Comparison Folliculinum and Others


[Christina Ari]

First I want to talk about the necessary differentiation of both the nosodes Carcinosinum and Folliculinum:

Carcinosinum tries hard to be obliging and fulfil duties properly to avoid conflicts. The aim is to avoid its own shortcomings, his shade to be seen as a possible form of expression of being.

Out from this avoidance life is not perceived in its entirety. This inner separation leads to illness.

Carcinosinum refers to a neglected self, a lack of integration of negative aspects of being. Self is compulsively sacrificed, an expression of an unsurpassable conflict mirroring the struggle`

against it self `, leading primarily into demolition.

Folliculinum excessively surpasses its obliging and dutiful behaviour to be able to better express and be aware of its own self. There is no relation to its own individual rhythms of life, life

only functions in complete dependency.

Folliculinum already has lost its `self. The attempt to compensate by encountering life with utmost devotion and selflessness leads into deeper deficiency and finally into a state of reduced ability

to regenerate. This picture mirrors a struggle `for itself`, leading primarily into a chronic form of suffering.

Now let me compare Folliculinum to other close or related remedies:

Discerning nosodes, it is essential to find out whether a deficiency based diatheses is present or not.

Thyreoidinum. as well as Medorrhinum can be very similar.

Animal remedies follow sorted according to similarity.

Concerning female remedies De Mattos called Lachesis to be the closest remedy, finding the following: Excitability # depression, extreme sensitivity to contact and > by menstrual flow.

In Folliculinum we do not find: Laterality, or < from sleep, on the contrary < during ovulation.

M. Assilem: Lachesis does the draining, Folliculinum gets drained. Elaps and Cenchris are close related as well as other snake remedies..

Sepia is very close, but the cycle modalities are stronger in Folliculinum. Sea remedies. depending to rhythm, in general relate to Foll., Calc. and Asterias rubens.

Plants: Lilium tigrinum, Staphisagria, Ignatia, Aristolochia, Pulsatilla and Cyclamen are close.

Minerals: Natrium muriaticum, Samarium muriaticum, all the muriaticums and lacticums could be compared as well as Lanthanides and remedies out of the silver-serie.

Granit has aggravation at ovulation. Kalium carbonicum shows the weakness.

How to prescribe?

Over the past ten years of intense studies with this remedy, functional and miasmatic prescriptions of Folliculinum have become more common to me. In this way (complemented by a Simile) the nosode accompanies chronic recoveries.

This method has proven to be successful with many patients and resulted in lasting recovery.

Foubister already experienced good effects giving Folliculinum 3 - 4 days before an individually selected constitutional remedy.

Exclusive prescription provides a solution with iatrogenic induced cycle disorders, as already explained before. According to its properties I rhythmically administer the remedy in case of chronic states, which can be seen in connection with hormonal disorders, mostly in C potencies; the level of the potency is always chosen according to the individual case.

If the remedy is to be prescribed solely according to the simile nature, the most satisfying recoveries can be observed. In such cases, fluxion- and Q-potencies have proven to be successful.

Folliculinum and Miasma:

Now I would like to talk about the superior meaning of Folliculinum in a miasmatic sense. In 2010 the birth control pill celebrated its 50th aniversery. 3 generations of women in industrialized countries have made use of it. Millions of

[Christina Ari]

First I want to talk about the necessary differentiation of both the nosodes Carcinosinum and Folliculinum:

Carcinosinum tries hard to be obliging and fulfil duties properly to avoid conflicts. The aim is to avoid its own shortcomings, his shade to be seen as a possible form of expression of being.

Out from this avoidance life is not perceived in its entirety. This inner separation leads to illness.

Carcinosinum refers to a neglected self, a lack of integration of negative aspects of being. Self is compulsively sacrificed, an expression of an unsurpassable conflict mirroring the struggle`

against it self `, leading primarily into demolition.

Folliculinum excessively surpasses its obliging and dutiful behaviour to be able to better express and be aware of its own self. There is no relation to its own individual rhythms of life, life

only functions in complete dependency.

Folliculinum already has lost its `self. The attempt to compensate by encountering life with utmost devotion and selflessness leads into deeper deficiency and finally into a state of reduced ability

to regenerate. This picture mirrors a struggle `for itself`, leading primarily into a chronic form of suffering.

Now let me compare Folliculinum to other close or related remedies:

Discerning nosodes, it is essential to find out whether a deficiency based diatheses is present or not.

Thyreoidinum as well as Medorrhinum can be very similar.

Animal remedies follow sorted according to similarity.

Concerning female remedies De Mattos called Lachesis to be the closest remedy, finding the following: Excitability # depression, extreme sensitivity to contact and > by menstrual flow.

In Folliculinum we do not find: Laterality, or < from sleep, on the contrary < during ovulation.

M. Assilem: Lachesis does the draining, Folliculinum gets drained. Elaps and Cenchris are close related as well as other snake remedies..

Sepia is very close, but the cycle modalities are stronger in Folliculinum. Sea remedies. depending to rhythm, in general relate to Foll., Calc. and Asterias rubens.

Plants: Lilium tigrinum, Staphisagria, Ignatia, Aristolochia, Pulsatilla and Cyclamen are close.

Minerals: Natrium muriaticum, Samarium muriaticum, all the muriaticums and lacticums could be compared as well as Lanthanides and remedies out of the silver-serie.

Granit has aggravation at ovulation. Kalium carbonicum shows the weakness.

How to prescribe?

Over the past ten years of intense studies with this remedy, functional and miasmatic prescriptions of Folliculinum have become more common to me. In this way (complemented by a Simile) the nosode accompanies chronic recoveries.

This method has proven to be successful with many patients and resulted in lasting recovery.

Foubister already experienced good effects giving Folliculinum 3 - 4 days before an individually selected constitutional remedy.

Exclusive prescription provides a solution with iatrogenic induced cycle disorders, as already explained before. According to its properties I rhythmically administer the remedy in case of chronic states, which can be seen in connection with hormonal disorders, mostly in C potencies; the level of the potency is always chosen according to the individual case.

If the remedy is to be prescribed solely according to the simile nature, the most satisfying recoveries can be observed. In such cases, fluxion- and Q-potencies have proven to be successful.

Folliculinum and Miasma:

Now I would like to talk about the superior meaning of Folliculinum in a miasmatic sense. In 2010 the birth control pill celebrated its 50th aniversery. 3 generations of women in industrialized countries have made use of it. Millions of women have avoided experiencing their own individual female rhythm, the basis of their creativity, and do not realize that they are victims of the drug.

In striving for liberation from paternalism, they haven fallen prey to deceitful carelessness, which eventually leads to taking possession of female sex again.

This attempt to escape is understandable, taking the role which has been imposed on women over countless generations by the dogmas of world religions.

Women have been reduced to the caring form of expression of their being, giving birth to and taking care of ten or even more children, definitely missing a steady cycle.

They were for the most part refused to be seen as rational beings and therefore not considered to have leading capacity.

Thousands of years of suppression of individual and creative possibilities for development of women all around the world can primarily be seen as a taking of possession of femality.

Folliculinum therefore is an expression of lost matriarchy, combining a desperate strife for rehabilitation. The general impact on our health induced by increasingly incontrollable hormone

substitution and genetic engineering in animal breeding, though leading to an appreciated worldwide rise in production, can not be neglected either. Hormones pass our food, are excreted through

our liver and kidneys, go back into the water supply and are reintroduced into the circle, as they cannot be filtered out. We are under a constantly growing hormonal exposure.

Out of this hormonal pollution and in connection with taking synthetic hormones over centuries, hormonal misuse has become part of our lives and has to be considered a mayor risk to our health

at present and even more in the future.

The rise in breast cancer and cervical dysplasia is alarming. In Austria one out of eight women develops a malignant breast tumour. The fertility rate in so called industrialized countries is constantly

decreasing symptoms such as endometriosis and PCO syndrome are on the rise.

Not only women are afflicted by this phenomenon, disorders in spermatogenesis probably induced by oestrogen can be observed with men. The sperms are too slow, too small in number or deformed. Whether environmental pollution or the taking of the pill by their mothers before pregnancy is the cause can not absolutely be differentiated.

In this context, I would also like to mention the Burn Out Syndrome which affects both sexes and has been on the increase over the past years. It is terrible to see how many people suffer from

chronic stress.



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