Ferrum phosphoricum Anhang


[Jayashree Kanoi]

Great weakness, and desire to lie down. Nervous at night. Rheumatic conditions.

Used in Schuessler's system for the first stage of inflammatory fevers, it is useful in the higher potencies in chronic diseases, and is a deep acting anti-psoric, It could not be less than the Ferrum and Ph-ac. that forms it.

For many years I followed the Schüssler indications, but by the aid of new provings, homeopathic aggravations, and clinical experience the present arrangement of symptoms furnishes my guide for this valuable homoeopathic remedy.

<: some complaints is in the morning/some in afternoon/others in the evening and night/after midnight. Sensitive to open air, and many symptoms < in open air.

The most noticeable features are anaemia and chlorosis (Ferrum). The general physical anxiety more like Ph-ac. Lack of vital heat, and< in cold air and from becoming cold. Always taking cold. Congestion of head and organs, with fever and red face.

The general weakness is like the low vitality of the phtisical inheritance. Dropsical conditions. Symptoms < after eating (sour food)/from physical exertion. Fainting spells.

Cold drinks bring on symptoms. Vascular fullness and distension of veins.

The haemorrhagic condition is a strong feature, as Ferrum, Ph-ac. and Phos. The nervousness of hysteria and hypochondriasis is found in this remedy. Soreness through the body (congested parts) with < from jar/walking. Complaints from lifting and straining muscles, and from sprains.

Many symptoms < lying in bed/from rest; > moving slowly about (like Ferrum), but the great lassitude compels him to lie down. < real exertion, > slow motion.

Numbness of (suffering)( parts. Surging of blood in body and head.

Stitching, tearing pains (downwards). False plethora. Strong pulsation over body, and in head. Strong, full, frequent pulse. Generally oversensitive, and sensitive to pain. Standing < many complaints. Trembling limbs. All combine to give us a remedy broad and deep acting.

Mind: marked anger, even to violence; producing weakness, headache, trembling, sweat, and other nervous manifestations. Anxiety at night, “As if had done a great wrong to somebody”; after eating; with apprehensiveness; during fever; about the future; hypochondriacal. Cheerful, talkative and hilarious; unnatural excitement, mingled with sadness. This remedy has been used in delirium tremens.

Aversion to company and > when alone. Unable to concentrate the mind, or reflect ordinary questions; can not study. Confusion of mind when trying to think (morning/evening/after eating); > washing the face in cold water.

He is dissatisfied with everything he possesses, and with his surroundings. Very excitable in the evening. The fullness in his head makes him fear apoplexy. Fear of going into

a crowd, or death, that some evil will come to him, of misfortune, of people. Forgetful. It is an excellent remedy for hysterical girls, when other symptoms agree. +

His ideas are abundant, and there is unusual clearness of mind (Coff.). Again, extreme indifference to all pleasure and exciting events. Aversion to work. It might well be thought of for puerperal mania from the note, "Sows eat up their young."

It has plenty of cerebral hyperemia, then why not madness? Irritability. Alternating moods. Morose. Obstinate. Restless at night in bed, tossing about much during fever. Sadness in the evening before menses. SENsitive to noise. Stupefaction. Indisposed to talk. Aversion to thinking. Weeping. Aversion to mental work.

Vertigo: Vertigo in afternoon from hyperaemia of brain, during chill, on closing the eyes; tendency to fall forwards; during headache; as if intoxicated; looking downwards; during menses; with nausea; on rising up; on rising from bed. Staggering when walking, with vanishing of sight. Sensation as if the head were pushed forward while walking.

Head: feels cold and vertex sensitive to cold air. Hyperaemia of the brain. Constriction of the scalp. during menses. “As if fullness”/”As if empty” in the head. Hair falls out. The head feels very hot. Flushes of heat, and red face. Heat in head; in vertex; during menses.

The head feels heavy during menses. Weight in forehead and occiput. Itching of the scalp. Headache, in morning in bed, in afternoon, in evening. Cold air > headaches in general; < ascending steps; blinding headache; catarrhal headaches.

Headache - during chill/on motion, and on moving the head/riding in a carriage; < closing the eyes/on coughing/from a jar/after eating/excitement; > cold applications/lying/pressure; with coryza;

Headache during menses, < from light and noise. Hammering/pulsating. Compelling to lie down. noise. Paroxysmal pains.

Sitting. Stooping; walking. Wrapping up the head brings on or < the headache. Pulsating in head and temples, < right side.

Headache with hot, red face and vomiting food. Severe frontal headache with epistaxis, which >. Predominance of suffering on right side of forehead, < in the morning on waking, evening; > in open air; Pain above the eyes.

Pain in the occiput, on coughing, jarring; during menses. Pain in sides of head and temples, in vertex. Pain in vertex during profuse menses. Boring pain in temples. Bursting pain in head. Pressing pain in whole head, pressing outward, forehead, in frontal eminence, temples; vertex like a stone.

Soreness of the scalp, of occiput, vertex. Stitching pains in head, in forehead, over eyes occiput ext. forehead, on stooping; sides of head, temples, vertex. Tearing pains in head. General pulsation in head, aggravated by motion, and stooping; strong in forehead; in occiput on coughing, in temples, in vertex. Shocks in the head.

Eyes: Discharge of mucus from the eyes. Conjunctivitis with photophobia. Can not see on stooping. Blood vessels enlarged. Lachrymation. Half open lids.

Pain in eyes; aching, burning; sand. Stitching. Sensation of protrusion. Redness of conjunctiva, of balls and lids. Sunken eyes. Swollen lids. Sclerotics jaundiced. Vanishing of sight as from fainting.

Ears: Purulent discharge from the ear. Itching in ear. Noises in the ear; roaring, buzzing, humming, ringing and singing. Catarrh of Eustachian tubes. Inflammatory pains in the ear. Otitis media. Pain deep in the ear. Drawing. Stitching. Pain and swelling of the parotid glands. Sensitive to noise. Impaired hearing.

Nose: Catarrh of nose.

Coryza; discharge bloody. Crusts form in the nose. Discharge excoriating, purulent. When this remedy has been given on the biochemical theory in the low potencies its use has been limited to the acute stage of coryza, but when used homoeopathically this limitation does not hold good.

Who would think of limiting Ferrum or Phos. acid or Phos. to the acute or first stage of an acute, disease?

Epistaxis with coryza, during fever, or headache when the head is hot and full. Epistaxis in the morning, on blowing the nose, with cough, Sneezing.

Face: Chlorotic face. Dark circles under the eyes. Earthy, pale, sallow face. Pale lips. Red # pale. Circumscribed redness of cheeks. Red during fever; during headache. Yellow. Liver spots. Dryness of lips.

Heat of face; flushes; while sitting; with toothache; with pains. Hippocratic face. Inflammation of the parotid. Pain in face, from inflammation of teeth, neuralgia, > cold applications, < by motion. Pulsating pains. Stitching. Perspiration of face. Sunken face.

Mouth: Swelling oedematous, from toothache. Swollen parotids. Bleeding from mouth and gums.

Tongue dark red and swollen. Tongue white. Dry mouth. Inflamed gums, fauces, tongue and tonsils. Burning of the tongue. Pain in teeth, with red, hot, swollen gums/after eating; > holding cold water in the mouth, and < warm things. Salivation. Taste insipid, putrid, sweetish.

Throat: Constricted. Throat and tonsils - red/inflamed. Swollen tonsils. Heat in throat. Lumps in throat. Pain on swallowing. Burning. Soreness.

Stomach: Appetite – diminished/ravenous without relish of food/entirely gone. Aversion to food, meat, milk. Desires sour things. Distension of stomach after eating. Eructations - after eating/better/empty/of food/foul/sour. Water-brash. Fullness after eating.

Heat in stomach. Hiccough. Indigestion. Inflamed stomach. Nausea after eating, during pregnancy. Sudden attacks of nausea, coming at any moment; sometimes waking her out of sleep, lasting a short time. Nausea felt in the throat. Nausea while walking. Pain in the stomach after eating. Burning in the stomach. Cramping. Pressing after eating. Soreness. Great thirst for much water. Vomiting, morning, on rising, on coughing, after drinking, after eating, during fever, during headache, during pregnancy, riding in a carriage. Violent vomiting; blood, food, green, sour. Vomiting with inflammation and pain in the stomach.

Abdomen: Distended, and the liver and spleen are enlarged.

Much flatulence, fullness and rumbling, gurgling. The abdomen is hard. Weight in the abdomen. Inflammation of the peritoneum. This remedy is curative in many complaints of the liver. Severe pain in the bowels, in the morning, evening, night; on coughing; during diarrhoea; after eating; during menses; as if menses would come on; paroxysmal, before stool, when walking.

Pain in hypochondria, in liver. Cramping, colicky pains. Dragging; pressing. Sore bruised pains. Tension.

Constipation; difficult stool. Constriction of anus. Diarrhoea, in morning, afternoon, night, after midnight; after eating; painless. Flatus.

Rectum and anus: Hemorrhage from anus, from piles.

Haemorrhoids, external. Involuntary stools. Itching of anus. Moisture about the anus.

Pain in rectum during stool; with dysentery, and fever. Burning during stool, after stool. Tenesmus. Pain in rectum from inflammation, constant, aggravation by pressure on stomach. Prolapsus of anus, during stool. Ineffectual urging to stool. Stool is excoriating, bloody, brown, frequent, hard, lienteric, slimy, green mucus, thin, watery, green watery.

Bladder: Hemorrhage from the bladder or urethra.Inflamed with fever. Pain in the bladder and neck of the bladder. Tenesmus. Urging; constant; frequent; with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis, must urinate immediately, > the pain; < standing; only in the daytime.

Sudden urging. Must hasten or urine will escape. Urination – frequent/-involuntary urination in the daytime, > lying down; at night in sleep; on coughing; while walking. Pain in the kidneys with fever.

Urine: albuminous, bloody, burning, cloudy on standing, dark, red, copious with headache; amoniacal, scanty; much sediment, mucus, much uric acid; high specific gravity.

Male organs: Gleety discharge from the urethra. Gonorrhea with heat in urethra in inflammatory stage; scanty, watery or mucous discharge. Haemorrhage from urethra. Burning in urethra during flow of urine.

Troublesome nightly erections and seminal emissions. Erections feeble, or entirely wanting. Sexual passion increased, or entirely absent.

Female organs: In the woman there is slight change of symptoms; predisposition to abort, aversion to coition, or desire much diminished.

Leucorrhoea – excoriating/before menses/milky/thin/white.

Chlorotic girls.

Menses - absent. Menstrual flow - bright red/clotted/copious/dark/too frequent/intermittent/irregular/late/painful/pale/protracted/scanty/suppressed/thin/watery.

Uterine haemorrhage. Pain in vagina during coition. Dysmenorrhoea with fever and red face. Bearing down in pelvis with dull pain in ovarian region. Prolapsus of the uterus. Sterility. Sensitive vagina.

Respiration: Acute catarrh of air passages.

Inflamed larynx, with mucus, raw feeling and rattling in chest, fever, red face. Mucus in larynx and trachea. Dryness in larynx. Burning in larynx. Roughness in larynx. Hoarseness during coryza. Voice lost, weak.

Asthmatic. Spasmodic asthma. Dysponea evening, night, with cough, while lying. Rattling. Short. Suffocative respiration. Stitching in chest on deep inspiration.

Cough: daytime/morning on rising/evening/night (in bed); < cold air; asthmatic; acute.

Short, spasmodic and very painful. < deep breathing/talking. Constant with coryza. Dry. After eating; exhausting; with fever. Hacking. Cough from irritation in larynx and trachea. Loose/< lying/paroxysmal/rattling/spasmodic. Tickling/tormenting < walking. Whooping cough. Touching larynx on bending head over. Increased cough from taking cold in phthisis.

Expectoration: in daytime, morning, bloody, bright red, dark, copious, difficult, frothy, greenish, mucus, offensive, purulent, scanty, putrid, thick, viscid, whitish, yellow.

Chest: Anxiety in chest and region of the heart. Catarrh of the chest. Congestion of the chest. Constriction of chest and heart. Sensation of fullness. Haemorrhage of lungs. Heat. Inflamed bronchial tubes, lungs and pleura; oppression of chest. Pain in chest during cough, during inspiration; in sides of chest, during deep inspiration. Soreness in chest on coughing. Stitching in chest, in sides of chest, on coughing.

Right sided pleuritis. Stitches, aggravated coughing and breathing. Palpitation at night with anxiety, on exertion and motion, while sitting, walking rapidly. This is a valuable temporary remedy in the acute colds during the course of phthisis. In acute phthisis. Spasms of the chest with suffocation, fever and red face. Rheumatism in the upper thorax.

Limbs: Cold extremities - hands and feet (evening in bed/during headache). Contraction of fingers, result of rheumatism. Cramps in thighs, legs, calve, feet.

Finger nails blue.

Hot hands, palms; soles. Heaviness of the limbs, upper limbs; legs. Inflamed joints. Numbness of hands and fingers, legs and feet. Rheumatic pain in right shoulder and upper arm, of a drawing, tearing character, < violent motion of arm, > by gentle motion (Ferr-met.), part sensitive to touch.

Deadness of the right hand, could not lift with the hand. Acute rheuma of right shoulder joint, red, swollen and sore.

Rheuma - of right deltoid/of wrist/of knee joint with fever. Gouty affection of joints. Sciatica. Pain in thighs. Sore bruised pain in limbs. Stitching pains in limbs, upper limbs; shoulders; hips.

Tearing pain in shoulders, upper arms, hips. Shooting pains in both knees, extending down legs, with fever. Restless legs. Stiffness of lower limbs, of feet. Swollen joints, upper limbs, forearm, hands; feet.

Dropsical and rheumatic swelling. Great weakness of limbs, of joints, knees, legs. The rheumatism goes from joint to joint, aggravated by the slightest motion.

Sleep: Many dreams, anxious, confused, of failing, nightmare, vivid.

Late falling asleep. Restless sleep. Sleepiness in the evening. Sleepless before midnight, with sleepiness. After once waking up he is sleepless.

Chill afternoons; 13 h. daily. Chill at night in bed. Chilliness. Shaking chill. The fever predominates. Fever at any time with inflammation of organs, joints, or mucus membranes. Fever without chill.

Dry heat with thirst. Flushes of heat. Hectic fever and night sweats. Internal heat. Remittent fever. Heat after sleep. Perspiration in daytime, morning; clammy; with great weakness, on slight exertion, following the fever; copious; during sleep.

Skin: Burning skin.

Coldness. Desquamation. Pale, red skin. Dry skin, Formication. Great sensitiveness of the skin. Skin feels sore. Ulceration. Small withered warts.


Ferr-p. is the remedy for the blood's main oxygen carrier. Experts feel Ferr-p. should always be considered as a supplement remedy to speed recovery for first aid.

Keep on hand for high fevers that do not respond to the remedy Bell. Helpful for anaemia. Safe and without the side effects of iron tonics. Ferr-p. helpful for low or mild fever, infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions, congestion, muscular strains.

Main remedy for inflammations. Fatigue, weakness, illness when the color has drained out of the child's face.

A. slow and gradual onset of illness/opposite of Aconite's rapid onset of illness.

Nosebleeds, sore throat, stuffy nose. In homeopathic form, this mineral goes right into the cells to help with oxygenation.

Infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions, inflammations, congestion, rapid pulse, fevers, muscular strains.

Apply the crushed tablets to cuts and scrapes to help slow bleeding and prevent scarring.

Gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels (arteries). Haemorrhages. This tissue salt can be given at the early stages of most acute disorders, and it should be administered at frequent intervals until the inflammatory symptoms subside.


Cough: Helpful for painful, short, tickling cough. Hard, dry cough with sore chest. Better at night

Diarrhoea: Useful for diarrhea with fever, from infections.

Early stages of an earache. Ear feels stopped, pain, and throbbing. When Belladonna fails.

Fever with gradual Onset. Early stages, no clear symptoms for any other remedy. Pale, easy flushing, rosy cheeks. Rapid, soft pulse. Restless

Headache: Helpful for head sore to touch with throbbing pain. Worse from excess sun, moving, cold.

Useful for bright bleeding from any orifice. Nosebleeds with profuse, bright red blood. Clots easily.

Sleepless: Useful for restlessness and anxious dreams

Sore throat: in early stages. Tonsils red and swollen. Sore throat of singers and speakers. After operations on throat and nose.

>: from touch, cold application.

Symptoms often < r. side/in the evening/with motion;


1. First stage of inflammatory diseases before exudation takes place ; heat with soft, full quick pulse (lacks Aconit tension) ; thirst ; sweating does not > pains ; in mucous inflammations discharge gen. blood streaked.

2. Complaints from taking cold or suppressed perspiration, especially inflammation of mucous tracts ; special affinity for lungs and stomach.

3. Tendency to sudden local congestions, especially in pale anaemic persons.

4. Haemorrhages; bright blood from any outlet.

5. Articular rheuma with fever, shooting pains < movements yet sometimes > gentle motion ; < 4-6 a.m. and p.m.


Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum