Comparison Rodents + Insects + Molluscs


Pest.x übertragen durch Flöhe auf Nagetiere und lebt in Nagetiere


[Bhawisha Joshi]

Insects, on the other hand, have no mammal-like features. They have no intelligent communication for love, care and warmth like mammals have. Insects live in colonies and communicate through chemicals. Insects are also in row four because of this theme of doing and working – monotonous, routine working. Doing work given to them by nature and in a particular set up is an issue for them. Insect energy is more tubercular with physical restlessness – more chaotic. If she were an insect, she would have described the cocoon and the opening out of it in more detail. Here, we see that she left the cocoon and talked about being in the room on her bed.


Molluscs also have a shell and the animal inside the shell is lumpy, soft and gelatinous. They too can talk of safe structure and safe boundaries. They are very primitive with virtually no nervous system… no communication, love or warmth. ‘So long as structure is there, I am safe. I could be in danger the moment that structure is gone.’ Molluscs have a hard outer shell. Here, she says that the there is an outer thin layer, which comes off in layers. Mollusc would talk of an outer layer that is hard and an inner layer that is soft.


Rodents and rabbits (lagomorphs) have this fear of making a blunder and of criticism because criticism means people are going to attack them.

Rodents, on the other hand, will have a need for friendship, love and warmth. Eating fast goes in favour of rodents. They have to come out and eat fast and go back to their safe zones quickly; otherwise, they will be attacked. Rodents build structures (that is why they belong to row four). She says that the outer layer is thin and it comes off. It is almost like skin. This is a feature of rodents in nature, as often they are pierced by the talons of the birds of prey.



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