Falco peregrinus Disciplinatus (Falco-p.) = Wanderfalke


The scientific name Falco peregrinusmeans “wandering falcon” in Latin. The name Falcon comes from the Latin falx, a sickle and alludes to the sharp beak that, like the grim reaper, brings sudden death.

Natural History of the Falcon

        They differ from other Falconiformes in killing with their beaks instead of their feet. They have a “tooth” on the side of their beak for that purpose.

        The Falcon (female) is more powerful but the Tiercel (Male) is often more agile.

        The Falcon’s flight takes the form of a series of rapid strokes of the wings followed by a short glide.

        While its diet consists almost exclusively of medium-sized birds, the Peregrine will occasionally hunt small mammals, small reptiles, or even insects.

        The Peregrine requires open space in order to hunt, so they search for prey either from a high perch or from the air.

        The Peregrine Falcon is often said to be the fastest animal on the planet in its hunting dive, the stoop, which involves soaring to a great height and then diving steeply

at speeds commonly said to be over 320 km/h (200 mph), and hitting one wing of its prey so as not to harm itself on impact.

        If the prey is not killed by the shock of being hit with razor sharp claws moving at more than a hundred miles an hour, it is quickly dispatched by a bite to the neck.

        They have a “tomial tooth” a projection on the upper beak with a corresponding notch on the lower one. This serration allows them to kill their prey immediately with

a bite to the back of the neck and they do not generally have to contend with a struggling victim as the hawks do.

        The birds usually hunt in the early morning and again in the evening.

        A pair mates for life and returns to the same nesting spot annually. The courtship flight includes a mix of aerial acrobatics, precise spirals, and steep dives.

        The pair defends the chosen nest site against other Peregrines, and often against ravens, herons and gulls.

        The male brings the food close to the nest and passes it to the female in mid air. This can be an impressive display as they both fly vertically up, chest to chest, and

pass the food from talon to talon.

        Apart from such anthropogenic threats as collision with human-made objects, the Peregrine may be killed by large eagles or large owls.

Central issue:

Falco peregrinus has a particular theme or dreams which include speed, free fall, and the bliss of freedom and being the fastest in the animal kingdom.

        It is a gripping feeling (sensation) as if you are stuck in a cage (delusion) it is something that grips you & it is black & dark. It is something vague that holds you &

keeps you in a cage.

        The black thing is something that is inside of the me from top to feet & through the legs & it can make me do things, it is much more powerful than me. I’m & it is

domineering me ,it has power over me, it makes me do things that l don’t want to.

        Recurrent dreams….A crushing feeling, totally black & I was so super-small & the black thing is so huge ,it came down on me so that I couldn’t breathe anymore….

it came down in slow motion, like a black cape coming down slowly on me that wraps you completely.

Correlation with nature:

A. Speed/Stoop/Dive/Danger

The Peregrine Falcon is widely renowned for its incredible speed. High speed achieved only during the characteristic swoop (hunting dive)…the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on earth.

        ‘I drove home that evening in a record time of 1hr 10 min, a journey which usually takes me 1hr 30min. I drove at high speed, I was aware of the speed but I didn’t


        ‘I was aware on my journey home that my driving was somewhat careless and that if I was not more careful I would have an accident, but it didn’t stop me.’

        ‘Was very speedy’

        ‘Went out by myself – feeling very good, pleased with myself, I walked out on the dam on the stream without a thought, after a few minutes I noticed how precariously

I was perched and thought quite calmly, “You’d break a leg if you fell off here“, but I didn’t go back immediately.’

B. Courage/strong/agile

Peregrine Falcons are courageous, strong and extremely agile birds provided with dreadful weapons. When they catch their prey, usually the victims are stabbed to death or strangled up in the air, or very heavy birds are tortured in the air and then killed after they plunge to the ground.

        I don’t care and feel very relaxed.

        I find it very difficult to take anything seriously at all, great fun.

        Periods of great stillness – completely unworried by things

        Fierce and passionate


        Swearing without apologizing

        Explosive anger

C. No sense of Danger

The Peregrine Falcon is often stated to be the fastest animal on the planet in its hunting dive, the stoop, but the dive may be dangerous sometimes, because the falcon may hit a tree or rock.

        Danger, lack of reaction to danger

        Danger, no sense of danger, has

        Delusions, danger, impression of, fear, but without

        Harming her own children

        Reckless driving

        Feeling in charge/Powerful

D. Biting

If the prey is not killed by the shock of being hit with razor sharp claws moving at more than a hundred miles an hour, it is quickly dispatched by a bite to the neck.

        Biting, about him, bites

        Biting, nails

        Biting, people, family, her

        Fear, injury, being injured, of

        Fear, attacked, fear of being

E. Abused/Dominated/Falconry

The falconry……The bird is left tethered in semi-darkness without food. After a substantial time, when the bird is exhausted and starving, it is offered a morsel of meat on the gloved fist. When it is driven by hunger to eat it will step on to the glove to take the meat.

        I can’t stand up for myself

        Feel dominated and controlled

        Feel hemmed in



        Numbness/Detachment/Disinterested in sex and sensuality

F. Reaction to Imprisoned…

A bird of prey is never domesticated. The learned response to the lure and the sound of the whistle will usually call back the bird but if it were to fly out of sight or hearing it would be free…

        They will usually have experienced severe abuse of a physical, emotional and/or sexual nature. As a result, there is a great deal of anger, which may either be

Sup- or expressed.

        Ailments from scorn

        Anger, cold and detached

        Anger from contradiction

        Anger when touched

        Anger, violent

        Cursing from contradiction

        Cursing from rage


Leprosy miasm

        Feeling of being dirty and cheap

        Vision of people living in squalor

        No interest in personal appearance

        Fear of infection and infecting others

        Dream of eating corpses

Falcon source words:

        Dark place/Covered by something huge

        Caged, imprisoned



        Dive with great speed


Essenz: (Eigen-)Wille, Macht, Dominieren und dominiert werden; will seinen persönlichen (starken, direkten) Willen in der Welt durchsetzen mit gewaltigen Freiheitswillen, aber dem Wunsch (der Gruppe) zu gefallen,

anerkannt zu werden, Rücksicht auf die Meinung der anderen (gibt seine Freiheit auf um akzeptiert zu werden. degenerative disorders of the nervous system (paralysis, peripheral neuropathy and claustrophobia).

Leitsymptome: halsstarrig, (kalter, harter) Ärger + Zorn (wenn gehindert); will Verpflichtungen der Familie entkommen; Kaltherzig, indifferent, gefühllos; Resignation, Verzweiflung + Paralyse mit Gefühl gefangen und

absolut allein zu sein,

Ursachen: Missbrauch/verlassen in Kindheit/tiefste Wunden aus Kindheit

Abhängigkeit (Alkohol, Drogen); paralysierende ZNS-Erkrankungen; periphere Neuropathie, Claustrophobie

DD.: Anac-o; Nux-v; Bute-j;

[Sigrid Häse]

Falken sind traditionell ein Prestigeobjekt reicher Ölscheichs. Zentrale Thema Geschwindigkeit, denn Falco ist seinen Mitmenschen im Denken immer 10 Schritte voraus. Es fällt ihm schwer, sein inneres Tempo in die

Realität umzusetzen, und so kommt es bei ihm zu Koordinations- und Wahrnehmungs­schwächen, die sich in Unfällen, Schreibproblemen bei Diktaten, Klavierspielen nach Noten und andere motorischen Schwierigkeiten

äußern. Liebt Motorrad-/Achterbahnfahren und raketenhaftes Fliegen. Schlägereien ist er nicht abgeneigt und hat gern ein lockeres Messer in der Tasche. Gegenüber langsam denkenden Menschen verhält er sich ungeduldig.

Bei ihm besteht eine latente Gewaltbereitschaft, und feige ist er über­haupt nicht. Die Disziplin, die im lateinischen Namen des Mittels steckt, lässt der Klient manchmal vermissen.


To the ancient Egyptians the falcon headed God Horus was a major deity One eye represented the sun, while the other represented the moon. Thus this God, among other functions, was the psychopompus, the one who led the living

into death and the dead into their new life upon the wheel of cyclical return. The themes which emerged in the Falco proving 'fell out' upon an axis of brightness, clear sightedness, laughter and the coldness of unfeeling anger (own children)/anything perceived as posing a restraint. Humiliated/scorned/undervalued/menaced. There is an unfeeling aspect to the remedy, compounded by a sense of being above it all/detached. From this perspective human life may

seem cheap/impoverished/dirty. One prover reported that she had become 'The Ice Queen', while some others expressed that sex and sensuality were 'off the map'. From this detached perspective it is natural to seek a purely analytical solution to any emotionally charged situation. The disciplined Falcon's primal situation of fear and deprivation translates in terms of unfeeling numbness, as is the case in many of our fear remedies This response is the natural one,

once flight and fight have been tested and found wanting. Perhaps arising out of this primal experience there was a marked empathetic response from a number of provers, especially with endangered environments and disempowered people or perhaps this response is as natural as is flight for the free bird. Certainly most of the provers felt elevated in the initial stages of the proving: clear sighted, focussed, close to nature, not to mention the spiralling and gyring preoccupations of most provers. The proving dose was taken over the weekend - on Sunday morning 7 of the group (2 men) came to class with painted finger nails - emblematic of the falcon's death delivering talons. They had been to a birthday party, all had got confused while driving, several had a terrible time getting off roundabouts (traffic circles)! - emblematic of the falcon's ascending spiral flight prior to its stoop upon its prey.

The Peregrine Falcon is one of 38 species of the genus Falco, the true falcons, which includes Kestrel/Merlin. The representative importance of the bird is such that it gave its name to the Falconiformes as an order of diurnal raptors including eagles/hawks/vultures/buzzards. There are several features that distinguish the falcons from other raptors.

Falcons don’t build nests/lay their eggs in "scrapes" (= depressions made on cliff ledges)/holes in trees/on the ground. They are stronger/faster in the air + less manoeuverable close to the ground. They have a "tomial tooth" a projection on the upper beak with a corresponding notch on the lower one. This serration allows them to kill their prey immediately with a bite to the back of the neck and they do not generally have to contend with a struggling victim as the hawks do/was found almost everywhere except in the arid tropical deserts/have almost completely disappeared from east of the Rockies/Andes.

Horus and The Falcon in Mythology

Peregrine Falcon has been regarded as a mystic bird and often as a messenger from another world/stranger in ours. N. American Indians believe it to be a messenger that brings us guidance from the spirit world. It was in Egyptian mythology that the Falcon found its most powerful expression. Horus, which means "the distant one" or "that which is above", was the most important of the many Falcon Gods in Bei vielen Völkern spielen Falken eine Rolle in der Mythologie. In der Ägyptische Mythologie hat der Sonnengott Horus, der die finsteren Mächte besiegt, den Kopf eines Falken. In der nordischen Mythologie trägt die Göttin Freya ein Falkengewand, mit dem sie je nach Lesart wie ein Falke durch die Lüfte gleiten kann oder sich gar in einen solchen verwandelt. Bei den Kelten zählte der Falke als Übermittler zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits. In der slawischen Mythologie ist der Falke (Sokol) eine Gestalt der Sonne und des Lichtes. Er ist bekannt für seinen großen Mut, seine scharfen Augen, und er kann in kürzester Zeit große Distanzen durchmessen. Deshalb ist er besonders der Vogel der Krieger. Die Helden der russischen Märchen verwandeln sich gerne in Falken, um schwierige Aufgaben zu bewältigen. Die heldenhaften Eigenschaften waren wohl auch der Grund, warum die tschechisch-nationale Turnervereinigung Sokol heißt. Egyptian Mythology.

Osiris and his sister-wife Isis ruled Egypt and had brought agriculture, peace and prosperity. Their brother Seth was jealous and overthrew Osiris, cutting him into small pieces that he dispersed and buried all over Egypt. Isis gathered the pieces of her husband and joined them together. In the form of a Kite she covered his body and with her wings beat air into his mouth, animating him long enough for him to impregnate her before he departed to rule over the dead. Horus (= child of this union) was hidden from his uncle in the papyrus marshes of the Nile Delta and brought up in secret by his mother. Horus is often iconographically depicted as a vulnerable child (sucking at Isis's breast/sitting on her lap sucking his fingers).

On coming of age Horus, guided by his mother's guile and forensic skills set about persuading the Court of the Gods that the Kingdom of Egypt had been usurped by his Uncle and was rightfully his. As a sky god his right eye was said to represent the Sun and his left the Moon. In one of the numerous contests and incidents between Horus and Seth, the left eye of Horus was shattered.

Through the magic of Thoth the eye was restored to perfection and became the Udjat, a human eye surrounded by the Falcon's facial markings, this became a symbol of soundness and perfection and of protection and purification. It was

one of the most potent amulets of protection and is still an immensely powerful icon. The phases of the Moon reflect this shattering into small pieces and healing to wholeness. Falcon + Pharaoh = God and Ruler of Egypt = one and the same. The Hieroglyph of the Falcon therefore meant kingship and is always found preceding the name of a Pharoah.

Falcon sitting on a hand risen out of mud, shaped the earth out of mud

On the whole Falconry takes advantage of the natural instincts of the birds. In Falconry a dog is used to "point" the position of the quarry. The dog stays absolutely still while the Falcon is let slip and given time to climb in a circling motion. When the Falcon is in position, the dog puts up the quarry and the bird stoops on it at great speed, killing or stunning it. The Falcon brings its prey to the ground and mantling, spreading its wings tent-like over its prey, it begins

to plume it, pluck its feathers out. The Falconer must approach quickly while the bird is engrossed and if he offers a lure of fresh meat. The Falcon will instinctively take it, offering the falconer a chance to snatch the quarry and catch

the bird by its jesses. The Falcon is given a small part of the kill, the "faire courtoisie".

The training of the Falcon is necessary partly to make the bird used to people and the accoutrements of the hunt, but most importantly to give the falconer a way of calling the bird back to him. This is done by creating a Pavlovian

response to the sight of the lure and the sound of a particular whistle.

Just as the falcon is at the top of his food chain so man is at the top of his and the fate that almost befell the falcon might yet happen to him. The story of the Peregrine Falcon and pesticides was a major part of the realization that

mankind was no longer subject to nature but had in his power the ability to destroy the world in which he lived. This realization led to an awareness of ecology and the birth of the green movement, but it also resulted in a terror for

what might happen and a feeling that only we are responsible for whatever happens to us.


[Dr. Ghanshyam Kalathia]

Falco peregrinus means "wandering falcon" in Latin.

The name comes from the Latin falx, a sickle and alludes to the sharp beak that, like the grim reaper, brings sudden death.

They differ from other Falconiformes in killing with their beaks instead of their feet. They have a "tooth" on the side of their beak for the purpose.

Typical of bird-eating raptors, Peregrine Falcons are sexually dimorphic, with females being considerably larger than males.

The Falcon (female) more powerful but the Tiercel (Male) is often more agile.

The flight takes the form of a series of rapid strokes of the wings followed by a short glide.

 While its diet consists almost exclusively of medium-sized birds, the Peregrine will occasionally hunt small mammals, small reptiles, or even insects.

 Requires open space in order to hunt, so they search for prey either from a high perch or from the air.

The Peregrine Falcon is often stated to be the fastest animal on the planet in its hunting dive, the stoop, which involves soaring to a great height and then diving steeply at speeds commonly said to be over 320 km/h (200 mph), and hitting one wing of its prey so as not to harm itself on impact.

If the prey is not killed by the shock of being hit with razor sharp claws moving at more than a hundred miles an hour, it is quickly dispatched by a bite to the neck.

They have a "tomial tooth" a projection on the upper beak with a corresponding notch on the lower one. This serration allows them to kill their prey immediately with a bite to the back of the neck and they do not generally have to contend with a struggling victim as the hawks do.

The birds usually hunt in the early morning and again in the evening.

Reaching sexual maturity at one year, it mates for life and nests in a scrape, normally on cliff edges or, in recent times, on tall human-made structures.

The Peregrine Falcon lives mostly along mountain ranges, river valleys, coastlines, and increasingly in cities.

In mild-winter regions, it is usually a permanent resident, and some individuals (adult males), will remain on the breeding territory.

A pair mates for life and returns to the same nesting spot annually. The courtship flight includes a mix of aerial acrobatics, precise spirals, and steep dives.

The pair defends the chosen nest site against other Peregrines, and often against ravens, herons and gulls.

The male brings the food close to the nest and passes it to the female in mid air. This can be an impressive display as they both fly vertically up, chest to chest, and pass the food from talon to talon.

They often chase their siblings in playful games and the adults will drop dead and then life prey near them teaching the young birds to take their food in mid air and eventually to hunt.

Apart from such anthropogenic threats as collision with human-made objects, the Peregrine may be killed by large eagles or large owls.

The falconry……The bird is left tethered in semi-darkness without food. After a substantial time, when the bird is exhausted and starving, it is offered a morsel of meat on the gloved fist. When it is driven by hunger to eat it will step on to the glove to take the meat.

Core issue:

    Falco peregrinus has a particular theme or dreams which include speed, free fall, and the bliss of freedom and being the fastest in the animal kingdom.

    It is gripping feeling (sensation) as if you are stuck in a cage (delusion) it is something that grips you & it is black & dark. It is something vague that holds you & keeps you in a cage.

    The black thing is something that is inside of the me from top to feet & through the legs & it can make me do things, it is much more powerful than me I’m & it is domineering me ,it has power over me, it makes me do things that l don't want to.

    A recurrent dreams….A crushing feeling, totally black & l was so supper-small & the black thing is so huge ,it came down on me so that l couldn't breathe anymore….it came down in slow motion, like black cape coming down slowly on me that wraps you completely.

Physical General:

Noon aggravation


            Attracted by Red color

            Wave like sensation

Physical particular:

Mouth and throat ulcers…Mouth infections are common to falcons. It is a disease called Frounce, a mouth- and throat-infection caused by the protozoan Trichomonas gallinae.


The Peregrine Falcon is widely renowned for its incredible speed. High speed achieved only during the characteristic swoop (hunting dive)…the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on earth.

    ‘I drove home that evening in a record time of 1hr 10 min, a journey which usually takes me 1hr 30min. I drove at high speed, I was aware of the speed but I didn’t care’.

    ‘I was aware on my journey home that my driving was somewhat careless and that if I was not more careful I would have an accident, but it didn’t stop me.’

    ‘Was very speedy’

    ‘Went out by myself – feeling very good, pleased with myself, I walked out on the dam on the stream without a thought, after a few minutes I noticed how precariously

I was perched and thought quite calmly, “You’d break a leg if you fell off here”, but I didn’t go back immediately.’


Peregrine Falcons are courageous, strong and extremely agile birds provided with dreadful weapons. When they catch their prey, usually the victims are stabbed to death or strangled up in the air, or very heavy birds are tortured in the air and then killed after they plunge to the ground.

    I don't care and feel very relaxed.

    I find it very difficult to take anything seriously at all, great fun.

    Periods of great stillness - completely unworried by things

    Fierce and passionate


    Swearing without apologizing

    Explosive anger


    I can’t stand up for myself

    Feel dominated and controlled

    Feel hemmed in



    Numbness/Detachment/Disinterested in sex and sensuality

No sense of Danger

    Harming her own children

    Reckless driving

    Feeling in charged/Powerful

Leprosy miasm

    Feeling of dirty and cheap

    Vision of people living in squalor

    No interest in personal appearance

    Fear of infection and infecting others

    Dream of eating corpuses



    Ailments from, abused, after being, sexual

    Ailments from, domination

    Ailments from, sexual humiliation

    Delusions, abused, being

    Delusions, betrayed, that she is

    Dreams, abused being

    Dreams, sexual humiliation

Enraged/ violent:

    Ailments from, scorn

    Anger, cold and detached

    Anger, contradiction, from

    Anger , touched, when

    Anger, violent

    Cursing, contradiction, from

    Cursing, rage, from



    Ailments from, shame

    Delusions, divisions between himself and others

    Delusion, friendless, he is

    Delusions, neglected, duty, he has neglected his

    Disgust, of one’s own body

    Disgust, himself

    Dreams, cruelty

    Dreams, forsaken

    Emotions, suppressed

    Estranged, children, flies from her own

    Estranged, family, from his

    Estranged, husband, from her

    Estranged, self, from

    Estranged, society, from

    Estranged, wife, from his

    Hiding, himself


No sense of danger:

    Danger, lack of reaction to danger

    Danger, no sense of danger, has

    Delusions, danger, impression of, fear, but without


    Biting, about him, bites

    Biting, nails

    Biting, people, family, her

    Fear, injury, being injured, of

    Fear, attacked, fear of being

    Dreams, accident


    Art, ability for



    Dark place/Covered by something huge



    Dive with great speed


Vergleich: Siehe: Aves + Greifvoegel



Vorwort/Index                                               Zeichen/Erklärungen                                                Impressum