Kalium phosphoricum Kind Anhang


Kind: Chamomilla-Kindergruppe.x;

Learning disability



Kali-p.: liver/gall bladder system/opens the metabolism in the morning to the catabolic processes (linked

with phosphates) that are necessary for consciousness/or processes of “inner light formation”.


Resembles Phos and Ph-ac


Any emotional shock, overstrain, or exhaustion of nervous system leads to permanent nervous excitement.

Complete brain fag or examination funk after excessive studying.

Weak, nervous children who cannot cope with day-to-day stress and strain of studies in the school, ultimately producing a state of permanent

irritability and despondency; in the future, these children n become perfect candidates for nervous breakdown.

Weakness of the mind after brain surgerie (brain tumors) or after neurological insult to the brain.


Abscesses and septic and gangrenous conditions, with putrid discharges.

Golden yellow secretions.

Intense prostration and paralytic weakness.

Other important symptoms


Awkward; stumbles and strikes against things when walking.

Children who are extremely optimistic and love to have many friends; extremely sociable children who enjoy talking about all the things that happen in their life.

Loss of memory and prostration from prolonged study.

Restless newborn children born out of worn-out mothers.

Sympathetic towards animals.

Undecided, cautious and changeable children.

Wants to be held.

Weak in mathematics (making totals).

Anxious and fearful at night.

Children put everything in mouth (fingers).

Extremely nervous and oversensitive children, who startle easily from noise, fright, during sleep, and from touch.

Fear of crowds.

Great shyness with disinclination to converse.



Simple work given to him seems like a huge task.

Violent and destructive; tears nightclothes and other things in anger.

Wringing of hands.

Writing is indistinct and tends to fatigue him.


Concussions or mechanical injuries to head.

Extreme sensitiveness to noise.

Nervous headache of students.

Examination findings:

- Hydrocephalus.

- Knocks or strikes his head against things.


Weakness of vision after an attack of typhoid, meningitis, tuberculosis, or from exhaustion of the optic nerve.

Examination findings:

- Ptosis or twitching of the left upper lid.

- Retinitis.

- Staring look.

- Strabismus after brain affections.

- Sunken eyes.


Deafness from atrophy of the auditory nerve.

Examination findings:

- Perforation or ulceration of tympanic membrane.

- Pimples in the meatus.

- Suppurative otitis media with oozing of bloody pus, which is very offensive.


Itching in posterior nares.


Nasal obstruction at night.

Examination findings:

- Ulcers inside the nose with oozing of fetid discharges.


Contortions and involuntary twists of the mouth from weakness of the facial muscles.

Examination findings:

- Herpetic eruptions around the mouth.

- Inflammation of the parotid and submaxillary glands.

- Lockjaw.

- Sad expression on the face with hollow, sunken eyes.

- Ulceration of lips.


Easily bleeding gums.

Mouth so dry that the tongue adheres to the palate.

Grinding of teeth in sleep.

Nervous chattering of teeth.

Examination findings:

- Aphthae.

- Brownish, thick coating on the tongue.

- Halitosis.

- Speech slow and inarticulate.

- Spongy, receding, scorbutic gums.

- Ulcerative stomatitis.


Examination findings:

- Dark red throat, with white follicular spots on the tonsils.


Hungry soon after a full meal; wants to eat something every hour.

Unquenchable thirst, especially at night.

Has no appetite, except for sweets.

Vomits on coughing.

Aversion: Bread.

Desires: Apple/fish/ice-cold water/olives/potato chips/nuts/sweets;



Needs to keep the abdomen covered from a sensation of chilliness.

Examination findings:

- Abdominal hernia.

- Ascites.

- Grossly palpable liver and spleen.

- Tympanitic distention that seems to oppress the breath.


Diarrhea from exhaustion, fright, or emotional excitement.

Cholera with rice-water stools.

Diarrhea of golden yellow, painless stools, with a cadaveric odor, passed during or after a meal.

Dysentery with passage of bloody stools.

Passes a lot of loud, offensive flatus.

Examination findings:

- Prolapse of rectum.

- Relaxed anus.

Urinary organs:

Obstinate nocturnal enuresis in nervous, excitable children.

Cloudy, offensive urine.

Interrupted or involuntary flow from nervous prostration.


Examination findings:

- Saffron-colored stains on the diaper.

- Urine: Albumin +, sugar +


Hoarseness from overexertion of voice.

Aphonia from paralysis of vocal cords.

Tickling or constant irritation in the larynx and trachea.


Asthma from taking the slightest bit of food.


Paroxysmal or whooping cough in nervous children, with intense debility and emaciation.

Yellow, and frothy expectoration.


Incipient tuberculosis.

Examination findings:

- Abscess formation in the axilla.

- Garlic-like odor from the axilla.

- Swelling of axillary glands.

- X-ray shows pneumonic consolidation and pulmonary edema.

Palpitations of the heart from emotional or grief.

Examination findings:

- Irregular pulse.


Has to lean against something to stand up, due to paralytic weakness.

Examination findings:

- Pimples on the back (Carb-v./Rumx).


Paralytic weakness from slightest exertion.

Stumbles when walking.

Tends to drop things frequently, due to weakness of muscles of hands.

Itching of palms and soles.

Examination findings:

- Blue or purple spots on the limbs.

- Cold hands and feet.

- Emaciation of paralyzed limb.

- Fidgety feet (Zinc-met).


Sleepless from anxiety, worry, or after mental exertion.

Excessive yawning.

Night terrors, wakes up frightened and screaming.

Sighing and moaning in sleep.



Hungry with fever.

Septic fever.


Examination findings:

- Blue or brown spots.

- Carbuncles.

- Coldness to the touch.

- Erysipelas bordering on gangrene.

- Jaundiced hue of skin.

- Offensive, putrid discharges from the eruptions.

- Ulcers with very offensive discharge.


Infantile paralysis with muscular atrophy during dentition.

Profuse, exhaustive, offensive perspiration from the slightest exertion (at night)


Atrophy of glands.

Epileptic convulsions from fright.

Haemorrhage of thin, putrid, bright red, non-coagulated blood.




Subnormal temperature.



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