Commons between Sanicula aqua and Silicea


Abdomen distended with emaciation of the rest of the body.

Boils on the head.

Constipation, where the stool must be removed mechanically.

Cough: Deep and hollow; < at night/on lying down.

Delicate, puny, and sickly children.

Desires eggs, fat, milk, salt, and sweet.

Emaciation in children with a ravenous appetite.

Eruptions behind the ears.

Eustachian catarrh.

Falling of hair from the eyebrows.

Gagging from cough.


Head pain (occiput ext. forehead); < from draft of cold air; > covering the head.

Icy coldness of hands and feet.

Lachrymation in cold, open air.

Nasal discharge crusty, green, and yellow.

Perspiration in the night and during sleep.

Perspiration of the feet, excoriating, cold, offensive, profuse.

Perspiration only on head (occiput).


Stool: Hard, knotty, and large.

Tarsal tumors on the eyelid.

Tendency to form abscesses.

Thirst during chill and thirstless during heat.

Unable to hold up the head.

Vomiting after cold water, or after taking mother’s milk.



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