Comparison: Suth. Indigo Baptisia tinctoria Sepia succus Ambra grisea Carbon compositions


Compare Suth. with Indigo and Baptisia tinctoria repertorised highest in Leguminocae, and Sepia succus and Ambra grisea were the closest remedies in the animal kingdom. Carbon compositions.


Suth. = Sutherlandia

A comparison of Suth to Indigo.

Vermeulen (1997): Indigo is gloomy, sad, discontent, ill-humoured, introverted, weepy at night, indolent in the morning and irritable in the evening.

These symptoms are covered by Leguminaceae family and the proving symptoms of Suth. .

The proving produced marked sadness, want of confidence, and feelings of isolation. Weepiness, indolence in the morning and alternation of mood is seen to be shared by both remedies.

Indigo has a marked effect on the nervous system which was not produced as a prominent feature during the proving of Suth.

The epilepsy, hysteria and excitability of Indigo are absent in Suth., but the symptoms of cramping muscles, cheerfulness and desire for and > from physical exercise are perhaps milder

forms of similar traits which could be investigated during re-provings of Suth.

Indigo experiences vertigo with nausea and a headache (Vermeulen 1997:882), as does Suth.

The vertigo > after remaining some time in open air (Vermeulen 1997:882) which is a general modality produced by Suth.

Both remedies experience headaches and this was a strong feature during the proving. As with Suth., Indigo's headache characterised by great intensity, < rest; much > rubbing/pressure;

+ redness and heat of the face (Vermeulen 1997:882).

Fullness, congestion and heaviness of the head are features of both remedies, with sensations “As if the head being frozen”. “As if hair being pulled from the vertex only in Indigo.

Indigo experiences violent twitching and jerking of the eyelids, (Vermeulen 1997:882), whereas the opposite symptoms of heaviness and a desire to close the eyes experienced during the

proving of Suth.

Both remedies are indicated for a sensation of pressure in the eyes and inflammation of the glands of the eyelids.

Both remedies experience excessive sneezing and Indigo is noted for epistaxis (Vermeulen 1997:882) and indication

In whooping cough with nose bleeds (Nash 1998:231).

Both experience a dry hacking cough, difficult respiration and sleeplessness due to the cough and respiratory inefficiency.

The nervous system of Indigo seems to be much more violently affected in this sphere, with coughing which causes vomiting, oesophageal strictures and blue discolouration of the face (Cupr-met).

(Vermeulen 1997:882).

Indigo indicated in epileptiform spasms which seem to be a reflex from the irritation of worms (Farrington 1995:30).

The nervous system of Suth. is less obviously affected, but on closer examination of symptoms such as lip biting, clenching of the teeth in anger, the restlessness, sleeplessness, sensitivity

of mind, prickling and tingling sensations experienced, and urogenital and gastrointestinal symptoms, the indications become more obvious.

The facial eruptions of Suth. are located around the nostrils, chin and both cheeks, whereas those of Indigo are described as being small blisters on the left side of the face, from forehead

to neck (Vermeulen 1997:882).

Both remedies have numbness of the tongue and mucosa.

Indigo experiences a metallic taste in the mouth (Vermeulen 1997:882) whereas Suth.'s taste described as putrid or stale.

Suth. has eruptions around the mouth and Indigo has vesicles on the tip of the tongue (Vermeulen 1997:882).

Indigo suffers from severe eructations (Vermeulen 1997:882) and like Suth., experiences distension of the abdomen, bloating and heat rising from the abdomen to head.

Suth. experiences severe nausea, but the retching and vomiting of a watery or glue- like mucus as is experienced by Indigo, was not reported.

The proving of Suth. produced a predominantly increased appetite in contrast to Indigo's experience of anorexia (Vermeulen 1997:882).

Suth.'s abdominal pain is better for eating. All Indigo's symptoms < after eating (Vermeulen 1997:882).

Indigo is well indicate in children aroused at night with horrible itching at the anus due to worms (Farrington 1995:30).

Both remedies have increased frequency of urination, but Indigo has urine of a small quantity (Vermeulen 1997:882),

Suth. has urine which is copious, more than is drunk. Urethral strictures following gonorrhoea In males is a strong feature of Indigo (Vermeulen 1997:883).

Further provings of Suth. is expected to provide more symptoms of male and female sexual functioning and thus expand on the Materia Medica and provide increased comparative

information with which to work. Menses which is too early is a symptom of both remedies, although the proving of Suth. produced both protracted and early menses.

The majority of female provers experienced a change in the menstrual cycle, duration of menses, characteristics of the blood and accompanying symptoms.

Both remedies experience stitching pains between the scapulae and Indigo has boils on the neck and buttocks (Vermeulen 1997:883).

Suth. has prominent back pain which is very localised, mostly right-sided and in the lumbar region. Itching (a symptom which runs throughout the majority of the body systems),

Prickling and formication are experienced on the skin of the back.

Both remedies have excessive itching of the upper limbs and whereas Indigo is well indicated in sciatica of the lower limbs which > for motion, rising and walking,

Suth. has prominent cramping of the muscles of the lower limbs, especially of the right lower limb.

Both Indigo and Suth. have marked itching of the skin. Vermeulen (1997) suggests a comparison of Indigo to Bapt. and other Leguminaceae, and

Buto, Cimic., Ign., Kali-br., Lye., Rhus-t., Sulph., Cupr-met. and Oest., which may in turn provide interesting comparisons to, and a greater understanding of Suth. .


A Comparison of Suth. to Baptisia tinctoria

Baptisia tinetoria is commonly known as wild indigo.

Only the root of the plant is used in the homoeopathic preparation of the remedy (Jouanny 1984:62) in contrastto the preparation of the whole plant as was the procedure during the

proving of the 30CH potency of Suth. .

Both remedies share many symptoms, but the presenting state and expression of the symptoms in each case, is very different.

Baptisia tinctoria in low dilutions produces a form of antibodies to the typhoid bacteria, thus raising the body's natural resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication which produces

the typhoid syndrome (Vermeulen 1997:256).

As studies of Suth. have not yet been done in potencies other than the 30CH, no conclusive evidence can be given on the effects on antibodies when the remedy used

in low potency.

On surface examination of the mental sphere of each remedy, there seems to be many shared symptoms, incl. mental confusion, inability to think, indifference, melancholia, difficult

concentration, brain fag, aversion to mental effort and sensation of intoxication (Vermeulen 1997:256).

Both remedies have dullness of mind and stupefaction (Farrington 1995:401).

Baptisia tinctoria seems to share many of Suth.'s qualities, but easily distinguished by the septic, decaying, zymotic state of the patient.

Baptisia tinctoria brings on septic states more rapidly than most other remedies (Kent 1999:209) and has been grouped with Gelsemium, Rhus t. and Lachesis as invaluable remedies

in the treatment of typhoid fever (Farrington 1995:403).

The Baptisia patient has a sudden onset of prostration, delirium and adynamic fever.

The patient is delirious, his mind is wild with scattered thoughts, he is restless, sleepless and has the appearance of a drunkard (Kent 1999:400). The patient is later stuporous, has

a besotted countenance, offensive discharges, cadaverous odour and is barely able to stay awake to answer questions (Kent 1999:401).

The dullness of mind, disconnectedness, absentmindedness, stupefaction and aversion to conversation as seen in the proving of Suth. is seen in marked

contrast to that of Baptisia tinctoria.

The delirium, septic, toxic, semi-comatose state of Baptisia is absent in Suth. and replaced by a self-scrutinising introspection and awareness of the slowness of mental capacity

and inadequacy of self.

Suth. exhibits feelings of selfworthlessness, isolation, and want of confidence.

The patient feels disconnected from their environment and separated from the world.

Baptisia tinctoria is well known for its characteristic delusions that his parts are separated, and that he is broken or double, and tosses about the bed trying to get the pieces together

(Vermeulen 1997:256).

He realises a dual existence (Kent 1999:210) and imagines his limbs are talking to each other (Vermeulen 1997:256).

Although the proving of Suth. provided symptoms of delusions of intoxication, “As if in a dream”, “As if had taken drugs” and isolation and segregation,

the delirium seen in Baptisia tinctoria will easily distinguish the two.

Both remedies have restlessness and sleeplessness.

Baptisia tinctoria is sleepless with a wandering mind (Vermeulen 1997:260). The patient sleeps till 2 or 3 h. and is restless till morning, with delusions of the bed being too hard and

himself being scattered about the bed (Vermeulen 1997:260).

Suth. tosses and turns the entire night also, but because the bed is too hot, the pain too severe, and due to difficult respiration, cough, congestion, itching skin and urging

for urination.

Baptisia fears going to sleep on account of nightmares and sense of suffocation (Vermeulen 1997:260).

Baptisia may awaken at night with a sensation as though the room is too hot making breathing almost impossible, and go to the open window to get air (Farrington 1995:399).

Both remedies have difficulty breathing,

Baptisia because he had not the strength to lift his chest for respiration (Farrington 1995:400).

Both remedies have nightmares which wake the patient.

Baptisia has dreams of being chained to the bed, of swimming a river or undergoing some ordeal which makes a great demand of his strength (Vermeulen 1997:260).

Suth. has dreams of the dead, of being pursued, of excitement, new scenes, dancing and activity.

In both remedies the sleep is disturbed by dreams.

The proving of Suth. also produced symptoms of prolonged, deep sleep, waking unrefreshed, weakness and tiredness.

The same theme is seen in Baptisia, but to a marked degree.

The Baptisia patient appears drowsy, stupid, languid, weary, as if he had not slept enough and with his eyes half closed (Vermeulen 1997:260).

He falls asleep while answering questions, being spoken to or doesn't complete his sentences.

Prostration is very rapid (Vermeulen 1997:256) and he has the appearance of going down toward death rapidly (Kent 1999:210).

Baptisia tinctoria experiences vertigo of a confused, swimming nature with a weak feeling of the whole body, especially the lower limbs and knees (Allen 1992:160).

There is paralysis of the eyelids, nausea (as is seen in Suth.) and pressure at the root of the nose.

The headache which is marked in Suth. Is not a key feature of Baptisia and Kent (1999) suggests that Baptisia is not a headache remedy, and used exclusively to treat

headaches of a congestive character associated with the low form of fever characteristic of the remedy.

Both remedies have congestion, fullness, heaviness and enlarged sensation of the head, which is characteristic of the Leguminaceae family. Baptisia has a sensation of the

skin of the forehead being drawn back towards the occiput and tingling of the scalp (Farrington 1995:400).

Suth. Has tingling, prickling and marked itching of the scalp.

Baptisia has characteristic eye symptoms of redness, congestion, pains in and behind the eyes (Kent 1999:211), lachrymation, burning, sensation of the eyes being pressed

into the head, stitches in the eyes, sore eyeballs, swelling, heaviness of the eyelids and congestion of orbital vessels (Vermeulen 1997:257).

Suth. shares some of the qualities of dry, itching eyes, heaviness and pressure in the eyes, pain in and behind the eyes, and a desire to close the eyes.

Both remedies experience blurred vision.

Both remedies experience sneezing, but this is very marked in Suth.

Baptisia has pain especially at the root of the nose and that extends to the posterior nares (Allen 1992:161). Much oedematous swelling of the choanae, epistaxis of dark blood,

thick mucous and the experience of the right nostril being stopped up (Vermeulen 1997:257).

The heat, warmth, formication and burning inside the nostrils as is experienced by Suth. is not reported.

Both remedies have unpleasant sensations in the nose,

Baptisia as if water had passed through the posterior nares while drinking (Vermeulen 1997:257).

Suth. of foreign bodies, insects and itching inside the nostrils and crust formation on the septum.

The dusky, sodden, besotted, stupid look on the face of a patient in need of Baptisia tinctoria is easily identifiable (Vermeulen 1997:25).

The face is dark red, hot, burning, prickling and there is a critical sweat on the face and forehead (Vermeulen 1997:257).

The lips are dry, cracked and bleeding, the lower jaw is dropped, the eyelids heavy and the patient may have an anxious, frightened look on his face (Vermeulen 1997:256).

Suth. experiences flushes of heat to the face and a dazed, confused and sedated facial expression, but the half-comatose state of Baptisia is absent.

Baptisia looks and smells very toxic, a feature not shared by Suth. The mouth of Baptisia is very offensive and this is a keynote feature of all discharges, odours and

exhalations of Baptisia, which is absent in Suth.

The mouth symptoms of Baptisia have been likened to Mercury (Kent 1999:212), with the thick, ropy saliva, putrid ulceration of the whole buccal cavity, swollen painful, offensive,

thick, leathery tongue, bleeding from the mouth, sordes on the teeth and foetid breath.

The tongue is first coated yellowish in the centre, with raised papillae and a red edge, and later the streak down the centre becomes brown, with the edges of the organ still

Remaining red (Farrington 1995:401).

Vermeulen (1999) describes the taste as flat, bitter, foul, nauseous and filthy.

The taste experienced by Suth. is described as bad, putrid and stale.

Both remedies experience numbness of the tongue and a dry mucosa.

Suth. Has itching of the gums and palate.

Not reported in Baptisia, and eruptions around the mouth.

The offensiveness of Baptisia's mouth symptoms will indicate its prescription.

Baptisia has keynotes of constriction of the oesophagus causing frequent efforts at swallowing, painlessness of sore throats, a dark red discolouration of the throat and tonsils, and

an inability to swallow solids which causes gagging at the least attempt (Vermeulen 1997:258).

There is no appetite, a constant desire for water and infants can drink nothing but milk (Vermeulen 1997:258).

Suth. has a painful, burning, cutting and scratchiness of the throat, as well as dryness and roughness. The sore throat of Suth. > cold water and there is a desire for cold water.

Suth. produced symptoms of both decreased and increased appetites, the latter being more marked.

Both remedies experience heat, cramping, pain and nausea in the stomach.

Baptisia has a gastric fever, intestinal ulceration, a sinking sensation and a sensation of a hard substance in the stomach (Vermeulen 1997:258).

The right iliac region is very sensitive to touch in Baptisia (Nash 1998:257)

Both remedies much distension, numbing, fullness, heaviness and pain in the abdomen.

Baptisia has the feeling as if it would be a relief to vomit and has sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea (Vermeulen 1997:258).

Both constipation and diarrhoea were noted in Suth. proving.

A marked feature of Baptisia is the offensive, thin, dark, bloody stool, fetid, exhausting diarrhoea which is apthous, and painless diarrhoea (Vermeulen 1997:259),

an indication of an alarming depression of vitality.

Suth. has copious urine and frequent urination

In contrast to Baptisia's scanty, dark red urine and burning on urination (Allen 1992:161).

Both remedies experience increased urination at night.

The menses of Baptisia are too early and too profuse (Vermeulen 1997:259), as was also reported in the proving of Suth.

The menses of Suth. clotted, black, dark, membranous and hot, which correlates with the discharges of Baptisia.

Baptisia experiences very fetid, cadaverous discharges and acrid, fetid lochia (Vermeulen 1997:259).

Both remedies have difficult respiration which causes sleeplessness, and retrosternal pain.

Baptisia has weakness of the chest, oppression, fear of going to bed should he suffocate, and soreness of the right lung (Allen 1992:161).

Baptisia's pulse is at first accelerated, then slow and faint, and palpitations are audible (Allen 1992:162).

As is the case with other Leguminoseae members, the extremities of Baptisia and Suth. are affected to a marked degree.

Baptisia has a sensation of soreness all over, as if bruised, and in whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested on feel sore and bruised (Nash 1998:256).

Suth. Also experiences this aching soreness and stiffness.

Both remedies experience rheumatic complaints, drawing pains and cramping pains.

Baptisia has cramps in their calves, burning, weakness of the extremities, soreness, stiffness and a sensation of enlarged parts (Vermeulen 1997:259).

Numbness and prickling of the left hand and foot features in Baptisia (Allen 1992:162).

Suth. has much stiffness of the lower limbs, heaviness, tension and tingling of the extremities.

The eruptions on the extremities of Suth. Are elevated, itchy and mostly on the upper limbs.

Baptisia has livid spots on the limbs which are of irregular shape and not elevated.

Baptisia has burning and heat of the skin (Ars.) eruptions like measles or urticaria and putrid ulcers (Vermeulen 1997:260).

Suth.'s itching and urticaric eruptions are intense and violent with prickling of the skin featuring strongly.

The latter is also a feature of Baptisia and is described as the sensation of the part going to sleep or want of circulation (Allen 1992:162).

Suth. and Baptisia share many symptoms in the back.

Both remedies have soreness and a bruised sensation of the back, back pain which is dull, rheumatic and located in the sacrum, lumbar region and right scapular and subscapular regions.

Cervical stiffness and weakness is shared by both.

Baptisia is so weak and prostrated as to slide down in bed, jaw dropped, eyelids heavy and unable to hold his head in any position (Vermeulen 1997:259).

The appearance and disposition of the patient will be a clear indicator as to the prescription of the simillimum in each individual case


Comparison of Suth. to Ambra grisea

Ambra grisea affects the cerebra-spinal nervous system and is well indicated where there is extreme nervous hypersensitivity (Vermeulen 1997:72).

The patient is feeble, trembling, totters about in a dreamy state of mind, is forgetful about the simplest facts and has flighty speech, jumping from one topic to another (Kent 1999:91).

There is vanishing of thoughts, indifference to all things and alternations of mood between depression and anger (Kent 1999:92).

He is forced to dwell on disagreeable things and has hideous images and visions that keep him awake (Kent 1999:92).

He imagines he is going out of his mind, experiences despair, loathes his life, sits for days weeping and wonders whether life is worth living (Kent 1999:93).

Suth. Shares the hypersensitivity of the nervous system with Ambra in symptoms such as hypersensitivity to the opinion of others, over-reaction to trifles and angered easily.

The patient is also dreamy, feels spaced out, dissociated, disconnected, forgetful, slow minded and has difficulty with concentration and comprehension. Suth. Also has vanishing thoughts,

indifference to all things, alternation of moods, dwells on disagreeable things, sadness, despair, weeping and hopelessness.

Ambra is averse to smiling faces as he is suspicious of others and has delusions of being laughed at (Vermeulen 1997:73).

Suth. experiences this in the form of isolation sensations, delusions of being looked down upon, despised and regarded as an outcast.

A want of confidence is clearly seen in both instances and the remedies at this point may seem indistinguishable.

Ambra appears to be a much more prostrated, weak, nervous, debilitated state.

Suth. has periods of absolute emotional overwhelment with feelings of life being too much to cope with, and this hopelessness and despair is very marked in Ambra.

Both remedies have a great aversion to company and conversation.

Ambra has a marked aggravation of all symptoms in the presence of others, and embarrassment. This bashfulness is evident in the inability to pass stool or urine in the close vicinity of

others (Kent 1993:93).

Ambra suffers from constipation, ineffectual urging for stool and weakness in the stomach after the passing of stool (Kent 1999:95).

Suth. experiences both constipation and diarrhoea, but the stool is predominantly thin and watery.

Both remedies experience frequent micturition at night and copious urine.

Ambra urinates 3x as much as the drink taken (Vermeulen 1997:75), which is torbid with a brown sediment (Allen 1992:53).

Marked itching in both remedies.

Ambra experiencing extreme itching of the pudendum (Vermeulen 1997:75).

Suth. experiences itching of the vulva, swelling, soreness and burning (Ambra).

A keynote of Ambra is the discharge of blood between periods at the least effort (walking, straining for stool and coughing).

The proving of Suth. produced spotting before and after periods, but this can't be assumed to be the result of engorgement of the uterus and laxity of the tissues (Ambra) (Farrington 1995:152),

Menses are too early and too profuse in Ambra and this was an experience shared by certain provers of Suth.

The effect of Ambra on the nervous system is obvious in its sleeplessness and characteristic spasmodic cough.

Ambra is sleepless from worry, nervous chills and twitching, restlessness and anxious dreams (Vermeulen 1997:76).

Suth.'s sleeplessness is due to the heat of the bed, muscular pain, itching skin and difficult respiration. Wakes unrefreshed and finds sleep exhausting, with many symptoms < morning.

The latter is also a keynote of Ambra (Kent 1999:93).

Ambra has a marked < eating (Kent 1999:93),

Suth. burning, cramping abdominal pains alleviated by eating and this is a general modality of the remedy.

Ambra finds music intolerable, causing mental distress and back pain as from a hammer (Kent 1999:93).

They are over-sensitive to touch (Kent 1999:93), as is Sutherlandia, and also find relief in applying pressure or lying on painful parts (Vermeulen 1997:76).

Ambra experiences mostly one-sided symptoms and the proving of Suth. produced mostly one-sided, predominantly right-sided, symptoms.

Both remedies are better in open air and desire cold drinks.

Both remedies < in a warm room and flushes of heat to the face.

Ambra has cold single body parts (Vermeulen 1997:76), coldness of the skin over the whole body, except for the face, neck and genital organs, and internal coldness of certain organs

and systems (Allen 1992:54).

This coldness of Ambra was not reported in the Suth. proving.

Ambra has a characteristic nervous, spasmodic cough with frequent eructations and hoarseness (Kent 1999:95).

The cough is worse for anything that would excite the nervous system, e.g. the presence of people (Farrington 1995:151).

The cough is deep, every evening, with pain under the left ribs as if something were torn loose, paroxysmal, and producing large amounts of bluish white, salty expectoration (Allen 1992:53).

Suth. a dry, hacking cough which is more superficial, constant and there was no production of sputum.

The cough produced pain in the larynx and back.

The respiration of Suth. is difficult, causing sleeplessness, and pain is experienced in the heart region which seems better for pressure.

Ambra experiences asthmatic respiration and oppression is felt in the chest and between the scapulae.

Rawness, wheezing, itching and pressure as from an obstruction, is felt in the chest (Vermeulen 1997:75).

The is generally associated with cardiac symptoms and is worse on attempting coition (Kent 1999:95).

Ambra has epistaxis which is worse in the morning, dried blood collects in the nose and the nose feels sore internally (Vermeulen 1997:74).

Suth. sensations of foreign bodies, insects and crusts on the septum experienced, absent in Ambra.

Both remedies have coryza and dryness, but the burning and heat experienced in the nostrils of Suth. are absent in Ambra.

Ambra has frequent irritation of the nose as from sneezing (Vermeulen 1997:74) and Suth. has marked sneezing (morning).

Both remedies have heaviness of the eyelids, pressure and smarting of the eyes, and itching of the eyelids.

Both remedies have the sensation of a stye forming.

Suth. experiences blurred vision; Ambra's vision is described as dim, as though looking through mist (Vermeulen 1997:73).

Ambra has decreased hearing (Kent 1994:94), is not experienced in Suth. and is very sensitive to music, comparably to Calc. who has such sensitiveness that the stroke of the piano

is painful in parts (Kent 1999:94).

Both remedies experience extreme itching all over the body, incl. the ears, and this itching is a key feature of both remedies.

The sensation of numbness is also found running through both remedies, for instance Suth. experiences numbness of the skin of parts of the body, the forehead, scalp, tongue and buccal

mucosa, and Ambra of the scalp, extremities and genitals (Kent 1999:93).

Ambra experiences heat in the face, as is the case in Suth. but chills of other parts.

The patient is jaundice-coloured with trembling and twitching of the facial muscles (Allen 1992:52).

The patient requiring Sutherlandia on the other hand, will have a flushed face and a sedated, dazed and confused look on their face.

Both remedies have painful eruptions on their faces, Suth. being located on the nose, chin and cheeks, and Ambra's being confined to the beard/whisker area (Vermeulen 1997:74).

Kent (1999) described the headache of Ambra as pressing, starting from both temples, drawing and tearing, to and fro.

Shooting, cutting and lancinating pains which < exertion and > lying and quiet, are experienced.

Tearing pains predominate in the head.

Tearing pains, burning and lachrymation of the right eye, and pressure in the left frontal eminence, eye and left eyebrow, is experienced.

Headaches are marked in Suth. and are described as throbbing, aching, dull and of a pressure exerted on, and within the head.

They are also < exertion and > lying and quiet, very sensitive to touch and > hard pressure.

The latter modality was so strongly felt by one prover that he felt he had to bang his hand upon his head in order to obtain relief.

The frontal eminences, sides and occipital regions are affected, and the headaches are mostly right-sided.

The fullness and congestion in the head, as is experienced by Suth. is not as marked in Ambra, although rushes of blood to the head with the headache does feature (Allen 1992:52).

Ambra also has marked sensitivity to touching the scalp and soreness of the scalp on waking (Vermeulen 1997:73).

Suth. has tingling, prickling and marked itching of the scalp.

The headache of Ambra is reported as occurring every other day (Allen 1992: 52) and that of Suth. has been noted as being intermittent in nature.

Suth. vertigo associated with the headaches and has accompanying nausea associated with it. Motion of the car also brought on the vertigo.

In contrast, Kent (1999) describes the vertigo of Ambra as that of old persons who are so dizzy upon waking that they must wait awhile until they can get on their feet.

This is described by Vermeulen (1997) as senile dizziness associated with weakness in the head and stomach. The weakness and 'all-gone' feeling experienced in the pit of the

stomach of Ambra (Kent 1999:94) is in contrast to Suth.'s feelings of heaviness and fullness and bloating.

The weakness in Ambra's stomach necessitates lying down (Vermeulen).

Ambra has nausea after breakfast (Vermeulen 1997:74).

Suth. on the other hand, has marked nausea and the digestive symptoms > for eating.

Ambra has heartburn, and eructations and burning under the pit (Vermeulen 1997:74), but this is not as marked as the heat and burning experienced by Suth.

In contrast, Ambra experiences a coldness of the abdomen which is usually one sided.

The marked eructation associated with the convulsive cough, vomiting on attempting to hawk mucous from the fauces, and flatulence experienced by Ambra (Vermeulen 1997:74)

Absent in Sutherlandia.

Both remedies experience much distension of the abdomen, borborygmi and abdominal discomfort.

Both remedies experience rawness, tickling, itching, stitching, scratching, roughness and dryness of the throat.

Suth. throat pain has a marked > drinking cold drinks or water, and Ambra < drinking warm drinks (milk) (Kent 1999:94).

Ambra has a sour taste in the mouth after drinking milk and bitter taste on waking (Vermeulen 1999:94).

Suth. has a stale, putrid taste in the mouth.

Both remedies experience dryness of the oral mucosa and numbness of the lips and tongue.

Ambra foetor, salivation, swollen gums, and bleeding gums and teeth (Vermeulen 1997:74),

Similar to that of Baptisia, absent in Suth.

Both remedies experience a crawling sensation In the limbs, tingling, heaviness and painful soreness of the limbs.

Ambra limbs easily become numb, as if going to sleep, paralytic weakness, loss of muscular power and stiffness is experienced (Kent 1999:96).

Suth. has stiffness predominantly of the lower limbs.

Both remedies have marked cramping of the muscles of the limbs.

Suth. Cramping is a general feature and marked in the lower limbs.

Ambra is known for its cramping pains in the legs and calves nearly every night, and cramps in the hands (Vermeulen 1997:76).

The limbs are cold and trembling and there is soreness and rawness between the thighs and in the hollows of the knees (Kent 1999:96).

Suth. has very itchy, red, elevated eruptions on the limbs, particularly on the upper limbs.

This itching is also experienced in Ambra in the fingertips and thumbs, palms of the hands, inner border of the sole of the r. foot and from the lumbar region through the r. leg (Vermeulen 1997:76).

In contrast to Sutherlandia, the itching is not associated with an eruption, but has a nervous origin.

The back pain that featured strongly in the proving of Suth. seems not to be as prominent a feature of Ambra.

Both remedies indicated in rheumatic pains, Ambra has rheumatic pain on the r. scapula and right side of the back and painful tension and pressure in the muscles of the loins (Allen 1992:54).

Lumbar pain and mostly right- sided back pain are key features of Suth.

Both remedies are well indicated in affections of the skin.

Both have itching, numbness, dryness and burning of the skin.

Suth. has a visible red, blistering, elevated and violent itching rash, whereas

Ambra has itching due to nervous system stimulation, so that the cause of the itching may not be evident (Vermeulen 1997:76).

Both remedies have painful pimples on the face, Suth. on the nose, chin and cheeks, and Ambra confined to the whiskers (Allen 1992:54).

Prickling, tickling, formication and numbness are present in both.

Ambra has blueness of the left leg from distended veins during menses, wrinkling of the fingertips, coldness of the skin and shrivelling and brittling of the fingernail (Allen 1992:54)

Not reported in the Suth. proving.

Both remedies experience profuse perspiration on the slightest exertion.

Both perspire the most at night, Ambra after midnight (Vermeulen 1997:76)

Suth. whilst sleeping and from the heat of the bed.

Ambra perspires on the affected side and especially on the abdomen and thighs (Vermeulen 1997:76).

Ambra has strong-smelling perspiration (Allen 1992:54), whereas Suth. has odourless, sticky perspiration and an aggravation of symptoms during perspiration.


Comparison of Sutherlandia frutescens to Sepia succus

Kent (1999) describes Sepia as joyless, sad, weeping, depressed, suicidal and indifferent to those she loves. Is short-tempered, irritated, sarcastic, complaining and hard (Kent 1999:920).

She is averse to company and worse for conversation, yet dreads being alone (Kent 1999:917).

Sutherlandia frutescens experiences a similar depressed, weeping, indifferent and disconnected state and prefers to be on their own.

The spaciness and stupefaction which is marked

In Suth. not a key feature of Sepia.

Sankaran (1994) suggests the main rubric of Sepia “Body is disfigured”(Face)

He describes the contradiction of will between the desire to be pleasing and attractive to the opposite sex, and the other part that sees the whole relationship as hopeless and would rather give

Herself up to her career and independence (Sankaran 1994:210).

Suth. also has the delusions of being despised and looked down upon.

They feel isolated, ugly and separated as though they are outcasts.

Both Sepia and Sutherlandia have an inability to realise that things are real and all things seem strange.

Both remedies are sensitive to the opinion of others and have a hysterical diathesis.

Suth. feels overwhelmed emotionally, as though they can no longer cope with life's tribulations, and Sepia also has spells of weeping, is sad one minute, gentle, yielding and excitable, obstinate

and disagreeable the next.

Both remedies are > occupation/exercise in open air;

Sankaran (1994) describes these features of Sepia as reflections of Sepia's desire for independence and self-sufficiency.

The Sepia patient looks jaundiced, anaemic, waxy and doughy (Kent 1999:917).

Much pigmentation, mottling of the skin, eruptions around the orifices, painless bleeding of fissured, parched skin and a characteristic sallow tint across the nose and cheeks (Kent 1999:917).

Suth. has flushing of the cheeks in contrast to Sepia's pallor, and painful eruptions on the nose, cheeks and chin.

Sepia is one of 3 remedies with prominently drooping eyelids (Causticum, Gelsemium and Sepia) (Nash 1998:204).

Suth. has drooping eyelids also and a dazed, sedated and confused expression on theirface.

Both remedies have itching warts, ichthyosis and itching skin.

The itching and prickling of the skin, as is experienced in Sutherlandia, is much more marked than in Sepia.

Sepia has nervous, bilious, periodic, violent, congestive headaches (Kent 1999:920).

The pain comes in terrible shocks and is associated with an emptiness in the pit of the stomach (Vermeulen 1997:1461).

The headache is better for lying down, quiet, long and hard exercise, long sleep, hard pressure and heat.

Suth.'s headache is also better for lying, sitting and quiet, but < exertion. Suth. has relief from hard pressure in general and hitting the head relieved the head pain of one of the provers.

Suth.s headaches are mostly right-sided, whereas Sepia's headache has an affinity for the left eye region.

Both remedies experience occipital headaches which are intermittent.

The eye, ear and nose symptoms of both remedies seem very similar.

Sepia has a characteristic symptom of large plugs in the nose which are drawn back into the mouth and expectorated, causing vomiting (Vermeulen 1997:1463).

This is not a feature of Suth.

The burning, heat, formication and unusual sensations experienced in Suth. nose does not feature in Sepia.

Both remedies experience eruptions around the mouth and taste alterations,

but the itchiness and numbness of the mucosa and tongue, as experienced by Suth. is absent in Sepia.

The chronic catarrh so distinctive of Sepia is absent in Suth.

Sepia is a very bilious remedy with much nausea and vomiting (Kent 1999:918).

Suth. experiences excessive nausea, but vomiting did not occur during the proving.

Sepia vomits a milky discharge, especially in the morning (Vermeulen 1997: 1464).

Sepia has a distinctive 'all-gone' feeling in the stomach which is not relieved by eating.

Suth. has an increased appetite and the burning, heat and heartburn > by eating.

Sepia is nauseous at the smell or sight of food.

Both remedies have much distension, fullness and heaviness of the abdomen.

Sepia also experiences burning and cramping abdominal pains (Vermeulen 1997:1464).

Sepia experiences marked pain and inflammation of the liver, > lying on the right, not experienced by Suth.

Sepia craves vinegar, pickles, acids and sweets (Vermeulen 1997: 1464),

Whereas Suth. is averse to sweets and craves refreshing food and drink, cold water, spicy and fried foods and chicken.

Sepia is averse to meat, fat and milk (Vermeulen 1997: 1464).

Suth. both constipation and diarrhoea were reported in the proving. but the stool was mainly thin and watery.

Sepia on the other hand is well known for its constipation, stool like sheep's dung, mucoid or jelly like stool and sensation of a ball in the rectum (Kent 1999:918).

The characteristic prolapsus of Sepia, as exhibited in the tendency to haemorrhoids, is not marked in Sutherlandia.

The constant oozing from the anus, as seen in Sepia, is absent in Sutherlandia.

The prolapsed state of Sepia, is found in other symptoms, such as stress incontinence, enuresis as soon as the child falls asleep, and the desire to cross the legs in an effort

to prevent the pelvic organs from falling out.

These symptoms are not marked in Suth.

Both remedies have a marked effect on the genito-urinary systems.

Both have heaviness in the lower abdomen as if something were about to come out of the vagina, with pain in the back, and a desire to cross the legs.

These bearing down pains of dysmenorrhoea are key features of both remedies.

Both remedies have burning and cramping pains in the uterus, and Sutherlandia experiences a contracting of the uterus as if the uterus were twisting.

Suth. experiences itching of the vulva accompanying thrush and the leucorrhoea of Sepia is greenish-yellow, fetid and irritating, making the vagina dry and painful during intercourse

(Jouanny 1984:372).

The appearance of herpetic eruptions and genital warts is not experienced by Sutherlandia.

Both remedies have pre-menstrual tension, Sep. experiences much gusto/enthusiasm the day before her period, and her habitual weakness generally > during the period (Jouanny 1984:372).

This is not the case in Sutherlandia. Sepia has early and profuse or late and scanty menses (Vermeulen 1997:1467). This is also the case in Sutherlandia.

Sutherlandia has very hot menses, not experienced in Sepia, and both experienced menses of a short duration, and of dark slimy blood.

Sepia has a great amount of soreness of the back, with aching all the way down the spine, mostly from the loins to the coccyx and spinal irritation (Kent 1999:924).

Sutherlandia also has marked back pain, especially of the lumbar region.

Sutherlandia, like Sepia, has backache which is better for pressure and comes on after sitting.

Like Sutherlandia, everything affects the back of Sepia (Vermeulen 1997: 1468).

Both remedies experience heaviness of the extremities, weakness and swollen, painful joints. The cramping pains experienced by Sutherlandia are not marked in Sepia,

Both remedies experience itching eruptions on the skin of the limbs.

A key feature of Sepia is the coldness of the limbs and feet, and the changing coldness from feet to hands when the feet are warmed (Kent 1999:925).

This is not found in Suth.

Both remedies have restlessness of the limbs and unrefreshing, restless sleep.

Sepia is very cold and experiences coldness in spots, notably in the vertex, between the scapulae and of the feet, in bed (Vermeulen 1997:1470),

whereas Sutherlandia is hot in bed and experiences warmth and flushes of heat over the whole body.

Sepia is indicated in hot flushes during the climaxis accompanied by momentary sweat, weakness and a tendency to faint (Vermeulen 1997: 1470).

Both remedies perspire easily.

Sutherlandia has sticky, odourless perspiration, whereas Sepia has perspiration described as having the odour of elder blossoms (Vermeulen 1997:170).

Both remedies are > for motion and occupation, pressure, crossing the legs, cold drinks and open air.

Both remedies are < for morning/touch, are restless and experience weariness and lassitude.

Suth. > eating,

Sepia < after eating.

Sepia < morning/evening/scratching/rubbing;

Suth. desires massage, rubbing and scratching of the voluptuous itch experienced. They are allowed to exist in this world (Scholten 1996:99).

This insecurity may be masked by a persona that is shown to the outside world (Scholten 1996:99).

They may feel extreme uselessness and worthlessness, as though the world is full of threats and they are not up to facing it (Scholten 1996:102).

Their inability to stand up for themselves makes them insecure, indecisive and fearful (Scholten 1996: 192).

They see the whole world as their enemy, their fears become vague and so strong that they rule their lives (Scholten 1996:99).

Borderline disturbances result, with the extreme effort to control their fears and insecurities with obsessive behaviour, lack of control over their impulses, thoughts

that move backward and forward between two extremes, and feelings of powerlessness on one hand and total power on the other, becoming dominant expressions.

The proving of Suth. produced remarkably similar symptoms of feelings of selfworthlessness and an inability to relate to and connect with others. There is a distinct

Awareness of the separateness of the individual to others.

Many of the provers felt dissociated from their environment and disconnected from others.



Comparison of Sutherlandia frutescens to the main Carbon themes

On extraction of the minerals repertorising closest to Suth. it is found that many remedies, incl. Calcarea carbonica, containing the element Carbon repertorised with a high numerical value

and total number of rubrics.

A comparison of the Carbon themes, as suggested by Scholten (1996), to those of Suth. follows.

The most important Carbon theme is the individual, the distinction between the individual and the rest of the world, and the value and meaning of the individual in the world (Scholten 1996:99).

They search for the core of their existence and the meaning in everything else, so that their value can be measured against that (Scholten 1996:99).

They are continually questioning their self- worth and may exhibit fears and questions about whether

In contrast to the Carbons, Suth. wants to be on their own, and pushes people away from them even though they feel so alone in the world.

The Carbons can't bear to be alone and in the midst of their existential crisis and paranoia, cling to others for security and recognition.

Suth. is averse to company and conversation.

Suth. is very aware of their position in the environment and like the Carbons, is continually questioning their own value and that of others.

The proving produced symptoms of introversion and self-inspection, as seen in the Carbon remedies.

The paranoia exhibited by the Carbons is mirrored in Suth. in symptoms such as: feelings of paranoia about people and what they think, don't feel I belong around people, it's as if they are

Against me, the way they looked at me, they didn't want me around, afraid of what people thought of me, felt inferior to others.

The central theme in Calcarea, of the Ferrum series, is the fear of what others will think of them (Scholten 1998:325) which is prominent in Suth.

The Carbons become more fixed and rigid in their thinking and behaviour in an attempt to control their insecurity, whereas Sutherlandia, as far as can be ascertained, becomes more spacey,

dissociated, disconnected from people, introverted, apathetic and depressed.

Suth. would rather avoid the situation, fears and insecurities and escape into the open air to think things through, whereas the Carbons will stubbornly fix themselves to their task, as if driven

by fate, in an attempt to mask their insecurities (Scholten 1996:101).

Both the Carbons and Sutherlandia express timidity, doubtfulness, indecisiveness, depression, apathy and feelings of uselessness.

The controlling, obsessive disposition seen in the Carbon remedies is absent in Sutherlandia.

The Carbons exhibit disturbances in consciousness. dissociation, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and mania (Scholten 1996: 103).

Sutherlandia also experiences absentmindedness, slowness of thoughts, forgetfulness, stupefaction, difficulties with concentration and changes in perceptions.

The psychosis and mania experienced by the Carbons is seen in a milder form in the alternation of moods in Sutherlandia and the causelessness of emotional outbursts.

The sensation of intoxication, delusions of being drugged and spaciness of Sutherlandia is not a key feature of the Carbons.

The Carbons > when they are with family, at home, feel supported and safe.

Sutherlandia feels < in others' company, even family, would rather be left alone, and prefers being outside in a spacious, airy environment.

The Carbons fear death, loss of their support systems (family/friends), strangers, the unknown and their fear may seem vague and exaggerated (Scholten 1996: 102).

Sutherlandia, as far as can be ascertained, fears that which invades or encroaches upon their space, such as robbers, narrow spaces, that something bad will happen and the opinion of others.

Calcarea carbonica repertorised highest on repertory of Suth. and it is interesting to note that many of the Calcarea traits, as described by Scholten, are found in Sutherlandia.

Calcarea is found in the second stage and feel as if other people are constantly looking at them and saying things about them (Scholten 1996:32).

This paranoia is obvious in the Carbons and Sutherlandia.

Calcarea feels observed by his neighbours, criticised and judged, and is seen by them as 'confused' (Scholten 1996:32).

Suth. has others telling him he looks dazed and confused.

Both Calcarea and Sutherlandia are very sensitive to criticism and the opinions of others.

Other people only have to look at them and they feel judged, humiliated or hurt (Scholten 1996:32).

Calcarea, like the Carbons, don't trust themselves and feel they know nothing and therefore don't have the right to convey their opinion.

The proving of Suth. produced delayed reactions in one prover who could only cry when alone, not having allowed herself the experience of emotions in the moment.

In the proving of Suth. this feeling of being separated from themselves, was expressed as being lost in one's own body.

The Carbon theme of individuation is apparent. Another expression of the theme of self-worth in the Carbons can be found in a person who is very unstable (Scholten 1996:163).

They can no longer master their own feelings and get upset by minor incidents (Scholten 1996:163).

They have no stable frame of reference to measure things by and their moods are changeable without obvious reason (Scholten 1996: 163).

Scholten (1996) describes the Carbons as having an inability to find their own centre, and this description matches Sutherlandia's state perfectly.

Sutherlandia feels lost in themselves and separated from the world.

The theme of the Ferrum series, in which Calcarea belongs, is the individual task, and emphasis is upon a routine orientated, useful and responsible existence (Scholten 1996:309).

Sutherlandia has a desire for domestic work such as cleaning, cooking and organising the home, and pleasure is felt with the successful completion of a constructive task.

These may be the attempts at regaining order in the mind, finding value in their work and establishing their own centre.



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