Insulinum (Ins)


Nebenwirkung: fördert Übergewicht;

Negativ: Schwindel mit Hunger = < ärgerlich/hoch blicken/bewegen, Haar fällt/Verstopfung. + Kopfschmerz/Sehen weniger abends/Halsschmerz + < schlucken von Flüssigkeit/Schmerz zwischen Schulterblätter morgens/Kreuzschmerz = < sitzen/Schmerz r.  Schulter/Knie/ziehenden Schmerz in Kniehöhle aufstehend vom Sitzen,

Schmerz Waden erstreckt sich nach oben/erst r. dann l., Beinen schwer beim herunterhangen/Schmerz in linker großer Zeh/Brennen im Fußsohlen/Mattigkeit/Frost 11 h./ Schwäche nach Stuhl, als ob durch eine Glaswand getrennt + Geräusche kommen von weit, Schwäche/kraftlos, zittern, SCHWEIß, Durchfall;

Reguliert den Transport von Zuckermolekülen aus dem Blut in die Zellen. Nach jeder Mahlzeit schüttet der Körper Insulin aus, um den erhöhten Blutzuckerspiegel

wieder auf den Normalwert zu senken.  Gegenspieler ist das Hormon Glukagon: Es bewirkt eine Erhöhung des Blutzuckerspiegels;



Gesicht: Hautausschläge - Akne

Bauch: Leber-/Lebergegendbeschwerden chronisch

Urin: Azetonurie


Enthält: Zucker

Glieder: Schmerz in Gelenke - gichtig

Haut: gelb

Hautausschläge - Ekzem (juckend)/Erythem/Furunkel/Karbunkel

Allgemeines: Beschwerden der Blutgefäße, Adern

Diabetes mellitus (+ Ekzem/+ Furunkel/+ Karbunkel)/Insulinmangeldiabetes

Krampfadern - Geschwüre

[Dr. Jörg Schweikart]

Bauchspeicheldrüse ist Citrin in der Lage die Insulinproduktion zu steuern und dadurch bei Diabetes zu helfen. Leber, Nieren, Magen, Milz, und Darm. (Entgiftung/Verdauung fördernd).


Darmkrebs.: Westliche Essgewohnheiten verursachen hohe Insulinausschüttung = Tumor fördernd


Folgt gut: Sil.


Vergleich: Allox (beeinflusst Ins). Cinnm. (regt Insulinrezeptoren an). Cystein (= Vorstufe), Glutamat. (hat Ins-ähnliche Eigenschaft). Nicc (Ins enthält tausendfache Menge an Nicc als Bauchspeicheldrüse). Serot, Steroiden machen Ins-resistent (= Unfähigkeit Ins zu verwenden).

Cucum-s + Phase + All-c-sprossen + Lact + Querc-schalen + Vacc-blätter + Urt + Tax-rinde + Schalen Erbsen + Linzen + Bohnen + Samen Galeg + Polygonatum officinale + Champignons enthalten Ins-ähnlicher substanz. Hordeum vulgare-wurzelkeimlingen.

Strophantus kombe. (= „Insulin des Herzens“).

Siehe: Hormonen allgemein + Diabetes + Anabolika + Abnehmen + Sarcodes + Syndrom X + Insulinum Kind Anhang


Unverträglich: Vit B6 + Cr Mangel stört Ins-herstellung


Wirkung: carbonitrogen

Allerlei: transportiert Aminosäuren in Zellen/ fördert RNA-aufbau/DNA-aufbau/transportiert Kohlenhydraten in den Zellen/bei zu wenig Ins werden Kohlhydraten zum Fett, Ins wird hergestellt aus Phenylal in Pankreas, Ornithin/HGH fördert Ins-ausschüttung/Zn hemmt Insulinwirkung

HGH + Ins = Antagonisten + zusammen verantwortlich für Muskelaufbau

Cortisol + Ins = Antagonisten                        Thyroiod/Test + Ins haben Wechselwirkung

Ins regt Serot an

Glukosetoleranzfaktor = 3-wertiges Chrom. = Teil Insulin

Lerntinus edodes steigert Ins.           

Mit Gentechnik. hergestellt.


[Ghosh’s Rare Nosodes]

Chronic intestinal disorder, especially with looseness of bowels with enlarged liver. The more chronic the diarrhea, the more indicated is Insulin.Ulcers, boils, bed sores,

hypopyon as after – effects of Acute infectious diseases with disordered liver.

[Avery et al., 2008/Ratner, 2001]

Despite the popularity of insulin and oral antihyperglycaemic drugs, epidemiological studies and clinical trials strongly support the notion that the prolonged use of such

agents fail to prevent the progression of long-term complications such as, diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, foot infections, atherosclerosis and other associated cardiovascular events, incl. hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypercoagulability. The main drawback of insulin is that they are associated with fear of painful injections, poor patient compliance, complex to use and prescribe, potential dosing errors, diabetic ketoacidosis, local tissue necrosis, infection, nerve damage, whilst cost and iatrogenic hypoglycaemia will continue to be an important limiting factor (Mo et al., 2014/Cryer, 2008). Research indicates that most oral antihyperglycaemic agents cannot maintain normal levels of blood glucose for an extended period of time, (in the elderly) (Avery et al., 2008) and gestational diabetes during pregnancy (Swarnalatha et al., 2012).

These agents also pose risks of hypoglycaemia, cardiovascular diseases, weight gain, gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances (severe lactic acidosis), liver injury, renal complications, and hypersensitivity reactions (Reid et al., 2012), therefore, making the development of effective antidiabetic agents as one of the world’s top public health priorities.


[Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad]

Indications for the sarcode insulinum. These include fluctuating blood sugars, after effects of acute infectious diseases with disordered liver and chronic otorrhea.

An aqueous solution of an active principle from the pancreas, which affects the sugar metabolism.

Clinical indications of Insulinum:

Especially used in 30 potency, can be repeated more often.

    The main indication of this remedy is in fluctuating blood sugars, and especially in cases of juvenile diabetes. Chronic intestinal disorder, especially with looseness of bowels with enlarged liver. The more chronic the diarrhea, the more indicated is insulinum.

    Ulcers, boils, bed sores, hypopyon as after effects of acute infectious diseases with disordered liver.

    Chronic otorrhea and mastoiditis in emaciated children where the pus is thin especially when combined with enlarged liver and chronic diarrhea or as after-effects of acute infectious diseases.

    In some cases of intractable eczema, with chronic liver troubles. It is a great reactive remedy in allergic eczema.

    Suppuration of the scrofulous glands in the neck or any other types of suppuration on this part of the body to which it has got a particular affinity.

Other indications:

    This is one of the main remedies for the liver, so for all cases of hepatitis, cirrhosis, this could be a major remedy

    History of recurrent infections, especially tuberculosis is a strong indication

    There is a lot of weakness like China, Arsenic, with emaciation and chilliness

    Allergies are one of the main areas of Insulin especially with low immune system and lack of reaction of indicated remedies

    Suppuration and chronic infection is also one of the main areas of Insulinum especially with lack of reaction of other remedies. When Hep s, Sil, Bac. fail.

    Tendency to abscess formation and easy suppuration, suppurative conditions, with disordered liver of diabetics (caused by disturbance of sugar metabolism), after acute infections, during exanthema, with asthenia and disordered liver, with polyuria. Pyemic abscesses. Chronic sepsis with enlarged liver. Sudden acute dermatitis (of palms and fingers), with chronic diarrhea and liver complaints.


The relationship between diabetes, insulin and zinc (Zn) is complex with no clear cause and effect relationships. Since Zn plays a clear role in the synthesis, storage and secretion of insulin, as well as conformational integrity of insulin in the hexameric form, the decreased Zn, which affects the ability of the islet cell to produce and secrete insulin, might then compound the problem, particularly in Type 2 diabetes. Some researchers conclude that zinc atoms, not the insulin molecule itself, provide the switch-off signal from the beta cell to the alpha cell to initiate glucagon secretion during hypoglycemia.


Clinical Cases of Dr. S C Ghosh:

Tubercular Gland with Sinuses.


1) An old lady was admitted in my ward in Calcutta Homeopathic College and Hospitals on account of edema of the extremities with dysponea and pain in the precordium.

It was diagnosed as a case of epidemic dropsy.

After a dose of Digitalis 2C with some restriction of diet (rice and mustard oil being suspended) the case began to improve rapidly. Within a month, when she was practically free from all her complaints, she developed enlargement of glands in the neck on the anterior border of the sterno-cleidomastoid muscles, markedly more on the left then on

the right side with a rise of temperature to 101° F towards evening.

Those glands showed signs of suppuration and began to burst one after another; as a result of this her whole neck within a fortnight looked like a bag of pus draining continually. This state of things, persisted for two months and a half during which various remedies were tried without any effect.

From the beginning my prescriptions contained Bell. Hep. Oleum jacoris aselli, Calc-hypophos, Tub. and Silicea. At last the patient became so weak that she could hardly move, speak or even swallow anything due to extreme asthenia. Lastly, I prescribed Insulin 30 three powders, one to be taken every morning.

Next day the patient said that she was feeling lighter in the neck and when the dressings were removed the following day, her neck was found practically dry with a little slough here and there. Since then her condition improved satisfactorily and it was after ten days that I had to repeat 3 doses more for the right side. She was discharged from the Hospital quite cured after a fortnight.

2) I was consulted by a physician for a young man aged 20, fair complexioned and thinly built ailing with several sinuses in the neck discharging pus from his scrofulous glands. I prescribed Silicea 30X (trit.) although the attending doctor had already used the same drug in 200 and 1000 potency.

It had some effect on the glands and two or three sinuses healed up but the rest resisted any improvement. In spite of the continuance of the medicine for more than two months, other sinuses increased and coalesced with each other forming a big bag of pus in the neck.

Temperature in the evening with anemia and emaciation. Oleum jacoris aselli was given in 200th and 1000th potency which however brought on a little improvement of

the general condition and the sinus but could not stop the discharge flowing from the sinuses.

Bacillinum in high potency also failed. Then I took recourse to Insulin 30, repeated 3 powders every twenty-four hours, with quick response. It healed up all the sinuses

within a fortnight and the general condition of the patient improved beyond expectation.


Otorrhoea and Otitis (stet) Media.

1) One case has already been described while dwelling on the action of the medicine.

2) A boy aged about 4 years, after an attack of typhoid fever treated homeopathically, was suffering frequently from diarrhea and indigestion and voracious appetite.

After about a month and a half he began discharging pus from the right ear with severe inflammation of the mastoid bone (indicating an acute mastoid abscess) with a

rise in temperature. Insulin 30 in 4 doses twice a day controlled the inflammation and stopped the discharge with improvement of his intestinal condition also.


Looseness and Liver Troubles.

1) A male child aged about a year had been suffering from various troubles since birth the main trouble being looseness of bowels in spite of restricted diet.

On inquiry it revealed that he was susceptible to cold and had excessive hankering for sweets.

The elder brother of the child died at the same age, of infantile liver and this boy also had his liver enlarged more marked on the left lobe. Medicines indicated by symptoms could improve temporarily the diarrhea only but the enlarged liver remained quite unaffected still.

Lastly, I gave him Insulin 30, one every alternate day. From the 4th day the diarrhea stopped and from that time onward the patient began to pass well – formed stool, yellow in color. After a week when I examined the child again the liver was found to be almost normal. He made amazing recovery afterwards.

2) A marasmic female child aged about 2 years had been suffering from diarrhea with distended abdomen and gradual emaciation of the body. She had a greedy (or unusual) appetite and hankering for sweets. The child was the daughter of a homeopathic doctor who had tried many medicines for improving her digestion and for assimilation of food without perceptible success. Insulin 30th  in this case also in the same way as above brought about a wonderfully speedy recovery and a permanent improvement of the bodily system.


Skin Disease.

It was a case of a middle aged homeopathic physician who had long been a chronic sufferer from diarrhea and liver troubles. Seldom he used to pass a formed stool.

He came in for a sudden and acute dermatitis of both his palms and fingers were enormously swollen and red with exudation of yellowish sticky liquid.

Considering his previous history, I tried Insulin 30 three doses as usual, with remarkable improvement and cure from all his ailments, within a very short period.



Published his experiments with Insulin in potency in cases of diabetes. He says that Insulin 30 or 200, given thrice a day reduced the blood sugar levels.

In some cases, even after the doses were reduced and discontinued, the blood sugar levels continued to remain normal for over six months.

Provings of Insulinum:

Matani has published her clinical observations with Insulin in potency. She has summarized the symptoms as follows:

    Vertigo <: when hungry/anger/looking up; moving

    Hair falling

    Headache when constipated

    Dimness of vision in the evening

    Pain throat < swallowing liquids

    Pain between scapulae in the morning

    Pain lumbar back < sitting

    Pain right shoulder and knee

    Pulling pain behind knees < rising from sitting

    Pain calf muscles ext. gluteal region

    Pain calf muscles, right, then left

    Heaviness of legs when the legs hang down

    Pain left great toe

    Burning in soles


    Chill at 11 h.

    Weakness after stool



Insulin-like Growth Factor-1


Insulinähnliche Wachstumsfaktoren (engl. Insulin-like growth factors, IGF) sind Polypeptide, die eine hohe Sequenzhomologie zu Insulin zeigen und als Wachstumsfaktoren (Wachstum und Differenzierung von Zellen) wirken. Sie werden in den Leberzellen, aber auch in anderen fetalen bzw. adulten Geweben gebildet. Sie sind Teil eines komplexen Systems, das Körperzellen nutzen, um mit ihrer Umgebung zu kommunizieren. Dieses System, das oft auch als IGF-Achse bezeichnet wird, besteht aus zwei Membranrezeptoren (IGF1R und IGF2R), zwei Liganden, einer Gruppe von sechs IGF-Bindungsproteinen (IGFBP 1-6), sowie einigen IGFBP-assoziierten Proteasen.

[D. Riley]

Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Strange, disturbing quality to subjects’ dreams.

Difficulty concentrating

Headache in forehead.

Nasal congestion

Cramping in abdomen + stool (diarrhea)

Constipation with ineffectual urging

CRAMPS in uterus with menses

Premenstrual breast tenderness and swelling


Aversion to chocolate and sweets

Increased appetite

Mind: Difficulty concentrating

Dreams – nightmares/(un)remembered/colorful/vivid/strange

Discontented, impatient about small matters, reproachful of himself

Irritable and weepy premenstrually

Sensitive and desires to be by himself .

Fear of heart attack

Generalities: Energy in-/decreased

Sluggish, weak, muscle stiff

“As if heat” with nausea

Food and drinks: Desires: apples/coffee/meat/rich food; Averse to: chocolate/sweets;

< Motion

Head: Pain - forehead/behind eyes (dull)/above root of nose/in vertex/pressing “As from a weight”/”As from a band”

Throbbing with ear pressure

Headache - with heartburn/ext. neck/stitching in l. temple on waking lasting 2 – 3 days/with dizziness/> pressure

Eye: Watery

Vision: Photophobia/blurry

Nose: Congested


Postnasal drip


Pimples inside

Face: Heat internally and sensation of heat on the cheeks

Acne on forehead.

Mouth: Apthae

Teeth: Sensitive to cold.

Sense of pressure on the molars

Throat: Inflamed with mucus, mucus in the throat

Sore and dry (at night)

“As if scraping and scratching”

Voice - hoarse

Stomach: Nausea

Appetite – increased/easily satiated

Pain – burning/drawing/> by bending/with nausea

Nausea with diarrhea, with burping, with heated feeling and thirst/> after eating


A full sensation

Abdomen: Cramping + stool (diarrhea)

Distended from gas


Pressing pain before stool

< bending forward

Rectum: Constipation with a feeling of urging, but without movement

Flatus with stool

Burning with stool

Stool: Frequent and scanty

Hard pieces

Bladder: Involuntary urination with sneezing

Urine: Pungent odor

Female genitalia: Cramping (pulsating) in uterus during/before menses

Mid-cycle spotting while walking

Menses – early/late/short/painful/with profuse bleeding

Chest: Mammae tender and swollen before menses

Heart palpitations

Sensation of heaviness in the chest

Back: Aching associate with menses


Tightness in dorsal region

Limbs: Swollen - feet before menses/ankles/feet/hands/knees during menses

(Leg) stiff

Profuse sweating of the feet

Pain – in hips and joints/cramp-like in feet while sitting still

Sleep: Restless/deep

Sleeps uncovered.

Perspiration: At night





Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum