Lac delphinium Kind Anhang


Verspielt und scherzt gern. Angst vor Räubern und Unfällen. Sie lieben es schwimmen zu gehen. Sehr kommunikativ. Sie sind tierlieb.

Liebevoll, hilfsbereit, einfühlsam.

Fühlt sich schnell verlassen. Im Allgemeinen verfügen sie nur über ein geringes Selbstvertrauen. Kleinigkeiten wollen sie ganz genau machen. (Asthma/chronischer Bronchitis). Anfällig für Erkrankungen der Atemwege. Auch eine Lungenentzündung kann sich einstellen.

Hört Geräusche (im Schlaf). Ein Zeichen der übergroßen Empfindlichkeit dieser Menschen, ist ihr sehr scharfes Gehör. So wachen Kinder auf, wenn auch nur das kleinste Geräusch neben

ihrem Bett zu hören ist. Sie träumen von Katzen und Hunden, von Pferden und Fischen. Manche von ihnen haben hellsichtige Träume. Allgemein vertragen sie Hitze schlecht.

Schlaf ist ruhelos und sie versuchen ständig eine andere Lage zu finden.



Artistic creativity.


Family-oriented children.

Fear of robbers.

Love for animals.



Short, dry, tickling cough.

Tendency to develop allergic bronchitis after indulgence in cold drinks and ice cream.

Tendency to develop sinusitis.

Weakness from the heat of the sun.

Other important symptoms


Ailments from fright.

Child is impelled to touch everything.

Child tends to be very playful and affectionate; and jests and laughs easily.

Conscientious about trifles.

Fear of robbers; when in a crowd; of accidents.

Feels forsaken easily.

Hyperactive children, who love amusement and company.

Loves to go swimming.

Poor self-confidence.

Sensitive to noise (on going to sleep).

Very communicative and would like to be observed and watched by all.


Acuteness of vision.


Examination findings:

- Redness of eyes.


Feel blocked and dry.

Examination findings:

- Redness of external ears.


Catarrhal affections.

Coryza with fever.


Examination findings:

- Aphthae.

- Redness of the sides of the tongue.


Painful dryness of the throat in the morning and on swallowing.

Sore pain in the left side of the throat.

Examination findings:

- Throat is congested, with an inflamed left tonsil.


Food faddism in children who live with a forsaken feeling.

Increased appetite with nausea in the morning.

Desires: Chocolate/cold drinks/ice cream/onions;


Flatulence after eating anything.



Painful haemorrhoids.

Passes a lot of flatus after dinner.

Stool: Thin, dry, and is passed in small quantities.

Urinary organs:

Frequent urging to urinate.

Larynx and Trachea:

Tickling in the air passages when talking, giving rise to cough.


Pain in the chest on coughing.

Pneumonic affections in children.


Greyish expectoration.

Short, dry cough, due to a ticklish sensation in the air passages.


Cramps in the toes and calves.

Foot sweat.

Itching of palms and thighs.

Examination findings:

- Eruptions on the feet.

- Swelling of the feet and ankles.


Acuteness of hearing, even in sleep.

Dreams: Accidents, animals (horses, cats, dogs, fish), cars and airplanes, clairvoyance, friends, hiding from some kind of danger, mother, and water.

Restless sleep; keeps changing his position.


Desire for activity and physical exertion.

Weakness from exertion and from exposure to heat (out in the sun).



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