Kreosotum Kind Anhang


Kind: Chamomilla-Kindergruppe.x;


Mother has had a longstanding leucorrhea and the child is slow growing and poorly developed.

Odontalgia caused by caries of the teeth,

[Alexander Gothe/Julia Drinnenberg]

                                               Zahnung: Der Kreosotum-Zustand ist auch hier von einem aggressiven und zersetzenden Erscheinungsbild geprägt. Das Zahnfleisch ist entzündlich geschwollen und dunkelrot-bläulich verfärbt.

Die Milchzähne werden unglaublich schnell kariös und scheinen sogar schon vor dem Durchbruch durch das Zahnfleisch wieder zu verfaulen. Das Kind ist unruhig, reizbar und häufig am Weinen.

< Nachts.

[Dr. J.T. Kent]

Diarrheas in the summer, especially for infants. It may be the infant suffering from the worst form of summer complaint or he may be teething.

Compare with Ars. and Merc.

(Do not confuse with ‘Kres.’ = Kresolum)


Children who are born with a weak memory and are very poor at grasping their studies (Anac. Nux-m).

Children who are in the habit of screaming at night.

Ill-humored and peevish child; he cries to the parents for not giving him what he desires, but when it is given, he throws it away

(Bry, Cina. Cham. Staph). A sort of permanent dissatisfaction.

Marked restlessness.

Vexed at every trifle, and has an inclination to throw things when angry.


Strong tubercular and syphilitic miasms.

Tall, lean, dark-complexioned, old-looking, sickly, cachectic, and poorly nourished children.

Other important symptoms


Ailments from being abused. A useful remedy for children who are sexually abused.

Screaming and shrieking at night in teething children.

Obstinate child; tends to shriek, show temper tantrums, throws things and whimpers when things that he wants are refused.

Cross, peevish, and sleepless during dentition.

Desire to be carried and caressed.


Moaning and irritable with pain.

Restless (at night).

Sensitive to music; music makes him excited, or makes him weep.


Scalp sensitive even to combing of hair.

Examination findings:

- Crust or scab formation with scaling of the scalp.

- CT Scan: Cerebral hemorrhage.


Staphylococcal infection of eyelids in infants with hot lachrymation.

Eyes quiver uncontrollably.

Tends to rub the eyes frequently.

Examination findings:

- Bleeding from eyes.

- Constant twitching of eyelids.

- Inflammation or cystic tumors of the meibomian glands (Con. Staph. Thuj).

- Lachrymal fistula.

- Lids, especially the margins, are swollen and red, with intolerable itching.

- Staring, dull look.

- Sunken eyes with dilated pupils and blue circles around them.

- Ulceration of the cornea.


Chronic otitis media with oozing of a watery, and offensive otorrhea.

Itching in ears.

Examination findings:

- Blisters or herpetic eruptions in and around the ears.

- Heat, redness and swelling of left ear with enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.

- Pimples in ears.


Coryza watery, profuse, acrid, excoriates the upper lip.

Chronic catarrh.

Epistaxis of thin, bright red or black, coagulated blood.

Paroxysmal sneezing in the morning.

Examination findings:

- Epithelioma.

- Fan-like motion of the alae nasi in pneumonia.

- Horribly offensive nasal discharge.

- Lupus.


Examination findings:

- Face hot to the touch, with circum scribed red spots on cheeks

- Tends to moisten his lips frequently like Puls.

- Acne rosacea.

- Cracks at the corners of mouth (r.)

- Herpetic eruptions with yellow vesicles (around the mouth).

- Old-looking children, with an expression as if suffering.

- Red lips, which crack and bleed easily.

- Swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Putrid odor from mouth.

Rapid, premature decay, caries of milk teeth, as soon as they appear, teeth eaten away right at the gum line (Staph. Calc-f.); speed of decay faster than the growth of the teeth. Teeth tend to crumble easily.

Very painful dentition; child screams all night.

Examination findings:

- Aphthae.

- Black spots on teeth, which have a yellow discoloration.

- Bluish-red, spongy gums, which bleed easily and are slightly detached from the teeth.

- Frothy saliva.

- Pyorrhea.

- Tongue coated white.

- Ulcers that tend to bleed.

- Wedge-shaped teeth.


Roughness and scraping on coughing.

Examination findings:

- Small, round, bluish-red spots or ulcers.

- Tonsillitis, especially the left tonsil.


Belching and hiccoughs (rising/when made to sit up/when carried).

Deep and lasting disgust for food during convalescence from pneumonia, malaria, or hepatitis A.

Food is thrown up undigested after several hours.

Nausea and vomiting before going to school.

Sudden, incessant vomiting of undigested food several hours after eating.

Drinks greedily.

Foamy or frothy eructations and vomitus.


Hunger aggravates.

Ineffectual efforts to vomit; only mucus comes up.

Retching on coughing.

Vomiting after taking meat.

< : Fruits/vinegar;

Aversions: Cooked food/sour food;

Desires: Barbecued or smoked meat (Caust. Tub)/sour food;

Examination findings:

- Indurated, hard spot palpable in the epigastric region (due to pyloric stenosis).

- Tenderness in the epigastric region on palpation.


Child resists tight clothing around the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Distention of abdomen after nursing, but not very hard on palpation.

- Intussusception.

- Swelling and hypertrophy of mesenteric glands.


Child shrieks and screams while passing stool due to pain.

Greenish, watery, blood-stringed, very fetid stools with dehydration and insatiable thirst in nursing infants during dentition.

Chronic diarrhea in children with personal or family history of tuberculosis.

Examination findings:

- Constriction or stricture of anus and rectum.

- Excoriation of perineum and skin between the nates due to acrid stools.

Urinary organs:

Child dreams of urinating while actually wetting his bed.

Involuntary spurting of urine when lying down, on sneezing or coughing.

Nocturnal enuresis in the first part of sleep (Sep), from which it is difficult to arouse the child.

Frequent urination of copious pale urine.

Offensive, acrid urine, which excoriates the perineum.

Sudden urging to urinate in sleep, which wakes the child, but he cannot get out of bed soon enough.

Urging to urinate when putting hands in cold water.

Examination findings:

- Ultrasound image: Calculi in the bladder.

- Urine of a brown or reddish color or depositing red or white sediment on the diaper

- Urine: Glucose ++

Female organs:

Acrid, copious leucorrhea in young girls.

Voluptuous itching of the vagina and between the labia.

Examination findings:

Larynx and Trachea:

Hoarseness in the morning.

Examination findings:

- Phthisis of larynx.

Respiratory organs:

Arrested respiration, with the child gasping for breath on coughing.

Frequent desire to take a deep breath.

Nervous asthma.


Cough during dentition.

Cough on changing position or turning in bed.

Paroxysmal coughing in winter that tends to exhaust the child.

Copious, greyish, purulent expectoration with every fit of coughing.

Cough after influenza.

Cough compels the child to sit up the whole night.

Dry, spasmodic cough, causing the child to retch, with an ineffectual attempt to vomit.

Haemoptysis of black, coagulated blood.

Retching on coughing.

Examination findings:

- Holds the chest with both hands when coughing.


Acute and neglected pneumonias.

Bronchitis during dentition.

Pain in the chest on coughing.

Examination findings:

- Chest X-ray: Pneumonic consolidation.

Herz anc circulation:

Examination findings:

- ECG shows signs of endocarditis.

- Pulse soft, small, quick, and tends to be intermittent.


Spasmodic contractions of the cervical region, drawing the head backwards.

Examination findings:

- Swelling of cervical glands.


Profuse perspiration of palms and soles that is very offensive.

Swelling of the wrist joints # swelling of the knee joints.

Examination findings:

- Blue echymotic spots on the feet and thighs.

- Chapped or cracked skin on hands.

- Oedema of feet, which is cold to touch.


Child will not sleep unless caressed and fondled.

Marked drowsiness during the daytime + frequent yawning, but at night lies awake until the late hours.

Laughs aloud and tends to constantly moan in sleep.

Yawning and sleepiness with most complaints.

Restless and tends to toss about the whole night.

Sleeps with eyes half-open.

Starting from sleep in the initial few winks, as if from fright.


Child is not better by warmth, in spite of being so cold during fever.

Chill stage is followed by heat and then perspiration.

Coughing tends to increase the paroxysm of fever.

Examination findings:

- Cold sweat.

- Extreme physical restlessness during the chill stage of fever.

- Shaking chills with heat, circumscribed redness of the face, and icy-cold feet.


Intense, uncontrollable itching (in the evening); child scratches the part until it becomes raw and bleeds.

Examination findings:

- Bedsores in infants.

- Eczema.

- Intertrigo.

- Moist eruptions, which are better by warmth.

- Psoriasis.

- Scabies.

- Small wounds bleed profusely.

- Urticaria.

- Wrinkled, withered.


Copious, burning, hot, excoriating, very offensive discharges, which redden the part.

Marked aggravation of many complaints after sunset (Syph).

Profuse, passive hemorrhages of a dark brown color, even from very small wounds (Lach. Phos); seen in disorders of clotting factors, such as

haemophilia or platelet dysfunction; tendency to haemorrhage after tonsillectomy or tooth extraction.

Very chilly, with cold legs and feet, but the face may be hot.


Convulsions during dentition.

Lean children who grow in height very fast.

Left-sided complaints.

Rapid emaciation, with great debility and exhaustion from the slightest exertion.

Useful in cases of scurvy.



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