Cuprum metallicum Kind Anhang        





Generell Neigung zu Krämpfen, Spasmen und Zuckungen (Gesicht, Glieder) im Zusammenhang mit verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern (Fieberkrampf)

Kind braucht sehr viel Schlaf (mehr als 16 Stunden pro Tag)

Zuckungskrämpfe bei Kindern.



Ambitious (Nux-v. Verat); wants to be the best.

Cannot demonstrate affections (Nat-m. Sep) easily, as they are all cramped up.

Cautious (Ign) and meticulous in every action.

Dictatorial attitude; loves to control others (Lach. Merc) e.g. friends, classmates, and siblings.

Easily frightened (Arg-n. Nat-c) by anybody approaching them; when there is sudden darkness in the house, or when they see a dog barking.

Fretful (Cham. Cina) children do not know what they want; their desires and demands keep changing; satisfied with nothing.

Hardworking, pushy children; many activities underway, yet very organized.

Independent children (Nux-v), avoid asking for help (egotistical).

Loves leadership (Caust. Lyc) and assuming responsibility.

Persevering (Ferr-met. Sil); very determined; never gives up.

Polarities of behavior: Tricky and mischievous or quiet and timid; yielding, or headstrong; this leads to emotional instability.

Reserved and serious-looking children, who are often constricted with fragile egos and fractured emotions.

Responsible and conscientious children; want other children to be equally responsible.

Stammering after fright.

Tight-lipped to the point of being secretive (Bar-c. Lyc. Ign) and grim.


A universal remedy for cholera (Dr. Clapton: workmen in copper factories have always escaped cholera while the neighborhood suffered severely) and rotavirus

infection in neonates and infants; equally important for E. coli and other gram-negative septicemias.

Coldness (icy) (Camph. Carb-v. Laur. Phos. Sec. Verat), cold sweat, cold breath, collapse (strength and vital force) (Ars. Carb-v. Hydr-ac. Laur. Op. Sec. Verat).

Ambitious (Nux-v. Verat); wants to be the best.

Cannot demonstrate affections (Nat-m. Sep) easily, as they are all cramped up.

Cautious (Ign) and meticulous in every action.

Dictatorial attitude; loves to control others (Lach. Merc) (friends/classmates/siblings).

Easily frightened (Arg-n. Nat-c) by anybody approaching them; when there is sudden darkness in the house, or when they see a dog barking.

Fretful (Cham. Cina) children do not know what they want; their desires and demands keep changing; satisfied with nothing.

Hardworking, pushy children; many activities underway, yet very organized.

Independent children (Nux-v), avoid asking for help (egotistical).

Loves leadership (Caust. Lyc) and assuming responsibility.

Persevering (Ferr-met. Sil); very determined; never gives up.

Polarities of behavior: Tricky and mischievous, or quiet and timid; yielding, or headstrong; this leads to emotional instability.

Reserved and serious-looking children, who are often constricted with fragile egos and fractured emotions.

Responsible and conscientious children; want other children to be equally responsible.

Stammering after fright.

Tight-lipped to the point of being secretive (Bar-c. Lyc. Ign) and grim.

Disposition to have spasms and cramps in the fingers (which are flexed inwards), limbs, muscles, throat (prevents speech and swallowing), and thumbs (clenched into fists) (reverse of Sec).

Many neurological complaints are brought on by fright (Carc. Op. Stram) and after being sexually abused (Ph-ac. Staph).

Physical complaints, like convulsions, and behavioral problems are due to suppressed eruptions (Bry. Zinc) and perspiration (feet) (Bar-c. Zinc-met).

Sensitive children (Ign. Phos. Puls) physically as well as emotionally (sensitive skin/sensitive digestion/sensitive nature).

Hence everything overacts, (the smallest, mildest, and simplest dose overacts and everything aggravates). Giving Cupr-met. to such babies often relieves the sensitivity and then the well-selected remedies will act curatively for longer periods (Kent).

Symptoms (neurological/behavioural) come at periodical intervals.

Violence characterizes many symptoms (vomiting/nausea/diarrhea/cramps/convulsions)

While nursing or drinking, a gurgling sound commences in the throat and continues in the esophagus (Ars. Cina. Hell. Hydr-ac. Laur).

Cupr children’s nerves are always wrought up to the highest tension.

Excessively chilly, yet thirsty for cold water (Phos).

Great acuteness and sensitivity of special senses (Cham. Chin. Coff).

Retraction of tongue like a snake (Lach).

Other important symptoms


Ailments from emotional excitement and fright

Anxiety after fright (Carc. Verat), with a red face (at night).

Aphasia from fright (Hyos).

Aversion to being touched or caressed.

Becomes stiff and kicks when carried

Fear of being touched, dark, dogs, downward motion, robbers, spiders, strangers, thunderstorm, and water.

Fears failure, and thus suffers from tremendous anticipatory anxiety before examinations; needs constant affirmation that he will do well.

Foolish behavior; plays antics (Bell), makes ridiculous gestures and strange faces that he tries to hide behind his hands.

Inciting (Hyos) and teasing by nature (animals).

Runs about all the time (Stram. Verat); just cannot sit in one place, even when it is time to go to bed; very difficult to keep him in bed; tosses about in restlessness.

Tendency to jest and tease others.

Tends to mimic (Stram) teachers and other children in the class.

Arrested development of children.

At the other end of the spectrum, wesee bashful, mild, timid children, who cannot talk in front of the class or go to parties.

Deceitful (Lach), sly, and mischievous (Cann-i) children.

Dirty children; pass faeces on the floor (Sep).


Infant usually spits out pacifier or bites when angry.

Loves plants.

Music eases him.

Spasmodic immoderate laughter.

Tends to cling to the mother when carried, since he fears falling (Borx).

Weeps from the slightest emotion.

Temper tantrums:

Aversion to being touched.


Carried, desire to be.

Clinging: The child grasps the mother very tightly.

Hiding himself.





Pulling hair (his own or someone else’s).

Rage with physical violence.


Spitting on faces of people.

Striking at imaginary objects about him.

Striking with rage.

Tearing things.



Bores his head into the pillow (Apis. Bell. Hell. Stram. Tarent. Tub).

Suppressed eruptions (atopic eczemas, contact dermatitis, impetigo, molluscum contagiosum, scabies) leads to inflammatory disorders of the brain (encephalitis)

and meninges (meningitis) (Cupr-act. Zinc).

Violent headaches, felt especially in be tween the eyes above the root of the nose; + nausea and vomiting; < from fright/coughing/pressure; > warm wrapping (Mag-p).

Examination findings:

- Acute hydrocephalus with meningitis.

- Cannot hold head erect.

- Cold perspiration on the forehead.

- Convulsive movements of the head

– rolling or tossing it about.

- Head drawn backwards (Cic, Hyos, Stram).

- Kernig’s sign ++

- MRI: Cerebral hemorrhage, hydrocephalus.

- Pulls hair.


Lachrymation with cough (Nat-m, Puls).

Examination findings:

- Constant movement of eyeballs, even under closed lids

- Paralysis of the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball (Arn. Seneg).

- Dacryocystitis.

- Dilated pupils, which are insensible to light.

- Eyes rolling upward (Bufo, Laur).

- Nystagmus with an involuntary pendulum-like motion of the eyeballs, from side to side.

- Pupil not reacting to light

- Staring, brilliant, glistening or glassy eyes with a wild look in them.

- Styes.

- Sunken eyes.

- Twitching of lids.


Catarrh extending to the frontal sinuses (Lyc. Merc).

Epistaxis of dark, black blood, from especially the right nostril, on blowing the nose.

Frequent sneezing, with copious, offensive, watery coryza.

Snuffles and congestion with watery nasal discharge.

Examination findings:

- Fan-like motion of the alae nasi (Chel. Spong).

- Pointed nose (Verat).


Examination findings:

- Cyanotic face with bluish discoloration around the mouth (Carb-v. Lach. Verat).

- Hippocratic face (Aeth. Sec) with an anxious, distressed, frightened, pinched, sickly expression and bluish discoloration around the eyes.

- Chewing motion of the jaw (Bell. Hell).

- Clenched jaw (Glon. Op).

- Cracked lips.

- Dark or bluish-red face in rage or with cough or in convulsions.

- Distortion of facial muscles.

- Intensely red (Phos. Sulph).

- Pale, sunken face.

- Shiny face covered in icy cold sweat.


Difficult dentition.

Biting the glass when being fed.

Finds it difficult to talk from chorea or spasms in the throat or tongue.

Examination findings:

- Constant grinding (Apis. Ars. Bell. Cina) or clenching of teeth together.

- Tongue lapping to and fro, or rapidly darting in and out like that of a snake (Lach. Merc. Vip).

- Dry cracked tongue, with enlarged and erect papillae, white coating in the center, and red sides.

- Foaming of mouth.

- Gums red, soft, tender, and detached from the teeth.

- Stammering speech.


Spasms of the esophagus cause the child to choke on swallowing fluids, which are brought out through the nose.

Left-sided affection of the throat and tonsil, better by taking warm drinks (Ars. Lyc. Hep).

Recurrent tonsillitis with a tendency towards induration or suppuration.

Examination findings:

- Gurgling sounds coming from the throat when swallowing (fluids)

- Red uvula.

- Torticollis with the head drawn to the right side.


Frequent thirst for small quantities of cold water often.

Sudden nausea, vomiting with hiccoughs and retching, from rotavirus infection, immediately after eating, with urging for stool at the same time;

> by drinking cold water (Bry. Phos. Puls).

Greediness in eating and drinking (Hyos).

Rice-water-like or green, bilious vomitus, with an offensive odor.

Slow digestion.

Drinking cold water ameliorates vomiting.

Violent cramping and cutting pains in the epigastric region, ext. back, with a deathly sensation below the sternum and nausea; < touch or after milk; > bandaging abdomen

up tightly.

Violent vomiting of bile and water with severe colic in stomach and abdomen.

<: Beans/bread/cabbage/cold food/fat/flatulent food/milk/peas;

Aversion: Potatoes (boiled).

Desires: Cold drinks/cold food/cold water/delicacies/warm and steaming hot drinks and food;


Infantile colic from every fright, anger, excitement; < cold water; > pressure.

Periodic violent, cramping pains in the abdomen of nurslings and infants after breast-feeding or eating vegetables, before and after stool or vomiting, on motion (while walking) or touching the abdomen; > lying down (on abdomen)/applying local warmth/bandaging the part/bending double.

Violent cramps in abdomen and calf muscles due to hyponatremia.

Examination findings:

- Excessively hot, sensitive and tender to touch

- Intussusception (Op, Plb, Verat).

- Tympanitic distension of the abdomen.


Diarrhea after vegetables/during dentition/in warm weather; + nausea, vomiting, cramps in the limbs.

Diarrhea # constipation.

Constant uneasiness.

Cholera and Gastroenteritis

Excessive thirst.

Profuse discharges from stomach (vomiting) and bowel (diarrhea).

The child feels very chilly and hence they need a lot of covering and clothing to keep them warm (opposite of Camph).

Tip of the tongue cold.

Examination findings:

- Great prostration.

- Blueness around fingernails.

- Dehydration ranging from grade I to grade III.

- Hypotension.

- Hypovolemic shock.

- Intense coldness of the body with cold sweat.

- Mottled, dusky appearance.

- Skin moist.

- Spasmodic distortion of face.

- Stool: Pus +, RBC +, pinworms, and segments of tapeworm.

- Sunken deep eyes.

- Tachycardia.

- Tachypnea.

Stool: Rice-water-like stool with flakes, frequent but never very copious or greenish-black, watery stools in cases of cholera, with intense cramps and hiccoughs.

Urinary organs:

Suppression of urine due to hypovolemic shock (Camph. Op. Sec. Verat) or due to congenital anomaly, or congenital pelvi-ureteric junction stenosis

due to congenital valve.

Acute renal failure.

Copious, cloudy or dark-red colored, offensive urine with most complaints (headache, vomiting, epilepsy).

Involuntary, frequent urination at night.

Painful retention of urine in cases of cholera.

Useful in cases of children with a very strong personal or family history of renal calculi.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin ++, RBC ++, sugar ++ - Urine leaves an offensive, reddish sediment on the diaper that is difficult to wash off.

Male organs:

Cryptorchism (Aur).

Larynx and Trachea:

Hoarse, rough, interrupted voice when crying, reading, or singing aloud, or from exposure to dry, cold air; preventing speech.

Constriction in the larynx on coughing.

Laryngismus stridulus, < trying to swallow.

Spasms of glottis (Brom, Chlor).

Respiratory organs:

Dysponea after sudden emotions (anger, excitement, fright, vexation), from laughing, in wet weather, when walking against the wind or running; < after midnight,

and > bending backwards or taking deep breaths; cannot bear a handkerchief before the face during the attack.

Respiration arrested on coughing or crying.

Sudden attacks of spasmodic asthma after emotions, exposure to cold air or wind, suppressed eruptions; < after midnight

(3 - 4 h.) with a bluish discoloration of the face.

Asthma # eruptions (eczema).

Central neurogenic hyperventilation syndrome.

Frequent desire to take a deep breath.

Examination findings:

- Paroxysmal, irregular, jerky respiration, with gasping during cough

- Wheezing with slow inspiration.

- Cheyne-stokes respiration.

- Coldness of breath.

- Hyperventilation.

- Rattling crowing respiration.

- Respiration sighing.

- Stertorous breathing.


Ailments from: Cold, dry wind (at the sea), dentition, going into a warm room from open air, measles.

Before cough: Anxious expression on the face.

During cough: Child becomes stiff all over, face turns dark bluish-red, with gagging (Agar. Cina), nausea, retching, trembling of limbs (Bell. Phos), or twitching of fingers

and toes.

After cough: Vomiting.

Constant cough + frothy salivation and epistaxis, resulting in unconsciousness (Cina. Kali-c).

Cough < breathing deeply, eating solid food, laughing, talking (finds it impossible to talk without coughing); < taking cold drinks (Am-caust. Caust. Coc-c. Iod. Kali-c. Op. Sulph. Verat).

Long, paroxysmal cough (Dros. Ip) with the sound of croup

Sudden, dry, exhausting, persistent, rattling, or spasmodic, suffocative, violent cough at night, in uninterrupted paroxysms, from irritation or tickling in the larynx,

preventing sleep.


Painful constriction of the chest after eating or drinking, from anger, during cough, or before vomiting; < touch.

Spasms of the chest on coughing.

Examination findings:

- Blueness near the clavicle.

- Chest X-ray: Consolidation in the lung.


Examination findings:

- Opisthotonos.


Clenched fingers (thumb drawn inwards) (Cic. Merc. Stann), which are difficult to extend.

Icy cold hands and feet.

Alternate flexion and extension of the limbs.

Cold perspiration from the hands and feet (between the toes).

Cramps in the limbs (calves, toes, and fingers)

Lower limbs drawn up convulsively, making him lie with his thighs flexed upon the abdomen.

Nails: Brittle, blue, and pale.

Twitching of fingers and toes during cough and in sleep.


During sleep: Jerking of lower limbs, lids half-open with distorted mouth and eyes, loquacity, moaning, profuse frothy salivation, restlessness and

tossing about, rumbling in the abdomen, snoring, and twitching of the fingers and toes

Babies are sleepless at night until 2 h., with frequent yawning.

Sleeps on the abdomen, throwing the pelvis up spasmodically.


In measles, when the eruptions have not yet come out, with intense itching, unchanged by scratching.

Examination findings:

- Collapse with bluish cyanosed skin that is icy cold to touch.

- Icterus.

- Purpura hemorrhagica.

- Sensitive to touch.


Ailments from: After punishment, concussion or injuries of the head, during colic, dentition, fever, emotions (anger/fear/vexation), renal failure, suppressed discharges or eruptions, and worms

Before convulsions: Barking, fear, hiccoughs, laughing, nausea, palpitations, retching, shrieking, temporary loss of vision, tympanitic distension of the abdomen, and vomiting.

During convulsions: Anxious expression on the face, asthmatic respiration, biting others and himself, biting the tongue, clenched thumbs, cold hands

and feet, cold perspiration, cough, falling forward, frothy salivation (Art-v. Bufo. Cina. Hyos), hiccoughs, involuntary urination or absolute suppression of urine, laughing, lying with limbs abducted, lying on abdomen with spasmodic jerking of pelvis upward, pale or dark bluish-red face, shrieking in rage (Apis. Bell. Hyos. Plb. Stram), sleepless, spasms and alternate flexion and extension of the limbs (beginning in the fingers and toes), tetanic rigidity, unconsciousness with fixed eyes, and weeping.

After convulsions: Cold perspiration, copious urination, drowsiness, headache, laughing, one-sided paralysis, sleeplessness, striking, vomiting and weakness

Periodical convulsions every 2 - 3 weeks.

< at night, during sleep, during stool or vomiting, from cold drinks.


Ailments from fright, imitation, suppressed eruptions.

< at night/in cold air/during new moon; > lying on the back and during sleep.

One-sided periodical chorea (l.) with brownish discoloration of the tongue, which trembles on protrusion.


Arrested development

Ailments from abuse of iron, loss of fluids; loss of sleep; suppressed footsweat; suppressed eruptions; and after vaccination.

Anemic chilly children, who cannot tolerate the slightest cold air.

Brittle bones.

> Cold bathing (Apis. Calc-s).

Dropsy from liver disease.

Emaciation in spite of ravenous appetite in children suffering from juvenile diabetes.

Pulse: Frequent, intermittent, small, soft, weak, and almost imperceptible.


Child wakes up suddenly from sleep as if from a frightful dream.

Sleep on his hands and knees with the face forced into the pillow.

Restless tossing about.

Slight jerking of muscles.

Examination findings:

- Rolling of the eyeballs during sleep.


Ailments from: Anger/dentition/summer/worms (Acon. Merc).

Before fever: Increased appetite, nausea.

During chill:

Ascending chills, beginning in chest (Apis, Sep); + cold, clammy perspiration on the forehead, diarrhea (Ip. Phos), distended abdomen, trembling and shivering of

limbs with gooseflesh, and desire for warmth, which does not relieve.

During heat:

Dry, burning heat, worse at night during sleep, felt most on the face (Merc. Sulph), head, hands, and feet or unilaterally, either on the left side, the anterior, or the upper half

of the body; accompanied by abdominal pain, anxiety (Phos. Spong), bilious vomiting, clean tongue, cold, pale face with warm hands and a bluish discoloration around the eyes, cough, delirium, diarrhea, dilated pupils, dysponea, extreme thirst or absolute thirstlessness, headache, increased appetite (Ars. Bry), irritability, sleeplessness, sneezing, and stretching out the limbs.

During perspiration:

Cold, sour perspiration, especially from the front or upper part of the body (face and hands, < during sleep.

Perspiration is followed by vomiting, and a ravenous appetite.

After fever:

Increased appetite (Chin. Cina).


Itching of dry skin, better by scratching (Anac).

Examination findings:

- Icterus.

- Warts.


Ailments from: Anger, punishment, or reprimand (Agar. Cham. Cupr-met. Ign); dentition; fever; fright; hamorrhage; when touched; and worms (Indg. Santin).

Before convulsions: Cold feet, cough, headache, shrieking.

During convulsions: Arrested respiration (Cic. Stry), cough, dilated pupils (Bell), froth from mouth (Art-v. Hyos), glassy eyes, gurgling sounds from the throat, shrieking, and stiff limbs.

After convulsions: Headache (Bufo. Caust).


Periodicity of complaints.

Ailments from masturbation (Con. Staph) or after measles (Carb-v).

Chorea from masturbation (Calc) or worms (Spig).

Most complaints < at night (2 - 5 h.) (Aloe, Kali-c), during summer (Nat-c), from initial motion, new moon (Nux-v) or full moon (Alum, Puls); and better in warm air, and from continued motion.



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