Iodum Anhängsel


[Roger Morrison]

Most important: lodium, Ars-i. Ferr-t. Kali-i.

Less important: Aur-i. Bar-i. Calc-i. Sulph-i.

Least important: Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f. To a certain extent we can also link the mercury salts of iodine, but these is rare.

Mental - Excitement, restlessness, hurry, agitation will run through all of them.

Physical \ generals:

-Warm blooded. The temperature is warm. It turns a cold remedy, even a remedy as cold as arsenicum, into a warm remedy:

Ars-i.: < heat and > cold.

-Emaciation. In most cases, the iodium element produces emaciation.

Arsenicum leads to emaciation also, so Arsenicum iodatum can be very thin.

-Restlessness. The iodums are restless.

*Arsenicum iodatum. Arsenicum is restless also, so Arsenicum iodatum is almost in perpetual motion.

-The glands are affected (thyroid gland)

The breast can also be affected.

The genital glands (testes, ovaries etc.).

The liver.

The spleen.

-Allergy. In all of them you expect to see a strong tendency to allergy and excoriating coryzas, hay fever etc.


-Hyperthyroid. All of them are capable of producing severe hyperthyroid states; with exophthalmos, goitre etc.

-Appetite. The appetite is usually ravenous, very increased appetite.

Often associated with diarrhoeas and colitis.

-Asthma, allergic asthma and laryngeal spasms are quite common. It can be croup, can be other types of stridor. Angio neurotic oedema etc.

-Dry coughs. All of the halogens will affect the larynx: in allergies, in respiratory tract asthmas. Iodines usually have dry coughs associated with them. Can also be indicated in pneumonias.

*Kali iodatum is the main remedy for people who have recurrent pneumonias (once a year).

-Skin. Effect on the skin, producing:




[Philipp Zippermayr]

Ständig bestrebt, beachtet zu sein (Kopfschmerz schlechter Einhüllen, Fahren, Pressen zum Stuhl; Kopfschmerz > durch Essen; Halsschmerz < am Meer; Angst, wenn hungrig; hastig, eilig),

weil es selbst unter widrigen sozialen Umständen vermeiden will, nicht anerkannt, sozial isoliert, abgesondert zu sein (Heißhunger + Durchfall; Kopfbeschwerden + Syphilis, Lähmung Extremitäten;

Kopfschmerz + Bewusstlosigkeit; Beschwerden durch Schock; empfindlich geringstes Geräusch); es ist, was es in anderen von sich erzeugt;

wo es nicht beachtet wird, existiert es nicht: bemüht sich ständig um Respektierung (Schilddrüsenüberfunktion; Fresssucht), lässt sich auf Unliebsames ein (Schleimbeutelentzündung, Knieabszess), fühlt sich dennoch nicht akzeptiert (Übergewicht; Leber-, Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung), als minderwertig betrachtet (Skorbut; Stinknase, Nasenherpes), unerfüllbaren Bedingungen ausgesetzt (Diphtherie; Augäpfel ruhelos; Todesängste); hält sich daher zurück, wird nicht präsent (Untergewicht; Hoden/Eierstöcke unterentwickelt);

* Stottern, Herzklopfen, Herzklappenentzündung (in seinem Ringen um Beachtung immer wieder zurückgeworfen sein), Addison Krankheit (sich überengagieren, um anerkannt zu sein); Kropf, Basedow (ständig auf der Hut); Husten hart, heiser; Husten besser in kalter Luft; Gefühl innerlicher Hitze, äußerlicher Kälte; starkes Schwitzen;

Haarausfall in Flecken (Konflikt unfreiwilliger Unterordnung und Geltungsdrang), Lungenentzündung (sich trotz Bemühens kommunikativ ausgegrenzt erfahren);

Ständig bestrebt, beachtet zu sein, weil es selbst unter widrigen sozialen Umständen vermeiden will, nicht anerkannt, sozial isoliert, abgesondert zu sein;

Strategie: bemüht sich rastlos anerkannt, beachtet zu sein.


[Jugal Kishore]

Iod. is a vital element for us/has specific influence as a catalyser. It is found everywhere in our body, yet the thyroid is by far the richest in Iod. content, as it contains 1/6 to 1/7 of the total Iod.

The amount necessary for the maintenance of metabolic equilibrium is about 14 gammas a day.

Thyroid is the central laboratory in the body which is responsible for the movement of Iod. in the body, its absorption and organic combination. To thyroxin is ascribed the chief action of Iod. Excessive amounts of thyroxin in the blood accelerate the basal metabolism and usually Thyrotoxicosis (= Hyperthyreose) is the result.

The picture of hyperthyroidism and the drug picture of Iod. seem to be very much alike in many ways. Emaciation, nervous and mental disturbances, anxiety neurosis and intolerance of warmth.


Drug Picture.

1. Still well-fed/over-active, even restless, always doing something or other.

2. Thin and lean/easily tired by any exertion, but this peculiar restlessness forces him to attempt to do something. With emaciation it h as been found that glands in general become large and indurated with the exception of mammae and testes. These two glands dwindle with general wasting.

3. Anxiety reaches an extreme degree, and patient has ideas and thoughts rushing to the brain at a terrific speed. FEAR of insanity. Mania? capable of long, interminable, voluble (= redseelig) talks. While healthy a quiet and reticent type, becomes extremely talkative. He cannot help talking and ideas seem to come so rapidly that he can talk for hours; gives speeches. Irresistible desire to talk, although talking exhausts him very much.


Usually thin and lean, or has become so. The color of the skin often darkens under its influence. Hence the text says that it is indicated in dark persons. Usually an over-active/even restless, always doing something or other. Even with little energy left in him, he does not keep quiet. He becomes restless and irritable if he does not do something to occupy his mind and body (with a headache hurting the eyes to read, still will go on reading or writing; if he does not do it, he becomes uneasy). The mechanical act of mere writing will give some peace. In later stages he is easily tired by any exertion, but this peculiar restlessness forces him to attempt to do something. It is an anxiety state, and will escape through work or occupation. He paces the room to and fro in his extreme anxiety.

He will become restless and anxious when his meal time comes. Concentration on anything is impossible. Eating relieves him for some time. If he suffers from flatulent distension of the abdomen, he becomes anxious and restless; knows not what to do; walks about. Continued walking seems to give him relief. It may be mentioned, lest forgotten, that many of its aches and pains are better by walking or continued motion. Patient as a whole, because of his general restlessness and anxious state, > in motion, while he is pre-occupied with something.

A little (insignificant) thing will start him worrying/follows the anxious state, > eating/work. At times there is a feeling that he must do something or he will go insane. Wants to do something, but knows not what. In its constitutional state this anxious restlessness must be present in Iod. cases.

Iod. patients are quite sparing in their habits, and seem to possess a lot of self-control. SENsitive in every way (Phos-ähnlich). Very touchy, even harmless words are misconstrued. Every little worry makes him anxious and he can't get rid of it. Violent impulses: as impulse to beat somebody without rhyme or reason; uncontrollable impulse to kill somebody; an impulse to destroy something.

Violent anger and irritability (wants to stab anybody who comes near). When he is anxious, he wants to be alone, shuns all company; would like to be alone in a room, and try to shut off even lights.

Avoids the look of people even the best known friends. Wants to be in a dark place all by himself. He finds a peculiar pleasure when he is all by himself.

DepresSED [utter lack of self-confidence (digestive troubles/DD Nat-s.)]. Looks at the dark side of things. Mental depression # fits of buoyancy. Great indecision.

From the evolution of its mentals, it is quite evident that Iod. will suit certain cases of insanity and mental disease. In its later stages of development, the anxiety reaches an extreme degree, and patient has ideas and thoughts rushing to the brain at a terrific speed. He forgets what he has just thought, and becomes anxious, but, in spite of it, the brain seems to get no rest. He wishes he could find some rest from his over active brain. The speed of thought is maddening. He actually fears that he will go insane, if this does not stop. Fear of insanity becomes quite marked.

Fixed ideas which take such a hold of him that he cannot get rid of them. He holds them with religious tenacity. He talks of funny impractical things which he never was known to talk about. He realizes it, but he cannot stop if. He has ideas of grandeur about himself, a sort of megalomania (= psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth/power/omnipotence). Thinks he is the most gifted and clever person. Exuberant, over-confident to a ludicrous degree. < rubbed and massaged.

Certain Iod. types develop loquacity to a marked degree. Iod is capable of long, interminable, voluble (= redseelig) talks. While healthy a quiet and reticent type, becomes extremely talkative.

He cannot help talking and ideas seem to come so rapidly that he can talk for hours; gives speeches. Irresistible desire to talk, although talking exhausts him very much. Desire to escape at once.

Modalities. > motion (walking in cool open air). Palpitation < beginning to walk and more while standing, is relieved when walking slowly.

< lying down. > moving about. Felt more feverish while resting, > walking about.

Hunger (voracious) and relief from eating. May not feel any appetite, but on starting to eat, he eats a lot, more than he expected.

> all complaints by eating. At meal time patient is restLESS; he must eat or do something, take up a book or paper or get busy with something.

Hungry Iod. is an extremely ugly sight. While eating he is in best of moods. Iod. cannot keep a fast. Most of the pains, mental symptoms or physical ailments, are relieved as long as he is eating.

Headache, palpitation, anxiety, even pain in stomach > eating.

This modality in my understanding of the drug is one of the pivotal points around which the whole symptomatology of ......

Emaciation. Patient eats well, but he seems to be losing weight for no apparent cause. In chronic cases, emaciation may not be evident in the earlier stages, except that in spite of good food and

appetite, the patient does not flourish. It may be noted that emaciation is more marked in hot weather.

It seems that metabolism is accelerated with lack of proper absorption of fat. Stools show abnormal fat contents in such cases. This drug may be useful in disturbances of the pancreas.

With emaciation it h as been found that glands in general become large and indurated with the exception of mammae and testes. These two glands dwindle with general wasting.

Hot blooded patient, likes to be in cold open air/in winter likes to have the windows open. In debilitated conditions he may feel lack of vital heat, but practically all these symptoms < heat and

> by cold in general. Will be < in a warm atmosphere; in hot weather. As I have mentioned above, the patient loses weight rapidly in summer. < summer.

Flushes of heat all over the body (face/ears). > while/in cold open air. Cold bathing relieves many of the complaints.

Iod. like other hot blooded remedies is venous in type.

Iod. exhibits great prostration-unusual weakness at times out of proportion to the apparent cause. There is a funny strange symptom that he feels extreme weakness when ascending stairs although he does not feel tired while walking on a level. WEAK when hungry; when stomach is empty after stool.

Usually hurried in everything. Perhaps it is the result of the anxious restlessness mentioned as above.


Headache > as long as one is eating/in the cold open air/from tight bandage.

Catarrhal discharges are thick, yellow and acrid, e.g. leucorrhoeal discharge. Expectoration is acrid and seems to corrode the tongue if held for some time in the mouth. Cold > in open air.

It has loud croupy cough, like Spongia, in evenings usually before midnight.

Deep antipsoric. Weeping eczema, extensive impetigo. Itching of the skin # headache. Numbness after itching.

Rate of metabolism is increased. Pulse rate is higher than normal; hair and nails grow at a rapid rate; hunger is increased; lymphatic glands enlarge and all this at the cost of the body which emaciates.

Gnawing pain in the stomach < after stools/in the morning, > after eating/bathing in cold water.

Loud empty, eructation (like rotten eggs).

In flatulence it has ineffectual urging to stool, "not done" sensation.

At times copious and frequent urination which would wake me at night.

Feels sleepy but cannot sleep. Feels sleepy for sometime, but then wakes up and cannot sleep for hours. Insomnia.

Sexual desire is extremely increased during the earlier stages but later on the desire may die down with the dwindling of the testicular glands. it has violent erethism and the patient walks about

the room with violent sexual excitement.

Toothache = Mag-c-ähnlich > walking about rapidly, < hot drinks, > inhaling in cold air.

Mind: forgetfulness („As if had forgotten something and did not know what“/weighed on my mind and made me nervous and restless. Nervousness on undertaking any thing new or even a journey.

Anxiety and nervousness was felt in the stomach causing a lot of empty eructations.

Irritability; so irritable that he will throw objects, abuse others or desire to beat. Great irritability after stool. Weakness and irritability after stool was a constant symptom.

SENsitive to noises of a crowd. Confusion and blankness of mind in a crowed.

At times laughter and hilarity without any cause, at others terrible blues.

Sudden impulses to fly or run very fast or bomb and blast buildings. I could not explain it, but it persisted for a long time.


Weakness [with trembling (of legs walking after some exertion)/# restless]. Weakness and exhaustion even on talking/with desire to keep quiet. There was however a phase of loquacity when I could talk on endlessly at a stretch, but I felt very tired afterwards. Weakness in particular limbs also.

Periodicity: complaints which has not been brought out clearly before. I experienced cyclic depressions, both mental and physical, and they came at fairly regular intervals without any rhyme or reason.

Sides of the Body

It seems to affect the right side of the body more than left. this are the organs affected more on the right side according to my experience.

Right eye: congestion, redness, blepharitis.

Right elbow: Eruptions.

Right leg: Abscess.

Right face: Crack in the right corner of the mouth.

Right teeth: Caries, pain.

Head and Face.

Shooting pain in the lower jaw and in the forehead (during attack of acute catarrh/< bending forward or stooping). Shooting, hammering pain in the r. half of the head, r. ear and r. lower jaw.

Chronic sinusitis should be kept in mind. Sensation of rush of the blood to head, tension in the head, < stooping. Increased hunger during coryza. Flushes of heat on the face and ears. Fleeting shooting pains in the lower gums. Dryness and tingling in the lips. Every winter I noticed blepharitis of the right upper lid. One of the last to appear symptoms was cracking of the (r.) corners of the mouth.


Oppressed feeling about the chest as if air was rarefied and breathing was difficult. Wanted to go out at once into the open air. Pressing pain in the cardiac region, a sensation of constriction.


As I have mentioned before, this drug is capable of causing and curing skin eruptions and itching. It produced vesicular and pustular eruptions on the elbow and on the dorsum of the feet. Itching

without eruptions. numbness after itching At times I noticed that itching on the skin # headache/other complaints. It produced small abscesses on the thigh and leg. During the later phase of its action

a few leucodermal patches also appeared; they faded out or reappeared periodically. Also there was increased susceptibility ton tanning of the skin by the rays of the sun.

Itching without eruptions on the genitals in the evening. This was quite a persistent symptom. Falling of the public hair.

Fever and Chill

Influenza-like symptoms for 2 consecutive winters. Chills # flushes of heat on the face.

During attacks chilliness came in waves. At times waves or flushes of heat would alternate. Chilliness in spite of heavy covers.

During the first attack of this type I had a strong urge to coitus and intercourse seemed to > me in general. During the second attack, on the day after the fever I still felt very heavy on the head.

In the afternoon I slept and had an involuntary emission during sleep (an unusual thing). In the evening I was quite lively and active. Amelioration was quite marked.



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