Causticum Anhang 2



The main feeling in Causticum is that the person is the one who has to take care of the group or family.

Causticum belongs to the Kali family. It is a sycotic remedy. The main feeling in Causticum is that the person is the one who has to take care of the group or family.

He is facing the threat from outside and in order to face this threat, he requires that the whole group should fight together.

Being the strongest member of the group, one who is most capable of putting up a fight, he regards a threat to any one member of that group as a threat to himself.

If he doesn’t forestall the threat, it will affect the whole group and he will be weakened.

The situation of Causticum is of a family where the husband is dead and the wife has to single-handedly take care of her children. Here she is the strongest member

of her group – her family. So, she is very much concerned when there is any problem with any member of the family, for example when a child falls sick or is late in

coming home.

The two most important feelings of Causticum are: “Anxious for others” and “Fear that something will happen”. Interestingly Causticum is one of the few remedies

listed under “Fear of dogs”.

It can also be the situation of a man who is the only educated member in a group of illiterate workers whom the management is pressurizing unfairly. The whole group

has to fight back and if any one worker is threatened, this man takes his side, fights for him, because if he doesn’t and something happens to the worker, the group as

a whole is threatened next.

He, being the strongest member of that group, has to take care of the rest of the group, and he becomes very much concerned if anyone is in trouble. His strength lies

in the strength of the group and he is the one who looks after it.

Like Causticum, Nitric acid too is very sympathetic and both come from a similar situation. The only difference is that Nitric acid is actually fighting a very hard battle

with an enemy. It is not merely fighting unfairness like Causticum, but a long and unforgiving battle against a person who has harmed him. For this battle he requires the support from all his friends. So Nitric acid is very sympathetic to all his supporters. He is sympathetic conditionally. As long as you are his friend, he is sympathetic.

Once you offend him he will kill you.

The third remedy listed as sympathetic is Phosphorus and it is the only remedy listed in three marks. There is a kind of selfishness behind the sympathy that both

Causticum and Nitric acid feel. They stand to gain by their sympathy, whereas Phosphorus is genuinely sympathetic.

In being sympathetic Causticum is anxious for others, whereas Phosphorus feels the anxiety of others. If the child goes out and is a little late returning home,

Causticum will be worried even though the child is enjoying himself. It is not so with Phosphorus. Phosphorus feels the anxiety of the other person, i.e. when the other

person is anxious Phosphorus feels it.

Causticum is always anxious for others, always on tenterhooks, always checking where they have gone, when they will return, etc. If they are late, Causticum has to keep pacing up and down.

Both Phosphorus and Causticum are very similar remedies. Both are chilly, both desire cold drinks and are averse to sweets. Also, both may have paralysis of the right

side of face. Hence, they are inimical remedies.


    Anxiety, future, about

    Anxiety, others, for

    Anxiety, fear, with

    Cares, worries, full of, others, about

    Cares, worries, full of, relatives, about

    Fear, dark, of

    Fear, dogs, of

    Fear, ghosts, of

    Fear, happen, something will

    Fear, misfortune, of

    Weeping, easily

    Weeping, sympathy with others, from

[Nikolaus Heinen]


    Verkürzung, Verhärtung und Versteifung von Sehnen und Muskeln

    Allmählich voranschreitende lähmungsartige Schwäche der Glieder

    Lähmungen einzelner Körperteile

    Folge von lang anhaltendem Kummer und Sorgen

    Empfindliches Gerechtigkeitsbewusstsein

    Mitfühlend, empfindsam, ruhelos

    Unwillkürlicher Urinabgang (Harninkontinenz) beim Niesen und Husten


    Brennende Schmerzen, Roh- und Wundheitsgefühle

    Heiserkeit, Stimmverlust

    Warzen, nahe der Fingernägel und im Gesicht

    Folgen von Verbrennungen


Das homöopathische Medikament Causticum kann sowohl bei akuten, wie auch bei konstitutionellen Beschwerden eingesetzt werden. Man sollte an Causticum denken,

wenn sich die körperlichen oder emotionalen Beschwerden in Richtung einer langsam fortschreitenden Verhärtung, Austrocknung und Lähmung bewegen. Die körperliche Hauptwirkung zielt auf die Nerven, die Schleimhäute, die Muskeln und die Gelenke. Auf emotionaler Ebene liegt der thematische Schwerpunkt im richtigem Umgang mit: Kummer und Leid, Mitleid und Gerechtigkeit. Mangelnde Abgrenzung, Aufopferung für andere, übertriebenes Pflichtgefühl und Aufbegehren gegen Ungerechtigkeiten

sind die Lebensthemen des Causticum-Patienten. Sinnbildlich zeigt sich das Wesen dieses homöopathischen Mittels auch in seinem Bezug zu Verbrennungen:

Rohheit- und Wundheitsgefühl bei frischen und auch älteren, nicht heilenden Brandverletzungen. Denn der Causticum Patient kann im übertragenden Sinne emotional so involviert sein, dass er sich verbrennt und Narben zurückbleiben.

Charakterlich zeigt er sich: idealistisch, romantisch, leidenschaftlich, selbstlos, mitfühlend, hilfsbereit, aber auch fanatisch, hysterisch, leicht gekränkt, unglücklich, grübelnd, gewissenhaft, furchtsam, nervös, zurückhaltend und ausgelaugt. Das wird hauptsächlich bei Männern und Kindern eingesetzt. Empfindlich und oft müde. Sie erhitzen sich schnell, frieren aber auch leicht. Folgen von unterdrückten Ausschlägen, kaltem trockenen Wind, Zugluft und Schlafmangel. Durch Wärme, Feuchtigkeit, fortgesetzte Bewegung und durch Ruhe geht es den Patienten besser. Typische Beschwerden sind: Hautausschläge, Warzen, Heiserkeit, Stottern, Harninkontinenz, Bronchitis,

Rheuma, Sehnenverhärtung und Lähmungen bis hin zu M.S. Durch Kummer, Schreck und Sorgen kann der Patient schnell abmagern.


Beschwerden infolge von Kummer, Schreck, Furcht, Enttäuschung und Ärger sind die Hauptursachen eines Causticum- Zustands. Lang anhaltende psychische, aber auch körperliche Überlastung gehen den Beschwerden voraus. Das innere Leid wird zurückgehalten. Causticum-Kinder sind ruhelos, gehetzt, ängstlich und überempfindlich.

Beim Gehen- und Sprechen lernen sind sie oft ungeschickt. Sie weinen schnell wegen Kleinigkeiten und können lange nicht alleine schlafen, weil sie Augen schließend

der schreckliche Bilder sehen oder an Dinge denken müssen, die sie ängstigen. Offenheit, Kontaktfreude und Verletzlichkeit zeichnen sie aus. Häufig leiden sie unter Ticks und Zuckungen. Sie fürchten sich vor Dunkelheit und vor Hunden. Wie auch die Erwachsenen haben sie Autoritätsprobleme und eine Neigung zum Widerspruch.

Causticum-Patienten sind idealistisch und können fanatisch von dem Thema Gerechtigkeit besessen sein. Ihre Nerven sind schnell angegriffen und sie neigen zu Zornausbrüchen. Sie haben ein übertriebenes Mitleidsempfinden und ertragen es nicht, wenn sie von Grausamkeiten hören.

Wenn die Causticum-Patienten zu viel Leid ertragen haben, können sie auch gleichgültig werden. Sie neigen dann auch dazu, ängstlich, grüblerisch und vergesslich zu werden. Aus der Geistesschwäche resultiert dann die Neigung alles mehrmals zu überprüfen oder Kontrollrituale durchzuführen. Oft sprechen sie Worte falsch aus, machen Fehler beim Schreiben und verwechseln Silben und Buchstaben. Auch entwickeln sie (Abendstunden) eine immer stärker werdende Furcht davor, dass etwas Schlimmes passieren könnte. Sie haben Angst davor, nachts, im Dunkeln allein zu sein. Angst um die Zukunft und das Gefühl, als ob sie etwas Böses begangen oder zu befürchten hätten, taucht bei Causticum ebenfalls immer wieder auf. Des weiteren können sie sich fürchten vor engen Räumen, vor Fremden, vor Geräuschen, vor Gespenstern, vor Gewittern, vor  Menschenmengen, vor Schatten, vor Unfällen, vor Unglück, vor Tieren, vor dem drohenden Tod und vor dem Überqueren befahrener Straßen. Das Unterdrücken von Hautausschlägen mit stofflichem Quecksilber oder Schwefel kann bei Causticum-Patientienten zu psychischen Symptomen führen.

Schwindel: während des Schlafs, bei angestrengtem Blicken und beim Schauen nach oben. Schwindel mit Übelkeit menstes und auch beim Stuhlgang.

Kopf: Unruhe des Kopfes mit unwillkürlichen Nickbewegungen. Juckender Hautausschlag am Hinterkopf, Knötchenbildung auf der Kopfhaut. Enge und Zusammenziehungsgefühl der Kopfhaut mit Schmerzen bei Berührung. Ein Gefühl von Leere oder einem Hohlraum hinter der Stirn, das durch Wärme vergeht, ist typisch

für Causticum. Rheumatische Hinterhauptkopfschmerzen, pochend, stechend, brennend, reißend mit Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Trübsichtigkeit hauptsächlich morgens.

Auch Kopfschmerz, wie zusammengepresst oder zusammengeschraubt, finden wir häufig bei Causticum- Patienten. Die Schmerzen sind allmählich zunehmend und plötzlich aufhörend. Stiche in den Schläfen beim Husten. 

Augen: Lähmung oder Schweregefühl eines oder beider Oberlider, besonders durch Kälte. (Ptosis) Die Lider können geschwollen, entzündet und verklebt sein. Zucken der Lider. Trockenheit und Jucken der Augen mit Lichtscheuheit. Sandgefühl in den Augen. Brennen, besonders in den inneren Augenwinkeln. Risse um die Augenwinkel. Schmerzen, als ob die Augen herausgedrückt würden. Trübes, undeutliches Sehen morgens, > beim Waschen der Augen. Causticum ist auch ein wichtiges Heilmittel für

den grauen Star.

Ohren: Rot, brennend. Schwellung des Gehörgangs mit Verstopfungsgefühl und reichlichem braunen Ohrenschmalz. Schwerhörigkeit mit sausenden, brausenden Ohrgeräuschen. Widerhall der Geräusche sowie der eigenen Stimme im Ohr. Taubheit durch Lähmung des Gehörnervs. Chronische Mittelohrentzündung mit übel riechender, zäher, klebriger Absonderung. Causticum ist auch ein wichtiges Heilmittel bei Morbus Menière.

Nase: Hautausschläge an der Nasenspitze, sowie Warzen an der Nase werden öfter beobachtet. Jucken aller Teile der Nase mit ständigem Reiben derselben gehört hier zu

den auffallenden Symptomen. Stockschnupfen # Fließschnupfen nachts. Wund machender Schnupfen in Verbindung mit Heiserkeit. Häufiges Niesen morgens nach dem Aufstehen.

Mund: Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut, wunde Stelle am oberen Gaumen, Bläschen an der Zungenspitze, roter Streifen auf der Mitte der Zunge + weißen Rändern sind einige äußere Erkennungsmerkmale. Trockenheit der Mundhöhle mit Wundheit und Brennen, zäher Schleim der kaum geschluckt werden kann, Schmerz wie verbrannt an

der Zungenspitze, locker werdende Zähne mit Zahnfleischschwellung, Blutung, oder auch Eiterung und Abszesse sind hier typisch. Die Zähne sind sehr empfindlich

(Kaltes und Warmes). Zungenlähmung und stammelnde oder auch stotternde Sprache, besonders bei Aufregung oder Ärger, sind weitere Causticum-Merkmale.

Oft hört man auch das Symptom: beißt sich in die Wangenschleimhaut.

Gesicht: Warzen im Gesicht, an den Lidern, an den Augenbrauen, Rosacea auf Wangen und Stirn, juckende Hautausschläge, Risse an den Lippen-, Augen-, Mund- und Nasenwinkeln und hinter den Ohren, gelbliche, blasse Gesichtsfarbe, einseitige Gesichtslähmung, Gesichtskrämpfe und Neuralgien (Trigeminusneuralgie) (r.),

Kieferknacken beim Kauen, Kieferschmerzen, Taubheitsgefühle, sowie Krämpfe und pelziges Gefühl in den Lippen sind hier die wichtigsten Causticum-Symptome.

Hals: Enge, Trockenheit oder „Wie Fremdkörper“ im Hals mit erschwertem Schlucken, wobei zum Teil Nahrung und Getränke in die Nase aufsteigen. Rohheitsgefühl mit Kratzen, Brennen und stechenden Schmerzen und dem Bedürfnis sich häufig zu räuspern. Zäher Schleim im Hals, der nicht ausgehustet oder ausgeräuspert werden kann und mit Schmerzen in der Halsgrube hinunter geschluckt werden muss. Andauernder Schluckzwang mit heftigen Schmerzen „Als ob alles im Hals stecken bleibt“.

Halsschmerz < bückend. Heiserkeit und Halskratzen bei jeder Erkältung, vermehrt morgens und abends, > Abhusten oder kalte Getränke. Stimmverlust und Heiserkeit verbunden mit Brennen und Wundheit auf der Brust. Hohler Husten mit Schmerzen entlang der Luftröhre. 

Brust: Äußerlich können wir hier bei Causticum-Patienten Hautausschläge, Risse und Herpes an den Brustwarzen finden. Oder auch nur ein Jucken der Brust bei stillenden Frauen. Stechende Schmerzen unter der linken Brust, besser durch Reiben während der Periode. Der Milchfluss kann durch Übermüdung oder Angst und Traurigkeit und während der Periode versiegen. Innerlich zeigen sich ein Enge- und Schweregefühl der Brust, besonders morgens, mit dem Verlangen tief Einatmen oder Seufzen zu müssen. Heben von Lasten aus gebückter Haltung und tiefes Einatmen erzeugt ein Stechen im Brustbein. Wir finden Wund- und Rohheitsgefühl mit Brennen in den Atemwegen, in der Brust und unter dem Brustbein. Kurzatmigkeit vor Hustenanfällen, die sich trocken und hohl anhören. Husten zunehmend tiefer, um den zähen Schleim zu lösen. Ausatmen, Bücken und Sprechen verstärkt den Hustenreiz. Schmerzhafter Kitzelhusten mit Erleichterung durch das schluckweise Trinken von kaltem Wasser. Der Husten ist schlimmer abends, nachts, beim Hinlegen, im Liegen und er kann den Patienten aus dem Schlaf reißen. Auch durch trockenen kalten Wind oder trockener Luft steigt der Hustenreiz. Atemnot beim Sprechen und beim Gehen. Asthma <: Erregung/unterdrückte Gefühle/Anstrengung; Causticum ist auch ein wichtiges Mittel bei Keuchhusten im Krampfstadium.

Magen / Darm

Verlangt geräucherten und salzigen Speisen. Abneigung gegen Süßigkeiten. Unverträglich: Brot, Fleisch, fetten Speisen, Kaffee. Leeregefühl im Magen mit dem erfolglosen Drang aufzustoßen. Leeres, saures, brennendes Aufstoßen. Aufstoßen auch noch lange nach den Mahlzeiten oder nach saurem Erbrechen, nach fetten Speisen oder Zucker. Schaudern bei Magenschmerzen als ob Kalk im Magen verbrannt würde. Magen- und Darmkrämpfe werden durch Zusammenkrümmen gebessert und hören nachts auf.

Durst auf kalte Getränke, welche allgemein bessern.

Oft vergeht den Causticum-Patienten der Appetit, entweder durch Gedanken, Geruch oder den Anblick von Speisen. Enorme Flatulenz und aufgetriebener Bauch, der Patient muss die Kleidung lockern. Eingeklemmte Blähungen + hartem Stuhl. Der Stuhl geht leichter im Stehen ab. Häufig leidet Causticum unter Verstopfung und schwierigem Stuhlgang, besonders in Verbindung mit Hämorrhoiden.

Es gibt aber auch unwillkürlichen Stuhlabgang bei Blähungsabgang. Auch Analfissuren, Analfisteln sowie Hautausschläge um den Anus sind häufig anzutreffen.

Blase: Unfreiwilliger Harnabgang im Schlaf, hustend, lachend, niesend, gehend und sitzend sowie nach Unterkühlung sind sehr häufig vorkommende Symptome bei Causticum. Harnröhre ist gefühllos, der Urin geht unbewusst ab. Harnverhaltung im Stehen, nach der Entbindung, nach Überdehnung der Blase. Verzögertes Urinieren,

er muss lange pressen bevor er damit beginnen kann. Vergeblicher Harndrang mit Krämpfen im Rektum. Chronische Blasen- und Harnröhrenentzündung. Häufiger Harndrang (nachts). Harndrang nach dem Urinieren. Brennen, Schneiden und Wundschmerz besonders zu Beginn aber auch nach dem Urinieren in der Harnröhre.

Rücken: Nackensteifheit: der Hals ist nach rechts gezogen und die Muskeln sind  wie verkürzt. Der Rücken ist steif und schmerzhaft (sitzend oder aufstehend vom Sitzen. Schmerz am Ischiasnerv + Taubheitsgefühlen. Wunder, ziehender, stechender Steißbeinschmerz, der sich die Wirbelsäule nach oben erstreckt. Kältegefühl am Rücken, wie mit kaltem Wasser bespritzt, oder als würde kaltes Wasser heruntertröpfeln.

Extremitäten: Verkürzung, Verhärtung und Versteifung von Sehnen und Muskeln ist ein Charakteristikum der Causticum-Patienten. Verkrümmung einzelner Glieder (Finger, Hände, und  Knie- und Ellenbogengelenke). Allmählich voranschreitende lähmungsartige Schwäche der Glieder verbunden mit Zittern, Krämpfen und Ruhelosigkeit, hauptsächlich rechts und < nachts, im Bett. Unruhe der Beine abends und nachts im Bett. Zittern der leidenden Teile beim Aufstehen vom Sitzen. Rheumatische Beschwerden mit reißenden, brennenden Schmerzen, besser durch Wärme, feuchtes Wetter und Bewegung. Gelenke sind steif oder wie verrenkt.

Der Causticum Patient will sich dauernd strecken, dehnen und bewegen. „Als ob seine Sehnen zu kurz seien“. Oft leiden sie unter Dupuytrenschen Kontraktionen, Karpaltunnelsyndrom, Schulter-Arm-Syndrom sowie unter Arthritis und Arthrose. Arthritis der Fingergelenke mit Verformungen. Causticum hat viel mit dem Gefühl von Ameisenlaufen und Eingeschlafensein einzelner Körperteile zu tun. Über Kopfhaut, Kopf, Hände bis hin zu Füßen, Zehen und Fußsohlen kann es überall auftreten. Waden-, Zehen-, Fußkrämpfe und auch Krämpfe an anderen Muskeln sind häufig zu finden. Zittern der Hände, besonders wenn sie ausgestreckt sind, sowie Schreibkrämpfe sind charakteristische Causticum Symptome. Zerschlagenheitsgefühl mit der Neigung sich zu strecken und zu dehnen.

Auch ist noch die Neigung zu Warzen an den Händen, besonders in der Nähe der Fingernägel hervorzuheben. Ebenso ist die Neigung zum Gelenkknacken, besonders der Knie-, Bein- und Fußgelenke

zu erwähnen. Steifheitsgefühl in allen Gelenken, besonders am Anfang der Bewegung. Hände und Füße sind häufig kalt, besonders an der kalten Luft oder bei Zugluft.

Weibliche Genitalien:

Der Monatsfluss versiegt nachts und liegend. Ziehende Schmerzen während der Periode erstr. Rücken und in die Oberschenkel. Krämpfe und drückende Bauchschmerzen am Anfang der Periode. Ruhelosigkeit, Rückenschmerz vor der Menses. Traurigkeit, Reizbarkeit und ängstliche Träume vor und während der Menses. Mürrischkeit, Hysterie und Weinen während der Periode. Hinterkopf-

und Rückenschmerz, > nach dem Einsetzen der Menses.

Männliche Genitalien: Phimose, Wundheit und Jucken im Genitalbereich und an der Harnröhrenmündung sowie drückender, gequetschter Schmerz sind hier die Hauptsymptome von einer Causticum-Pathologie.

Haut: Trockene, juckende, brennende Ekzeme, Urticaria, Wundheit, Risse, aber auch Bläschen, Herpes und nässende Pusteln sind bei Causticum-Patienten häufig anzutreffen. Die besonders an Händen und Gesicht vorkommenden Warzen können: bluten, eitern und entzünden. Sie sind feucht, flach oder fleischig, gestielt, gezackt, von Geschwüren umgeben, groß, klein, hornig, schmerzhaft, stechend und empfindlich gegen Berührung. Causticum ist ein wichtiges Heilmittel bei Verbrennungen, Verbrühungen, Sonnenbrand und bei aufbrechendem und wundwerdendem Narbengewebe. Allgemein leidet der Causticum-Patient unter viel Jucken am ganzen Körper und Wundheit in den Hautfalten. Akne und Furunkel gehören ebenso ins Arzneimittelbild von Causticum.

Schlaf: Lachen, Weinen und Sprechen im Schlaf. Ruhelos. Kann keine bequeme Lage finden und sich nicht warm genug zudecken. Zusammenzucken und Aufschrecken aus dem Schlaf. Schläfrig am Tag, schlaflos in der Nacht. Bettnässen während des ersten Schlafs. Allgemeine < Erwachend sowie nach durchwachten Nächten. Nachtschweiße am ganzen Körper, säuerlich, (4 h.). Viel Strecken und Gähnen.


<: Aufregung, Schreck, Denken an Schmerz oder Leid, kalten trockenen Wind, unterdrückte Hautausschläge, Zugluft, Schlafmangel, Wetterwechsel, Dunkelheit, Durchnässung, beim Fahren, Bücken, Kaffee, Brot, Fettes, Zucker, Saures, Anstrengung, Dunkelheit, vor und während der Periode.

>: Kalte Getränke, warmes, feuchtes Wetter, Regenwetter, Wärme, fortgesetzter Bewegung und durch Ruhe.


Wenn das Gerechtigkeitsempfinden durch wahrgenommene soziale Kälte überstrapaziert wird, wenn der Motor der Empathie aus dem Gleichgewicht gerät, das Leid zu groß wird, wenn der Körper nur noch ausgelaugt ist, sich alles immer mehr in Richtung Verhärtung und Versteifung entwickelt, wenn Wundheits- und Rohheitsgefühle Oberhand gewinnen, sollten wir an Causticum denken.


[Mati Fuller]

Causticum: Good Samaritan or Campaigner

Dr. Singh: Hi, Mati! Today we would like to focus on the most sympathetic member of the Kali group, Causticum. I always took Causticum as 'the good samaritan' but is he not more of a 'Causticum the campaigner'. Are his campaigns always for the social, religious issues or for personal issues too?

Dr. Mati: Causticums are always happy when they are working for some kind of cause. It can basically be any kind of cause, charitable, social or political. But what we always see in Causticum is a genuine concern for other human beings. They can be extremely sympathetic when it comes to other people's suffering, so the causes they choose to work for are always for the benefit of others in some way.

Here we can compare Causticum with Nat-m. Natrum will often work for a cause after something painful happened in her life. For example, if her brother died from AIDS, she'll find a way to help prevent AIDS, or she'll start volunteering her time to help other AIDS victims. So, even though she is also doing something to help others, her desire to help is rooted in her own personal pain.

Causticum is different. He doesn't need any personal incident to become inspired to help others; he just feels a natural desire to make the world a better place. He is less likely to campaign for anything from a personal point of view because his view is bigger than that, and therefore also more impersonal.


Dr. Singh: Is not he selfish about his vision, always running for a cause and if he is contradicted he is displeased.

Dr. Mati: To comment on this question, we first have to refer to the situation that goes with the Causticum picture. In the original situation, Causticum knew that danger was coming from somewhere, and that he could only save "his people" (village, family or group), if they would listen to his ideas and everyone would work together. The problem was, they weren't interested, they didn't believe him,

or they didn't do as he said, and they all got hurt as a result. Therefore, although Causticum means well and his intention is to help his fellow human beings, the problem is that he can't help them on his own. He needs cooperation from the people he is trying to help. He needs them to listen to his ideas, and to understand that if they don't work with him, danger and harm can result.

When looking at core stories in general, what we find is that the original story will first change a person's perception of reality, and that this changed perception then leads to a change in action.

In Causticum's case, the group of people he was trying to save didn't listen to him, and by the time the danger was there, it was too late for him to do anything to help them. To compensate for what happened, Causticum wanted to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again in the future. (This is a typical reaction after any core situation has affected someone's life.) Therefore, if you don't want to listen to him, he'll make you listen! This is why Causticums often become too emotionally intense for others. They can talk and talk about "their vision" for hours, and not only do you have to listen, they would also love it if you became so excited that you would like to help them reach their goals as well. Therefore, Causticum's most ideal mate is someone who can help him reach his goals. If they find someone like that, it is almost guaranteed to become "love at first sight." But if he doesn't find anyone who is interested in his "vision," he often ends up depressed and exhausted instead. How can he save people, if they don't want to be saved? What if they don't see things the way he does? This can become a real problem for Causticum, since he can only do what he wants to do if he gets enough support from others. So, what is the solution, if people aren't that interested in what Causticum wants to do, or if they don't even know what is in their best interest? The only solution, in Causticum's perception of reality, is to become controlling and dictatorial in their relationships to others.

So, even though Causticum's intentions are noble and unselfish, he actually becomes selfish in his pursuit of these goals because he has to find people he can work with, and they all have to work according to his vision, and always on his terms. Therefore, you'll often find that, even though he means well, he simply has to be in control of others.

So, Causticum becomes selfish in his effort to reach an unselfish goal, and this has become a characteristic contradiction within the remedy itself.


Dr. Singh: Talking of the darker side of Caust. Is not he more like the Fearsome, anxious, restless Ars. or the fault finder Nux-v. who even takes up the fight for others.

How is Causticum different?

Dr. Mati: The reason why Causticum often becomes fearful, anxious and restless is because there is always a feeling that danger is coming. He may not know where the danger is coming from, or even what the danger is, but there is often a sensation that danger will come, and he has to be prepared so he can save the people he cares about.

Arsenicum is also worried about danger coming, but he is more concerned with who is going to save him, than about who he is going to save. So, even though both are fearful, anxious and restless, it is for different reasons, and with different outcomes.

I remember an old couple I used to work with. He was an old, mean army colonel, most likely an Arsenicum, and she was a very neat house keeper, probably a Nat-m. who tried hard to be "the perfect wife." One day she contracted a serious case of pneumonia, and when I went over to see her, her face was cyanotic, she didn't breathe well, and she told me that the worst thing was that her husband wouldn't prepare any food for her. He would simply go to the nearest restaurant to eat, and not even bring back a meal for her. I turned to him and told him that his wife was too sick to prepare food for herself and that he needed to take better care of her. His answer, which I didn't understand at the time, was: "Well, who is going to take care of me, then?" I was shocked to hear his reaction, but now that I understand the Arsenicum issues, I can finally understand why he said that. His concern was that if his wife should die, who would take care of him? His wife's sickness had obviously triggered his classic Arsenicum fear of death,

(his or someone else's), and when Arsenicum is in this kind of mental state, his own needs and concerns are the only thing that matters. In Arsencium's world, it is "everyone for himself." A Causticum in the same situation would most probably have done whatever he could to take care of his wife, unselfishly. So the main difference is that Arsenicum is more worried about himself, and Causticum cares more about others. This is why you will find Causticum listed under sympathy and compassion in the repertory, but you won't find Arsenicum listed there.

About Nux-v. and Causticum, you are right that both are fault finders, but for different reasons. Causticum is a fault finder because he believes that if people don't do exactly as they are told by him, doom will result, and Nux-v. is a fault finder because he tends to think that others are just incapable idiots who can't do anything right. So, if you are trying to differentiate between two remedies, always ask why they do the things they do or feel the way they feel. What is the motivation behind their actions? Where are they coming from? Homeopathy has traditionally been more interested in WHAT, than in WHY, and this is one of the reasons why I felt that a book that addresses the WHY is very much needed. Without knowing WHY, there won't be any understanding, and the need for understanding is essential in homeopathy, as well as in life for that matter.


Dr. Singh: Thanks, for your advice, I hope from now our readers would inculcate this change of perspective while going through the understanding of patients.

Now, if caught in a duel between supporting his family vs society, what will Causticum do, will he go for the higher cause or shield his family?

Dr. Mati: This is not an easy question to answer. On one hand, Causticum is very attached to his family - family means the world to him. Without family, he would feel completely lost. But at the same time, the society is a much bigger picture, and Causticum is always more attracted to the bigger picture. His final decision would probably be based on what would be better for both in the long run. If the danger to his family was immediate, he wouldn't hesitate to at least find a safe place for them to go. But, if the danger wasn't that immediate, he would most likely work on changing the society instead. Imagine if Causticum was working to overthrow the government because he believed that communism would benefit everyone in the long run. Even though his family might have preferred it if he would go out and bring home more money for groceries and bills, Causticum would feel that overthrowing the government would be a more important task since this would create a more permanent solution for everyone in the long run.

These kinds of decisions are always difficult for Causticum, and he will often decide to work for long term goals, rather than what is needed here and now. However, this kind of attitude will often put extra hardship on his personal relationships. His wife or mate will have to keep things running here and now, while Causticum is working to change things in the future. Causticum doesn't really understand why this is a problem, since what he is doing is so much more important than what his wife has to do on a daily basis, but his wife often sees things differently. If only he can get her to expand her vision so that she'll be able to see things the way he does! Then there won't be any problem! But this is often easier said than done, and Causticum's wife may some day decide that enough is enough...


Dr. Singh: So it seems Causticum would really have a difficult time if he does not get his ideal counterpart, which is rather tough. Now who can be most compatible to Causticum in relationships?

Dr. Mati: To answer your question, first we have to define what we mean by "compatible." Most people probably think it means 'someone who will make me happy," but unfortunately, this only happens in fairy tales. So, why is happiness in relationships so hard to come by? From what I have seen, after studying core issues as well as real life relationships is that the person we are attracted to, is actually someone who is willing to play a part in our core story. In Causticum's core story, nobody listened to him, and he failed to save his people from danger. Therefore, what he wants in a relationship is someone who will help him dream even more incredible dreams, and who will also help him achieve his goals, but what he actually attracts is someone who will try to stop him from dreaming about his utopia. Someone who is loyal and capable, and who will try to pull him back to a more practical level of reality, perhaps a Nat-m. What Natrum wants in relationships is to find the perfect mate whom she can live happily with ever after, but what she actually attracts is someone who won't give her the love and attention she craves, no matter how hard she tries to please him. Causticum, who is a dreamer, often becomes so absorbed in his own visions that he forgets to pay attention to Natrum's needs, and she'll end up resentful and eventually stop listening to him, which then pushes Causticum's issues about not getting any support from his people. So, in this relationship, both will end up pushing core issues in each other. This will give both the opportunity to face their own issues, so even though they may

not be too happy with the situation, they are actually together for a greater reason than just compatibility and happiness. We are here to learn to overcome old, unfinished issues from the past, which is

what the concept of Karma is all about. Karma, as I see it, is simply unfinished issues that still make us suffer until they are resolved. Therefore, a mate who can help us face and resolve these issue, are actually the most "compatible" person to be with, at least from a spiritual point of view, even though the relationship may not bring the level of happiness we were hoping for. The most ideal relationship

is actually one, where old issues are only being triggered once in a while, so there is opportunity for mutual growth. If old issues are triggered too often, the relationship can become so intense that it

turns into a power struggle where ego battles ego. Therefore, compatibility is more a matter of consciousness, than of what combinations of remedies we are dealing with.


Dr. Singh: Tell something about Stages of development of disease in a Causticum patient.

Dr. Mati: Causticum is a great remedy for many types of paralysis. Paralysis has to do with an inability to move on their own. A paralyzed person can only move with the help of others, which is basically what Causticum always wanted. He wanted the support of others in his life. Therefore, it is obvious, that if Causticum never gets any support from others, and feels like he can't move forward, a state of paralysis will start happening in his mind. How can he get the help and support that he wants from others, if nobody is interested in listening to him? By making himself paralyzed, of course! This usually happens when Causticum has struggled too long and his energy is running out. Therefore, Causticum is a good remedy for old, broken down constitutions. This is a good example of how physical illness always starts in the mind, which is where the delusional perception of reality is held. And because the delusion no longer has any relevance to here and now, we can easily conclude that delusion equals sickness and imbalance. The key then is to become aware of the delusion, so it will no longer affect us: in Causticum's case, he simply has to see that what happened "then" no longer applies to here and now. There is no danger, here and now, there are no people to save, here and now, and there is no longer any need to become dictatorial over others to prevent some imaginary situation happening in the future. In other words, he has to learn to live in the now, and deal with life, spontaneously, as, or if, it happens. This new perception would allow him to leave all his neurosis behind, allowing him to free himself from the bondage of his past, which is what we are here to learn in this lifetime.


[John Morgan]

The Mystery of Causticum

This article is based on a talk given at the Irish Homoeopathic Conference, Galway in 1997.



And finally to Causticum which is without doubt the most challenging of them all. I have made this remedy five times in the last eleven years with three successes and two complete failures. It demands skill, great care and patience and compels the pharmacist to heed the great master's words 'follow me, but follow me well'. It is by far the most complicated and involved process of all Hahnemann's

special remedies, involving hazardous chemical reactions and distillation apparatus which needs constant care and attention. Making Causticum is an experience which is different every time and has

been a deep learning experience for me personally. It is also the only one of these remedies for which the final chemical composition has been the subject of debate and it is still not known what Causticum actually is. Even before H.'s death it was controversial. In 1835 a chemist called Griesselich followed Hahnemann's instructions to the letter but failed to reproduce the remedy concluding that there was

no such thing as Causticum. He offered a prize of 12 ducats to anyone who could clarify its chemical nature - an offer which was not taken up by anyone. The recorded attempts of other chemists, during H.'s lifetime, and the analysis of different preparations from different manufacturers, more recently, has revealed variable and inconclusive results. Also, as I shall explain later, chemically there are good reasons why it should be nothing other than distilled water which was what Griesselich's experiments mostly produced.

To try and unravel this mystery we must look at the preparation in detail, in the Causticum monograph in Chronic Diseases. I will go through it step by step to explain the chemical changes.

Lime, in the state of marble, owes its insolubility in water and its mildness to an acid of the lowest order which is combined with it; when heated to red heat the marble allows this acid to escape as a gas.

Hahnemann is describing the liberation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from marble when it is heated and its transformation from a hard insoluble form into a soft and water soluble substance which is calcium oxide (CaO). His use of the word 'lime' to describe marble relates to limestone, from which marble is derived and not to the modern chemical definition of 'lime' or 'quicklime' which is calcium oxide. Carbon dioxide is an acidic gas and will make carbonic acid (H2CO3) when dissolved in water.

During this process the marble, as burned lime, has received (besides the latent heat) another substance into its composition, which substance, unknown to chemistry, gives to it its caustic property as well as its solubility in the water, whereby we obtain lime-water.

From this statement it seems that Hahnemann did not know the chemical composition of calcium oxide which is formed after heating marble or any other calcium carbonate such as egg or oyster shells. Calcium oxide is caustic, can create burns on the skin and reacts quite violently with water giving off much heat creating lime water, a solution of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2, which has alkaline properties.

This substance, though not itself an acid, gives to it its caustic virtue, and by adding a fluid acid (which will endure fire) which then combines with the lime by its closer affinity, the watery caustic (Hydras caustici) is separated by distillation.

This passage describes the reaction of the alkaline quicklime with a heated acid to create the watery Causticum which is recovered by distillation.

The Preparation

Take a piece of freshly burned lime of about two pounds,

Two pounds of white marble has to be heated to red heat to effect the necessary chemical change by driving off the carbon dioxide as follows:

CaCO3 + fire (heat) = CaO + CO2

dip this piece into a vessel of distilled water for about one minute, then lay it in a dry dish, in which it will soon turn into powder with the development of much heat and its peculiar odour called lime vapour.

When the burnt marble, now quicklime CaO, is put into water it fizzes quite dramatically giving off heat and hydrating to form calcium hydroxide some of which, in solution, steams to create the vapour Hahnemann mentions. The formula is as follows:

CaO + H2O = Ca(OH) 2 + heat

Of this fine powder take two ounces and mix with it in a warmed porcelain triturating bowl a solution of two ounces of bisulphate of potash, (potassium bisulphate KHSO4) which has been heated to red heat, melted, cooled again and then pulverised and dissolved in two ounces of boiling hot water.


Potassium bisulphate is an acid salt with some water in its crystals. Just why Hahnemann melts it to red heat and cools it again is unclear. Perhaps in his day it was only available in hard lump form instead of the modern fine crystals and needed this treatment to make it a quickly dissolving powder. It melts easily at red heat, is dried by this heating and easily dissolves in hot water. Another possible reason for heating is to bake the crystals so ensuring that no more than two ounces of water and two ounces of the two solids are present in the final mixture so that all of it can react completely as per the following formula:

Ca(OH)2+ KHSO4 + H2O = KOH + CaSO4 + 2H2O

The thick, white paste formed by this mixture of components is just fluid enough to be pourable though needs a spatula to put it all in the retort. The hydrated calcium sulphate so formed is commonly known as Plaster of Paris hence its insoluble pasty quality and the potassium hydroxide formed is in the solution which binds the mass.

This thickish mixture is put into a small glass retort, to which the helm is attached with a wet bladder; into the tube of the helm is inserted a receiver half submerged in water; the retort is warmed by the gradual approach of a charcoal fire below and all the fluid is then distilled over by applying the suitable heat.

The glass apparatus Hahnemann used was the well known distillation retort known as the alembic. They are difficult to find these days but are commonly seen in old chemistry or alchemical books. A glass bulb elongates into the conical helm which ends in a small spout. The absence of modern water cooled glass condensers in the early 1800's gave rise to the use of a pigs bladder full of water to cool and condense the distillate vapour as it rose from the heated glass bulb. The receiving bottle is attatched to the helm, with a moistened pig's bladder, to create a porous seal and is also cooled to complete the liquefaction of any uncondensed vapour. Using gradual heat, as the charcoal fire infers, it takes many hours (4-6) to completely distil all the liquid and it is important that it is heated to dryness. My experience up to now has been with the use of modern distillation equipment, rather than the alembic, which I feel physically mimics the properties of the original adequately although cannot replace the authentic ritual of the real thing with all its beautiful subtleties. I'm sure that I will have more experiences of this remedy preparation each time getting even closer to the impossible goal of perfectly repeating Hahnemann's own remedy.

The distilled fluid will be about an ounce and a half of watery clearness, containing in concentrated form the substance mentioned above, i.e. Causticum;

It smells like the lye of caustic potash. On the back part of the tongue the caustic tastes very astringent, and in the throat burning; it freezes only in a lower degree of cold than water, and it hastens the putrefaction of animal substances immersed in it.

When muriate of Baryta is added, the Causticum shows no sign of sulphuric acid, and on adding oxalate of ammonia it shows no trace of lime.

A dictionary definition of 'lye' is 'the technical term for the alkaline liquor obtained by leaching wood ashes with water commonly used for washing and in soap making; more generally the common name for any strong alkaline solution or solid such as sodium or potassium hydroxides.'

The chemical tests mentioned at the end, using barium chloride, shows there is no presence of sulphate ions and ammonium oxalate shows there are no calcium ions present in Causticum. The physical properties mentioned, of freezing point and putrefaction, are common characteristics of caustic alkalis.

Modern Documentation

One of the drawbacks to the industrialisation of remedy preparations by large homoeopathic manufacturers, over the years, is the imposition of allopathic methods of quality control and analysis on raw materials in order to licence remedies as medicines for retail sale. This can impose strict testing of original remedy materials to prove identity, quality and the validation of potentisation methods which,

of course, is a good thing. When pure sources of elements and compounds are used there is no problem achieving this, but when the starting point is already an impure source this can cause difficulties.

For example it is impossible to know the exact analysis of the marble Hahnemann used for the original remedy and it is not documented from where the sample was obtained. Also uncertainty as to the exact composition of the finished Causticum, and the many trace elements it may contain, would mean very involved analytical discussions about criteria and tests. Pharmacopoeias over the years have avoided this issue by substituting two pounds of marble with two pounds of burnt lime, without indicating a source, to avoid having to introduce such a variable. This means pure industrially prepared 99.9% calcium oxide is put forward as the starting point. Causticum is not found in either the French or German homoeopathic pharmacopoeia (GHP) which are both widely used in the UK and Europe. The recent British homoeopathic pharmacopoeia, brought in to preserve some of the remedies not found in the GHP, has an entry with testing for the absence of sulphates, calcium and heavy metals. Neatby & Stonham's book describes Causticum as being 'of somewhat uncertain nature' and that 'the modern liquor potassium hydrate (i.e. KOH) is often dispensed as a substitute'. Understandably the variables possible with different marble qualities would make standardisation, via the pharmacopoeia, very difficult to reproduce by manufacturers. However this sacrifice to analysis looses certain important subtleties just as making Calc Carb from pure chalk would be slightly different from that prepared from the oyster shell. My first experiences making Causticum used pure calcium oxide, instead of marble, I have to say the end product passed all the organoleptic (taste and smell) and chemical tests given by Hahnemann and has undoubtedly worked well as a remedy. The quality of remedy potencies reflects perfectly the original so if an oyster shell is 99.5% calcium carbonate and 0.5% impurities then using pure 99.99% pure chalk would still be 99.5% of the Calc Carb picture, perhaps in most cases enough similarity to cure and not significant, we do not know - but Hahnemann's voice rings out again "....... but follow me well"! That 0.5% missing may have provided the essential part of the resonant stimulus needed to cover the similimum fully and thus cure the patient in front of us.



Causticum Raasay

My interest in Causticum was rekindled when on a visit to the Burren school in Galway, Eire. Nuala Eising had just finished the Fire proving and asked me if I thought a Marble woman and a Fire man would produce a Causticum child. The answer is, of course, only if she had a fling with a potassium bisulphate lover! Despite not offering this as a serious reply, not wishing to interrupt the speculation inspired by the question, it did get me thinking about making the great anti-psoric again using marble and to see if any characteristics of the newly proved remedies are literally carried over into Causticum.

Back in the lab, some months later, the initial problem of how to heat an entire two pounds of marble to red heat soon arose. Large flame bunsens, and gas fires take ages to do it and by the time you have got to one end, of the marble block, the other end has taken up moisture again reducing the calcium oxide content. Just how did Hahnemann do it? Visions of blacksmiths forges appeared so I tried burning it on glowing hot coals for a few hours. It works very well but contaminates the marble with sulphur fumes from the coal. So the first marble sourced remedy was a long day of burning and scraping marble until two ounce of the transformed marble was available. Still a long way from the two pound burned lump ready to dunk into water. Possibly the best method is to bake it in a pottery kiln, although I am told this can be very dangerous due to risk of explosions from possible water pockets embedded in the stone, but perhaps this will be one for the future.


However as the years go by I am more and more convinced that remedies themselves choose when to be made and the timing must be right to create the perfect conditions. This is especially true for new proving remedies, a good example being the coincidental major astrological movements of Pluto at the start of the Plutonium proving previously unknown by the proving team.


The conditions for a superb Causticum firing came together one night last June at Jeremy Sherr's summer school on Raasay island off the Isle of Skye. The Dynamis school has been holding summer gatherings there for many years and presence of twenty or so homoeopaths together supported the event beautifully. The idea came to have a wood fire on the beach so the marble was placed on a large stone while group participation gathering wood, and passing the Jamesons, soon had everything prepared. Duncan, one of the local seafarers who regularly visited Raasay, was also with us, He was very keen to join the event because he had been cured of a very serious condition, by Jeremy, with Causticum. It, apparently, was his remedy and he set himself the task of feeding the fire with great enthusiasm as the blaze grew and the marble got redder. The weather conditions were also special with the first cloudless starry night of the week giving a clear view of the north star, Polaris, the telescopically focused light of which we were all proving at the time - just to add another dimension to it all. As the time moved on we all wandered back to bed in the early hours, leaving Duncan Causticum tending the fire, which he did until 3am. Early next morning it was sunny and I walked down to the beach to collect the burnt offering. To my amazement it was lying clean, white and exposed on the stone with not a speck of wood ash around it. I assumed Duncan had cleaned up before he retired for the night but no he had not - the highland wind had blown any remnants of the fire away and the marble was completely burned and ready. That evening it was distilled following Hahnemanns directions as closely as possible, in an atmosphere of collective support and wonder resulting in a superb liquor which is without doubt the best quality Causticum I have made to date.



Questions Unanswered

I have not found as yet a satisfactory answer to why Hahnemann went to so much trouble to make this remedy. What were his intentions? If the goal was to make potassium hydroxide (KOH) this method is not very efficient and apparently unnecessary. Chronic diseases describes the smell of Causticum like the 'lye' of caustic potash (KOH) so it was obviously already available and known to him so why bother? Andreas Grimm, who reproduced the original method exactly in 1989, speculates that Hahnemann was trying to isolate and distil the 'caustic principle' i.e. the OH- ion which is, unknown to him, and a fruitless task using this crude method. Perhaps we will never know the truth but the combination of so many alchemical elements seriously leans towards an experiment with another dimension. The use of the great transforming fire, the meeting of the two principles masculine (acid) and feminine (base) in equal measure, the hermetically sealed unit and the final distillation in the alembic are all well known alchemical processes. Whatever the true reason the result is undeniably one of the most important remedies in the materia medica and it is important to be clear as to its composition and reproducibility.



Chemical Possibilities

According to the formulas the thickish mixture in the flask contains only three components KOH + CaSO4 + 2H2O. i.e. Potassium hydroxide, calcium sulphate and water. There are actually no volatile gases or products which would pass over during distillation except water. Potassium hydroxide dissolves in water but remains behind as the water boils off. Calcium sulphate is insoluble and remains behind as a white hard mass. So how is the final product alkaline at all. For many years it was thought that the alkalinity was due to ammonia which is created when elemental calcium metal reacts with nitrogen 3Ca + N2 = Ca3N2 and the resulting calcium nitride reacts with water to form ammonia gas. Ca3N2 + 6H2O = 2NH3↑ + 3Ca(OH)2 This gas then forms ammonium hydroxide, sometimes called ammonium causticum, when it contacts water. NH3 + H2O = NH4OH. Scholten states in his recent book that Causticum contains ammonia but is different from ammonium causticum.

However reactive elemental calcium metal is not present in our process and calcium oxide, which is, does not form this liaison with nitrogen and thus ammonia is not formed. It is possible for ammonia to be formed if potassium hydroxide comes into contact with the protein of the pigs bladder but this is very remote. So how is the potassium hydroxide present in Causticum? Grimm gives, what I believe, is the most likely explanation. At 350 - 400degree Celcius temperatures, created by the charcoal fire, potassium hydroxide sublimates without decomposing. Sublimation means that the solid vaporises into the condenser and is carried over into the receiving vessel by water vapour thus resulting in a weak solution. Grimm also suggests that bumping may also occur, which is common with alkalis, creating a spitting effect up the tube. Thus Causticum is a weak solution of potassium hydroxide by these effects. If there are traces of unfired calcium carbonate in the calcium oxide then the addition of the acid may liberate carbon dioxide gas which may be present as a trace as in CaCO3 + KHSO4 = CaSO4 + KOH +CO2. However there is also another subtle dimension which must also be remembered. The starting point was an impure marble which could have had trace elements of many different elements. Ornamental marble gains it colours from the presence of impurities such as iron creating red, chlorites the greens and graphites the blues. Quartz (silica) is also often found as an impurity in marble, so there are still many possible trace elements which are unknown and may be present.



The Kali Element

With the recent use of the periodic table to expand materia medica by Sankaran, Sherr and especially Scholten, verification of the composition of Causticum can be supported by analysis of the characteristics of the element. The well known Causticum theme of the sympathetic, serious, intense, sensitive type who can become a social activist, working on behalf of others, to overcome injustice can be seen as being made up of the three elements KOH, potassium, oxygen and hydrogen.


Scholten describes the potassium element themes as:

Doing their work and duty without thinking. Steady plodding conscientiousness to get the job done. Have and need fixed rules and like to stick to them. Have strong principles and can be depended upon to fulfil their responsibility. Often work alone and decide for themselves how to do it. Don’t like interference. Can even turn away from the family. Fixed attention to principles and duty leads to an inability to identify with their action. Loose their sense of self. Brainwashed. Are naive. Over control suppresses free thinking. Are not open to debate and become closed, dogmatic, moralistic.


Using MacRepertory to compare Kali salts the following characteristic Causticum mind symptoms appear:

ANARCHIST; revolutionary

DICTATORIAL, domineering, dogmatic, despotic

FEAR; happen; something will

INDUSTRIOUS, mania for work

INJUSTICE, cannot support

OBSTINATE, headstrong


SELF-CONTROL; wants to control himself


Kali brings in many symptoms concerning the will. The well know Kali theme of control and lack of it is also seen in Causticum characteristic symptoms such as: paralysis of throat, larynx and respiratory system preventing mucus being expelled, involuntary urination on coughing or laughing, contracted tendons or paralysis in the extremities.


The Oxygen Element

Scholten's description give themes of avarice, selfishness, greed, egotism, envy and self centredness. Issues of self worth. They feel they haven’t been given their due and are determined to get it. They complain and whine about things even becoming aggressive. Attention seeking like children who want things now. Leads to the element of blame, feelings of being used and abused by others, its always the other persons fault. Victim mentality. they can’t come to terms with the unfairness of life and that they should make the best of it. Even small things get blown out of proportion and are reasons to complain. Action is hampered by a laziness, as they feel its a lost cause. Feel others should put it right. Have a passive attitude. Nonchalance and indifference to resolving the problems. Image of the tramp muttering to himself about the injustice of it all, resort to being beggars.

Here we see, in the oxygen, the more emotive side, hurt feelings, low self esteem, sensitivity to injustice and possibly a feeling of being a victim without the will to do anything about it. However combined with the strong willed and dutiful Kali element the principled, controlled and steadfast action is brought in as demonstrated by the Causticum stereotype.

Causticum and Ozone (O3) share mind symptoms such as:

ABUSIVE, insulting


CONFIDENCE; want of self

HORRIBLE things, sad stories affect her profoundly

LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing

MOOD; changeable, variable

MOROSE, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humour, peevish



WORK; aversion to mental


The Hydrogen Element

Hydrogen brings the desire for and the experience of unity which brings the element of working for a cause for themselves and others. This search for unity can be expressed and religious feelings or as a great love for everyone. There is a sympathy out of a love for others and their emotional sensitivity allows them to feel what others feel because they are one with them. The fight for injustice is extended beyond the personal to the collective by hydrogen's influence. It can be seen to bring in the intellectual element to the trio and extend the aspiration of Causticum to the higher purpose; they can work on behalf of others for their greater good whether it be society as a whole or their own family.


Causticum and Hydrogen (H2) share mind symptoms such as:

ABSORBED, buried in thought



COMPANY; desire for



RELIGIOUS affections

THOUGHTS; rush, flow of

TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness



Putting these three elements together also shows the true polychrest nature of Causticum.

Kali bringing the will which is linked to the syphilitic miasm and the search for truth;

Oxygen brings the emotional element linked to the sycotic miasm and the search for love;

Hydrogen represents the mental element linked to the psoric miasm the search for wisdom.

Of course the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts but these generalised themes seem to fit.



The task of trying to show a remedies chemical composition by materia medica is a huge task as there are so many overlaps which go on and on. There are some interesting keynotes of Causticum which may point to other directions. For example the black type symptom 'Fear of dogs' is well known for Causticum. Kali Carb is the only kali salt which has 'fear of animals' but not of dogs although Silica is there. Kali Carb is in italics with Causticum black type in the rubric 'aversion to sweets'. Causticum also has a few symptoms about ghosts and seeing images on closing the eyes. The Carbon series, such as Carbo Veg and Graphites, are well known for symptoms of this sort suggesting perhaps there is some carbon present. Silica also is well represented with these symptoms. Perhaps the marble impurity is present as a trace element or compound. Dogs, ghosts and desires for smoked meat also links very strongly with the Calcium element from which Causticum originates but the barium chloride discounts the presence of this element although it is interesting how close the calcium salts are. Calc Phos for example also sharing the tubercular smoked meat desire.



At present Causticum still holds some secrets and speculation and attempts to use materia medica to decipher constituents is very inexact because of the differences in numbers of rubrics between the remedies in the repertories. Perhaps continued chemical analysis of preparations in the future, ideally by many companies, will give rise to some definitive answers as to what Causticum is. Up to now the documented variations have been inconsistent and more samples, willingness and time is needed to standardise this remedy correctly. I am sure it is a Kali salt, and should be thought of as one, but alchemy is a mysterious thing and I'm sure this wonderful substance will still keep some of its secrets hidden for some time to come.

If any of you have any comments or information which can shed more light on the subject I would be very grateful to receive it.



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