Sintergruppe = Produkten durch Sinterung
Entstehen durch mineralisch Ablagerung/Ausfällung
Sinter bildet sich durch Abscheiden (Kristallisation) von in Wasser gelösten Mineralen, also in Gewässern, Wasserleitungen und -behältern oder in feuchtem Milieu. Er bildet krustenförmige Überzüge
im Gelände – an Hängen, Geländestufen oder Terrassen (Sinterterrasse)
und entsteht in vielfältigster Form in Höhlen, Bergwerken und feuchten Stollen als Speläothem (Höhlensinter), von Sinterhäutchen bis mächtiger Bänke.
Chemisch handelt es sich unspezifisch um Alkali- und/oder Erdalkalimetall-Salze von diversen anorganischen, aber auch organischen Säuren mitsamt verschiedenen Beimischungen. Petrologisch gehört Sinter zu den Sedimentiten. In der Biologie spricht man bei Sinter von Inkrustation.
Mineralische Ablagerungen in der Natur von relativ reiner Zusammensetzung:
Kalksinter, die vorwiegend aus Calciumcarbonat bestehen (etwa Travertin/Kalktuff)
Kieselsinter aus kryptokristallinen Siliciumdioxid oder Opal, das sich an heißen Quellen (Geysiren) absetzen kann und mitunter Geysirit genannt wird
Schwefelsinter, hauptsächlich diversen Sulfiden und Sulfaten, häufig die Folge vulkanischer Vorgänge
Mineralausprägungen wie Quarz-Adern in anderen Gesteinen, Achat, Drusen (Geoden)
Salzgesteine (Evaporite), insbesondere Steinsalz (Halit) sind streng genommen auch Sinter, doch ist die Bezeichnung hier nicht gebräuchlich.
die Konkretion, ein durch Fällung entstandener Stein, etwa Raseneisenstein oder Höhlenperlen (auch Warzensinter genannt)
die Krusten, die sich auf steinernen, tönernen, metallischen und anderen archäologischen Artefakten bilden, die längere Zeit im Erdreich/im Meer liegen
Sinter im eigentlichen Sinne werden in der Technik genannt:
die Ablagerungen in Töpfen, Rohren oder Heißwasserboilern (Kesselstein)
als Sinter wird auch ein Eisenoxidgemisch bezeichnet, das in der Stahlindustrie beim Kontakt von heißen Stahloberflächen mit Spritzwasser entsteht.
Sinter bezeichnet auch die durch Verdunstung entstandene, wenige Mikrometer dicke feinkristalline Schicht, die sich auf trocknendem Putz oder anorganisch gebundenen Farben bildet, siehe auch Fresko.
Besondere natürliche Vorkommen
Tropfsteine und andere Speläothem-Formen
poröser Travertin, Kalktuff (etwa an den Plitvicer Seen)
Steinerne Rinnen und andere relativ kompakte, feingeschichtete Formen (Wachsender Felsen an der Isar)
Sinterstufen (Sinterterrassen) als Gewässerform (Plitvicer Seen, Pamukkale, Saturnia, Mammoth Hot Springs u.v.a.m.)
Das Vorkommen des Böttinger Marmors im Geopark Schwäbische Alb
Der Aquäduktenmarmor, als Sinterprodukt einer römischen Wasserleitung in der Eifel
Sprudelstein-Vorkommen von Karlsbad
künstliche Riffe
Achat. = SiO2
Halit. = Steinsalz/NaCl
Kalkkolith (= Cenchris/= Mohnsamenstein/fällt aus in kalkreiches Wasser/Ca + C.
Lap-a. = Kieselsinter in Gasteiner Quelle
Struvite = NH4)MgPO4·6(H2O (Mg + Ammonium + P) Urea durch Bakterien aufgespalten in Ammonium. und andere Substanzen/entsteht in Abflussröhren/Nieren.
durch Einwirkung von Bakterien
Porc-m. Im zweiten Brand 1300 - 1500° C verdichtet sich der Scherben bis zur völligen Sinterung (Verglasung).
Tropfstein = Calcit. in Höhle
als Sinter entstanden
Weinstein = Kali-t. KC4H5O6
+ Calciumtartrat CaC4H4O6.
Vergleich: Siehe: Slag
Allerlei: Ist die Temperatur im Feuer so hoch, dass die Asche. weich und teigig wird, so entsteht beim Abkühlen durch Sinterung eine
poröse, aber feste Masse = Schlacke.
[Marc Brunson]
Curare or The Metal Lung
June 15, 2007
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by Marc Brunson
Written by Marc Brunson
The central imaginary suffering of homeopathic
remedy Curare is a feeling of powerlessness with incapacity to act on the
environment. ‘It is a living person in a dead body’ explained F. Moussier.
The work on this remedy was helped by cases
presented by M. Paulus, F. Moussier, J. Vimond and L. Klein.
We start by asking the same question again:
what is strange, bizarre and curious about the substance that makes this remedy
and makes it different from others? What is its personality?
There is not ‘one’ curare but there are several
sorts of curare. They all are a mixture of poisons that aim at paralyzing the
victim (including respiratory muscles) with conservation of sensitivity and
conscience. The poison does not act through ingestion but by penetration into
the body.
With the help of my colleagues of a study group
(Petroleum) I have come to the following vision of the remedy:
The central imaginary suffering of Curare is a
feeling of powerlessness with incapacity to act on the environment.
‘It is a living person in a dead body’
explained F. Moussier. (delusion somebody is trying to awake him). Personally,
the remedy makes me think of hospitalized people living on an artificial/metal
lung. (artificial respirator).
The poison is applied to the points of the
arrows to immobilize the pray that will be eaten by the hunters. Curare is
therefore a victim: he dreams of being menaced, followed, he tries to hide and
to defend himself. Louis Klein wrote: ‘Curare feels abused by others and in
turn is abusive with them.’
What aetiology is susceptible to awaken the
sense of helplessness? The literature offers the following:
mistreated children and women
living with an abusing, tyrannical, drunk, jealous, etc. partner.
epilepsy from bad news
ailments during convalescence (Vermeulen)
The reaction will be the following. His
condition of victim, will develop resentment and frustration toward the world
around him and cause Curare to react with violence toward others, himself and
the world.
chases persons
desire to kill
want of moral feeling
striking (in children)
wicked disposition
striking himself
tears himself
In his virtual metal lung, curare will
exacerbate sensations and sentiments. There is also an increased sensation of
nostalgia. (fits of ecstasy at night, as if caused by hearing music, injuries
of nerves with great pain, regrets for the past.)
There is also an important tendency for
reclusion. In the cured cases this is expressed as a ‘need to charge his
batteries.’ (aversion to be spoken to, aversion to company, avoids the sight of
people, shuts herself up). Curare also desires to be directed and guided in his
Before paralysis sets in, there may be an
excess of action toward the environment. He has dreams (when awake) of luxury
and grandeur with vanity.
Françoise Moussier says: ‘ It is immobile
action’. Regardless its moral paralysis (or because of), Curare tries to act,
to influence its entourage and environment.
In the cured case by Michel Paulus, comments
made by Simone Fayeton insist on the theme of dirtiness. Cleanliness of the
environment is what individuals normally desire, by way of reaction (or
incapacity) Curare will resort to dirtiness. This reminds the dirtiness of the
paralyses person in the metallic lung who will only be clean by the nurses’
intervention. (delusion everything is dirty, delusion appears foul)
To escape this moral immobility can be an
another way of living its suffering; desire to travel, somnambulism,
convulsions, restless sleep, puts feet out of bed; this seems more a way to
escape because there is no mentioning of intolerance to heat in Curare.
There is vertigo when looking at moving
Like in most remedies the physical tropisms are
not random:
There is lots of paralysis:
weakness after any excess
from loss of fluids
reflexes diminished
conduct, automatic
coma vigil
muscular dystrophy
myasthenia gravis
paralysis of the upper eyelids, especially the right
cannot swallow properly, liquids come through the nose on swallowing, liquids
taken are forced through the nose, swallowing difficult must drink in order to
swallow, swallowing impossible from paralysis.
Facial paralysis, especially the left side
paralysis of the tongue which is pulled to the right
menses absent, molimen only (as if nature makes a great effort to realize the
appearance of the menses.)
paralysis of the lower limbs starts with heaviness, then follows stiffness,
pain, weakness and ataxia. The paralysis is often localized. A typical modality
is ‘while playing the piano’ (artists often have increased senses!)
Even when paralyses, senses are exacerbated. Curare
has the sensation of something alive in the abdomen.
The owner of a cow cured with this remedy (Dr
Jani Vimond, France) said that he had the feeling that his cow said: ‘Get me
out of here, deliver me!’
One verified symptom can be added to the
Stomach, Nausea, when retains urine. (1/1)
Sentiment of incapacity to act on his
(Possibly after having been abused, or
impression of having been abused)
As a consequence he may develop the following
(Needs to escape from this prison.)
exacerbation of sensations
rancour, frustration
violence against himself or others, abuses
excess of all sorts: strength, luxury
enclosed into one self
paralysis, needs a guide
– dirtiness
– total abandonment.
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