Ignatia Kind Anhang



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Child wakes from sleep with screaming and trembling after being reprimanded before bedtime.


[Farokh Master]


Ignatia children get their idealistic views from parents or society. When they go to school, they know what their parents expect out of them and hence they work hard.

They remain sincere and always pass exams with flying colours. This is reinforced by their parents who comment that their son/daughter is one day going to be a big


Young boys and girls have to deal with all these fantasies of who they will become and what is expected out of them. "My son Karan is going to become an eminent

Homoeopath". Karan has heard that since he was five years old. He goes out to pursue his career and starts getting successful, so the hopes and dreams of his parents

become fixed.

[Ursula Sommer]

Magenschmerzen auch bei sehr kleinen Kindern - Krämpfe bei Kindern nach Bestrafung -



Cannot tolerate even the slightest of reprimand or scolding; immediately develops symptoms like bedwetting, cough, fever, convulsions, etc. (Carc. Staph).

Children who are being pushed academically at school for better performance will often present Ign symptomatology; these children are pushed because they are

right, clever, precocious, and successful. They often come from poor families and have to survive on scholarships; when they fail, they blame themselves and become thoroughly

depressed or melancholic.

Children who are reserved, aloof; find it very difficult to express their feelings; often + silly laughter or forced cheerfulness.

Emotional instability (Nat-m): Emotions change very quickly from joy to sorrow, or from laughter to weeping (Coff. Croc. Nux-m).

Great grief after losing what is most dear (death of parents/family members/pet/loss of favorite toy).

Habitual brooding in solitude over imaginary problems, vexations, and emotional injuries that they have received.

High goals, high ambitions, and high ideals; burning desire to fulfill them, and hence cautious, conscientious, fastidious, and perfect.

Mild and sensitive children who are quick to perceive and rapid in execution. (Compare Puls: Mild and sensitive, yet slow and indecisive).

One of the commonest remedies used in practice, where the mother was vexed, mortified, or experienced marital torture during her pregnancy with

the child.

Refined and delicate children.

Romantic young children who become extremely sentimental, and develop a taste for hearing romantic songs, seeing romantic films, and reading romantic novels.

Child begins to develop headaches, usually coming by the end of the day, or worse before exams.

Emotionally, the child becomes excitable; any contradiction at this stage will make him fly into a rage or lapse into tears; or he tends to go into absolute depression.

Slowly, the child becomes quite incapable of working at that intense pace. The nervous system cannot take it anymore. This leads to examination funk

and lapses of memory.

Strange expressions, grimaces, and finally problems with the speech like stammering and stuttering develop.

The handwriting deteriorates and becomes shakier; the finer movements begin to suffer.

Unusual tendency to be frightened.


Chilly children with strong aversion to open air.

Frequently bite the cheek when talking or chewing.

Perspiration on the face while eating (Nat-m. Sulph).

Spotty pains (Kali-bi. Ox-ac).

Tendency to prolapse of rectum from slightest straining at stool or from having a loose stool.

Twitching and jerking of muscles when falling asleep.

Universal remedy for contradictory symptoms (sensitivity to noise yet > music; sore throat > swallowing, empty sensation in the stomach not > eating, coughing

< the more he coughs, spasmodic laughter from grief, thirsty during chill and thirstless during fever, color of face changes during rest and not on rising.

Other important symptoms


Ailments from being offended, punished, or reproached; being sexually abused; confronting the death of near/dear ones (grandparents/parents/friends); contradiction;

deceived friendship (Nat-m. Ph-ac); disappointment (Aur. Merc. Puls); emotions like fright, indignation, jealousy, or mortification; failure.

Alternating symptoms (Nat-m. Puls. Thuj); changeability of moods, alternation of contrasting mental symptoms, or of mental with physical

symptoms, etc.

Awkwardness (Apis. Nux-v); keeps dropping things all the time.

Cannot tolerate being consoled (Calc-p. Sil), makes him worse.

Daydreaming and absentmindedness; finds it difficult to fix his attention in class.

Desires to be carried, but hates being caressed (Cina).

Fear of birds (Bufo)/chickens/doctors (Stram. Thuj), going on stage/narrow places/robbers/spiders.

Fear of rejection (Caps. Nat-m); forsaken feeling.

Involuntary sighing (Calc-p) with a sad look on the face.

Jealousy with disappointment (Hyos. Lach) after the birth of a new sibling who receives a great deal of attention from the family.

Loves to dance (Bell. Cic. Ph-ac), ameliorating most mental symptoms.

Reserved displeasure (Ip. Staph) towards those who offend him.

Sentimental (Cupr. Psor).

Silent grief with inability to cry (Cycl. Mur-ac. Puls).

Very conscientious, with a strong sense of duty


Capricious and full of desires, but rejects what was desired when it is offered.

Child has a strong dislike for dull and dark shades (black/gray/dark brown/orange); likes to have all clothes and toys in colors like lemon yellow/light green/light blue/pink.

Defiant children who get angry suddenly from trifles (when contradicted) but are otherwise very cheerful.

Destructiveness (tearing clothes) from suppressed emotions like anger or disappointment.

Dyslexie child; makes many mistakes when speaking and writing (from hurry).

Feigns sickness.


Laughs immoderately, and at odd moments.

Likes to travel.

Precocious, restless and hyperactive child; must be busy and constantly on the move at all times.



Sensitive to music, odors, opinions of others, pain, reprimands, and the slightest of noise.

Timid, bashful, and mild children, who easily feel embarrassed.

Weeps easily with loud sobbing in small children from admonition, or when refused anything.


Migraines that are accompanied by artificial hunger (a feeling of emptiness in the stomach). The headaches are better temporarily from eating food (Sep), but return with increased severity within a short time after eating. The child points to his forehead as the most painful part (Bry).

Periodic headaches (occipital and right frontal region, with dim vision and lachrymation; worse during dentition, emotional excitement, exposure to cold air or wind, from

fright, grief, on waking in the morning, stooping, strong odors, sun, touch, vexation (Mez); > binding the head/closing the eyes (Bry. Sil) and keeping absolutely quiet/passing copious urine/warm wrappings/warm applications.

Hair loss after grief (Ph-ac).

Headache after weeping due to severe disappointment.

Examination findings:

- Cannot hold up the head.

- Hydrocephalus.

- Involuntary nodding or motions of head; jerking from one side to the other.

- Kernig’s sign +

- Meningitis.


Dimness of vision with lachrymation while reading.

Inflamed of the eyes in infants.

Lachrymation on yawning (Nux-v. Sabad).

Photophobia with lachrymation in sunlight.

Examination findings:

- Pendulum-like movement of eyeballs from side to side.

- Congested cornea.

- Eyes half open.

- Involuntary winking.

- Pupils alternately contracted and dilated in the same light.

- Sunken or protruded eyes.

- Trembling of eyelids on closing them (Merc).


Ears look red and feel hot internally, but are cold to touch.

Eustachian catarrh.

Impaired hearing after mortification.

Otitis media in children.

Examination findings:

- One ear cold, the other hot.


Cold nose (Camph. Carb-v), sensitive to inspired air.

Acuteness of smell for strong odors.

Catarrh extending to the frontal sinuses.

Excoriating, purulent discharge.

Liquids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow.

One-sided nasal obstruction.

Examination findings:

- Epistaxis of dark clotted blood.


Cold perspiration (upper lip) (Med), while eating.

Twitching at the corners of the mouth (Bry. Op).

Easy dislocation of jaws.

Examination findings:

- Increased facial hair growth in small girls (Sep. Thuj).

- Sunken appearance with bluish circles around the eyes.

- Dry, cracked lips with scurfy eruptions at the corners of the mouth.

- Face gets distorted when speaking.

- Induration and swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands (r.)

- One-sided heat and redness of cheek, the other pale.

- Redness around the mouth.


Tendency to bite his tongue when masticating or talking.

Difficult dentition with early caries and black discoloration of teeth.

Salivation during headache (Merc).

Toothache after having a cold; < immediately after lying/in the morning on waking/during winter/masticating; > lying on the painful side.

Very sensitive teeth (Mag-c. Sil); child cannot bear a dental procedure; cries and howls before even entering the dentist’s clinic.

Examination findings:

- Erect, red papillae on a clean, dry, and teeth-indented tongue, which trembles on protrusion.

- Halitosis.


Dysphagia, where the child finds it more difficult and painful to swallow liquids than solids.

Sensation of constriction or choking from a foreign body or lump in the throat (Nat-m. Psor); < in the evening, necessitating constant swallowing, which ameliorates.

Cannot tolerate clothing around the neck due to a sensation of choking (Apis. Lach. Spong).

Liquids taken are expelled through the nose.

Pain in the throat, extending to the ear on swallowing.

Examination findings:

- Follicular tonsillitis with suppuration.

- Painful cervical glands.

- Red throat

- Torticollis.


Bulimia when sad, or anorexia nervosa due to grief (Aur-met.).

Indigestion with gurgling, ineffectual retching, and cramping pains in the abdomen; < from emotions (anger/fright/grief/vexation), taking warm food, or the slightest touch to the abdomen; > after eating something, after sour eructations, or when lying on the back.

Nausea and vomiting after eating, during dentition, and from emotions (anger, fright, grief, vexation).

Paroxysmal hiccoughs in babies after eating or drinking, or after emotions like anger or fright.

Capricious appetite; ravenous at odd hours (11 h./at night), and diminished at mealtimes.

Slow digestion.

Stomach complaints are < around 11 h. increased appetite, nausea, etc.

<: Cold food and drinks/coffee (Caust. Cham)/cucumbers (Sul-ac)/dry food/eggs/fruit/hot or warm drinks/milk/onions (Lyc. Puls)/rice (Bry. Sulph)/spices/sweets (Arg-n. Nat-p).

>: Hot food/raw food/vinegar;

Aversions: Bread/cheese/cooked food/fruit (Chin. Phos)/meat (Calc. Graph)/milk (Nat-c)/sour food/warm food;

Desires: bread (and butter)/butter/coffee (Bry)/cold food and drinks/fat/indigestible things (chalk/charcoal/clay/earth/lime/coal/pencil lead)/pickles/raw food/rye bread/

sour food (fruit)/strong cheese/sweets/tomatoes (cooked or raw);


Cramping and griping abdominal pains in nursing infants and small children; < after excitement/after sugar (Ox-ac)/at night/during stool; > pressure/sitting in a slightly

Stooped position/with passage of a quantity of offensive flatus;

Irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis after grief.

Jaundice after anger (Nat-s).

Painful distention of the abdomen, from obstructed flatulence, with rumbling after eating.

Examination findings:

- Inguinal hernia (Nux-v).

- Enlarged, hard, and palpable liver and spleen.

- Gurgling sounds from the abdomen.


Constipated when travelling (Alum. Op) with ineffectual urging and straining to pass even a soft stool.

Painless, sudden, gushing diarrhea from dentition and emotions (anger/fright/grief/nervousness) (Gels. Coloc); < standing (Aloe).

Prolapse of rectum during and after stool.

Constant or frequent urging for stool, immediately after just satisfying the urge.

Involuntary stools while passing flatus (Ph-ac. Verat).

Itching around the anus, < at night when child becomes warm in bed.

Rectal fissure with bleeding after passing stools.

Examination findings:

- Eczema around the anus (Nit-ac).

- Excoriated perineum.

- Open anus with slight edema and moisture around it.

- Spasms of the rectum (Crot-t).

- Stool: Pinworms, roundworm, and segments of tapeworm.

Urinary organs:

Frequent and copious urination with headache.

Involuntary urination during cough.

Spasmodic nocturnal enuresis.

Suppression of urine from fright (Op)

Examination findings:

- Urine: Sugar +

- Urine leaves whitish or clay-colored sediment on the diaper.

Sex organs:

Copious perspiration in the genital area.

Larynx and Trachea:

Irritation and tickling sensation in the larynx as from dust; becomes < coughing, so the child tends to suppress the urge to cough.

Nervous aphonia.

Examination findings:

- Edema of the glottis (Crot-h).

- Laryngismus stridulus.

- Low, weak, tremulous voice.

- Rattling of mucus in the trachea.

Respiratory organs:

Breathing is arrested and the infant gasps for breath when coughing or crying (Cina).

Dysponea or asthma from emotional excitement (anger/grief/mortification); < in the evening around 17 h./coughing or lying on the side; > lying on the back (Psor).

Examination findings:

- Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

- Irregular, unequal, and stridulous breathing; with a loud inspiration and forcible, slow expiration; slow at one time and fast at another.

- Moaning, rattling, and sighing respiration.


Dry, hacking, hollow, suffocative, violent cough, in short and frequent paroxysms that seem to occur day and night, with nausea and retching;

< after measles, or from emotions (like anger/fright/mortification/vexation); > changing the infant’s or child’s position in bed.

The cough seems to be triggered by an irritating tickling sensation in the larynx, as from dust, which increases the more he coughs, thus making the

coughing bouts worse.


Heart palpitation from grief or vexation, < after eating/during pains/in the morning in bed; > lying on the left side.

Examination findings:

- Chest X-ray: Pneumonic consolidation.


Useful in cases of backache resulting from sports injuries (Symph); > lying on the back.


Awkwardness with a tendency to stumble and fall when walking.

Chorea from fright (Caust. Kali-br).

Hysterical paralysis resulting from grief or vexation.

Jerking and twitching of limbs after vexation.

Painful chilblains of feet.

Sore, burning corns.

Wandering rheumatic pains with heat of joints (Kali-s. Lac-c).

Examination findings:

- Boils on thighs (Hep).

- Clenched thumbs.

- Gooseflesh on the forearm and thighs.

- Hot knees (Bar-m).

- Spasmodic involuntary drawing up of the limbs.

- Sweaty palms.

- Trembling of hands when holding them out straight or when writing.

- Yellow nails.


During sleep: Chewing motion of the jaw (Calc); cold face and hands; grinding of teeth; grunting; hiccoughs; increased salivation; jerking limbs; loquacity (Ambr); moaning; open mouth; perspiration; short, irregular, and stertorous respiration; shrieking (Hyos); snoring; stamping of feet (Kali-c); sudden starting; talking; twitching

of hands; and whimpering (Cham).

Sleepless from a constant flow of saliva.

Babies with marked acuity of hearing, wake up from the slightest of noise.

Can sleep only when lying on the back with hands under the head (Nux-v).

Constant, spasmodic yawning, even after a good sleep.

Falls asleep from the least mental exertion (Ars) (trying to concentrate on studying or solving problems, or when reading).

Insomnia from fright, grief, mortification, worries, etc.

Restless, unsatisfactory sleep, from prolonged dreaming, even during siesta.


Ailments from: Emotional excitement (anger/fright/grief/mortification/vexation)/measles/pain, and worms.

During chill: - Chills + chattering of teeth (Caps. Sulph)/cold feet and hands/dilated pupils/gooseflesh/headache (one-sided)/indifference (Phos. Sep), nausea, pain in the

limbs, red face with spasms, sadness (Ars, Puls), thirst for large quantities of cold water (Bry. Caps. Carb-v. Eup-per.), vomiting and weeping (Bell).

- Complete coldness of body (nape of the neck/back/buttocks; > keeping the temperature of the room warm or by covering.

- Hands and feet are cold to the touch (Carc. Cupr).

- Violent, shaking chills, beginning in the abdomen (Apis. Bell. Camph) or arms (Bell. Hell).

- < evening/open air/in the autumn.

- > external warmth.

During heat: - The heat stage + anxiety and easy fright, aversion to food, bilious vomiting, changeability of moods (dullness # excitement), clean tongue,

constant dry cough (Ip), delirium (Bapt), dyspnea, eructations, eruptions on the lips, fainting, headache, numbness or pain in the lower limbs, impatience,

lachrymation, moaning (Mur-ac), pain in the abdomen, palpable and tender spleen, red ears (Caps) and face (Stram), restless and tossing about in bed, sad and

taciturn affect, salivation, sighing (Cham), snoring (Op), sweat on the face, thirstlessness with aversion to liquids, weakness, weeping, and stupefying sleep.

- Dry heat of the anterior aspect of the body, with cold hands and feet.

- Internal heat with external chilliness and redness.

- Unequal distribution of body heat: Either on one ear, one cheek, or one side of the face.

- < from coughing/external warmth (Puls)/in the afternoon/from taking any warm covers.

- Better by uncovering.

During perspiration: - Cold sweat on single parts (upper part of body)/< uncovering; copious, pale urine; nausea; and thirstlessness

- All symptoms are worse during perspiration.

Hunger after fever.

Useful in cases of the fever after abuse of quinine, where the paroxysms keep changing frequently and irregularly.

Fever usually starts late in the afternoon or evening and usually remains all night.

The child must be uncovered as soon as the fever starts (Acon, Sec).


Vitiligo after grief.

Itching of skin from warmth or heat, better by scratching.

Examination findings:

- Decubitus of small children.

- Gooseflesh.

- Icterus.

- Intertrigo.

- Skin is cold to touch though the child complains of internal hot flushes.


Ailments from:

Anger, coughing fits, drugs, during dentition, excitement, fever, fright, grief, haemorrhage, noise, pain, punishment, reproaches, vexation, and worms.

During convulsions: Bloody foam from mouth, clenched thumbs, falling backwards, head is drawn back, laughing, moaning, shrieking, staring eyes, weeping.

After convulsions:

Falls into a deep sleep, fever, increased thirst, laughing, and perspiration.

Changeability of convulsions, which recur periodically.


Ailments from: Emotional excitement, fright, grief, or punishment.

< after eating/from light or noise; > lying on the back.


Acrid, copious, corrosive, offensive, purulent, or watery discharges from the mucous membranes.

Chilly child with a tendency to catch cold easily and develop sinusitis;

< cold air/cold bathing/drafts/dry cold weather/autumn/open air;

> becoming warm, remaining indoors, warm air, and warmth of stove.

Constant alternation or change ability of symptoms is noticed

Aversion to motion.

Children are oversensitive to allopathic medicine.

Intolerance of clothing or covers (external throat/abdomen).

Most of the complaints < light/noise/lying on the side; > eating/lying on the back.

Painless swelling and induration of glands.

Right-sided complaints.

Sensitivity to pain.



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