Common symptoms of Muriaticums (Am-m. Mag-m. Nat-m.)


Anxiety / Restless at night. - Delusions / visions of fire. - Irritability during headache.

Misanthropy. - Heaviness of head in morning on rising. - Headache during menses. –

Headache < warm room. - Burning pain in eyes in morning. - < Exertion of vision - Coryza and laryngitis and hoarseness. –

Epistaxis from blowing the nose. - Cracked lips. - Sour taste in mouth after eating. - Extreme thirst. –

Frequent urination at night. – Copious menses at night; dark, black, clotted. - > Letting limbs hang down. –

Dreams: anxious; journeys; water. Aversion to meat. - > After perspiration. - > Pressure.



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