Comparison Salix fragilis (Sal-f) with Others


[Marisa Laguna]

Ignatia. and Salix fragilis share 1320 rubrics in the complete repertory.

Common Symptoms: alternate states, mental and emotional, changing mood

Discontented, sad, self-absorbed, dwell on the past, dwell on sadness.

Want of confidence. Irresolute, indecisive. If we study punishment, correlated to their anxiety of consciousness, Ignatia and Salix Fragilis share these delusions: that they will go crazy, that they will be criticized or persecuted, that they are pregnant, both perceive ghosts and fear thieves. They also present ailments for loss of loved ones, for unresponded love, outrage, mortification, and reproach.

Both can manifest want of sex desire and painful coition.

How they differ:

Ignatia can present symptoms related to their perception of their disease and religious themes.  Both themes are not present in Salix fragilis. Remember Ignatia fears disease or has the sensation of being sick or having a fatal disease, feeling desperate to recover and in the religious sphere: anxious about salvation, with excessive religious scruples. Ignatia is hypersensitive and paradoxical. Finds it difficult to express their suffering.

Kent says paradoxical is the opposite of expected. Ignatia is affectionate, but rejects comforting- they present constipation with soft stool or their angina gets better when eating solids. Ignatia is nostalgic, sensitive to injustice. Does not feel forsaken.  

Salix fragilis differs from Ignatia in their feeling of splitting and antagonism. They do not bring up disease or religion, they feel forsaken and teary. They isolate themselves from their environment and get better when comforted.


Anacardium.. and Salix fragilis: share 1175 rubrics in the Complete Repertory.

Repertorization of the core mental symptoms of Salix Fragilis:

Self-Antagonism; confused about identity, with feeling of duality; want of confidence; forsaken, and anxiety of consciousness.

Only one remedy answers to these symptoms: Anacardium.

Stramonium and Thuja share the same symptoms, but they are not antagonistic.

Naja also shares the same symptoms, but does not feel forsaken or isolated.

Shared Symptoms:

Antagonistic, confused about their identity: with feelings of duality, sensation of having two wills. With delusion of splitting body.  As regards their want of confidence, they share the fear of failure, feeling of failure and inadequacy. Irresolute.  Intellectual deficit: weak memory, with difficult concentration.

They want comfort, they are sad patients, better with weeping. Jealous and clairvoyant. Can show themselves separate from the world, indifferent. Condescending and self-loathing.  Delusion of going mad, sensation of seeing ghosts or that someone is behind them. They fear being alone, or failing, or thieves. Death is one of the themes they share: 

Anarcadium: delusion of being dead, that liin in a coffin, see dead people, or foresee death, dreams with coffins,with graves, with dead people. Can manifest a suicidal disposition or wish to kill.

Salix Fragilis: present feelings related to death, dream with slaughterhouses (E), dream with death or dying; dream with murder.

Differential Symptoms:

As regards the splitting or separation, between both remedies, you can perceive a different tone when reading the two provings; Salix Fragilis feels isolated from their environment, related to feeling forsaken and alienated.

“I had stopped going to my Buddhist group when we first took the remedy (with which I have been involved for some years) because when I last went after taking the remedy I felt alienated, as if

I did not belong. I also felt like that when I went to a Graduation Ceremony. I felt very alone, isolated and not part of the group. I slunk off and cried all the way home because I felt so lonely”.

06P 00 XX.XX NS.

In Anacardium, duality has an ethical tenor, one face is good, the other bad.

They don’t know whether they are behaving well or badly, this makes them think they don’t do anything right. This may be the point where they feel divided. Their separation from the world correlates with their want of confidence, not with feeling forsaken.

At a general level, Anacardium feels better of eating, physically and mentally.

Present tropism in digestive system and skin. Interestingly, in botany, both trees are angiospermous dicotyledon. This means they develop two cotyledons in the embryo. (Arboles Ibéricos, 2013).


Platina. and Salix fragilis

Share 1211 rubrics in the Complete Repertory.

At EMHA (Ecuela Médica Homeopática Argentina), we studied what remedies, other than polychrest, could be considered in the differential diagnosis with Platina. Repertorization of symptoms: haughty, contemptuous and dictatorial were found in: Salix Fragilis, Ignis Alcoholis, Succinum, Chironex Fleckeri, Lac Leoninum and Uranium Metallicum.

Platina and Salix Fragilis: both share:

Forsaken with feeling of isolation; with indifference towards loved ones.

Anxiety of consciousness. Sad, thoughts of death.

They cry for anger or admonition.

They think they are great persons, they feel possessed, they see ghosts or spirits; they feel controlled by a supernatural being.

They can manifest dictatorial, contemptuous, disdainful.

They dance and they are jealous. They lose their way in well-known roads. They are clumsy and drop things. They present ailments: for outrage, unresponded love, death of a loved one.

However, Salix Fragilis is different mainly on feeling self-antagonistic.

Want of confidence, with fear of failing; want of sexual desire and aversion to coition.



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