Causticum Kind Anhang





Meist Angst vor Dunkelheit. Die Farbe des Urins ist dunkelbraun.

< 3 - 5 h., Aufregungen; > feuchtes Wetter/Wärme;

[Dr. Douglas Borland]

Causticum children are particularly sensitive to any emotional disturbance.  Often these children will cry because they think you are hurting another child. They often stand pain quite well, but cannot bear to see another child crying. They are inclined to suffer from rheumatism particularly from exposure. They often develop endless warts. They have a definite aversion to sweets.

Causticum vs Lycopodium in Children

The main distinguishing feature between Causticum and Lycopodium children is hat Causticum children have a definite aversion to sweets, Lycopodium children desire them.

[John Henry Allen]

Unwillkürlichen Harnabgang sobald es schlafen geht.

[Allen’s Keynotes]

Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children


Causticum for children who stop growing after a burn. Children are slow in learning to walk


·         [Drs. P.I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni]

·         Scrofulous; slow in milestones, totter, stumble and stammer; puny, weak, delicate and anemic (Alum.); marasmus, malnutrition of the whole nervous system (Sil.); hypotonic; tendency to enuresis or encopresis.

·         Mentally weak, irritable, least thing or worry makes them cry (Puls.), timid, afraid of strangers, of dark, or going to bed alone.

·         Responsible, Obedient. Can’t bear injustice.

·         Young girls yearning for marriage (Con.); sensitive, unstrung, hysterical (like Agar.).



At a very young age the child expresses idealistic views for a better world and shows a desire to fight for a good cause (preservation of nature/animals/aid for earthquake victims)

Clumsy children (movements while playing games).

Extremely fastidious and tidy children; may resemble Ars. and Carc.

False projection; although the child looks like a leader or even a dictator, this stems from extreme vulnerability and deep fears. They act as a leader or dictator in order to control irrational anxieties and fears:

- Anxiety at trifles.

- Anxiety for others.

- Anxiety with fear.

- Delusions, sees phantom.

- Fear of approaching others.

- Fear of dark.

- Fear of impending danger.

- Fear of misfortune.

- Fear of strangers.

- Fear something will happen.

- Fear of terror.

Gradual paralysis of emotional and mental faculties due to sadness and depression in children who suffer from multiple and prolonged grieves, injustice from family or religious leaders.

Highly sensitive to any emotional disturbance. Often these children cry because they think that you are hurting his mother or another child. It is the idea of emotional pain

that affects them, rather than actual physical pain.

Sensitive to authority, hence cannot stand injustice.

Child can often stand his own pain quite well, but can never see other children crying or in pain.

They are born leaders who can easily inspire other children of their age.

Among their siblings, they are usually the dominant one; they think they know what is best for their younger brothers and sisters.

When abused (physically or sexually), or after the death of a parent or some other grief, they are likely to develop chorea or involuntary jerking of the muscles.

Tends to easily develop a strong guilt feeling, as though they have committed some great crime (strong sense of morality).


Atrophy in children due to malnutrition/-absorption or some chronic infection (cytomegalovirus, rubella, human immunodeficiency virus, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus).

Child known to produce innumerable warts all over the body.

Congenital contraction of tendons and muscles (hamstrings, child is unable to sit cross-legged).

Dark hair and eyes; yellow, sallow complexion; delicate, and sensitive.

Delayed dentition in children who suffer from protein malnutrition, rickets, or hypothyroidism.

Develops rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, or growing pains (in neck, ankles, feet, and leg)

Other important symptoms



Awkward; keeps dropping things.

Cannot bear to hear or see violence or anything frightening or cruel on television.

Cannot tolerate injustice; very strong morals and an innate sense of what is right and wrong (Konfliktlots auf dem Schulhof)

Dyslexic; makes a lot of mistakes when writing or speaking; using wrong words, mispronouncing or reversing words, transposing letters, etc.

Extreme sensitivity to touch due to easy ticklishness

Fear of dogs.

Jealousy over an inanimate object (pets/toys/clothes/).

Love to travel

Obstinate children who are defiant, rude, and very disobedient; cannot tolerate any contradiction.

Ailments from anticipation, physical or sexual abuse, death of loved ones (parents/close friends/pets?), emotional excitement, fright, and grief.

Audacity, likes taking up challenges.


Causeless weeping in babies (at night)


Dullness when answering; has to repeat the question first.

Easily moved to laughter or tears at trifles.

Excessively sympathetic to everybody around him [Nit-ac./Phos. (while Nit-ac. and Caus. sometimes have selfish motives or are conditionally

sympathetic, Phos. is very genuine and his sympathies are unconditional)].

Faultfinding children, who cannot be satisfied easily.

Fears some misfortune will befall the family, or that someone will fall sick.



Like to tease.

Likes dancing and >

Love for animals.

Moaning at trifles.

Nervousness and anxiety leading to diarrhea.

Not very fond of music, but doesn’t mind listening to it if played by others.

Redness of the face with anxiety.

Sleepless and restless all night from fear of darkness.

Slow in learning to walk, write, or talk.

Suspicious children, will not trust their friends or others very easily.

Tendency to bite nails.

Timid, frightened, and bashful children, with quiet dispositions.

Weak in mathematics, algebra, geometry, arithmetic.


Headaches in a dry cold weather, with nausea and vomiting; < at night/in cold air/from exertion of eyes; > local heat

Hair loss after grief.

Examination findings:

- Convulsive nodding or rolling of head.

- Copious perspiration from the scalp.

- Crusty, scabby eczema or impetigo on the occiput.

- Greasy hair.

- Hydrocephalus.

- Ringworm on scalp.

- Tumor-like swellings on the scalp.


Child finds it difficult to keep the eyes open; closes eyes spasmodically

Accommodative asthenopia.

Acrid lachrymation.

Burning in the eyes as if from sand or a foreign body.

Cannot keep the upper eyelids up, eyes nearly paralyzed.

Constant desire to rub his eyes.

Dim vision after measles.

Lachrymation in open air.

Twitching of the left upper lid.

Weakness of vision, < from using the eyes (preparing for exams/playing video/computer games).

Examination findings:

- Ptosis.

- Congenital cataract.

- Dilated pupils.

- Hypermetropia.

- Involuntary blinking of eyes.

- Paralysis of the extrinsic ocular muscles.

- Rolling movements of the eyes.

- Strabismus.

- Styes over the left upper lid.

- Tarsal tumors.

- Winking of the eyes from photophobia.

- Yellowish, purulent discharge from the eyes, with agglutination of the lids in the morning.


Ears very sensitive to drafts of air

Chronic suppurative otitis media with fetid, yellowish otorrhea.

Earache on blowing the nose (r. ear)

Tinnitus during dentition.

Examination findings:

- Eustachian catarrh.

- Polyps in the ear.

- Vesicular eruptions or pimples behind the ears, oozing out a watery discharge.

- Wax ++


Child constantly picks or rubs his nose.

Coryza with laryngitis.

Epistaxis on blowing the nose in the morning.

Liquid tends to come out through the nose on attempting to swallow.

Nasal obstruction at night while lying down.

Paroxysmal sneezing in the morning on rising.

Yellowish-green, excoriating, offensive nasal discharge.

Examination findings:

- Crust formation in the posterior nares.

- Polyps.

- Postnasal catarrh.

- Red, inflamed tip of the nose.

- Warts at the tip of the nose.


Easy dislocation of jaw.

Right-sided paralysis of the face from exposure to cold (playing sports or swimming in the sea), riding in the wind, after getting wet/from suppressed eruptions on face;

> by rubbing the part.

Examination findings:

- Warts on the lip.

- Acne rosacea on forehead and nose.

- Chewing motion of the jaw.

- Crusty or scabby eruptions on the tip of the nose.

- Facial distortion when talking.


Biting of inside of cheek when talking or chewing.

Stammering of speech from excitement or vexation.

Absolute dryness of mouth and tongue, yet thirstless.

Difficult dentition.

Examination findings:

- Tongue has a red stripe down the center, with white coating on the sides.

- Erect papillae of tongue, with painful vesicles at the tip and sides.

- Paralysis of a few muscles of the tongue, making protrusion very difficult.

- Scorbutic gums, which bleed easily and detach from the teeth.

- Thrush.


Constant, ineffectual urge to hawk

Liquids taken are forced into nose.

Roughness, rawness, and pain in the throat from coughing.

Tenacious, thick, white mucus brought up from the throat, which must be swallowed.

Examination findings:

- Torticollis; head drawn to the right side.

- Boils at the side of neck.

- Dark red uvula.


Easily disordered stomach, as if the stomach refuses everything (Hahnemann).

Frequent hiccoughs.

Huge thirst for cold water after every meal.

Increased appetite with nausea, immediately after feeding.

Indigestion with eructations, heartburn, nausea, sour vomiting, pain;

<: bread/farinaceous food/fats/and sugar; > from cold drinks.

<: Coffee/farinaceous food/fatty and rich food/fruit/meat/pork/veal/warm food and drinks;

>: Cold food/drinks;

Aversions: Coffee/delicacies/fruit/hot drinks/okra/sweets/vegetables/vinegar;

Desires: Bacon/cheese/cold drinks/eggs/fish/pork/pungent and spicy things/refreshing things/salt/smoked food (chicken, mutton)/yoghurt;


Griping abdominal pains and cramps in infants and nurslings; must bend forward, < in the morning, > by local warmth and passing flatus.

Infantile colic that resembles Coloc; > by bending forward.

Painful distention of abdomen with obstructed flatulence and hard stools, < after eating.

Abdomen vergrößert.

Rumbling and uneasiness in abdomen after eating, > passing flatus.

Examination findings:

- Ascites.

- Paralysis of intestines with impacted stools.

- Swelling of inguinal glands.


Diarrhea after taking cold (cold air, cold drinks).

Constipation in infants with fever.

Copious, loud, offensive flatus.

Frequent urging for stool during fever and from fright.

Involuntary escape of faeces with flatus.

Painful constriction of the rectum + urging for stool.

Partial prolapse of the rectum on coughing, with protrusion of large, external hemorrhoids that are very tender to the touch.

Passes small, hard balls unnoticed and involuntarily (Aloe).

While straining at stool, the child develops excessive heat, redness and perspiration on the face.

Examination findings:

- Fatty, hard and lumpy stools covered with mucus, shining like grease.

- Anus patulous (paralysis of S1 and S2).

- Excoriation of the perineal region (between the nates, from diapers).

- Diaper rash in infants.

- Stool: Roundworms and segments of tapeworm.

Urinary organs:

Congenital weakness of sphincter vesicae.

Retarded urination; only a few drops will pass when standing, but the flow occurs involuntarily while coughing, laughing, sitting, sneezing, walking.

Spasmodic nocturnal enuresis during the first part of sleep (compare Bell. Rhus-t. Sulph.; the sleep in Bell. and Sulph. is much deeper) when it is

difficult to wake the child.

No urging to urinate, in spite of a distended bladder.

Offensive, dark brown or cloudy urine.

Painful retention of urine after any kind of surgical operation, or in newborns after exposure to cold air.

The child urinates in jerks while coughing.

Weakness of the sphincter of the bladder, causing involuntary urination (sitting).

Examination findings:

- Addison’s disease.

- Urine: Acetone +, calcium oxalate ++, pus ++, and RBC ++

- Yeast-like or red, sandy sediment on the diaper.

Male organs:

Child has a disposition to masturbate

Examination findings:

- Crusty, eczematous eruptions in the genital area.

- Cryptorchism.

- Perspiration in the scrotal area causes itching and excoriation.

Female organs:

Copious, acrid, transparent, ropy, stringy, and tenacious leucorrhea, only at night, with tremendous itching.

Delayed first menses in young girls.

Larynx and Trachea:

Constant tickling in the larynx and trachea, causing child to keep clearing his throat.

Loss of voice with every attack of lower respiratory tract infection; it takes at least 2 or 3 weeks to recover after every trace of infection has subsided.

Painless hoarseness, roughness, or nasal twang in voice, with coryza or from exposure to cold, < from singing or talking, feels temporarily > by taking cold drinks.

Irritation in larynx from exposure to cold air, talking, and in the morning in bed.

Phlegm in the throat that cannot be hawked up.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma # eruptions.

Rattling in the chest with dyspnea when coughing, talking, or walking rapidly; feels > if the clothes are loosened.

Spasmodic asthma from the slightest exertion or after suppressed emotions.

Examination findings:

- Sighing or whistling respiration.


Cough < from exposure to cold air, in dry and windy weather, on bending forwards; > by taking cold drinks.

Dry, hard, racking, and irritating cough in the morning on waking, which becomes loose in the evening when lying down, yet he is unable to expectorate

much; has to swallow what has been loosened.

Child coughs so hard that it racks the whole chest (Tyler).

Child rubs face and eyes with fist during cough.

Cough due to tracheo-esophageal fistula.

Face becomes bluish with cough.

Greasy-tasting expectoration (Puls).


Painful stiffness of the cervical region from draft of dry cold wind.

Examination findings:

- Curvature of spine.


Awkwardness of lower limbs, stumbles when walking.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis where the child becomes restless in the night due to pain (Rhus-t is restless day and night). The pains are < in cold, dry weather (Rhus-t < damp weather (Acon. Bry. Nux-v). The pain necessitates motion, which does not relieve (in Rhus-t. motion relieves the pain). < in open air; relieved in bed or in a warm

room (Guernsey), or in warm, wet weather (Hep. Nux-v).

Paralysis of deltoid muscles due to forceps delivery or birth trauma.

Cold, excoriating perspiration from the feet.

Painful, burning corns.

Painful cramps in the legs, soles, and toes at night in bed.

Spontaneous dislocation of the hip joint.

Trembling of hands while writing.

Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.

Examination findings:

- Contraction of the flexor muscles and tendons of hands (fingers) and thighs.

- Fissures in bends of joints.

- Fistulous openings at the hip joint.

- Horny warts on the hands (near the fingertips).

- Left hip tender to touch.

- Nails: Brittle, distorted, stunted growth, thick, with ingrowing toenails.

- Painful felon at the root of the nail.

- Stiffness of joints.

- Synovitis, effusion in joint spaces.


Constant jerking of the arms and legs during sleep.

During sleep:

Convulsive gestures with limbs, grinding of teeth, laughing, moaning, open mouth, restlessness, shrieking, starting suddenly as from fright, talking, whimpering.

Sleeplessness from cough.

Yawning with abdominal complaints.


Itching of skin, < at night from warmth of bed and scratching, with burning and biting pains.

Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition.

Sour odor from the perspiration.

Nodular urticaria in cold air, < after scratching.

Useful in cases of suppressed dry scabies by steroids and benzyl benzoide.

Examination findings:

- Bedsores.

- Icterus.

- Keloid.

- Unhealthy skin.

- Warts: Large, hard, horny or flat, pedunculated, inflamed, bleeding and very sensitive to touch.


Ailments from: Anger (in nurslings), becoming cold or after taking cold drinks, chill, deep sleep, dentition, fever, fright (Bell. Ign. Hyos. Op. Stram), new moon or

full moon, punishment, suppressed eczema or scabies (Ars. Calc. Cupr-met. Sulph), and vaccination.

Aura before convulsions: Absentminded, dull or forgetful; aura felt in stomach; hot head; laughing; perspiration of scalp; restless and runs about in a circle; trembling; vertigo with headache and nausea.

During convulsions:

Biting others, biting tongue, clenching thumbs, coldness of body, epileptiform convulsions with consciousness, epistaxis, head drawn to the right, involuntary urination, laughing, one-sided convulsions (< r. side), pale or red face, and profuse frothy saliva from mouth.

After convulsions: Chilly, deep sleep, headache, laughing, one-sided paralysis, profuse urination, tinnitus (buzzing or hissing noises), and weeping.


Ailments from: Fright, grief (Ph-ac. Ign. Nat-m) and suppressed atopic eczema.

Affects the muscles on the right side [muscles of the eyeballs and face, in nervous children (girls more than boys)].

< in dry weather and when thinking of it.


Ailments during convalescence, after burns, or after the use of cortisone ointments.

Ailments from dry cold weather, full or new moon, getting wet, masturbation, measles, and sitting on wet ground.

Arrested development.

Child is late in learning to walk.

Chilly patient, child cannot be kept too warm, yet warmth does not ameliorate.

Chilly, delicate, puny, anaemic, and sickly children of a rigid fiber and dark complexion, with an allergic constitution and a tendency to catch cold easily.

Constitutional effect of burns (emotional and physical).

Desire for open air, but draft of it aggravates.

Emaciated infant inspite of a ravenous appetite.

Intolerance of pressure of clothing; needs to keep loosening them.

Juvenile diabetes accompanied by canine hunger and premature opacity of cornea.

Perspires profusely while eating and when passing stools.


Progressive paralysis after diphtheria or from suppressed eruptions.




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