Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlam-tr) = uncommon gonorrhea


Vergleich: Sieh: Nosoden + Parasiten + Geschlechtskrankheiten


[Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar]

Chlamydia trachomatis

This remedy is this generation’s Medorrhinum. All the symptoms in this remedy are like Medorrhinum with urinary and rheumatoid pathologies. A keynote of this remedy

is that patient sleeps on his abdomen. There are a lot of pelvic pathologies like salpingitis or ovaritis. Histaminum is a good complementary remedy to this one.

[Valerie Lovelace]

Clinical Observations: C. Trachomatis is an interstitial parasite, meaning that it lives and thrives between the cells of the human body, in interstitial fluid. It is generally transmitted during sexual contact, most often infecting the urinary tract. It is important to note that it is also possible in human infection to enter via anal and/or oral cavities and thus can also lead to long-term infections of the bowels and bronchial passages and ultimately into the lungs (not to be confused with C. Pneumonea).

It can be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy and delivery, and can result in blindness if the eyes of the baby are infected. Generally has only slight or no symptoms upon initial infection and it may not be until years later when chronic conditions have developed as a result of long-term infection that you will find this client in your office. It is the most commonly transmitted STI and my sense is that its long-term effects can be quite devastating to health. Conventional treatment is by antibiotic; treatment assumes that every organism has been killed by the antibiotic. If just one parasite survives the course of antibiotic treatment, the infection may continue as the bacteria replicate–perhaps even more resistant to antibiotic treatment. In conventional treatment, follow-up

is generally not done, so the client goes on unaware that he or she is still infected. Ifthe client’s partner(s)are not also treated, a continuing infection seems certain. I consider

a Chlamydia infection to be an acute situation, even though it generally has no symptoms when first acquired and can often go on for many years without symptoms, until one begins to experience chronic problems. I first began to consider the remedy when I attended my sister during the last few weeks of her life. Her pathology report indicated Chlamydia trachomatis in her lungs. I wondered about that and realized that an interstitial organism, even though most often sexually transmitted, could realistically end up anywhere in the body. I feel we should recognize also that an STI can occur in any tissue near those exposed, which would have to include pretty much every orifice–and every place to which that orifice leads. Compound this with the idea that in a sexual relationship, one truly has sex with everybody one’s partner has had sex with (particularly if we can acknowledge that antibiotics are NOT effective in treatment), and it seems a wonder that we can ever rid ourselves of such diseases. This view certainly does support Hahnemann’s understanding of the gonorrheal and syphilitic taints. Below are the symptoms I’ve noted:

Sensation of disappearing. The client may actually say they feel they do not exist or that they are disappearing. In one long-standing chronic case in which my client was in

a highly anxious state (almost a panic), there was a sensation of being eaten alive or being consumed which resolved after the remedy.

Sensation of Ticks. Client may actually state that they feel like a tick, or that they fear ticks or fear Lyme disease (this is also somewhat common to Staphisagria in my experience). There may also be expressions of blood-sucking or leeching.

Sensation of a membrane. This may be expressed as a feeling that they are on the outside looking in, or that they are separated by something, as though they are trying to look through or get through some sort of a shell or membrane.

Not knowing what to say or how to say it. Being at a loss for words. The client may say to you, “I don’t know how else to say it.” “I can’t describe it.”

Pain in the lower back which may or may not be accompanied by pelvic symptoms in females and a sense of ‘pulling’ at the spermatic cord or testicles in males.

Truthfully, I would give this remedy without hesitation in cases of PID (= Pelvic inflammatory disease) or cancer of the reproductive organs.

Swelling of the meninges, particularly at the base of the back of the neck and near the top of the gluteal cleft, and sometimes on top of the head, particularly during times of increased stress. There may be a sense of an aching headache at the base of the skull.

Vague or obscure symptoms of the case. The remedy is noted for difficulty in communicating and I believe this also translates to unclear symptoms of the chronic state of the client. In three cases (including my own), well chosen remedies failed to act, but acted quite well after administering this nosode. When I note combinations of these symptoms, I give the remedy. Because I consider the state acute, I have sometimes followed the remedy right away with a constitutional remedy, depending on what I observe in the client’s state. I use the energy level and anxiety state of the client as a guide to potency selection. I have given the nosode in 30C, 200C, and have given it in 1M in four cases demonstrating extremely acute states of anxiety and expressing hyper-vigilance with a strong sense of disappearing. In one case, I suspected the need for it just after speaking on the phone, so I took it with me to the consult. I gave it then, and within one or two minutes, the client responded with a deep breath and manifested a state of calm he had not experienced in several years. The following cases are from

Case 1: 47 years male, personal history of gonorrhea (1986), high anxiety w/conspiracy-theory ideations (government only wants what it can suck out of you), complaining of unbearable pains in lower back and pelvic region. Unable to move back and neck, difficulty bending, with feeling of pulling on spermatic cord when attempting to twist or turn. Fits of anger and rage, with spinning thoughts. Runs out of energy. Cannot tolerate the heat. Likes to fight, says he is very competitive. Weeping when telling symptoms, says head is always spinning with thoughts. High intensity of PT symptoms indicate 1M potency. Med 1M given resulting in relief of ‘crazy-head’ symptoms but no change in body pains or stiffness. No one hears him. PT had difficulty sitting still, needed to get up and attempt to stretch back. (Truthfully, I’ve never seen anyone in so much pain). Chlamydia 1M given. PT phoned two weeks later, stating: “You’ve saved my life. I was disappearing.” At four weeks, PT more calm and in less pain. PT able to sit for extended periods of time without feeling driven from the chair.

Case 2: 42 years female, personal history of gonorrhea (1996), history of childhood sexual abuse w/forced intercourse. Quite outwardly calm during intake. Complaint of Lyme disease; being treated allopathically for “chronic” Lyme (with negative labs). Brief amelioration in symptoms with allopathic meds, but must continue increasing meds to get relief. Beginning to experience side effects of meds. No energy. Slight swelling at back of neck. Weakness in extremities, joint pains, history of difficult menses/PID ending

in hysterectomy. 200C Chlam followed by 200C Med (Rationale: Based upon previous case, when a need for Chlamydia nosode is apparent to me, I now give it first to eliminate ‘communication’ problems with other remedies.). PT reported three weeks later she left her married partner and is re-evaluating how she lives her life and involves herself in relationship.

Case 3: 50 years female, personal history of Chlamydia infection (1981); allopathically treated with antibiotics. Promiscuous history. Meningeal headaches, swelling at back

of neck. Presenting with acute pains in lower back, joint stiffness, difficulty walking. Low energy. Sensations of ticks and feelings of disappearing. Does not know what

else to say and cannot describe symptoms. Feeling of trying to see through something, like a membrane. Chlamydia 30C based upon low energy level. Warmth in chest upon taking remedy, breathing much easier, less pain in hips, pelvic area, and lower back.

Case 4: 73 years female, long chronic history. PID, low energy, dull headaches. Husband cheated on her 30 years ago. Worries that she has Lyme disease. Does not know what else to say. People don’t communicate well. (My observation was a lot of anger in this client, but unable to express it. Much intensity in her body language.). Opened case with Chlamydia Trachomatis 200C. After four weeks, PT indicates feeling less anxious, realizing she has not engaged in her life, that she was not participating, as though she had been isolated behind something or had been disappearing and didn’t know it. PT more able to communicate. Reported warmth in chest upon taking remedy, followed by easier breathing. Not as difficult to communicate with husband.

Case 5: 51 years female, difficulty communicating, does not know what to say or how to describe what she is feeling. Obese, symptoms of PID, swelling at back of head and neck, joint stiffness, problems with knee injury. Tires easily and gets winded. 200C Chlamydia to open case. PT reports taking the remedy before driving to work.

In the car, noticed warmth in her chest and a feeling as though she didn’t have to try so hard to breath. Had been worrying about a meeting she had at work, wondering what to say and how she would phrase it, but suddenly felt it would not be a problem, much less anxiety by the time she arrived at work. Case 6: 38yo female, highly anxious and

in extreme pain, states she is certain she has Lyme disease. History of childhood rape and other abuses. Not able to speak without touching or coming very close. Skin flushes on speaking of history. “I’m disappearing.” 1M given during consult. Within less than a minute, client became visibly much calmer, less agitated, less clinging.

Said, “Wow. My, that’s nice. I feel so calm now, not consumed with anxiety.” Each of these cases went on for treatment with other remedies. This nosode is quite effective

in cases where the client expresses an inability to communicate and a sense of disappearing or being consumed with associated physical symptoms indicating a Chlamydia infection. I have not been successful with more than one dose –it seems to act quite quickly and acutely, often providing immediate relief of symptoms and clearing the way for the client’s underlying state to arise with more clarity.


Krankheit: Conjunctivitis in 2 forms:

Chlamydial conjunctivitis of the newborn due to infection from mother to child with the Chlamydia micro organism during the birth process . This is more frequently encountered than Opthalmia Neonatorum.

Trachoma - a chronic contagious form of conjunctivitis by serotyps A, B und C with hypertrophy of conjunctiva. Affects 400 million people worldwide in the tropics (Asia/Africa/SW of USA).

20 million people been blinded by the disease.

Pneumonia: exposure to the Chlamydia micro-organism can cause pneumonia.

Genito-urinary infections: In industrialised countries Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted pathogen (estimated 3 mil. new infections annually). It is thought that 35 - 50% of cases of non-specific urethritis (NSU) are caused by the microorganism. More common than herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea and syphilis.

New cases of Chlamydia 4x more common than new cases of genital herpes or genital warts combined. In the UK incidence of the disease has increased 76% in the last

5 years. In the last year there has been a 20% increase in teenage women and 23% in teenage men. It is estimated that 10 - 11% of sexually active women have Chlamydia, highest in sexually active women under 20.

Symptoms usually appear within 2 - 6 weeks of infection but 70% of women/50% of men do not produce symptoms - the disease remains hidden. It is termed by doctors

a “stealth” disease.

Chlamydien sind in Deutschland die häufigste sexuell übertragene Krankheit. Sie fällt durch Brennen in der Harnröhre oder Ausfluss auf, oft bleibt sie aber unbemerkt.

Weil die Bakterien ohne Behandlung Sterilität verursachen können, bieten die gesetzlichen Kassen Frauen bis zu 25 Jahren einen Urintest an. Ist der positiv, sollte auch

der Partner behandelt werden.


Wie hoch ist eigentlich das Risiko, Chlamydien zu bekommen, vor denen man sich nicht durch Kondome schützen kann? Können Chlamydien auch beim Küssen, beim Oral- oder Analsex übertragen werden?

Antwort vom Experten:

Chlamydien werden beim Küssen nicht übertragen. Beim Oralsex ist eine Übertragung möglich, aber im Rachen richten Chlamydien eigentlich keinen Schaden an. Allerdings können sie von dort aus wieder die Harnröhre des Partners oder der Partnerin infizieren.

Vaginal- oder Analverkehr ohne Kondom ist der häufigste Übertragungsweg für Chlamydien. Dort führen sie zu Entzündungen. Die gute Nachricht: Chlamydieninfektionen sind gut mit Antibiotika behandelbar.

Frau: No symptoms at all (up to 70%)

Change in colour/amount/odour of vaginal discharge

Change in periods (painful/after changing partners)

Irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods (when on the pill)

Pain or bleeding during sexual intercourse

A burning feeling when passing water/urinating more often

Slight fever

Pain under r. ribs

Abdominal pain/rectum inflamed

Mann: No symptoms at all (up to 50%)

Pain or burning sensation during urination/need to pass water more often

Clear mucus-like discharge from the penis

Slight irritation or itch at the tip of the penis

Pain in the testicles

Rectum inflamed

Chlamydien sind in Deutschland die häufigste sexuell übertragene Krankheit. Sie fällt durch Brennen in der Harnröhre oder Ausfluss auf, oft bleibt sie aber unbemerkt.

Weil die Bakterien ohne Behandlung Sterilität verursachen können, bieten die gesetzlichen Kassen Frauen bis zu 25 Jahren einen Urintest an. Ist der positiv, sollte auch

der Partner behandelt werden.

Chronic: “silent, devastating damage that can go unnoticed for years”

Frau: Spreads up to 40% of infected women to the uterus/fallopian tubes/ovaries and causes pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Each time a woman gets a pelvic inflammatory infection from Chlamydia, her chances of becoming sterile increase from 13% with the 1st infection to 75% by 3rd. Tubal/ectopic pregnancy (= mostly fatal pregnancies where the embryo develops in the fallopian tube). In the UK 5 women a year die from ectopic pregnancy. 9% of infected women are likely to experience

these symptoms.

Sterility/infertility. Fallopian tube problems caused mostly by Chlamydia are responsible for 1/3 of cases of infertility. Considered the single biggest preventable cause of infertility.

Pregnant women with the disease can transmit the disease to their infant during childbirth - often leading to eye infections or pneumonia in the child. In some countries antibiotic cream is smeared in the eyes of all newborn babies to prevent this. A pregnant woman with Chlamydia has a 50% chance of transmitting conjunctivitis to her

child and a 20% chance of pneumonia.

Small number of cases: Lymphogranuloma venereum. 1. 7 - 12 days after exposure a vesicle similar to by Herpes appear (genitals). This ruptures and then heals painlessly.

2. From 1 - 8 weeks later the regional lymph nodes enlarge become tender and may suppurate (called buboes). 3. heal and leave scars that may obstruct lymph channels.

The perirectal lymph nodes in women may scar and cause rectal obstruction.

Treatment: Antibiotika (Tetracycline).

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal 1995; 153: 259-262 showed that serologic evidence of Chlamydia trachomatis during pregnancy was

a risk factor for pre-term delivery (before 37 weeks' gestation). Results: 21 women (20%) out of a group of 103 were found to be seropositive for IgG antibodies to C. trachomatis. They were similar to the seronegative women with respect to maternal age/parity/history of pre-term birth/obstetric or medical problems/smoking status/

history of drug abuse/educational status and psychosocial stressors. The seropositive women were significantly more likely than the seronegative women to have a

pre-term birth (24% v. 7%)/babies from the seropositive women had a lower average birth weight.

The full report can be obtained from: Dr. Paul Claman, 552-737 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4E9;

Studies also show that Chlamydia is a major risk factor in miscarriage.

Women infected with Chlamydia have a 3 - 5 x increased risk of acquiring HIV if exposed.

Mann: If it spreads to the testicles, the scrotum might become swollen and painful, leading to epididymitis.

Sterility. Urinary tract complications

Frau/Mann: If it spreads to the blood, it might cause a more severe illness (arthritis).


Chlamydia trachomatis ist ein intrazellulär lebendes Bakterium, das sich als Energieparasit vom ATP der Zelle ernährt. Mit einer Größe von nur 0,5 µm zählt es zu den

kleinsten Bakterien überhaupt. Es ruft eine sexuell übertragbare Erkrankung im Urogenitaltrakt hervor, die bei Frauen zu 2/3 unerkannt bleibt, da sie symptomlos abläuft,

beim Mann gelegentlich Entzündungen der Harnröhre mit klarem Ausfluss verursacht und sonst auch symptomlos ist. Chlamydieninfektionen sind mit Antibiotika gut behandelbar. Eine rechtzeitig behandelte Infektion zieht in der Regel keine Folgeschäden nach sich.

Unbehandelte Infektionen jedoch können zu Unfruchtbarkeit führen. In Deutschland sind nach Schätzungen heute mehr als 100.000 Frauen durch unbehandelte chlamydienbedingte Infektionen ungewollt kinderlos, da die Erreger, wenn die Infektion nicht behandelt wird, jahrelang in den Eileitern persistieren und eine chronische Infektion der inneren weiblichen Genitalorgane hervorrufen können.

In tropischer Umgebung erregen die Serotypen A, B und C von C. trachomatis auch das Trachom, eine Augeninfektion und die weltweit häufigste Erblindungsursache.

Dies muss aber unterschieden werden von den Serotypen D-K, welche auch hierzulande eine akute Konjunktivitis (Bindehautentzündung/Schwimmbadkonjunktivitis),

da gerne durch Badewasser übertragen, Urethritis (Schleimhautentzündung der Harnröhre) und Zervizitis (Gebärmutterhalsentzündung) verursachen können.

Weiter gibt es noch die Serotypen L1, L2 und L3, welche die Lymphogranuloma venereum verursachen können.


The bacteria can be detected by a simple test and treated conventionally with antibiotics/= considered to be eliminated within a week. All sex partners of a person

with chlamydial infection should be evaluated and treated to prevent re-infection and further transmission of the disease.


Homeopath Mario Boiadjiev in: “Systematic Approach in Homeopathic Theory and Practice” has considerable experience of using the remedy (over 300 cases)/an unclear remedy picture is most often due to chlamydial infection. He also considers that there is no case of cancer without an accompanying chlamydial infection (important in

treating cancer patients). He believes Chlamydia should be the number one polychrest in the Materia Medica and the main anti-sycotic remedy. He says it is the remedy

that has helped him solve the greatest number of “hopeless cases”. He considers that the remedy’s key symptoms are as follows:

·  Unbearable itching in genital region

·  Sterility

·  Bone disorders

·  Cancer

·  History of Hormone Treatment

·  Allergies

·  Vascular disorders

·  Almost all diseases at an advanced stage when the patient is very weakened

·  Patients of advanced age

·  Conjunctivitis

·  Brittle fingernails

·  Paradontose

·  Sycosis

·  Ritter’s disease


[Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar]

Is this generation’s Medorrhinum. All the symptoms like Medorrhinum with urinary and rheumatoid pathologies. A. Sleeps on his abdomen. A lot of pelvic pathologies (salpingitis or ovaritis). Histaminum is a good complementary remedy to this one.

Repertorium:                                                                                    [Richard Boocock/South down School]

Gemüt: Angst (durch Erwartungsspannung)/Furcht (in engen Räumen)

Sich Ausdrücken schwierig, fällt schwer

Bewusstheit erhöht [in Körper (Breite der eigenen Schultern)]

Empfindlich (gegen Kritik)

Macht Fehler (rechnend)

Gedächtnisschwäche (für das, was gerade tun wollte)/Konzentration schwierig


Geheimnistuerisch, verschlossen

Geistesabwesend (verträumt)/schweigsam/Seelenruhe, gelassen

Grausam (gegenüber Familie)

fühlt sich männlicher

Mitteilsam, gesprächig

Reizbar/gereizt (gegenüber Kindern)/verlässt eigene Kinder

Schreit [im Schlaf (durch beunruhigende Träume)

Ungeduld (gegenüber eigenen Kindern)

Vergesslich (telefonierend)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Blutandrang

Kälte, Frösteln etc.

„Als ob Luftzug durch den Kopf strömt“

Schmerz viele
Schweregefühl/Müdigkeitsgefühl, müdes Gefühl

Auge: Entzündet Bindehaut


Gereizt „Als ob Wimpern darin“ (morgens)

Schmerz („Wie durch Sand“/fein stechend)

Schweregefühl in Lider

Tränenfluss (r./“Wie Tränenfluss“/< kalte Luft)

Trocken (nachmittags)

Müdigkeitsgefühl (nachmittags)

Gesicht: Ausdruck müde

rot (rote Flecken unter r. Unterlippe)


Schmerz um die Lippen (brennend/wund schmerzend)

Mund: Zahnfleischbeschwerden

Zähne: Empfindlich gegen kaltes Wasser/> warme Getränke/bei Zähneputzen, Zähnebürsten

Lockere Zähne, lose Zähne

Schmerz wenige

Bauch: Auftreibung (nachts/< während Mmenses)

Schmerz [„Als ob Menses erscheinen würde“ (9 -10 Tage vor Menses)/vor Stuhlgang (krampfartig)/ im Unterbauch (krampfartig/erstr. Rücken nach unten)]

Rektum: Obstipation

Blase: Schmerz bei Harndrang

Urinieren - Dysurie - morgens erwachend/Harndrang (< Bewegung)/unwillkürlich (< Gehen)

Harnröhre: Schmerz < Wasser lassend erstr. Blase (brennend)/Wasser lassend erstr. Blase (zusammenschnürend)

Prostata: Schwellung

Männliche Genitalien: Jucken/Sterilität

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor Fäden ziehend, zäh/weiß


Menses - zu früh/intermittierend/reichlich

Metrorrhagie < vor Menses

(nach/während) Schwangerschaft

Sexverlangen - fehlend/vermehrt/vermindert (mit Gleichgültigkeit)


Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen

Brust: „Wie Hitze“ hinter Brustbein (> Trinken)/„Wie lose, locker“ hinter dem Brustbein
Beklemmung [hinter dem Brustbein (> Reiben/> aufrechtes Sitzen)]


Schmerz - > Gehen/Brustwarzen (wund schmerzend)/unter den Rippen (stechend)

Rücken: Hitzewallungen in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Daumen r. rote/braune Flecken

Krämpfe in r. Zehen

Ruhelose Füße < Sitzen

Schmerz - Gesäß/oberhalb Knie/dumpf/< sitzen/wund schmerzend

Nägelbeschwerden spröde, brüchige

Schlaf: Erwacht durch Träume/durch Gedankenandrang

Träume: längst vergangene Ereignisse/erotisch/einen Wagen fahrend/Fehler zu machen/Freunde (Treffen)/hat Gift genommen/Haus zu entrümpeln/Haus auf

dem Lande/Lastwagen/eine andere Person liegt mit ihm im Bett/Tod von Verwandten/von Umarmungen/Unfälle/wahnsinnig zu werden/auslaufendes

Wasser (im Bett)

Frost: im Allgemeinen

Haut: Hautausschläge - hart unter der Haut/< vor Menses

Allgemeines: Allergisch veranlagt

alten Menschen


Beschwerden Blutgefäße, Adern

Erschlaffte Muskeln

Verlangt Aufenthalt im Freien/verlangt sich hinzulegen/verlangt Narkotika

“Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen



Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: Butter/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Käse/Schokolade;

Schreitet aus, wie ein Mann

Schwäche (< nach Mittagessen/plötzlich)




Mind: Abstraction of mind

Actions masculine

Communicative, expansive

Delusions - is pregnant

Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatical, despotic

Forgetful (of business)

Gestures, makes, masculine

Hiding desires/secretive

Impatience with children/irritabile toward children

makes mistakes (calculating)


Sensitive to reproaches

Indisposed to talk about her condition

Tranquillity, serenity, calmness

Head: coldness, chilliness (desires warm applications)

Congestion, hyperaemia etc.


Pain - intermittent, recurrent/above l. eye (pressing)/pressing [above eyes/< bending head forward/< cold air/> pressure/ in forehead (ext. nose/thinking about it/> lying/

< noise)]/pulsating, throbbing in forehead

Eye: „As if hair in eye“

Pain - stinging


„As if watering“

Face: Eruptions (r. mouth corner

Pain - burning in lips

Teeth: pain - < cold water

Sensitive to cold water

Abdomen: Pain - ext. back/“As if menses would appear“

Rectum: inactiv

Bladder: Voiding - dribbling by drops involuntary/involuntary after urination/involuntary < walking

Female organs: coition enjoyment increased

Leucorrhea - like menses

Menses - frequent/too early/too soon (9 days)

Sexual desire diminished/increased

Chest: Heaviness under sternum

Oppression behind sternum

Pain - behind sternum (pressing)/sore, bruised nipples/stitching r. lower ribs

Dreams: accidents/amorous/another person lying in bed with him/anxious/sells belongings/conciliation/danger/death in family/danger of falling/moving house/being poisoned/odours like Christmas cake

Generals: aversed to cannabis


[Valerie Lovelace]

Chlamydia Trachomatis is an interstitial parasite, meaning that it lives and thrives between the cells of the human body, in interstitial fluid. It is generally transmitted during sexual contact, most often infecting the urinary tract. It is important to note that it is also possible in human infection to enter via anal and/or oral cavities and thus can also

lead to long-term infections of the bowels and bronchial passages and ultimately into the lungs (not to be confused with C. Pneumonea). It can be transmitted from mother

to baby during pregnancy and delivery, and can result in blindness if the eyes of the baby are infected.

Chlamydia generally has only slight or no symptoms upon initial infection and it may not be until years later when chronic conditions have developed as a result of long-term infection that you will find this patient in your office. It is the most commonly transmitted STI and my sense is that its long-term effects can be quite devastating to health.

Conventional treatment is by antibiotic; treatment assumes that every organism has been killed by the antibiotic. If just one parasite survives the course of antibiotic treatment, the infection may continue as the bacteria replicate – perhaps even more resistant to antibiotic treatment. In conventional treatment, follow-up is generally not done, so the patient goes on unaware that he or she is still infected. If the patient’s partner(s) are not treated, a continuing infection seems certain.

I consider a Chlamydia infection to be an acute situation, even though it generally has no symptoms when first acquired and can often go on for many years without symptoms, until one begins to experience chronic problems.

I first began to consider the remedy when I attended my sister during the last few weeks of her life. Her pathology report indicated Chlamydia Trachomatis in her lungs.

I wondered about that and realized that an interstitial organism, even though most often sexually transmitted, could realistically end up anywhere in the body. I feel we

should recognize also that an STI can occur in any tissue near those exposed, which would have to include pretty much every orifice – and every place to which that orifice leads. Compound this with the idea that in a sexual relationship, one truly has sex with everybody one’s partner has had sex with (particularly antibiotics are NOT effective

in treatment), and it seems a wonder that we can ever rid ourselves of such diseases.

This view certainly does support H.’s understanding of the gonorrheal and syphilitic taints.

Below are the symptoms I have noted:

- Sensation of disappearing. Patients may actually say they feel they do not exist or that they are disappearing. in one long-standing chronic case, in which my patient was

in a highly anxious state (almost a panic), there was a sensation of being eaten alive or being consumed, which resolved after the remedy.

- Sensation of Ticks. Patients may actually state that they feel like a tick, or that they fear ticks or fear Lyme disease (this is also somewhat common to Staphisagria in my experience). There may also be expressions of blood-sucking or leeching.

- Sensation of a membrane. This may be expressed as a feeling that they are on the outside looking in, or that they are separated by something, as though they are trying to look through or get through some sort of a shell or membrane.

- Not knowing what to say or how to say it. Being at a loss for words. Patients may say to you: “I don’t know how else to say it. I can’t describe it.”

- Pain in the lower back which may or may not be accompanied by pelvic symptoms in females and a sense of ‘pulling’ at the spermatic cord or testicles in males. Truthfully,

I would give this remedy without hesitation in cases of PID or cancer of the reproductive organs.

- Swelling of the meninges, particularly at the base of the back of the neck and near the top of the gluteal cleft, and sometimes on top of the head, particularly during times of increased stress. There may be a sense of an aching headache at the base of the skull.

Vague or obscure symptoms of the case. The remedy is noted for difficulty in communicating and I believe this also translates to unclear symptoms of the chronic state of the patient.

In 3 cases (incl. my own), well chosen remedies failed to act, but acted quite well after administering this nosode.

When I note combinations of these symptoms, I give the remedy. Because I consider the state acute, I have sometimes followed the remedy right away with a constitutional remedy, depending on what I observe in the patient’s state.

I use the energy level and anxiety state of the patient as a guide to potency selection. I have given the nosode in 30C, 200C, and have given it in 1M in four cases demonstrating extremely acute states of anxiety and expressing hyper-vigilance with a strong sense of disappearing. In one case, I suspected the need for it just after speaking on the phone, so I took it with me to the consult. I gave it then, and within one or two minutes, the patient responded with a deep breath and manifested a state of calm he had not experienced in several years.


 Chlamydien: Weitverbreitet – vor allem unter jungen Frauen und Männern


 Was ist das? Die Chlamydien-Infektion gehört in Deutschland zu den häufigsten sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen. Sie wird von Bakterien namens Chlamydia trachomatis übertragen. Mit einer Größe von 0,5 Mikrometern zählen sie zu den kleinsten Bakterien überhaupt. Menschen geben die Erreger über die Schleimhäute weiter, wenn sie ungeschützt Sex haben. Die Erreger befallen die Schleimhaut in der Harnröhre, der Scheide, im Enddarm oder im Rachen. Betroffen sind vor allem Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene.

 Was sind die Symptome? In mehr als der Hälfte der Fälle gibt es nur geringe oder sogar keinerlei Symptome, weshalb Infizierte die Bakterien oft unwissentlich weitergeben. Hinweise auf die Keime im Körper sind etwa ein ungewöhnlicher Ausfluss aus der Scheide, dem Penis oder Po sowie bei Frauen Blutungen zwischen der eigentlichen Regel. Auch ein Brennen beim Urinieren, Schmerzen beim Vaginal- oder Analsex oder ein Juckreiz an Scheide, Penis oder Po deuten mitunter darauf hin. In diesen Fällen sollten Sie einen Arzt aufsuchen und sich auf Infektionen testen lassen.

 Was sind die Folgen? Bleibt eine Chlamydien-Infektion unbehandelt, kann das Frauen und Männer letztlich unfruchtbar machen. In seltenen Fällen siedeln sich die Bakterien in Gelenken an und sorgen dort für Entzündungen – für eine Arthritis also. Zudem steigert Chlamydia trachomatis das Risiko, sich bei ungeschütztem Sex mit dem Aids-Erreger HIV anzustecken.

 Wie häufig ist die Erkrankung? Chlamydien sind in Deutschland -außer in Sachsen- nicht meldepflichtig. Deshalb gibt es keine genauen Zahlen darüber, wie weit der Erreger verbreitet ist. Hinweise darauf, wie häufig Chlamydien sind, liefern allerdings Daten aus Laboren, die zwischen 2013 und 2015 Proben untersucht haben.

Demnach hatte etwa jede 20. getestete Frau unter 25 Jahren Chlamydien, wie aus einem Bericht des Robert Koch-Instituts von 2017 hervorgeht.

 Wie schütze ich mich? Es gibt keinen vollständigen Schutz. Doch wer Kondome benutzt, verringert das Risiko, sich anzustecken, deutlich. Beim Oralsex mit Frauen schützen Lecktücher. Da die Keime auch über Speichel übertragbar sind, ist er als Gleitmittel besser zu meiden. Das gilt für Menschen mit wechselnden Partnern und Partnerinnen ebenso wie für jene in festen Beziehungen.

 Wie wird getestet? Ob sich jemand angesteckt hat, zeigt eine Urinuntersuchung oder ein Abstrich der betroffenen Schleimhaut. Schwangere sowie Frauen, die eine Schwangerschaft abbrechen wollen, können sich kostenlos testen lassen. Frauen bis einschließlich 24 Jahren steht einmal im Jahr eine kostenlose Urinuntersuchung zu.

Für alle anderen gilt: Haben eine Ärztin oder ein Arzt die Anzeichen für eine Infektion bereits beim Patienten oder der PartnerIn festgestellt, übernimmt die Krankenkasse

die Kosten. Diese liegen je nach Test bei 30 bis 120 Euro. Von Heimtests ist ohne vorherige ärztliche Beratung bislang abzuraten – sie mögen privater und mit bis zu 90 Euro günstiger sein, gelten aber als unzuverlässig.

 Wie gut lässt sich das behandeln? Wer positiv getestet ist, muss sich nicht sofort sorgen, sollte aber den Partner oder die Partnerin informieren. Einmal diagnostiziert,

lassen sich die Bakterien grundsätzlich gut mit Antibiotika abtöten. Eine Behandlung kann zwischen einer Woche und 20 Tagen andauern. Bis die Infektion beseitigt ist,

ist auf Sex zu verzichten, weil die Keime unbemerkt leicht übertragbar sind.


Allerlei: Chlamydien sind in Deutschland die häufigste sexuell übertragene Krankheit. Sie fällt durch Brennen in der Harnröhre oder Ausfluss auf, oft bleibt sie aber unbemerkt. Weil die Bakterien ohne Behandlung Sterilität verursachen können, bieten die gesetzlichen Kassen Frauen bis zu 25 Jahren einen Urintest an. Ist der positiv,

sollte auch der Partner behandelt werden.

Chlam-tr ist intrazellulär lebendes Bakterium, das sich als Energieparasit vom ATP der Zelle ernährt. Zählt zu den kleinsten Bakterien.

Ruft eine sexuell übertragbare Erkrankung im Urogenitaltrakt hervor/bei Frauen zu 2/3 unerkannt bleibt/symptomlos abläuft/steril macht, kann beim Mann gelegentlich Harnröhreentzündungen mit klarem Ausfluss verursacht/sonst auch symptomlos.

In Tropen die Serotypen A, B und C das Trachom, eine Augeninfektion und die weltweit häufigste Erblindungsursache. Die Serotypen D-K rufen hierzulande eine akute Konjunktivitis (Bindehaut/Schwimmbad)/Urethritis (Schleimhautentzündung der Harnröhre)/Zervizitis (Gebärmutterhalsentzündung) verursachen können. Weiter gibt es noch die Serotypen L1, L2 und L3, welche die Lymphogranuloma venereum verursachen können.

Gut behandelbar mit Tetracyclinen/Erythromycin Daneben sind auch Chinolone erfolgreich einsetzbar (Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin sowie das weiterentwickelte Moxifloxacin). Speziell im Wirkspektrum auf Chlamydien erweiterte Chinolone sind Grepafloxacin und Sparfloxacin, die in Deutschland allerdings nicht mehr im Handel sind. Die Behandlungsdauer beträgt in der Regel 7 Tage. Daneben besteht die Möglichkeit einer sog. "single-dose" Therapie mit Azithromycin. Bezüglich der Wahlreihenfolge sind Tetracycline, Makrolide, dann ggf. Chinolone zu sehen. Die Therapie kann nur dann dauerhaft erfolgreich sein, wenn alle Sexualpartner mitbehandelt werden. In vielen Fällen besteht als Doppelinfektion zusätzlich eine Gonorrhoe, die mit den genannten Antibiotika ebenfalls behandelbar ist.



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