Comparison Lacs


Milk contains many essential vitamins and minerals, milk is the nourishment which newborns depend on for a healthy start in life. This is undoubtedly truer within the animal kingdom.

The milk of the female of the species is essential to the survival of her offspring, and ultimately to the survival of the species as a whole. Within the animal kingdom, survival is also dependent

on the ability of the species to defend themselves from other predators, and from mans’ need or greed, (as with dairy herds in the UK), or plain fear. On reading up of the milk remedies it is interesting to see how various themes which emerged through the provings of the milk remedies may be associated with the animals present situation, the strength and fears of the species,

and also their behaviour within their own particular societies.

In several of them there is an issue of some kind with milk. Expressed as desire, aggravation or aversion. weakness on the physical level

Theme: Falling is found.



Lac Caninum = Dog

ForgetFUL (leaves purchases and walks away without/makes mistakes when speaking or writing, using the wrong words and missing letters. Over-sensitivity on all levels. Can fly into a rage with cursing and swearing from slightest cfause.

Changing sides: sore throat 1. one side, 2.  otherside (Rheuma in the ankles will be painful on alternating sides/headache and ovarian pain change sides). LACK of confidence; body feels ugly and imagine that being insulted, heaping the feelings of worth-lessness. Had a difficult childhood and that these difficulties can give rise to LACK of self confidence. Delusion often epitomises the central disturbance of the individual. Very passionate, very lascivious. Can be quite aggressive/defensive. Feels like are going insane yet they are very aware of it and fearful of it. Sankaran contends that the remedy (similar to the domesticated dog) has been totally controlled and civilised so that it has to suppress its basic animal nature and can only express its controlled, civilised side. Fear: of snakes (delusions involving snakes/dreams of snakes). May be of USE when a mother has lost her child during the stage when she was still breast feeding and it has become necessary to dry up the milk.

Craving for milk (have a headache even the thought of milk will make them sick).

May have falling as causation.


Lac Defloratum = skimmed cows

Made sick from milk. Kent says, ‘ much can be learned by mediating upon the milk constitution; some may think there is a difference of importance between milk skimmed and new milk, but for all practical purposes the skimmed milk is sufficient and cures the oversensitiveness to milk, if used in high potency’. ChilLY and sensiTIVE to draughts (nothing will warm)/WEAK/fatigue from slightest motion. Low nutritional status of the person; unable to assimilate their food, will completely lose their appetite. DESpondent and will want to know what is the quickest and quietest way to commit suicide. No fear of death but are sure they are going to die. WEAK physically and mentally: As with many of the other milk remedies the mind of this person has grown weak, ‘listlessness and disinclination for either bodily or mental exertion, loss of memory. There is great sadness with this remedy, and the Lac Defloratum patient does not want to see or speak to anybody. It is as if they cannot bear the suffering any longer and wish to die. AverSION to milk, drinking milk gives a sick headache.

Lac Felinum = cats milk, craving or aversion to milk

Fear of falling down the stairs, without an accompanying feeling of vertigo. of sharp or pointed objects. ‘Mental illusion that corners of furniture, or any pointed object near her were about to run into her eyes; the symptom is purely mental, the objects do not appear to her sight to be too close’. The cat has an instinct to be wild and even though it has been raised as a domestic pet, will often bring chewed up birds and other creatures into the family home, ‘ a desire to be pampered as opposed to desire to be independent’. This remedy may also be indicated in cases where there has been incest or a rape. Dreams of sexual intercourse; many dreams of being pursued for rape, even by relatives.



Lac Humanum

a desire or aversion or an aggravation from milk.

Lac Loxodonta farican, African elephant has its

very existence threatened through being maimed

or killed by humans for their ivory tusks.

Themes: murder and violence, terrible dreams.

‘I do not want to fight, but I have to or I will die’.

A sensation of  timelessness with this remedy,

a spaced out feeling, a strange sensation of mental

fuzziness. Time feels like passing too slowly or it

is distorted in some way.

Trouble finding things due to the dullness on the

mental level and difficulty in thinking.

I was surprised, as the elephant is an animal that we

associate with a good memory, ‘elephants never forget’.

Elephants also after one or more of their group have

been killed are able to stand on the same spot a year

later and ‘mourn’ for the dead.



Lac lupinum.: Wolves very family orientated, living

together in packs ranging in size between 3 - 24 members/

led by a dominant pair (alpha male and female)/usually

mated for life and take responsibility for the rest of the pack. Intelligent and proud, has not enjoyed kindness from

mankind, and has been hunted, (predominantly through

fear and superstition), almost to extinction.

Wants to protect children, or of feeling an unreasonable

amount of concern towards children (dreams and everyday life).

This feeling extends to wanting to help others who are less


May be critiCAL, wanting to blame others An element of

confusion , repeatedly losing their keys, wallets and purses.

Interesting that through either dreams or in reality, the provers

aware of dangerous liquids and holes in the legs of their stockings. Wolf often shot at, or else poisoned with strychnine-treated bait.

“As if dying” of feeling that one does not have the strength to

go on. Wolf has been battling for a long time against the odds, to avoid complete extinction.



Lac caprinum. goats’ milk, Fear of falling. The goat is very sure-footed creature, ‘wild goats live in dry, rocky region with little water, unlike the ibex, another member of the Capra species, they are not marked mountain dwellers. Can climb to great heights’.

Fear of being taken by surprise/FEAR of being pointed at, with a finger or a sharp object. Response to fear is to avoid it. Like it’s source, the goat, this person will try and find a high social position where they have control, and ‘no-one can get me while I am up here’ kind of attitude. Become so dependent on this high position that a fear of falling is an almost inevitable consequence. Vermeulen: ‘this falling and degrading must be prevented. One of the means to prevent it is to be just ahead of it by hiding, camouflaging, deluding, deceiving, telling lies, so that you cannot be caught in the very act’. A state of indifference may ensue, serving as a mechanism not to have to face reaching the high position, which would ultimately lead to a fall. This remedy may also experience strong sexual urges, but is very fearful of these, almost uncontrollable, feelings. This leads to suppression and prudish behaviour, ‘This fear is not founded on sympathy with your victim, or moral scruples, but only on the possible consequences of being caught in the act and thereby losing your position’. Consistent with the social climbing, dreams involving staircases.



Comparison Lacs and others


Another remedy that often has activist tendencies is


Both types are prone to suffer great indignation at injustice, and both types tend to be community-minded. Let us look briefly at the differences between Lacs and

Ammonium salts.

1st the Lac issues of abandonment and feeling unsupported are not prominent in Ammonium cases.

2nd Ammoniums tend to have clearer boundaries than Lacs, both in terms of knowing when to say ‘No,’ and in terms of psychic empathy.

3rd Ammoniums do not try to please like Lacs do. And finally, the ambivalence seen in many Lac cases, born of a deep psychic split, is not seen in Ammonium cases.


is another remedy that is known for its activist inclinations. Here the similarity with Lac is less. With Causticum, advocacy is not personal. In other words, he is not fighting for victims

because he felt a victim himself.

2nd Causticum tends to be detached most of the time, without being split in a pathological sense. Lac, on the other hand, is very emotional, but may become detached as a result of a

pathological split.

Push and Pull

One area where ambivalence is seen very often in Lac cases is in romantic relationships. Only the relationship with the mother is more fraught with danger and filled with more opportunities

for healing.

Lacs approach romantic relationships from one of two directions.

Either extremely wary, and slow to warm to the other person, or they jump in heedlessly. This-all or-nothing approach is expressed at many points in the relationship, because Lac people

are pulled so strongly towards and away from intimacy. When they finally fall, they fall hard, and then they can switch from aloofness to being clingy and dependent.

It is common for a Lac person to state that they have been clingy in some relationships, and aloof in others. The middle ground of open adult relating is not so easy to maintain, since the

early dynamics of reaching out for, or pulling away from mother, are so strong.

The Lac individual often finds herself caring for her partner. She may have chosen a partner who needs help, such as an alcoholic, in which case she will give and give until she feels resentful

that she is getting little back. Or she may adopt the role of parent to a man who is emotionally immature. By looking after him, she wins his love, but fails to achieve true intimacy.

After taking the indicated Lac remedy, many individuals begin to see their co-dependency more clearly, and move toward healthier relating.


There are many similarities between Lac remedies and Natriums and Ignatia.

However, one important difference is the strength of personal boundaries. These are strong in the case of Natrium and Ignatia, weak in Lac cases.

Again we can postulate the origins of these weak boundaries as arising from the early experience of failure to bond adequately to the mother. A newborn child has no sense of boundaries.

Through bonding to the mother, it gradually learns that it is not its mother; that she is a separate entity. In the process, the child learns that it has boundaries, which separate it from the world,

and from other people.

When bonding to the mother is weak, these lessons are not learned so distinctly. The child continues to try to merge with the mother, and hence differentiation is not completed. This results

in indistinct personal boundaries in Lac individuals (as it does in Boron individuals, who seem to go through similar dynamics at birth).

Weakness of personal boundaries expresses itself in several ways in Lac cases. First of all, Lac people are extremely empathetic. They actually feel the feelings of other people, through a kind

of psychic osmosis.

In this sense Lacs. resemble Phosphorus and Carcinosinum. Like the latter, many Lac people become healers and therapists, and they struggle to keep their feelings separate from their


2nd Lac people are co-dependent, which means they cannot separate their own responsibilities from those of others. As a result they tend to take on too many responsibilities. And when they

fail to fulfill a responsibility that was not theirs in the first place, they feel guilty.

Since Lac people never feel secure in their family of origin, it follows that they will easily feel guilty. When you know deep down that you belong, you do not fear that by making a mistake

you will be expelled. It is this fear that Hellinger has shown to be behind most personal guilt).

There is a lot of similarity between Carcinosinum and Lac cases (very close to Lac felinum).

Suffice for now to note that the principal issue for Carcinosinum is the search for Self, whereas for Lac it is the search for connection to others.


[Alifiya Dedanwala]

Report on a seminar on Lac Remedies held in Mumbai, at which Drs. RajanSankaran, Jayesh Shah, SujitChatterjee, Mahesh Gandhi, Paresh Vasani, Dinesh Chauhan and Shekhar Algundgi presented.

A remarkable three day National Mega Seminar was held at the Birla Matoshree Sabhagriha at Marine lines, Mumbai on 7, 8 and 9 of September’18, organized and

marketed by the team of ‘the other song’ International Academy and Clinic of Advanced Homeopathy.

The seminar gave some interesting understanding of the Lac Remedies. Dr. Massimo Mangialavori was a special guest speaker from Italy. He is an internationally

renowned teacher and practitioner who has recently published a book called “Milk Remedies” based on 14 Lac remedies.

 [Dr. Sankaran]

Introduction to the Animal kingdom and its differentiation from plants and minerals. Dr. Sankaran cited a list of different rubrics from the repertory that gave a holistic understanding of mammalian group of remedies that enabled him to derive the ‘sensation’ in mammals. He described a strong maternal instinct with a need to belong or be a part of a group, as one’s security lies within the group, and the price that one pays for it by submitting his/her freedom.

Besides this a strong maternal instinct, to nurture, care, protection and competition/hierarchy within the group or outside were some distinguishing features to take note

of. He also quoted a few examples such as a dream of cousins, we see 3 Lac remedies- Lac humanum, Lac lupinum and Lac maternum. This could be understood

further as cousins are someone who don’t belong to the immediate family but are a part of a larger family. Another such rubric was forsaken by friends where we see Lac humanum, Lac leoninum, Lac maternum and here again we see the theme of being removed or thrown out of the group. Commonly seen problems in mammals included issues with menses and lactation.

[Dr. Massimo Mangialavori]

A systematic organization of his cases and gave a brief overview of his method, based on the extensive research over 33 years of clinical practice, and on clinical results of cases he had cured using those remedies. He broadly classified Lacs based on:

    Wild and Domesticated

    Prey and Predator


    Chemical components

    Pregnancy period

    Number of babies

    Size of the head

    Mammals taxonomy

He stressed the issue of headaches commonly seen in mammals, different sizes of their heads, the position of nipples wherein for some it is located on the chest and

some over their abdomen. He identified different characteristic themes among mammals and established a better understanding with human expressions. He gave

some interesting insights into remedies like Lac assinum, Lac glama or jama, Lac equinum, Lac ovis.

He meticulously explained expressions of each of them where in Lac assinum we get the impression of someone going through intolerable suffering, yet one continues

to bear it. They act dumb and annoying, but that is a way of seeking attention from the group. We see here passive aggression, self devaluation, not as good as others

which is seen in the rubric ‘Delusion-he is doing useless work’.

Next we see Lac glama with a similar kind of suffering like in Lac assinum, but here they are more resilient, enduring and also we see stoicism. They are revolutionary

but they show they can endure whatever you do to them. Here the idea of being a revolutionary is inside and not outside, and the feeling is, “You can torture me but

you cannot change me from inside.” Also, a strong sense of oblativity, which is being conscious of one’s sense of duty and service.

Lac equinum on the other hand possesses s strong sense of duty and can never go against the will of his master. You can see someone who is honest, intelligent and submissive to his master. When one sees his values match with his master then he completely devotes himself. Lac ovis possessing a sense of conformity and doing what the masses do. These people are highly irresolute about everything and go where the tide goes. Not having a mind of their own and want to be identified in the crowd so their survival is through camouflage. Clinically correlating, we see wandering and migrating pains, disorientation just like in the mind state.

[Dr. Paresh Vasani]

24-year-old woman who came with belching, acne and difficulty in communicating. She received Lac defloratum as her remedy, portraying the qualities of a meek,

helpless and nervous person with no say or choice of her own. This case stresses the hand gestures made by the patients while describing a particular phenomena.

She beautifully showed circular motion of her finger to depict boredom from a mundane job.

As a known fact cows were used to Plodder in the fields and went round and round for hours together doing the same work all day. This observation was used

to confirm her remedy with her fundamental feeling of being abused, tortured, troubled, dominated and suppressed by someone superior which as a whole fit the mammalian theme. Dr. Vasani emphasized going to the level of experience and source in case-taking, which then enables us to locate a simillimum which gives

healing at the deepest level.  Dr. Vasani also shared insights into the survival (prey and predator) qualities of mammals.

To conclude and summarize the first day, we had Dr. Sankaran who gave a comprehensive understanding of the proving he conducted of remedies like Lac caprinum,

Lac defloratum, Lac leoninum and Lac humanum. Some interesting highlights from the same are as follows.

    Need for space seen in Lac caprinum was very marked with fear of sharp teeth, sensitivity around the neck, butting, need to push to create his space, and need

to go to a higher place for safety were some of the distinguishing features.

    Theme of dirty, abuse, violence, helpless, being neglected, fear of sudden danger with horror of shut places were some symptoms that came in the proving

symptoms of Lac defloratum.

    Desire to smash, crash, pounce and jump were some of the words the provers of Lac leoninum Here we see someone who is highly ambition, will fight to finish

and not submit.

    Conflict between spiritualism and materialism, of selfishness versus selflessness, or doing things for themselves versus doing for the community, were important

themes seen in the proving of Lac humanum.

[Dr. Jayesh Shah]

Presented a case of a 40-year-old mother, dentist by profession suffering with profuse menses, fibroids, varicose veins and a lot of emotional and mental complaints. She was anxious about her daughter who was suffering from SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Through the case, he explained the concept of the mammalian brain which has primarily to do with the limbic system which controls our emotions and feelings. Her qualities of being resilient, enduring as much pain as possible, being calm in difficult situations, idealism, care-giving and resourcefulness along with a feeling of being trapped in an emotional urge to help, indicated Bubalus bubalis (remedy from buffalo milk) in her case. Dr. Shah also said that the main sensations in this remedy as seen in several cases are a pulled down, dragging, lodged down sensation. This aspect was confirmed in the patient’s experience in her chief complaint where she experienced the pain as something being dragged and pulled down.

In Indian culture the buffalo’s milk is widely used for drinking and preparing milk products like ghee and curd. Therefore, he believes this medicine could be of great

use in Indian homeopathic practice. Interestingly, in this case the patient had increased sensitivity towards odors during her pregnancy where she could easily smell

ghee being used in neighbor’s house or curd turning sour from a distance. Dr. Shah finely differentiated other remedies from the cattle family such as Lac defloratum,

Lac vaccinum, Lac vaccinum coagulatum, Lac vaccinum flos, Lac oxinum and Lactic acid. In his understanding, we see a lot of abuse, violence, torture in Lac defloratum wherein the person succumbs to the pain often leading to depression and loneliness, whereas in Bubalus bubalis (= water buffalo) we see a lot of resilience, strength to endure and withstand pain and suffering.

He spoke about another case of a young woman with PCOD. She came with intense state of anger with trembling of hands. Her main experience was a lot of vocal abuse from in laws, being ill-treated, unwanted and controlled. She was constantly demeaned and rejected due to her obesity. She had violent fights with her husband where she would strike him. She felt unloved, uncared for and rejected by her husband, in-laws and parents. She felt her parents got her married early as they didn’t want her.

She received Thyroidinum (medicine prepared from the thyroid gland of sheep or cow). Chronic persecution, chronic neglect, void, hateful, great violence, fights,

hysteria, quarrelsomeness, disgust with themselves, self-violence are some of underlining symptoms of this remedy. Interestingly she had dreams of a joker; wicked joker making evil faces at her, smiling with dirty looks, scaring her and haunting her, so the persecuted feeling was not only at the emotional level but also at the dreams or delusional level. The thyroid gland is a composition of ammonia, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and iodine. This justifies the attachment with parents like in ammonia and carbon, the violence and persecuted feeling like in nitrogen and the intense hate and anger seen in iodine.

[Dr. Sujit Chatterjee]

He presented a case of a lady diagnosed with oligodendroglioma who came with left sided jerks on account of the right sided tumor. A perfectionist by nature,

loving and extremely hardworking person who could pull off 18-20 hours of work a day with her main feeling of being dominated and oppressed by people.

She felt taken advantage of and that she was useless and worthless and worked harder and harder to compensate that. She received Lac asinum (donkey’s milk)

for the feeling of being worthless, stupid, inferior, helpless, forsaken and dreams of travel. Other symptoms included dreams of snakes, suffered wrong, confusion

and obedient. A symptom worth taking note in Lac assinum is they are sure-footed as they travel long distances with heavy loads on them. We also see lot of

repressed anger in this remedy as seen by Dr Massimo, which was understood very well in the patient’s dream of blasts at petrol pump with barrels blasting.

[Dr. Mahesh Gandhi]

A case of Rattus rattus given to a boy who came with this feeling of being primitive and others are bigger than him and he is small. He had dreams of being black

and was being thrown out of a black community. He had fear of snakes and worms.

When he was asked to describe his doodle (a scribble on paper that does not have any structure but is spontaneously done), he felt as though he was trying to climb

a sky-scraper but was unable as he was too small and could not hold tightly. Some interesting facts about Rattusrattus are love for food; they are very close to

humans, constantly nibbling or munching on whatever they get and being clever. He highlighted some proving symptoms of the remedy conducted by Dr Jayesh

Shah as follows:

    Insensitivity, want of urgency, not feeling suffering of others, indifference

    Sexual immorality, increased desire

    Fear of narrow and hot places

    Fear of being caught

    Fear being alone

    Fear of lonely places

    Fear of being lost

    Rejected by others

    Instant gratification

    No sense of hygiene

Another case he described was of a 23 year old woman who came with difficulty in communication, maintaining eye contact and state of intense fear before every

semester. She was afraid she will go mad as her brother was already suffering from depression and she felt she may fall a victim too. She experienced this feeling

every time she would approach her exams and soon after they were over she would feel fine.

An incident of her father suffering from myocardial infarct in childhood brought about a similar state of fear in her. The fear was of being kidnapped in the absence

of her father.  Irresolution over trifles, confusion about her sexuality, fear of separation from family, fear of being kidnapped and other mammalian qualities indicated Lac ovinum (sheep milk) in her case on which she did beautifully.

[Dr. Massimo]

Lac ovis do not use their own minds and rely on others for their decisions. They do not have their individuality and their survival mechanism is by camouflage. defenceless, naïve, innocent, easily influenced, shy, withdrawn, feeling of inadequacy, changeable, desire to conform, stupidity, vulnerability, exhausted, forsaken

are some of the expressions one can look for when thinking of Lac ovis.

[Dr. Dinesh Chauhan]

Shared a case of ankylosing spondylosis in a 50-year-old male. One of the most interesting and gripping cases was of a highly ambitious business man, who apparently

wanted to be the biggest and achieve the highest position in his business and on the other side, was a very aggressive, powerful and revengeful person capable of

smashing anyone in front of him.

With a killer instinct, facing every situation fearlessly and not running away from it, trying to overcome every problem coming his way with bravery and agility, his

entire life story was inspired by the honey badger. His thoughts and actions in every difficult situation of his life were influenced by the honey badger. He further

spoke of how at every stage of his life he had applied the principles of the honey badger and succeeded in his strategies and how he also uses them to overcome problems in his business.

He received Meles meles (prepared from the blood of honey badger) as his remedy. Being unbiased and open to any possibility in the case is something worth

learning here. A practitioner should not be fixated on the remedies known to him but be prepared for the unknown and always check for the bit that does not fit.

The art of case taking to pick up the verbs/action words described by the patient and taking it further from there was beautifully elicited by Dr. Shekhar Algundgi

through a spectacular case of PCOD in a 25-year-old woman. Her only desire in life was to be a mother and have lots of children, twins, triplets and quadruplets

and featured a strong maternal instinct. She felt dominated by her father in law with a lot of anger, vehemence and desire to kill him and rip him apart.

It is interesting to see how Dr. Shekhar puts himself in the background and modulates his voice to a very soft tone in order to bring out the state of the patient.

In the experience level, the patient describes herself as the ‘king of the jungle’, where nobody but she can have their say, and everyone around her is supposed to

be submissive with feelings of being a super thing where nobody can come near her.

Further she talks about claws, pouncing, roaring loudly out of anger, ruling the jungle, being the ultimate, glowing like a powerful lion, being the supreme most, one

who cannot be challenged, pride and potency, breaking the den and coming out and so on… on the basis of which she received Lac leoninum as a remedy.

Interestingly in her dreams, she saw herself kissing, cuddling and patting lions as though they were family. She felt a sense of comfort and pride in the dream.

Another aspect to learn from this case was even if you are very clear about the remedy in one area, for example at the level of delusion, it is very important to check

if it were coming up in other areas of the patient’s life. This will certainly help us be surer of the remedy.

His second case was of a 28-year-old woman with tendency to day dreaming. Using the Sensation method, Dr. Shekhar elicited her experience of being a small burrowing creature residing in a cave or hole-like structure. Bushy furry tail, blind like a mole, burrowing, hidden, weak and defenseless were some of the source words for which she got Mephitis as her remedy.

[Dr. Massimo]

Lac loxodonta Africans(African elephant) and Lac suis. His understanding of Lac loxodonta Africans was of someone who has to give up upon his own will and

desire for the sake of community. The community for him is stability, security and protection and that they are nothing without it. Some distinguishing features are solidity, heaviness, slowness, inhibited anger, fullness, retention etc. In case of Lac suis we see lot of avoidance, opposition, victimization, outcast feeling, anger and impotency. They seek pleasure through food. There is a need to feel free and liberated in whatever they do and they do it in a bombastic fashion. For example eating, having sex, working etc.

[Dr. Sankaran]

Summarizes the story on mammals. His key to a successful prescription was to ‘Be sure and exact’. He also stressed that the state could be expressed in the pathology,

symptom, mind, dream, situation and fears and that each of them should be thoroughly examined to get a complete picture of the patient.

With that, he presented a case of a 45-year-old male with eczema. Strong sense of justice, fighting for the nation, family of freedom fighters, the stronger bullying the weaker and taking advantage like the boss treats his employee were some of his expressions. He received Lac humanum which has the conflict between being a career builder, someone who thinks about earning and living for himself and a nation builder, one who works in the interest of the nation.

With this wonderful case, he concluded the seminar with a song with resonance to the song of Lac-humanum, ‘Vaishnavajana to tenekahiyepidaparayijane re’ which

means call those people who feel the pain of others and help those in misery but never let self-conceit enter their mind.



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