

Vergleich: Siehe: Theorien + Nosoden + Tautopathie (Manish Bhatia) + Anhang (Peter Morell)


[Dr. Constantine Hering]

Asserts that all morbid products of whatever kind exert a powerful influence on the diseases that produce them. He mentions leucorrhoeal matter as being curative of leucorrhoea, gleet matter of gleet, phthisine of phthisis, syphiline of syphilis. He admits that all these isopathic preparations cannot be regarded as absolute specifics,

but only as chronic intermediate remedies, which serve as it were, to stir up the disease and render the reaction to the homoeopathic remedy, subsequently  administered,

more permanent and effective.


[Dr. H.B.F. Jervis]

Another branch, of homoeopathy, was the so-called Isopathy, or isopathic medication dates back to 400 B.C., as taught by Xenocrates. This means the employment of the morbid products of a disease for the cure of the same disease (Aequalia Aequalibus). It was introduced into homoeopathy by Dr. Lux in 1823, and in part adopted by

Dr. Hering. Lux taught that the toxins formed in the body, properly attenuated, are capable of curing the very diseases that give rise to them that is, every disease is supposed to have within itself its own antidote.

In 1830 Hering proposed as a remedy for hydrophobia the saliva of a rabid dog, properly attenuated; the very teaching and practice of Pasteur. He also proposed Phthisine

as a remedy for Tb., and forty years later it, too, received popular and scientific endorsement by Koch and others. As early as 1834, Dr. Stapf, one of the greatest of the early Homoeopathists, who looked upon the subject dispassionately, says: "I do not doubt that the discovery of the curative action of the morbid matters, in diseases that produce them, to be one of the most important discoveries that has been made since the beginning of our school“.

The foregoing led me to apply this method in both the treatment and prevention of distemper in the dog, and the results will be found in my little booklet published recently.

[Dr. H.B.F. Jervis]

The Treatment of Distemper with Potentised Virus, and will be only briefly alluded to in this paper. In order for a veterinarian or layman to treat this disease by this method,

it is imperative that he at least gain in insight into the principles of homoeopathy, and its wonderful philosophy, to get the best results. He must acquaint himself with such things as "potencies" instead of doses; he must learn not to push the remedy too far, giving it ample time to do its work, otherwise he will meet with many dismal failures.

In regard to using it prophylactically, if directions are followed to the letter, and always providing that the product is kept undefiled by storing away from crude drugs and

not being exposed to strong odors, such as coal-tar antiseptics and so forth, any ordinary layman can immunize his own without any trouble at all. The general procedure is

as follows:

At weaning, the puppies receive for a week one dose daily of the 30th potency, and nothing more for a month.

At the expiration of a month, the puppies receive for a week a daily dose of the 200th potency, and nothing more for a month.

At the expiration of the month, each puppy receives 3 doses, one at two hourly intervals, of the 1.000th potency.

After this, at monthly intervals, each puppy receives an increased potency, 3 doses at 2 hourly intervals until he has received one of the C MM strength. This completes the course, and though it may be looked upon as irksome to some, still it is better than shooting them with serum of some kind and losing them all. I am convinced that where

this procedure is carried out, it is possible to raise puppies to maturity without their developing this dread disease. Furthermore, even after this, when one knows that they

are going to be exposed to a, so to speak, concentrated exposure, such as an indoor show or the like, there is nothing to hinder one, a few days prior to this, from giving

3 doses in quick succession of a potency of this product, and in that way pad their immunity a little more.

Another line that is interesting me just now is to give pregnant bitches, irrespective of whether they may have had the disease, or been immunized against it, a course of potencies during their pregnancy, to try and start the immunization of the puppies in utero. This is a peculiar field for homoeopathy. By means of the deeply acting anti-psoric remedies, the lowest strata of perverted life where it first established itself in impurities in the finest fibres and cellular structures, can be restored. Medicines chosen wisely

and given to the expectant bitch, can benefit the coming puppies. Frequently, with the indicated remedy, anatomical and structural deficiencies as cleft palate, hare-lip, eczema, etc., can be prevented in families where such have appeared, because the taint that gave rise to them in former pregnancies has been neutralised by the timely administration

of the homoeopathic antipsoric remedies.

Often asked by veterinarians who are absolutely sceptical in regard to homoeopathy, "What on earth has your product to do with the actual virus of canine distemper, or

don’t you believe in the existence of such an entity?" Of course I believe and know that there is such an entity, but in just what relation it really stands in connection with

the disease itself I am frank to admit that I do not really know, and furthermore, I don’t think anybody else does.

We all agree that it is less the presence of the organism than the suitability of the tissues for its growth that determines the disease. But is this pre-disposition itself the disease be it a condition to be defined electrically, chemically, or whatever and do the organisms result from it, or does the disease require the organisms plus the pre-disposition? Some have occasionally suggested the former view. Whatever the future may disclose we must admit that organisms, and viruses are associated with disease, have recognisable characteristics and can convey disease. At least the evidence available at present points overwhelmingly to these conclusions, and that those who deny them have generally only sight acquaintance with this evidence. We must therefore assume that so-called germs of disease are at least in close relation to disease, and although Medorrhinum, Psorinum, and Distemperinum caninum can be held to owe their efficacy, not to the organisms present in the material from which they were originally made, but to some

unnamed and undefined substance of disease.


[Jiri Cehovsky]

The birth of a new discipline never comes without antecedents. It is formed through the work of many people and the wisdom of generations. In establishing the basic precepts of homeopathy H. drew much from the classical inheritance of the Greek physicians and medieval alchemists, as well as from the extensive European herbalist tradition. Autopathy’s roots also reach far back into the past. The therapeutic holistic effects of a person’s own urine, for example, were known in India long ago and were widely used in Ayurveda. European folk healers recommended a person’s own urine in closing wounds. Healing by means of human secretions, however, only assumed its proper and most effective form when some American homeopaths in the 19th century began to use potentised, highly diluted human secretions on the principle of oequalia  oequalibus curantur, like cures like. They referred to this as isopathy and proceeded overwhelmingly from the opinion influenced by common medical practice, which focuses on diagnosis and the cure of localised illnesses. Adolph Lippe, in an article in The Homeopathic Physician (April 1884, p.83) refers to his colleague Lux, who said that “In accordance with this principle, all contagious diseases carry with them in the shape of their infectious matter their curative remedy.” They potentised the diseased secretions, for example in the

case of epidemics, and then administered them to patients with the same illness. Obviously, this bears a certain resemblance to vaccination. They called the process isopathy”.

Today, isopathy is used to treat, among other things, people whose health has suffered as a result of a certain type of vaccination. They are given the same vaccine, but this time homeopathically diluted. The potentised poison of a viper can be used isopathically to treat a viper’s bite. Nevertheless, this understanding of isopathy has some drawbacks - it ignores certain central aspects of homeopathy, primarily its holistic concept. And it goes against what H. said about Homeopathy: that it is treatment on the principle of “like cures like”. Isopathy thus ceases to be homeopathy.

Opinions on this matter, however, varied. In The Medical Advance, volume XXXII, no. 2, 1894, p. 59, J.H. Allen, Indiana wrote: “I will give proof that I think will be fully convincing to most minds that so called Isopathy is but the highest phase of similia in the highest sense.”

The medications created on the basis of this philosophy were called nosodes. One of these nosodes, originally used to treat innate dispositions to cancer and to relieve pain caused by cancer was Carcinosin, which was prepared by J.T. Kent. Its holistic picture was  discovered fifty years later.

Only in the 20th century do we find the first instances of homeopaths daring to administer a potentised preparation to the same person from whom the pathological material was obtained.

The classical French homeopath Julian has left a record of this in his book Nosodes. He writes that he was on holiday when he was called to treat a man with very bad herpes and found himself (as he explains apologetically) without any remedies. “The herpes was on the left side of the face. Blisters and ulcers had spread to his forehead, face, cheek and upper lip; the mucous membrane of his left nostril and the upper part of the roof of the mouth had also been affected, as had a swollen left eye-lid with blisters and swollen conjunctiva.” He had a temperature of 38.8° C and a quickened pulse. He suffered from insomnia, vomiting and strong headaches.”

Dr. Julian prepared an isopathicum from the discharge from an ulcer on the roof of his mouth. He diluted this in water to the sixth centesimal, or very low, potency, and mixed the final dilution with spirits. He then administered this preparation from the beginning every half hour. To begin with the pain increased, but on the second day it fell markedly, the vomiting passed and the patient was able to sleep properly again. By the second day the herpes had already reduced by a half and the swelling

had disappeared. Within a few days all that was left were some healthily falling scabs.

Nevertheless, I should say that references to isopathy or even auto-isopathy (treatment of the same person from whom the material was obtained) are extremely rare in homeopathic literature.

In my computer I have the Reference Works homeopathic programme, which contains about one hundred Materia Medica and repertories, some of them ten volumes long,

plus ten thousand pages of articles from specialist magazines, yet if I use the search engine to find these and related words from among the entire volume of the literature it only comes up with a few, very brief references.

The example cited above is the only well-described case of auto-isopathic treatment that I have been able to find in the vast library of Reference Works. And this was not even a holistic treatment.

Of particular interest is the reference by the French doctor Bon Hoa in an article on Carcinosin in the British Homoeopathic Journal. His note is a single sentence, a brevity quite typical for this subject: “Some patients who have responded to Carcinosin but whose improvement only lasted a short time have derived benefit from auto-isopathy. 

I give a single dose of Pharyngeal Mucus 30 CH.”

A sentence that, if we think about it, merits expanding into a thick and sizeable book that could bring much relief to the sick. It points out that potentised, ordinary, non-pathological phlegm from the same person can have a holistic effect on the health of most people that use it. It is, however, just a fragmentary reference and there is nothing more on this method in the article.

This and similar references nevertheless arouse one’s curiosity and thus, some years ago, I began to look into the subject more deeply. For example, in an old catalogue from the London Ainsworth Pharmacy I found an offer to produce a high potency of a person’s own blood or other bodily fluids. When I asked if they could give me these potencies they replied that they cannot continue this line. They did not explain why. One of the pharmacy’s employees did, however, inform me that they had produced these preparations and they had many years’ experience with them, particularly with animals. And that for such a treatment it was necessary to go up to a very high potency.

He wrote to me: “the higher the better.” That such treatment is regularly practised on animals in England is testified to by the reference (again brief) in Dr. MacLeod’s Veterinary Homeopathy (C.W. Daniel, 2000).

The result of these researches was the discovery that auto-isopathy is a sort of 13th chamber of homeopathy. And there followed an irrevocable decision - to continue in this line. To gather information and experience. To take steps to make it possible to potentise a person’s own fluids, these being healthy, normal saliva (without abnormal admixtures of pathogenic bacteria or viruses ) which are undoubtedly “…the highest phase of similia in the highest sense” and carry detailed information of the state of the whole organism. As was to be shown later, they really are capable of being most precisely tuned to the frequency of the fine-matter creative centre (the dynamis) inside the person of which they are the material product. Elevated by potentisation  in pure water into homeopathic dilution, the fine-matter form, they can, using a precise resonance, cause the sick person’s enfeebled fine-matter creative sphere to reverberate again in its original frequency and bring about a return to the organism’s original structure, to health. It is no longer a matter of the highest and nearest similarity of the healing product, but directly of sameness. Of the nearest frequency structure that may occur

in nature. The closest similarity is sameness.

Why “autopathy”?

Why I call it “autopathy” and not “isopathy”, or “auto-isopathy”. The term comes from the British Homoeopathic Library’s list of professional terms published on its website, where autopathy is mentioned as one of the terms under auto-isopathy. As is evident above, the word isopathy is closely related to the treatment of localised pathology.

The exudation of a certain illness cures this illness. Isopathy has thus historically not claimed to be a holistic form of treatment. My method, however, deals exclusively with

a holistic approach, in the spirit of Hahnemann’s phrase: I don’t cure the illness, but the person. That’s why I’ve chosen a term that is not encumbered by this “pathological” consideration. And because it’s  new, neither is it encumbered by a mass of other prejudices that sometimes originated in homeopathy as part of the numerous “schools” and approaches. Autopathy, enriched from different sources,  is continuation of homeopathy by other means. I understand it primarily as a spiritual discipline, an individual journey to connect with the higher levels of the universe. Improving the organisational function of the individual higher creative sphere leads necessarily to an improvement in the person’s entire hierarchical spiritual system, throughout his physical body and onwards. Autopathy is a means by which to establish overall harmony, not only cure symptoms of diseases. It’s a gradual homeopathic journey to a state of higher understanding and happiness.

How to obtain an autopathic preparation?

In order to practise autopathy we need an autopathic preparation. Once we have this we can gain experience, experiment and above all cure. At present only a few production facilities exist in Europe that are able to prepare an autopathic preparation from a person’s own bodily fluid. The technology of potentising a patient’s bodily fluids in such

a facility would anyway raise certain problems. The fluid has to be transported across large distances and mixed with spirits in order to prevent it “spoiling” during the journey - the effect of bacteria on its frequency structure, which is the imprint of the entire organism’s frequency structure. This obviously comes at a price, with the fluid’s qualities anyway being altered through the admixture of alcohol. It’s known that a spirit has its own homeopathic (frequency) pattern, which anyone who has ever drunk too much is well aware of. A mixture of two patterns is thus created which is only similar, not the same. We could say the same about mixing with sugar.

In a pharmacy, or more precisely a pharmaceutical production point, the fluid mixed with a spirit is potentised in dilution machines, which are usually powered by electricity when shaking the flask.

This means that a magnetic field is created during production which may also influence the preparation’s frequency qualities. As a result, it may be that the subsequent preparation is only “similar”, or a similimum, partly resonating but not the “same”, not fully resonating. The pharmaceutical production process makes it wholly impossible to produce a medicine for acute needs, quickly and for immediate use. For example, in the case of an acute illness or sudden relapse, i.e., if a prior dose suddenly ceases to have effect.

This means that a person currently has practically no opportunity to use an autopathic preparation, or at least to try one. My first thought, therefore, when I discovered that there was something in autopathy, was somehow to organise the means for the quick and straightforward production of a high potency directly in the home, and to bypass the laboratory entirely. I first studied the history of potentising, of which I obviously already had some knowledge. I found a wealth of detail on the subject in Julian Winston’s excellent history of homeopathy (Faces of Homeopathy, Great Auk Publishing, 1999).

My attention turned to the work of Dr. Bernhardt Maxmillian Fincke (1821 -1906) from New York. He first achieved a potency of  6 C or  30 C by diluting in spirit, then,

in his own laboratory, introduced water from the New York water system! into the flask with spirit potency of  30 C and allowed it to flow very slowly through for varying periods, an hour or a day or several days. On those days, the water from the water system evidently did not contain chemical admixtures. In this way he achieved dilutions comparable with H.’s 1M (one thousand potency) 10M, 50M, CM.

J.T. Kent was one of many to use Fincke’s medicines, and wrote about them that they act quickly, lastingly and deeply. Indeed, so highly was Fincke regarded for his work concerning the flux production of potentised preparations that in 1896 he was elected president of the International Hahnemann Association. Over time, however, his efforts have largely been forgotten and many contemporary practitioners do not even know his name. Nevertheless, the flux method is still sometime used to prepare medicines today, including in the laboratories of well-known producers.

The experience of many generations of homeopaths, together with my own practice, has made me realise that the last procedure is the most inspiring in search for the reliable preparation of autopathic medicines at home.

Bodily fluids

Why do I regard saliva as the ideal material for dilution? It’s a very special liquid, which contains perfect information on the whole individual organism. That’s why, along with blood, it’s used in forensic medicine to identify people. But whereas after leaving the vascular system blood immediately alters its structure saliva never does.

Unlike urine, saliva does not contain any “dead” particles and can leave the body entirely fresh just instants after being formed in the mouth. And above all, saliva forms high up in a person’s fine-matter energy system, in the area between the fifth and sixth chakras. The system of fine-matter energy centres, the chakra, has been understood in India, Tibet and China since time immemorial. In Europe, however, this knowledge only arrived fairly recently, and it wasn’t until the second half of the 20th century that it entered general consciousness. While the lower chakras connect us to the earth and with those parts of nature at a lower level than humankind the higher chakras connect us with the more elevated states of the Universe. This is precisely where we find the fine-matter organisation system that is responsible for our health, and which we want to influence. Saliva, forming high in the system between the throat chakra and the chakra of the third eye and being most similarly tuned, has the greatest capacity to resonate with these higher states.

- The autopathic method provides the hitherto entirely unknown possibility of a sort of gradual multiplication of the preparation’s effect. Through the preparation we improve the frequency of the organism as a whole, return it in stages to a state of better health, and, from the basis of this healthier organism, can then create new preparations which strengthen the non-material creative sphere.


Prof. Paulo de Lacerda, MD, PhD March 15, 2010

Dear readers

I wanna make some notes for readers about lacks of real data concerning Isopathy as follow below:

Autoisopathic methodology in reality it had been used by the first in accordance with modern medical literatura by an french monk in the end of 19th century in ancient Palestine, as reported by Dr. Max Tetau, MD from Paris, France.

Otherwise the late Prof. Dr. Roberto de Andrade Costa, MD, brazilian immunologist developed by the method he called Alive Nosode with dilutions and dinamizations

of pathogenic agents in 29 DH low and 1260 higher DH potencies, in accordance with each specific case, and used also this same method with basis in autoisopathic treatment for his Aids patients using samples of blood of such patients in absence of Aids virus not provided by medical labs and neither authorities in the early 80 last century when he made his advanced medical researches in his home Petropoliis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

When he obtained his first top results with this therapeutical methodology published later in his best seller sold out book:

Homeopatia TRI-UNA-Escola Brasileira (Triple Homeopathy-Brazilian School)where he with courage without any support published such results with medical labs reports printed for readers and brazilian medical community be informed about such real results and now consagrated in South America & Europe by the medical homeopathic community.

Later in the last decade of 20th century Dr. Anna Kosac Romanach, MD, retired brazilian top professor of Clinical Homeopathy published her book ISOPATIA (Isopathy)

on sale yet in brazilian edition, with further and fantastics results about this medical methodology with several results and study cases as well…

With further medical pictures taken by the author and printed in her top medical book to illustrate each case in special as well..

Hope readers have a better and realistic overview about the Isopathy as a valid medical therapy associated to the homeopathy nowadays..

Jiri Cehovsky April 5, 2010

A proving of human saliva would not contribute to autopathy as everybody has his/her own saliva which has slightly different picture. Everybody´s vibration pattern (an inner melody) is an original. Therefore I recommend to use allways the saliva of the person which is to be influenced. Than the resonance effect is the strongest and you can see results. As you can find in the book, every potentised bodily fluid and even your own potentised breath can induce resonance upon vital force and therefore heal, read

Homeopathic resonance (if it is really a resonance and not a suppression induced by a wrong medicine) brings always a positive influence upon organism and there is no need to antidote it. But you can do it by means of allopathic drugs or by homeopathic remedies selected only by chance etc. Autopathy cannot suppress.


Jiri Cehovsky April 5, 2010

Hello Alka,

As to your question concerning the case of the dog: The saliva nosode was in too low potency (12 C). In cancer cases I start with 40C or 80C potency daily, usually in combination with Carcinosinum 200 and with a specific remedy , for the spleen it could be CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS (according to Ramakrishnan).


Autopathy can work beautifully in cases of commonly spread chronic (incurable through use of conventional methods) health problems. In the relatively short history of existence of this method, the cases of successful treatment and self-treatment are perhaps already running into thousands, as I’ve been finding not only from my clients, but also at conferences on Autopathy and from correspondence. Nevertheless, sometimes the treatment progresses fast, at other times it is slow. Why are there such differences?

A slow or complicated development towards regaining one’s health always means that there are obstacles in the way of treatment, as is well known in homoeopathy, of

which autopathy is one of the branches. It is essential to identify these obstacles and remove them. The cause of slow or complicated development could for instance be too low pH levels of the organism, which could be the result of smoking, inappropriate food, medication or unsettled circumstances in one’s life. This can be remedied and the acids can be secreted from the body, which I have dealt with in one of the chapters of Get Well with Autopathy, in the third updated edition, and I also advise my clients accordingly. However, I have had cases that were developing splendidly at first, but things went wrong, while trying to influence the pH made no difference, and it was necessary to find out why it has happened. Here is one such case:

Parasites are the obstacle

Let’s look now at the mental processes that lead me to this solution. This is not the only case I currently have that had run into an obstacle. There were a few, previously successful, but where positive development somehow came to a halt. It was necessary to identify the obstacle in treatment. I had thus begun to study the resources on the Internet, and returned to the useful books, which I have already read.

1. Cancer is a Fungus by the oncologist Dr. Simoncini of Roma. After 15 years of successful treatment of cancer, he maintains that in all the tumours, without an exception, the parasitical fungus candida was present. When he kills it through infusion of soda bicarbonate into the tumour (yeasts do not like an alcalic (alkaline) environment), the tumour quickly disappears - It is estimated that up to 90% of people, men or women, suffer from candidiasis that to a various degree inhabits the organism. From Candida or from mycotoxins that it releases into the body, according to the American authors of the book Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook (Dr. Z. P. Rony a J.M. Martin), apart from vaginal discharges, could be added such things as prostatitis, vaginitis, endometriosis, allergy, cancer, insomnia, tiredness, dandruff, acne, premature greying and loss of hair, depression, impotency, sore throat, cough, stomach ache and headache. Those afflicted crave sugar, alcohol and bread - candida thrives on fermentation of sugars and it has its demands. Other symptoms include flatulence and digestive disorders, autism, hyperactivity, eczema, sweatiness and deformity of fingernails, including inflammation of nail matrix and agnail, thyroid gland disorders and many other problems. Candida has an amazing ability to colonise and completely subjugate a person, including his or her mind. From the intestines it penetrates the whole organism (not only the vagina and the mouth) and it forms colonies that are interconnected. It takes control of its host, who could then think only of snacking on something sweet. It relishes in acid forming activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, driving cars, quarrelling, watching adrenaline heavy television shows etc. as candida needs the acid pH in the organism of its host. Once it colonises a person it is extremely difficult to get rid of through use of medication only, and usually it cannot be done.

2. Nitro cellular parasite Chlamydia, its most dangerous form being chlamydia pneumoniae. According to some estimates, a large percentage of the European population is infected (for instance, amongst the farmers it might be up to 70%, while up to 90% of the population show at some stage in their lives symptoms of infection by Chlamydia, which usually are never completely got rid of). Chlamydia pneumoniae has its base in the respiratory system; it spreads through air by droplets, like an ordinary flu.

Once it gets into the body it is very difficult to dispose of through conventional methods. Antibiotics might restrict its occurrence in the short run, but one cannot keep

taking strong antibiotics of the tetracycline order throughout life. The moment they stopped, it comes back in the same strength or even stronger than before; antibiotics

only destroy it in some of its developmental stages. It has only got to within the perceptual range of scientists in recent times and many medical doctors regard its activity

in the body as one of the main causes of arteriosclerosis - hardening of the arteries (the main cause of death in the so called developed countries), heart attack, M.S. and generally of most autoimmune diseases, beside pneumonias, inflammation of joints, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, Crohn disease, high blood pressure and others.

How does this clever organism with the characteristics of both a virus and bacteria achieve this? It simply crawls into the cells of the host’s organism, the nerve cells, arterial cells or others and begins to  parasitize. Tests for this parasite are made on phlegm within the respiratory system. With some individuals the infection might not manifest at all and symptoms, weak or strong, could only appear after many years, when the individual is weakened. Sometimes the most serious autoimmune reactions might break out –

the immune system attacks its own infected cells and tries to liquidate them. Thus an autoimmune jaundice, for instance, might develop. Hopes for cure by orthodox methods, as my client was told, are apparently zero.

3. Toxoplasmosis, another highly underestimated parasitical organism, which in Germany and France infects about 80% of the population; in the Czech Republic about 30%. Its main host are the felines, including domestic cats. They form a symbiosis and get along well. Toxoplasmosis reproduces in the cat, and through the faeces it gets into the food of mammals, including man. Its main target in our environment are the rodents. They form cysts in the new host, often in the brain, which are full of tiny sporozoans. Until recently it was assumed that infection by toxoplasmosis does not cause any great damage, with the exception of pregnant women and some rare, not too serious symptoms. According to new researche (for instance by Prof. H. Flägr from the Charles University), it can manipulate masterly the host’s behaviour. The mouse becomes adventurous and incautious, and so it can easily become the cat’s prey. It came out that people who are infected are several times more likely to cause traffic accidents (through their excessive bravery and inattention). It also turned out that toxoplasmosis can cause schizophrenia (see the case of autopathy further in the text). The scientists assume that the parasite remains with its host until the time of death (in case of the devoured mouse, it returns home).

Thus we do have 90% of people with candida, 40-90% with chlamydia and 30% with toxoplasmosis, altogether nearly 100 % of population.

Isopathy and autoisopathy

Now let’s get back to homoeopathy and autopathy. It is obvious that this new epidemic (or pandemic) of parasites from a homoeopathic point of view is only another form of miasma, weakening of fine-matter vital force, which ceases to give our contemporaries the natural protection against these types of diseases. This can be corrected through use of a remedy of high potency. There is an interesting book by a Canadian homoeopath, which in the professional circles became a true bestseller, Louis Klein’s: Miasms and Nosodes. The author describes how nosodes, homoeopathic preparations made from pathological materials, can treat the very diseases from which they have been made. For instance Bacillinum, prepared by homoeopathic dilution of human sputum that contains germs of tuberculosis have cured many cases of tuberculosis. This is called isopathy. The cause of the disease, homoeopathically prepared, cures the very same disease. Klein also defines a new conception, “parasitic miasma”.

Nosodes nevertheless often would not work in a straight forward way, often it is necessary to use the whole picture and complicated techniques of homoeopathic analysis, which is what the book is about. About two years ago, together with some of my students, I had experimented with the use of homoeopathic Candida albicans with women having yeast-like discharges - it never worked. It cannot be this simple. Why had it not worked? Because a parasite can very adroitly adapt itself to the fine vibrational field

of any host. That is its basic ability. Therefore the immune system of a human cannot recognise it, mark it as intruder and destroy it. As there are seven billion people, there are also almost seven billion individually formed Candidas, Toxoplasmos or Chlamydias. There are even scientific theories, formed mainly by medical doctors and microbiologists, concerning the so-called pleomorphism (Dr. von Brehmer). Some micro-organisms, according to some well-known scientists, can change from one into the other, while their embryos (the so-called bionts) are components of the human blood. (Prof. Dr. Enderlein, Dr. Reich, it is mentioned even in the book Bowel Nosodes by Dr. R. Malcolm).

Every parasite is highly individually adapted to its host. Every Chlamydia has a slightly different, individual, vibrational field, depending on its host. On top of this, every person has his or her own mixture of these parasites there are different types of both Candida and Chlamydia, and their rates vary from person to person. A homoeopathic preparation therefore has to be made individually.

However, when you make an autopathic preparation from the vibrations of a live parasite, contained for instance in the saliva, it is ineffective and it will not harm it, even though the preparation would deal with many other problems. It is necessary to learn from the preparation of homoeopathic nosodes. Traditionally, the biological matter is

first mixed with alcohol, which kills all micro-organisms. This is another principle that homoeopaths have discovered - information contained in a homoeopathic potency

about death of some organisms is a warning to other organisms of the same kind: this is a hostile, dangerous territory, unsuited to life and further breeding. I will give you some examples. As I’ve been teaching homeopathy and lately also autopathy for twenty years, I’d met with many students and discussed with them their personal experiences. Thus I found out that one lady, who was allergic to insect bites and was often attacked by insects, overcame the problem by hanging a vial with the potency made of the dead queen of the bees (Apis regina). From then on insects left her alone. Another student of the Homeopathic Academy told me that he had problems with the gold bug on his farm. He killed one and pulverised it and put it into water, which he poured into the spraying device used on the field. The gold bug disappeared from that field, while it was still rampant elsewhere.

Another student of homeopathy told me how by burning a snail and putting the ashes into the watering can she saved her crop from invasion by the snails. Another case of this principle is the remedy Carcinosin, made up from the clear emission from the open breast tumour (?). Indirectly it confirms the theories of the oncologist Simoncini: The discharge contained Candida, which consequently was mixed with alcohol and made into a potency. Nowadays this nosode is one of the most useful homeopathic remedies for cancer, as well as for candiasis. Also, the well proven Bacilinum (for all the other nosodes) - first the bacteria of tuberculosis were killed by alcohol, made into potency, bringing about many cures.

Sterilisation of substance

Thus a conclusion of these complicated speculations would be: When there is a suspicion that a parasite might be the obstacle to treatment, the patient’s saliva must first

be sterilised and only after that it can be diluted or made into potency to be used. An individually prepared nosode is the best way of getting rid of the parasite, as will be corroborated by some of the cases I will present. Sterilisation nevertheless might not be only through the traditional use of alcohol. It has its disadvantages in introducing extraneous information about an allochtonous substance - alcohol. The ability of the remedy to resonate with the vital energy of the patient is then somewhat reduced.

Would it not be better to sterilise through boiling? No other information would then enter the remedy. On top of this, an undisturbed information about the person’s vibrations would remain, (the well known Russian homeopath Dr. Lupicev says that the potency even gains strength by boiling). The autopathic bottle is made of borosilicate glass and cannot by broken by heating. Therefore I have begun to also use this method, even more frequently than the first one. During this time the method of preparation with boiling proved more effective.


[Elaine Lewis]

Isopathy - Treating disease with the substance that caused the disease.

If people have a fixed idea against isopathy, they’re going to fail in a lot of cases, especially acute cases, where the causal agent is known.

I had a client whose chief complaint was horrible itching. We narrowed it down to her prescription of Welbutrin, an antidepressant. She had stopped taking it but the itching continued. She told me that people had dropped out of the Welbutrin trials in droves because of the itching! I start taking her case, but it didn’t add up to any remedy, that was what made me realize that her remedy was, in fact, potentized Welbutrin! I made a powder out of a Welbutrin tablet, I poured it into a small amount of water, swished it around , then added it to half a small bottle of spring water, succussed 40x, poured it out, refilled to the starting point and succussed 40x and repeated this procedure 12x, then I told her to take a sip. She only took the one dose. The next day she told me the itching was tolerable and she didn’t have to scratch. A day later, it was gone! So, people, when you know the cause, and the case-taking doesn’t add up to a remedy, make a remedy from the causal agent. And that’s my tip for the day.


[Tinus Smits, MD Autism Beyond Despair †27-4-2010]

The key to the healing of autism with homeopathy is not the classical homeopathic approach, but Isotherapy, using a homoepathic remedy made from a safe preparation of the toxic causative agent.



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