Comparison Asterales Asteridae and Rosidea Rosales


The plants of the Rosidea










and Asteridae [Hartriegelartige (Cornales)

             Heidekrautartige (Ericales)

             Raublattgewächse (Boraginaceae), Icacinaceae, Oncothecaceae, Vahliaceae


Enzianartige (Gentianales)

Lippenblütlerartige (Lamiales)

Nachtschattenartige (Solanales)

Bruniaceae, Columelliaceae, Desfontainiaceae, Escalloniaceae, Paracryphiaceae

Stechpalmenartige (Aquifoliales)

Doldenblütlerartige (Apiales)

Asternartige (Asterales)

Kardenartige (Dipsacales)]

Both Superorders have mania and stupor in common.

The Rosidae state of stupor or mania can extend to enstrangement, misanthropy, contempt and violence/are extremely violent and very defensive.

Many have thorns as a defence strategy.

Ricin, the most deadly poison in this Superorder comes from the Euphorbiaceae. It has been used for the most hidious (= abscheulich) and warlike purposes.

The Asteridae exhibit a selfishness and sensitivity that turns to excitement and hysteria. They tend to use paralysing poisons as a defence mechanism.

The result, which is the opposite polarity of sensitivity and hysteria, is a dreamy state where mental exertion is impossible.



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