Lac caninum Kind Anhang



Lac caninum the fearful yet aggressive child.


Always compare this remedy with Lach. and Phos.


Children who are born and brought up in an environment where one of the parents abuses and neglects them, depriving them of love, affection, and nurturing,

yet the child longs for the company of their parents.

Children who experience tremendous guilt, with occasional suicidal thoughts; they feel totally inadequate and apologetic, with a deep sense of worthlessness.

Small girls, develop a negative and poor body image due to acne, body hair, dark complexion, small breasts, and short stature.

Bulimia after sexual abuse in children (Carc. Ign. Nat-m. Op).

Children who are born to mothers who suffered from great hopelessness and despondency during pregnancy, and develop an aversion to solitude, with many fears

and weird fantasies which bothered them more in the light than in the dark.

Children who frequently use the following statements in the interview:

“Nobody loves me,” “I am stupid,” “I look horrible,” “I hate myself,” “I am very fat and unattractive,” “Why do I have to live like this?” etc.

Prolonged history of physical and sexual abuse in children who never resisted or reacted against such acts.

This leads to low self-esteem and self-deprecation; the child thinks himself of little consequence, and that other people dislike him. They live with a permanent feeling of being a failure.


Inborn intolerance to milk (Aeth. Calc. Sil).

Pains are of a wandering type; go crosswise, or keep alternating sides.

Personal history of recurrent tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract allergies, recurrent paranasal sinusitis.

Problems with digestion and recurrent infections in children who never had an opportunity for mother’s milk (orphans or children who are weaned very early

by the mother).

Other important symptoms


Absentminded; cannot concentrate when reading or studying; extremely forgetful children (Anac. Caust. Nat-m).

Children who are in the habit of  swearing or cursing on the slightest provocation (Nit-ac).

Children who are never persistent in one hobby, one activity, or in one school; ultimately they gain nothing; self-destructive or self-sabotaging,

(undertakes many things preserving in nothing).

Desire for company with fear of being alone.

Lac-c children have no effective armor to protect themselves. Externally, these children manifest a sort of restlessness that distracts them from their inner pain.

Restlessness, weeping, and shrieking in children at night or in sleep.

Self-destructive children; this can manifest as an accident-prone behaviour or self-neglect.

While writing, makes silly mistakes, uses too many words or not the right ones, omits final letter or letters in a word; cannot concentrate the mind to read or study

(Bov. and Graph. children).

Young children are full of vivid, horrid imaginations of snakes.

Very commonly seen in young girls at the time of puberty.

Children who are looked down or rejected by their peers in the school.

Compulsive desire to constantly wash her hands.

Cross, irritable children who cry and scream all night (Jal. Psor).

Desire for light.

Extremely weak-willed children with poor body images.

Fear of falling downstairs.

Idiocy in mentally retarded children, with shrill shrieking.


Newborns and infants who startle very easily.


Migraines in schoolchildren, where the pain occurs on alternate sides, when the pain on one side ceases, the pain on the other side becomes

more violent; worse when in cold wind, and better when in a warm room.

Chronic headaches after head injuries (Nat-s).

Head drawn sideways, (tonsillar abscess and cervical lymph node enlargement)

Headache # throat pains.

Examination findings:

- Dandruff.

- Greasy hair.


Difficulty in distinguishing objects and in reading, since the objects seem to be retained for long, and also since the letters seem to run together.

Inclination to wipe his eyes frequently.

Heaviness of eyelids.

Lachrymation with headache, with coryza, or when reading.


Examination findings:

- Dark circles under the eyes.

- Dull and lusterless eyes.

- Glaucoma.

- Non-edematous swelling of upper and lower eyelids.


All sounds seem to come from far away.

Congenital deafness.

Pain in the ears from a cold wind or when swallowing.

Examination findings:

- Auditory-evoked responses absent.

- Dry wax.

- Green, odorless otorrhea.


Constant inclination to blow the nose.

Acuteness of smell.

Coryza from alternate nostrils.

Obstruction of nostrils on alternate sides.

Examination findings:

- Cold to touch.

- Constantly picking at his nostrils, trying to remove the crusts.

- CT Scan: Inflammation and exudation in the sinus cavities, nasal septum deviation, polyps in sinuses, and thickening of the walls of the sinuses.

- Excessive scabs and crusts inside the nose.

- Profuse, thick, greenish, excoriating nasal discharge at night, which stains the pillow.



Examination findings:

- Anxious expression on the face.

- Face alternately red and pale.

- Herpetic eruptions or fever blisters around the lips.

- Peeling of lips.

- Red discoloration of the lips.

- Swelling of submaxillary and parotid glands, spreading from the left to the right side.


Child tends to stammer when trying to talk fast.

Profuse salivation (during sleep in diphtheria); wets the pillow all around.

Sore mouth while being nursed.

Thirstless inspite of a dry mouth.

Toothache > holding cold water in the mouth.

Examination findings:

- Aphthae, which bleed easily.

- Glazed palate.

- Gums swollen, ulcerated, retracted, bleeding due to defective nutrition.

- Halitosis.


Choking on going to sleep.

Complaints like sore throat and tonsillitis where the symptoms keep changing sides alternately.

Fluids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow.

Painful swallowing (solids).

Throat pain ext. to the ears on swallowing.

Chronic pharyngitis.

Constant disposition to swallow from a sensation of lump in the throat.

Dryness of the throat on waking in the morning.

External throat is very sensitive to touch.

Post-meningitic or post-encephalitic paralysis of cranial nerves (IX and X) with involvement of Nucleus Ambiguous (Both, Crot-c).

Pricking sensation in throat, “As if full of sticks”.

Examination findings:

- Edematous swelling of the throat.

- Elongated uvula, with a slight oozing of blood from it.

- Follicular tonsillitis; white suppurative ulcers on the tonsils.

- Kissing tonsils.

- Purplish discoloration of the throat.


Constant or frequent attacks of nausea, which produces a fear to eat.

Great thirst for large quantities of water and that too often, but finds it difficult to swallow.

Emptiness in the stomach (on waking in the morning) not better by eating.

Very hungry, even after a full meal; insatiable appetite.

Amelioration: Fish;

Aversions: Liquids (water)/sweets;

Desires: Black pepper/highly seasoned food/hot drinks/marinade sauce/milk/mustard/pungent things/salt;


Pain on bending over; child feels better on bending backwards.

Pulsation in the abdomen.

Soreness of the abdomen from clothing.

Examination findings:

- Abdomen hard and distended from flatulence, with extreme sensitivity to touch.

- Swelling of the inguinal glands.


Clayish and black stools.

Obstinate constipation with frequent, ineffectual desire, even for a soft stool.

Tenesmus during stool.

Urinary organs:

Nocturnal enuresis; almost a specific remedy for nocturnal enuresis, or in cases resistant to other remedies (Bac-t).

Constant or frequent desire to urinate.

Copious involuntary urination at night, with dreams of urinating.

Dribbling after urination.

Dysuria if desire to urinate is postponed.

Urine dark and heavily loaded with thick, reddish sediment, which is difficult to wash off from the diapers.

Examination findings:

- Albuminuria.

Male organs:

Excitable genitals.

Masturbation in young children.

Female organs:

Acrid, bloody leucorrhea (in daytime).

Itching of vulva at night.

Examination findings:

- Foul smell from the genitals.

- Swollen labia.

Larynx and Trachea:

Hoarse or changeable voice.

Nasal or husky voice.

Sensitivity of larynx to pressure or touch.

Unable to speak aloud.

Voice lost after howling and shrieking during sports.

Respiratory organs:

Difficult respiration makes lying down impossible.


Constant cough from a ticklish sensation in the throat and larynx.

Cough from trying to breathe deeply.

Cough with expectoration of tough, viscid, white mucus.

Hacking, hard, and metallic cough, worse from talking and lying down.


Examination findings:

- Abscess formation in the axilla (Hep, Jug-r).

- Fetid sweat in the axilla, staining clothes yellow or brown.

- Induration of the axillary glands.


Spine is sensitive to touch and pressure.

Pain in the sacral region, ext. to the hips and thighs; > from motion and < sitting.

Wandering pain in the cervical region, making the child sit with head bent backward.

Examination findings:

- Perspiration of the cervical region.

- Stiffness and tension in the cervical region.


Inclination to keep the feet uncovered.

Restlessness of the hand at night in bed.

Rheumatic pain in the lower limbs and joints, worse from warmth and > from cold applications.

Cannot bear to have the fingers touch each other due to pain and sensitivity.

Coldness of the lower limbs at night (fingertips), which are very sensitive to cold.

Cramps in the feet.

Pain and swelling in the ankle joints, with distention of veins of the ankle; > hot application.

Examination findings:

- Fingers spasmodically abducted.

- Heat in palms and feet.

- Rheumatic fever of streptococcal origin; with ASO titer greater than 300 units; and C reactive protein ++.

- Swelling and numbness of the left hand.

- Warts on the fourth finger.


Lies with one leg flexed or drawn up and the other stretched out


sleeps on the back with hands over the head.

Sleeps with face down in the pillow, or on the abdomen.

Dreams of snakes, and of urinating (and wakes to find herself at the point of doing so).

Falls asleep late, and then immediately gets up feeling suffocated.

Restless during sleep, unable to find a comfortable position.


Copious perspiration with a strong, offensive smell, staining the clothes and bedsheets yellowish-brown.

Heat # chill.

Rheumatic fever.


Extremely sensitive to the touch.

Examination findings:

- Bluish echymotic spots on the skin.

- Congenital ichthyosis.

- Erysipelas, which keeps alternating sides.

- Skin dry and hot to touch.

- Warts.


Cannot bear slightest touch or jar; must keep even the fingers apart.

Contradictory and alternating states, or constantly changing symptoms.

Softening of bones; rickets.

Warmth aggravates; cold ameliorates.

Bathing ameliorates.

Childhood malignancies like leukemias and lymphomas.

Chilly; < slightest draft of air, > open air

Great weakness and prostration.

Sexual organs easily excited by touch, pressure, or friction.

Slight pressure aggravates; hard pressure ameliorates.

Tendency to allergic diseases in children who consume excessive milk.

< Wet weather.



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