Lac leoninum Kind Anhang


[Farokh Master]

Ist Cham. Ähnlich.



Angry, and abusive child whose ego tends to get hurt very easily.

Has leadership qualities.

Children who are born from a mother who was treated unjustly and shabbily or had to suppress her anger during pregnancy.

Dictatorial children who come from a family where they are the only child or the first-born.

Wants to be the best in everything.


Hot patient: Requires the fan or an air conditioner all the time.

Throat sensitive to clothing.

Other important symptoms


Ambitious and competitive children.

Haughty; feels he is a great person or is very strong physically.

Physical restless children; must constantly be on the move.

Violent anger, with a desire to strike, and very abusive from the least contradiction.

Answers snappishly, in monosyllables; seem to be very uncivil and impolite when spoken to.



Feels laughed at or mocked at.

Impulse to do strange things.

Intuitive or clairvoyant.

Irritability from trifles. Has a very low level of tolerance and patience.


Love animals.

Love to play and to swim.

Malicious and threatening nature.

> Music

Quarrelsome children; love to pick up fights for pleasure.

Sensitive about nature and natural objects.

Sensitive to reproaches and reprimands.



Tendency to wink.

Twitching of the left upper eyelid.

Examination findings:

- Swelling of the upper eyelids, especially the right.


Dry mouth.

Sore tip of the tongue.


External throat sensitive to clothing.

Sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

Soreness on waking in the morning.


Diminished appetite with easy satiety.

Eructations after eating.

Nausea in the morning.

Thirst for large quantity of water.

Desires: Cold drinks/cucumbers/fruits/juicy things/meat/milk/potatoes/pungent things/salt/spinach/(raw) vegetables/yogurt;


Examination findings:

- Distended abdomen.


Passes flatus with an offensive odor like rotten eggs.

Stools are dark in color.

Examination findings:

- Spasmodic constriction of the rectum.

Urinary organs:

Irritation in the urethra.

Pain in the left kidney.

Larynx and Trachea:

Examination findings:

- Loud voice.


Violent, spasmodic, paroxysmal cough.


Awkward movements of the extremities.

Numbness of the hands during sleep.

Pain in the leg (standing).


Dreams of: Airplanes, being pursued by wild animals (tigers/snakes etc.)/cats/insects/journeys/monsters/playing/police/school/urinating/water;

Sleepy during the daytime (sitting)

Sleepless before midnight from restlessness and activity of thoughts.


Acrid perspiration.

Itching > scratching, followed by burning.

Examination findings:

- Urticaria.


> being fanned, in open air, or when at the seaside.

Hunger aggravates.

Sore, bruised pain on waking in the morning.

Usually < in the morning and > evening.

< Warmth

Weakness and sluggishness of the body.



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