The Doctrine of Signatures Anhang 2


[Tharushka Pillay]

2.5.1 Doctrine of Signatures

The concept of the Doctrine of Signatures is that a substance which resembles an organ of the human body in any which way, may be used to treat diseases of that

particular organ (Rafeeque, 2012).

The first mention of this practice dates back to that of Paracelsus (1493-1541), a Swiss physician, who was the first to profound this doctrine, which draws a symbolic parallel

between nature and disease processes (Swayne, 2000).

Paracelsus and his student, William Coles (1626-1662), a 17th century botanist, were responsible for popularising this concept for practical and medicinal use. One discovery by

Coles was that of walnuts, which he found to be good for treating head ailments, specifically to that of the brain, as they have signatures to that of the head.

An other example of which he made discovery was that of St. John’s Wort (= Hypericum perforatum) which may be used in treating ailments of the skin, as the small holes seen

on the leaves of this plant resembles the pores of the skin (Cassel, 2008).


[Catherine Anna Morris]

On initial discovery of this fungus, the researcher was interested in the remarkable similarity in appearance between this fungus and a human kidney.

The surface markings on the body of the fungus resemble, very closely, a kidney that has been cut through in cross-section.

Initially, it was the researcher's idea to hopefully reveal, through a Homoeopathic drug proving of the substance, that a connection exists between the symptomatology

of this remedy and the Doctrine of Signatures.

This is a philosophy that states that if a naturally occurring substance resembles a human body part, it should be useful as a medication in the treatment of that organ

or body part.

The connections to the kidneys and urinary system found in this proving was thirstlessness, a reduction in urination, slight dehydration and in some provers kidney pains.

This is not, unfortunately, solid evidence of the Doctrine of Signatures and it is suggested that this aspect of healing be further researched.

It is possible, however, that another substance exists (of fungal or other origin) that resembles a kidney more closely.

A Homoeopathic drug proving of this substance may prove the connection that this researcher was aspiring to.

It is interesting to note that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (= TCM) and its philosophy, many of the mental and emotional symptoms experienced by the provers

related to either a deficiency or excess of vital energy (= Chi) in the kidney and its meridians.

What follows is an outline of the philosophy, which is necessary in understanding this concept. It is believed that all diseases and discomforts, physical and emotional, are

because of an imbalance in the Chi or natural Energy of that person, where Chi is a bipolar flow of energy produced by the interaction and fluctuations of Yin and Yang.

In terms of Chinese Medicinal philosophy, the tissues and organs of the human body pertain to either Yin or Yang according to their related locations and functions, as well

as to one of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water).

The kidney relates to the element water, as classified by the five elements (Stux & Pomeranz 1991:62), which is the most Yin element. It is responsible for our will, our drive

and our ability to realise our potential. It has been described as the “foundation of all Yin and Yang energies" and it is this quality that characterises this element.

Many people run on 'nervous energy' when they lack the reserves that would be available to them with a strong water element.

These people are very busy and active and often achieve much as the deficiency in the Yin of their water gives them a restless, hyperactive quality.

Examples of people like this are politicians and entrepreneurs, workaholics who are strongly driven by their will.

This relates to those provers who felt very focused, had an increased energy, were motivated and had an increase in concentration. They were very productive and remained

focused for long periods of time.

People who are deficient in the Yang of their water tend to be lacking in drive, ambition and vitality.

This relates to the emotional symptoms of the provers where they felt apathetic, demotivated, with difficultyin concentration and low energy levels.


Element                      Holz                            Feuer                          Erde                                       Metall                         Wasser                        Dreifache Erwärmer                          Sexus


Geschmack                 sauer                           bitter                           süß                                         scharf                          salzig

Yin-Organ                  Leber                          Herz                            Milz                                       Lunge                         Niere

Yang-Organ               Gallenblase                 Dünndarm                  Magen                                    Dickdarm                   Blase

Jahreszeit                    Frühling                      Sommer                      Erntezeit/Spätsommer            Herbst                         Winter

Klima                         Wind                          Hitze                           Feuchtigkeit                           Trockenheit                Kälte

Emotion                     Wut                            Freude                        Sorgen                                   Trauer                         Angst

Farbe                          blau/grün                    rot                               gelb                                        weiß/hellgrau              blau/schwarz


                                                                                                                                                                    Esche                Esche                   Mandelbaum                                                    Esche                                                                                                                                              Pappel

                                   Ahorn                         Pinie                           Ulme                                      Linde                          Linde                          Mandelbaum                                     Birke

                                            Apfelbaum                    Linde                          Ahorn                                              Ulme                              Pappel

                                                                       Weißdorn                                     Weißdorn            Apfelbaum                  Birke

                                                                                                          Tanne                                      Tanne                         Weide



Vorwort/Suchen        Zeichen/Abkürzungen                               Impressum