Comparison Natrium muriaticum + Sepia


The other chief components of the Carcinosin picture come from the Natrum muriaticum and Sepia family. We see the fastidiousness and a desire for salt indicative of Natrum muriaticum, < consolation (although the opposite is as often present), sensitivity to sea air, desire for chocolate, and aversion to fats and milk of both remedies. We see the love of dancing of Sepia, as well as its childhood hyperactivity. Like both remedies, it is very easily offended. Cancer has been called the great masquerader, and so it is with its nosode. One often sees a symptom picture which is a perfect example of, say,  Tuberculinum-bovinum, like case B.J.S. at the end of this article, but which has one or two  symptoms that don't quite fit. As I have indicated, these "sore thumb" symptoms, and the  family history, often lead to the use of Carcinosin.

Sometimes one sees a case which seems to have, for example, a Phosphorus symptom group. Then a Sepia aspect and finally a Natrum muriaticum set of symptoms. Knowing this remedy, one sees its aspect as the unifying thread running through the case. Such an instance is patient C.D., whose case is quoted later on. Whitmont calls cancer, "The penalty  for the unlived life," and Wilhelm Reich referred to it as the end result of the "Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy." Natrum muriaticum and Sepia reflect these tendencies perhaps more than any other remedies, and it is significant that they should be  so closely related to this nosode. The tubercular and gonorrheal tendencies provide the groundwork or, perhaps more accurately, the miasmatic sod upon which the poisonous  seeds may germinate into the cancer miasm. It is for this reason that Carcinosin has all  these remedies hinted at in its picture. Unless one has a clear feeling for the essential  process occurring in Carcinosin, one will tend to be confused, because the remedy appears  as one type then another, and then yet another. Consider the disease itself, for a moment. Cancer may manifest in any organ, and, as a result, show itself by a wide variety of symptoms. Yet what is common to all cancers is unrestrained, chaotic growth, wherein the limitless generative energy that animates the life of the body and its cells is freed from the normal controls and results in the chaotic growth and spread of a malignant and consuming tumor throughout the affected system. Here we begin to see the process that underlies the  remedy.



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