Comparison: 19 Fungi + 2 von Fungus befallene Pflanzen


Comparison.: Agar. + Bov. + Sec. + Ust. + Psil. + Moni. + Bol-la.

Aufgenommen sind: Lol. und Thlas. Beide sind befallen von Fungi und ihre Wirkung wird oft hauptsächlich der Fungus zugeschrieben.

[Catherine Anne Morris]

Agar.: an excellent remedy for neuromuscular disorders with jerking, twitching, trembling and irregular, uncertain and exaggerated motions.

Many neuralgias, spasmodic affections and neuroses.

The provings have brought out the four phases of cerebral excitement:

Slight stimulation;

more decided intoxication;

furious rage


           mental depression and languor (Vermeulen 1997:32/33).

Bov.: the Puff ball, can treat marked affections on the skin, producing eruptions like eczema, also on the circulation, predisposing to haemorrhages, marked languor and lassitude, numbness and tingling of multiple neuritis, general puffiness, laxity and enlarged/swollen feeling in body parts (Vermeulen 1997:306).

Other fungi used as Homoeopathic remedies do not have as large a remedy picture as the last two, but Boletus laricis (= Polyporus officinale) is used for quotidian

intermittent fevers where the sweat is light and provides no amelioration.

There is a lot of chilliness with frequent hot flushes and general body aches and pains (Vermeulen 1997:300).

The remedy Polyporus pinicola (= Pine Agaric) is related to Boletus laricis in its indications, as it is also useful in intermittent, remittent and bilious fevers with headaches, constant nausea, faintness in the epigastrium and constipation (Vermeulen 1997:1331).

After reviewing the literature related to provings, it is plain to see that many different ideas exist with respect to the methodology of provings.

Most authors, however, agree on the following points:

           o The necessity of further provings o

           o The use of healthy provers

           o  The use of placebo controls

           o The use of a blinding procedure

           o The use of a poisonous substance in a high potency

           o Non-repetition of the dose once proving symptoms have developed

           o Diligent recording of all symptoms: physical, mental and emotional.

Specific importance has been given to all of the above mentioned points in this research project.


[Dr Vivek N Patil]

Gemeinsam in:

Agar. Bov. Ergot. Sec. Ust-m. Störungen des Nervensystems (Tics/Zuckungen), Ungeschickt/Koordinationsstörungen.


Bov. kann verbal UNgeschickt sein. Findet nicht das rechte Maß/schlechte Abschätzung von Entfernung/übertreibt (angstlos/MUTIG/waghalsig)/ängstLICH, kleine Probleme „Wie unlösbar“/impulSIV/KörperKRAFT + schlechte Koordination (fehlende Feinmotorik)/mangelhafte Kontrolle (verrät Geheimnisse)/übertrieben lustig.

'Todesnähe“/Affinität zu Morbidem (Pilze gedeihen auf Fäulnis.)/körperlich: Schwarzfärbung äußerer Körperteile/Blutungs-/Abortneigung.

Lol. Hände ungeschickt/zittern/steif/rot/geschwollen, fröstelt (bei berühren Papier/Steinkohl/Samt/quietschen/auf Glas kratzen)


[Dr Saji K]

I. Haemorrhage: Agar. Agar-ph. Bol-la. Bol-s. Bov. Sec. Sol-t-a. Thlas. Ust.


1. Agar. Dark, thick blood.(Synthesis)

2. Agar-ph. Internal/dissolving of red blood corpuscles/blood escapes into the alimentary canal and draines whole system. Haemorrhages in lungs/pleura/skin.

Vomiting of blood/bloody stool.

3. Bol-l. Bloody stool. Stools with bile/mucous/blood, with high fever.

4. Bol-sa. Profuse diarrhoea of blood, and of the mucous lining of the intestines.

5. Bov. > Haemorrhages. Blood acrid/bright or dark red/thick or watery. (non coagulable). Passive oozing. Produces relaxation of the entire capillary system/favouring

the haemorrhagic diathesis. Epistaxis + menstrual irregularities/trauma. In uterine haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged (flow of blood between periods from over exertion)/metrorrhagia during climaxis. Persistent epistaxis in drunkards.

6. Sec. Vicarious haemorrhage. Haemorrhages dark/thin/persistent/from uterus and other cavities of body. Haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged, flow is passive/dark

in colour (offensive). Persistent epistaxis in old people/drunkards with prostration. Bleeding of gums. Haemorrhage after extraction of teeth. Haematemesis/haematuria.

7. Sol-t-ae. Gums bleeding.

8. Thlas. Befallen von Fungus: Albugo candida (= white rust) is a species from family Albuginaceae/Hyaloperonospora parasitica.

Dark brownish or dark blood. Internal bleeding/haemorrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back or general bruised soreness. Uterine haemorrhages with cramps and expulsion of clots. Frequent epistaxis. Bleeding in nasal operations (passive). Haemorrhage with violent uterine colic. Haematuria.

9. Ust. Bright red or brownish/dark/pale/thin/passive oozing. Haemorrhage from uterus. Blood is bright red, partly clotted. Indicated when digital examination causes oozing

of blood. Haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged.


II. Gastrointestinal irritation

1. Agar-e. Sudden/violent longing for ice cold water > anxiety. burning PAIN in stomach/violent vomiting with anxious sensation, as if the stomach hung on threads which would be momentarily torn in 2 with ice

cold sweat of face, and faintness.

2. Agar. Desires cold water, but < complaints. Sharp needle like pains in the region of liver. Abundant expulsion of flatulancy of a foetid odour (like garlic). Loose stools, a painful drawing in the region of stomach/of abdomen.

3. Agar-ph. Violent thirst: nausea: vomiting: then diarrhoea. Violent pain in epigastrium < pressure. Pain in stomach followed by vomiting. Vomiting of blood. Very frequent and bilious vomiting. Frequent, watery, bloody stool. 

4. Bol-la. Feeling in fauces as if will vomit. PAIN in stomach with loud in rumbling in abdomen.

Dull, burning distress: drawing: aching in r. lobe of liver with frontal headache. Sharp pain in liver on full inspiration. Stool

mixed with something looking like oil in large and small drops. Stools of bile, mucous and blood.

5. Bol-lu. Violent pain in epigastrium with THIRST.

6. Bol-s. Unquenchable thirst. Frightful pain in stomach. Sudden desire to vomit: No nausea between attacks. A profuse diarrhoea of blood, and of the mucous lining of the intestines.

7. Bov. Desire for cold drinks (afternoon/evening). Sensation of cold in the stomach, „As if a piece of ice“. Nausea with chilly disposition from morning till noon. Pains in the umbilical region after eating. Colic compelling the patient to bent double, relieved by eating. the first portion of the stool is hard, and the latter part thin and watery.

8. Phal. Devouring thirst. Violent vomiting with profuse salivation. Painful sensitiveness of the whole abdomen. Watery   diarroea.

9. Polyp-p. Burning in stomach and dragging in r. hypochondrium. constant DIStress in lower epigastrium causing faintness, < pressure/walking. PAIN in epigastrium all morning. Pain and distress in liver and all dorsal region < walking.  stools ran from bowels in deep yellow stream.

10. Russ. Nausea, colic, vomiting and diarrhoa.

11. Sec. Burning insatiable thirst. Great anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensibility to touch. Excessive painful sensibility. Continous nausea, < after eating. Easy vomiting. Vomiting of food/lumbrici/mucous/blood etc. Inflammation and gangrene of liver (enlarged). Painful colic with convulsions. Diarrhoea with sudden prostration of strength. Involuntary   evacuations. Haemorrhage from bowels.

12. Sol-t-ae. Burning thirst. Pain in stomach after eating with red face after breakfast. Gulping up after eating. „As if a spring were unfold in l. hypochondrium“. Painfulness of the abdomen to contact along the median line. Has to strain for stool until tears come. protrusion # retraction of rectum during stool, with feeling of chilliness of body.  

13. Thlas. Cramping pain in stomach. Sick faint feeling. Gall stone colic. Liver affection secondary to uterine conditions. pain

between end of sternum and umbilcus, like needles or an electric shock. Sever cramping pain > bending over.

14. Tor. Soreness all over abdomen. Pains shift. Sour/yeasty/mouldy odour from discharges.

15. Ust. Thirst at night. Cutting pain in stomach. Pain on full inspiration/in epigastrium with drawing/in joints of fingers/“As if

intestines tied in knots“/in r. lobe of liver. Distress in afternoon > eating. Passive venous haematemesis with nausea > vomiting.


III. Paraesthesia

1. Agar. „As if pierced by cold or hot needles“. Neuralgias „As if cold needles run through the nerves“/“As if cold or cold weight on parts“.

2. Bol-s. Sudden sensation through all the limbs „As if would be attacked with apoplexy“. 

3. Bov. Multiple neuritis with tingling and numbness.

4. Polyp-p. Soles of feet and heels feel as if pounded: < when boots on.

5. Sec. „As if burning“/“As if sparks in the whole body“/“As if walking on velvet“. Numb, insufferable tingling, crawling starting in face/on back/in limbs/in finger tips > rubbing.

6. Sol-t-ae. „As if water splashing on head“/“As if something sticking in throat“/“As if a fleshy growth in throat“/“As if a spring unrolled in l. hypochondrium“/“As if some thing becoming detached from sacrum“.

7. Tor. Hands cold like ice and go to sleep easily.

8. Ust. Sensation „As if something under the root of tongue pressing upward“.


IV Varying skin manifestations.

Agar. chilblain-like itching, burning, red-purplish discoloration > warmth.

Bov. varied skin eruptions (eczema/urticaria).

Sec. the discoloration and burning progress to gangrene, pain > cold.

Ust. loss of hair with + eruptions of the scalp, scald-headl.


V Headaches run through the pictures, few without headache.

Agar. headaches (ice-cold needles). Vertigo

Bov. headache and sensation of enlargement of the head. Vertigo

Sec. Migraine. Vertigo.


Individual rare remedies

1. Agaricin. Phthisical and other enervating night sweats. Chorea. Dilatation of heart with pulmonary emphysema, fatty degeneration, SWEAT and erythema. Konvulsionen.

2. Agar-e. Cold water gradual > anxiety. Violent pains in stomach/violent vomiting + „As if stomach hung on threads“ which would be momentarily torn in two, with ice cold sweat of face, and faintness < moving

the head. < by smelling vinegar (is unbearable). All symptoms > by cold water.

3. Agar-p. Staggers „As if intoxicated“/with odd gesticulations/labours to express his sufferings but cannot artculate a syllable. Cholera like symptoms with PROStration and hippocratic face. Fatty degeneration of

liver, heart and kidneys. Continuous urging for stool, but no gastric abdominal or rectal pain. Lethargic but, mentally clear. Sharp changes from rapid to slow and from slow to rapid breathing.

4. Bol-la. Head feels light and hollow. Yawns and stretches when chilly. Hot and dry skin (palms). Itching more between scapulae and on forearms.

5. Bol-lu. Violent pain in epigastrium. Urticaria tuberosa.

6. Bol-s. Vomiting without nausea. Frightful pain in stomach. Dysentery.

Sudden sensation through all his limbs as if he would be attacked with apoplexy.

7. Muscarin. Has much power over secretions (tears/salivary/sweat)/less urin

8. Phal. Gastro-enteralgia. Violent vomiting with profuse salivation. Painful sensitiveness of whole abdomen. Profuse viscid perspiration. 

9. Polyp-p. Despondency with the pain. Enlarged tonsils with disphagia and constant inclination to swallow. Constant very severe distress in lower epigastrium, causing faintness: < by pressure and by walking. Prolapsus ani. Rheumatic pains in every part of body < in damp weather.

10. Russ. Chorea. Pupils at one time normal, at another dialted, at another contracted. Patient could hear but was completely blind. Involuntary micturition.

11. Sol-t-ae. Prolapse of rectum. Offensive breath and odour of body. Tumours of rectum looking like decayed potato. Dreams of pools of blood. < smelling alcohol. Cold water causes a sense of oppression and shock.

12. Tor. Headache < constipation. Sour, yeasty, mouldy odour from discharges.

Hands cold like ice and go to sleep easily. Recurrent boils. Itching eczema around ankles. Tinea versicolor



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