Comparison Sarcodes + Nosodes + Minerals + Stadium 11 + Miasma cancer


1. Nosodes: (Here described the themes of nosodes I learn from Dr. Sachindra and Bhavisha Joshi)

Fist of all we compare sarcodes with nosodes because nosodes also have the issue within themselves rather then surroundings. Nosodes are diseased tissue so they want to become normal while sarcodes are normal tissues already. For better way to understand please take one example… One man falls in the pit on the road and tries to come out of it, while another man becomes conscious of a pit in the road and tries not to fall into it. The man in the pit is nosode and the man on the road is sarcode. The fallen person thinks he’s the stupid one who did not see properly and fell in this big problem so he becomes desperate to come out of it and finally feels helpless. He sees others on the road and feels they are lucky and he’s unlucky, faulted, abnormal and weak compared to the others. A person who is not fallen into a pit he’s aware of thinks he must become perfect, proper and conscious to prevent falling in. He tries his best to maintain his place. He must try to become better so he never ever falls into it.

Similarly if we understand the survival mechanism of the body we understand a sarcode’s sensation. If the body wants to tell (express) anything, it speaks in the form of “physiology”, so the physiology is the language of the body.

So the Body survive with the help of physiological processes so the function or physiology is the core issue in the sarcode.

Plants are self dependant and on receiving any stimuli give reaction according to it, so their survival mechanism is to take the sensation and give a reaction.

Animals are dependant on their environment so they experience threat from environment to their survival, so their survival mechanism is ‘survive’.

Minerals are structure and they have to complete their structure by loosing or gaining something, so their survival mechanism is to loose something or gain something.

2. Minerals: Some times the word “function” may confuse minerals and sarcodes because minerals also has a function as a “sensation”, but minerals functions are regarding something missing or loosing to make a complete structure; they speak related to function of specific issue of separation, identity, security, performance, leadership while sarcodes’ “functions” are mostly functions of the body and by the help of that function they want to maintain their healthy state or even become better.

3. Remedies of 11th: Column: ‘maintaining’ is also an issue of 11th column of the periodic table. They constantly try to maintain their state and do not want to loose it. But their sensations are related to specific issues of the row. E.g. they have issues of security (Cuprum), performance (Argentum), leadership (Aurum) etc. While sarcodes want to maintain their healthy state. They are conscious to not become hyper or hypo in their functions.

4. Cancer miasm: ‘perfection’ is also an issue of cancer miasm. They constantly try to become perfect and are conscious to not become chaotic. But in the cancer miasm it is a coping mechanism and their issue is something different than ‘perfection’. The issues of remedies belonging to the cancer miasm depend on the kingdom they belong to. While ‘perfection’ is an attitude of a sarcode because they wants to maintain their healthy state.


[Farokh Master]

Isodes, Nosodes and Sarcodes in Homoeopathy


[R.E. Dudgeon] “Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homoeopathy”, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, Lecture VI,

Isopathic, pages 141-175, which I quote below has been very useful.

The advent of Hahnemann's theory of the miasms caused great interest in the chronic diseases and their anti-miasmatic remedies.

One of the direct consequences of the publication of The Chronic Diseases was the development of the use of miasmic organisms as potentized homoeopathic remedies. The earliest experiments

with nosodes were carried out by Constantine Hering while he was in Surinam, Guiana, and South America between 1827 and 1833. In the five years Hering spent studying plant and animal

species, he paid special attention to the virulent snake and spider poisons as well as miasmic substances. This was the time period when Hering captured the Bush Master snake that supplied the first venom

for the proving of Lachesis.

In 1832 Hering said: "During the experiments on the serpent poison, I have given out the idea that the hydrophobic virus should be a powerful pathological agent. I presented the same hypotheses regarding

the virus of variola [small pox]. I expect no less as regards the psoric virus, and I invited my colleagues to make provings."

It seems that shortly after Hahnemann published his chronic disease theory, Hering performed the first proving of Psorinum on himself.

Hering originated the method of using a miasmic agent as a basis for a remedy and it was he who coined the term "nosode". The Greek word Noso is a prefix which is added to give the idea of a disease

indicating its morbid root. This term is also connected with the Latin word "noxa", the root of the term noxious or damaged. This implies the use of potentially dangerous noxious materials as a basis for

a potentized remedy.

Hering is responsible for greatly expanding the materia medica of homeopathy and adding seven new categories of potentized remedies. At the same time, he was one of the true defenders of the

four cardinal rules of Homoeopathy: similars cure similars, the single remedy, the minimal dose and the potentized remedy. Hering’s uses of idem in Homoeopathy include:

1. The use of poisons taken from insects, snakes, and other venomous creatures (Animal poisons).

2. The use of remedies made from miasmas (Nosodes).

3. The introduction of potentized miasmas and morbid secretions taken directly from the patient's body (Auto-nosodes).

4. The use of homologous organs, tissue and secretions (Sarcodes).

5. The use of potentized miasmic products as nosodes for the prevention of infectious diseases (Nosode prophylaxis).

6. The use of chemical and nutritional elements innate to the human organism (Chemical and elemental relationships).

7. The use of potentized genus groups as curative and preventative remedies for individuals, groups, and habitats. Hering suggests potentized seed of weeds or dangerous plants to eradicate and

destroy those plants and potentized insects or animals to remove and prevent infestations of dangerous species (Isodes).

Hering continued to experiment with nosodes of acute and chronic miasms and invited others to conduct provings. He recommended the use of potentized watery excrements of cholera, the black

vomit of yellow fever, the desquamated skin of malignant scarlet fever, to bind bags of milk sugar in contact with the skin of typhus patients, the use of leucorrhoeal matter, etc., as well as psorine

(Psorinum) gleet-matter (Medorrhinum), pthisine (Tuberculinum) and syphiline (Syphilinum). Many ancient isopathic remedies were introduced into the Homoeopathic Materia Medica by dedicated

homoeopaths of the 19th century. Constantine Hering, W. Gross, Wilhelm Lux, Father Collet, Swan and Burnett immediately come to mind.

After Hering's introduction of the nosodes, J.J.W. Lux, a well known homoeopathic veterinarian, began to conduct experiments with the isopathic use of disease materials in potencies.

In December, 1831, Lux was asked if he knew any homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of bovine plague and anthrax.

 Lux replied that he could not suggest any remedies off hand but he offered the following suggestion. He told the person to take a drop of blood of an animal infected with anthrax, and a drop of the nasal

mucous of a cow with the plague, and prepare a 30c potency of the material.

During the epidemic in 1832 many veterinarians relied on the complementary use of the nosodes and standard remedies to treat the animals under their care.

On December 24, 1835, Jolly of Constantinople reported to Hahnemann that Russian doctors had cured a number of cases of bubonic plague with a 30c nosode prepared from the serous

exudation of plague buboes. Hahnemann was interested in the new nosode movement on the basis of these clinical experiences but he was concerned because most of these nosodes were not being

proved. So in this way the revolutionary ideas contained within the 1828 edition of “The Chronic Diseases” changed the way people thought about contagious disease and stimulated the integration

of nosodes into the homoeopathic pharmacopoeia.

[Dr. David Little] Indication of Nosodes

1st and most important indication is to prescribe nosode as a constitutional homoeopathic remedy by comparing the symptoms of the patients with the proved symptoms in materia medica.

An example of this would be the use of Tuberculinum bovinum Kent

Constant changing symptoms;

Increase and decrease suddenly. 

Tendency to take cold. 

Weakness and emaciation.

Combustion, burn the candle at two sides.

Hyperactive, always discontented.

Constant desire for changes: travels, jobs, relations etc. 

Malicious, destructive, difficult children. 


Something with cats: fear, disgust or allergy.

Fear of dogs, animals.

Headache as from iron band, every 7 or 14 days.

Long eye-lashes,

Hair growing on the back,

Bald spots in beard.

Blue sclera.

Perforation tympanum.

Boils in nose.

Enlarged adenoid-tonsils.

Frequent colds, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonias.

Chronic cough with emaciation.

The symptoms above confirm both the miasmic diagnosis and the simillimum.

2nd indication is when well chosen remedies do not hold the case for long time. This is usually caused by the miasmatic block.

3rd indication is when there is paucity of symptoms. There are times when there are very few symptoms by which to prescribe. These are often one-sided cases where a strong inherited or

acquired miasm has repressed the ability of the constitution to show symptoms. Other than the signs related to the pathology of one or another of the miasms, the symptoms in these cases

are not very characteristic of any chronic remedies. This may be a chronic state caused by a miasmic dyscrasia. Dr. Kent mentions in his lecture under Tuberculinum: "It seems from looking

over the record of many cures that this remedy has been given many times for just that state on a paucity of symptoms, and if the records can be believed, it has many times balanced up to

the constitution in that anemic state, where the inheritance has been phthisis”.

4th When a person suffers from specific dyscrasia of a particular disease i.e. never well since syndrome, e.g. Typoidinum in a person who has a history of typhoids from which they have never

recovered. Perhaps a new layer of disease has been added to their constitution by a suppressed typhoid that changed their constitution. Another example would be a person who suffers from

gonorrhoea and gets it suppressed with penicillin injections, the gonorrhoea is better but not fully better with lingering of discharge from the urethra, memory weakness, and lack of stamina etc,

such patients may require a dose of Medorrhinum.

5th A distorted image of a constitutional remedy is present yet not one remedy completely fits the case. This pattern is quite diagnostic of nosode as a remedy.

6th Fundamental or dominating miasms obstructs the efficient functioning of a constitutional remedy e.g. After several months of good improvement the patient begins to relapse with the

same symptoms, and to one's great surprise, the same constitutional remedy no longer works. Although there is no change of symptoms calling for a new remedy, the old remedy has become

completely ineffective.

7th To use nosode as genus epidemicus. E.g. use of Meningococcinum in epidemic of meningitis.

8th To use nosodes as prophylaxis to prevent specific infectious diseases. The best historical example is of Boenninghausen's prescription of the remedy Variolinum to prevent smallpox.

9th Nosodes may also be used as a method to protect children from the malefic action of parental or hereditary miasms, Dr. Kent stated in his Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica:

"If Tuberculinum bovinum be given in 10M, 50M, CM potencies, two doses of each potency, at long intervals, all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may be

immuned from their inheritance and their resiliency will be restored".

10th Using a nosode is as a homoeopathic remedy made from the patient's own disease substances. This is called the auto-nosode or Isodes. This method has not been used by me so far but

I am sure it may help patients when nothing else seems to work. Hahnemann once had a patient suffering from phthisis that was not responding to well chosen remedies. This led him

to prepare an auto-nosode made from the saliva of the patient.

Auto-nosodes have been made from sputum, blood, urine, pus, leucorrhoea, exudates from skin eruptions, and microbes from cultures of the patient, etc.

Tetanotoxinum: useful with problem related to jaw, the jaw bone is painful and the person has difficulty in opening and closing the mouth. Temporo-mandibular arthritis. In this condition I use

the remedy very frequently if there are not enough good symptoms to prescribe a deep acting constitutional remedies, 1 dose 30th potency reduces the pain and discomfort easily.

I learnt a lot about this nosode when in a case of a girl who had a mal alignment of the jaw bone due to severe spasm of the masseter muscle came to me after consulting different doctors in

Bombay, she was unable to open and close the mouth and the movement of the jaw is extremely painful. I tried remedies based on the symptom similarity like Caust. and Rhus-t. without much relief.

But after giving one dose of Tetanotoxinum 30C she improved and most of the symptoms disappeared.

Diphtherotoxinum: introduced to me by Dr. Didier Grandgeorge of France. I use this remedy in cases where there is a history of recurrent sore throat, recurrent laryngitis or recurrent pharyngitis (child

vaccinated by DTP vaccine). The characteristic symptom is the pain in the throat < cold air.

Diphtherinum: sinusitis where the discharge is thick, yellow in color; there is nasal obstruction along with sore throat. Constant desire to draw cold air in the throat with strong craving for cold drink.

The cervical glands swollen. A lot of mucus in the throat, red discoloration of the tongue, and offensive salivation. Another indication when the indicated remedy does not work or in an obstinate case of tonsillitis.

Pertussinum (= Coqueluchinum). In the most obstinate cases of croup and viral laryngitis I have used this remedy. When the person complains of sudden dry, hacking, spasmodic cough; the cough comes suddenly it is so forceful that the person develops jerking of the whole body, while he is coughing. The head moves forward and the knees move upwards. Child with lingering cough with strong tubercular background like family history or past history of tuberculosis. Another indication suffering from primary complex and he has low grade fever, his appetite is low he is emaciating and there is a lingering cough.




Apart from its use in diabetes I use this remedy in acne, carbuncles and eczema.

Uric acidum is also an important sarcode in my practice; I use this remedy in cases where there is an eczema or unhealthy skin . I also use this remedy in cases of lipoma; it is also helpful in my

practice where there is lot of arthritic nodosities as in a case of Heberden nodes in patients suffering from Osteo-arthritis of the finger joints.

Sometimes I have also used this remedy in chronic insomnia in heart disease.



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