Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + anderen


[Liesl Pistorius]

Minimum characteristic syndrome:

As suggested by Candagabe the small group of symptoms that form the „minimum characteristic syndrome have been selected from those that represent the main themes summarised above:


1. Mind “As if paralyzed”

2. Limbs awkward - stumbling when walking

3. Numb externally

Depression and sadness

4. despair/withdrawal

5. “As if separated from the world”

6. < after morning on waking

Tiredness and weakness

7. Weary/nervous excitability

8. Lack of vital heat

9. Sensitive to all external impressions

10. Sleepless


A repertorisation of the ten symptoms chosen as representing the essence of Chamael-d. as described above, produced the following results.

remedies from the animal kingdom: Helo. Lach.

remedies from the plant kingdom: Con. Agar.

remedies from the mineral kingdom: Phos. Hydrog.



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