nose, also of the posterior nares; red. Swollen.

Coryza FLUENT and dry. Discharges from the nose excoriating; fetid; greenish; purulent; thick; watery; yellow. Dryness in the nose. Epistaxis.

Obstructed and smell is lost; much sneezing.

Face: cold and sunken and the muscles twitch. Discolored: earthy pale, red, yellow. Scaly eruptions on the face. Pain in the face. Swollen submaxillary gland.

Mouth: Aphtha; gums bleed easily;

tongue: fissured/dry/burns/swollen; Offensive odor. Pain in the gums/teeth;. Salivation. Swollen gums and tongue.

Taste astringent, bad, sour, sweetish. Ulceration in the mouth.

Throat: Dryness and constriction of the throat; enlarged tonsils, honeycombed with small crypts; viscid mucus in the throat. Pain in the throat on swallowing;

pressing pain.

External throat: swollen; many hard glands. It has cured GOITRE (exophthalmic).

Stomach: Appetite INCREASED ravenous or wanting; aversion to food, Desires stimulants. Eructations empty; sour; waterbrash; heartburn. Fullness in the stomach;

Flash of heat in the stomach. Hiccough. Nausea at night and after eating. Pain in the stomach after eating; burning, cramping, cutting, pressing,

SORE, stitching. Pulsating in the stomach. Thirst extreme, unquenchable.

Vomiting on coughing, after eating, bile, blood, food.

Abdomen: Distended/tympanitic, Enlarged abdomen, mesenteric glands, spleen. Flatulence; obstructed. Hardness of the liver, mesenteric glands.

Pain in abdomen; during menses, in hypochondria, in liver; burning, cramping, cutting, pressing in the hypogastrium. Pulsation in abdomen. Rumbling.

Rectum: Constipation; inactiv; difficult stool; Diarrhoea in evening, after eating. Exhausting; passing of copious flatus. Hemorrhoid. Itching of the anus; after stool: burning/tenesmus;

ineffectual urging.

Stool: bloody, copious, hard, watery, white, yellow;

Bladder: Retention or suppression of urine; much urging at night; frequent urination during the night; involuntary urination. Frequent paroxysms if busy;

stinging pain in neck of bladder with frequent urging to urinate. Has been useful in Addison's disease.

Urine: acrid, albuminous, cloudy, dark, pale, red, copious, with offensive odor and cuticle on the surface.

Male organs: Erections wanting; seminal emissions; sexual passion increased without erections. Pain in the testes; induration of testes; swollen testes.

Female organs: Sexual desire increased in the woman; congestion of the uterus. Leucorrhea: acrid, bloody, copious, yellow;

Menses: absent, copious, frequent, irregular, painful, suppressed; Metrorrhagia. Pain in ovaries and uterus. Pain in both ovaries before menses.

Sterility. Tumors on ovaries.

Larynx and trachea: Catarrh, constriction, croup. mucus in the air passages; larynx: inflamed/pain/phthisis/tickling, HOARSE.

Accelerated respiration, asthmatic, difficult at night and on ascending steps; rattling, short. Suffocation.

Cough: morning; evening, after midnight, asthmatic, DRY; from irritated larynx and trachea, short, spasmodic; from tickling in the larynx.

Expectoration: morning; bloody, greenish, mucus, offensive, purulent, viscid, yellow. Violent, hard cough after pneumonia.

Chest: Anxiety in chest and heart; catarrh of the bronchial tubes; constriction of the heart. Indurated mamma; Inflamed bronchial tubes/pleura;

oppression of the chest; pain in the chest on coughing; in the heart; burning, cutting, pressing, rawness; stitching on coughing; stitching in mammae. Palpitation of the heart warm during the night. PHTHISIS. Trembling in the heart. It has cured nodular tumors in mammae, tender to touch, painful on moving the arm.

Back: Pain in the sacrum; soreness in the spine; stitching pain in back and lumbar region.

Extremities: Enlarged points of the fingers; coldness of the upper limbs, hands, legs, feet; cramps in the feet; heat of the hands; heaviness of the limbs; of the feet; itching of the limbs; numbness of the hands, fingers, lower limbs, legs; pain in the limbs, in the joints; in gouty joints; in the thighs, in the knees. Stitching pain in the shoulders, in the knees. Tearing in the joints, in the

upper limbs, in the elbow, in the knees, perspiration of the hands, of the palms, of the FEET; stiffness in the limbs; swelling of the hands, legs, knees, feet; cedematous; trembling of upper/lower

of the hands, twitching of the upper limbs, thighs, legs; weakness of the upper limbs, of the knees.

Sleep: Restless; sleepy in the evening; sleeplessness, waking too early.

Dream: amorous, anxious, of dead people; nightmare vivid. Chill, external, internal; shaking chill; tertian; warmth does not ameliorate.

Fever: in the afternoon; fever # chill; flushes of heat; hectic fever.

Perspiration: in the morning; during the night; in bed; cold; on SLIGHT EXERTION; on motion; profuse.

Skin: Burning of the skin; coldness. Red and yellow spots. Dry skin; eruptions, boils, herpes, rash, scaly. Erysipelas.



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