Commons: from the RADAR repertory program (ARCHIBEL SA, 2006) in Lach. Naja. Elaps. + Bitis arietans (= Cloth.)


Vergleich: Siehe: Schlangen + Cobras general.


Following symptoms in common

Mind: absentmindeded, anxious, desires for company, indifference, irritable and sadness.

Vertigo: Heaviness of the head, and pain in the forehead

Nose: Epistaxis,

Internal throat: “As if a lump in the throat” and difficulty swallowing.

Stomach: Increased thirst

Abdomen: flatulence and rumbling, and a tendency to constipation

Female Organs: Painful menses

Chest: Sense of constriction and oppression in the chest, and heart palpitations

Back: Pain in the cervical region.

Limbs: rheumatic pain/coldness of the hands and feet

Sleep: Deep sleep, sleepiness

Generals: Weakness

These symptoms are the common symptoms to the snake remedies used in the comparison in this study inclusive Hemachatus haemachatus (except epistaxis).



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