Crocus sativus Anhang


[Rajan Sankaran]

He finds attractiveness # aggressiveness.

Sycotic miasm. It is prepared from saffron. As a plant remedy, it does have some features common to the remedies of the animal kingdom, for example attractiveness and aggressiveness. It also has many features that are common to the group of “drug” remedies. Like Cannabis indica, it has cheerfulness, liveliness, hilarity, illusions of fancy, fancies of hearing music, etc.

At times, the patients can be extremely attractive. This is manifest in behaviour such as very affectionate kissing, embracing, loving and caring. They are also very talkative, they sing and dance, and they are often the life of a party.

This can resemble Lachesis or Hyoscyamus or even Tarentula. But in Crocus this suddenly changes into an aggressiveness, and they can become very angry, violent, with biting and shrieking.  But this rage is followed by quick repentance. It is as though the Crocus person feels the need to keep the attention of the other person (especially of the opposite sex) by his attractive behaviour, but at the same time shouldn’t allow himself to be dominated by this person.

He can be very impulsive. In my experience, Crocus is indicated more for females. There is a feeling of dependence on the man, a feeling of being unfit for business, and a need to be attractive for the man.

The situation of Crocus might therefore be that of a woman who is being neglected by her very dominating husband. There is a threat of his going away because he is no longer attracted by her. In this situation, her attractive behaviour would serve to keep him drawn towards her, while the aggressive behaviour and rage prevent him from being too dominating. And so the combination of the need to attract and the rage, which alternate with each other.

Another feature of Crocus is the singing. She cannot resist the impulse to sing, even if she hears a single note sung at a distance.

Among the strong physical concomitants are the stringy discharges (stringy blood of the menses/the epistaxis).



·         Dancing.

·         Jumping.

·         Kisses everyone.

·         Loquacity.

·         Singing involuntarily.

·         Whistling.

·         Cheerful, gay, happy.

·         Fancies, vivid.

·         Delusion, fancies he hears music.

·         Mirth, hilarity, liveliness, etc..

·         Laughing involuntarily.

·         Laughing loudly.

·         Biting.

·         Rage, fury.

·         Quarrelsome alternating with singing.

·         Rage alternating with affectionate disposition.

·         Singing alternating with anger.

·         Anger alternating with quick repentance.

·         Delusion that he is unfit for business.


Abdomen: sensation of something alive in.


[Farokh Master]

Some random notes

Crocus sativus is our natural saffron. It belongs to the family of Iridaceae.

My first experience was with a child of 11 years suffering from recurrent epistaxis. The characteristic symptoms that I found in this child that it was extroverted, affectionate and friendly, happy go lucky type.

The mother said that he is very moody sometimes he is very kind hearted towards his sister and everybody at home and suddenly one fine day he becomes very violent towards his sister for

no reason. He had a hobby of telling funny jokes to his friends and makes them laugh. However, most of the times his jokes were quite silly.

I also observed that while he was sitting in front of me there was a constant winking of his eyes.

In his physical data he had constipation ever since he was a small infant and many times in the sleep he would talk and sometimes he may shriek also.

The epistaxis was more characteristic during his summer vacation. The child was tall; he was just going to enter his puberty.

He had a strong desire to have water from the refrigerator but otherwise also he loved cold drinks.

Studying his totality I came to a conclusion that he needs Crocus sativus.

I gave him Crocus sativus 30 and he improved very beautifully with few doses. I did not ever have to repeat this remedy.

And that was my very first case since 15 - 20 years back and then slowly and slowly my experience became much better with this remedy and I had occasion to treat different types of epistaxis. The most characteristic thing that I had observed was that the blood is dark, clotted and very stringy.

Another important thing that I had observed in epistaxis of Crocus is that it usually comes at the time of puberty and probably associated with this like reproach from parents due to misbehavior or excessive fun and joy with no sense of responsibility.

I have also been able to see few children who had attacks of epistaxis after every bout of physical exertion.

I remember I had a very obstinate case of epistaxis when the mother will always say that whenever the child has a physical exertion like playing cricket for many hours or playing football for many hours or playing games for many hours and then this is followed by epistaxis, the remedy which really helped me was Crocus sativus.

In fact Dr. Kent has repeatedly mentioned that in case persistent profuse epistaxis, think of Crocus sativus. The characteristic of this remedy is that the moment the bleeding starts the blood coagulates very fast, the blood coagulates so quickly and it turns into what is known as long strings (Merc. Nit-ac.).

Another case of a child with an obstinate epistaxis where I could not elicit any modality, the bleeding may come any time from any nostril; it was not related to any weather changes but it was stubborn, it was chronic, they tried all the remedies in homoeopathic materia medica by consulting at least several homoeopaths. The child was not feeling well. When I was trying to interview the child I saw that there was a constant quivering on his upper eyelid.

And outsider will surely feel as if his upper eyelid has gone into spasm. This is a very important clinching point, immediately I opened the repertory, I saw this rubric in the section of eye ‘quivering upper eyelid’ and there are very few remedies mentioned in this particular rubric like Ars. Calc. Con. Stram. Verat. but the most important thing that

I knew it was Crocus sativus with the concomitant of chronic epistaxis, persistent epistaxis, not responding to usual line of treatment with the strong concomitant of quivering of the upper eyelid.

I successfully treated the case.

The important thing in Crocus sativus you will see that it has got lot of involuntary movement from head to foot.

Many Crocus patients have complained to me of unusual pulsation or shocks in the head. And these shocks are quite deep or some waving sensation in the brain.

Others have complained to me twitching of the eyelids, quivering of the eyelids, winking of the eyes etc.

The important thing in Crocus sativus is that has got lot of involuntary movement from head to foot.

Many Crocus patients have complained to me of unusual pulsation or shocks in the head. And these shocks are quite deep or some waving sensation in the brain.

Others have complained to me twitching of the eyelids, quivering of

the eyelids, winking of the eyes etc.

Another case

I remember which I have treated several years ago was of a woman during pregnancy. I just started my practice and one fine day I get a phone call from a hospital that a lady is bleeding very

profusely because of retained placenta and doctors are trying their best to stop the hemorrhage but the response is very poor. The information that I got on the phone was it was a dark clots, ropy, thick, but the important thing which I confirm repeatedly from them is that the blood clots very quickly and there are 3 remedies in materia medica which I know that time, one was Crocus second was Mercury and the third one is Nit-ac. Then I refer the rubric ‘retained placenta’ and I also happened to find in that rubric Crocus sativus and I asked them to put few drops of Crocus sativus 1M in a glass of water and give it to a lady, with in next one hour we were able to get the placenta out from the uterus very success fully under the influence of Crocus sativus.

Even though Crocus sativus is not a very leading remedy for retained placenta as compared to Canth. Hydr. Puls. Sep. Sabin. but when there are concomitants along with peculiar symptoms of

the remedy are available then one should always follow the rule which Guernsey used to follow to select a remedy using keynote symptom(s).

Another case that I remembered was again of severe haemorrhage after delivery. The blood was gushing and doctor had to give lot of blood transfusion yet the bleeding was stopping at all.

The blood was dark red. She also in the previous pregnancy bled a lot hence she was quite apprehensive that this time also she will bleed a lot and she will have lot of complications. I had a chance

to go to the bedside of this patient in the hospital and I found out that as she was having hemorrhage, at the same time I found she was sweating a lot but most important thing that I had observed was that she was yawning a lot, she was yawning frequently, she was yawning spasmodically and she was yawning violently and vehemently. This unusual yawning in this lady made me think of initially of Ignatia but later I understood that Ignatia is not a big bleeder like Crocus. I gave her in 1M potency in repeated doses and with in a few hours hemorrhage was completely

stopped and the patient felt much better.

In pediatric cases I have seen Crocus children are extremely exuberant, affectionate, loving, caring and extroverted you will may mistake this child as Tarant. Lach. Phos. Tub.

They are extremely talkative and they are very fond of singing and dancing and hence here you may mistake them with Hyos. or Tarant. or Lach.

Symptom which I have repeatedly confirmed in my pediatric patients is that the mother usually complains that there is always a sudden change in the behavior of the child. The changes are so

sudden like switch on and switch off of an electrical switch.

Example a child who is so loving and so caring will becomes suddenly extremely violent and angry, will bite, will shriek, will kick (a form of an attention seeking behavior)

In most of the pediatric cases, which I have treated with Crocus, I have seen that the children are extremely impulsive by nature.

I have hardly able to confirm this very funny sensation of something is alive in the abdomen of Crocus sativus in hardly any case.

This thready and stringy discharge of Crocus sativus is has a direct link to its name, in Greek language it is pronounced as KROKAS which probably derived from a word KROKE which means a thread like a filament.

The best way to study this remedy is to read the proving by Staff, who did the whole proving on four provers. If you read the proving of Crocus sativus you will see that most of the symptoms resemble the proving of opium.



Geist und Gemüt: Versucht, etwas niederzuschreiben, kann es jedoch nicht, weil ihm das Gedächtnis versagt.

Singt unwillkürlich, wenn sie nur eine einzige Note gesungen hört; sie lacht über sich selbst, aber bald singt sie wieder trotz alle Vorsätze es zu unterlassen.

Schneller Wechsel der Stimmung: Niedergeschlagenheit und Fröhlichkeit; oder abwechselnd schlechte Laune und lebhafte Gemütstimmung.

Unruhige, ängstliche, sorgenvolle Gemütsstimmung.

Sensorium: Schwindel mit Verwirrung.

Kongestionen zum Kopf mit Nasenbluten.

Innerer Kopf: Breiter plötzlich erfolgender Stoß: in der rechten Schläfe; derselbe erstreckt sich bis in das Gehirn und veranlasst ihn aufzufahren; über der linken Eminentia frontalis und von da sich tief in das Gehirn erstreckend.

Augen: Muss oft blinzeln und sich die Augen wischen, als ob ein dünner Schleimfilmt darüber wäre.

Das Licht scheint trüber als gewöhnlich, wie durch einen Schleier verdunkelt.

Auf- und nieder tanzender Punkt erscheint vor dem Gesicht.

Pupillen ERweitert.

Gefühl in den Augen, als sollte fortwährend Wasser in dieselben kommen; nur im Zimmer.

In den Augen ein Gefühl, wie wenn sie viel geweint hätte.

In den Augen empfindliches Brennen, nachdem er ein Weilchen gelesen hat, ebenso Trübheit, sodass er fortwährend blinzeln muss.

Jucken und Zucken im oberen Augenlid.

Neigung, die Lider von Zeit zu Zeit fest zusammen zu pressen.

Ohren: Summen in den Ohren, wodurch das Gehör verschlechtert wird; beim Bücken schlimmer.

Nase: Epistaxis von sehr zähem, dickem, dunkelschwarzem Blut mit großen Tropfen kalten Schweißes auf der Stirn.

Heftiges Niesen.

Gesicht: Gelblich erdige Gesichtsfarbe.

Zunge usw.: Die Zunge ist weiß belegt, die Papillen sind erhaben, nach dem Frühstück besser.

Schlund: Gefühl, als wäre das Zäpfchen zu lang, sowohl beim Schlucken als auch beim nicht Schlucken.

Magen: Verlangen, Widerwillen: Außerordentlicher Durst auf kalte Getränke.

Übelkeit und Erbrechen: Geschmackloses Aufstoßen.

Heftiges Sodbrennen.

Gefühl von Übelkeit in Brust und Hals.

Magen: Magen und Bauch aufgetrieben.

Empfindung, als wenn Fermentation im Magen stattfände.

Empfindung, als ob etwas Lebendiges in der Magengrube umher spränge.

Abdomen: Empfindung im Bauch, als spränge etwas Lebendiges darin herum mit Übelkeit und Schwäche.

Bei Uterusentzündung Stiche im Bauch, welche den Atem benehmen.

Stuhl usw.: Die Stühle enthalten dunkles, faseriges Blut.

Von Zeit zu Zeit empfindlicher, dumpfer, langer Stich nahe der linken Seite des Anus.

Unerträgliches Grimmen.

Kribbeln im Anus wie von Madenwürmern.

Männliche Geschlechtsorgane: Der Geschlechtstrieb ist sehr erregt.

Weibliche Geschlechtsorgane: Gefühl, als sollte Menses eintreten mit Kolik und Drängen zu den Genitalien.

Uterusblutfluss während des Neu- oder Vollmondes.

Menses reichlich und zu lange anhaltend, tritt aber rechtzeitig ein; mit dunklem, klumpigem, faserigem Blut.

Metrorrhagie mit dunklem, klebrigem, faserigem Blut in schwarzen Klumpen, nach Erhitzung, Anstrengung oder Heben; ebenso nach Abort oder Entbindung; < nach der geringsten Bewegung

Schwangerschaft: Dunkle, faserige Lochien.

Respiration: Krankhaft, übel riechender Geruch des Atems.

Husten: Heftiger Anfall eines erschöpfenden, trockenen Hustens, welcher durch Auflegen der Hand auf die Magengrube gemildert wird.

Husten mit Blutspeien.

Lungen: Schwere auf der Brust, muss häufig einen tiefen Atemzug tun.

Dumpfe Stiche in der linken Brust.

Herz, Puls: Puls: fieberhaft, beschleunigt.

Ängstliches Herzklopfen.

Herzklopfen beim Treppensteigen.

Oberglieder: Beim Bewegen des Oberarms ein Schmerz, als wäre der Kopf des Humerus nur locker und könnte leicht ausgerenkt werden.

Frostbeulen an Händen und Fingern.

Unterglieder: Beim Bücken starkes Knacken im Hüft- oder Kniegelenk.

Die Knie geben nach.

Frostbeulen an den Zehen.

Brennen und Prickeln in den Füßen.

Die Sohlen tun vom Stehen weh.

Lage usw.: < Bewegung/stehend/bückend

Nerven: Abends außerordentliche Hinfälligkeit und Müdigkeit wie von starker physischer Anstrengung, dabei große Schläfrigkeit mit einem Gefühl, als wären die Augenlider geschwollen; > literarische Beschäftigung

Muskelzucken. Spasmodische Kontraktion einzelner Muskelpartien.

Springen, Tanzen, Lachen, Pfeifen, will jeden küssen.

Schlaf: Singt im Schlaf.

Träume: verwirrt; furchtbar.

Zeit: Morgens/nachmittags/abends/nachts

Temperatur und Wetter: < im Zimmer/Erhitzung

Frost, Fieber, Schweiß: Nachmittags Frost, der gegen Abend schlimmer wird mit Schauern vom Rücken bis zu den Unterschenkeln; Zittern.

Durst während des Frostes und der Hitze.

Wallungen innerer Hitze mit Prickeln und Kribbeln in der Haut.

Hitze, besonders am Kopf und im Gesicht mit Blässe der Backen und Durst.

Hitze mit intensiver Röte im Gesicht und Ausdehnung der Blutgefäße.

Heftige Hitze über den ganzen Körper hauptsächlich im Kopf mit Röte des Gesichts und großem Durst ohne viel Trockenheit im Mund; gegen Abend.

Spärlicher Schweiß nur nachts und dann kalt und schwächend.

Schweiß nur an der unteren Körperhälfte.

Anfälle: Beim Neu- und Vollmond

Seiten: Rechts Links

Empfindungen: Empfindung wie von etwas Lebendigem, das in verschiedenen Körperteilen herum springt.

Berührung, Verletzungen usw.: < beim Auflegen der Hände/Druck

< beim Anstrengen/beim Heben

Haut: Prickeln und Kriechen in der Haut.

Scharlachfarbene Flecke auf der Haut.

Scharlachröte der Haut.

Schmerzhafte Eiterung gequetschter Teile (alte, vernarbte Wunden brechen wieder auf und eitern).


A capricious and impressionable state. A very sensitive person. They are sexually attractive, exuberant and extravagant. She loves music and laughter. Intense affection which doesn't last. The excitement transforms into vexation and hysteria.

Core ...

 Dreams of striving and misfortune.

 Delusions, unfit for business; about to die.

 Dreams: The dead. Fire.

 Yielding. Weakness of will.

Modalities ...

 Impressionable. Sensitive. Affectionate. Embraces and kisses everyone.

 Desires amusement. Nymphomania. Dancing. Laughing.

 Cheerful. Vivacious. Ailments, from joy, excessive.

 Ailments from abuse, reproaches, emotions, anger.

 Anger, alternating with repentance quick > Anger, trifles.

 Contemptuous. Hardhearted. Indifference to joy of others.

 Discontented. Disgust.

 Sympathetic. Offended easily.

 Extremities, numbness. Pain: paralytic, aching, burrowing, tearing.

She can be a bit spaced out, and confuses past and present. The dreams are anxious, full of striving. Her Ladyship may have difficulties of a financial nature!

Theme: Rapid change. Neglect vs. Belonging.

Therapeutics: Metrorrhagia. Asthma. Rheuma.

Miasm: Sycotic.

DD.: Unloved: Ant-t. Fl-ac. Iod.

Egotistical: Sulph. Merc. Plat-met.

Nux-v./Sil.: The combination of Disgust, Contempt, with dreams of the dead, and an impressionable and yielding disposition.

DD.: Cross kingdom

a. How they cope with the situation

Easily discouraged. One minute she is striving to accomplish her objectives then the next her will weakens and all is lost. Characteristic of Stage 5. She is most affected by relationships (Silica Series), but her business suffers too (Ferrum Series). She is quite showy (Silver Series) which brings us to Niobium because the highest Holon includes

the others (= extension Herings law of cure, where healing is from the inner to the outer).

b. The expression and its modalities

Sensitive and affectionate by nature, and then becoming contemptuous and hardhearted (Phos - death, presentiment, of; Dictatorial. Disgust. Hatred).

c. The mineral-salt combination

Niobium phos. would have the characteristic: "My success depends on your friendship and appreciation".



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