Elaps corralinus Anhang


[Rajan Sankaran]

Some physical and mental characteristics of Elaps .

Elaps is the coral snake. It has features common to the “snake” group of remedies, like loquacity, jealousy, egotism, deceit, venomous disposition, etc. I have usually identified Elaps by its very

strong physical cravings/concomitants, for example the desire for bananas (my observation), oranges, salads, sweetened buttermilk (in India, a yoghurt drink called “Lassi”), ice, sweet, sour, milk.

Its other symptoms which I have repeatedly confirmed is the burning pain in oesophagus and stomach, commonly described by the patient as “acidity” which is ameliorated by cold drinks – the

cold drink can be felt descending from oesophagus down to the stomach, where it feels quite cold. Also the pain is ameliorated by lying on abdomen. This cold sensation descending down the

oesophagus and settling in the stomach is unique to Elaps.

One of the dreams repeatedly seen in Elaps is the dream of falling, sometimes described as falling into an abyss or a pit. My prescriptions were initially based on these physical symptoms, but from clinical experience I have derived some idea of the mental state of Elaps, which is as follows:

I find that the patients have a fear of falling down, losing their position, their image in society. They like to maintain a very good image and value the good opinion of others. One has to differentiate this remedy from Palladium or sometimes from Platinum. Their talk is quite animated and egoistic. They are loquacious and have a tendency to put others down, but not in an egoistic way. They often come from respected families and are multi-talented in the areas of leadership, appearance, cooking, etc.

In one patient I observed a tremendous fear about the well-being of her husband and daughter, especially if they were a bit late returning home. The fear of high places is very strong. In this particular case the fears came up mainly when the daughter had gone for rock climbing and the husband was travelling by air.

To conclude, the most important features of Elaps are the fear of crashing down from a high place and the anxiety to uphold her image, the fear that her image should stand and not crash down.


o Stomach, coldness, ice-like, after cold drinks.

o Chest, coldness, internal, as if ice water were rising and descending through a cylindrical tube.

o Stomach, pain, lying on abdomen ameliorates.

o Company, desire for, happen, as if something horrible might.

o Fear, happen, something will.

o Dreams of falling into a pit.


o Aversion, bananas.

o Desires – ice/oranges.


o Drinks, cold, as if.If you would like to learn more about Dr. Sankaran’s work, courses and lectures please visit:   http://www.onlinehmp.com


[Otto Leeser, M.D., Ph.D.]

The provings of Mure with 2 provers and Lippe's with 1 prover are too scanty for a consistent picture.

Similar to Naja: severe headache mainly in the forehead (< at night and on awakening mentioned only once). All the blood seems to be congested in the head, the feet are ice-cold and the (r.) hand blue

and as if paralyzed, benumbed and unsteady. Ears and eyes appear particularly involved: deafness, buzzing and crackling in the ear and vertigo with tendency to fall forward; a grey veil or a cloud, or

fiery and colored spots before the eyes, unsteady vision (letters run together when reading), strong aversion to light and even transient blindness. Of the mental symptoms "excessive horror of rain" and

"hears what is said without understanding it" may be mentioned with due reservation.

Constrictive sensations, familiar from many other snake venoms, are reported from the esophagus and the sphincter ani and vesicae.

Judging from the provings, Elaps has a greater tendency to hemorrhages than Naja. The black color of the blood, from the respiratory tract on coughing, from the rectum and from the uterus between the menstrual periods, is peculiar;

bright ("arterial") blood from the nose and ears. Much more information is wanted before the significance of these observations can be assessed. Likewise some data in the provings, hinting at chronic inflammation of mucous membranes of nose and ear, should be regarded with caution: bad smell from the nose and stoppage of both nostrils; discharge of a yellowish-green liquid from the ear. It would

be rash to assert the usefulness of Elaps in ozena from the former and in otitis media from the latter date in the provings.


Delusion = falling into abyss/falling from a height/Dreams: falling into an abyss/of birds

Main feeling: is very high beings + in high place + a fear of falling from that place/is very superior/has EGO

Connection with RAIN

Feeling: I am not small


[Fraser] schüchtern, ängstlich vor allem wenn alleine, aber trotzdem menschenscheu; Angst Angehörigen wird etwas zustoßen, wenn diese nicht da sind

[Richter] kämpft darum eine Beziehung zu bekommen (Puls. kämpft eine Beziehung zu erhalten); fühlt sich ausgeschlossen/verlassen/verfolgt/nicht anerkannt, geschlagen, deshalb ist ihm ANerkennung über alles wichtig, die erreicht werden soll durch EINFALLSREICHTUM, Originalität, Phantasie + Kunstfertigkeiten (z.B. schönes Malen). Verführt durch Sinn für künstlerisches; Einfallsreichtum, Originalität, Phantasie, (Farben/Malen/schöne auffallende Kleidung) werden andere veranlasst sich zu kümmern, hinzuschauen.

Kongestionen = Blutwallung (Blutstau) (Kopf/Lunge/Zungenschwellung/Ohrpulsieren/Herzklopfen) und partielles inneres Kältegefühl (Brust/Magen/Glieder/Rücken/in Knochen); Kältegefühl bei warmer Haut;

Angst um Gesundheit/Angehörige/vor Regen/hohe Plätze; Angst vor und Träume vom Fallen (Angst Stellung + Position in der Gesellschaft zu verlieren); wichtig ist gute Meinung der anderen; wie andere Schlangen geschwätzig/eifersüchtig/giftig/scheu/liebevoll/sucht Emotionalität, sehr sanftes Wesen (Naja/Puls.), wird aber feurig wenn Kämpfen muss (Gegensatz zu Puls); hat Schwierigkeiten mit Kontakten und ist ohne Freunde oft allein;

wenn im Konflikt Flucht in die Kunst, EINSAMKEITSVERLANGEN, paralysiert (Naja zusammengezogen/verkrampft); << Reden mit anderen; Hochmut (Plat./Pall.);

Furcht vor Regen.

ZNS: rechtseitige Paralyse, Krampfanfall bei Fieber ; glasiger Blick, spricht aber versteht nicht (hört nicht zu); Steifigkeit Nacken + Schulter; Lähmung re Seite; Taubheitsgefühl der Fingerspitzen.

AUGEN: Lichtempfindlich, Brennen, Schmerzen, Jucken, Ringe; Schwellungen über Augen (Naja; Kal.carb); rote/schwarze Ringe; Verschwommen Sehen

HNO: Geruchsstörungen (alle Schlangen); Nase verstopft, Katarrh, bluten, Schmerz an der Nasenwurzel; Tubenkatarrh;  nach Clarke Spezifikum für chron. Nasen-Rachen-Katarrh mit grünlichen Krusten und unangenehmen Geruch in der Nase; Nasenkrusten weit oben, dunkles Nasenbluten nach Schneuzen.

GIT: Spasmen, Krämpfe ÖSOPHAGUS, Rektum, Brust (Naja); Abneigung + <  enge Kleidung (alle Schlangen); zu viel Essen oder wegen Konstriktion in Speiseröhre (Naja) immer nur kleine Bissen; heftige Schmerzen im Oberbauch; salziger, blutiger Geschmack; Gefühl von kaltem Magen;; Brennschmerz im Ösophagus gemildert durch Kaltes; aber kaltes wird gefühlt in Speiseröhre bis Magen mit weiterem Kälte-Gefühl in Magen + Thorax.

Verlangt: Kaltes/Eis/Salat/Buttermilch/Orangen/Salate; VERlangt: Bananen/Süßem; aber Obst + kalte Getränke liegen wie Eis im Magen.

Abgeneigt: Tomaten;

Ausscheidungen: Ohrenlaufen, viel Blutungen, platzende Gefäße; schwarze  Absonderungen (Ohrenschmalz/Blutungen/Stuhl/Menses); dunkle Blutungen (dunkler als bei anderen Schlangen).

Fieber: 20 - 22 h.; Kälte bis in Knochen, heftiger Schüttelfrost; Fieber # Frost; mit dunkelroter glatter Zunge.

80% der Beschwerden Auge, Ohr, Riechen; dann obere Luftwege (Tonsillen, Bronchitis; Lungenentzündung)


[Lori Foley]

Massimo Mangliavori: Instead of pride and egotism, you express yourself through something else: such as art of creativity

Seen through something else, a tool or an image

It attracts your attention to something that is not exactly “me” - a shadow of me

Looks SHY and impossible not to notice this person

They get the attention “without lifting a finger”

One case, she was an artist, would send painting out, as soon as interest, she would back off

Once you appreciate them, you get everything from them—Massimo’s house full of her pictures

A kind of apparent want of self-confidence

Often speak of the dual nature—talked of the duality of cats, they like to be cuddled but can also kill mice

He accepts the ugly part of himself

A bit Platina like, right out there

A bit prissy “I would never do that”

(Misc Notes)

Elaps – delusion of trying to jump into an abyss

Wants all choices available – but doesn’t want to take the step

I’m alright the way I am – not as much motivation

• Sinus Problems

• Blocked: Nostrils stopped up, ears—deafness

• Chronic nasal catarrh, with fetid odor and greenish crusts

Elaps corallinus (Coral Snake) Elapidae

• Ozaena (necrosis of sinuses), yellowishgreen discharge

• Mucous membrane wrinkled, nostrils plugged up with dry mucus

• Pains from nose to ears on swallowing

• Craving for salads, ice, oranges

• Menstrual problems (very marked black discharges)

• Blackness of discharges and hemorrhages

• Uterine complaints

• Esp. when worse from exertion, copious flow from walking around

• Severe dysmenorrheal, often with typical black flow

• Sensation of Coldness

• Coldness in chest, in stomach, worse from cold drinks

• Chilly persons

• Cold things disagree

• < right side

• < lying on abdomen

Hormonal and tubercular

If snake -Dream- recurrent dream something bad above and something bad below and all she can do is jump out window -not a good option- witch and king kong, She tried to jump out of a plane

to get over this

Sudden Large attack

(Must see) Water theme (other constrictor themes and sensations) While the anaconda may not hold the title of the worlds’ longest snake -coming second to the reticulated python- its huge girth

means that it is undoubtedly the largest. During the 19th and 20th century, many accounts of giant specimens of anaconda were reported.

While almost certainly exaggerations, it is possible that in remote, deep rainforest rivers, under optimum conditions of prey availability, the green anaconda may grow to record proportions.

The green anaconda is well-adapted for its semi-aquatic lifestyle, with its eyes and nostrils positioned on top of the head, enabling the snake to see and breathe while the rest of the body is submerged.

The colouring of the body provides excellent camouflage, with olive green upperparts boldly marked with pairs of dark ovals on either side of the spine, which are sometimes fused. The flanks are also marked with smaller, light-centred dark spots, while the head, which is relatively small compared to the thick body, bears a distinctive stripe, which runs from the rear edge of the eye, diagonally downwards to the back of the head. The stripe is edged with black and varies in colouration, from greenish to orange. In addition to its gigantic proportions, another remarkable feature of the green anaconda is that it exhibits the greatest size difference between the sexes of any terrestrial vertebrate. The female dwarfs the male and is almost five times heavier.



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