Granite Pink Connemara


[Nuala Eising]

I first considered Granite as a homśopathic remedy following two dreams.  Prior to this, I knew nothing about granite except that it is a rock common to parts of Ireland. 

The dreams themselves should explain why I considered it important to conduct a proving of Connemara granite.  The two dreams are described below. This proving was

conducted in 1987.

Dream: 1

I am looking at a picture of Connemara with its grey, bleak hills.  Over the picture is written “Connemara is the day after”.

This is followed by a series of five pictures.

Each picture is of a Connemara person and is in a wooden frame.  Each picture has a caption over it:

1          connemara people are introverted.

2          connemara people are incestuous.

3          connemara people are more prone to cancer than anywhere else in the country

4          connemara people have more down syndrome children than anywhere else in the country.

5          connemara people are taller on average than anywhere else in the country -

They have in fact grown like cancer.

Following these pictures a question and answer appeared in front of me in writing:

Question - What have Connemara people got in common?

Answer - Granite. - - - - -

Dream: 2

I am looking out of the window.  In the sky I see a white dot.  This I know to be Granite as a homśopathic remedy.  As I look at the dot, it explodes, becoming a piece of

beautiful white lace.  Slowly, it moves through the atmosphere, changing shape as it moves.  It takes on the shape of butterflies and birds, always remaining as white lace. 

When it has moved through the whole atmosphere it drops to the ground in front of me.  I look down - it is a white dove, dead because it has cleared the atmosphere of


Granite and its Composition

Following the dreams, I contacted a friend who is a geologist at University College,  Galway.  He explained about the radioactivity in granite. 

Apparently, granite has one of the highest levels of radioactivity of the granites found in Britain and  Ireland, and the pink granite has a particularly high level of radioactivity.

Granite is an igneous rock. It is formed when the magma (molten rock) in the centre of the earth is pushed up under great pressure through faults in the earths crust.

Where there are also horizontal faults the magma is also forced into these. The magma cools slowly and crystallises forming Granite.  In time the rocks above it erode and the granite

is exposed on the surface of the earth. It is a very hard rock.


Murvey Granite, from near Barna, Co. Galway.

Quartz 40% Si02, Potassium Feldspar 31% KAlSi308, Plagioclase 27% NaAlSi308,CaAl2Si208, Biotite Chlorite 2% K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3010) (0H,F)2.

Within granite there are three radioactive elements:

Potassium  3 - 4% by weight a rays

Uranium 1-10 ppm a, b and g rays

Thorium 10 - 50 ppm a, b and g rays.

I obtained a sample of Granite by breaking through a rock, taking a piece from the centre which was untouched by human hand.  I sent the Granite to the Galen Pharmacy

and had it potentised to 30C.  This was the potency used by all the provers.

The proving was carried out beginning in March 1987, two or three provings per month, until the final two started in September 1987.

The Provers

Fifteen people proved the remedy, none of whom knew anything about what they were taking.  In fact, very few of them were familiar with homśopathy.  They lived in various

parts of Ireland.

The provers comprised eight women and seven men, with ages ranging from 20 to 40 years.  Some were married, some single, some with children, some without, and they

were engaged in various occupations.  The nationalities included Irish, English, German, and Dutch.

They were all given a sheet with general headings (as per Kent’s Repertory) and asked to record all symptoms - physical, emotional, mental, sleep patterns, dreams, times of

day, modalities, etc.  They were asked to be detailed and specific about the location and types of symptoms which developed.  They were instructed to take the remedy

3x daily and to stop as soon as definite symptoms appeared.  They were also requested to keep a notebook or diary until they were completely back to normal. 

They were asked not to discuss or compare notes with other provers. Most of the provers did not enjoy the proving, and I was “cursed” quite often during the course of the proving. 

One of them wrote at the end of his notes that he would be willing to be a guinea pig again as soon as he has retired from active living.  Most of the provers contacted me later to

say that they felt much better after the proving than they had done before, and were very glad that they had done it.

Introduction to the Proving

The following is a list of statements as made by the provers, in their own words.  The statements quoted are the more descriptive ones.  A lot of the symptoms were recorded

in the form of lists of words; e.g. exhausted, introvert, arrogant, libido fading, etc.

Where provers used a single word instead of a description I have put the number of provers who experienced that symptom after the word e.g. Detached 11 provers

Some of the more prominent symptoms were produced by 12 of the 15 provers.  Two of the remaining three were by nature introverted and shy, with not a great deal of energy,

and they experienced an improvement in their general state, although they did produce many physical symptoms.  The fifteenth prover was a heavy coffee drinker, and I decided

not to ask her to give it up for the proving, as I was interested in what, if any, effect it would have on the proving.  She produced no symptoms whatsoever, although she stated

that the condition of her skin and hair improved tremendously through doing the proving.

The effects of the remedy lasted for approximately two months.  Most of the provers would at various stages feel that they were “back to normal” only to find that all the

symptoms recurred two or three days later.  The menstrual symptoms lasted for two and, in some cases, three cycles.


Mind: MIND


11 provers

She was “spaced out” and detached from everything and everybody.  She felt detached

from everyone - like an outside observer.


12 provers

She was feeling extremely introverted, detached and indifferent.

She was withdrawn - with no interest in people.

He had a profound feeling of introversion - of not wanting to be around people and

give them any of his space.

With introversion he had a dogmatic insistence on the way he saw things and impatience with others for diddling around.

Apathy 12 provers

He felt weak, no energy and had no interest in anything.  He was bored and tired all day.

She was apathetic, weak and didn’t feel like writing.

Her appetite had increased although she didn’t feel hungry and was quite indifferent to everything.  Her eating seemed to be an emotional kind of eating.

Touchy 8 provers

Aversion to Company

He felt OK dealing with business relations but couldn’t handle personal ones.

She described her feeling as a “behind the counter” feeling.  In relation to business she felt in control and could be “hard line” and blunt without worrying about it.  She couldn’t

stand social or personal situations - people really annoyed her.

She was very uptight, tense and touchy when in company.

She was getting upset about small, insignificant things and didn’t like herself.

He was very touchy and reacting to every little thing.

She had a “leave me alone” and “don’t come near me” feeling all day.

He was very touchy and wanted space around him.

In company she found herself sitting with arms folded tight - trying to keep everything in.

He had no desire for company - in fact experienced a total aversion to company.

She couldn’t stand visitors - she needed her own space.  She had a “don’t touch me” and “leave me alone” feeling all the time.  She had no need to talk and enjoyed her own company.

She was wondering “What are all these idiots doing in my kitchen” when people came to visit her.

He wanted to be alone, wanted his own company.  He felt totally self-absorbed and not into talking to anyone about their petty concerns.  When he had to talk to anyone

he noticed that he was getting very arrogant and that he was also getting very “hard line” with people.

He had become very anti-social - to the extent that at work he chose to do the pieces of work that entailed not being in contact with people.

She had to leave when she had visitors.  She found their presence intrusive and found  herself getting very irritated by them.

She was finding visitors uncomfortable and tiring and was contemplating investing in a bottle of whiskey for the solitary evenings.

She felt exhausted after talking to people and had to go to bed.

He felt “wiped out” if he spent any time in company.

He had to facilitate a group and managed to muster up a sort of nervous energy. Underneath it all he kept thinking that he wanted to go home and go to bed.

She was enjoying driving and was feeling kindly disposed towards people she passed on the road because she didn’t have to talk to them.

She found communicating on the phone easy, even enjoyable, because she could hang up.

He went to a party and felt very withdrawn.  He just wanted to sit quietly in a corner and was unable to communicate with anyone.

Confused on waking 5 provers

She awoke 5 h. feeling very confused - didn’t know where she was.

He had difficulty dragging himself into consciousness and awoke feeling confused.

She awoke with a feeling of trying to emerge from a fuzziness or haze.  She had a feeling of being weighed down by something.  Her head felt muzzy all day and she felt


Irritability, Anger

He was dragging himself around all day and was extremely irritable.

He felt he was starting a flu.  His body felt heavy and sore.  All his limbs were sore and he was hot and feverish all day and very irritable.

He was quick-tempered, tired and his libido was fading

He was exhausted and feverish and had to drive 150 miles.  He spent his time cursing “Nuala” and feeling sorry for himself.

She was getting very irritable and touchy and finding it easy to erupt; with this she was feeling feverish on and off all day

She was thinking about her past - saw herself as having been like a puppy, lapping around the place.  She felt she was growing up.  The idea of herself as the lone wolf

appealed - proud and independent, howling at the moon.

He was getting outbursts of anger in the afternoon - coming in waves.

She was feeling suddenly annoyed in the afternoon between 16 – 18 h.

She had a lot of anger flaring up in the afternoon and was fantasising having a flaring row with people.  She would have loved a fight.  She found it easy to get into hating

people and would have loved to be able to “lay trips” on everyone.

He got into real bad moods and wanted to bite the head off anyone who looked sideways at him.

In the afternoon she had an outburst of anger - she could have exploded she was really uptight and was looking for a fight.

She was “pissed off ” and dissatisfied with everything and everyone.  She was full of negativity and did not experience her usual difficulty in allowing herself to indulge in it.

Abrupt, Rude

She found she could be blunt with people without caring about how they felt.  In fact the only thing she cared about was herself.

She was becoming very insolent and rude when she wanted to be rid of company and couldn’t care less if she was hurting them.

He was being very blunt with people and was quite enjoying it. He felt clearly that their reactions were their own responsibility, not his.


Her period started and her energy was very high from 10 – 6 h.  She danced all night and was very passionate and laughed a lot at nothing

She was laughing a lot at nonsensical things - almost hysterical.

She would laugh in all the wrong places - like when one of her children showed her a drawing that was supposed to be taken seriously.  Once she started to laugh she

couldn’t stop and would burst into tears.

She knew how much she normally hated arguments.  But she was damned if she was going to take any more shit.  She had a big row with someone and got very emotional

and ended up crying and laughing.

Betrayed, Forsaken

She went out for a walk in the morning to get rid of her headache - it helped.  Coming back she felt near to tears.  She had images of her mother and was feeling betrayed

and deserted. Her eyes were stinging and she had a lump in her throat but she couldn’t cry.  On getting back she felt suddenly exhausted and her legs felt wobbly and she was

getting hot and cold flushes.  Her headache was worse again on going inside. She had to sleep for the afternoon.

She felt very “pissed off ” and depressed and didn’t feel like writing - “Damn the remedy and damn Nuala”.  She had a feeling of profound sadness and felt very alone. 

She felt she wanted something - didn’t know what.  She couldn’t cry although she thought she would feel better if she did.

He experienced a very deep feeling of sadness and worthlessness.  He felt extremely lonely. He could feel the tears welling up behind his eyes but he couldn’t let them out.

She was feeling incredibly vulnerable and was watching everyone else’s walls and barriers go up.

She wondered “Does anyone else ever listen or care”.  Love seemed to be the process of giving with no return and a lot of pain.

Anxiety, Fear

She had a feeling of anxiety rising up through her around 16 h.  Between 16 – 18 h. she was extremely nervous - her hands were shaking and sweating.

At 20 h. she had a sudden panic attack.  A feeling of anxiety and panic rising up through her from her feet.  Great fear for no apparent reason.  She felt very restless

and had to keep moving and looking for distraction.  She was shaking and trembling all over and her hands were sweating.  She was wishing she had someone who would

understand to talk to.

Her energy level was high during the period except 16 – 20 h. when she felt tired and continued to get anxiety/fear attacks.  Her sexual energy was very high during her period.

She had a strong materialistic fear.  She felt the need to accumulate money, because something big was about to happen, she didn’t know what but felt she needed to be

prepared for it.

He had a rising feeling of fear and panic and his hands were sweating and he was shaking all over.  This came on suddenly and would go suddenly.  He was restless and did

not know what to do with himself.

While driving he kept getting sudden attacks of panic.  He was very easily startled.

Apprehension 6 provers

She was getting peculiar feelings of anticipation.  Uneasy feelings as if something were about to happen or as if she had something to do and couldn’t remember what.

He was getting bouts of apprehension about the future, but couldn’t get a handle on what he felt was going to happen.


If she put something down and left the room, she could not remember which room she had just been in.

He was feeling very confused because he kept forgetting where he left things.

She was feeling “spaced out” all day and very giddy.  Her concentration was gone and she was very forgetful.

Her memory was lousy and she had a total lack of concentration.

She felt and smelt several past memories - very vividly.  She felt engulfed in water and was not fighting for air - just letting it happen.

Indecisive, Confidence

She found that trying to make decisions was a great effort - like trying to fight her way out of a dense thicket.

He was having feelings of self-doubt in relation to work - he didn’t seem to have any confidence left.

She had no confidence left.  This was totally accentuated in social situations.


She felt she was fighting all the time for her own territory.

He felt invaded when anyone visited him.

She was in a foul mood - feeling a lot of hatred for all those meaningless people who seemed to keep invading her space. 


His mother came to visit.  She was talking about happenings in his home town.  He felt the claustrophobia of that closed, introverted community.  He wanted to scream at

his mother to shut up, that he didn’t want to hear the petty details of that hemmed-in society.  He felt this with incredible intensity and almost felt like getting sick.

She couldn’t stand crowds and couldn’t make any social effort.  People seemed insignificant and petty and were really draining to be with.

He felt full of contempt for others - they seemed so worthless and insignificant.

Weeping, Sadness

She shouted a lot at her kids and cried loads of times.  Life was very painful.  She was crying out of self-pity.  Crying out of loneliness.  Feeling she was close to no-one. 

Crying she couldn’t contain, that seemed to be for the waywardness of the whole world.

She experienced a deep profound sadness that made her feel intensely Irish.  She associated this sadness with the west of Ireland (this prover is Irish).

She cried and couldn’t stop.  It seemed to come from her soul.  She had a profound feeling of sadness and couldn’t see the point in anything.

She cried twice this day for her own needs.  Deep sobs from the pit of her tummy - making her whole body rock with the urgency of it.  She felt good after it.

She cried a lot and just wanted to lie down all the time.


She was feeling very suspicious of motives of others, including friends.  She felt that others were trying to manipulate her.

He wondered if he was becoming paranoid, or were other people trying to pick fights with him.


He felt there was no pattern or inner dynamism in his life.

He was blaming everyone for the way he felt and he felt totally justified in feeling that.


Remarks on the Proving

Remarks made by friends and relatives of the provers included statements such as “He was unbearable to be with” and “couldn’t stand being around him”.

One husband said he was beginning to despair as he couldn’t handle the withdrawal  and coldness of his wife.  Another husband temporarily left because of his wife’s bluntness and anger.

From my own proving

During my own proving of Granite I had a series of dreams every night for two weeks.

In these dreams I was following and observing a soldier in Cromwell’s army as he participated in the invasion and subsequent dispossession of Irish people of their homes and land.

In the dreams I could intensely feel the guilt of this man. He appeared to be doing it because as a soldier in the British army he had to and not because he wanted to.

In the final dream of the series a man came into my dream and said “This is why you had to study Homeopathy. You had to find Granite and liberate an old guilt for what happened in the

west of Ireland”

On waking in the morning I had a great sense of freedom – as if a ton weight that I didn’t know I was carrying had been lifted off me.

A few months later I discovered that the first person of my mother’s family to settle in Co. Mayo was a soldier from Cromwell’s army (Co. Mayo is the county I came from)

A note on Oliver Cromwell:

There had been an eleven year rebellion in Ireland, against British rule.  Oliver Cromwell came to Ireland to put this rebellion down “once and for all”.  He marched on every city, killing

everyone who got in his way.  For example in Drogheda there were 3.000 unarmed civilians and Cromwell’s soldiers proceeded to kill everyone in sight. 

At the end of the day only 30 Irish people remained.  In 1652 at the end of the war one third of the Irish Catholic population had been killed.  Cromwell rewarded his soldiers by giving them

large tracts of land.  In order to achieve this he evicted Irish people from their homes and land in three of the four provinces.  People were given the option of moving across the Shannon River into the province of Connaught or die. 

His slogan was “To Hell or to Connaught”.  A lot of the soldiers who settled in Ireland married Irish girls and ended up converting to Catholicism and learning the language (undoubtedly contrary to what Cromwell had hoped for).

And so at the end of the day I was left contemplating my own personal Miasm or the Miasm of a nation.



She had dreams about elderly relations - they were dying.

She had a dream about a vat of liquid that was used to preserve dead bodies.

She dreamt about a man left dying because nothing could save him.


She dreamt she was pregnant and gave birth to six babies.

She had horrible dreams about dead babies.

She dreamt she had to choose a baby from lots of babies, she was also giving birth.

Mother, Grandparents:

She had dreams about grandparents and past situations.

She seemed to dream all night about her mum.

She had a dream about hiding from her mother.

He had an uncomfortable dream about his mother and relations.

His dreams were paranoid - connected with his mother.


Her dreams were very aggressive - she was beating up people.

He had dreams about being in a war.

She had a dream about her husband - she was thumping him for not understanding her.

She dreamt that she was in her grandmother’s house with a mad preacher trying to get in. Outside there was violence and blood.

She had a paranoid dream about her children and she was trying to scream but her voice wouldn’t come out.  She ended up pulling their hair out and trying to bite their necks.

She had violent dreams of being raped.


His dreams were weird and confused.

She was waking on and off all night with feverish type hallucinations and couldn’t tell which was dream and which was reality.


Headache - frontal pressure 11 provers

Headache - with  heat 8 provers

In the morning she had a frontal headache - pressure.

She was feeling very hot inside, particularly inside her head.  Despite this she wanted to keep warm - couldn’t stand cold.

He had a headache in the morning - frontal, with pain coming in waves.

Her headache was now very intense - frontal pressure and burning.

He had a frontal burning headache coming in waves.

She had an intense headache - like a tight band across forehead.

She awoke with headache much worse than previous days (tight band), < motion.

She had to sit down and take things slowly.  The headache persisted until evening.

His temples felt bruised and sore when he awoke, and didn’t lift until evening.

He was drowsy and sluggish in morning after a deep and heavy sleep and his headache (frontal pressure) was very bad.

She slept very deeply and found it difficult to wake up.  Her eyelids were very heavy and she had difficulty opening her eyes and her frontal headache had become very intense.

She had a sense of her head “lifting off ” if she moved suddenly.  Otherwise, there was an intense tightness across front of head.

He had a severe frontal headache - pressure and he was extremely weak and sweating a lot.

Awoke 3 h. with a tight band type headache and a bad sore throat

She felt “blown out” and was getting really bad headaches.

She was very tense and any social contact seemed to bring on a headache and tension in the solar plexus.

He was feverish, his head was very hot and his scalp and forehead were very itchy.

Her forehead and scalp were very dry and itching.  She had to scratch which brought up little lumps on her forehead.  The itch was very intense and hot and burning after scratching.

Her scalp was getting very scaly and dry, extending down her forehead.  She couldn’t stop scratching and her head felt very hot.

He noticed he had dandruff and his scalp was very itchy.

Her skin generally was intensely itchy, as was her scalp.

Eyes: Around her eyes a burning sensation and pressure behind her eyes.

Her eyes were stinging, burning and watering.  She was sneezing a lot and her nose was running - watery and her vision was blurred.

His eyes were itching, burning and running.

His eyes were sore and burning and he was having sneezing bouts every two hours.

She slept very deeply and found it difficult to wake up.  Her eyelids were very heavy and she had difficulty opening her eyes and her frontal headache had become very intense.

His eyelids felt heavy all day.  He seemed to be trying to hold his eyebrows up all the time to keep his eyes open.

His eyes were feeling like they wanted to close all the time and he was finding it hard to keep them open.

Ears: His ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton wool.  His hearing was bad - voices and sounds seemed distant.  Occasionally they would pop and be alright for a while.

His ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton wool.  His hearing was bad - voices and sounds seemed distant.  Occasionally they would pop and be alright for a while.

Her ears had a feeling, like when she is going up in an airplane - pressure and popping.

She had intense pressure in her ears affecting her hearing.  They would pop sometimes and feel clear for a while then the pressure would build up again.  Her neck felt tense

and painful with pain going up into her head.

Ear infection for over one year.  Started with pressure and popping in ears which lasted two months.  Then both ears became intensely itchy inside, and a thick discharge

followed. The discharge became thinner and constant.  An eruption like a cold sore appeared on the left ear lobe - scabby, pussy, itching.  During the proving the eruption

disappeared first, and the inner ear infection progressed back, stage by stage, to the original pressure and popping and then disappeared altogether.

Nose: He also had a hard dry cough - very painful, and his nose was running.

Sneezing 5 provers

Smell: sense of acute 4 provers

Face: He felt really strained all the time, the skin on his face felt tight and he was looking yellow.

Her skin was very yellowish and sick looking and her face and head felt very tense.

Her face was pale and strained and she was frowning a lot.

Throat: sore and swollen glands remained for four days.

Her throat was sore and raw and her neck felt painful, a feeling of pressure outwards - felt like swollen glands, although the glands did not seem to be swollen.  She had a

cough, like she was clearing her throat all the time.

He had a short cough and tickling in his throat - he kept coughing in an attempt to get rid of the tickle.

External throat: Her neck, behind her ears, and forehead were very itchy all the time - she had to scratch.

She awoke with pain in left shoulder and neck

She had a neck ache, right side, affecting the movement of her head.

She broke out in pimples on her neck and back

Stomach: Appetite lost with nausea   6 provers

Her appetite was gone with a feeling of sickness in her stomach.

He awoke feeling nauseous, with no appetite and very thirsty - lasting all day.

His appetite was gone and he felt sick - he forced himself to eat because he thought he should.

She felt hungry later in the day but without any appetite - nothing interested her.

He seemed to be nibbling at food all the time out of boredom although he had no real appetite.

Her appetite had increased although she didn’t feel hungry and was quite indifferent to everything.  Her eating seemed to be an emotional kind of eating.

She was feeling hungry but couldn’t find any food that interested her - she kept picking at things.

He was picking at food all the time even though he didn’t feel hungry.

Abdomen: She had a dull heavy pain in her lower abdomen.

He had a heavy feeling in his lower abdomen

She had pains in her lower abdomen similar to period pains and in her lower back.

She had diarrhśa with pains like pre-menstrual pains in her lower abdomen.  She had to bend double.  The pains radiated down her thighs. 

Dragging ache in lower abdomen. 

Her abdomen was distended and was very tense and hard and painful.  Her period came 2 days later (7 days early).  Cramps in lower abdomen during period and pain in lower back

She had a sharp stabbing pain in the abdomen and very low energy and was sweating a lot (ovulation time).


Diarrhoea 7 provers

She had diarrhśa - chalky coloured and had to go to the toilet frequently

He had diarrhśa in the morning - spluttery and windy with cramps in his abdomen.

She had been constipated since starting the proving. Going to the toilet in the evenings with difficulty.

Stool: Her stools were small and hard.

Kidney: Kidney pain 7 provers

Urination frequent 5 provers

She felt a lot of pressure on her bladder.  She had sharp, stabbing pains over her kidneys. She was urinating frequently.

She had an aching pain in her back over her kidneys.

She had a heavy dull pain in her lower back and was urinating frequently.

Male Organs: He was quick-tempered, tired and his libido was fading

Female Organs: Sexual desire was completely gone.

Her sexual energy was very high during the period.

She had a sharp pain in her right ovary.  She had no interest in sex. 

Her sexual energy was extremely high

Her period came (3 days early).  She had severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back (she had this for the past two days).  The bleeding was very heavy.  Her energy improved considerably and for the first time since starting the proving her sexual energy went up.  Her period lasted four days.

Her sexual energy was high and she had desire for intense contact with one close friend (her period came next day).

Heavy bleeding.  A sharp pain in right ovary.  Her energy was good during the period - much better than during the remainder of the proving.

Chest: She felt cold and her breasts were sore and swollen and she had a cramp type pain over her right ovary (her period started next day).

Her breasts felt heavy and sore and she felt very hot.

Back: He had a dull ache in his lower back.

She also had pain -aching, dull, and heavy- in her lower back.

She broke out in pimples on her neck and back.

He was very itchy all over and his back was covered in pimples.

Aching lower back into hips and thighs

She had a lumbar backache and generally felt heavy. 

Limbs: He was getting rheumatic pains in his right arm and left thigh at night and found it difficult to sleep.

She awoke with pain in left shoulder and neck.  During the day both shoulders very bruised - sore and very tense.

Her arms were very heavy, she had no power in them, lifting things was very difficult.

She had a pain - sore bruised type in her left shoulder, over her left kidney and in her left hip.  She also had a rheumatic type pain in her right thigh and calf - < motion and touch, > lying down.

She had a neck ache, right side, affecting the movement of her head. Her right shoulder had a sore, bruised feeling.

His right shoulder was aching, with a cold feeling and he had a cramp type pain in his left thigh.

During the day, both shoulders, arms and thighs were aching with rheumatic type pain. All better lying down and better from heat.

Her forearms were covered in red dry patches - very itchy.  Scratching brought up funny little lumps.

Sleep: She felt really tired in morning after getting up.  In the afternoon she had to go bed.

She was very exhausted on awakening in morning - didn’t want to get up.  She had to go back to bed after getting up and slept until 11.00 am, when she felt better.

He had aches and pains of deep tiredness and kept feeling he could collapse in a lump of putty on the floor.

She was suffering extreme exhaustion - slept 15- 5 h.

She felt she couldn’t move with exhaustion.  In the afternoon she had to go back to bed - slept  from 15 - 18 h. and only felt comfortable in a foetal position, on l. side, with her hands between thighs.

He had to go back to bed three times during the day - morning, afternoon, evening.

Refreshed after bad or broken sleep.  7 provers

He had a very patchy nights sleep.  He awoke often, but felt refreshed in the morning after.

She felt fine in the morning after a bad nights sleep - she kept dozing and waking.

Unrefreshed after deep sleep 8 provers

He was drowsy and sluggish in morning after a deep and heavy sleep and his headache (frontal pressure) was very bad.

She slept very deeply and found it difficult to wake up.  Her eyelids were very heavy and she had difficulty opening her eyes and her frontal headache had become very intense.

She was exhausted and had to sleep from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm.  From 17 – 18..30 h. she felt very hot and quite “out of it”.

She had been restless and waking frequently all night, with better energy in the morning. Her appetite was gone with a feeling of sickness in her stomach.

He was feeling really tired most of the time.  Sometimes he would get a burst of clear energy - particularly mid-morning.  Sometimes he would feel like falling asleep on his

feet. His eyes were feeling like they wanted to close all the time and he was finding it hard to keep them open.

She was exhausted in the morning - went back to bed one hour after getting up and slept until 13 h.  On getting up she had another panic attack (same as night before). 

She was exhausted when panic lifted and went back to bed and slept until 18 h.

She felt exhausted after talking to people and had to go to bed.

He felt “wiped out” if he spent any time in company.



He was feeling weak and a bit hot and feverish.

He was very hot and feverish and was sweating on his palms and back.

She felt very hot - burning inside and was sweating a lot.

She was very hot and feverish between 17 – 18.30 h.

He was feverish, his head was very hot and his scalp and forehead were very itchy.

He felt he was starting flu.  His body felt heavy and sore.  All his limbs were sore and he was hot and feverish all day and very irritable.

He was exhausted and feverish and had to drive 150 miles.  He spent his time cursing “Nuala” and feeling sorry for himself.

She was getting very irritable and touchy and finding it easy to erupt; with this she was feeling feverish on and of all day

Weeping and, at the same time


Memory, weak

For what he has just say, for what he is about to moral feeling, want of

Nervous  in afternoon, with hands trembling and sweating

Occupation, diversion >

Offended easily

Pities, self

Power, love of

Prostration of mind

Conversation, during and after mental effort, after any

Writing, after


Reproaches others

Restless, anxious

Motion >


Sadness,  weep, cannot



Spoken to, aversion to being, wants to be left alone

Starting easily

Noise, sudden

Driving, while



Talk, indisposed to

Thoughts past, of the

Touched aversion to being



> Weeping

Vertigo: Light-headed recurring

On moving suddenly

Head: Dandruff

Eruptions on scalp - scaly, itching

Forehead - dry, scaly, itching, intense and hot

Scratching brings up little lumps

Burning and scratching

Constriction - band feeling tight across forehead

Lying down >

Alcohol, drinking >

Fullness whole head during menses

Fuzziness in daytime

Lying and sleeping >

Heat in forehead, recurring flushes of

Itching of scalp

Intense, must scratch

Forehead, must scratch, burning after

Pain- aching dull in forehead and behind eyes/temples into eyes/> open air/> lying down

Bruised/sore forehead and around eyes- < motion/> lying down

Waves, coming in

Lifting off

Head feels like it is - < motion/driving

Pressure – intense on crown/in forehead and behind eyes/lasting all day


Tightness across in forehead/> lying

Eyes: Eyelids heavy - difficulty keeping them open

Red, inflamed

Burning/sting around < morning

Headache during

Heavy tired, all day

Lachrymation morning - profuse, stinging, itching

Pressure behind eyes, feeling of

On eyes, feeling of sore/bruised feeling

Vision: Blurred with lachrymation

On waking

Ears: Fullness and pressure inward then popping

Hearing: impaired during

Nose: Discharge in morning
Watery, clear profuse

Pressure across bridge

Sneezing morning

Bouts every 2 hours

Smell: Sense acute

Face: Eruptions scaly, rough

Itching pimples

Pale – yellowish complexion

Throat: Painful burning, stinging persistent

Raw - sore

Tickling in external throat

Glands swollen, painful

Painful sore pressure outwards - feels like swollen glands

Stiff painful - inhibiting movement of the head

Tension painful, going into head

Stomach: Anxiety felt in

Appetite lost, diminished in morning

All day

Although hungry

Indifference to food, with thirst


Emotional eating although no hunger

Picking at food all the time though no hunger

Aversion to food although hungry

Desires alcoholic drinks


Nausea in morning

Anger, after


> Lying down

Tobacco, smoking agg.

Thirst increased


Abdomen: Distension tense and hard before menses

Pain aching in lower abdomen

With lumbar backache

Menses, during

Ovulation, during

Heavy during ovulation

Cramp like in lower abdomen

> Bending double during menses

Lower abdomen

Radiating down inside thighs

Sharp stabbing in lower abdomen

Rectum: Constipation small, hard

Diarrhśa chalky coloured, frequent

Flatus - on passing

Stool: Mornings, brown

Bladder: pressure on, feeling of

Kidneys:  painful, region of

Urinary Organs:

Urination: frequent

Male Organs: Sexual urge – diminished/lost

Female Organs: < - before/during menses

Menses - early/painful during, with heavy flow

More flow more pain

Aversion to sex

Diminished, lost in general

Increased during/before menses

Diminished during ovulation, with weakness

< Ovulation

Pain sharp

Right ovary during

Cough: Short with expectoration


Chest: Mammae heavy before menses

Painful, tender, sore

Swollen, before menses

Back: Eruptions on back - pimples

Pain - aching, dull in lumbar region

< before/during menses

Ovulation agg.

Bruised, sore lumbar back


Lumbar back


 lumbar back

Extremities: Cold - right shoulder feels

Eruptions forearms

Dry red patches intensely itching

Raised lumps after scratching

Heaviness in all limbs and aching

> lying down

Pain in shoulders

Right, aching, with cold feeling

Both, bruised sore

Rheumatic type

Arms, right, rheumatic type, night, making sleep difficult

Both, bruised sore

Rheumatic type

Thighs, left - cramp type pain

Both - aching

Rheumatic type

Calves aching






 in thighs


 in hands with sweating, with anxiety


 all limbs

Sleep: Falling asleep difficult

Frequent during day 3 – 4x daily

Heavy with difficulty waking from

Prolonged and deep

Unrefreshed after

Refreshed after little sleep

Broken sleep

Although unrefreshed after deep sleep

Evening, after afternoon sleep

Sleepiness morning - has to go back to bed after being up one to two hours

Afternoon - need to sleep in

Meals - need to sleep after

Sleepless at night

Waking difficult

Have to drag myself out of sleep

Confused disorientated feeling on

Frequently - for no apparent reason

From dreams

Weakness in morning on

Weighed down feeling in morning on

Dream: Blood




Dead – Bodies/Children

Family – Parents/grandparents

Pregnant, being


  Being raped



Fever: Aversion to cold, with, although hot

Chill with

Icy at first, then heat # heat, in flushes

Sweating, with heat continuous for days

Then recurring sweat, with flushes, recurring with sweating

Every few days (temperature 102° F)

High delirium, with

Night with sweating

Awakes with

Hallucinations with



Night in bed


Fever, with

Skin: Eruptions pimples

Red patches, dry, itching intense

Scaly, rough

Little lumps after scratching

Itching intense with burning

Must scratch


Generalities: Active at night, with high energy

Air open >

Alcoholic drinks > all symptoms

Cold < - even when hot

Lie down, frequently must

Frequently want to lying >

On side, curled up with hands between thighs

Tobacco, smoking <

Increased desire for

Weakness - morning, afternoon, evening # high nervous energy

Dragging myself around all day, with myself out of bed in morning

General, but manage to muster up nervous energy for work

With shaky, wobbly feeling

< Talking

< Tobacco.

< Visitors

Waves, comes in



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